Hidden 1 mo ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

For years, New York City has been the heart of super-human activity, as by day, garish masked vigilantes and crazed super-criminals do battle on the streets of Brooklyn, amidst the skyscrapers of Manhattan, across the rooftops of Soho, and through the greenery of Central Park. By night, however, the city of heroes sheds its colorful veneer, and the rotten elements of the underworld crawl to the surface. Vicious street gangs terrorize the residents of New York's poorer neighborhoods, powerful cartels move everything from drugs to weapons to people into and out of the city, and shadowy cabals of the unaccountable elite play lethal games of money and power. And pulling the strings of it all, behind every evil deed and skimming from every ill-gotten fortune, there has been one figure, whose name even the bravest and most jaded dread to say above a whisper: Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime.

Fisk has placed himself at center of every criminal enterprise in New York so completely, it feels like he has always been there. Having thoroughly outclassed the old Maggia crime families, outmuscled interlopers like the Ranshakov Brothers or Madam Gao, outmaneuvered heavy-hitters like Tombstone and Hammerhead, and outplayed heroes like Spider-Man and Daredevil, the Kingpin has overseen an unparalleled criminal empire, bolstered by his sterling image as a philanthropic industrialist. He has made journalists disappear, driven idealistic police officers into the most depraved depths of corruption, turned the private lives of crusading vigilantes into living hells, and brought the most feared assassins and super-villains in the city under his thumb. For all of the efforts made, by people good and bad and on every side of the law, no one has ever been able to truly bring down the Kingpin.

No one, at least, until tonight.

Wilson Fisk has been found dead in the penthouse of his tower. The crime scene is under impenetrable guard both by the NYPD and Fisk's own private security, and rumors are already running wild, but the one thing everyone can agree on is foul play. As much of a monster as he was, the Kingpin's presence had kept the warring criminal factions of New York at bay, and now every gang leader, cartel boss, white-collar criminal, corrupt politician, and masked lunatic in the city is making a move for their slice of Fisk's kingdom. As the Big Apple threatens to tear itself apart, those who consider themselves the city's heroes have to do what they can to limit the carnage...

...and figure out which of them is a killer.

Having been inspired by the 'One Universe: Emergence' game to dip my toes back into doing cape-stuff, I want to try running a more small-scale, street-level game where everyone is involved in one focused story. To that end, this interest check is for a murder mystery set in Marvel's New York, where players take on a street/city-level hero, anti-hero, villain, cop, criminal, journalist, etc. dealing with the sudden demise of the city's most notorious crime boss.

Canon in this game is going to be very loosey-goosey, but characters should at least be recognizable as some established iteration of an existing Marvel hero. More to the point, to fit the concept, characters should be New York centric, have some kind of personal connection (friend, foe, or otherwise) to the victim, a motive to want Wilson Fisk dead, and the means to actually do it.

Every player-character is a suspect, because one of you (determined before IC goes live) is the killer. PCs are encouraged to interact, argue, fight, etc, in order to get to the bottom of the mystery and find the killer, before the various criminal factions tear the city apart, while the killer will try to bluff and dodge his way around being found out.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by thatguy


Member Seen 1 mo ago

This sounds interesting, count me in :)
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

I'm very, very interested!
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

You know what? I'm in for Omega's, I'm in for this. I've got a character that might work.
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