"You might not like it, Nyxia, but this is what peak aquatic performance looks like."
— Sink Queen
The squid girl surfaced as soon as it looked like the others were going to do so as well. She did so with little flair, simply gliding through the water until she reached the surface. There was no bombastic splash, nor a ripple that wouldn't instantly vanish in the torrent of surfacing bubbles that Roche had created. Only her head and shoulders rose out of the water.
"Cheerio! I hope Felix didn't startle either of you. The bloke likes to wander off and explore, but he's harmless."
"I just wanted to clean myself in peace..."
"Anywho! Name's Sink Queen around these parts. Wasn't expecting to get any visitors out here. Don't suppose you were searching for buried treasure were you? The bones of that ol' ship have been picked clean years ago."
The dark magical girls informed the squid girl that they were here hunting for miseria.
"Terribly sorry loves, but there's no miseria out this time of day. Not usually. While the little rascals like sites of tragedy and the sort, what they really feed on negative human emotions. The reason why miseria come out at night is because humans are so much more susceptible to negative emotions before they sleep. All the bad that happened throughout the day is confronted when they go to sleep. That's not to say they can't be summoned though. Doing so in a place like this is sure to guarantee a strong one shows up. The people on the beach are having a good ol' time. If something were to strike terror in them all simultaneously, you'd be sure to have one hell of a miseria on your hands!"