Hidden 2 days ago Post by Annie2002
Avatar of Annie2002

Annie2002 Just a girly girl doing girly girl things.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I want to GM a simple post-apocalyptic RP inspired by the Android (phone) game, “Rebuild”.

It would involve the player(s) rolling a d6 for each character who takes an action on that turn; not every character takes an action on every turn.

An example might be that a character “scouts” a (city) block and their d6 roll results could include:

  • d6=1: attacked, injured; roll d6 for days in hospital.
  • d6=2: attacked, no injury; no new information learned about block.
  • and so on up to d6=6: discovered (whatever) and scavenged it.

My goal here is for it to be quick and easy for the player to make their dice roll, then write a narrative.

Can anyone give me some advice and/or links to RPs that have used similar processes that I can review?
Hidden 2 days ago 2 days ago Post by Kuro
Avatar of Kuro


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Annie2002 Thread would probably better served here rather than the article section.

That being said, this system is just RTD. There were a couple that ran awhile back, I'd look into them.

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