Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Round 2 of the Formula Anti-Gravity Championship
Sunday March 19th, 2094
Race Day
South African AGP
Cape Town, South Africa
1400 GMT

The commentary team, Rory and Rosie back at it again, were back in your ears as a panorama of the circuit, and then a cut to them came through.

"Welcome to Cape Town! Founded by the Dutch in 1652, the South African metropolis hosts Round 2 of Formula Anti-Gravity, and the circuit today takes us over Table Mountain and the iconic harbourside!" Rosie led, the chirpy commentator probably too happy for many of those at home, but well, it meant it was race time.

"And what a circuit it is, Rosie. On the calendar since 2085, we've been coming back here for racing. Iconic races, such as Kofi Mensah's win here in 2089, and Loreen Hari's crash out of the podium here in 2088 are certainly talking points, and no doubt this is a circuit that creates tension. It's a high speed circuit loved by many, and the locals are in full force, celebrating one man and one team- Supercat."

"Well, I'm sure the other fans will be roaring at home! Will Nora Kelly repeat her feat from Auckland, will we see Valkyrie's new direction under their Team Principal? So many questions Rosie, we really will start to see that here!" Rory called out, his trademark excitement

"Shall we take a track overview, Rory?"

"Sure thing, Rosie! Let's go to our overlay now. The circuit begins at the Cape Town Stadium, and quickly blasts its way uphill after a hard left right sector, rolling up Signal Hill and hitting a series of high speed, no brake corners on Lion's Head, before coming back down and back up like a rollercoaster onto Kloof Ridge, mag-tracking creating a sinew of high speed fast left, right and broken straights that then leads to the biggest one, followed by a large 180 degree banking across Table Mountain requiring no brakes, all speed with long straights, before dropping down into the Camps Bay sector through PLattekip Gorge and a fast series of corners, over the elevated section in Camps Bay through the high rises on elevated track.

The circuit then goes back to Lion's Head via an inverse banking that requires quite a level of skill, before then navigating around the stadium again through a hard series of corners to break up the lap. Cape Town requires a lot of bravery, and the circuit is almost full throttle on Lion's Head, all Table Mountain sections and is broken up with hard techncial sections testing the pilots through sidewinders in Camps Bay and at Cape Town Stadium."

"Wow, you have been practicing! In one go as well!"

"Thank you! Well, Cape Town is a long string-like circuit that loops back on itself, it's one of the longer on the grid, but with speeds on offer, blink and you'll miss it!"

Lion's Charge

Soundtrack: Art of Rally OST- Wind

"And away they go! Strong start from everyone, Kelly, Stirling and Makara are fighting hard, you can barely separate them!"

"My word, and what a move Ward has made in her Carrera Condor ship, she's leaped past Al-Nadir, looks like Hart is trying to find a way through past Zenix, Al-Nadir is has lost a couple places, Hornfleur and Han are going close together after!"

"Wow, what a race start! To think they were outside of the Top 10, what is that Carrera Condor ship on?"

"Looks like everyone else is coming through clean as we come up to the Lion's Head, so far so clean, as we watch them barrel down and then back up again into Kloof Ridge, it's steep but AG craft just seem to keep climbing around the ridge, what a sight that is!"


"And look at the midfield fight too! Hart, Nadir, Zenix are so, so close fighting over fourth, they're coming into the Stadium section, big undulation here, Hart is making a move on the outside.....that can't work, that's three into two around the right hander down, there isn't the room left for Zenix or Ward! There's going to be.....oh no there is, contact!"

And there it was. One hell of a crash, which if the trackside repulsor field hadn't have done something, would have been a magnitude larger. Not that damage was spared, as the craft was half ripped apart, sacrificially, and the safety cell doing its job.

"Oh dear, that is a huge hit to Ward, Zenix looks like they didn't come off great and they've lost a couple of positions! That is a serious crash, are they going to red flag this?"

"Red flag is out! All racers are stopping, that is some quite serious damage to the track, and the Carrera ship is looking completely dead, serious structural damage, and slumped out. It looks like Ward is fine, she's moving and out of the craft, but that ship has taken a hell of a beating."

"Wow, it looks like it was caused by a dead air pocket as Jamie Hart makes his overtake on Kais Zenix in a messy divebomb, a bit of turbulence knocked the two craft together from just how hard Kais brakes there and it looks like the Carrera Condor craft came off the worst, and collided. The craft's safety mechanism worked perfectly, as did the trackside repulsors but even they look like they have taken a nasty hit!"

"Unbelievable scenes here, we couldn't write this, it looks like two of the fieriest new racers in the midpack have collided, all ships are gently coming back to pit and we'll await a restart."

"Understandable of course, it looks like an awful lot of the repulsor mechanism needs replacing, as does a section of the track. We'll be awaiting the drones and recovery shortly, but it does look like Beatrix is okay. We'll get some comms from her shortly. Looks like not much either could have done, but they were fighting hard the entire way, and it looked like something was bound to happen."

The race was immediately red flagged- or at the least, temporarily stopped.

Many, many questions would be asked about Hart's overtake there, Bea's and Kais's contact. An unforced error, or two racers going too hard with something to prove- one for glory in points, the other to prove Al-Saqr's need to get even more? A heartbeat flutter about Bea would turn to the replays, and well, what had gone down. Was it a lack of experience in dogfighting that Bea had underestimated her opponent, or had Kais just sent it and forgotten the overall strategy to use the craft's other advantages elsewhere?

But it wouldn't be long till the racers were back to the grid, for a full restart. The track was fixed, pilots had been back in and ships assessed and if any debris was caught, fixed using 3D scanning and other tech. A lot of pressure, and anyone that had seen that, or come near, like Han, Paul or Kais were certainly going to feel it. Kais had lost positions because of it, and at the restart, he was further back than he should be- making it a fightback now, and while his ship was fixed, not every system would be perfect. From a neural link's view, it would be like the equivalent of going for a run now with a grazed knee- thrusters and control surfaces fine, as were all the engine components and ECU elements, yet decent marks were on the surface that had been patched to keep the aerodynamic surface intact, and paper the cut.


And just like that, they were back, as the lights went again. The order stayed the same....apart from one difference.

"And we're away again! Great start from Villarosa, she's just carved past Mulder and Han, through the stadium section up into Lion's Head, she is on a mission to get points for Carrera!"

"Amazing, all clean so far, as the front three are also fighting hard, everyone has so much to prove, everyone has so much to give, who's going to come through?"

"Well, Makara and Stirling are in a hard ELS fight, looks like Amy Stirling wants this win!"

"No doubt, I hope we don't see a repeat, hold onto your hats folks, any one of these three front-runners could win, they are near deadlocked on pace, looks like Amy has the ELS advantage, but that Southern Cross craft is seemingly unstoppable on the straights coming through Table Mountain!"

Soundtrack: Grafix, Andromedik- Comedown

Barely seconds were in it between first, second and third, and you could barely split them. Amy had come out on top, but it had been a dogfight the entire way. How another crash hadn't happened was incredible, and proved just how intense the top three wanted this.

"My word, that had everything, didn't it Rosie?"

"Yes, absolutely! A massive crash that I bet Beatrix Ward and Kais Zenix are absolutely gutted about for losing points, and it looks like no further action has been taken for Jamie Hart by the racing stewards, as it's been declared a racing incident." Rosie replied, Rory's eyebrows raised. He was a commentator, not a steward, but even his eyes were in curiosity over it.

"Wow, I think that'll create some controversy...I'm sure commentary will be talking about this for a while, but let's focus on the front three. Rosie, what happened up there?"

"Looks like Stirling got her break with ELS, and broke the deadlock with Makara, and Nora followed through, nipping away. It looked like Nora was right on the edge throughout, whatever Southern Apex are doing, they are hungry and they are making Amy sweat!" Rosie replied, the camera turning to the ships pulling in, and Amy clambering out of her cockpit, despite everything inside cooling and her various systems attached to her suit, still in sweat, from the intense focus at the silly speeds these craft could do, on such a fast circuit.

"Indeed, but as always, Stirling doesn't need her team-mates to hold back rivals- and she will be tough for Harrison, let alone Nora to crack. But what a race from them both, you can't say they didn't give it everything, and it was so close to going their way."

"Absolutely, further down the grid, we must admit, we're surprised at Hornfleur's ability to cut through traffic and master his ELS, on a circuit he admitted he wasn't expecting much on! Zenix made a great recovery drive to score 7th, but how about Ava Villarosa? She came from nowhere, got the points back for Carrera and I bet they must be in two moods. They have a craft that can score, yet perhaps luck didn't swing their way."

"Yes Rosie, yet speaking of bad luck, Al-Saqr will be disappointed on a speed heavy track they couldn't make their craft pay more dividends, as they looked very competitive at one point before the red. Al-Nadir was definitely not able to capitalise on that despite some excellent racecraft after the restart, and I imagine she'll be kicking herself for a poor start, but it looks like they had to salvage what they could. No MMR, Nordic Call, SuperCat in the points either, which some will be surprised about, but with the competitive pace of the ships ahead of them, that would be difficult to make the most from."

"Indeed, and one more that isn't talked about is Cassie Neves, who had an engine fireout on Lap Ten, looks like her ELS system attached to it completely gave out and she had to retire. Perhaps while Zygon is planning its recovery this season, things are not off to a great start!"

"Not at all, who knows what happened there, but we will have more analysis to come. For now, your winner, Amy Stirling, followed by Nora Kelly, Harrison Makara, Jamie Hart, Layla Al-Nadir, Dorian Hornfleur, Kais Zenix, Ava Villarosa, Hyeon-Ae Han and Paul Mulder in the top ten."

Post Race, Cape Town: Cooldown

The cooldown room had a slightly different vibe to it than usual.

It felt tense. Gritted even, it wasn't a rookie getting their first podium, it was a lion of the sport sharing it with two leopards. Southern Cross were not gaining in points on Silver Apex, but neither were they letting off the gas. After all, they were 7 points behind, and whilst they'd lost P1 in the race, P2/P3 was still a remarkable achievement because it meant they were coming after them. If Jamie had failed again, they'd be AHEAD.

"Jamie shouldn't have made that move." Harrison said, looking at the incident back, tsk'ing his tongue. It was simple, straight, but Amy grinned, in disagreement.

"He's just trying to compete. Nothing you wouldn't do, Harrison?" Amy jabbed back, a wry grin on her face, shrugging. "I mean, someone else has to join me on this podium apart from Nora here. She's proving quite the talent! Maybe focus on your own team-mate first before you go for mine?" Amy stirred more, as Harrison shrugged, sarcastic back in turn.

"Well, she's giving you a run, isn't she!" Harrison replied, a smirk in his face, knowing Nora was likely getting a lot of shit in general, but well, now stuff was getting serious, it may not have been as playful as before.

"Maybe. But there's plenty of season left. Long way to go." Amy chirped back, as she turned to meet an interviewer, Harrison turning to Nora, maybe a little more empathetic. They were fighting amongst each other, but right now, Nora and him were a team against that bulwark that was Amy. No way to beat them in the constructors than together, and for Southern Cross right now, they needed that. Only way to stay at the top facility and financially, was to live in success. Keep making it.

"Come on, Nora. Let's get out there and spray some champagne."

And champagne they did spray, on the podium again in the afternoon heat, Amy as ever, centre of attention on the top step. A step though, that seemed ever more closer that other teams were closing in on.

People were watching, and no doubt, watching the rise of a rookie that had proven that it wasn't a freak lightening strike, but a real statement here and now.

But more than that.....the media buzz wouldn't catch Nora, but the crash that happened. What could have been for Carrera. The damage was pretty sizable, and for a rookie to have a crash like that wasn't unheard of, but a pretty nasty bit of luck.

Post Race, Cape Town Interviews

Rory was on interviewing duties today, down in the little booth for Delta Hyper, and the various pilots were getting some time on camera.


"Han, we loved watching your race with Paul, and it looks like you were fighting to get back to catch Villarosa! How was your fight with Paul, and how do you feel to have come out on top?"


"Paul, Han just left us- you two had a fight throughout the race, trading places and certainly keep each other on their toes! How do you feel about your close racing throughout, and your first point in Formula AG?


The 2nd place finisher was certainly getting a lot more limelight, a lot more cameras now parked by the booth, and the interview with Delta Hyper, via Rory.

"What a race that was Nora! Looks like you kept Amy honest, especially right at the end with a near overtake and have proven your talent in AG- what does it feel like to go toe-to-toe with who some say is an all-time AG racing legend to be in Amy Stirling?


"Kais, you must be feeling a a lot right now! An excellent recovery drive, but you must be gutted about not being able to press more positions throughout the race following your contact with Ward?"


Bea's interview was obviously a little different, phased a bit later, because of her need to get looked at. Of course, interviewing someone who'd just been in a seriously big accident was not so sensible. This interview took place a little while later that evening, separately in the Marina.

"Bea, thanks for joining us. How did you feel after that collision? It looked like a really big one, so we are all really glad to see you're okay. Is there any silver lining to your race from your positive moves in the opening laps do you think, and any lessons learned?"

On other aspects of the grid, the other drivers had theirs too- interspersed between the other interviews, so pilots would see them come and go.

Amy got a reception as she always did, and was certainly still feeling the heat as she stepped up to the stall.

"Thank you for that! Yeah, what a race! That was really, really hard....that time I think Southern Apex definitely had something up their sleeve! But, we came back and got them in the end. Huge props to Nora and Harrison for keeping respectable, and to the team for making the craft a dream on ELS. Love you all!"

The blonde haired, relatively young racer that was Jamie Hart was up to the stand following Amy- the question levelled at him by Rory likely to garner some attention, but he he had his reaction considering the crash that had happened before. He may have been unimpressive in Auckland, but here he'd made a bit of a mess behind him- albeit gotten the position alright, and stacked behind the two dominant Southern Cross craft.

"Well.....it was what it was with the overtake, you have to see the opportunities to make a move and if you don't take them, you don't get ahead. That's what I'm here to do, get points and if people can't play fair behind me, that's their problem, we're racing. It was a big one, but we all have to take risks to get position, and it's a shame it played out how it did."

Layla Al-Nadir wasn't so happy, even though her racecraft had persevered, she'd not punished the slower pace of Hart and her poor start had compromised her. An uncharacteristic mistake, considering her reflexes should have been a bit more superhuman to throttle the ship in that first corner better.

"That sucked a lot for us, as you can imagine. We definitely wanted to compete with Silver Apex and Southern Cross today, and we just didn't rise up to the occasion. The overtake between Jamie and Beatrix obviously cost Kais a lot, and that was a big hit he had on his craft, so he did well today to salvage that race and he kept a lot of racers at bay, so all things considered, we'll take 3rd in points from that. Super annoying, but we'll go again in Tokyo and keep our heads high. Points are good and we just need to focus on that."

Harrison smiled, though he definitely was deflated. P1 to P3 was crap, considering Nora had also gotten him in the same move Amy did, but mistakes were punished ruthlessly at the top.

"Yeah, really gutted we couldn't make advantage of the Pole Position, but Amy was just that good today, and it was an easy ELS pass she made, but we were fighting her all the way to the line, so that's great. Just shows how fine the margins are....I nearly had her at a couple of points, Nora was close enough to overtake! Watch out I guess, we showed how quick we are, we're a win away still from flipping those two title leads over!"

Max was back in frame again, the MMR racer having little to say, considering little really did happen for his end of the race. Forward one position, but no speed could keep up with the freaks ahead of him.

"Man, it's hard to answer that.....we knew we wouldn't do well here. Just had to give it our best shot, and try and avoid the chaos really."

Dorian was surprisingly positive after earlier, knowing this was actually a pretty good team result. A good salvage, and after Auckland, an important race.

"That was good. Seriously, like, really good for what our expectations were. Great points haul and glad to see Paul finish in the points, and the team make some good inroads. We got really lucky with the red flag and I kept pace with Layla and held onto an ELS tow all the way. So yeah, couldn't ask for a lot more in Cape Town after that carnage, but we made the most out of it."

Cassie wasn't so happy. An electrical failure coupled to an engine giving up, and well, that was that. It seemed yesterday's issue wasn't entirely fixed, and it had lost her the opportunity to go for points.

"Yeah, not great, lost out a lot at the Red Flag, Ava just smoked Han on that straight and gave it a lot more risk than I think we would have expected. It was hard to keep up with all the fighting with Paul, and he fought hard so we couldn't go for Ava, but we gave it a good shot. Then the ship died. And it all goes from there.....yeah, really sucks, so uncharacteristic but we'll get it fixed. It's the early season, but yeah, it's a real blow."

Ava was in two very different moods. One part of her was over the moon with actually scoring points. The other part, knowing Bea was currently getting looked over for safety reasons by a neurosurgeon and with a medical team to check for any other brain or skeletal injuries. Impacts like that had many, many Gs, and whilst Bea was completely fine and would be back to race next round, a prize racer like that didn't get a tick in a box when it came to their welfare.

"Uhhh....yeah, really sending Bea a lot of love right now, because she was doing so, so well until that stupid overtake by Hart. Seriously, no further action? I mean, she was.....yeah. But the race uhh......yeah, made advantage of the red flag, brought home some points and we are super happy to get a points finish, nearly double, but honestly, feels like a real blow to not do better."

Henry had little to add.
"Yeah, not amazing. Back of the grid. Despite a crash, we couldn't do anything to SuperCat, home fans got them pumped hey?"

Astrid neither. Nordic Call was still WELL below expectations.
"Not our circuit, but we gained some positions, but not enough to get us ahead of MMR and ELS just wasn't going to get us through. Onto Tokyo....we'll get something there!"

Kofi smirked, even in spite of his position. He'd enjoyed that race, even despite losing out fairly heavily, though some of that was down to just how competitive Nordic Call decided to be, as well as Jen Lowry of Fitzroy.
"Well, I hope the fans had a show today! Africa never disappoints, and I wish I could have gone higher, but we'll have upgrades come through for the next races. We'll start to push on."
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Sunday March 19th, 2094
Race Day
Cape Town, South Africa

Soundtrack: I Won’t Back Down - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Dorian was on a mission to redeem himself. He wanted to make progress. He wanted to go out with wins to his names. He had accepted Alexander’s words and advice. He had to acknowledge the truth in them. He might not be able to podium at this race but that didn’t mean he was done. Nothing was set in stone. Yes those glass rockets of Silver Apex and Southern Cross were faster than his ship but could they maintain their race lines at those speeds? Dorian was determined that they would have to battle it out to take the win today. He was hungry for points. He would at least show progress in this race and his skill. He would show those who were calling him a has been washed out that he still had what it takes.

Dorian had made sure to get a good night’s rest. He had a calm evening and a quiet dinner with friends in his hotel room. He had gone over the information about the track that morning in his hotel room, reviewing the turns, chicanes, and corners. He knew where he had messed up in qualifying. He had fallen back into bad habits. He had not pushed his ship’s advantages to their fullest. He had failed to get a lock on with the ELS systems.

Christoph, one of Valkyrie’s team members, was going over the new pre-race checklist as he helped Dorian get settled in and plugged into the ship. Dorian was suited up and in the cockpit. Dorian tugged on his safety harness ensuring a snug fit. It would help prevent him from being thrown around the cockpit of the ship. Dorian’s helmet was on and the foam padded chin strap locked down tight. Christoph tugged on his safety harness verifying the connections were locked before checking his helmet was strapped on as well. Dorian felt the neural chip connecting to the ship as Christoph plugged in the connection. Christoph went through the checklist to ensure everything was working properly and that Dorian had a good connection to all ship functions. He then had Dorian do the deep breathing exercises that were supposed to help him build up the amount of oxygen in his bloodstream. Christoph wished Dorian luck before closing the canopy to the cockpit and locking it down for the race.

Christoph then went through the entire procedure again with Paul.

Dorian heard Alexander’s voice come over the radio.

Alexander: “Radio check. Can you hear me?”

Dorian: “Knight this is Dorian. Radio checks green.”

Paul: “Knight this is Paul. Radio checks green.”

Alexander worked his way through the last minute checklist with both Pilots. He waited to hear the answer from both pilots before moving onto the next item on the list.

Alexander: “Fuel… Oxygen… Engine start…. Energy Systems…. Battery…. KERS (Kinetic Energy Return System) … Maneuvering Foils… Antigravity Generators… Air Brake flaps…“

Both pilots had green lighted all the ships systems.

Alexander: “Remember fast and smooth. You will need to make the most of the handling. Maintain as much speed in the corners and turns as you can. Don’t forget to deploy your ELS systems. They will help you slow down faster opponents. Use your skills and better maneuverability to get close enough to draft off their ship. Make them help you go faster. Good luck gentleman. You have the skill to hold your own and move up a few spots in this race. I will be right here with you the whole way.”

Dorian: “Oui Knight.”

Paul: “Ja Knight.”

All Alexander could do now was wait for the race to start. He had done everything he could to prepare them both for this race. Even with everything they had going on, there was little he could change in 2 weeks time. He had done his best to improve the ships. Until he got the new ship designs approved and began to work out the bugs that came from building an all new design. It was the best they could hope for now. This was really the only strategy left to their team for this race. Other pilots might have more augmentations but his pilots had experience, skill, and natural talent on their side. Unfortunately the ones in the lead had faster ships but their handling was nowhere close to Valkyrie’s. It would be a battle not in the straights here at Cape Town but a battle in the corners.

Dorian was starting the race behind Beatrix Ward and had Hyeon-Ae Han behind him. He was wedged between two rookies that were taking the circuit by storm.

Paul was starting only 2 places behind Dorian. Paul had Hyeon-Ae Han in front of him and Ava Villarosa behind him.

The lights counted down the typical 5 seconds as they flashed in sequence from red, to yellow, to green. The signal to go.

Dorian felt a surge of adrenaline as he hit the throttle. Dorian timed his start perfectly as his ship leaped forward. He had a good start. Dorian was keeping pace with Beatrix through the initial hard left right sector before charging up Signal Hill. Ward began to pull away from him on the straight way on Lion’s Head. Bea made her move as she passed Layla leaving Dorian battling Layla for 5th place. Dorian saw Bea pass Layla as both ships left him behind. He managed to catch back up to Layla as he used gravity coming down from the top of Lion’s Head to help him with speed as his ship climbed Kloof Ridge. He gained back some ground as he took the left right broken straights coming off Kloof Ridge as fast as he could handle them. He was in the zone, his craft moving smoothly and staying on the fastest line he could find on this track. He was managing to keep the momentum and build on it. He would manage to lock onto Layla and then she would surge away from him again in the straights. Dorian was slowly gaining again on Layla after coming through the inverse curve at speed before smoothly executing the broken curves in Camps Bay. Dorian was once again on Layla’s tail as he pulled closer in the sidewinder section. The rest of lap one was a blur as Dorian would get close and then Layla would pull away.

Dorian was almost through the stadium section and was coming up on the hard curve right out of the stadium. Dorian was beginning lap 2. Hart was in front of Kais and Bea. Kais and Bea were running next to each other battling to get ahead of one another. Bea and Kais both were in a position to challenge Hart. Hart suddenly cut across the track diving for the outside lane in a strange unpredictable dive maneuver. That section of banked track was only wide enough for two ships. Hart’s ship swooped in front of Bea's coming dangerously close to her ship. Bea then veered into the lane Kais’s ship was in. Kais tried to avoid Bea’s Ship but was unable to avoid hitting Bea’s ship. The hit knocked Bea’s ship free from the track and into the repeller fields at the edge of the track. From what Dorian could see, Hart was not yet close enough to overtake Nora, if he was trying a maneuver to block them both, it was poorly executed and dangerous. Hart’s move made no sense to Dorian even as he saw the resulting crash and debris shower across the track ahead of him.

Dorian and Layla were both right behind the trio. They had nanoseconds to respond to avoid hitting the ships in front of them. Layla took the lower lane to pass the wreck. Dorian knew there was wreckage ahead of him in the upper lane. He used his skill and poured speed into his ship and ran it up the curved wall. The momentum caused his ship to flip around so he was half inverted on the lower lip. This swung his ship wide as he hoped to avoid hitting any of the wreckage or Layla. Dorian was relieved as he neatly avoided running into wreckage. The maneuver also put him ahead of Kais on the track.

Alexander watched, unable to react fast enough to warn Dorian about the wreck. Fortunately Dorian’s skill saved him as officials called a red flag.

Alexander: “Paul take the lower lane! Debris ahead of you in the upper!”

Paul had moments to avoid running into the ships ahead of him. He took the lower lane trusting Knight. He had just passed the remains of Bea’s ship when the red flag came out and Paul shut his ship down.

Paul: “That was close. Thanks Knight. Any word on the pilot?”

Paul’s voice only betrayed some slight anxiety as he asked after the other pilot.

Knight: “Bea is okay. Red Flag is out, bring your ships in.”

The track was repaired and the debris removed. When the race restarted. Dorian had Layla in front of him and Kais behind. He was bookmarked by Al-Saqr’s team which left him feeling uneasy. Dorian took a deep breath and recentered himself. Dorian again had a good start. He easily fell back into the zone. He was focusing on smooth in and out and maintaining speed. He smiled every time he managed to deploy the ELS on Layla. He used his skill to stay with her. Draining her craft and using drafting techniques to help his ship go faster. Dorian managed to stay with her throughout the rest of the race. He might not have gotten a win but he could feel proud of his performance. He knew he had shown a level of skill he had not shown recently. It felt good when he crossed the finished line in 6th place.

Paul didn’t let the wreck rock him. His primary concern was for his fellow racers. He was relieved to hear that both Bea and Kais were okay. Paul had been further back than Dorian and he had not witnessed the crash. At the time his view was of the rear of Han’s ship as he focused on his ELS system and staying with her. Paul had restarted the race with Han in front of him and Villarosa behind him. Paul and Han had been battling it out trading places around the track. He would catch up to her on the curves and she would pull away from him on the straight aways. Paul was focused on Han in a curve when Villarosa came shooting past them both on the outside. Paul had forgotten to block the opponents behind him and Villarosa pounced on the opening. Paul shook his head for making such a Rookie mistake. He knew better. He managed to stay with Han for the rest of the race but knew he had given Villarosa the opening she needed to get ahead of him. He crossed the finish line in tenth. He never managed to get past Han.

Post Race, Cape Town Interviews

"Paul, Han just left us- you two had a fight throughout the race, trading places and certainly keep each other on their toes! How do you feel about your close racing throughout, and your first point in Formula AG?

Paul looked comfortable as he relaxed on the interview sofa. His arm was across the back. Paul smiled at Rory as he nodded listening to the question.

Paul: “Han is a talented racer. I have nothing but respect for her. I am ashamed to admit that I was so focused on Han that I forgot Villarosa behind me. Villarosa slingshot past both of us. It was a rookie mistake. I have to admit that my mistake cost both Han and I a position in this race. I am still pleased with my performance. I feel good about winning some points this round. I feel like I am making progress. Keep watching, my time is coming!”

Paul winked at the camera with a confident grin as he declared a bright future in racing. Paul expression became more somber as he commented on the crash.

Paul: “The crash from today’s race reminds us all how serious and dangerous this sport is. I was very happy to hear that both Kais and Bea are going to be alright. It also shows how necessary the safety measures are. The fact that Bea could walk away from that crash.”

Paul’s eyes looked haunted for a minute as he thought about the crash that took his father from him. Paul gave his head a little shake as if clearing away cobwebs and dark thoughts. He smiled once more at Rory.

Paul: “Kais has my admiration for battling back after such a disappointing setback. Congrats man!”

Social Media

Valkyrie AGR Sport: Dorian Hornfleur finishes 6th and Paul Mulder finishes in 10th at Cape Town. Valkyrie AGR Sport moved into fourth place in the constructor standings. Team Valkyrie made gains in Africa.Follow us on social media for Valkyrie AGR Official content. Don’t forget to check out the gear store! #FormulaAG #TeamValkyrie

OfficeDrone#12: Exciting race!
SuperfanAGR54: Dorian’s performance surprised me.
DantheMan: @nitronora podiums again!
Superfan2075: Hart should be fined for that stunt he pulled.
DadBod89: Hart caused that crash.
Hater101: Dorian surprised me.
Papabear34: Paul did better but even he admitted he screwed up by letting Villarosa get past him.
Nana2050: Good team performance! Both racers in the top ten.
GeorgeFly: That crash was scary to watch in person. If the repeller field had not been there, that debris would have hit spectators.
ValkyrieFan56: Go team Valkyrie! #ValkyrieMovesUp
Weedhead81: Trippy man!
SexyM@m@5: Dorian did so good!
Paulmulder4eva: Paul’s was such a sweetie. Being concerned about his fellow racers. He even congratulated Kais on his comeback.
Britball12: Hmmm one mediocre race. I am still waiting to see.
!YouSlow!: That was no accident!
xImFasterthanUx: @!YouSlow! Agreed! Hart deliberately cut into Ward’s lane and almost clipped the front of her ship. That was not an overtake or a block. It was reckless and dangerous!
AGInthusiast: I don’t know whether that was good racing by Hart or dangerous showboating. #conflicted
micheal650004: That’s the Dorian I remember!
llamalover4life: I concede Dorian did better this race.
mustbetoast: Paul could have done better.
ieatAGR: Valkyrie did well at Cape Town considering it is a track that favors speed. I can see Alexander Knight’s hand in their strategy and it worked.
Nobody404: Why was the crash ruled an accident? Corruption in the Racing Commission?

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Hidden 6 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kais Zenix @ASZenix:
"Not the result I wanted, but that's racing. Props to the team for gluing the ship back together. Shame I couldn’t push it as much as we wanted.
@MadBea: Hope you’re doing well, that was a rough one. Rest up, and see you back on the track soon.
#AlSaqrRacing #DeltaHyper #FormulaAG #LetsGO #Onwards #Revanche"

Sunday March 19th, 2094, 1400 GMT
Formula AG Championship: Round 2
South African AGP, Cape Town

Through the shimmering heat that was the track at Cape Town, Kais held a steely gaze upon the starting lights.

5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

And off they went.

Acceleration kicked Kais in his seat. Al-Saqr’s ships were a beast to fly. The mechanic wasn’t wrong. The ship really was just one giant brick of repulsors going one way: forward and onward. The first few laps went by in a blur, straight and hard, up and down. What a track! Then Bea came up beside him for an overtake. Kais pushed his craft to hug close to Nora in front. It wasn’t a true overtake, but it would take up some space at least. Bea didn’t seem deterred. The readings on the sensors that had auto-focused on her started decreasing. Decreasing. Decreasing. Then, forcing his way through the corner: Jamie Hart.

Then BEEPING! At least four different alarms forced themselves into his mind as the craft shook violently and lurched, as if pushed and sucked into a vortex, and with a heavy bang almost half of his experience turned to static for a few seconds. Kais breathed hard as he fought for balance, but that fucking handling! Other ships flew by as he regained what wobbly speed he could. Then the red flag notification popped up in one of the higher parts of his mind, and only then did he stop to notice the carnage left behind. Busted mag parts scattered around the track. And half a Wiphala ship in tatters.

“Command, status! What the hell was that?”

“Unsure. The detectives are on the case, Kais. But the red flag’s out, return to the pits and we’ll have you checked out. Ward looks to be out, massive damage. How are you doing?”

“Still flying.”

The pit drones were already waiting for him. When the scans were completed, the mechanics immediately came in after them. 3D printers started whirring, and the disembarking steps were rolled out. The young mechanic from before climbed up to help detach Kais from his still-beeping coffin, from his helmet, and get him down. Farouk, his nametag said, now that Kais took a moment to look at it. Medical crew came up for check-ups, and were then brushed off as quickly as Kais could. He looked back to his craft, then to Farouk. “Give me the bad news, then go deal with it.”

“Wings are clipped, some deep scratches, and a few AG drive sections have been knocked offline. Replacement patches are being printed as we speak, and the damaged drive blocks are being switched out.”

“What about Ward? She didn’t give me an inch there. Reckless idiot.”

“The Queen Bee seems done for today. Nothing too serious-looking on the footage, but she’ll probably be stuck at medical for some time anyway, after a crash like that…”

“I’ll take it.” Kais grumbled. He would've liked the rematch.

“I’m in a good position for a restart after the red flag, Kais, so I might be able to make some gains.” Layla chimed in over the comms. “Safe to say what strategy we’re gonna go for now.” She poked at him to lighten the mood.

“Fine. I’ll keep the others at bay. Might still make some gains on the straights, though, even with a scratched-up ship, so don’t think you’ll be safe from me just yet.”

“That’s better. I was getting worried there for a second.”

“Make it count, Layla. Hart’s ass better hurt after this race…”

Farouk came back around as the pilots entered their ships again. He reported on the maintenance as he double-checked Kais’ safeties: “Patches are applied, pulse blocks should be good to go, but we weren’t able to integrate the sensors as well as you like in this short a time. Might stagger a bit on the left. And the sensor readings might feel a bit raw, but this is all we can do for now! Sorry, uh… sir!” The young mechanic said, almost hesitantly.

“Chin up! We’re not done with this race yet, it’ll hold!”

🔴 Delta Hyper Live - Cape Town | HyperDriveCrew Commentary

[Welcome to live chat! Remember to follow our community guidelines]
[HyperForMore]: Layla got luckyyyy with that restart after the red flag. You reckon Nora feels the heat yet?
[YallaFanNotABot]: Layla is *so* flying under the radar right now. I’d put some good money on her, if I had some.
[RadNad74]: Yeah she's cool 😊
[ZenixRising]: Messy overtake? More like JAMIE CAN’T HANDLE THE PRESSURE!!
[ZenixRising]: Kais would've been top 3 by now without all that [Naughty Word!]. Boxing match, anyone?
[TIE_Fighter]: Yeah, we’re not going to forget this one. But Zenix must focus.
[ZenixFanatix]: Bro, Kais is a monster. Man’s pure hate-driving now. Glorious.
[QueenBeaForever]: He needs to calm down already.
[QueenBeaForever]: Bea didn’t deserve that! im crying
[TT_0785]: ikr, that’s what Al-Saqr calls their S-game? Crash a racer that comes too close for comfort? Does the S stand for shit?
[RadNad74]: It was an accident, calm down. And they’re pushing back well enough.
[TT_0785]: Oh please. Remember what position Ulrich was in when he crashed last time? And now Bea? Coincidence?
[RadNad74]: Commentators said it was an air pocket by Jamie or something. I don’t know, I’m not a physicist.
[TT_0785]: They also say never let a good accident go to waste. I bet he’s been waiting for this moment.
[TT_0785]: They don’t call him the Meteor for nothing.
[UsahDrrrei]: Whatever, man, nobody got hurt. Just enjoy the chaos.
[RadNad74]: Also, don’t come to a fan stream if you’re just gonna shit on stuff.
[TT_0785]: [User was banned for this comment]

At the Interview

Kais, you must be feeling a lot right now! An excellent recovery drive, but you must be gutted about not being able to press more positions throughout the race following your contact with Ward?

"Gutted? I'm pissed!" Kais said, throwing up his hand. "We had the speed, and a clean shot for the top, and then we lost out because of someone else’s sloppy moves. Sloppy, and reckless. Dive-bombing like that. Unbelievable." He shook his head as he looked off-camera, to whom would be any viewer's guess. But one could certainly guess with a reasonable degree of accuracy. "We made the most of it, Layla got in some good gains. And I'm not just gonna be backing down after a stunt like that. I fought every lap to recover and keep those positions. Fought my own damn damaged craft. And next time, I'm gonna fight just as hard. They're gonna have to keep scrapping me to keep us down. And Beatrix, hope you're well. That's it."

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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Enzayne
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Enzayne Invading Eldar

Member Seen 1 day ago

Red Flag

Unacceptable travesty, or fact of life?

Hyeon-Ae sat quiet in the open cockpit of her craft as mechanics buzzed all around. However long the red flag lasted, it was a rush to make sure the vehicle could handle the rest. With not much better to do and unwilling to disembark - Hyeon-Ae sat with a portable pad and watched the crash over and over from drone footage. Who did what, how it happened, the aftermath. For her own sake, she'd merely caught the shockwaves of collision and risk of eventual debris. Zenix and Ward played a dangerous game, for certain, but Hart’s maneuver was a step beyond. Careless? Certainly. Reckless? Definitely? Clever? Arguably. What mattered first and foremost was learning to react and defend against similar madness for the future. Hyeon-Ae frowned and scratched her cheek briefly, before speaking into her radio. “How is Ward?”

“Uh… All green, first glance. Medical’s taken her in.” it crackled back as her designated radio engineer paused to answer. Hyeon-Ae nodded to herself. The footage made it pretty clear what happened. Reckless driving, high ambitions, and ruthless choices. The question was how it would play later. She shut down the pad and shifted in her seating for comfort. Dangling the pad out over the edge until someone took it, she replayed the scene in her head. Could be a good opportunity to put some off-track heat on a few people.

What felt like an eternity later, the race was back on, one vehicle fewer on the grid. Something didn't sit right; distractions, restlessness, doubts. Whatever it was, Han’s momentum from before was slow in returning. In the back of her head, somewhere between the blend of woman and machine, she wondered if the idea of being torn apart and separated from machine, and helplessly sailing through the air in a steel coffin had tempered her spirit somewhat. Whatever it was, that small feeling of consternation she restarted with was enough to give up chances and optimization she might have taken. She played it safe.

That is at least, until Mulder tried and successfully passed her the third time in a turn. She clicked her tongue - or at least her mental image of herself did - as she yet again boosted past him in the following straight. This frustrating gnat kept gnawing at her position like a dog who saw where she hid the snacks. So she played defense, dueling him around the track tirelessly, easing off in turns and pushing with her spare power when he had to focus on handling. Though she outwardly found the exchange despicable and annoying - she nonetheless accepted it wholeheartedly, fighting back and forth like a spiteful child refusing to give up their seat. It became something of a game within a game. Their exchange became predictable. He challenges. She retakes. He sways inwards. She defends.

Then Paul swerved right in another inwards challenge, leaving a large opening for a surging Villarosa to speed by. Hyeon-Ae faced the choice to swerve hard to defend a surging Villarosa and potentially lose two positions if she screwed up, or crash, or keep her position firmly in place against Paul's challenge. She chose safety, and let an unbidden curse escape her lips. Was it the damn crash? Was she a coward? What the hell was Mulder thinking? She resigned herself to continuing their duel, though after this slip-up their positions seemed to entrench themselves a little more. Hyeon-Ae felt sure now that there would be no more surprises.

“Neves DNF. EM trouble.”

“Oh, for [censored] sake.”

She finished in the same place as she qualified, with Paul Mulder escorting her all the way to the end.

Post Race, Interview

"Han, we loved watching your race with Paul, and it looks like you were fighting to get back to catch Villarosa! How was your fight with Paul, and how do you feel to have come out on top?"

Hyeon-Ae offered a somewhat more easy-going smile than her typical humble one. Perhaps a remnant of fatigue and adrenaline, or an effort to seem approachable. “Paul is a very interesting pilot to race against; such a persistent yet capricious driving style,” she offered with a warm smile, fixing Rory with her gaze after a quick glance at the camera. “Really brought me back to the racing in the youth programmes, when everyone was still figuring things out.”

She took a breath, letting her words hang before continuing. “Villarosa really came out of nowhere there, I feel. I paid for underestimating her, but that made me look forward to facing her again.”

Social Media

Han Hyeon-Ae @ HHAZygon: My well-wishes to @MadBea tonight. Hopefully some pilots are spending their time reflecting inwards. Unforgivable behavior.

Classie0: boo
Classie0: someone sabotaged cassies machine i swear it
Exxalibur: Yes; Cassie Neves. Her undignified European ways are too coarse for the delicate and elegant masterpiece that is Zygon's vehicle
Zygonite: lol she did good til it conked out tbh
Exxalibur: She cannot compare to the queen of AGR… Hyeon-Ae I will always be your biggest fan
WyteNyte: Queen of ninth place.
Exxalibur: [Message removed by content filters.]
Exxalibur: [Message removed by content filters.]
Exxalibur: [Message removed by content filters.]
Zygonite: lmao
Classie0: delicate masterpiece rofl

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Sunday March 19th, 2094, 14:00
Cape Town, South Africa
”Green green green!”
The ship shot forward so fast Layla’s ship was pretty much a blur as she shot past the Jordanian racer. ’WOO! Goodbye!’ Despite the subvocalization usually being more subdued and monotone than actual speech, it still conveyed pure excitement.
”Nice move, keep them going.”
She stuck close to Jamie’s rear, probing the defenses with a few feints, all the while aware of the engine running hot. Unlike non-neural linked ships, there was no Nagging Nora going ‘Engine temps: high!’ instead she felt it like one felt the sun on their skin.
”We need to get out of their engine wash. Get past or find a clean line.”
Then it came: Jamie made a slight mistake. Bea found the culvert in the proverbial Deeping Wall. Sticking her nose in before the next corner, she forced him to give up the ideal line for the next corner, entering it side-by-side with the Canuck. Hart ended up half boxed in - Bea on his right, Kais in front, wall on his left - leaving her free to get her foot in the door on Kais without Jamie being able to do much about it.

And then Kais jinked right. Too close to do anything about it. It was an unthinkable move until one noticed the presence of Jamie’s ship on the outside of the corner forcing the supersoldier’s hand. Kais’ ship tagged hers, sending her into the inside barrier. She cut the throttle and deployed all air brakes in a doomed attempt to slow the ship, flinching at the jolt of the neural link automatically disconnecting when the ship’s AI realized a crash was imminent. Teeth clenched, feet braced against the pedals, arms crossed on her chest out of reflex…


The ship’s nose disintegrated upon impact. The high repulse, weak magnet setup meant the ship bounced high - if it even would have mattered as both systems died almost immediately, the repulsors shutting down for safety when the magnets failed - and struck the track-side repulsor boundary rear-on, ripping the engine and fuel cell off and throwing the ship back to the ground, rolling over a few times before finally coming to a stop, the tumbling and repulsors gradually absorbing the ship’s kinetic energy. Terrifying to look at, but about a thousand percent more survivable than stopping abruptly.

For a few seconds there was silence as the last few ships went past, Bea still tensed up in anticipation of another impact as she collects someone else, an impact which fortunately never came. She raised her arms straight forward in front of her, both hands slightly yet visibly trembling despite the thick gloves until she flexed her fingers and rolled her wrists a few times to get rid of the tremors, then held one finger in front of her face and moved it side to side and close and far to check her vision.
’Fucking maple twat….’ She thought, seeming almost calm to the uninitiated.
”I’m here. Think I’m good. *BEEEP*.” She tried to let Allistair know how she was doing, feint gurgling of the breathing liquid heard through the radio as she breathed rapidly, unaware the antenna was in two pieces some 30 meters apart. Another thing that wasn’t working was the canopy, but she didn’t even bother with that one. Undoing her straps, she reached for a pair of levers in the front corners of the cockpit, pulling them back to jettison the canopy and pushing it aside to climb out. Standing on the seat, legs wobbling a bit from the impact and standing on the soft gel seat, she turned to the nearest camera drone and gave it a thumbs up before climbing down and starting toward the medical craft parked nearby.

In the garage, Alistair raced over to where the team heads were sitting and all but knocked the phone out of Alonso’s hand. ”No,” He didn’t let the team principal speak, ”She’s alright, let her make the call herself. If it’s anyone but her calling, you’ll just needlessly scare her.”

Later that day
The call connected on the first ring.
”Hi mum! Before you ask, I am alright.”
”Bea! I knew you were calling early! What happened?”
”Since when do you want to know?”
”I don’t, you’re right. Just as long as you aren’t hurt.”
”Really, I’m fine. The safety features are designed to handle worse, and with the liquid immersion I have the safest ship out there.”
”I know, but you-”
”...know that you’d rather I wasn’t out there at all, but you won’t dissuade your children-”
”...from pursuing your dreams because I will not repeat my mother’s mistakes. Do not interrupt me, Beatrix Viola. You may be an adult but you’re never escaping the title of my little girl.” A smile returned to Mrs. Ward’s voice.
”Wouldn’t dream of it. I’ll see you at dinner on Tuesday.”
”Remember to drink enough water when it’s that hot out.”
”I’ve got Bridget in my ear about it all the time. I’ll bring you some post stamps.”
”Thank you. Look after yourself. See you soon.”
”I am. Say hi to Eva for me if you speak to her before I can. Love you, bye. And dad sends a kiss.”
A voice came from further away from the phone. ”And hoping for a big return on the investment.”
”DAD! Call mum yourself or take the phone, but I don’t need to be here for this.”
In response, the dignified businessman let out the most ‘dad’ laugh imaginable.
”Take me back to the hospital, let me out of this Hell.”
The call ended with laughter on both sides of the line.

Episode Two: Hunting Apex

With the interview taking place later, Bea showed up in her civvies with a can of Good Hope Pale Ale and half a dozen of Mosbolletjies’ - she basically got a sick day, by God she was gonna use it - offering one to Rory as soon as the camera started rolling.

"Bea, thanks for joining us. How did you feel after that collision? It looked like a really big one, so we are all really glad to see you're okay."

”Yeah, thanks, I’m happy to be here. Still a little sore in places, you can tell it was a rough one because I was stunned instead of raging after it, but all things considered that could’ve been a lot worse. The Pridwen Solutions Liquid Immersion Suit clearly works, available to the defence sector and a slightly different version is coming to the public sector soon if you’re in need of peerless acceleration protection for all land, air and space applications.” Bea said with a grin, ”Definitely one of those that look scarier looking at it from the outside, for me everything outside of the cockpit was a blur.Didn’t really know what happened until I saw the replays.”

”Is there any silver lining to your race from your positive moves in the opening laps do you think, and any lessons learned?”

”Lessons learned, yeah. ‘Just because they’re in a top team doesn’t mean their bloody eyes work.’ Last time I checked it’s up to the passing driver to make the pass safe and clean, and Kais has a hole in his ship and I have about 3000 pieces of carbon fibre and aluminium that have something to say about Jamie’s stunt. Lad came in like diarrhoea: unexpected, lightning fast and at the worst moment possible.” Bea shrugged, ”Unless you’re trying to tell me Kais got scared of something appearing next to him suddenly, to which I say it’s Kais we’re talking about, is that word even in his vocabulary?” She shrugged with a smile.
”But the team knows who’s to blame and I’m in one piece so it’s a reference for the future and little more. Next time I’ll know Jamie does stupid stuff when he’s struggling.
Over and above that, we also know the upgrade works and Ava pulled off a stellar recovery drive for the team’s first points of the season, so even with the crash this weekend has been a big boost to morale and confidence, both mine and the team as a whole.”

Rory took a moment to come back to Bea, letting her spill it out, her response clearly not very happy at all with what had just occurred. But, well, she was in better shape.

“Well, we’re happy to see you all in one piece….and on that note, I thought I’d surprise you a little. There’s someone here who did want to catch up with you though, so we’ll let her by.” Rory replied as Ava came into frame, a smirk on her face, running over and hugging Bea. The usually contained, focussed, militarised Ava even had to give into her weakness here, Bea being wholesome and probably feeling very shaken after that being something Ava understood well enough. Her team-mate may be a rival, but after that, it was important to come by and see her. And it made a good bit of marketing, according to the team, apparently, to have Ava drop on by during this interview in particular. Socials were blowing up for Carrera Condor even more than Bea’s initial pre-Auckland content had, to some shock.

”Thank God you’re okay! Crap, you had me worried! And pressers before? They got you good!” Ava smiled, Rory inviting her onto the sofa, after all had been said.
“Well, good to see you’re fine. And with a beer in hand. So, definitely fine.” Ava chuckled, barbing back, as she sat down, Rory clearing his throat, looking over at the two Carrera Condor pilots, the contrast between the two more striking in person.

“For a first major crash, we’ve never seen a pilot this positive after, Ava probably hasn’t either! Bea, do you think that’s down to your background and approach, or something else?” Rory asked, Ava even smirking at that, her usually calm demeanour broken by just how positive Bea was. Like it was infectious or something.

”I would’ve brought you some had I known you’d be here.” Bea returned the hug, careful not to headbutt Ava in the chin on account of their height difference. ”Great job out there, picking up the torch where I dropped it.”
”See, I promised Aurora I’d get her to smile.” She turned to Rory, pointing at Ava with her thumb, ”Not the way I had it planned, but results are results, eh?” The salt seemingly forgotten or at least shuffled off to a far away corner.
“Well, we have points, so we got something!” Ava was even a little excited by the prospect, considering that yes, while Bea had just had a pretty awful day,

”I’d say down to the background, yes. I’ve wrapped a car around a tree before, with fewer safety features and just me and Gazza to sort it out afterwards. Like you said, no one was hurt, that’s the important part, and the lost points blow, but you have to draw a line somewhere and not waste energy on what you can’t control. You’ll live a happier life.” That being said, revenge was one Hell of a motivator, but she kept that to herself for now.

Rory listened and paid mind to her thoughts, given it was relatively considered for what she could have said. Media training helped, yes, but a good response should have felt natural, easy even, and Bea had that in hand based on just life experiences, less a robot, still actually a person.
“That sounds like quite a mature way to take things on, and no doubt it’s a positive attitude to keep for races going forward.”

”Wow, I’m used to being called a lot of things, but ‘mature’ is a new one.” Bea snickered.

“I am not so sure I was this calm after my first crash. It’s a difficult thing to deal with. But, importantly, safety has come a long, long way. And for that, I am glad to see Bea is her usual self.” Ava smiled, albeit the low key, Rory chuckled in response, looking back to the shorter Brit on the sofa, knowing this was probably quite a series of events coming through now.

“She seems so! Okay, perhaps it’s a little too soon to ask, but it seems like you were cutting through the field, both of you. What do you expect going forward for the team?” Rory added, knowing it was a pretty splitting question, and Ava sat up first, answering it before Bea did.

“Well, we need to regroup, figure out what we can maximise in Tokyo, and we’ll be back to it. The craft is fast. We know that now. Just how fast on the highways, we don’t know yet. And well, getting some more points would always be helpful. Two of us to do it this time, and we’ll certainly make the most of the next race.” Ava replied, professional as usual, perhaps removed a bit more now the emotion had faded away, as she took her hat off, the Chilean placing it on her lap, the rainbow and black coloured hat an interesting combo, considering it was all the colour, yet none of it in the team’s apparel at times.

”Plus I've had a few hours to get the mental sommersaults of ‘Damn, I could’ve died then.’ out of the way.
When you say your first crash, I assume that includes the Air Force? Seems like that would’ve prepared you for some of this.”
Bea deflected some of the spotlight onto Ava, aware her teammate could use some PR boost.

”As for Japan, well… Speed is nice to have there, yes, but it is still an energy-heavy track that also demands stability. The ship’s about as stable as a high-strung mountain goat and although Ava might as well have written a book on it, I am still pretty bad at ELS use so I’m going in with tempered expectations.” Bea explained her side, happily letting Ava go first. ”And a lot of sim time. Let’s not break it this time.” She shot a cheeky sideways glance at Ava.

Ava didn’t blush, given what she knew what Bea was doing, but well, it was an area she could at least poke back at.
“Ah, well, you just kinda deal with it. In your own way. Beats punching out of a hypersonic jet out of control. But it’s probably worse knowing you got hit by another pilot.” Ava gave a small chuckle, shrugging, looking back at the Brit.
“We’ll need to keep it running or else you’ll be drawing again!” She set Bea back up again, in her characteristic way.

“Well, sounds like you have a game plan and we look forward to seeing you again in two weeks. Any last comments for the viewers at home?”

There was a short pause as Bea thought about an answer, a rare sight. ”Drive safe.” She deadpanned, just a slight hint of a smile shining through.


SkySportsFA: “Carrera Condor rumoured in talks with Al-Saqr regarding a protest against Silver Apex driver.”

PlanetAG: “Carrera Condor launch a formal protest with FIAR against the Jamie Hart decision.”

AGFans: “Carrera Condor protest denied. ‘Regretful misstep by the stewards.’ says team principal Alonso.”

Bea Ward @MadBea:
Thank you to everyone who sent kind words and well wishes. I am completely fine and will be back on track in two weeks time.
[Image showing the medical report with personal information blurred out, clearing her for release with no injuries noted]

Not what we were after here, but data was gathered and lessons learned. Probably won’t be as close in Japan, because energy circuit, but I’m looking forward to a proper rematch in Italy, @ASZenix.

I don’t expect this to be necessary, but just in case: Please nobody go bother Hart about this. For one, as much as I appreciate your support, leave it between us and the teams and two, I already spoke to him in person and I know brick walls more receptive to arguments.

#CarreraCondorFA #FormulaAG #AGRacing #CapeTownAGP

Richie: I don’t know who’s more deluded: The people who still think the Earth is flat or those who think that move was on.
DohnJoe: words cant describe how much i wanna punch hart rn. “Im here to get points” get these knuckles shithead
ZenixRIsing: As a Kais fan, I’ll hold him for you.
ChesterFromChester: As a Silver Apex fan, I’ll be your alibi.
HotStuff: Dont know why they bothered to protest, this shits clearly rigged
Zero: Clearly having a fast ship isn't a substitute for talent or skill.
GaryFromIndiana: Did she do a fucking ad read in the interview?
Shel1: “Drive safe.”? What? How?
DadManWalking: Glad she’s OK. Can’t imagine having to explain to my daughter that she just watched her idol get seriously hurt or killed on live TV.

Superfan2075: Hart should be fined for that stunt he pulled.
MadBea: IMO punish off-track infringements with off-track penalties (fines, development time…) and on-track incidents with on-track penalties (time, drive through, stop&go…). A fine doesn’t really hurt Hart and getting grid dropped because a team member forgot to wear PPE in the pit lane during qualifying doesn’t seem fair either.
Papabear34: Paul did better but even he admitted he screwed up by letting Villarosa get past him.
MadBea: You also have to take the ship and the track profile into consideration. If a Valkyrie ship had been in Kais’ place it likely would've shrugged the dirty air off where the less-stable Al-Saqr stood no chance, but your lad did pretty well today considering what he's driving.
GeorgeFly: That crash was scary to watch in person. If the repeller field had not been there, that debris would have hit spectators.
MadBea: A thing to note is that the repulsor fields allowed track designers to put grandstands into places where they couldn’t before due to safety reasons. On the flip side, this way you don’t get to bring a souvenir home.
Nobody404: Why was the crash ruled an accident? Corruption in the Racing Commission?
MadBea: Occam’s Razor says ‘no’, but the last time I said something about AG racing stewards I got fined £5’000.

Briat77: Bring! Back! Joaquin! Then this wouldn't have happened.
Richie: Because the ship wouldn’t have gotten an upgrade and the Condors would’ve been nowhere near Hart or any points.
Javi: go drown in some tea!!
Mate0: Nah, I agree with the Limey on this, there was nothing anyone could have done in her place, nor in Kais’ place without a more stable ship.

Timothy Hill @TruckerTim:
@FIAR So when Hart does it it's ‘hard racing’ and ‘a racing incident’, but when I do it it's ‘reckless endangerment’ and ‘$650 and 35 demerit points to my license.’ Fucking mental, mate?

#FormulaAG #WhatTheFuckIsUpWithThat?

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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Sylvan
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Sylvan Local Cryptid

Member Seen 25 days ago


Episode Two: Hunting Apex

Nora walked through the Cape Town arrivals terminal with her head on a swivel, trying to take in the sights all at once. As she saw all the ways Cape Town had managed to combine mineral wealth and aggressively green policies and design schemes a sad, almost jealous expression flickered across her face before she managed to control it, bringing her expression back to her confident, almost cocky smile.

“Strewth, they did a good job here. Too bad we’re just shooting through cause I’d be stoked to learn how they did that.”

Post Qualifying

The feeling in the Southern Cross paddock was celebratory, with both racers finishing in the top three on the Qualifiers and Harrison taking pole position. That didn’t mean that the team was taking a win for granted however, as the two racers worked with the rest of the team to finalize their strategy and identify any weak points along the track. Still getting used to having a fellow driver on the same team, Nora was unused to this kind of teamwork but was trying to rise to the occasion.

”Too much air on that descent, need to tighten that up.”

“Damn this tracks a beaut, bet we can make space on these straights…”

“Watch your charge on those corners Nora, Apex and Al-Saqr’ll be nipping at your heels and their ships are strong there.”

“Worst case I’ll keep the rest of the pack off you Harrison, long as we both podium we’ve got a golden opportunity. These new mods are a treat.”

Pilots Return: Interview

"So, both of you must be on top of the world! People are saying Southern Cross are a title contender and you two are proving it early on. What do you think made this qualifying session so good?"

"Thanks! Yeah, P1 is incredible! The craft is twitchy but the new upgrades make it easy to tame, and this craft....wow, the engineers cooked up something special!"

"Well, it quite looks like it! Nora, what would you say you're picking up from Harrison this weekend, and what do you expect in your racing with Amy, Harrison, and Al-Saqr who have been looking dangerous this weekend?"

“Silver Apex might have the better all-round ship but ours are faster, and with the new chrome the big brains back home cooked up I think we’ll be able to pull ahead. And besides, Amys sandwiched between us. She’ll be forced to fight ahead and behind, and that ought to put pressure even on her.”

Nora Kelly @NitroNora:
”Lion’s Head Circuit's lookin good for us, here’s to another podium finish!
@ASZenix Grats on qualifying P4, lets see if you can keep up the pace
#SouthernCrossAG #DeltaHyper #FormulaAG #PodiumBound”

Lion’s Charge

Nora sank deep into her craft once again, quicker and deeper than before thanks to her improved augmentations. Radios were checked, final tests were completed, and, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, the world narrowed down to the final countdown.


As the green light flared in her mind's eye Nora slammed forward, pushing her craft into a hard acceleration right off the bat and taking the fight to Amy, those behind forgotten unless they were in danger of catching up. As the race began, Amy grabbed pole position back with a strong start but unlike Auckland Nora and Harrison kept pace, the three keeping pace with each other as the race sped through the stadium and-

”The race has been Red Flagged, bad crash behind you. Looks like Wards outta the race and the track needs to be fixed.” The voice of Manaia, one of Southern Cross’s mechanics and Nora’s assigned radio operator, pulled her out of the trance-like flow state she fell into while racing.

”Status of Bea? Be a shame to lose a pilot, ‘specially this early in the season.” A hint of worry colored Nora's tone. She hadn’t interacted much with the spunky Brit, but she didn’t want to see the woman’s career end like this.

”Too early to know for sure, but from the drone footage it looks like the cockpit survived. Nasty crash though, the simmers’ll have fun piecing that one back together. Looks like Hart, Zenix, and Ward were all jockeying for position and it got too tight. Hart got through clean, but Zenix took some scrapes and Ward's sled got torn in half.”

Red Flag Restart

Nora had spent the time before the race could restart going over the course again for good measure. The improved augmentations felt good on the track, just as good as they’d felt the previous day in her qualifying run. But once again, it was time. Nora sank deep, almost merging with the soul of her ship as she worked to regain the flow state she’d slipped into before the red flag flew.

Once more she took off as the green flag flew, and once more she was in a knife fight for first place with Harrison and Stirling, the three racers keeping neck and neck for the entire race. As the final stretch reared, Harrison was locked in a losing ELS battle with Amy as Nora, recovering from a failed overtake earlier in the lap, came roaring forwards, gaining on Amy even as she won the ELS fight as Harrison slipped to the third position. As the final seconds of the race slipped by Nora continued to gain, until-

Until the checkered flag waved, with Nora moments from overtaking Amy and Harrison bare seconds behind himself. Another podium finish, and one Nora hoped Amy wouldn’t soon forget. Southern Cross may not have won the race, but with second and third in hand they were neck and neck in the Constructors.

Post Race, Cape Town: Cooldown

Nora watched the replay of Harts botched overtake with a look bordering on disgust. “What an amateur move, Hart should’ve known better than that.” Nora said to nobody in particular as Harrison and Amy were sniping at each other. When Harrison turned to her she nodded with a confident smile and followed him out.

Nora took her spot on the podium, the same spot she held in Auckland. She was no flash in the pan sensation, and had proven that. She was here to stay, and she was here to win.

Post Race, Cape Town Interviews

The 2nd place finisher was certainly getting a lot more limelight, a lot more cameras now parked by the booth, and the interview with Delta Hyper, via Rory.

"What a race that was Nora! Looks like you kept Amy honest, especially right at the end with a near overtake and have proven your talent in AG- what does it feel like to go toe-to-toe with who some say is an all-time AG racing legend to be in Amy Stirling?

“It feels good to know there’re racers like Amy and Harrison to sharpen myself on, Rory. It’s- she's a little intimidating, but that's starting to wear off as Harrison and I keep pushing her. There's a lot of season left though, and we’re neck and neck in the Constructors.” Nora paused for a moment, considering her next words.

“That said, gotta say I’m glad I’m staying well ahead of Jamie. Rather not risk a repeat of what happened on the track last race. Bloody mess, that was. Hoping Bea comes out the other side swinging though, with the upgrades her craft was showing before the crash I can’t wait to see how far she can go.”
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cape Town //// South Africa
1800 GMT

Post-Race Interview Panel- A Collab with:

Pilots Present:

Nora Kelly
Hyeon-Ae Han
Paul Mulder
Kais Zenix
Beatrix Ward
Amy Stirling

After the race, and after Bea’s check up and her interview, the next part came along. In Auckland, none of our pilots had been interviewed yet in the collective limelight, given how much Delta Hyper had hogged the limelight and followed each of the pilots, almost as if it was a documentary on each and every one, but it didn’t take a genius to work out that Cape Town had practically written itself as a drama.

The pilots were in a small green room, altogether in a tight, small confined space, as the tables and chairs were being set. Even in such an advanced age where you’d think a drone or something else had gotten it, media still needed to complete their overlays and check it over, manually. Dressed in a polymer-removed version of her race suit, the kind that was more of the undersuit rather than the actual overlay that sat above it providing protection and connection to the craft, Amy seemed to be rather versed in this whole affair.

“You lot really couldn’t help yourselves back there, could you? Now they have us here asking away. I mean, it generates clicks. Well, standard protocol, I guess. They’ll ask shitty questions. We try and not give a shitty response. You’re all adults, I guess.” Amy barbed at basically everyone, although perhaps some care was leaking out of her. One of her aides from Silver Apex had come by and was brushing her up, and a thumbs up.
“30 seconds, everyone!” The runner called, as Amy looked in.

“Okay, so they’ll try and create tension. Probably worth saying, whatever you do, don’t give them anything too much of a headline. I don’t want to be in the same photo where you say something really poor in taste. But, it’s all us.” Amy seemed almost more self serving, the private image behind perhaps contrasting with what Bea had seen once before, but then again, she was to the point. This was not something she wanted to be in, but hey, pressers like this came up on random allocation and she was sharing it. And race winner, well, they had much to ask.

Paul was glad that he was seated at the end. He was still in his racing suit. He had it partially unzipped due to the heat. He was grateful someone had thought to put out glasses of water for them. He grabbed his and downed half of it one gulp. He was eager for a shower but they had caught all the pilots before they had a chance to disperse for post race clean up. Paul always felt the pressure when he was talking to the press. He always felt like he was being compared to his father. He was confident enough to be his own man however, he was a rookie. That didn’t mean he hadn’t been racing for years. He had his own experiences and education forming his opinions. He looked over at Amy’s snide remarks as she tried to lay blame for the impromptu press conference on the shoulders of the rookie drivers. Paul met Amy’s eyes and shrugged.

“I won’t censor what I am thinking to spare Apex or your feelings Amy. That stunt Hart pulled was dangerous. I was almost a casualty of his stunt too. That was not a blocking maneuver and you know it.”

Han, wearing her typical form-fitted racetrack uniform suited for media appearances - ironically nearly matching Amy on this point of ‘fashion’ - clicked her tongue as Paul shot back at the podium champion. Whatever her opinion on the matter, she kept it to herself at first, and instead looked into a hand mirror to fix her hair. When she closed it, it came with a brief tut. ”By all means, duke it out at the table. I'm sure Apex will humbly explain how it was an unfortunate error by unskilled rookies if you don't.”

“Unskilled is right, moves like that only fit a bludger.” Nora interjected, adding her two, very australian, cents to the discussion. Nora was well kept and wearing a Southern Cross-branded shirt and sweatpants, having been nabbed for the conference shortly after de-suiting and debriefing from the race, but before she could return to her usual mode of dress. As she spoke, she momentarily glanced back where the pilots had walked in from, where Owen Keating, SCs principal, could be seen by those on stage. Whether he was here to offer moral support or reign in the fiery pilot was anyone's guess.

”If you don’t like the press, you chose the wrong line of work.” Bea replied to Amy, at least having had time to change into a team branded button up and cap for this thing. ”Besides, it's neither one of our first press rodeo.” She added, swallowing a ‘Don’t overestimate me.’ at the comment about being adults.

Kais offered a sideways glance at Amy that should’ve said enough as to what he thought of her comment, if not her as a person, even if he had to admit: he kind of agreed. He sat up straight, the Al-Saqr Falcon splayed boldly across his chest, and he donned his frown as he briefly locked eyes with his team principal Omar, seated in the crowd. They had some choice words before, about the attempted protest between the Falcons and the Condors regarding the ruling of Jamie’s conduct that led to the crash, a protest that resulted in nothing concrete. And now he was seated here. Damage control? As far as he could manage, sure. But it was just as much to hammer Al-Saqr’s point home as well. What a day… He sighed ever-so-slightly to himself after Bea offered her thoughts. “I don’t like the press.”

”I noticed. You’re making a face like you just found out someone ate all the biscuits and returned the empty box in the cupboard.” Bea privately wondered what Kais did like aside from winning and naps. Everyone liked that. ”A bit of unsolicited advice: Poke fun at those who annoy you. They’ll learn eventually.”

Bea’s final comment earned something like a humored breath from Han, who nonetheless did not dive back in.

Perhaps it felt fitting that all the pilots in the center of it were here. With Aurora as a moderator, a gaggle of both beamed in, as well as actual journalists were sitting in the small crowd that made up the press conference, as the pilots came in, took seats, and faced the music.

“Welcome all, and thank you for the pilots coming over for this conference on short notice! I imagine you have many questions, let’s start with the hand raised at the back?” Aurora let them ask away, the wolves now unleashed. Wolves, because whilst everyone was media trained, pilots and obviously the journalists to an nth degree, each and every one of those reporters wanted a headline. Giving them one was always an option, but after all, media was a fickle thing, and perception could be seen for quite literally, a couple billion people to stew over on the internet and beyond.

“Dave Harris, Autosport. Kais, Bea, we’re all thankful you’re okay, but would you say you would do anything different if fighting together again? And if any other pilot has an opinion, how do you feel you’ll manage this incident as a group of pilots, regarding safety?” One journalist piped up, loud and brash, and direct to point.

Bea gestured to Kais, letting the older driver speak first.

Kais shifted in his seat. “Look,” he began, taking a moment to let the moment settle. “No matter how you slice it, it’s every man for themselves out there. And I’m not going to let myself be held accountable for the sloppiness of another driver. If you wanna overtake, I get you, it’s my favorite thing to do as well, just don’t do it in a saturated corner, and especially not in mine.” Kais leaned back, clearly annoyed. The racetrack may be a battlefield, but that still didn’t excuse blatant recklessness. He knew better than anyone: quite the opposite…

”Kais pretty much said it all.” Bea nodded along, ”We’re all still human, jokes about excessive mods aside, so I get that mistakes sometimes happen, but a bit of self reflection would’ve been nice to see.” How was it that a Canadian hasn’t apologised for something and Canada hasn’t apologised for the Canadian not apologising? ”I’ve seen the top-down, I’ve seen the onboards, I don’t think there is anything either one of the two of us could have done differently, want or not.”

Amy let the two go, shrugging before she took a neural line, but well, it would make sense for Silver Apex to draw the attention out. Nothing to hide her end, that was all Jamie, but well, she was honest about it herself. Given she was just as cut-throat as Kais was once, probably best not to be a hypocrite. “Well, we went racing. Things happen, people contacted. And I’m sure people will talk about it, but things happen. But I mean, it doesn’t change anything for me. Just reminds me of the risks we take, and we accept those, including our safety group, which I know will think on it. Wish it hadn’t have happened, but I think if I was there, I’d have maybe tried to take them on the next complex. But you take what you can and it can swing the other way sometimes.” Amy covered Jamie a half, but well, she wasn’t going to go all that way for him. A defensive response, but, just an honest one here felt like she could just defuse.

Paul waited until the primary racers involved in the incident had a chance to respond before he chimed in. Paul noted that Jamie Hart was notably absent from the press conference and Amy was the only veteran pilot at the press conference.

“I noticed that Jamie Hart didn’t join us this evening. That is a shame. I would love to hear his answer to that question. Racing is an aggressive competitive sport. We all want to win. We are all going to push our craft to make that happen. That doesn’t mean we have to be stupid about it though. Our safety on the track is in the hands of every pilot out there on it. Formula One had specific rules for an overtake for just this sort of problem. I know Kofi has proposed a Safety Committee composed of a group of racers. I think it is a good idea. Who better to help determine the rules we need to follow than us?”

”I agree that introducing a degree of peer oversight could be a good way of introducing accountability. I can see that it might be an unpopular idea among some of our more hotheaded comrades, however.” Hyeon-Ae cut in in conspiratorial support of Paul, smiling calmly as she folded her hands over each other.

“Ach.” Kais couldn’t help but jump in. “In the moment, no one’s going to be pulling out the rulebook, especially not in fights, as you’ve seen today. Not even the judges, apparently.” That should do the trick. “And, if you’re going to board up the sport with that much oversight and rules, why not have the entire thing run by robots and drones while you’re at it?” Two people could play the taunting game. And who was she calling hotheaded?

”You need rules in a race, otherwise you’re not determining the winner, but the survivors.” Bea offered a counterpoint to Kais, ”That being said, I’d start with a consistent enforcement of current rules before heaping on more. The same team of stewards and the same race director for every race. They don’t even have to travel to the venue if you want to argue it’s too much workload, with the amount of information each team sends back to the factory in real time that should be a non-issue and the sport gets to look good for cutting back on emissions because that’s 40 plus less flights every season.”

Nora waited for the other pilots to finish, considering exactly how much to say. After another quick glance at Keating, she faced the audience with a wry smile. “Maybe it sounds a bit furphy given the ratbag I used to race in, but the race, the sport, is only as good as the people competing in it. End of the day, we’re the ones the fans come t’see. So I think it's a fair dinkum to do what we can to see each other through. Besides, ain’t worth winning if it’s dirty.”

The interruption came as Aurora picked out another journalist, and let them speak.
“Shannon Taylor, AG Source. In terms of the technology pilots are increasingly getting access to, how do you feel about the route your augments and implants are taking? Do you feel they help you to race clean, or do they just add risk?”

Paul was amused at this question. “I am one of the pilots with the least amount of augmentations. I can see where the few I do have does help me race cleaner and reduce my risk on the track. They help with my reaction times which I really needed today to avoid the debris on the track in front of me.”

“Nora spoke up earlier than she had previously, clearly intrigued by the question. “Maybe it’s just me, but I came into Formula AG having already proven I could fly with the best in the Interior with almost no Augs. On top of that? With how deep I go I’m a little worried about what a crash’d do to me, but you can’t be the best without taking risks.”

”They definitely help. How important the neural link alone is cannot be understated given the amount of information coming at us from the ship. Without it we’d need a second race engineer to handle it.” Bea began before turning down a more divisive path.
”On the flip side, I personally believe there is a difference between man and machine and that neither one should become the other. So I definitely think it can be pushed too far, but it is something FIAR can keep a hand on such as by changing regulations regarding ship construction to keep the teams too busy perfecting the ship to think about us pilots like LEGO figurines.” Layla probably would’ve disagreed with that had she been there and even Amy had shades of Adam Jensen to her. Frankly, the thought of the team going ‘You’re too slow, we’re shoving another computer in your skull.’ without any say in the matter was among the few things that terrified her. That, and venomous animals.

Kais shrugged. “I disagree, and we’ve seen why today. No amount of regulations matter if you’re not in control of your craft in the moment. And augmentations and tech can be the tools to do that. If you can handle them, I’d take the augmented ‘risk’ over soft racing every day.”

“Idrissa Dama, AfricaToday. Do you agree, or disagree that a change to the circuit is needed in South Africa? Do you feel it’s too rewarding for speed, and not enough for technical skill?”

Paul: “Thank you for that great question. I disagree that the circuit needs to change. Part of the challenge for me as a racer is being able to adapt and overcome different circumstances. That is part of the excitement with Formula AG. I mean if you want boring tracks that are the same in the circuit, Go watch Nascar turn left and repeat! Valkyrie used our skill and talent to place where we did today. We used strategy and worked to our advantages and I am damn proud of how we did here in Cape Town. I also know there will be tracks that will be more favorable for Valkyrie ships. You will see us excel there.”

Paul winked at Idrissa. “Next race is in Tokyo. I will see if I can put my money where my mouth is. My goal is to get into the top 5 in Tokyo.”

Kais just rolled his eyes at the question. “The speed’s what makes the sport worth it. Not to mention that apparently even this track required technical skill that not everyone had…” A shrug finished off the answer. Next.

“Like Kais said, technical skill is necessary here. If only speed mattered Amy would have taken third today, if that, and she still took first. If that doesn’t prove skill helps, then I don’t know what will.” Nora paused for a moment before continuing, almost under her breath. “Though not everyone with the skill to race knows how to use it well.”

Bea clamped her hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing at Kais’ jab before answering. ”Should we also make the same changes to Marmolada and Bonneville? Maybe bulldoze half of Monaco and Singapore to add some straights because they don’t reward speed enough?” She shrugged, ”There’s nothing wrong with different circuits rewarding different driving styles and craft. I think if anything, having every track be the same would make it boring.
You need variety, which is why I think most of the fans are happy Nora is here to provide some.”
She added a light-hearted jab at the reigning driver’s champion.

Hyeon-Ae leaned forward as she deigned to participate in this meeting of the minds for once. ”I agree with Ms Ward and Mr Mulder. To take an incident as this one and quickly push for alterations to a track is a reactionary measure that will harm the sport as a whole in the long run. Punishing a track for highlighting speed is also problematic for the same reason. The answer should not be to limit our options.”

“Julie Planchard, WTFAG. How much are you all as rookies interacting? It seems you’re all in the sport with a lot of energy, a lot of fire. Do you think that’s what has made the last two races so exciting, you’re all proving your own points?” Another voice asked, knowing that in that moment, the pilots had been in their own silo- and she wanted to poke them a little.

Paul laughed at the question.

Paul: “When do we have time to interact? We are either training, doing press, training some more, or traveling? Most of us live on separate continents crying out loud. I would argue that bringing new energy and drive to the sport is what has made it so exciting to watch. We have more to prove.”

Amy chuckled in response to Paul’s response, knowing he was just getting into this, and used to the circus.
“You really need your own private shuttle. Here to home in two hours. I know a guy, hit me up.” Amy giggled, looking to Paul, poking, yet keeping it light.

Paul looked confused as he looked over at Amy before he smirked at her before responding.

Paul: “Why would I need a private shuttle when I can hang out with my team when I am traveling for races? My team has my back and it is always more pleasant to travel with people you like.”

Paul was implying indirectly that Amy’s team didn’t like her.

”The faster you get home, the more time you have to adjust to the next time zone you’re going to.” Bea offered a practical answer to Paul’s question before turning to the journalist.
”It will come. Inevitably all drivers in a series eventually become acquaintances if not outright friends because we spend, what, a fifth of a year in the same place?” Bea guessed, going off of the fact she knew she spent around 120 days away from home. ”Plus you have six rookies in the same season, all trying to find their footing within the sport and the team. We’ll have more breathing room later, especially over the summer break I expect.”

Chuckling softly, Hyeon-Ae looked down the line of racers briefly. ”Let me extend the branch then. After Tokyo you are welcome to mingle on my dime; it's an unspoken duty to offer hospitality. We'll have a good get-together, as the saying goes.”

Kais knew this time would come, in a way. He just hadn’t expected the invitation to the lion’s den to come so quickly, and so publically at that. Yes, Hyeon-Ae presented herself as a picturesque cool fox, but under the ashes, there is fire, as they say. Maybe it was just his exaggerated sense for danger, but Kais felt there was more to this than met the eye. And, as always, he would be expected to go into the fray. He flashed her a look, and with a feigned smile to match, he let a soft mutter escape from under his breath. “How gracious.”

Paul met Han’s eyes and gave her a wink. There was the twinkle of mischief in his eyes as he replied to Han in a flirting tone.

Paul: “Well Hyeon-Ae, I will be sure to attend and thank you personally for the hospitality.”

Paul couldn’t resist trying to poke Han. He knew that she got lambasted in the press as being a robot and inhuman. He didn’t really think that was fair to her. He respected her skill and poise. He understood what it was like to grow up under a spotlight.

”You’re on record saying that, no take backs.” Bea grinned at Han, ”I guess host duties fall to us for Silverstone.” She gestured between herself and Amy. ”If Jen and Henry pitch in, this lot might not even eat us out of house and home.” She added to Amy.

”It's a promise. Keep me honest, yes?” Han returned with a charming smile to those who addressed her, before addressing her last comment playfully to the press.

“Strewth, sounds like Tokyo's gonna be ace to me! We’ve already finished in Auckland, but once we come around to the Great Barrier Reef later in the season we’ll have to show off the finer points of Aussie hospitality as well. That said, I’m excited to get to know my fellow rookies more. Like Bea said earlier, it’s only natural we all get to know each other better.”

“Elise Vogel, Eurosport. A question for all the rookies- two races in, how are you adjusting all to racing in Formula AG? Do you feel it’s a big change for you, or was it what you expected?”

Hyeon-Ae smiled and leaned forward ever so slightly, glancing down the line of gathered pilots on her left, eschewing her right just this once. ”I think it has been an illuminating experience so far; there is clearly a lot of skill on the field - a lot of practice that has gone into getting to this level. Still, I think there are already signs as to who will perform beyond their potential, and who will inevitably burn out before the end of the season.”

Paul leaned forward and looked at Han. He gave her a wink since he had enough skill to hold her off today. He assumed she wasn’t talking about him. He then turned back to the reporter.

Paul: “I have been racing in one form or another for years. I think most have. I think the only significant change is the number of people who recognize me on the streets these days. I was already putting in the hard work with training and traveling for races. So there has not been as much of an adjustment there. Better quality ships and I have to thank the amazing team at Valkyrie AGR Sport. They have been amazing to work with. I think the only difference there is the amount of support I now receive as a racer.”

”I agree with Paul. The point of the Junior series is to see if you can handle it, both on and off the track. So no, I wouldn’t call it a big change, closer to going from Elementary to High school. Same things, just slightly more, slightly harder, with bigger fallout if you fumble.” Between boats to cars and rally to circuits, her career has had more significant changes, perhaps coloring her view a little. She’d raced on the world stage before even Junior Formula Antigravity so she had an idea of the pressure and the publicity? She thrived in it.

”Care to share with the class?” She leaned forward to look at Han when she addressed the Korean woman about her last sentence.

Han offered a soft but unyielding smile back across the table, tilting her head ever so slightly. ”Industry secrets, of course~,” she began with a hint of mischief in her voice, almost certainly for the cameras and spectators' benefit. ”...but I think it's fair to speculate that some driving styles are not sustainable on more complex tracks. Consistency of results is important.”

Nora once more glanced offstage, then winced. “Honestly, the competition’s the biggest thing for me. It’s tighter than where I’ve been racing the past couple years and there’re more regs, but I don’t have to watch for knives in dark alleys either. That’s a ripper change right there.”

“There are many things I’m still getting used to.” Kais said before he even thought about it. In the corner of his eye, he saw the faintest smile appear on Omar’s face. Maybe his comment wasn’t just directed at the interviewer. “But adapting and keeping up is part of the game as well. Frustrating as it can be sometimes, racing with Al-Saqr keeps me sharp.”

“Yahan Uwais, BBC Sport. Great racing today, but I am sure you have your personal picks coming up in the season. Which race would you say you are each looking forward to the most?”

“Wadi Rum.” Kais answered without hesitation. “Beautiful track. Pure flying. Just strap in and go hard.” A small, almost shy smile of childlike joy appeared on his face. It was possibly the one and only track that could get you closest to escape velocity. Well, aside from… “That said,” He continued. “I’m so glad Layla’s not here, you wouldn’t hear the end of it.” He looked at the reporter who seemed to smile knowingly herself. “Luna, eh?”

Amy piped up. “You know me. Silverstone. Home race. Nothing beats it, and we’ve been going there technically since 1950, so you know, it’s got some history!” Amy chirped up, looking to Bea, guessing she’d have a similar answer.

”Wouldn’t have expected to say this two days ago, but I am looking forward to Italy and Turkey.” Both circuits named were very similar to Cape Town in what kind of ship they demanded. ”And Istanbul Park was where I scored my first win in JFA, so it has that going for it too. That aside, Silverstone is home of course, and Belgium and Canada are both some of my favorite circuits.”

Paul smiled and looked a little embarrassed. He looked down and waited for some of the others to share before he gave his answer.

Paul: “I am looking forward to the Monaco Grand Prix. As you know my father, Audrick Mulder raced in Formula One before switching to Formula AG. Monaco was always his favorite track. I am looking forward to racing in his footsteps.”

Hyeon-Ae sat silent, leaned back ever so slightly and content to let everyone else talk. Did she not have favorites? Or did she just not want to hog the spotlight too much?

”With the way your ship handles, I’d be looking forward to Monaco too.” Bea poked Paul a little, vividly imagining herself chasing the control stick across her entire cockpit to keep the mercurial Carrera Condor ship pointing in the right direction around the Principality. Although she would normally consider that a fun day out, it wasn’t very compatible with trying to achieve results.

Paul laughed as he heard Bea’s reply. He chuckled and winked at Bea. He wanted to be a smart ass and ask her if she was jealous but he knew that would invite trouble. He shrugged because that was one area where Valkyrie ships reigned supreme.

Nora also stayed quiet. Some of the tracks she was interested in had been mentioned, and others she would leave as a surprise. And besides, she hadn’t run any of them herself.

“Kiara Fisher, Polynesia Live. This year is shaping up to have one of the most interesting sets of rookies on the grid. You all seem to be quite diverse in your origins, do you think that’s what gives you the edge you’re individually looking for?”

Nora looked over to the Polynesia Live reporter and responded with a mischievous smile. “I like to think the last few years in the Interior made me wise up to a lot of tricks, and gave me a few of my own on top.”

Paul looked down the line at his fellow racers. He pondered the question. That question held a double edged barb for Paul. He couldn’t discuss where he came from without someone bringing up the fact that he was a racing legacy.

Paul: “Well I think the fact we come from so many different backgrounds is great for the sport. It helps connect Formula AG to fans from all around the world. Which helps act as a unifying force for our world. When I think about where I come from, I don’t see a racing edge. I feel a connection to the past and my father. That is what I get from thinking about my origins.”

“...” Kais fell quiet. This was exactly the question he was dreading. And he wouldn’t answer. He glanced briefly at Omar, then averted his gaze. No. Not now. Not ever. Not again.

Unwittingly stepping in to save Kais from possibly having to answer, Hyeon-Ae leaned forward again and offered another modest smile. ”It takes undeniable talent to reach this level of competition, but even talent and history is not enough. What truly separates the weak from the strong is hard work, practice, and determination. A true racing prodigy is made with time invested.” Content with her non-answer, she sat back again.

”Where you raced before has an effect on your driving style and can be an indicator of expected performance if you previously raced in comparable categories, yes, but beyond that, the past is irrelevant on the track. What you did before, where you come from, it doesn’t matter.” She shook her head, ”Talent isn’t inherited, skills are gained through work and no one controls luck.” Any combination of at least two was needed for success, a slight variation of the ‘airspeed-altitude-luck’ trinity pilots knew ever since the Wright brothers took to the air.
”Off the track, that’s another question entirely.”

Aurora looked around the room, lots of hands raised, as she picked out one last one.
“Alright, over there, last question for the pilots.”

“Thank you, Aurora. Hans Bakker, RTL. How are you all feeling about your performances for the first two races? Do you think your teams are impressed with you, and you have given a fair representation of what you are capable of? That you are all worthy of your seat? Or do you think there is more to see?”

The room had a quiet to it, before the first response came back. It was a brutal, horrid question to ask. Journalists were pricks at the best of times, and that was going to get under some people’s skins. Germans and interviews, what a combo.

Paul did his best not to growl at the reporter but he knew the question or something similar was coming. Unlike his competitors, Paul was asked this question frequently. He had also been asked if he felt he was living up to his father’s legacy. He had been accused of “buying” his seat or that he got it from nepotism based on who his father had been. While Paul loved the idea of measuring up to his father’s success, he hated when the comparisons to his father somehow tried to tarnish or belittled his father’s accomplishments. As if his actions somehow reflect poorly on his father’s memory. The fact that they are talking about his dead father and made assumptions about him and their relationship. The questions always felt invasive and left him feeling angry. He felt they were poking at something that was private but because of who his father was...the reporters felt entitled to pry into his relationship with his father, nor did they care as long as they got their sound bite. He met the reporter with a serious look. His previous playful and relaxed air was gone.

Paul: “I feel good about my performance so far. I hope to continue to build on that momentum. My team is not there for me to impress. Each member of my team has their job to do and I have mine. I might be in the driver’s seat but my performance on the track is a team effort. I hope to live up to their aspirations and perform well. I think I have proven I have skill especially with this race here in Cape Town. I have learned a great deal since I came to Valkyrie AGR. I believe like any of us that my skills will grow with experience. I only expect to get better. I earned my seat through hard work and dedication. I work hard to show my appreciation for my seat. I know that I still have areas to grow in. Am I worthy of my seat? Well I don’t believe Valkyrie AGR would have signed me if I wasn’t. I think you will see more from all of us rookies as the season continues.”

Paul left unsaid the obvious facts that all racers had to have confidence, believe in themselves, and the skill to compete at this level. The question was absurd because only a handful of athletes in the world had what it took to compete at this level.

Kais took a hard look at the person asking the question. ‘Worthy’ he said… What a dirty, dirty question. If only he knew the journey he had gone through to become a racer. All of them, presumably. Only to… Kais glanced down, his hands steady on the table. Skilled? Definitely. Room for growth? Always. But ‘worthy’? That was… something else. One last glance at Omar said enough. Then he looked at Paul, whose demeanor had shifted to one Kais was very familiar with. Kais smiled sympathetically, its mournful edge unmistakable. Then he spoke. “I think Paul said it all. Let’s wrap it up.”

Bea looked across her fellow pilots before circling back to Hans. ”Well that question went down about as well as a certain overtake…” Poke fun at those who annoy you, they’ll learn eventually.

Nora laughed briefly at Beas comment, but otherwise took one look at the emotional tone of the room and decided it might be best if she didn’t comment.

Hyeon-Ae, ever the politician, followed Nora’s example with a soft snicker.

Following the end of the questions, Aurora interrupted the last, and knew it was time to end it here.
“Okay, thank you all for your questions everyone. That just about wraps us up. Thank you Amy, Bea, Nora, Han, Kais and Paul for your time!” Aurora beamed, as the journalists tried to still keep their hands raised, wanting a cheeky response, but not getting one. With that, the pilots were ushered out, and back towards the green room, where likely their teams were waiting for them.

They were like children, given how many staff were likely responsible for each pilot’s welfare, let alone just engineering. Had their own minders, fixers, people to look after it all, then their own agents, and people working their public angle. But, before they came back to that, the green room at least gave Amy a chance to look over, take the others in.

“Not bad. We didn’t kill each other.” She commented with a certain dryness, like she was just glad to get that over and done with.

“Paul’s not getting a lift with me home though. He sleeps okay with his engineers in tow, apparently.” She giggled, knowing that while Valkyrie had their way of doing things, so did the others. She didn’t take it too personally, as she grabbed her refillable bottle of water and sipped away, looking at her Omega, checking the time, and her next appointment.

“Right. I’m sure you’re all busy with your new found fame. See you all in Tokyo. There’s an Izakaya place that really rocks, and I can recommend it. I’ll send it in the group chat.” Amy added, all of them looking more or less confused, no doubt.
“There is a group chat you know? Thought it may be about time to add you. Anyway. Ciao.” She chuckled, leaving the room on that note, pinging everyone an invite to it.

Like the driver WhatsApp groups of old, maybe it was some affirmation that Amy knew they weren’t getting dumped here. Perhaps almost a point of confidence. Maybe she wasn’t liked, but she knew how the politics worked here, and well, she knew her point was made.

Paul rolled his eyes at Amy’s comment. Like he wanted to hitch a ride with her to give her something to hold over his head. Paul didn’t feel the need to feed Amy’s ego. He just shook his head and let it go. He could admit that Amy Sterling was a talented racer but she was abrasive as hell.

Great. More socials. Kais thought to himself. He turned to the rest of the group a final time and nodded. “See you all in Tokyo, then.” He said, and gave Bea a firm pat on the arm as he made his way to the exit. It was high time for a nap…

”Ask Layla to give you the cliffnotes.” Bea would probably end up doing that for Ava anyway, another member of the grid that liked her ‘me time’. ”See you all in two weeks.” She gave the group a collective wave, too surprised by Kais’ gesture to return it in time.

Hyeon-Ae smiled politely, if a little distantly now that the main event was over. Her eyes were scanning the moving crowd a bit away rather than fully watching the people beside her. ”I should return to work. Feel free to reach me if you desire it. Have a pleasant evening, everyone.” she eventually offered noncommittally with an elegant bow of her head and drifted towards her rapidly approaching aide. Sanbeng handed her a phone and ushered her away further.

“I’d be in rare form t’knock back a get together, I’ll rock up.” Nora commented, and accepted the invitation on her phone. Amy was her main competition besides Harrison, and while the Aussie woman was serious about not missing parties, she was just as serious about finding any edge she could. Long as they were on the level anyways. “I’ll see all of you at the next Big Smoke, then.” She said, turning to leave without waiting for further responses.

Boreal Aura

Astrid Elin Thorsdottir

The cameras of Delta Hyper followed Astrid, as she walked through. She was chatting to engineers, as the scene, with barely a cut in audio shifted to the sofa. Frustration, mostly, given how the race, and the last had gone. Nordic Call were not a backmarker team, they were mid-table, and they were not performing well. There was a lot of chat between Astrid and the Team Principal, Erin Becker, Danish-German no-nonsense, no bullshit former pilot that now led this fearsome bunch of Nordic racers into the top. A lot of staring at data. And thinking where to go next. The scene cut back to Astrid, on the sofa, hat on her lap, her look candid, yet pointed at camera.

"So, I guess two weekends in a row of a lack of results. We're almost an afterthought to you at home, I suppose." Astrid stated, clear for the record, knowing full well.

"And do you think that's going to change in Tokyo?" Aurora asked, the dry Scandinavian pilot not taking too long to ponder on that.

"Yeah, obviously. We were on two circuits that didn't fit us. Doesn't take a genius to realise that."

The scene shifted, looking at the Nordic Call team, looking through the craft, the aurora-beaming craft a unique one, and carrying their sponsor's title alright. The camera came back to Astrid once again, as the actual Aurora asked away.

"How do you think Jamie is doing at Silver Apex? Think there's any regrets going on there, given the pressure of what he is competing against?"

"He knew what he signed up for. Big lights. I don't blame him. But he left a good thing." Astrid mused, sighing, unfolding her legs.

"Besides, he's missing the fun." Astrid smirked in her addition.

Soundtrack: Fred Again... & Swedish House Mafia- Turn On The Lights

The cut was a clean one, to a nightclub, pounding lights, absolutely the vibe, as Astrid walked up top in VIP, looking in, the sound of some old vintage dub-plates from Fred Again blasting out. And a smirk forming on her face, wearing a tight white shirt and shorts, her blonde hair left to run as she watched on at the scene below. A night out, and one that didn't go undocumented. Given how sterile most AG teams were, it seemed refreshing that Astrid barely seemed to care. Or invite others.

"You're the party girl of the grid. Do you think that ruins your focus?" Aurora asked, Astrid chuckling with a shrug.

"Well....you have to have fun sometimes! But I have a side hustle of organically crafted gin that absorbs about ten kilos of carbon for every bottle made. So sometimes that means business. And going out and into that world, and the party. Keeps it real."

And that was the scene cut, inside a lab-like environment with puffins flying outside the large window of the distillery in the Faroes, not exactly a place you'd typically make gin, yet one that still had its own flair to it. Astrid was like if you blended Kimi Raikkonen with a botanist, and the masses of algal bloom, as well as the large tanks were not something she didn't understand. Not like a celebrity endorsement, no, this gin was actually of her creation.

"You seem to talk from a place of care, yet you seem to indulge perhaps a lot in many, many different things. Do you think you are spread a little thin?"

"Not at all, Aurora. I'm just enjoying it while I can. Racing is one part of a pilot's career, and so long as I get results, it matters. And we are very proud of our CSR at Nordic Call, thank you very much. Maybe a bit more than Harrison, we don't shout about it. Like I proved last season, I know what I'm doing, some places just don't suit us. Leave me alone when I'm on grid, when I have a point to prove. Maybe now a bit more." In a cold, character, she cracked, giving an absolute Cheshire smile as the music faded gently in an echoing trance.

South Africa Analysis- The Principals

The cut to an empty sofa was then filled with Peter Thatcher's presence once again, the smartly dressed, clean looking, white-shirted principal looking around, sipping his water down, looking to Aurora. She hadn't even asked the question, but he was ahead.

"Right. South Africa. Tough race for us, strategy wise, Harry, our Strategist was out there trying to pull strings, but when Southern Cross are just that fast, it's hard to pull back. Yet Amy is that good, isn't she? So, I suppose, we learned something from it, and well, we have an opportunity to really maximise our gains in Tokyo. You want to hear something from me controversial? F*ck off. We're Silver Apex. It'll take a lot more than that to take us on, and our pilots showed today they've got grit. Like I said, so many teams are now reacting, not proactive in getting in front. And while I know they have a lot up their sleeves, what Amy did to get P1, and how Jamie fought into P4 shows we're still capable, even on a circuit without speed. I will say, Nora Kelly is raising eyebrows, she is showing some incredible pace. And Beatrix Ward? She wasn't bad either. But that top level is brutal, and her and Kais both learned that today. Fighting for position is tough."

Peter's commentary was brutal yet had a comic edge to it, almost like Amy's, but then again, he was a master shit-stirrer, and well, he knew how to shut up the press. He knew his team, he knew his crew, and nobody would really say otherwise. Ego, sure thing, but you were allowed one when you won title after title.

Owen Keating came back with a similar viewpoint, the Southern Cross principal in a Koru-backed navy blue and yellow shirt, the colours of the Southern Cross backers, as well as the various sponsors across his sleeves, more candid, the balding Aussie to the point in a way perhaps contrasting Peter.

"Well, Peter's got his points, but we made him sweat. Good race overall, but shame not to get more. We need it, given you all know how hard we work- we're underdogs, and we live, breathe this and passion's what will win us it eventually. And, Nora is bloody fast. She's proving that the talent pool we're working with is as competitive as you can imagine, and we do look in some unorthodox places. Perhaps beyond the glitz and glamour that Silver Apex go for, we have to try something else. And on our budget, to keep up with them, I won't say much but it proves just how blardy hard we work and we will be keeping them honest. We want to be feared. We're making them look back a lot more now!"

Léon Alonso, Carrera's principal, had a more astute look.
"What was it my grandfather said? All the time, you have to leave the space. And I don't think Jamie did, nor Kais. They shut the door. Racing like that, it's not going to work well for us. We had an opportunity to do better. And we did not. That falls to me to answer, but I cannot say the same for other pilots putting Beatrix into danger. She has proven just how talented she can be. And we back her, and she will come back, fighting more than before. As for the others....well, Ava proved why she is so talented. She took advantage of the chaos, and made it pay. We have a craft that can compete now. I imagine the other teams are looking our way, but our hard work by our engineers, and the modifications we've made have certainly given us an opportunity to get some points. As for other pilots.....well, Nora Kelly has blown us all away, nobody saw her coming. The team principals may give a different answer, but we are all impressed. Perhaps there is another racer in La Coruna that I could find who has her pace, no? Nah, I am just kidding, but I suppose perhaps it shows there are other ways into Formula AG, yes?"

Al-Saqr's Omar had joined in too, cup of coffee in hand, shrugging at the question.
"Well, Bea did not help herself. Perhaps a lack of experience at the top, made her forget just how much they fight? I won't go into it, or else you'll make a headline. But Kais is aggressive, but not rash. There is no room for second guessing. And he did not second guess, when he had no option to do so. We will be back in Tokyo, and I am sure that other teams realise the pace is there, even if certain events happened that did not allow us to show what we are capable of. Layla may not have started well, but she backed herself and made a solid points finish, all things considered. Amy is of course, a freak of nature, but even she is not unstoppable. She may not have cracks, but we will make some in time!"

Jinwoo shrugged, but looking away from his tablet. He was a lot less detailed in his response, but the Korean didn't really need much to add.
"And all that chaos got us nowhere. Sometimes, opportunity can happen, but you need the right tool. We will do better in Tokyo. Cassie's ship will be reviewed, fixed, and ready for the next race, and well, we stand to do better on a track that relies less on pace, more on strategy. We are patient. We can do better."

Last, but not least, a space for Alexander Knight to speak his piece. This was analysis, not exactly an interview- more to the point, reflection on the race from his point of view, and Aurora was picking him up on that.

"We heard from the other Principals about the race in Cape Town. What's your analysis, as a former racer? Who's one to watch, and who caught your eye in that race, outside of your two pilots?"

Christchurch, New Zealand
Southern Cross HQ

Soundtrack: Flume- Say Nothing

Immersed on a neutrally linked pushbike was a weird thing to be, but suddenly being surrounded by a lush jungle landscape, noise and all, made it easy to push, on tarmac that felt real, even if absolutely none of it was, and you could just tell, just about beyond it. Like something from Ray Bradbury's "The Veldt", AR and neural tech had come so far now that you could step in, but look for the tiniest of markers, and you could remind yourself this wasn't real. People HAD gotten stuck inside, and that had very, very quickly gotten some fixes. In a world where tech moved so fast, regulating and policing it came just as quickly, making sure that you always had a marker in the sky to quickly check your perspective meant you had a little control. And of course, a way out if you thought it.

The cycling however, was all real, the bike under him reacting exactly like a real bike should. Cardio, and it hurt, as part of a usual test post-race, after getting home to New Zealand. Nora of course, had joined in on hers and was in Harrison's network, and the session was nearly done, as Harrison exhaled hard, bodysuit doing well to kill the sweat, but he was feeling bonked right there. Pulling the port, the AR course and illusion disappeared and the grey exterior that surrounded the gym setting came back in, Nora finishing up. Techs came over, seeing they were done, and the usual diagnostics, VO2 max, heart rate, augment impacts, and so on, were all there to see. No wires were normally required, but for the amount of data that Harrison and Nora were logging, it was nice to have a better track than not.

With the completion of that, Harrison looked across to Nora, the curly-haired, tanned Aussie contrasting against Nora's paler complexion as they walked out of the Southern Cross gym.

"Hey, mind if I grab you a sec?" Harrison asked, as they headed out of the room, knowing it had been on his mind for a while, and he had found his gym bag, containing some inhalers for the augments and implants in this particular setting, and something else he wanted to show Nora.
"Got something I thought I'd show you." Harrison added, digging his hand inside of the drawstring, pulling it out.

With it, Harrison opened his hand, revealing a small pendant. A Pounamu stone, a piece of solid green jade, a jewel prized by the Maori, and normally, beyond a value that most Maori would ever consider. But this one had a particular sentimental value, one Harrison wasn't sure if to show her at all, if it wasn't for the fact he trusted her. After the interviews, conversations, everything, he seemed to get a feel that she wasn't here to stake him out. A rebel in her own way, one he distrusted given her Interior Circuit connections, but for a moment, he wanted to make it clear this was something he promised his last team-mate, now retired and enjoying life in the Chatham Islands.

"I thought I'd give this to you. Tane Lo'fana, the pilot who retired last year left it with me. Said it meant the world to him, but it was more tied to his Waka, his raft, than anything at all. And you're piloting it, so given you look like you're here to stay, I thought I'd pass it on. As a charm. The team don't know that of course, given he retired. But, between us, I thought it would be the right thing to do. Your craft's got a lot of Koru on it, the swirly design. So it pairs to it. I know we're not Kiwis, but....I wonder if we need something else to keep us going faster." Harrison sincerely commented, presenting it in his weathered palm, knowing this might be a bit strange to her. He awaited her response, before brushing his face with his hands, wiping off the sweat, knowing Nora was probably a bit the same, and maybe a little confused why now.

"Look. For what it's worth, I know they look at us and compare us on everything, even if they do tell us to be a team. But, we're going to need everything if we want to beat Amy, and....much as I hate to say it, we may need to work out how, together. And, being honest...Amy hasn't been like this in a while. In that interview, she looked riled up because of you. Like you got under her skin, so many people are talking about you, which means we're two on one with her. She expected you to be good for one race. I want to win that title as much as you do. But, we need to stop her winning it too, whether that's you or me, we need to make sure we knock her off her perch. You with me on that one?" Harrison asked, knowing this was going to be hard.

She was competing with him. But, in that moment, Harrison almost felt like there was something to be done here. Even if perhaps he hadn't known just how far her underworld connection linked into her, doing something more than just pretending everything was fine would need to get them through this.

Ji Motors Facility, Somewhere in Songdo, Incheon, Seoul, Korean Republic
Zygon HQ

Cassie seemed to be fuming, coming out of the meeting she had in the glass-fronted admin building, and it was perhaps in passing that Han was there, with her entourage, Cassie waving her over, the polo-shirt wearing Scottish-Portuguese racer with a mighty scowl on her face.

"Han, whatever you're doing, please explain to the Engineering team that two failures in a row in a weekend isn't good enough. We can't compete like that. Shit happens, but whatever we're doing, maybe they understand your point of view better than mine, they don't seem to care at the moment. Earworm or not....that wasn't acceptable given we could kick the root cause out at the time. I bloody knew it, but nobody apparently takes on my opinion." Cassie sighed with her pent-out frustration just showing that she was out of options here for anyone to even ask, as she looked around, perhaps a little frustrated with the day so far. It was a long one, given perhaps she was venting onto Han, and well, she had to be a bit more measured. But she had time to at least re-evaluate how she had said it.

"I know the team has its way of doing things. But this collective way of committees isn't going to work. You can't win by bloody spreadsheets or sit down meetings, when we know what needs to be done...someone needs to do something. I don't think they get it. Sorry. I just don't appreciate not being listened to when I know my ship alright." Cassie commented, knowing this was a smear more at some other engineers, maybe Jinwoo, but right now, Han was the only person that Cassie could even tell without causing some ruckus. And she'd probably tell. Good. Cassie knew they'd listen to her at least.

Even in Valkyrie, she'd been a hothead, but well, she knew her craft well, and putting engineers in their place was sort of her business, given she was keen on the analytics, and was actually the pilot in command. She knew what it was doing, data be dammed. And she did not need someone to tell her otherwise. Sometimes, it was a point of contention- and right now, Cassie, despite her talent and knowing her craft, was perhaps not rubbing along nice with the management at Zygon. But who could be really surprised?

El Rancho del Sud, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Carrera Condor HQ

The analytics over the crash, and the wrecked chassis, alongside Bea's new one sat in the factory floor, the wreck a nasty one, and nothing really could be salvaged from the chassis at all, bar a few electrical components and a few other elements. But hey, 100% circular recycling ships meant every single component, metal, plastic, glass, rare earth mineral, nanotube, got put back into use again. From the glass window looking in above the floor, outside of the sealed area, Ava knew Bea was probably hurting, looking at what it was, or at the very least, morbidly curious.

"Sorry I never got to chat to you much after the race. I can't believe they dropped that interview on you so fast. You need to say no, Bea. Even if your head is fine. They'll get a feel for it." Ava was motherly, perhaps a bit much, as she sighed, drinking down coffee, very, very milky, but she didn't operate without it.

"You are definitely better at that than me though. But if you don't mind me asking....how exactly did you work out Amy was going to get Silver Apex to help us? Do you wonder why they did? I mean, I guess there must be some technical help, but our craft now goes faster than theirs on the speedtraps when we were in South Africa, because we have a speed-focussed craft. I'm just saying, they know we may not take the title, but do you think they saw an opportunity to undercut others?" Ava asked a question, perhaps a rather open one, as she leaned against the glass.

"I just wonder what she's doing, that's all. I am taught to look for patterns, so I wonder if she sees a chance to screw other people over. And if she's offering that to anyone else now. I think she was sincere with you. But it just raised my pulses. And after your crash too. Not that anything in the telemetry says it caused it. We just had a rockship, that's all." Ava mused, knowing Bea and Amy were certainly friends, but well, the interview, and her general demeanour seemed to reflect that things were changing, rapidly. Perhaps almost like a mentor, she had that to say.

"Aside from that, there is an Asado tonight with the team. You coming? I can't remember if I ever went to a decent steak place in London, but muy bien, the real stuff, here you cannot beat it. Leon is cooking, too." Ava changed the topic like a full 90 degree bank, knowing food always got things going. And well, she didn't have much to add. Not too much to run with.

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Arabic Union
Al-Saqr HQ

Layla pulled herself out of the simulator, the feeling almost as close to reality as it could be. Of course, it it wasn't for that teeny, tiny little interface that reminded her this was fake, like Harrison's cycle through a lush jungle on a thin tarmac trail. You didn't want to do a Veldt on yourself, after all.
"Argh, damn turn through Shibuya just keeps getting me. Kais, you got any read on this? The ship is fucking horrible there. I'm screwing with setup, but if you can get me that corner right, I will get you back on the straights and the MAG section in Sector 2." Her honest tone cut through, as if she was as tall and as big as him.

"I mean, what are we doing? Ship's hardly got any stability. And we are skating like thugs on ice, the ELS sections here are nasty. That upgrade though hits something different everywhere else, ship's stupid fast out of corners now. You feeling comfortable about it? About you know....the fact this is a little more experimental?" Layla asked, knowing full well this was a risky one to take on. But, she was all game if Kais was. She sighed, knowing Kais was dry as ever. But, they were team-mates. They had a job to get on with.

"I still can't believe Jamie got away with nothing. But let's not do anything rash. If we keep him behind, I think we're made here. And we may have the craft for it this time. Want to run the race sim again?"

Somewhere in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
Fitzroy Orbital AG Racing

The industrial unit that made up the factory must have had about a fifth of the staff of Silver Apex, and whilst still up to most of the standards, from clean rooms to spotlessly clean workbenches, like you'd expect any Formula AG team had, it felt significantly advanced, yet well, that wasn't much on others. It was probably about five to eight years out of date, perhaps the last time that Maxwell Fitzroy, billionaire, almost trillionaire now, had put money into this place.

He had tried shoving money into this place back then. He hadn't won, and well, ever since, it was a moving billboard, even though he was repeatedly told that waiting would have been the best option after a little investment. That of course, was not how motor racing worked- you could shove money into it but poor hiring, poor management decisions, and execs between him and the team, constant changing had then led to just a general disdain for running the team. The mood had gone downhill, false promises, talent from elsewhere turning up, drying up, and running away. Your classic dumpster fire of a project, that sometimes spat something okay out, and then any good left. A culture that was just depressing, but you couldn't fault anyone on the ground for that. They did their bits, but they weren't going to stand a chance against top level teams with equipment that wasn't up to scratch.

Henry was just about the only reason he hadn't gotten rid of it. And it was going to be there, so long as it carried on. He knew dad cared, but....maybe he just preferred him to enjoy his playboy lifestyle elsewhere? And just keep the name in the press? It felt like he knew, but still, it was the way of the world. To some at least.

But when money frankly printed itself from asteroid mining and launches, you didn't need much more than than that billboard. The two engineers, by the large hologram looked through, looking across to each other.

"Designs are looking poor for the next run. What are we even prioritising?"

"Well, from my time back at Silver Apex, and what they're doing, this aspect here's next for aero. So, looking at this.....ah reet, hang on, getting a ring." It was a murmur in the background for Henry Fitzroy, the trust fund child wondering what the hell they were even bothering for. This year's ship was a dud.

The murmuring changed, as one of the engineers came past, patting Henry on the shoulder.

"Henry. You there mate?" His voice was of perhaps some concern, glass tablet in hand, as he looked a little deep in thought.

"Yeah. All here. What you saying, Cavan?" Henry replied as he snapped out of looking at his analytics, as Cavan, the engineer holding the phone sighed, not knowing how to put this. Apart from the only way he could. Directly.

"Is your dad selling up? Because I just got a phone call telling me John just got put on gardening leave and redundancy, and they've got an investment bank sniffing around our data room. The hell is going on?"

"Fuck. No, he'd have told me first...."

"Well, look at this. Whatever he's doing, he just put the feelers out." Cavan put it across his desk.

Fitzroy was actually selling, or at the least, looking to give away some portion of it. Maxwell hadn't even told Henry about this, and the sheer look of a total what the fuck came across him, as he scrolled through and replied.

"What's he doing? Wanting a stake to give away to someone?"

"Or, he wants out. So that means we might be sitting here waiting for change this season, and that means we're gonna be stuffed. There is always next season. They might throw some money our way, but if that happens, it is gonna take time. I know you keep saying your dad's going to come by next week but he needs to understand this isn't working, we don't get any more resources and we are going to be in double digits for delta. And we are trying bloody hard here. You know that. Sandra found a way for us to keep up with stability and fix that thing, but it won't do enough to put us far up." Cavan didn't give a single fuck. The Yorkshireman spoke what he did, said what he thought, and probably repeated it for good measure. Now in particular, given Henry was here somewhat holding the team's attention together, and in lieu of a Team Principal that wasn't busy with his own marketing work, was the best way to tell the owner to hurry the hell up.

"You sure about that tone?" Henry replied, as Cavan shrugged, looking over at a couple of engineers. Piping up in front of Henry was of course, a pretty bonkers way to go, but the Chief Designer armed with that information knew that nobody was going anywhere, not while conversations were going on. And jobs were on the line.

"Honestly Henry? We're trying to pull off a miracle here. Trying to be honest with you that it's not easy, I won't sugar coat it but we can't do any more than what we can, ship's just not going to go any further on this design. So I'd be thankful if you get on the burner and find out, the lads here are gonna be worried to bits, jobs might be on the line and that's where we stop kissing arse. Not often I say it, mate, but morale 'round here is shite. And you said you'd be by and listen to us, you'd do us well because it's all hands on deck for us as a team, and starting again means we go further back. I know you understand I'd never cut you any crap if it got you positions. We can do it, but get us an answer." Cavan replied, Henry panicked, and thrown back. Because Cavan was normally passive, but right now, he knew that if Henry wanted answers, he had none to make up. And the Yorkshireman, in classic Yorks fashion, didn't really sugar coat it, in a way that put it out there.

"I did, I did...just....crap. Let me figure out. Stay here, alright?" Henry said, as Cavan looked to the other engineers, the Fitzroy racer leaving the warehouse with a run, phone to ear.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago


After the Cape Town Race

Team Principals Interview

Alexander attended the interview of the team principals after the race. He was wearing what he typically wore when he was in the paddock. He had a button down team shirt in black with the team and logo sponsors on it. He was wearing black slacks and work boots. Alexander’s work had a more hands on role than the other team principals. He was known to jump in and lend the engineers and mechanics a hand if they needed it. His calloused hands reflected his hard work ethic and methods. He hated suits and rarely wore them. Ties always made him feel like he was being choked. He paid attention to what the other team principals had to say. He reviewed their interviews and what media he could find about them. He found Peter Thatcher to be arrogant and abrasive but he had earned that attitude with the record his team had. Valkyrie was not in a place to challenge Apex, yet. If Alexander did his work well, the latter part of the season would be exciting and very different. Alexander was sipping on a bottle of water. It was too hot in Africa for the coffee he would have preferred.

Aurora: "We heard from the other Principals about the race in Cape Town. What's your analysis, as a former racer? Who's one to watch, and who caught your eye in that race, outside of your two pilots?"

Alexander smiled at Aurora and looked thoughtful. He paused and really gave his answer some thought.

Alexander: “Silver Apex is at the front of the pack and you have to respect his team’s record. This is my analysis of what caused the accident today on the track. Kais was doing his job. He was challenging Hart and was in position to overtake him. Bea was fighting for the same opportunity. Hart was feeling the pressure. Kais was in a better position to overtake. Hart’s sloppy maneuver to shut Kais down caused him to overcorrect steering dangerously close to Bea’s craft. Bea’s quick reaction saved her ship from plowing headlong into Hart’s at over 400kph. Unfortunately her reaction to prevent the collision had her veering into Kais’ lane, while Kais’ quick reaction managed to salvage his ship but took damage. It was a host of cause and effect and reactions that contributed to the crash. But it was the sloppy maneuver by Hart that put it all into action. Kais and Bea are excellent drivers and deserve their seats. My prediction is that we will be seeing them in the top 10 frequently along with Nora and Hyeon-Ae.”

Alexander continued with a smile. “Valkyrie's strategy for this race was simple. We utilized our advantages to gain as many points as possible. Paul and Dorian did an excellent job today of executing that strategy skillfully. Valkyrie’s ships are simply not as fast as Silver Apex and Southern Cross. Strategy and skill is how our pilots got the results they needed today. Valkyrie AGR Sport is not in a position to challenge Southern Cross and Silver Apex just yet. But we will.”

Valkyrie AGR Headquarters

The Valkyrie AGR Team flew home the day after the race. That gave everyone a little time to enjoy Cape Town and pack up all the gear. Alexander was pleased with the team performance in Cape Town. Dorian and Paul both performed well under very trying odds. Alexander had spoken with a few of the larger team sponsors and they seemed happy. Enigma Lux had put out a firm offer. The paperwork for the contract had been sent to Dorian and Paul since they were requesting all three of them. Alexander was waiting for word back from the two pilots on whether they would be pulling the trigger on that sponsorship. A luxury watch brand manufacturer Orion was now interested in an endorsement deal with Valkyrie’s pilots. Orion had reached out for a joint contract with Valkyrie and both pilots. Alexander had sent the contracts to legal for review before they would be sent to Paul’s and Dorian’s agents.

Alexander had met with the board about the new ship designs. The Board of Directors were happier with the results from Cape Town. There were a few on the board that were still pushing for podium finishes and Valkyrie would get there. He explained that the need for a faster ship was why they needed a new design. The current ship was simply not fast enough to stay competitive. The investment cost was going to be heavy. This kind of engineering change usually happened in the pre-season.

Alexander firmly believed in the changes and after seeing the ideas his collective engineers were sitting on. He thought it was worth the investment. Fortunately the Board of Directors decided to back the call. The European Union Space Agency was going to help fund the research and development of the improved cockpit and inertial dampening fields because they could be integrated into space craft. Now the hard part began as they began to haul in the materials and components for the build. They had to build a prototype as they tested each new piece of technology as they custom built it. That was part of why they had the machinery onsite to build just about anything they needed. Alexander was going to lean heavily on the Board of Directors contacts for some of the harder to source materials since they typically were slotted for government use.

Alexander had personally thanked the engineering team for their hard work in getting the ship modifications done before Cape Town. He challenged them to see what they could do to improve the Energy Systems and boost more speed without compromising handling before the race in Tokyo. He turned Dorian and Paul over to their trainers to prepare for Tokyo using the simulator. He let the trainers know to have them work on their skills with energy systems and defensive driving. Alexander had a feeling they would need to sharpen their skills when it came to passing, overtakes, and avoiding debris on the track. Alexander had rewatched the footage from the crash at Cape Town and he could only draw two conclusions. Either Jamie Hart was seeking to eliminate a ship on purpose or his racing style was unpredictable, sloppy, and highly dangerous. None of it left him with a good feeling about his pilots being on the same track as the man. Alexander admitted that he was probably paranoid about it and overthinking it. He would do all he could to help prepare Dorian and Paul to counter those types of moves in case they came their way again.

To round out Alexander’s good news, Katherine had reported that fans were showing more positive responses to both Paul and Dorian after Cape Town. Team Valkyrie Merchandise Gear sales were up after Cape Town. The absolute best good news he received was that his daughter would be leaving the hospital by the end of the week. She wanted to come visit him. He had Mabel make arrangements for her visit about a month from now. He wanted to give her some more time to recover. He knew that while she was medically sound. He wasn’t sure if she was ready to travel just yet. He would find the time to go visit her though. He would carve out the time necessary no matter how busy he was.

The Paddock: A Formula AG Forum

Soundtrack: Savages - Marina and the Diamonds

Welcome to our popular Formula AG Racing Forum! All Formula AG Fans are welcome to discuss all things Formula AG! This channel is moderated and all participants need to adhere to the Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. This online channel is a place to discuss the thing we are all passionate about Formula AG Racing!

Moderators will flag and censor anyone breaking the community guidelines.
A quick reminder of the most important rules:
Be respectful, no attacking other members.
Share relevant content only.
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Respect other members' privacy and guard your own.
DO NOT USE language that is libelous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, offensive, demeaning, derogatory, disparaging, or abusive, or post links to content that contains any of this language.

KingKofiFan: SuperCat might not have done very well but Kofi has style at least. Did you see his new Brain Bucket? #KofiHasSwagger #KingKofi
$erwa: I was disappointed by SuperCat. I expected more from the hometeam.
Jan2084: The atmosphere of Cape Town was amazing to visit for a race.
Bertha: Kofi is not getting the job done is he?

NoraRules: Nora is the racer to watch. She is already pushing Amy Stirling.
BadBrad: I agree Nora is this season’s rookie of the year!
ApexSuperFan: Beginners luck. She still hasn’t managed to podium ahead of Apex.
NoraRules: But she has been on the podium. That is better than Jamie Hart.
Bertha: @NoraRules makes an excellent point.
TeamCondorSF: Ava’s comeback was amazing! Can’t believe @MadBea was knocked out of the race by Hart.
Susie: Jamie Hart clearly Zonked Bea to take her out of the race.
ApexSuperFan: Hart didn’t wreck Bea. She obviously has no skill. Hart was driving aggressively. He was doing his job which was to block them from passing him. It’s called racing.
Abdullah: Kais was affected too and was robbed of points by Apex. #TheFalconWillHunt
Zygonista: Ava only got past Hyeon-Ae because of Paul Mulder.
Bertha: @Zygonista keep telling yourself that.

Roberto: Nordic Call and Fitzroy Orbital have proven to be Chihuahuas so far this season.
KingKofiFan: Did they show up to the race? I think I missed them. *winking emoji*
Merica1: Doesn’t look like Miller Motor Racing will see any podiums this season at this rate. I hope their performance improves. #letdown.
Bertha: *Laughing Emoji* Miller Motor Racing has fans?

Zygonista: Han did well. Proud of her for representing Zygon. Too bad about Cassie though.
BadBrad: Cassie is a Borgbot and Han is a robot! #SCRules
ValkyrieFan56: It was exciting to watch Han and Paul battle it out. He placed better than expected. #GoValkyrie
Zygonista: Paul is the one who let Ava Villarosa slide by them both.
BadBrad: Paul still needs to find his *****! [wording censored by moderators- keep it clean people]
Bertha: TBF They are not the only Borgbots on the racing circuit. Ava and Amy are as well. Can’t argue the point about Hyeon-Ae being a robot though.

Nobody404: Questionable call by the racing stewards. The Culture Vultures are divided on whether Hart’s actions were justified or not. Accident or deliberate sabotage to competitors that were getting too close to Apex’s princess? Is there collusion to help keep Silver Apex at the top? Or just coincidence? Why was Jamie Hart not part of the after race press conference? Why was Amy Stirling the only veteran at the press conference? Inquiring minds would like to know.
SuperfanAGR54: It was suspicious that Jamie Hart was not part of that press conference.
BeaLover: Bea was the one whose ship was destroyed and sent to the hospital to be checked out and she was part of the press conference. So why no Hart?
Abdullah: Kais was part of the press conference too. So why was Hart not there?
ApexSuperFan: Why is everyone so quick to believe that there was some conspiracy here? Amy Stirling is the current reigning champion. She also was the winner of that race. If they were going to pick a veteran driver to interview, why wouldn’t it be her? There are a lot of reasons why Jamie Hart might not have been at that press conference. Sheesh people get a life!
Bertha: [Content removed by moderators.]

Social Media

OfficeDrone#12: Exciting race!
SuperfanAGR54: Dorian’s performance surprised me.
DantheMan: @nitronora podiums again!
Superfan2075: Hart should be fined for that stunt he pulled.
DadBod89: Hart caused that crash.
Hater101: Dorian surprised me.
Papabear34: Paul did better but even he admitted he screwed up by letting Villarosa get past him.
Nana2050: Good team performance! Both racers in the top ten.
GeorgeFly: That crash was scary to watch in person. If the repeller field had not been there, that debris would have hit spectators.
ValkyrieFan56: Go team Valkyrie! #ValkyrieMovesUp
Weedhead81: Trippy man!
SexyM@m@5: Dorian did so good!
Paulmulder4eva: Paul’s was such a sweetie. Being concerned about his fellow racers. He even congratulated Kais on his comeback.
Britball12: Hmmm one mediocre race. I am still waiting to see.
!YouSlow!: That was no accident!
xImFasterthanUx: @!YouSlow! Agreed! Hart deliberately cut into Ward’s lane and almost clipped the front of her ship. That was not an overtake or a block. It was reckless and dangerous!
AGInthusiast: I don’t know whether that was good racing by Hart or dangerous showboating. #conflicted
micheal650004: That’s the Dorian I remember!
llamalover4life: I concede Dorian did better this race.
mustbetoast: Paul could have done better.
ieatAGR: Valkyrie did well at Cape Town considering it is a track that favors speed. I can see Alexander Knight’s hand in their strategy and it worked.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by LadyAmber
Avatar of LadyAmber


Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Video Call: Bea Ward and Paul Mulder

Paul had been thinking about this since the race in Cape Town. Bea was robbed of points in that race by Hart. Paul had watched the video of the race several times. He paid attention to the mistakes he made and the crash. He wanted to know what Bea and Kais might have been able to do to prevent the crash. He also tried to understand what Hart’s motivations were with his move. He still felt that Hart’s actions were not “skilled” and more “thug on the track”. He knew she raced for a competitor but he wanted to reach out as a fellow racer. He wanted her to know he supported as a friendly competitor. Paul was also curious. He had friends and socialized but he had always been Audrick Mulder’s son. He had learned to always hold back and be cautious even as he could blend into any crowd. He never really felt as if he was just one of the guys hanging out. He was always wondering whether they were hanging out with him for their benefit. He finally had an opportunity to meet people who truly didn’t care who he was. They were just as famous if not more famous than he was. He wanted to get to know his fellow rookies better. He had to give Hyeon-Ae credit for planting that seed when she issued her invitation to host them all in Tokyo.He was looking forward to that party. He thought he could start with Bea though since her interest in art gave him a reason to contact her.

Paul had grown up in a world of privilege and wealth. His mother was arguably more famous than his father. His mother Alicia Mulder traveled the world as a photographer. Her work was popular with the fashion industry but she also did nature photography for a variety of conservation groups and charities. His mother used money from his father to start the Mulder Foundation, a charity to honor his father. The Foundation gives out scholarships to help poor children get into sports and support their training. She also had a branch that supported children and the arts. She believed that art was important to the education of children. Her foundation provided art supplies to youth arts programs all over Europe. Paul had seen the charity art auction that Bea had done with Amy Stirling. He wanted to do something nice for his mother now that they were on better terms. He knew her work with the arts community was important to her. He wanted to put his efforts into supporting something important to her. He could throw money at it sure but he felt this would be better. It would raise awareness for the mission of the Mulder Foundation and the work they do and bring in money for them.

Paul’s agent had managed to get Bea's contact information. He waited as the holographic arrow spun in a circle as the ring tone indicated that the connection was trying to be established. Paul was sitting at a desk in the small office area in his apartment at Valkyrie headquarters. The sleek black and chrome desk and chair were typical for Valkyrie AGR. He had hung a colorful photo on the wall behind the desk. It was one of his mother’s photos that she had taken early in her career. It was a landscape of a tropical rainforest bursting with colors. It had been part of a campaign to show the restorative efforts in Brazil. His mother had managed to capture the light as it refracted through raindrops on some of the leaves. It was spectacular and looked edited but it wasn’t. His mother had been patient and skilled and with a touch of luck captured a natural wonder of nature in the photo. The picture always gave him a sense of hope knowing all the damage that had been done to the area. Researchers and conservationists had worked hard to restore the area.

Paul’s hand tapped idly on the desk. Finally the call connected. Paul smiled into the camera. His voice eager and excited.

Paul: “Hello Bea. Thank you for taking my call.”

Bea could hardly call that a weekend to forget. Even if the track suited the Carrera Condor ship well, she still more than kept pace with her teammate and - in large part due to the hit being hard enough to stun her for a bit - she managed to not say anything that would start any fires poor Flávia would have to put out in the wake of the crash. Still, it made her look forward to spending Tuesday evening with her sister and parents even more after spending the Monday after the race debriefing first with Alistair, then with the team department heads, then being required to sit in on the meeting of the principal, the team’s financial department and sponsor representatives just in case they wanted to ask the pilots something. They didn’t. Time well spent. Arriving earlier than initially planned, the family were eight rounds deep in a game of Canasta when the tones of James Paget’s ‘Boundless Adventure’ coming from Bea’s phone heralded an incoming call. ”Skip my turns, I’ll be right back.” She excused herself, answering the call.

”Hi, Paul. How’s your day?” She smiled back as she left the living room and made her way through a modern, lavishly-furnished mansion, dressed in a plain navy blue turtleneck and jeans. ”Pete said you wanted to talk about something but - Hi, Wit,” She greeted someone in a chef’s coat she passed in the hallway, a baritone “Good afternoon, Ms. Ward.” Answering. Those familiar with Bea’s work might have recognized a few of the paintings hanging on the walls before she turned into a guest room and got comfortable in a large office chair, the call switching from her phone to her laptop. ”But he didn’t say what. So, what’s on your mind?” She almost added something about Valkyrie perhaps wanting to join the Carrera Condor equipment donation club, but despite suspicions nobody could prove that.

Paul: “My day started quite some time ago here in Germany. I am sure you know that Physio stops for none of us. I apologize for not giving him any details. I needed to see if you might be interested before I could work out the details. I saw the piece you did for the charity with Amy Stirling. I wanted to know if you might be interested in doing something for the charity my mother started after my father died, The Mulder Foundation.Are you familiar with it?”

”Yeah, it doesn’t. Getting prosthetics was a stroke of accidental genius. No more leg day, no more arm day.” Bea grinned. ”I think I read something last Christmas. Art supplies for children from poor families, was it?” She searched her memory.

”What do you have in mind? Similar deal as with Amy?” She leaned forward, more attentive now, and opened a notepad on her phone to take notes. Probably actually vastly different, but not in any way anyone who wasn’t from Silver Apex or Carrera Condor would know. ”Timetable might be a bit tighter, I’m leaving for Argentina on Saturday. Have a little bit of good will to make up.” She chuckled.

Paul: “Well the Mulder Foundation has two primary missions. The first one is to support children who want to pursue a career as an athlete but lack the resources to do so. The foundation provides equipment and scholarships to support them while they are training. That kind of thing. The other branch supports the arts. Yes they provide art supplies to children’s arts programs so that all children can explore their talents and imagination. It is my mother’s passion and brain child. I wanted to do something to support her foundation as a gift. I thought some kind of charity event to raise money and awareness of the Foundation would be better than me just throwing money at it. Are you familiar with who my mother is?”

”I can’t say I am, sorry.” She shook her head, photography being a completely foreign subject to her.

Paul smiled as he chuckled slightly at himself. It was always a pleasant experience when he ran into someone who was not familiar with his family. It always managed to humble him and remind him the world did not indeed focus on him and him alone.

Paul: “Well my mother is Alicia Mulder. I am sure you have at least probably heard her name around the paddock and circuit. My mother is a photographer. She is very well connected and active in European Art Circles. She is a world renowned photographer though. She does a lot of work in fashion and for various conservation groups.”

Paul waited a minute to give Bea a chance to think that over a little. He gave Bea an inquisitive look.

Paul: “Let me ask you this Bea. What do you want for your art? Where do you see it going?”

”...fashion, conservation groups…” she muttered to herself as she took notes, ”Don’t ask me, this is for your mum. What works best for her, that’s what we’ll do.
Nature is easy enough, we could do what we did with Amy, pick one or more specific projects she’s working on and focus on those environments.
She looked at the ceiling in thought, ”I don’t think I’ve ever done anything with that. Paintings of clothes doesn’t sound like the way to go, maybe we could get some plain clothes, something with a large enough area like shirts or coats and paint something on those. Or we could combine both and do nature images on outdoor clothing, something like that?” She started brainstorming.

Paul smiled as he listened to Bea’s thought process. He let her ramble a bit as she brainstormed her ideas before he shared his idea.

Paul: “I was thinking something a little different but utilizing your talents and star power by adding it to my own. I was thinking you could work on a special art piece that would be reproduced and printed onto a limited number of t-shirts and prints that would be signed. The t-shirt design you come up with would be sold online to the masses and the money made would go to The Mulder Foundation with a 10 percent commission fee coming back to you. The limited signed high quality prints will be auctioned off at a Charity Gala we attend. Half the money from the prints would go back to the Mulder Foundation and the other would go back to you. There would be the additional publicity from the event and media hype that goes with these kinds of things of course. Not to mention the Charity Gala would have you rubbing elbows with the whos who of art in Europe.”

More nodding, more notes. ”Okay, that means digital art. That makes it easier, actually, no other medium has an undo function. Leaves more time to make more, either to have some options or more variety. Good thing either you thought this out or at least one of us is capable of more organized thought.” Being asked about the process behind the things she made was a semi-regular occasion as new people joined the community, and they continually overestimated the method behind her madness.

”What’s our timetable for this? You said this was for a gift, I’m assuming your mum’s birthday?”

Paul:”Well this is obviously going to take some time to organize and publicize. I was thinking we scheduled it for summer break? If you want to do it sooner, it would have to be in between races. Which means tighter schedules for both of us.”

”I can get my parts done between races. I’ll admit I know little about organizing something like this, that is my sister’s wheelhouse, but as far as the gala itself goes I think after the break would work best.” She shared her screen in the call, displaying the week right after the summer break with the Belgian AGP, immediately followed by the German AGP the next week. ”We can do it after the race at Spa, since I intend to stay longer and go straight to Germany from there, and I have something planned for the summer break that will leave me unable to do much for three-ish weeks.” She explained her reasoning.

Paul just laughed a little. He had grown up watching his mother organize these things with her staff. Most people didn’t know it took months to plan, organize, and publicize this kind of event. Some fundraising events took a year to plan and a small army of helpers. Paul could turn that part of the work over to the Foundation’s staff.

Paul: “That timeframe works well for me. The event will take place in Brussels where the Foundation is headquartered.The Foundation’s staff will take care of the logistics and the lead on the Gala and publicity. Feel free to share any ideas, concerns, or thoughts with them though. They do this kind of work all the time. It is how the Foundation maintains its funding. It was started with an endowment but money goes out and money must come in too. That means fundraising. If you are interested, I will have my lawyers and agent begin drawing up the contracts for you. I didn’t want to put them through all that work if you were not interested. So Bea, are you interested?”

”Of course, wouldn’t have been brainstorming otherwise!” She quickly agreed, ”I’ll keep you updated on the designs as they come.”

Paul looked very pleased with himself. He focused on surprising his mother with this project for her birthday.

Paul: “Great I will get the ball rolling then. Thank you for agreeing to work with me on this Bea. Do you have any concerns?”

”Not right now, I’ll let you know if I think of anything.” She shook her head. She’d think about the offered reward later. She always saw racing and the associated merch as a source of income, and it was a good one - worth millions at 20 for crying out loud - so half of the auction proceeds seemed a bit too much for what was being asked of her. She didn’t even monetize any of her other content. Not that she didn’t like money, but it almost felt like stealing.

Paul wondered what was going through Bea’s head. He had grown up around contracts, endorsements, and charity work. His mother’s work included dealing with contracts as well. A lot of celebrities are paid to put their name behind a charity. Many do it to help their public image. Some do it as a passion project, like his mother. He understood that he was engaging Bea in this work and the offer had to give her something in return. He felt the offer was generous but not unheard of. You could speculate what a charity fundraiser like this would bring in but you could never be sure. It was a gamble, a risk but Paul was good at managing this kind of risk. He knew it would be successful. Was he cocky or arrogant, nah just confident.

Paul clapped his hands together with a smile. “Great! Tell Pete to be expecting the contract to come in next week. I will let you get back to what you were doing. It’s a pleasure working with you Bea. I am glad you are okay. I will see you at the next race! I plan to be in front of you this time!”

Paul laughed as he teased Bea. Of course he wanted to be competitive and win just like all of them. He was glad that he could be a friendly competitor. He was a good sportsman. Besides it was no fun for him, if everyone was not giving their best.

”I hope you like our livery, because you’ll be seeing it a lot ahead of you.” She shot back immediately with a smile of her own. ”Loser buys drinks at Han’s shindig?” She offered a friendly bet.

Paul’s smile turned slightly wicked as he enjoyed their verbal sparring. He winked at her before playfully lobbing back. “Well you do make that livery look fantastic! … But it is not my color.” He laughed as she threw the friendly side bet out there. “Well what if it is an open bar? I am happy to take your bet though.” He tilted his head to one side in thought.

”It’s every color.” She deadpanned back. It was an unpopular opinion, but the Carrera Condor livery seemed confused to her even if she understood why it was what it was.

Paul winked at her response with devilment in his eyes. “Exactly!” He paused in thought. “How about the loser has to do a social media post wearing the other team’s shirt announcing they lost the bet.”

She nodded agreement at Paul’s point regarding the livery. ”If it’s an open bar we might have bigger problems than who lost the bet.” She mumbled half to herself, ”You’re on.” Whoever was in charge of the Valkyrie AGR color scheme knew what they were doing, at least it wasn’t something one would have to be ashamed of being seen in.

Paul smiled and chuckled a little as he overheard her comment about the bar. It gave him a mental image of how all the drivers might be when drunk and he couldn’t help but throw his head back and laugh. “Can you imagine if Kais opened up and actually said more than two words and Han let her hair down and did something like dance on the table?” He was laughing so hard he was almost crying. He finally managed to contain his mirth. “Bet accepted. What is your t-shirt size so I can have one ready?”

”Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m surprised enough Han was the first to come up with that. I guess now I know why the German AGP doesn’t take place around Oktoberfest though.” The mental images Paul was suggesting were well and truly cursed, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t at all curious about the other drivers’ hidden depths. ”And if Nora’s hosting in Australia, oh my. I thought I had enough reasons to look forward to that race before.”

Paul's smile was friendly as he snickered. “Well the Germans do like their beer. Our engineering team has their own motto now “Libation Lubrication!” They even got a drink named after them. I assume you are hoping for a beach BBQ in the land down under?” Paul was having the best time teasing Bea. It made him curious to know what some of the other drivers were like behind closed doors. He gave Bea a nod, “I am still waiting on your t-shirt size. Mine is large or 52. I don’t want you to think I would welch on a bet after all.”

”I heard something about that. Sounds like the season’s start wasn’t as tumultuous as some made it out to be if the backbone of the team is getting drunk enough to become part of the folklore.” She laughed, news reports and social media gossip not always kind to the beginnings of Alex Knight’s tenure as team principal, ”UK size ten, prefer short sleeves.” She grabbed a piece of paper from a drawer and made a point of writing ‘Large/52’ on it in big letters so he could see, ”I’ll be magnanimous and allow a choice between team and my merch if you want to avoid the rainbow.”

Paul looked amused. “More like part of local culture. His first day in the office was…” Paul thought about a diplomatic way to state everything Alexander had endured on his first day. Paul had been visiting his mother and had missed the drama. It was all anyone was talking about when he finally made his way into headquarters later that week though. “Alexander’s first day was, shall we say, dramatic.” Paul smiled at her. “If I have to wear your rainbow, you will have to earn it. If I lose the bet, only the rainbow will do. I have my own code of honor, you know.”

”Message received, shutting up now.” She said when she saw Paul’s reaction to the mention of the team drama, quickly turning back to the previous page. ”Your funeral, at least of your fashion sense.” She shrugged, inwardly wondering if there wasn’t some clause in her contract against talking smack about the team’s colors.

Paul was enjoying this but the reminder of his next training session beeped on his watch. He sighed, so much for having a great time. It was time for his afternoon simulator session. He needed to wrap this up.

Paul: “Sadly I have to go. Simulator training up next. I look forward to seeing you in Tokyo. Have a great break Bea. I will start working on the contract.” Paul waved as he disconnected the call.

”I’ll try to get some drafts to you before the weekend. Have a good one. She added a few notes to the shirt size note with a devilish grin, closed the laptop and returned to the family game.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Starlance
Avatar of Starlance


Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Monday March 22nd, 2094, 08:10 UTC (11:10 local)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Carrera Condor HQ
It was mostly the same scene as two weeks prior. Alonso, Suárez, Flores and Villarosa in person, joined by Bea - this time well rested - by remote, the pilots seated next to each other. Only Frederick Ward was missing, his presence not required this time.

”...Unfortunately, the crash has put the brakes on our upgrades.” Suárez finished his segment, ”We have the spare chassis ready, but building the new spare takes priority.” Normally a team could get away with having one shared backup craft between both drivers as nobody expects both drivers of this level binning it in practice or qualifying so bad the ship couldn’t be rebuilt overnight, but the specifics of Bea’s suit meant that each driver had their own spare and although Pridwen was paying for it, nobody could increase the amount of hours in a day.

Even Pridwen didn’t have a working time machine. Yet.

”So, off to the sim for us.” Ava quickly came to her conclusion.
”Surely the entire engineering team isn’t busy building the new ship?” Alonso addressed the head engineer.
”No, but nothing is that simple. Adjusting the flight control system for example is an IT team task, but they must work with aerodynamicists and the neural link specialists to ensure it performs as intended.” Suárez explained. Alonso was a solid team principal and an accomplished racer in his time, but he was no engineer. At least he was aware of it and listened.
”Is the entire team needed for the build?” Bea tried another angle, ”Handling isn't important in Tokyo, but it could aid stability too with some tweaks. Could a smaller detachment manage?”
”You cannot rush engineering.” Suárez said firmly, silently lamenting another person without a technical bone in her body. ”We could have done it with the new engine and then both ships would have retired due to overheating. It takes time to do it right, time we are currently short of thanks to Silver Apex. Not to mention the biggest impact on stability comes from repulsors and mag packs, both of which we have purchased from Southern Cross last season to save money and development time.”
”Okay. This is your lawn Ronaldo, you’ve convinced me.” The team principal made a full stop behind that point of the agenda before moving onto the next. ”Ava, Bea, where do you think we stand the most to gain in the simulator?” He had his opinion, but wanted to hear from those piloting the ships first.
”Energy deployment. We're in the top four on speed and are mid-pack on ELS, but the differences are so tiny that even a small improvement will put us in the top few on speed and energy-heavy tracks.”
”Yeah. Stability is so abysmal that nothing we do in the short term will make a big difference unless we change the ship, and I'd rather be competetive at some tracks and take the loss in others than be equally underwhelming everywhere.”
”Three for three, ELS use it is, then. Flávia, anything from your side?”

”Only a few concrete things. For Japan, Fujikura wants both of you for an ad shoot of a new civilian parachute.” The Colombian woman turned to both pilots.
Do we get to jump?
Chuckles were heard around the table at the simultaneous, almost synchronised question. Fujikura Parachute Ltd. was initially Ava’s personal sponsor in Junior Formula Antigravity as she used and even helped test some of their equipment in her previous career, the Chilean Air Force being a major customer, before becoming a major partner of Carrera Condor with Ava’s signing and multi-year contract as the team’s number one when the team replaced both drivers in 2093, now supplying several safety systems as well as the standard racing suit Ava used. Between Ava - a former test pilot who still flew as a hobby and was therefore a voice in the aviation community - and Bea - both a skydiver and BASE jumper with a large following - available to them, the Fujikura marketing department had probably the happiest employees in Japan.
”Despite León’s protests, the company wants airborne shots as well and insists you be identifiable in them.” Bea offered Ava a reciprocated fist bump, as much as the matter-to-hologram interaction allowed, quietly mouthing ”Best. Job. Ever.” to the senior pilot.
”The shoot is planned for the afternoon of Wednesday 31st, but depending on the weather we might need to reschedule until after the race.“ Flávia explained, the faces of both racers a mirror image of Alonso’s frown.
Such a high-risk endeavor right before the race? Seriously?
A free jump, maybe more, and an extra day in Tokyo? Yes, please!
”Mr. Hayes also informed me that the Arbor Collective want Bea for a day in Italy. Wednesday 14th.”
”I was wondering when they’d call, they had the new bindings in the oven for a while.” Arbor was one of her first personal sponsors, dating back to 2086 when a mid-level marketing executive’s wife who was a fan of Bea’s art channel showed her husband a stream where a 13 years old Hoverkart racer painted her snowboard, and her designs have been available on some Arbor snowboards ever since.
”I’ll also need both of you for the marketing meeting in three hours.”
Bea didn’t look happy, but at least she was home and could better spend the time until the meeting.
Ava actually groaned.

Tuesday March 23rd, 2094, 15:32
London, United Kingdom
Highgate, Fitzroy Close
”Sorry, I’m back. What did I miss?” Bea said as she returned to the living room.
”Who’s Paul?” Akela Ward asked before Bea could even sit down.
”Someone interesting by the looks of it, is this what you call ‘be right back’?” Evangeline Ward looked up from her cards while tapping her watch, neither sister ever missing the opportunity to rib the other about their mother’s hounding about grandchildren.
”Simmer down, both of you. It was a work call.” Bea aimed to shoot down any speculation still on the launch pad before spotting an opportunity to parry. ”Actual work call, not the type of private meetings you hold every friday.”
Evangeline barely had time to give her sister a ‘You win this time.’ look as she turned to defend against what would be the first of many series’ of questions on that topic, silently plotting revenge.
Later that evening
Frederick and Bea remained up last, both sitting by the living room’s fireplace a few glasses of brandy deep and with another in hand. For all the advantages the prosthetics brought, having less body mass and less blood in her body did no favors to Bea’s alcohol tolerance. The sacrifices one makes for their dreams.
"I wish the Pegasus had come through in time. Perhaps if I’d assigned more company engineers to the team, then you would not have been in that position." Federick noted, notably downcast.
”No.” She said as firmly as her voice allowed with a shake of her head, ”The CMG would not have helped, I had no time to do anything there and Ronaldo is right, the engine is not something that could be rushed. The cooling system is at its limit already, I had to stick that pass or back out of their wake to keep the engine cool. I’m even willing to say Hart just made a mistake, even if he’s being a pure dick about it.” She took another sip, ”But the next time he does something like that, he’s going firewall deep.”
”I know, I know… Maybe a little bit mad about it still.”
"You were ahead of Ava, though." He turned the page.
”There is that.” The fire in Bea’s eyes seemed to grow a bit.
"She races smart and has bollocks men should be envious of as per for a test pilot, but as soon as the ship starts dancing under her she pretty much closes her eyes and prays. She’s made ‘slow and steady’ into an art form, and that’s why she trounced Ibanez like she did. He tried to beat her at her own game, you can see it on his onboards." Bea paused, having gotten a bit too carried away with her gesticulating and nearly spilled her drink. "But it hurt her in Cape Town. She rode the ship low to the ground to keep it stable and then couldn’t push in banked corners for fear of bottoming out. I sacrificed that for cornering speed and Bob’s your uncle, P7 and gaining."
"And the prognosis?"
"Handling will be the most useful in the upcoming races. After Italy, speed can pretty much wait until the last three races, and we’re quick as is already. We would benefit from a stability increase, but it would be more for Ava’s benefit than mine. I can handle an unstable ship.
Now the team needs to get their arse in gear on the pilot mods. What we have at the moment makes pirate hooks look cutting edge. There really is nothing we have that could help?”

"Short of buying out a biomechanical company, no. And I’m still not sure about that approach. Surely the benefit can be offset by the actual machine rather than turning yourself into one?" He sounded worried. Limbs were one thing, heart transplants were available when he was just a child and even simple neural links were becoming a thing as he left university, but he was old enough to still be wary of excessive augmentations, particularly of complex structures such as senses and the brain; an opinion that would be familiar to anyone who knew Bea’s. The two were not quite ‘like father, like daughter’ as much as osmosis of two initially vastly different characters: If the youngest Ward could ever treat a situation short of death or serious injury with complete seriousness, it was due to the Ward patriarch’s influence over the years; whereas the latter’s shift from a prim and proper businessman to the man he was today over the last 15 years or so were solely the effect of the former’s golden retriever energy.
"I’m not saying I’ll poke my eyes out or replace my brain with a computer just because I can. I’m not Layla." She quickly reassured him, aware of his opinions of the subject and consequently the pilot in question. "But if we could get more out of the neural link, the faster response time and greater fidelity of information from the ship’s sensors would be great. I’m also looking into artificial lungs."
"Why, the breathing liquid takes care of both acceleration protection and respiration."
"The breathing liquid is precisely why, because I’m risking pneumonia every time I get out of the ship. Being able to get all the liquid out of my lungs faster and more easily would be both a comfort and safety improvement."
"When?" The safety argument worked.
"Start of summer break. That will come with some recovery time."
"Anything else?"
"…togglable sense of taste and smell?"
"Is it that bad?" He laughed.
"Absolutely rancid." She shuddered.

Saturday March 27th, 2094, 14:54
Buenos Aires, Argentina
El Rancho del Sud
”I know I said in some interview somewhere that I’d love to have LEGO as a sponsor, but my poor ship looks like it was built out of it. And someone dropped it.” Bea noted as she looked over the debris field in the hangar below, cup of tea in hand, the scene reminding her of airliner crash documentaries where the investigators spread out a million pieces across the hangar floor in the shape of the original craft so they can figure out what and how went wrong.

"Sorry I never got to chat to you much after the race. I can't believe they dropped that interview on you so fast. You need to say no, Bea. Even if your head is fine. They'll get a feel for it."

”Nothing to apologise for. You scored half as many points in one race as the team did in the last season, you had stuff to do.” Be waved her hand over Ava’s concerns, her words sounding genuine. ”And the interview was a good distraction. Even if they were inevitably going to ask about the crash, it beats sitting in my hotel room thinking about it too much, and I couldn’t really lose by taking it. Even if they asked something stupid.
If you answer a stupid question seriously, you come out looking like a professional for not laughing at them. If you have fun with a stupid question, either they don’t release it and waste time or they do and most people will find your witty reply entertaining and the interviewer will have egg on their face for asking stupid questions.“
Bea explained her reasoning, ”Plus Aurora and Rory are actually good at their jobs. If it was RTL calling, that would be going to voicemail.” She chuckled, remembering Hans Bakker’s media faux pas.
”Still, it was nice of you to turn up.” She said with a warm smile. It sucked knowing people were worried about you, but on a selfish note it would be worse if they weren’t.

"You are definitely better at that than me though. But if you don't mind me asking....how exactly did you work out Amy was going to get Silver Apex to help us? Do you wonder why they did? I mean, I guess there must be some technical help, but our craft now goes faster than theirs on the speedtraps when we were in South Africa, because we have a speed-focussed craft. I'm just saying, they know we may not take the title, but do you think they saw an opportunity to undercut others?"

”How I figured out it was a possibility? That one was easy, she told me as part of her sales pitch.” Bea sat down opposite her teammate, Why she did it, and whether she would at all? 15 minutes couldn’t go by since the moment she approached me during the grid photo to the moment I saw the performance data from the upgrade that I didn’t ask myself that.”

"I just wonder what she's doing, that's all. I am taught to look for patterns, so I wonder if she sees a chance to screw other people over. And if she's offering that to anyone else now. I think she was sincere with you. But it just raised my pulses. And after your crash too. Not that anything in the telemetry says it caused it. We just had a rockship, that's all."

”With hindsight now, I think you’re right, it’s a proxy war. Before, we were inconsequential backmarkers. Now, we can stand our ground against teams up to and including Valkyrie on some tracks, and that helps them. And if she’s handing out upgrades like Father Christmas? Well, nothing we can do about that, is there?” Bea shrugged, in keeping with what she told Rory on Sunday about things you can’t change. ”If that’s the case, I’d expect SuperCat to catch up next. No point bothering with Fitzroy.
Have you seen the data comparisons for next week yet?”

”Zygon close ahead, Valkyrie behind. You look at data in your free time?” Ava said with genuine surprise.
”I can be smart. I have my days.” Both chuckled. ”Zygon will make it interesting. Slower than us, but blowing us out of the water with their augs. Plus some of their fans are absolutely bats, so be ready for those, win or lose.”
”Don’t you call your own community ‘MadLads’?”
”Yeah, in the same vein I call myself mad. But not unhinged. None of mine announce in a public forum they’ll propose to me on the weekend, the crazies I get try to keep their insanity behind closed doors.” Until she drags it out into the light to laugh at it with the normal ones.
”Don’t discount Valkyrie either. Dorian still beat us in Cape Town, and the gap will be tighter next week.”
”We’ll have two ships to fight them this time.”

And she was not losing that bet.

"Aside from that, there is an Asado tonight with the team. You coming? I can't remember if I ever went to a decent steak place in London, but muy bien, the real stuff, here you cannot beat it. Leon is cooking, too."

”Of course I’m coming!” Bea blurted out as if she had ten milliseconds before someone else beat her to the figurative last ticket, ”Oh, before I forget, I had a few questions about ELS if you don’t mind…”

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Enzayne
Avatar of Enzayne

Enzayne Invading Eldar

Member Seen 1 day ago

Tuesday March 23rd 2094
Zygon HQ, South Korea
14:27 Local Time

The soft buzz of high-power lamps and running machinery added a constant melody to the recurring thuds of feet hitting the treads of the electronic treadmill. Hyeon-Ae ran in place at usual pace, more bothered by the electrodes attached to her body than whatever slight amounts of fatigue she was working up during her training. Medical staff and physicians milled about, staring themselves blind at metrics and quietly chattering amongst each other. These physicals were tiresome; usually they pushed her less than she pushed herself privately - but at least it gave her ample time to think without distractions like phones or corporate gnats. Her mind was still on the confrontation with Cassie in the hall earlier in the day. She'd seen Neves upset a few times, but this time she genuinely looked upset - sad and desperate, like a miserable child quickly running out of hope. She huffed to herself as she considered the verbal exchange, earning her a few glances from the supervising physician.

In truth, she shared much of Neves' opinion. A racing team was no place for committees and rigid three-tiered command structures of middle-men. The chaebol; the Parks, and their immediate inner circle, ran their racing team like they ran all their other businesses. With spreadsheets and cost-benefit calculations. Even her uncle and Ji Motors were better - at least Uncle was greedy and corrupt enough to value rapid action and decisiveness. Team Principal Jinwoo was a joke when compared to figureheads like Valkyrie´s Knight and Carrera´s Alonso; a puppet who rarely dared say much beyond what upper management greenlit. At least he had the softness to be manipulated by whoever was holding the leash at the time; including Hyeon-Ae herself. And he could be worse; Apex´ Thatcher gave her the same feelings of disgust as her uncle. The same slimy, self-serving attitude and mannerisms. Time would tell if the similarities were beyond skin-deep. But it was no wonder Cassie felt like it was talking to a wall. She wasn't brought up forced to analyze facial expressions, wasn´t punished for not being manipulative enough, probably was never ranked on social compatibility. Hyeon-Ae had come to understand that even if her case was not normal, even among people with similar pasts, her upbringing was rare. She wondered how many would feel as at ease among a room full of physicians and researchers as she did.

No, the real reason what Cassie did was regrettable wasn´t because she voiced her opinion, or was in the wrong, but because of her rash choice of forum. Intruding on her in public like that meant that everyone in her entourage heard it, and probably everyone in the nearby rooms too, if they had their doors open. Hyeon-Ae would have to play the loyal dog and report her misgivings, or people would wonder why they heard it from second- or third-hand accounts. Jinwoo, as expected, had just looked like a slightly disappointed father being told his child scored low on a test, and had promised to look into it. Pathetic. Something would have to change. Whether it was untethering Zygon from the iron grip of Korean business managers, or perverting the organization to value her words above others; Cassie was right. There was a reason Kim Sanyung retired to an advisory position with another team last season. She wagered it was the fate for all future pilots if this giant refused to evolve.

“Hyeon-Ae nim, uhm, the test is over. You can stop now.” the physician mumbled from the sideline.

“I may as well get a proper workout in. You can go.”

Wednesday March 24th 2094
Hyeon-Ae’s Penthouse apartment, Seoul
19:42 Local Time

“To our rising star, Hyeon-Ae eonni!”

Wine glasses clinked with a bit more force than any product advisory would ever suggest. The four other women brought them together in a circle of chuckles, while a mollified Hyeon-Ae looked at them from behind her own lifted glass, already taking a sip. Classical music suffused the pleasant atmosphere of the penthouse; the soothing tunes of old-time American legend Billy Joel. For what was otherwise a barren and quiet apartment, it now had flower arrangements, expensive traditional mats, Joseon-era pottery, and whatever else high-society people typically adorned their homes with.

Eonni? We are the same age, Nayeun.” Hyeon-Ae remarked back with a jokingly offended glower. The marketing manager chuckled warmly and grinning. Without the dress-code and traditional bun expected of most office-staff, she put on a dangerously charming front.

“I did my research, you know. You are two months older than me. That gives me the right to be the junior outside of work.”

“Oh, you work together?” Jinyeon cut in with surprise, starry-eyed and captivated by that lone fact. The shrinking violet from the first meeting was all but gone - Hyeon-Ae had made sure the others treated her warmly and as an equal before she arrived, and they bombarded her with compliments during introductions. As a result, she was adapting to the group like a duck to water, at least according to nature documentaries about the past.

“Yes, Nayeun traded a promising career in fashion for motorsport fluff pieces.” a third woman replied. Hak Chimin, freelance photographer and personal friend of Marketing Manager Lee Nayeun, was a trendily-dressed and modern woman in all regards, being one of the first people Hyeon-Ae knew in Korea to have jumped on the recent trend of tattooing her lower lip in gold. This was technically their first real meeting beyond a brief handshake right after returning from Africa, but Chimin acted like she knew them all already.

“Oh, quiet you. I keep you fed with plenty of fashion models still,” Nayeun growled with a lion´s grin and lightly shoved her friend with her shoulder before taking a drink of her luxurious wine. Her gaze refocused on Jinyeon in her more traditional hanbok. “What do you do, Jinyeon eonni?”

”At least I´m not the only one…” Hyeon-Ae remarked quietly from behind her wine glass, earning her a chuckle from the last of the five women; Kae Sol-Mi. A typically quiet and capable woman concerned more with results and facts than her appearance - somewhat unlike the other three guests. Sol-Mi had been an indispensable resource during her pre-Zygon public appearances, and her sharpness made her approach Hyeon-Ae with an insight many lacked. She was more than a past staffer, more than a secretary and trustee; almost a peer - but had unfortunately refused to tangle herself up in the massive bureaucracy when Ji Motors tangled itself into Zygon and Hyeon-Ae´s ascension was official. In hindsight, perhaps she was more clever than Hyeon-Ae had thought.

“Oh, I-...” Jinyeon began, quickly faltering as she raised a hand to her cheek, struggling to find the words to the question posed at her, no doubt struggling to put herself on a level alongside the others.

Hyeon-Ae finished a sip of her wine and leaned over, slinging an arm over Jinyeon´s shoulder and smiling with practiced smugness. Fortunately arrogance was one of the things that came very easy. ”Listen here, Naeyun. You are in the real inner circle now. Jinyeon ssi is our boss.”

The shock was palpable, and the brief silence left room for Billy Joel to claim he did not start any fires. Naeyun was not handpicked by Hyeon-Ae for nothing, however, and quickly proved her proficiency in reading the room by setting her wine-glass down and bowing down to properly kowtow to Jinyeon. “My apologies, Your Majesty. I have acted reprehensibly.” She exclaimed to the amusement of the others.

“N-No! She´s.. I-.. It's not really, uhm, like that,” Jinyeon offered apologetically. Hyeon-Ae let her go as she tried to explain her way out of this contrived circumstance. “I´m not your boss, I´m no-one, really. What Hyeon-Ae nim means is, uhm. Well. My husband is a board member in, ah, both the Zygon team and several Park affiliates. I´m just, you know, a receptionist and such in our main company. He does all the big things and investment management.”

Hyeon-Ae exchanged a glance with Sol-Mi, who was looking like she was beginning to already turn gears in her head despite not having heard the mission statement yet. Naeyun lifted her head and stared at Jinyeon, who looked embarrassed after her explanation. Chimin was downing her third glass. “Wait. I thought you were like an affiliate director then. But you´re actually loaded? Ohmygod.” Jinyeon eventually burst out, and leaned out to grab the bottle from the table and offer Jinyeon a refill. “Do you have a vacation yacht? I´ve always wanted to go sunning on the open sea ~...”

“Uhm…” Jinyeon hesitated briefly, but seemed to be recovering. “We, ah, we actually do have a yacht, but-”

“OH MY GOD JINYEON! Where have you been all my life? Do you need a mistress? A tennis partner? A confidante in life and luxury?” Naeyun exaggerated with excited breath, grinning wildly at the hesitant older woman.

“...Why was mistress your first choice?” Chimin chimed in with a grimace.

“Money is my fetish.” Naeyun shot back shamelessly.

Laughs were spreading among the gathered, and at the combined joking of the others, Jinyeon seemed to forget all about her imagined inadequacy. As the group loosened up, much thanks to Naeyun´s natural charm and Chimin´s sardonic quips, Hyeon-Ae found that she needed to do less and less coaxing, and could focus on drinking wine and listening, and sharing old stories about her activism. Everyone needs a power base, and this was a good start.

Much wine was consumed.

Thursday March 25th, 2094
Zygon HQ Again
11:57 Local Time

Sanbeng fanned at his face with a stack of silicone writing sheets, leaning backwards as much as the swivel office chair would allow and reached for his handkerchief to dab on his forehead again. On the opposite end of the table sat Zygon Principal, worriedly looking at the clock on his phone. He looked up to Sanbeng briefly and offered an awkward smile when their gazes met. Hyeon-Ae had selected an imperious executive chair, pulling it from the executive side of the table to place it beside Sanbeng. Mysteriously, she´d done the same with a second chair, but it was specifically not for him. Now, she was tapping away at her phone, a glib smirk hinted at the corner of her lip. Her plot was petty at best, but the imagined consternation of upper management gave her a weird sense of glee. A few moments later, the door slid apart with a pneumatic whirr, and the plot began to come together as Cassie dropped into the meeting room, dressed in her usual pilot-casual getup. The look of surprise on Jinwoo's face gave Hyeon-Ae a kind of sick satisfaction. Maybe she just enjoyed causing drama after all.

“I'm not late, am I?” Cassie smoothly delivered, and with a gesture from Hyeon-Ae sat down beside her in the equally luxurious swivel chair.

Jinwoo smiled thinly, worry clear in his eyes as the unexpected Portuguese variable sat down. “...No. But-.. You do not need to be here, Ms Neves. We had your efficiency analysis yest-”

”Excuse me, timjangnim. It's my fault, entirely,” Hyeon-Ae cut in with remorseless accuracy, a polite smile of feigned humility plastered on her features. ”As Ms Neves is my seonbae, I asked if she could spare time for this. I had hoped to draw on her expertise. I prefer to have all the perspectives of the matter if I can.”

Jinwoo looked at Hyeon-Ae, mollified and bemused, but eventually relented and bowed his head to the both of them, followed by a brief apology to Cassie. Sanbeng broke the brief tension of silence that followed by leaning forwards past Hyeon-Ae and stretching out his hand for a handshake with the foreign pilot, smiling clumsily. “I´ve always been a fan, Ms Neves. You traded up, heh. Glad to be working with you. I´m Hwang Sanbeng, aide to Ms Han. We met in the hall two days ago. Please, call me Sanbeng.”

“Yeah, uh,” Cassie shot back as she shook his hand. “Good to meet you, Sanbeng.” Sanbeng happily sat back as Cassie gave Hyeon-Ae a glance. Hyeon-Ae just shrugged ever so slightly, smiling her impenetrable smile.

They didn´t get much more time for socializing, as soon after, the door whirred open again, this time giving way to the immaculately dressed Park Iseul, flanked by her thankfully small team of legal aides and handlers. Behind them, head engineer Zhou Yijin mosied on in with a sour expression and bags under his eyes. They all promptly sat down, some unexpectedly left with the lesser chairs due to Hyeon-Ae´s great heist, and Iseul looked down at her watch before looking up at the group. “Well, let's get this underway.” she remarked smoothly.

“Ms Neves, how nice to see you again today.” one of Iseul´s aides perked up. Hyeon-Ae assumed he´d been in charge during the portuguese pilot´s own meeting. Further, she was pretty sure Park Iseul was here because Hyeon-Ae had been causing a stir. Keeping an eye on the assets, as it were.

“Ms Neves is here today in an advisory position,” Jinwoo informed them matter-of-factly, if only to spare them a verbal spar with either of the pilots.

“Lovely…” the man replied, with a tone of voice and dry expression that clearly expressed the opposite. “Let's begin by analysis of the past performance and expected adjustments to the craft and training regimen. If you would turn your eyes to the screens on the table.” He further instructed, a clicked a button by the executive edge of the table, loading the pre-programmed data for follow-along view.

What followed was a summary that was only brief in the sense that a more rigorous corporate buffoon could surely have squeezed out another tangent of inertia dampener aggregation data compared between the two races performed thus far, and expected projections. It was presumably doubly worse for Cassie, who she assumed had sat through most of this once already, even if this was specific for Hyeon-Ae´s craft and performance.

“That brings us to point four-nine; expectations from corporate,” he eventually remarked, and you could almost feel the entire room take a breath of relief that the meeting was finally getting somewhere. Well, except for Iseul, perhaps, who seemed more interested in her watch, and whatever was on her personal pad. The man continued. “I believe I don´t need to stress how important a good performance is on the upcoming track. While your performance thus far has been meeting expectations, it is imperative that targets are hit during this upcoming race. Thus, we´ve developed an improvement package suggestion that will aid you as a professional in that undertaking.” With another click, the screen changed again in front of everyone present.

The visuals and his explanation on top as they perused the data package was clear; a set of added pilot modifications to both the craft and to her body for the required integration overhaul, that would tune adrenal reactions in high-pressure environments and give improved control. The projected installs had a list of red notes by the engineering team, things they´d have to work hard to fix before Tokyo. What was worse, was the projected impact of the integration on Hyeon-Ae herself. Bulky. Unseemly. Clumsy. In her mind, she saw herself go down the route of being turned into a fully metallic drone. Giving up her perfect body and natural advantages to become another swiss army knife in the corporate arsenal. People with lesser means and lack of talent might jump at the opportunity, but Hyeon-Ae felt the bile in her throat. One childhood of surgery and vats was enough.

Sanbeng, ever quick to catch on when Hyeon-Ae´s mood was turning foul, was the first to speak up. “Ah-... What an interesting proposal you have put together. So experimental. Very cutting edge,” he smiled wryly, and the corporate suit smiled thinly in return. “However-... I see here that there are some notes from Mr Zhou´s team?” Attention turned to a new victim, eyes were on the tired engineering chief.

“...Yes. We were sent this proposal forty hours ago, and have been looking at integration capability. The greatest risk with this suggestion is that the adrenal adjustment matrices won´t be compatible with prior programming. Won't know until we run the first compensation tests, which gives us four days to complete the proposed changes. Worst case, we´d need a full rewrite. Definitely not Tokyo. Maybe next year´s craft. It does look promising if we can integrate it.”

Team Principal Jinwoo shifted uncomfortably in his seat, frowning to himself. “Forgive me, I know how important Tokyo is, but I believe we had already settled on an action plan to support the crafts´ weaknesses. Ms Neves has been a target of poor fortune, and Ms Han has performed above expectation, is this new proposal not a bit reactionary?”

“Let me address this;” Iseul cut in before her flunkie could speak, putting her touchpad down for the first time of this meeting. “After discussing our future prospects, and given Ms Han's performance thus far, a few spare investment funds have been reshuffled from the home electronics sector affiliates for use in the team’s budgeting. No one doubts your methods, Team Principal, but we're willing to make a bigger push for even better returns.” She spoke with precision, but Hyeon-Ae could see the casual disregard the woman held in her expression as she spoke.

“...I am grateful for your wisdom and generosity. I am just worried that changing course now will take time and energy away from the improvements to the crafts’ handling that were previously greenlit.” Jinwoo sparred back with practiced grace, the old man knowing to fight his corner without being unseemly about it. Much to the lead engineer's consternation, everyone's attention once again turned to him as a result of the discussion.

“Yes, that's correct. Big modifications like this are gonna sideline the planned upgrades due to the workload involved.” Zhou Yijin sighed, trying to keep it simple for the corporate goons and pilots. “If we stay on track as previously discussed, we should be done by rollout for Portugal.”

“That's very late, is there no way to increase the rate of improvement?” One of the previously quiet suits spoke up, and that sole question launched the table into a long back and forth that mainly consisted of the lead engineer fighting to explain why the process of tinkering with the handling of a billion-won vehicle required some care and expertise, and the executives spitballing layman's solutions off-the-cuff, such as “what about installing an automatic coffee machine in the workshop” and “would it help with a motivational retreat for the engineering staff”. Hyeon-Ae exchanged glances with Cassie, and something about the pilot’s resigned shrug soon after told her they'd had a similar debate about increasing efficiency during her last meeting too. Hyeon-Ae smiled back, thoroughly impressed with how Cassie managed to not look completely dead while also seemingly paying attention. Hyeon-Ae for her part made it a point not to listen too closely to all this technical jargon lest she needed to actually start learning it properly, and of course few things the suits said in discussions like this actually mattered.

As if reading the genetically engineered pilot's mind, Park Iseul interrupted the spirited debate with a few taps on the table. “There is another proposition that I've been cleared to put forward. If you stand firm on the position that out pilots and craft can perform in Tokyo without the proposal package, there's another package put together by our investors from Hanwha’s jet engineering team.” Another set of pictures and data flashed on the screen. Most of it was jargon. Changes to the engine. Replacement of small parts that only a true mechanic could identify in a lineup.

“Yijin ssi?”

“Mmh.” the lead engineer murmured. “Haven't looked this one over with the whole team yet - Ms Park sent it to me yesterday. It looks very doable. Nothing jumped out at me. Opening the whole engine up for detailed replacements, metrics, test firings… it would be extremely tight for Tokyo. I'd say it's not possible to get it done.”

“Italy is the big one for pure speed, coming up.” Jinwoo remarked to no-one in particular.

“That'd be much more workable. Room for fine-tuning issues.”

“Well. What do you say, Hyeon-Ae ssi?” Jinwoo passed the ball to her, the alleged star of the meeting. Her contract had clauses for nominally including her after all, on top of typical vetoes about her own body.

”Hmm. I would like to begin to say that I will not agree to the corporation's initial generous proposal. I am concerned both with Yijin nim’s points about the feasibility - and the integration of the modifications on my body. I don't want to be stuck with something that may not even work. I hope you understand.” she offered calmly but firmly, making a point of making consistent eye contact with the man who'd had the honor of presenting the proposal. He didn't last long before looking away. ”Beyond that, I’d like to hear my seonbae’s opinion on all this.”

All attention turned to Cassie, who eventually pieced together that she was the senior in question. “Oh, uh, yeah. I already got briefed on the previous plans that Jinwoo championed.” She adjusted her cap and gestured to the team principal across the table. He nodded sagely as though he contributed. “It's the easy choice, already on track to be done. It'll also make Portugal easier on us, and that one's important to me, so I was a bit partial going in.” She rubbed her eye and sighed before continuing. “That said, we're getting killed on pace out there. Villarosa sailed past Han like nothing. It's not gonna get better going further into the season.” With her input, she leaned back and shrugged ever so slightly.

Hyeon-Ae, in turn, nodded. ”I think it would be a waste to reject management’s generous offer, then. And I agree with you, Cassie ssi, it's quite frustrating to feel as though no amount of personal effort will put you ahead of the opponent. With that in mind, I have to throw my vote behind Ms Park's offer from the Hanwha corporation.”

Jinwoo looked unhappy at this sudden yet inevitable betrayal, but before he could say anything, lead engineer Yijin cut in again. “It has promise. I'll brief the team on it after this, see if any issues slipped through the cracks in the proposal.”

“Sounds like that's decided then, lovely.” Iseul gave in turn, moving hair behind her ear and smiling mirthlessly. “Now, before I adjourn this meeting, does anyone have anything else?”

What followed was barely more than minutiae, and smoothing over bruised egos.

KR Industry: Centennial jet manufacturer Hanwha shareholder meeting mentions Zygon; stock rising.

(Zygon Characters)

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by LadyAmber
Avatar of LadyAmber


Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Friday, March 24, 2094

UCLA Medical Center

Soundtrack: Will Dempsey - Best Parts of Me

Alexander had spent the time since getting back from Cape Town making sure things were on track for the next race in Tokyo. The training crew were working on setting up a second simulator so that the two pilots could race head to head in the simulator. The routines focusing on ELS deployment were going well. He had them working on the overtakes and blocking maneuvers as well. He wanted to be sure that if Hart tried another sloppy or aggressive maneuver like that on the track, they were prepared to counter it. Mabel had taken the lead on getting the new approved ship designs started. She had already started asking for bids on the materials needed. She had his authorization to begin recruiting any personnel they might need for the project. She was working with Felix to determine what skill sets might be missing from the current team.

His daughter was going to get to leave the hospital on Friday and he wanted to be there for her. Katherine, their head of marketing, brought him a new dilemma to deal with. Valkyrie AGR Sport had been getting interview requests for Arianna. Katherine had told Alexander that the press were curious about her since the press conference. There had been chatter on fan sites as well. Katherine advised him to set up a press conference at the hospital before she was released. That the press hounds would only be put off so long. This way they could control the press’ access to Arianna, the narrative, and the story. They could give the media enough to hopefully appease their interest in those closest to Alexander. It was not like he was the pilot any more. The public and media seemed fascinated by Alexander’s return to racing. This would hopefully give Arianna some space and anonymity back once the media interest in her story died down.

Alexander had not discussed the requests with Arianna yet. He wanted to talk to her about it in person. Alexander had requested hospital security provide additional surveillance for Arianna while she was there. He was worried that she would be targeted because of him. He had been right. He had received a few reports from his wife that hospital security had intercepted a few reporters who had tried to sneak into her room to interview her. The hospital itself had fielded a deluge of phone calls from people asking about her condition and wanting to send her flowers and gifts. The hospital finally put up a generic message asking those who wanted to send something to donate the money back to the hospital to continue research in cybernetics like she was receiving to help those who go through similar physical trauma. The hospital released another press notification that Arianna was expected to make a full recovery and was not receiving interview requests and that she was entitled to privacy. The hospital explained that they couldn’t release private patient information, not to call. It had helped reduce the amount of phone calls the staff was receiving. It still left the staff busy.

Alexander was left with the dilemma of what to do regarding the media and his daughter. Katherine recommended that they set up the press conference anyway. Alexander could answer questions for the press if Arianna decided she didn’t want her face to be splashed across news networks around the world. Alexander had sighed and agreed to do it. He knew that Katherine was right the news vultures wouldn’t go away until they were given something. He would rather be at Arianna’s side to deal with them. He didn’t want her to get sidelined alone. She had not received any press training. Katherine agreed to go with him so she could give Arianna a run down on how to deal with the media. Alexander couldn’t argue that Arianna needed to understand that her life is about to change. She will not be as anonymous in a crowd anymore. People may seek her out and recognize her on the street. Alexander was man enough to also realize that Arianna would take that lesson better from Katherine than him. Alexander gave Katherine permission to set up the press conference. Katherine had been working with the team at the hospital to get everything moving.

Alexander and his ex-wife Candace had met with the team of doctor’s after the initial emergency surgery to save Arianna’s life. Once they had her stabilized they had run treatment options past them. One of the benefits of cybernetic augmentations was the ability to help people who had injuries like Arianna’s. The spinal cord damage was extensive. Cybernetics had allowed doctors and engineers to provide a way for those with spinal cord injuries to move again using computer neural networks that integrated with prosthetics. When the spinal cord was severed or severely damaged those computer neural networks could bypass the body’s natural networks but had to cover all the same areas. For paraplegics having artificial limbs makes this integration easier. It is easier to sync the computer neural networks with limbs designed for them. Earlier work in this area gave people back gross motor skills but they lacked the ability to process the finer motor skills. Technology has improved but most standard cybernetics available for paraplegics require artificial limbs or they have to learn with a reduction in sensitivity and fine motor skills. The experimental cybernetics that had been offered to Arianna was a way to bridge that gap.

Part of why she had to be in the hospital so long even in this day of improved medicine was because her bones had to heal before the installation could happen. This new experimental system had to be monitored during the initial installation phase. This new biotech followed nervous system pathways while establishing computer neural pathways and links building a new computer neural network organically to replace the body’s organic nervous system. As Arianna’s brain sought existing neural pathways the cybernetic software worked with her enhanced neural chip linking biological and computer pathways into one system creating a bioengineered system that complemented her body’s. The idea behind the technology was that the more she used it and refined the more of her existing control over her body would build allowing her to retain sensation, fine motor skills, along with gross motor skills without needing cybernetic limbs or a full body brace to move. Arianna would have to relearn to walk and move all those muscles just like a child growing up. The network would strengthen and expand the more she worked with it. Her progress had to be monitored at first and therapists worked with her to help her retrain her body. She understood that this process would continue for some time while the bioengineered cybernetic neural network grew and established those links. The technology used an advanced neural chip and processor with a special software program to control the process. The neural filaments were built from organic components taken from her diet and blood. Arianna had been on a special diet as well to ensure her body had what it needed to maintain and grow the network that would allow her body to move once more.

The progress was slow at first but once those gross motor functions were established progress became faster. Arianna was walking again but still needed the aid of a walker. She continued to have some balance issues as her body relearned everything it had learned. The doctor’s assured her that she would eventually regain her grace and ability to walk unaided. The walker just assured that she wouldn’t fall while her body strengthened once more. She was able to use her arms and hands again. Her finer motor skills in her hands were taking more time to refine but she could type again and feed herself. She was not up to writing with a pen yet though or drawing. Her grip strength was not very strong yet. It was improving daily though the more she followed the exercise routines set out by the therapists working with her. The beautiful part of her recovery was that she would bear some scars but she could feel. Her skin reacted to heat and cold. She could feel the warmth of the sun on her face and feel the breeze over her skin. She could feel the pressure of someone holding her hand. She might have lost this level of sensitivity with the standard cybernetics.

Alexander found himself on a private shuttle with Katherine, Mabel, and 4 of the travel security guards. Alexander was going to leave Mabel behind at headquarters but she threatened to quit on him if he did. She wanted to see Arianna. Alexander had caved and agreed to bring her with him. Alexander had warned his ex-wife about what was happening. He didn’t want her to feel blindsided. Besides, it wouldn't hurt for her to have media training as well. Not that Alexander expected her to sing his praises. She had left him long ago. They had parted on mostly amicable terms. He resented that she couldn’t accept him after the explosion that had taken his arms. His interactions with his ex-wife Candace had revolved around co-parenting their daughter. The private shuttle was much faster than the larger and heavier team cargo plane. They landed in Los Angeles a few hours later. Alexander was surprised that they had managed to avoid the press at the smaller private airport where the shuttle had landed. They were now in a private transport on the way to the hospital. Alexander had texted Candace to let her know their shuttle had landed.

The driver went to a side entrance. The media were already at the hospital and camped out at the main entrance. The driver followed the parking lot into a parking garage connected to the hospital. He stopped outside the entrance to a pedestrian walkway on the fourth floor that connected to the hospital. There didn’t appear to be any media camped out at this entrance. Alexander waited to exit the vehicle as the security guards with him got out and looked around before letting him out. He climbed out before turning around to help Mabel out of the vehicle and then Katherine.

Alexander: “Well ladies shall we get this show on the road?”

They moved out as a group with two security guards in front of them and two behind them. The cement pedestrian bridge had designs and stamped into the interior and solar panels along the outside edges. Their group traversed the bridge quickly. The security guards had them pause as they opened the doors and peered inside. They closed the doors and turned back to Alexander.

Security: “Sir, there is a small group of media present just inside the door. I don’t think we will be able to get in without any of them seeing us.”

Katherine moved up to the security guards and spoke with confidence.

Katherine: “This is what we are going to do. I will speak to the press informing them that no statements or interviews will be given until the press conference. Alexander, you and Mabel ignore them and just keep moving into the hospital. Security will stay with you to help push them away if they get too aggressive. Does everyone understand the plan?”

Alexander sighed and nodded. “Let’s get this over with. Arianna’s room is on the sixth floor. Room 606. They had to move her to a private room for security reasons.”

Mabel: “Well let’s go. I want to see her.”

The security guards moved to the front and two each took a door while the other two moved in and began to force a pathway through the small group of reporters there.

Security: “Please move to the side.”

Katherine stepped through the door behind them and used her authoritative voice.

Katherine: “Alexander Knight and Valkyrie AGR Sport will not be making any statements or granting any interviews at this time. Please move aside so we can enter.”

Security guards were doing their jobs as they stepped into the reporters paths blocking their access to Alexander. Cameras were recording and flashes could be seen as pictures were being taken. Their group managed to make progress though.
Reporters were throwing out questions hoping to catch a reaction or a byline before the press conference. “What does your daughter think about your return to racing? Will Arianna be granting interviews? Where does she go to college? Is Valkyrie AGR Sport footing her hospital bill? Did your daughter have any plastic surgery while she was here?”

Mabel frowned at some of the questions but followed along behind Alexander. They were soon through the small crowd in the lobby just off the entrance and in the elevator. He gave a sigh of relief as the door closed.

Alexander: “That honestly went better than I expected. Well Katherine they gave you an idea of the type of questions you can expect.”

Katherine had a disgusted look on her face. “Some of those questions are highly inappropriate. It is a good thing you listened to me Alexander. Arianna is going to need that press training. I think they will hound her for a bit. Hopefully the press conference will prevent them from chasing her around.”

Mabel looked mutinous. “Did she have plastic surgery? Katherine I am happy to kick any of them that step out of line for you. That poor child has been through enough without these vultures circling for something they can twist into something disgusting.”

Katherine chuckled at Mabel’s reaction to the press. “Mabel, that is why we brought security guards. These guys are here to see to our safety and Alexander’s family. They will be working with the hospital’s security guards and staff to run the press conference. We will also have the support of the UCLA press team. Between us, I hope we can keep it civil.”

Mabel just gave a snort and a nod. Alexander looked amused because he could see Mabel doing just what she threatened. It brought a smile to his face. About that time, the elevator stopped and they needed to exit. They made it to Arianna’s room without any further trouble. The security guards left them after they entered Arianna’s room. The security guards left to check in with hospital security and the arrangements for the press conference. Arianna’s room was full of balloons, flowers, and plants. Evidently there had been a lot of deliveries before the hospital had made their announcement.

Mabel beat Alexander to Arianna’s side. She was sitting up in a reclining chair. Mabel engulfed the beautiful blonde that was Alexander’s daughter. Arianna still looked pale and signs of healing and trauma were still evident.There was a long gash on her right temple that was shiny new skin of a healed flesh. The biggest change was the long curved hi-tech neural port that was unlike anything she had seen before. It curved around the base of her skull and was about an inch and a half wide. Her hair had been shaved in the area to accommodate the port. Arianna had such thick long wavy hair that you didn’t really see it until she turned her head. Some of the deeper bruising from the accident was still evident and fading a sign of how much trauma her body had endured. There were still dark circles under her eyes. Mabel leaned forward and pulled Arianna into a hug.

Mabel: “Arianna, it is so good to see you child. How are you doing? Did you get my plant?”

Arianna’s bright laughter filled the room with sunshine as she replied to Mabel’s questions even as she returned the warm hug. The smell of Miss Mabel’s perfume brought back fond memories of visits with her father in the last few years. Mabel had been a steadying influence on her father. She had also been instrumental in helping them strengthen their relationship as she grew into a young adult and he supported her and accepted his child was an adult now. Their relationship had gone through some growing pains in her teenage years. The distance had not helped.

Arianna: “Miss Mabel it is so good to see you too! Are you keeping my dad out of trouble? I am doing better. Yes I loved the gardenia. I didn’t have one of those yet. I will plant it after I get home.”

Alexander looked at his daughter with a smile. His whole body had relaxed seeing her alive and doing so much better than the last time he had seen her. Those who had just started working with Alexander would probably be shocked at how much warmth, love, and softness showed in his face. Typically his expressions were neutral or calculating, not necessarily hateful or robotic but cold and focused. He would live with the image of her on life support and have nightmares about it for the rest of his days. He approached her and bent over to hug her gently after Mabel stepped back.

Alexander: “Hello Princess. It is so good to see you. You look so much better. How are you feeling?”

Arianna hugged her father as tight as she could. Her mother had explained what her father had done to help her. She had not really been in a place to understand her choices. She had suffered a severe concussion and then they had her on painkillers and in an induced coma while she healed. She had been unconscious the last time he had seen her in person recovering from surgery. She couldn’t help the tears that flowed down her face that soaked into his shirt. Arianna: “Thank you daddy.” The time had been brief but the feeling of being trapped in her own body without being able to move had been frankly traumatizing and horrible. She knew that there had been other options but her father had gone out of his way to make sure she had the best option.

Alexander closed his eyes as he held his daughter close. She felt so frail and fragile in his arms. She was so precious to him. He knelt before her and just continued to hug her. He felt her tears on his shirt and her soft voice thanking him. His sobs and tears joined hers. Didn’t she know he would do anything for her? He was so grateful that she was still here with him. His voice came out gruff and ragged full of the powerful emotions flooding through him. “I love you Arianna. You will always be my Princess. There is nothing to thank me for. I would do anything for you. You are the one doing all the hard work with recovery.” The two seemed oblivious to the world for a few minutes. Reality finally faded back in. Alexander pulled back from the hug enough to wipe away her tears. He gave Arianna a warm smile.

Candace took that moment to interrupt their reunion. Candace had been standing next to Arianna’s chair on the right. Candace reached out like she was going to touch Alexander but then withdrew her hand. Candace gave him a nod of greeting instead

Candace: “It is good to see you Alexander.”

Candace of course recognized Mabel and knew who she was. Candace didn’t like Mabel and dismissed her and didn’t greet her at all. Candace hated the fact that Mabel and Arianna were friends. It galled her that Arianna liked the woman more than her real grandmother. Candace's voice was uncertain and held a hint of something sharper as she pointed to the other woman in the room.

Candace: “Who is she?”

Alexander sighed and did his best to hide his anger with Candace. She had been the one to leave him. He had not missed her reaching out like she had the right to touch him and claim him anymore. She had no right to be jealous after throwing him away all those years ago. It upset him to know she had been unable to accept his prosthetic arms but had been grateful he had managed to save Arianna from that fate. That was some sick irony for you. Candace was one of the people who had hurt him the most. She had torn out his heart and stomped on it. He had made peace with her decision long ago. His lip curled in a snarl before he managed to stop it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was here for his daughter. He might have to deal with Candace but he no longer gave her the power to hurt him.

Alexander turned to Katherine who had been quietly waiting in the background. She had been respectful of his time with his daughter and he appreciated her sensitivity about it. He motioned Katherine to come forward. Alexander rose to his feet and stepped back to give Katherine room to move up closer. He motioned to Katherine.

Alexander: “Arianna and Candace, this is Katherine Dubois.” He motioned to Arianna and Candace in turn. “Katherine, this is my daughter Arianna and my ex-wife Candace.” Alexander paused before continuing. He didn’t like the spiteful look in Candace’s eyes. He often wondered what he had originally seen in her. She had been his everything once. Now she acted jealous if there was another woman in his life yet she wanted nothing to do with him. He had long ago just stopped playing her games.

Alexander continued. “She is the Marketing Team Lead at Valkyrie AGR Sport. She is here to give you some media training. Unfortunately my return to racing and the reason for it, has created a lot of interest from the media. Valkyrie has been inundated with interview requests for Arianna. I wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t had a few reporters approach you directly, Candace. The hospital has worked to give you privacy while you were here and healing. It seems to have leaked that you are leaving today. Valkyrie has worked with the hospital to set up a press conference here at the hospital. We need to talk about the media, Arianna.”

Candace snorted and crossed her arms, her eyes shooting fire at him. Candace’s voice was full of anger and loathing. Her tone was toxic and slightly whiny. It grated on Alexander’s nerves.

Candace: “How dare you Alexander! I will not let you use Arianna as a marketing plot to help your image. I will say whatever I damn well please to the media.”

Mabel’s eyes flashed with fire as she turned to Candace. Mabel: “Don’t you dare you harpy! You are such a hypocrite. You can say what you like but remember Candace, you reap what you sow.” Mabel gave Candace a knowing look that Alexander missed because he was focusing on his daughter.

Alexander ignored Candace and turned his attention to Arianna. He looked down into his daughter’s eyes as he tuned Candace’s hateful diatribe out. Alexander knelt down once more so he was at eye level with Arianna. Alexander took hold of one of Arianna’s hands as he spoke to her in a warm loving tone.

Alexander: “Princess you need to know that reporters and even fans want to know about you. It is up to you how much access you give them. If you don’t want to deal with the press today, you don’t have to. The best way to handle them though, is to give them what they want in a setting where we can control the narrative. I can assign you security if you feel unsafe. You might be recognized on the street. Investigative reporters are very good at what they do. I don’t want you to go out there and be surprised. I am sorry that this comes with my new job. I hate this aspect of my new job. I brought Katherine with me to help you through this. She is an expert in dealing with these situations.”

Katherine had been watching the interactions in the room and knew that Alexander’s ex-wife was going to be a problem. She would not be of as much interest to the media as his daughter though. She was the reason he had returned to racing by Alexander’s own admission on camera. Katherine would focus her efforts into mitigating the damage Candace could do. Katherine smiled warmly at Arianna. Katherine had to admit that Alexander’s daughter was a lovely young woman with long flowing golden blonde hair and hazel eyes. Arianna had her mother’s graceful build but her father’s aristocratic features. Katherine stepped forward and held out a hand for Arianna to shake. She kept her voice warm and tried to convey how much Arianna could trust her.

Katherine: “Your father is right. We have set up the press conference and he can field all the questions about you. You don’t have to attend if you don’t want to. We wanted to take this opportunity to prepare you for the public spotlight. Unfortunately even if you don’t do the press conference, that doesn’t mean that the journalists will not continue to approach you. They might approach you when you are not prepared and say something they take out of context and twist it. The gossip sites are horrible about that.”

Katherine gave Arianna warm sympathetic eyes because the poor girl had done nothing to deserve some of the shit that will soon be slung her way. The media could be quite cruel and some dirtbag journalists would do anything to sell a story. Katherine kept her voice confidential but firm as she tried to warn the girl.

Katherine: “Arianna when you return to school, you might be approached by complete strangers who think that because they saw your story on the news, they know you. You will be approached by those who will pretend to be your friend and then ask you for tickets to races or money. There will be people who will pretend to be your friend to learn things about you that you might not want to be public, who in turn sell that information to the media. Or they could turn out to be a gossip journalist who has made up stories about you or have sold candid pictures of you to the media. Fans might like or hate you and post on your social media. You need to decide how much of a public figure you want to be. Valkyrie can help monitor your social media feeds and help keep them private. We can help you with the security settings for example. I want you to understand that you will be a person of interest and focus, both good and bad. There will also be those people who just want to know you simply because you are Alexander’s daughter. What do you want, Arianna?”

Arianna was feeling a little overwhelmed. Arianna had been so happy to see her father. Her relationship with her father was so different than her relationship with her mother. She had lived with her mother for most of her life. She loved her mother but she could be overbearing. She had always tried to push her to do what she wanted and expected. She pushed Arianna to dress a certain way and to seek out certain kids to be friends with. Her mother had always been concerned with the appearance of things. She would listen to Arianna’s feelings about something and then dismiss them. Her mother rarely respected her boundaries or cared about what she wanted. Her mother had wanted her to be a doctor or financial broker. Arianna wanted to help heal the planet. She wanted to do something meaningful with her life. She was studying botany and was in a graduate program with a focus on repairing ecosystems. She wanted to be a part of the solution for the planet. Her mother had told her that there was no future or money in that career. Her mother had majored in business and had settled for a career in human resources. She had wanted to be an executive running a department with a lavish lifestyle. She talked about it all the time.

The men her mother had dated were all successful executives that she felt could give her the lifestyle she craved. The men were so different from her father. Most of them were respectful to her but simply didn’t interact with her much. The men were almost always good looking but shallow. Arianna never understood what her mother saw in them. Arianna had moved into the dorms for college. She only went to visit her mother for holidays and breaks. She still spent her summers with her father. She had needed that distance from her mother. Arianna’s mother had never really bad-mouthed her father much. She just harped on how she had been blinded by love and had settled for a more domestic and suburban lifestyle with his career in the military. She had blamed his career for the loss of their marriage. She had said he had changed after his accident. Arianna had been so little when her father and mother split up, she had never really understood the dynamics of what happened. Arianna had always just humored her mother. It was easier than arguing with her over what she saw from her relationship with them both. All her father would say about their break up was that her mother decided that she didn’t want to be with him anymore. He always told her that it didn’t matter because she was still her mother and she should respect her. He never spoke poorly about her mother even when she heard some of the awful things her mother would say when she thought Arianna couldn’t hear her. She saw the pain her mother’s words caused her father. He grew thicker skin eventually. She no longer saw pain in his eyes, just resignation when dealing with her.

Her father could be very focused and intense. He had to work during the summers she had visited him. He might have had to work but he never made her feel like she was an afterthought to his life. He explained priorities and made time to spend with her in ways that showed her he cared. During the week when he was working, he always came home on time and they made dinner together. They ate at the dining room table together. They would watch a show or play a board game after dinner. He would read to her at bedtime. During the summer on weekends, her father planned little adventures for them. They both loved being outside and hiking and camping was their thing. When he wasn’t with her, he would call her and text her at least once a week to check in with her. Her father always listened and really paid attention to what she had to say. He was genuinely interested in her life, thoughts, and feelings. He always encouraged her to explore whatever interested her and to try new things. He was always supportive.

Arianna looked at her father’s concerned face. She believed her father. She reached out and grabbed his hand and squeezed it supportively.

Arianna: “I don’t mind the whole world knowing you are my father. I have the best dad. I am not ashamed of you. Would it bother you if I did the press conference?”

Alexander looked almost like he was in pain as he met his daughter’s eyes. He smiled and squeezed her hand gently in return.

Alexander: “Princess if it was up to me, I would hide you away from the culture vultures and protect you from their viciousness.”

Alexander heard Katherine’s swift inhale and her almost panicked look as she shook her head no. Alexander chuckled ruefully to himself as he admitted to others that Katherine knew better.

Alexander continued with a sigh. Alexander: “But wiser heads than mine had argued with that path. If you don’t talk to them, they will think there is something to hide. They will follow you everywhere. If you do the press conference today, yes people will recognize you on the streets. You will probably still get approached by journalists, media people, and fans. But we can control the narrative and reduce the amount of interest in you. We can direct all future media requests to my office if you would prefer. Or we can arrange for you to have an independent Public Relations professional to advise you. Either way I wanted Katherine to give you some bare bones advice on how to deal with the media. That way when you are answering questions, you know how to answer them in a way they can not twist or misconstrue.” Alexander cupped his daughter’s cheek with his hand. “What do you want to do Princess?”

Candace was looking ready to murder Alexander. She turned to face Arianna with lightning in her eyes and thunder in her voice. “Arianna, your father wants to use your situation to gain sympathy for him and to make himself look better in the press. Valkyrie is going to tell you to spin things how is best for their team. They don’t care about what you want.”

Mabel’s authoritative sharp voice cut across Candace’s as she interjected.

Mabel: “Shut up Candace. Once again you have no idea what you are talking about.” Mabel turned to Arianna with a loving expression on her face. “Arianna, I am telling you can trust Katherine. She is very good at what she does or she wouldn’t head up marketing and public relations for Valkyrie. If you are worried about what your mother had to say, I have three independent public relations experts standing by if you would rather work with someone who was only looking out for your interests. Katherine is telling you the truth, child. You are old enough to know how the media works. You have seen what they are like. Or you can hide and choose not to show your face. You know your father would do anything to protect you. You know he would prefer that you did hide and not show your face. Which would defeat the nefarious motivations that your mother is trying to assign to your father’s actions. The choice dear child is yours.”

Arianna shook her head sadly. When had her mother become so hateful towards her father? She had praised his efforts in private to Arianna but now that he was here to help her cope with something that had spilled over onto her from his life, she was all bitterness and hate.

Katherine looked at Arianna and gave her a rueful smile.

Katherine: “Arianna, would you rather talk to the other PR people before making a decision?”

Arianna smiled at her father and leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek. She leaned back and winked at Katherine.

Arianna: “Nope. If you can get my hard headed father to listen to your advice, it must be worth listening too.”

Her mother started to protest but Arianna gave her mother a sad but exasperated look.

Arianna: “Enough mom. I am going to do this. I am an adult. You don’t have to be here for this if you don’t want to be. That choice is yours but this is mine.”

Mabel nodded relieved to see Arianna showing some spine in regards to her manipulative mother. Mabel gave Arianna a sassy wink in front of her mother and two thumbs up.

Candace looked like she had swallowed a bug and simply gave a rough nod.

Katherine made Alexander move to the side. She pulled a chair up in front of Arianna and began to prepare her for the kinds of questions they might ask. How to skillfully avoid questions she didn’t want to answer. She assured she didn’t have to answer any questions she didn’t want to by saying no comment. Arianna nodded along and absorbed the thirty minute lesson on how to talk to the press. Candace paid attention but was still stewing in silence.

Katherine kicked Alexander outside as she helped Katherine prepare for the press conference. Candace reluctantly thawed towards Katherine and helped Arianna. Katherine had brought a new outfit for Arianna to change into to go home in. She had been unsure what her mother had brought her. It was a simple white pullover tunic top with floral leggings and slip on canvas sneakers. The outfit was simple, would look good on camera, and most importantly would be comfortable and easy for Arianna to get in and out of. She left Arianna’s hair down and put no make up on her. Their lights might wash her out but Arianna was a natural beauty and it didn’t hurt to remind them that the young woman was recovering from life threatening injuries.

UCLA Medical Center: Large Meeting Room

Arianna Knight

Hospital security was stationed around the perimeter of the room. There was a long table set up at the front of the room with several microphones on it. There was a host of video drones from various agencies in the air above the crowd. There were 6 chairs set up behind the table. Two of Valkyrie’s security guards were along the wall behind the table. The other two were stationed along the wall on each side of it. They were close enough to intercept anyone who might try to reach their principals. Arianna had been introduced to the Valkyrie security guards on the way down from her room. They had all been perfect gentlemen and polite. Not that Alexander expected any less from them. Mabel took a seat along the wall near the exit. Katherine accepted the wireless microphone that one of the hospital staff had handed her. Katherine had agreed to let the hospital’s media person handle opening the press conference. Katherine would only interfere if she had too. Arianna took the fourth seat in, Alexander took the seat on the other side of her, as Candace took the seat on the other side of Arianna, leaving Arianna between her parents. Arianna’s primary doctor with the hospital had taken the far seat and Katherine had taken the end seat.

The media were packed into the room that the hospital had set up for the press conference. Cameras had started taking pictures the moment they had appeared in the room. The low buzz sound of drones was a background noise. The noise level was tolerable but the noise went up briefly with excitement as they entered before falling quiet.

“The UCLA Medical Center has called the press conference to hopefully answer your questions as best we can. Please understand that this is a medical institution and that patient confidentiality is guaranteed by law. We will only be sharing the information that Miss Ariana Knight has cleared us to release. First Doctor Hawthorne will give a brief discussion of the treatment that Miss Knight has received and her condition. Then Miss Knight’s mother Candace Martin will give a brief statement followed by her father Alexander Knight. Miss Arianna Knight will then give a brief statement. Please hold your questions until after the prepared statements have been given.”

Dr. Hawthorne: “Arianna Knight was airlifted to the medical center from the scene of the accident where she had been hit by a vehicle. The impact with the car shattered her legs and threw her into the air. The impact with the curb at the scene caused a skull fracture and severe concussion. The angle of the impact and the force of it severed Miss Knight’s spinal cord. She also suffered from numerous minor cuts and lacerations and bruising from impact with debris from the vehicle. She was rushed into surgery to stabilize her. Once Miss Knight was out of the woods, decisions had to be made for her future quality of life. Miss Knight’s injury left her a paraplegic. The choices made were to implement cybernetics to give her a quality comparable to what she had before the accident. She is now leaving the hospital to continue her recovery at home.”

The media started throwing questions out at the doctor. The doctor actually got up and left. The hospital representative informed them the doctor would not be answering any questions.

Candace looked around nervously before beginning her statement.
Candace: “My name is Candace Martin and I am Alexander’s ex-wife and the mother of Arianna Knight. Arianna is my only child. I want to thank the UCLA Medical Center Staff for taking such good care of my daughter. My daughter is an adult and I am grateful that she is expected to make a full recovery. I want to make one point clear. Alexander Knight is no longer a part of my life except that we share a child together. Please respect my privacy and leave me alone.”
Candace gave a brief nod to indicate she was finished and leaned back in her chair.

Alexander: “Thank you all for honoring my request for a press conference. Your interest in my daughter’s well being has been heartwarming. It was easier to address you all at once than agreeing to individual interview requests.”

Alexander gave them all a playful expression as he told them. “As you all know, I am a pretty busy man.”

He reached over and took Arianna’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. He gave her a warm loving smile before turning back to the cameras. He threaded his fingers through hers and continued to hold her hand. Alexander had tears in his thinking about what could have been the outcome. His voice was gravely with emotion.

Alexander: “I want to echo the thanks of my ex-wife Candace. The UCLA Medical Center and its staff have taken great care of my daughter. I am so grateful to the team of doctors and medical professionals that helped in her recovery. There are too many to individually name but know you have my undying gratitude.”
Alexander cleared his throat which was tight with emotions before he continued.

Alexander: “Arianna is my only child and the joy in my life. I am so very proud of the young woman she has become. I ask that you respect her wishes and privacy. It is her decision if she wishes to speak with you or not. Please respect her boundaries. Please also bear in mind that she is still recovering from what should have been a fatal accident.”

Alexander gulped. He hated the idea that he had to share his daughter with the world. He understood the press’ curiosity about her but it didn’t make his protective instincts any easier. All he wanted to do is grab her and run. He knew it was his prior experiences with the press that was talking and feeding his paranoia. He gave Arianna an encouraging smile. He could at least make this easier for her. Alexander’s face softened as Arianna gave him a brilliant smile. He turned to the media present with that smile still on his face.

Alexander: “Ladies and Gentlemen, my daughter Arianna Knight.”

Arianna gave the media a nervous smile. She clung to her father’s hand. Her golden hair caught the lights as she turned to look around at the audience. She couldn’t believe all these people were here to see her.

Arianna laughed as she began. “I didn’t think so many people would want to meet me.” She shrugged as she turned her head to look at her dad who was watching her closely. She gave him a warm smile as she met his eyes.

Arianna: “I am just a young woman going to college. I am working on my graduate degree in botany with an emphasis on ecosystem repair. I am a young woman like so many around the world with an amazing loving father. I don’t understand what you find so special about me. I am not anybody special.”

Arianna blushed as camera flashes almost blinded her. Alexander gave her hand a squeeze as he spoke to her.

Alexander: “You are the most special person in the world to me.”

Arianna smiled at her father and fell silent. She knew her father meant it.

Katherine picked up her microphone as the press were going crazy with the questions. She needed to bring some order to this chaos.

Katherine: “Please calm down. One at a time please.”

Every hand in the room shot up. Katherine pointed to a familiar face who was patiently waiting with their hand raised.

“Jessica Smith with Fox News: What was it like to grow up with an AG racer for a father?”

Arianna blinked a little surprised by the question.

Arianna: “My parents had already divorced before my father started racing. I spent summers with him and occasionally got to see him race. He was busy but he always made time for me. I lived with my mother during the school year. He was just dad to me.”

Arianna shrugged uncertain about why they had asked that.

Katherine helped facilitate the press conference from there.

“Beatriz Caetana with EU Observer: Is it true that due to your father that you were implanted with experimental cybernetics?”

Arianna did a double take on that question.

Arianna: “My father paid for the upgraded cybernetics that were installed. My student insurance didn’t cover them. I was only eligible for the upgrade because I met the criteria for them though.”

“Jamaica Williams with People: Are you considering any one on one tell all interviews in the future?”

Arianna laughed at the question. “No. There is nothing to tell. What you see is what you get. I don’t see that as necessary.”

“Hans Keller with Gossip: Arianna, if I may say, you are a beautiful young woman. Many racing fans will be curious. Are you dating anyone?”

Arianna blushed crimson as she replied.

Arianna: “I am not but that is not the kind of information I believe AG fans should be focusing on. Fans should be looking at the racing. Which pilots are showing the most skill? Who is placing at the races? Are the pilots activists? I am. I follow Kofi and Harrison for that reason.”

Alexander glared at Hans Keller and his growl was picked up by his microphone.

Alexander: “Keller, that was not an appropriate question for my daughter.”

“Lilly Stryker with TMZ: Good morning Arianna. Could you tell us about your relationship with your father? He seems to be very protective. What was he like when you started dating?”

Alexander’s focus switched to Stryker now and he pointed at her shaking his head no.

Arianna patted her father’s hand with a laugh.

Arianna: “My father supports all that I do. He is always there for me. I know without a doubt that he loves me. As you can see, he is very protective of me. He threatened my first date over the phone. The poor boy was terrified. He followed my father’s instructions to the letter. He danced only with me at the school dance. He had me home by 10pm and left me at the door with a peck on the cheek. He never asked me out again. We have come to an understanding now that I am an adult. He doesn’t ask and I don’t tell.”

Alexander turned his attention to Arianna with a raised brow. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.
“Are you seeing anyone? Why haven’t I met him yet?”

Arianna just laughed, her eyes sparkling merrily. She patted him on the hand. She rolled her eyes at him.

Arianna: “Relax dad, you know I will tell you if I date anyone and it gets serious.”

Alexander didn’t like that answer but now was not the time. He gave her a look like this conversation is not over.

“Angela Ramirez with NBC Sports: Have you been following your father’s return to racing?”

Arianna sighed as she answered. “I have been trying to but you understand with the timing. My attention has been on recovery. I plan to follow it more closely as I have more time.”

Katherine decided that was enough. “Alright folks, we are wrapping up this press conference. Arianna needs to get home. Any further requests from the media to speak with Arianna Knight can be forwarded to the Public Relations Team at Valkyrie AGR Sport. Thank you.”

There was the usual last minute chaos as reporters tried to sneak in additional questions. The security guards held back a few of the more aggressive reporters as those behind the table exited the room.

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KingKofiFan: Wow Knight’s daughter is a Kofi fan!
$erwa: What ? How did you find this out? First I have heard of it.
KingKofiFan: She did a press conference when she got out of the hospital. She is pretty too!
KingKofiFan: Check out NBC Sports for her interview.
Bertha: She also said she was Harrison Fan. She is not that pretty.
NoraRules: I like that she seemed so genuine. She didn’t just give lip service to her father’s team.
BadBrad: She doesn’t matter. She is not a part of this sport.
ApexSuperFan: I agree with BadBrad. Why are we talking about a team principal’s daughter who is not involved with AG at all?
Bertha: Agreed. Why are we talking about Knight’s brat?
TeamCondorSF: I don’t really care about her but she did look all beat to hell from that accident.
Susie: Yeah she had bruises for days.
ApexSuperFan: Again who cares?
Abdullah: She honored her father. Good child.
Zygonista: I don’t see the relevance.
Bertha: Why are the media covering this? Was it a slow week?
Merica1: It was nice to see some American representation on AG racing even if it was the principal's daughter.
BatDave: I am Batman and I approve of Arianna. I like that her focus was on racing.
Bertha: [content removed by moderators]
ValkyrieFan56: It was nice to see a more human side of Knight.
Bertha: His daughter got special cybernetics thanks to her daddy’s connections. Not everyone has those resources. Arianna Knight is a spoiled princess. #inequality
Nobody404: Medical records are privileged information. Cybernetics are highly regulated. Knight’s daughter could only get those augmentations if she met the criteria for them medically. You can’t blame a father for wanting what is best for his daughter. I don’t blame him for that. If others had the resources they would move heaven and earth for their children too.
Bertha: [Content removed by moderators.]

Social Media

OfficeDrone#12: Interesting interview. Knight looked almost human.
SuperfanAGR54: I thought Knight was going to deck that reporter.
DantheMan: I wouldn’t want to be her date.
Superfan2075: Knight is a marshmallow.
DadBod89: solidarity #fatherhood
Hater101: Who the fuck cares? She is a looker though!
Papabear34: As a father, I related to that interview. #fatherhood
Nana2050: Knight is a good father.
GeorgeFly: Don’t see what all the hype is about. Big deal he has a kid. So do others.
ValkyrieFan56: Arianna Knight is gorgeous. Can she be the new mascot?
Weedhead81: Maybe she likes weed?
SexyM@m@5: Boring who cares.
Paulmulder4eva: It didn’t have anything to do with the pilots. #badnews
Britball12: Why the hype?
!YouSlow!: Don’t care. I did like that she tried to put the focus back on racing.
xImFasterthanUx: This news does not matter unless you like gossip sites.
AGInthusiast: Agreed does not matter
micheal650004: Blonde bombshell alert
llamalover4life: Yes she is pretty but has nothing to do with her father’s career.
ieatAGR: Well except he said he came back to racing for her. That is important to note.
Weedhead81: @AriannaKnight Will you go out with me?

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Hidden 5 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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KaisZenix@AlSaqrRacing.au: RE:Team potluck invitation [TENTATIVE]

A Team Building

Date: Mar 25, 2094
Location: Al Saqr HQ, Abu Dhabi, UAE, The AU

"Argh, damn turn through Shibuya just keeps getting me. Kais, you got any read on this? The ship is fucking horrible there. I'm screwing with setup, but if you can get me that corner right, I will get you back on the straights and the MAG section in Sector 2. I mean, what are we doing? Ship's hardly got any stability. And we are skating like thugs on ice, the ELS sections here are nasty."

“Different terrain, different tactics. Ship may be horrible here, but we aren’t.” Kais replied. “We’ll have to lean hard on the energy systems: Shibuya’s brutal if you don’t get the AG power distribution just right. Can’t turn with too much speed, you have to cycle power around the pulsar grid as you go through. And if all fails, we can slingshot out of the difficult sections with the ELS. Make up for a bad entry with some stolen juice. If we manage to stick together, we can give each other a boost.” Then, before Layla could answer anything back, he made sure to add. “Just gotta make sure I get the last one.” He saw the simulation engineer snicker a little behind the observation window. “Try increasing the control tokens on the neural dampening mod there.”

"That upgrade though, hits something different everywhere else, ship's stupid fast out of corners now. You feeling comfortable about it? About you know....the fact this is a little more experimental?"

Kais raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms. You, being against something experimental? Nadia put you up to this, didn’t she?” Kais shot back. He knew Layla’s opinion on augmentations and getting the upgrades to match - pushing the limits was her thing, hell, she pretty much was all augmentations and upgrades by now. There was no reason she wouldn’t be able to handle it, just like he would. He switched to a private voice channel. “Let’s be honest here: there’s a reason Al-Saqr chose us to be their racers, and it’s not because we conform so well. It’s because we are the experiments.” It was true, had to be. They would have never let someone like him even near a racer if is wasn't for that. It was why Al Saqr was able to push their ships to its limits. Was he fully comfortable with it? There was no choice: in a war as asymmetric as this one, all that counted was ruthless efficiency. And though the newest upgrade felt like it was drilling into his brain sometimes, its dynamic adjustments of the neural dampeners did afford them some extra bits of information and control during key moments of the race. The pain was simply a part of the job, part of life. And if it gave them just an inch more… “We have to make full use of it. If it gives us an edge, I’m not just going to back down.” Why was Layla making a big deal out of it? Was she worried about him? Or was she worried about him? “We’ll be fine, Layla. Tactical risk is not recklessness.” He said, the near-crash briefly flashing through his mind.

“I still can't believe Jamie got away with nothing. But let's not do anything rash. If we keep him behind, I think we're made here. And we may have the craft for it this time.”

Kais hadn’t actually spoken much about the crash since returning to Abu Dhabi, but the mere thought of it made his jaw clench even now. What’s past has passed, his therapist would’ve said. And Kais agreed: better to focus on payback instead. And that, they would. “Jamie got lucky, but we’ll deal with him. Like we’ll deal with all the rest." Keep them behind, indeed. The trick to racing…

“Want to run the race sim again?”

“Yes.” He replied. Layla had wagered his attendance at the team potluck on it, after all. Best out of three, and he was behind.

“We supersoldiers were never actually made for fighting. I can’t remember when I realized that myself. But I’ll tell you, acceptance of that fact took me a long time, only really sunk in after the war, to be honest. Warfare changes, and with cyber and tech being as advanced as they were, what are your options? Well, I’ll tell you one. Grow a human, genetically modified to have as much strength, durability, fearlessness and redundant systems as possible. Slap on as much tank armor and weaponry as they and their exomechs can carry. Then throw them into a warzone and watch every operator target them. Perfect distraction. Or how about this: drop them into high-stakes situations where the usual tactics are a liability. Surprise attacks: no time to deploy. Infiltrations: tight spaces, risk of collateral. Urban warfare: risk of civilian casualties. Straight into enemy entrenchments: risk of friendly fire. Then let them rip and tear. And if they do happen to flatline, make them self destruct. There’s a reason there never were that many supers operating at any one time. And it’s not so much because we were expensive… It’s because we were expendable…”

The muffled sound of a gunshot echoed across the practice range at the rebel base, and the empty glass bottle shattered to the ground.

“Nice one, Rami!” The trainer said. Rami looked up from his rifle, a cautious smile appearing on his face as he turned back to the spectators.

“Not bad for a rookie. Only took you, what, 9 tries?” Another more gruff-looking man, said from some paces behind him. “Don’t listen to him, Rami. Khaled may be old, but he didn’t do much better when he first enlisted himself.” The trainer stepped up to him, chewing on a piece of pear cactus. “Your parents would’ve been proud, sahib. Come, let’s do one more.” They did one more.

Then a small commotion started behind them. “Rami, look!” The trainer tapped him on the back. A group of about fifteen soldiers walked by. They weren’t that much bigger than the lot of them, but the sheer amount of equipment they carried was harrowing, and the way they walked was unsettling. No hesitation, no stopping, no speaking. There was a watchfulness, but zero unease, nor ‘ease’ for that matter. Pure purpose, and what that was, was anybody’s guess. One of them briefly looked their way, a hawk of a man, but that was enough. A shudder went through Rami’s body.

“So uh…” Rami hesitated. “Do we invite the supes, or…?”

“Are you kidding?” Khaled sat up. “If I wanted unfair competition I’d just get my blind nana to out-shoot you. ‘sides, they wouldn’t join even if you asked. They don’t do fun, or any kind of humor for that matter.”

“It’s more that I’d like them to be on our side, you know? Heard that one guy there took off someone’s arm once.”

“Oh, boogeyman stories.” Khaled waved away the comment. “They always cart out that line to scare the rookies. And they are on our side. Conditioned to. Still, don’t get too comfortable around them. They only get rolled out when things are absolutely fucked, or have to be.”

“So why are they here now?”

The Siege of Fort Aswan

Soundtrack: Paul Ruskay - Storm Strike

Date: February 26, 2063
Location: Fort Aswan, Aswan, Southern Egypt
Objective: Fort Aswan is one of Masdar-al-Nuba’s key strongholds in Southern Egypt. Its hidden underground base was built by rebel groups and foreign agitators to bypass the heavily-regulated Union Waterworks by siphoning water from the Nile and Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System and shipping them to various satellite hubs. This provides the rebellion and their allies with their water needs, and stands as political and symbolic defiance. Keeping hold of urban Aswan above lets the Masdar disrupt nearby supply and trade lines, keep a buffer between the allied Sudanese-Ethiopian mercenary groups in the south and the encroaching Union forces up north, secure bio and industrial resources for the war effort, and keep an urban front for recruitment and cover. It must be defended at all costs.

Rebel Forces:
Union Forces:
  • ~1500 specialist M-a-N soldiers, ~3000 local militia, ~2000 civilian support, ~4.5M civilians
  • 36 supersoldiers with Exomech suits, in CairoNight camo
  • 65 Light APCs, 20 with Anti-Drone Laser Nets, 20 with anti-personnel weapons
  • Assault weapons loadout, signal jammers, mag-mines
  • 9th Specialized Division, commanding officer: General Al-Qurashi
  • ~1800 Soldiers (~120 stim-augmented, ~180 combat engineers)
  • 24 Drone printers, 120 fast-attack drones, 180 assault vehicles
  • 2 Smart-bombers
  • Assault weapons loadout

Phase 1: Encirclement and Recon (Days 1-3)


Swarms of drones buzzed through the streets.

“Recon swarm at sector 6, headed west, your way, AV21. Prepare netting.”
“Copy that. Nets armed and ready.”
“Pouring down from the north as well. They're mapping the place. Hide the tunnel entrances, now!”
"Command, civilians in sector 4 are asking for safe passage. What are your orders?"
"Damned drones, there's no end to them. We need to do something about those printers, command!"

Phase 2: Infiltration and Assault (Days 3-5)

The elite Masdar soldiers took their positions. The evacuated residential buildings now housed snipers and rocket troops. Ready for the Union infiltration squads that made their way through the narrow, claustrophobic passages of the city in an attempt to push through to the city’s core. Civilian supporters kept them updated on their and any drone swarms' positions. Then, in the early hours of the morning of day 3, gunfire filled the streets, and Union APCs flared up as they found the hidden anti-hovercraft magnetic mines spread throughout the city.

"That's one APC less!"
"How did they cut us off this fast?"
"We’ve lost control of tunnel entrance 4. Pull back and regroup!"
"Supplies are running low."
"We need eyes in the north sectors! Send recon teams or we’re going to be blindsided!"
"Command, multiple breaches in the lower sectors. We’re holding."
"Acknowledged, reinforcements are en route."

Phase 3: Counter-Offensive Special Operations and Defensive Reinforcement (Days 5-6)

ZNX-5-01: “5-01 reporting. Drone base 1 through 3 down. 2-02, 2-04, 5-05, 5-11 rendered inoperative. Mission complete.”
Command: “Finally, some good news! Return to base.”
ZNX-5-01: “Acknowledged.”
Command: “Ignore previous instructions, 5-01, alef squad reports being pinned. Sector 7, make haste.”
KAIS: “Acknowledged.”
NADIA: “Kais?”

“Your turn.” Farouk repeated, still in his mechanics overalls and stuffing some kind of stuffed leaf into his mouth. “I know, I was just... thinking.” Kais said, reaching out to move a pawn to c3.

The potluck was in full swing. Al Saqr HQ's atrium was lined with a banner containing the flags of each of the member states of the Union, as well as those of other collaborating countries she had in her employ. A large holovision display showcased the team's past racing highlights. And surrounding it were a collection of tables filled with a mass of dishes, most of which made their physical training and nutrition experts sweat just by looking at them, save perhaps for the date-and-pistachio power bars.

"Layla, I've been wondering. When Omar asked us to organize this he said it was your idea, but can you even eat any of this? Do you even have a stomach anymore? Do you just plug yourself into a wall socket?"

“Partially," Layla laughed. "Any rest nutrition I can pretty much feed right into the organics, very optimized, and I don't have anymore allergies either, can only recommend it." Kais grumbled something inaudible about allergies. "But that's not the point, I figured we could use some lightening up after that last race anyway. So: to the next one!” Layla said with that bright, contagious energy of hers. "To the next one!" The rest of their table responded. “Never say I only think about the number one of this team. I sometimes also think about our number two.” She winked at Kais. The group laughed. Then the knight took d4.

"But man, no kidding." Farouk went on. "I saw the press conference after. Shame about Queen Bea getting wrecked by Jamie, eh?" Queen took d4. "Careful now. Beatrix is lucky to have gotten out of that unscathed. Can't say the same for you." Pawn took back d4, and Farouk cursed his oversight. "Yeah, she didn't seem very happy about the crash." Layla said. "Next race is going to be wild." "Good thing that's when we're at our best." "Speaking of which," Farouk continued. "Nora Kelly's doing pretty well, isn't she?" "Hmm. Strong racer. I like her style." "Oh! And what was it like sitting at that table with the Amy Stirling, by the way? Come on, give us something juicy." "No." “Well, what about Han, then?” "Clinical, stuck-up, unnerving." "Yeah I don't think she likes you very much either, but hey, you do have a fellow-racer-fan.” Layla butted in. “Thanks, Layla.” Kais responded. “Oh no, I was talking about Paul. Did you see his interview?” “I don't like watching the interviews back. Rather leave it to PR.” “You had his admiration, is what he said, for the comeback.” Kais smiled a little. “Charming." Then he paused, as his mind went back to someone whom Paul reminded him of, whom he had met quite some time ago. Yes, Paul was sharp and kind, and Kais wondered if there'd ever come a time when he too would..., and Kais' gaze went beyond.

Alef squad was being overrun. And in that hellscape of crumbling concrete and dust, three supersoldiers came down on the Union's entrenchment in a waltz of steel and rage. With their augmented reflexes exquisitely synced, every movement was a ruthless advance, sending most of the Unionites retreating. Then, from the dust, a Union soldier came scrambling for safety, and dragging with him one of the Masdar's injured operatives. He held a pistol pressed against his head as he cried out to "stay ba--!". ZNX-5-01 instantly raised his rifle, and a reddish mist diffused into the air.

Rami fell to the ground when the Union soldier's grasp simply... disappeared. Grasping at his injured arm, he cried out in pain, and when he looked up he saw the super approaching him. He reached out, and Rami instinctively cowered before noticing that he had stopped mid-reach. A butterfly fluttered by, a common tiger, rare around these parts, and the man tracked it for a few seconds, his demeanor loose and soft, until the critter had disappeared again from view. In a fraction of a second the man regained his composure and hoisted Rami to his legs. “On your feet, brother.” Then he walked away, securing the perimeter, and onward to the next objective. Rami stayed silent as he and the rest of his group followed the squad to base.

Phase 4: Fall and Evacuation (Days 6-9)


"Don't listen to their broadcasts! Stay focused, stay strong, keep fighting!"
"They're leaving us! We've been betrayed..."
"Damn defectors left the south gate wide open, traitors! Union's breaking through!"
"Hold the line!"
"God, there's too many. We're not going to make it at this rate! Fall back!"
"Evac route compromised, taking heavy fire!"
ZNX-5-01: "Command, status!"
Command: "5-01, cover the civilians' evac!"
ZNX-5-01: "Acknowledged."
"Command, 3-12 and 3-13 reporting. We're pinned down at the water pumps. Executing."

Two shockwaves rumbled through the tunnels.

“Command, two pumps have been breached! The Union-occupied tunnels are flooding, they're being flushed out!”
"Readings on 3-12 and 3-13 have gone dark!"
"The fort's falling!"
Command: "5-01, move! Get out before it's too late!"

“I’ve been thinking about our talk from earlier, about what you said. About being an… experiment.” Layla said. The two had drifted to the side where Layla now stood perched against a table. “I just wondered... You ever thought about getting away from it all?” She asked, rather suddenly. Kais crossed his arms and shot back a glance. “You trying to get rid of me?” Then Layla exhaled in frustration. “You always do this. Don’t avoid the question. Don't avoid things when you think you can’t win, Kais.” Kais sighed, and thought for a few seconds. “Of course I've thought about it…” Of course he had thought about it. “But where would I even go, who would have me, huh? I've got digital IDs with regime and military records so far up my biometrically flagged ass, I would be sniffed out instantly, no matter where I went. There's no escape for me. This is my chance to make something of myself. Something else...” And he had no intention of letting that chance slip away, of going back to the mech shop and the chauffeuring business, no matter how much he could probably up his rates now. No, this is where he would make his stand. A new stand. And people would know it. They'd see. “I fought for this, Layla, I fought for this. I'm not just going to abandon it. I won’t.”

Layla nodded. She always had suspected he used racing as an escape. She hopped off the table. “Come, I want to show you something.” Then she led him past the dark office spaces, the idle buzzing from the labs, the empty hallways, and back down to the garage. There she walked straight past the AG racers, turned down the lights, and flicked the switch that opened its large shutter doors to the testing grounds. With a mechanical whirr, the world beyond their sterile walls appeared, and there they sat for a while, looking out on the island’s bay. Kais saw the mangrove trees swaying in the wind… how things had changed. But Layla focused on something else, something above, in the way far off distance, and Kais knew exactly what that was. The moon was only just past half-full at this time of month, but even on the side yet-unlit, Kais swore he saw a twinkling, the smallest pinpricks of light, settlements, life. “Look at that." Layla's voice was almost a whisper. "We did that. Once, we thought we were trapped here, squabbling over patches of dirt. Then..." she gestured out into the world: it was self evident. "And you know what? After the moon, we're going to Mars, Europa, Proxima. One day, humanity will live among the stars, Kais. That's what I believe. We're not just racers, or ex-soldiers, or very expensive guinea pigs. Beyond the track, beyond the whole circus, there's so much more out there. You'll get it, when you see it...”

Kais wanted to argue. To say it wasn't that simple. But then he looked at her, and swore he could see the same twinkling in her augmented, dark golden eyes. And maybe, for just a moment, it made him want to believe it too.

Defeat (Day 9)

The vehicle shook as their nighttime exodus took them back towards the Red Sea through hidden underground exits, abandoned mining tunnels and treacherous desert paths.


In the distance, a series of ghostly wails from the sky shook the ground, and stacks of smoke rose up into the air. Whatever defenses of theirs remained, the Union's hypervelocity bunker-busters made sure to leave none standing.

The Nubian Source had been definitively routed away from their namesake, and, in Rami’s case, from his home. But the rest of the wagon’s occupants nor the others in the convoy preoccupied with combat fatigue, seemed to care as much as he did. “Fucking bastards.” Rami mumbled as the rumble of the bombers passed them by. The others were mostly silent, apart from a snore every now and then, or a whisper. Yet, sitting opposite him, ever-alert, was the supersoldier ZNX-5-01, one of the six that were left over after the siege. Rami, his arm now in a sling, hung his head and sighed. How was it that despite owing his life to him, it still required courage to speak? Ridiculous. The guy even looked younger than him, in a strange sort of way, and Rami knew how to speak to a little brothe--… Rami’s feet grew restless and he felt his eyes start to water. He took a deep breath. “So, uh…” His voice quivered. “You like butterflies, huh?” ZNX looked at him for a moment, sized him up, with -always- that tension in his eyes. “No.” Then his gaze went back out on the road again. And Rami got the distinct impression that he hadn’t even understood the question.

“Kais?” Nadia’s voice didn’t project very far into the garage, but she knew he would hear it - he had good ears, despite his constant grumbling about her soft-spokenness. The garage was dark. Had they turned down the lights? Still, there the figure sat in thought, faintly illuminated by the outside ambient light. Just as Layla had told her. “What is it?” He replied.

“I boxed you some left-overs, I can leave it here, if you’d like…”

“Thanks, Nadia. I’ll be right back.”

And that, he did. The night went on, and pleasantly so. More games were played, some brave idiot challenged Kais to a finger-wrestling match -and bravely lost, to nobody’s real surprise-, and when Kais finally returned home, boxed left-overs in hand, he held his breath for a fraction of a second, his senses on full-alert. But there was nothing out of the ordinary. All was dark, and all was silent. And he was, once again, alone.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Sylvan
Avatar of Sylvan

Sylvan Local Cryptid

Member Seen 25 days ago


Southern Cross Headquarters

The return to SCs home base in Christchurch, New Zealand, had an air of celebration as the team took home a two-podium finish with second and third place, keeping them competitive in both the constructors and their own personal standings. That burning passion was soon turned to other pursuits, however, as the team principal called a strategy meeting shortly after the team got settled back into the factory and its surrounding facilities. As the pilots, principal, analysts, and team leads gathered and grabbed coffee, Owen Keating opened the meeting.

Owen turned to the head engineer, an American expat who went by Gregory Long. “I’ve seen the emails, but how’re we looking at the improvements we talked about after Auckland?” Gregory “Long term we’re still looking to improve the stability of the sleds, but we’re running into trouble in the sims as we work on ways to up the stability while also keeping current speed and handling characteristics. We’ve made some progress, but nothing ready to deploy.” Gregorys voice came across as frustrated but genuine as he pointed out problem areas on a holographic model of the Southern Cross ship. After some time, the conversation moved on to other parts of the team, and eventually to the next race.

“Tokyo AGP. Our ELS systems are up to the task, but I want both of you running the sims with an emphasis on ELS duels, and I want you practicing with and against each other too. Nora’s still new to the entire system, and more practice never hurt anyone. Past that, you’ll be racing in tight confines so it’ll probably be a knife fight the whole way. Keating nodded to each of the pilots in turn, then looked at Nora, who’d stepped forward.

“I know the commission ruled it an accident, but… Well, call me full but I’d rather not have that behind me without a plan. I raced against a lot of reckless blokes before signing here and most’v’em woulda balked at that move Jamie pulled. As a way to damage the competition though? That it could work as.” Nora paused, then looked at Harrison. “If he’s near you, keep an eye, and I’ll do the same. We watch each others backs and he won’t have a shot.” Nora did care about winning, both for herself and the team, but she also wanted to extend an olive branch to Harrison. A clear message, one she maybe hadn’t sent yet.

(Collab with @FourtyTwo)

Immersed on a neutrally linked pushbike was a weird thing to be, but suddenly being surrounded by a lush jungle landscape, noise and all, made it easy to push, on tarmac that felt real, even if absolutely none of it was, and you could just tell, just about beyond it. Like something from Ray Bradbury's "The Veldt", AR and neural tech had come so far now that you could step in, but look for the tiniest of markers, and you could remind yourself this wasn't real. People HAD gotten stuck inside, and that had very, very quickly gotten some fixes. In a world where tech moved so fast, regulating and policing it came just as quickly, making sure that you always had a marker in the sky to quickly check your perspective meant you had a little control. And of course, a way out if you thought it.

The cycling however, was all real, the bike under him reacting exactly like a real bike should. Cardio, and it hurt, as part of a usual test post-race, after getting home to New Zealand. Nora of course, had joined in on hers and was in Harrison's network, and the session was nearly done, as Harrison exhaled hard, bodysuit doing well to kill the sweat, but he was feeling bonked right there. Pulling the port, the AR course and illusion disappeared and the grey exterior that surrounded the gym setting came back in, Nora finishing up. Techs came over, seeing they were done, and the usual diagnostics, VO2 max, heart rate, augment impacts, and so on, were all there to see. No wires were normally required, but for the amount of data that Harrison and Nora were logging, it was nice to have a better track than not.

With the completion of that, Harrison looked across to Nora, the curly-haired, tanned Aussie contrasting against Nora's paler complexion as they walked out of the Southern Cross gym.

"Hey, mind if I grab you a sec?" Harrison asked, as they headed out of the room, knowing it had been on his mind for a while, and he had found his gym bag, containing some inhalers for the augments and implants in this particular setting, and something else he wanted to show Nora.
"Got something I thought I'd show you." Harrison added, digging his hand inside of the drawstring, pulling it out.

With it, Harrison opened his hand, revealing a small pendant. A Pounamu stone, a piece of solid green jade, a jewel prized by the Maori, and normally, beyond a value that most Maori would ever consider. But this one had a particular sentimental value, one Harrison wasn't sure if to show her at all, if it wasn't for the fact he trusted her. After the interviews, conversations, everything, he seemed to get a feel that she wasn't here to stake him out. A rebel in her own way, one he distrusted given her Interior Circuit connections, but for a moment, he wanted to make it clear this was something he promised his last team-mate, now retired and enjoying life in the Chatham Islands.

"I thought I'd give this to you. Tane Lo'fana, the pilot who retired last year left it with me. Said it meant the world to him, but it was more tied to his Waka, his raft, than anything at all. And you're piloting it, so given you look like you're here to stay, I thought I'd pass it on. As a charm. The team don't know that of course, given he retired. But, between us, I thought it would be the right thing to do. Your craft's got a lot of Koru on it, the swirly design. So it pairs to it. I know we're not Kiwis, but....I wonder if we need something else to keep us going faster." Harrison sincerely commented, presenting it in his weathered palm, knowing this might be a bit strange to her. He awaited her response, before brushing his face with his hands, wiping off the sweat, knowing Nora was probably a bit the same, and maybe a little confused why now.

"Look. For what it's worth, I know they look at us and compare us on everything, even if they do tell us to be a team. But, we're going to need everything if we want to beat Amy, and....much as I hate to say it, we may need to work out how, together. And, being honest...Amy hasn't been like this in a while. In that interview, she looked riled up because of you. Like you got under her skin, so many people are talking about you, which means we're two on one with her. She expected you to be good for one race. I want to win that title as much as you do. But, we need to stop her winning it too, whether that's you or me, we need to make sure we knock her off her perch. You with me on that one?" Harrison asked, knowing this was going to be hard.

She was competing with him. But, in that moment, Harrison almost felt like there was something to be done here. Even if perhaps he hadn't known just how far her underworld connection linked into her, doing something more than just pretending everything was fine would need to get them through this.

Christchurch, New Zealand
Southern Cross HQ

“They’ll compare us no matter what, ‘specially with how high we flew the last two races. When I signed on with the team I didn’t expect things to go quite like this, definitely not this fast.” Noras usually hard-edged expression softened into a friendly smile as she took the Pounamu stone pendant that Harrison held out. “I came into this team wanting to do just that, work as a team. The Interior… You don’t have teammates, you have people you use and people who use you. There’s more to it, but that’s what started me on the path out. So yes, I want to work together. Let’s support each other, Harrison, against Apex if nothing else. We can sort out which one of us wins the title after, eh?”

Harrison smiled, with a nod back, knowing Nora was hard to open up, the usually clammed in, stubborn and hyperfocussed pilot was not one that would have normally been receptive. Of course, he was of a similar disposition, and up until now, wasn’t too sure what to make of her. Despite her past, he was willing to give her a chance, and right now, they needed a partnership, not a fight amongst each other to let Amy get any further up the track.
“It’s not easy to trust, especially coming from a place like that. I heard the stories, never touched that scene, but friends tell me the risks are out there. I understand that. Glad we’re on the same page.” Harrison calmly replied, as they headed out of the gym room, the factory visible on the left as they headed through, the sealed off clean-room like aesthetic containing both ships, undergoing maintenance, checks and micro-upgrades between rounds. The artwork on the wall revealed a tapestry that felt more classical than hypermodern, but still, it felt like a chronicle to all things speed. Techs milled around, and various staff members were in and out of rooms, up to their daily work.

Harrison took a moment to look to the mountains, and with it, looking back at the sight of it, then back to Nora. The white-haired rebel that was now in all of the media, all of it, staff sometimes stopping to wave to her, she wasn’t like any rookie Harrison had seen, she seemed to have this instant magnetism, like in spite of her not wanting to conform, it was like the world wanted to simply react to her. He’d never seen anything quite like it. A rebel that fit a team like Southern Cross’s merry band of rebels perfectly. And yet, Harrison knew there was something perhaps to show that he knew she hadn’t quite taken in. All that talk, and yet he had something in mind.

Soundtrack: Etherwood- Illuminate

“You ever been out in the mountains out there?” Harrison asked, looking to the right, and out beyond the large hydroponic towers, the Southern Alps, just starting to get a gentle glaze of snow on them.

“Lucky us, we have a method to get there really, really fast.” He smirked, pointing over at a near-surface anti-gravity ship, like someone had taken a supercar and just attached a core anti-gravity point to it, and an electrically-driven pulse unit driving it. Southern Cross were in the business of making supercraft these days too, perhaps a legacy of McLaren’s automotive that Southern Cross had quasi-swallowed up in time.

“What do you reckon? That one up there, is Ben More. Probably a half hour or so if we stick it on the gravel tracks. Might need a coat though!” Harrison quipped, awaiting Nora’s response. No doubt after living in the desert for a long time, and away from civilization, it might have been a bit out of her comfort zone.

“I reckon I’ll take your advice and grab a coat.” Nora said, making quick work of the jog to her apartment on campus and returning with a warm coat that looked like it had seen little use. She returned in the same casual hurry, waving back when someone waved to her but not stopping to talk. She had an air of excitement about her as she pulled it on over the long sleeve shirt, pants, and boots that she’d also thrown on to replace her usual garb, which most would consider unsuitable for a mountain. “I’ve never been up that high on something natural, so no way am I gonna let a chance like this slip past me.” Nora had always been something of an adrenaline junkie, perhaps unsurprising in their line of work, and outside of established lines was generally eager for new experiences.

Harrison had followed the same, and it was not long after they’d gone away that he was back, changed himself. Nora’s reply was one of enthusiasm, and given he wasn’t sure how she would take it, well, he was just happy she was along for the ride.
“Well, there’s always Marmolada. Air’s a lot thinner. And the Moon? Don’t get me started!” Harrison chuckled, leading her towards it, knowing their way up wasn’t too far when you could go 400kph on a dirt road, leaving no trail behind.

Nora looked nervous at the mention of the Moon, clearly nervous about leaving the atmosphere behind in a race, but shook it off and followed Harrison to the supercar.

The Perspective Looking Back
Ben More, New Zealand

Stopping at the top of the mountain at a small ledge below the top, the craft landed gently, the difficulty of navigating a tiny track at least negated by Harrison’s ability to pick a line, and the fact that anti-gravity generators didn’t really worry about slope too much, given friction wasn’t really a problem. Of course, this was a little bit illegal, but putting a supercar-styled craft at the top of a mountain, well, that had to just do.

Clambering out, Harrison wore a sustainably sourced puffy jacket, and instead of shorts had switched to some more suitable trousers and footwear, his mane-like hair blowing in the breeze, as he looked to Nora, walking up the snow, and over the small granite ledge to the top.

And what a view it was. Mile after mile of tussock, bracken, snow topped mountains, lakes, soil, everything. It was hard to not stop and stare, just to take it in, the clouds gently inverting on the landscape of the late morning, leaving an eerie glow on it. A sense of splendor, and perhaps for Harrison, a chance to take it in. Remind himself why it was important. Escaping and running was always fun, but this felt like calm. And worth looking after, in his view. It was a reminder of perhaps that while progress felt rewarding, this had to be worth something in an age of untapped and unstopping change. Layla had her choices to be transhuman, but Harrison almost wanted to sink back into this reality, and keep it alive for others to enjoy too. It was quiet. It wasn’t relentless, it wasn’t solace in finding a machine. It was solace in feeling a gentle breeze of cold, and utter, total silence. That hadn’t changed for millenia.

Silent for a moment, Harrison looked to Nora, before taking a seat in the snow, exhaling, the mist visible on his breathing out.
“What do you reckon?” Harrison asked, looking across to her, knowing she must have been a bit chilly up here, what from going from the desert to the top of an alpine mountain, in little more than months now.

“I’ll be honest, it’s not my first time here. I keep coming back. Not sure what it is. But it’s special.” He added, wondering what her thoughts were, yet knowing Nora seemed weighted from the moment they’d split up and come back here.

As Nora got out, clad in a similar getup, and stepped up to the top, she was silent for long minutes just staring, drinking in the grandiose majesty of the natural wonders stretching out in front of her. As she took it in, she was wearing an odd smile, almost a mixture of regret, and hope. After a while she closed her eyes, and when she opened them she had a different look, one of resolve. Nora sat in the snow near Harrison, and took a moment to sort her words.

“Guess I never did tell anyone here why I wanted out. Not even Uncle Flynn, not that he knew it was me before we met in Alice Springs.” She was silent for another period, almost long enough to sound like she’d stopped, before she continued speaking. “I left because it was hard to trust, sure, but that wasn’t all. I… Well, I had a change of heart. I finally saw what went on in there, and up here? This just reinforces it. Here the natural beauty is… It’s damn endless, and not a mine or sewage stream in sight.” There was anger and regret in her voice, held in check by the iron will that cut through everything Nora was. “I made my own choices there, not gonna try ducking that. Don’t know if the Crew’ll try anything either, my leaving was more ultimatum than negotiation, and even then I needed the help of a… friend, a friendly spider on the inside. They’re the one who called Flynn.”

Harrison listened, a moment of everything leaking out, the fiery, fierce Nora turning to something else, a moment almost of honesty, opening herself up right here and now. The world like this had an effect, as he said nothing, letting the words sink in, reflecting on it. He wasn’t quite sure what to say, what to think, but knew this was some serious business. And that right here, Nora was opening up, something that he knew perhaps nobody would know about, not in the team, not beyond perhaps even family outside of her Uncle.

“Sounds like you made your own call. And the right one. They aren’t people to get tangled up with, and it happened. And at the end of the day, it got you here. Top tier Formula AG team, Nora, and you’re quite literally on top of that world too. If they pester you, there’s a lot of people that can help, and would stop them getting through. So look forwards to that future, and try not to let it get to you.” Harrison gently replied, knowing it may not be much, but it was something.

“I hope you’re right. You’ve heard of them, clearly, but I’ve known them. They’re insidious, and more resourceful that y’might expect. But, yeah. I’m not alone now. Still… still getting used to that. Just hope these wings don’t turn out t’be wax, you know?”

Harrison shrugged, knowing that no doubt Nora had her worries, yet, in some way, he tried to focus on positives. As loose as they were, perhaps he wasn’t entirely wrapping his head into how screwed this was, but he was able to get some grasp.
“Well, these wings bring attention. And it means you’re hard to keep quiet, or do anything to easily. So if they try something, it won’t be so simple. I know it’ll be hard, but don’t forget you have a team behind you. We look after our own here. It may not feel like it sometimes, but I appreciate you confiding in me.” The male Aussie’s reply was a slow start, but he felt he was getting the words out now.

“Just keep doing what you do best, Nora. You’re clearly bloody good at it. And like you said. We’ll sort it out when we get there. They’ll need to go pretty fast to keep up with you.” Harrison added a little levity at the end, chuckling, sighing as he looked out to the horizon, and the cloud gently peeling on the mountains, the lake a crystalline blue, and framing the more distant, and even larger mountains in the Southern Alps behind.

“Someone, maybe related to them, maybe not, wanted to mine that valley down there. There’s a massive store of lithium and gold that you could dig up, you could strip it and set up an operation with thousands and thousands of tonnes for export. There’s good environmental protection here in New Zealand, maybe a bit better than home. But, it was the right thing to do, stopping them. Keeping it this way is important. More than I can put into words. And that’s why I can’t trust people like that at all. They’d ruin it all. Tear it apart, maybe in a way, they’ll just move onto people when they run out of nature to tear apart. People like you, Nora. So I can forgive you for walking away. But I’ll see them as the bastards who want to turn this to another ruin. Enough of that happened. And sometimes from people that are even on the grid now, they’ll not acknowledge what they did in their bit. Not enough people thinking about fixing what’s broken, too many wanting a new shiny toy, or something, or someone, to exploit. People have that too much in common.” Harrison mused, perhaps his own views melting out a little, given he’d been rather opinionated on it. And not just their operations, but many, many others. Harrison was therefore not someone covered in sponsors for that reason, but one of the few on the grid, like Astrid, perhaps a little like Cassie, that had some reflection on what they were looking at.

“You’re right, I don’t exactly do quiet well.” Nora laughed through the words as she regained some of her usual demeanor. “Too right, though, we’re not exactly a back alley operation or anything, and we’re some of the fastest out there.” Nora took another long look at the natural landscape. She knew why some people would want to ruin it. They didn’t care for the beauty, or for the future past growing their balance. But she was glad that there were people like Harrison fighting to preserve it, and to fix what was rotten. “Evils common as dirt, Harrison. But so is good, and you’re an example of that. An example that I’d do well to keep in mind. Thank you for listening.”

“Nah, but neither do I. Being quiet, that is. But it makes it more fun that way, doesn’t it!” Harrison chuckled in response, nodding in response to Nora, shrugging in response to her comments on the team, then on himself.
“Well, I’d say I have a long way to go. But, could be worse. Could be a girl who thinks she’s untouchable, and has a silver coloured craft, right? Or has test tube blood? I mean, I like this imperfection a little!” His usual wry wit came back, as he looked out, smiling almost as if he had cracked something through, like this was a bit better than some team bonding. It had been hard for him to go past his ego, past his confidence, to do something like this. But it felt right, it felt worth it. Better than just siloing away, in a rare moment of all the noise and work they had, having a bit of time felt like it was paying dividends. And well, perhaps whilst the want to beat Amy was deep on his mind, at the least he could look inward rather than try the same insanity again and again. And well, Nora had her own demons, that much worried Harrison, but he guessed anyone from that background had to have something. But he’d pissed off plenty and gotten away with it, right?

“Right then. They’re probably wondering why we’re not going in the sim. Ready to go?” Harrison asked, the Aussie’s tone back to work, drawing his glass-framed phone and grabbing a 360 still, cutting out the craft behind, and sending it to his socials, with no tags, or anything at all attached. A bit cryptic, but then again, Harrison preferred it that way. A quiet bit of contemplation, and well, it was on brand.

“Hah! Yeah, let’s show that silver bullet why nobody is untouchable.” Nora smiled as Harrison kept talking. She had needed to tell him this, and to get it off her own chest, and that’d never been something she was particularly good at. As Harrison got up, Nora did as well, brushing off the snow as she nodded her agreement. The boys at base might have words for them about ducking out, but she felt this had been the right choice. She didn’t notice him taking a picture until later, having turned back for one last look at the grand display of nature. As the two of them returned to the Southern Cross facilities, Nora's thoughts wandered to a connection she had let atrophy for some years. Maybe… Maybe something could be done about that yet.

Reaching Out

Nora had found some time that evening, the evening of the same day that she’d gone to the mountain with Harrison. She sat at her desk in her apartments within the SC facility, staring at the “Start Call” button as she worked up the courage to reach out to the woman she’d cut off five years ago. As she pressed call, her mind was running in circles. Would she even pick up? She’d said some pretty hateful things back then, if- well, she’d understand if her mother didn’t pick up.


“This is Mrs. Kelly, who’s calling?” The slightly brusk voice belonged to a woman in her forties, and was a clear example of what Nora would sound like in twenty years.

“H-” Nora coughed, her mouth suddenly bone dry. “Hi, mom. Long time.” There was a long pause on the other end of the line, one that made Noras hands sweat the longer it stretched.

“NORA!? Of all the-!” The woman on the other end started, her voice a mixture of pain, anger, and surprise, before Nora cut her off. “Yes, and before you start, I’m- I’m sorry. You were right, you and dad both. They fed my anger, it- I turned and bit people that just wanted to help. The Crew fed my worst instincts, and by the time I saw through it I was in too deep. I got out, but I hurt you, and dad, and everyone else. I just- I want to fix it, or try. I know it’ll be some hard yakka.”

Silence ruled the call once again as Ellen Kelly, who was as stubborn as her daughter and both knew, watched as her daughter reached out over something she’d thought neither would back down on. When Ellen spoke again it was a more reasonable volume, though her voice was still heavy with emotion. “You are my daughter. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you, but you’re damn right it’ll be a hard yakka. I expect you’ll be coming home then?”

“About that… I’m going to Tokyo next weekend for a race-” Nora started to explain before she was cut off in turn. “You’re still racing? But you said you got out of those bastards paws!” Ellen said, some of the fire returning to the older womans voice.

“Don’t spit the dummy mom! I’m racing with Southern Cross now. You know, the team in New Zealand that Uncle Flynn was always bangin’ on about. I can come home for a visit after the race in Tokyo, and I’ll even bring you a souvenir.” Nora rushed to get ahead of her mothers temper and explain herself, as she wondered if Flynn had told his sister anything.

“Flynn? Oh that rat bastard, I knew he looked smug last Friday! Tell you what, he’ll join us when you come home after Tokyo. That Wednesday, and we’ll make it a barbecue.” Ellens voice promised mischief for Flynn and Nora both, and Nora had a lot of work to do, but Ellen would burn in hell before she turned a child of hers away, especially her oldest daughter.

“I- That- Um, yes mom.” Nora was still reeling from her mothers reaction. She’d been sure her mother hated her for what she said, or for what she did that Ellen might’ve heard about on the news or social media. But no, there was her mother, inviting her to a barbeque. “Love you mom. I, uh, I need to get some sleep, but… talk to you soon?”

“I’ll see you when you come to visit if we don’t talk earlier. You know my number. Use it more, reckon?”

After hanging up, Nora stared at the video phone again, processing what had just happened. She wasn’t forgiven, but she hadn’t expected that. Not immediately, anyways. But there was a chance. She still had a home, and a family.

Nora Kelly @NitroNora:
”Back home in Christchurch with another Silver, and a double podium for @SouthernCrossAG!
#SouthernCrossAG #DeltaHyper #FormulaAG #PodiumFinish”

Somewhere in Alice Springs, Australia

Back in a familiar, smoke-filled, well appointed office, two men in expensive suits shared drinks as they watched the results from the Lions Head Circuit roll past on screen, and what they’d made off of bets. One of the men, a bald, muscle bound man in a well-tailored suit, spoke, breaking the silence that had held sway while the replays had run. His voice was rough and gravelly, and held a threatening note at all times.

“Well well, looks like our little dust devil is doing well for herself among the stars.”
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by LadyAmber
Avatar of LadyAmber


Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Los Angeles

Soundtrack: Michael Bolton - Fathers and Daughters

Alexander had never been happier to leave someplace. He was just grateful that the press conference was over. He had never been more grateful to get out of a place. He understood Arianna’s desire to leave the hospital after being cooped up inside for weeks focused on injury and how she was feeling. It would be good for her to get a change of scenery. He had wanted to spend time with Arianna but she was going to her mother’s house while she finished her recovery. Her current dorm room was not set up for her needs and she was not ready to return to classes just yet. Her professors had all agreed to let her finish the courses over the summer after she had recovered. She was still on a special diet so he couldn’t even really take her for a meal. The hospital had arranged for him to use a conference room so he could get a little time alone with her after the press conference.

Alexander sat in the chair next to his daughter. They had turned their chairs to face one another. Alexander drank in the sight of his daughter sitting up on her own and moving around even if it wasn’t perfect yet. She had so much more life than the last time he had seen her. It had been so hard to focus on what he needed to do wondering if she was recovering. He smiled at her and took both of her hands in his.

Alexander: “Arianna, I am sorry I have been so busy and this is the first time I have managed to see you since you had your surgery. I love you so much. Do you need anything? I understand that you are going back to your mother’s house while you finish recovering.”

Alexander sighed and tried not to show how much that bothered him. Candace had been a good mother to Arianna when she was younger. She had changed over the years. He was worried that she wouldn’t be there for Arianna now that she was an adult.

Arianna allowed her father to take her hands. She gave him an understanding look.

Arianna: “Daddy I know you wanted to be here. I also know that your new job is how you are paying for all this.”

Arianna’s voice caught as her lower lip trembled and tears crept down her face of their own accord. She was very close to her father. He was the one person she could always talk to. He understood her better than almost anyone else. He was always the first person she could count on to be there for her. He was also the first person she shared her thoughts and feelings with. Her father made her feel safe and cherished. She also knew he had gone through his own trauma over injuries and thought he would understand.

Arianna: “D..Dad. When I woke up the first time. It was horrible. I could barely move my head. I couldn’t talk because they had to wire my jaw shut because it was broken. I was in so much pain but yet I couldn’t feel my body, just my head. It was so confusing. My brain was foggy because of the medications and the concussion. They didn’t have me on heavy painkillers believing I couldn’t feel much. I couldn’t communicate with them. No one even realized I had woken up. I felt so alone. Mom was there but…”

More tears flowed down her face and she gave a heart wrenching sobbing hiccup. Her voice was laden with emotional pain.

Alexander felt as if his heart was going to beat out of his chest listening to the agony in his daughter’s voice. It killed him even more to hear her describe what she had gone through. He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the forehead where he knew she could feel it. He cupped her cheek gently.

Alexander: “It’s okay Arianna. You can talk to me. Mom was there but what?”

Arianna was breathing heavily like she had been running a race. She had the most hurt and betrayed look on her face. Arianna continued talking fast like she had to purge the emotions from her system. Her breathing ragged and the hiccups came faster and harder.

Arianna: “The doctors and mom didn’t know I was awake yet. My eyelids felt like they had weights attached to them. I heard mom talking to the doctors. They were telling her how badly I was injured and that I would never walk again without help. They explained that I was now paralyzed from the neck down and would be unable to do anything for myself without medical help. They explained that with prosthetics I would at least be able to take care of myself. Mom said great because she wasn’t a nursemaid. That playing nurse to an ungrateful brat was not her job anymore. She said..” Arianna’s voice broke before she managed to spit out. “That it would be better that I had died if I couldn’t take care of myself.”

Alexander had never wanted to strangle his ex-wife more than he did at that moment. The fear and anxiety on Arianna’s face and the pain made him want to hit something. Preferably Candace. Alexander couldn’t hide the rage in his eyes from his daughter. He shook his head. Candace had gone too far this time. Arianna was an adult and could make her own choices. He was done coddling his ex-wife. He did his best to control the raging fury that had him wanting to smash things. He looked up at the ceiling as he took deep breaths trying to calm his inner demons. He was imagining crushing the life out of his ex-wife with his bare hands. He would protect his daughter even from himself. There was a side of him that she had never seen. He didn’t want to scare her with the part of him that had taken lives and wielded a gun into a battle.

Arianna was taking deep hiccup gulps of air. Her voice sounded uncertain and scared.

Arianna: “D..Da..ad?”

Arianna’s scared voice helped push back the killing rage he was feeling. He closed his eyes and leaned forward pulling her into his arms. He lifted her onto his lap and cuddled her like she was a little girl once more. He held her firmly, petting her hair and rocking her a little.

Alexander: “It’s okay Arianna. I am just very angry with your mother. I never told you this story because I didn’t want you to think poorly of your mother. I don’t know what she has told you over the years about why we got divorced. I have avoided giving you any of the details because you lived most of the year with your mother. You deserved a good carefree childhood. I tried to give that to you…”

He paused, gathering his thoughts. Arianna had melted into his embrace. Alexander held her close. It felt so good that even as an adult she still trusted him so much and found comfort in his presence. She had always brought out the best in him. She was still the best thing he had ever done with his life.

Arianna’s voice was shaky but firm as she demanded answers from him.

Arianna: “Dad I have asked you before but you have always deflected. Tell me the truth.”

Alexander sighed as began the story that he had hoped never to share with his daughter. It was a painful story for him to share with anyone. Candace was the one person who made him feel ashamed and inadequate.

Alexander: “I met your mother when I was working with NATO’s military arm. My team had been sent to rescue hostages at a UCLA sorority house. Your mother was one of the women I helped rescue that night. Your mother was so beautiful and full of life. We started dating and then after a wild night in Vegas we got married. I thought I had everything I wanted in life. I had a beautiful wife, a job I was proud of, and a beautiful baby girl. Our lives were not glamorous but I thought we were happy. You were two when the terrorist action my team was sent in to stop turned out to be a trap for troops. That explosion took my arms. You know this part of the story. I was sent home to heal and I needed help. Your mother told me she didn’t want to be my nurse. She asked me for a divorce. She took you and left. I didn’t fight her because how could I take care of a 2 year old. I couldn’t even take care of myself at the time.”

He sucked in a deep breath and finding his courage continued pushing through the pain the memories brought. Alexander was pulled into those painful memories.

Alexander: “I was in pain. My arms were gone but I suffered from phantom pain. The medical care given to veterans wasn’t that great. They were trying to train me to use the old fashioned prosthetics with steel hooks. Cybernetics was a fairly young field then. I was depressed, sad, and felt like a burden. I felt helpless. I still needed so much help. I couldn’t even get dressed or feed myself. I moved home to live with your grandfather. He was the one who managed to get me into the cybernetic trial for new arms. I adapted to them really well. I was so excited. I pushed myself to recover and get back in shape. I worked hard to learn how to use them. I was determined that you wouldn’t be able to tell at a casual glance. I went to see you and approached your mother about our marriage. I tried to show her that I was a whole man again. I could hold her in my arms like a husband should again. Your mother told me that she felt like she was being touched by a robot. She demanded I sign the divorce papers. I had been putting it off hoping to change her mind. I didn’t understand why she couldn’t love me. I was still the same person. I just had been injured. I thought love was supposed to overcome stuff like that. I was so naive. Losing my arms was not as painful as losing your mother’s love. I now wonder if she had ever loved me at all. I signed the divorce papers with the stipulation that I got visitation rights and co-parenting rights over you. Your mother’s reaction to my arms… has never left me. It was one of the reasons I pushed to get you approved for this new experimental prosthetics.”

Arianna stared in shock at her father. She was only 2 years old when her father got prosthetic arms. The very same arms holding her now held her when she was younger. She had never thought anything about it. He had always been just dad. His arms had always been just how dad was. No big deal. Her mother had left her father because he was injured in the line of duty and had to use prosthetic arms? All the little verbal barbs her mother had slung her father’s way over the years. Her mother would say things about him when she thought she was not around. Others had told her things her mother had said and she had never believed them. Arianna felt as if her world was shattering slightly. Her whole word view tilted on its axis.

Arianna’s voice trembled but she had made up her mind. She spoke with certainty.

Arianna: “Dad, can I come home to Germany with you? I don’t trust mom. I don’t want to stay with her. Can I live with you while I am recovering?”

Alexander froze, shocked to his core. He thought Arianna had asked to go live with her mother for her recovery. The doctors and staff had told him that it had all been arranged already. He looked over Arianna’s face.

Arianna: “Mom told the doctors I would be coming home with her. She never asked what I wanted Dad. Neither did they. I overheard her on the phone with her friend Karen. She told Karen since my face was all over the news that she didn’t want me to make her look bad. That she had to bring me home while I got better. Please Dad.” Arianna had tears rolling down her face once more. “Mom doesn’t love me anymore either.”

Alexander’s eyes closed as he held her tight again. The pain in his daughter’s face. Alexander might not have been in a position to take care of her when he was going through his own stuff. But he was in a position to do it now. He kissed her on top of the head.

Alexander: “Of course you can Princess. We will need to get a hotel room while we arrange to get you a visa and passport. You can stay in my apartment at headquarters. We have a physical therapist and some cybernetic experts on the team. I will have to check in to see if they can help you continue the therapy you need. I will arrange it. You are my daughter. I will always be here for you. You are always welcome in my home. I will always love you Arianna.”

Alexander closed his eyes as he rocked his daughter as she cried her heart out. What kind of mother says something like that about their child? Alexander thanked his stars that Arianna was nothing like her mother.

Things moved quickly after that. Once Arianna calmed down he sent a message to Mabel and Katherine to join him in the conference room. The two of them helped him make all the arrangements he needed. Starting with a hotel for all of them. He had planned on flying back to Germany this evening. It would take at least 24 hours to get Arianna an emergency Visa. They left the hospital and visited Arianna’s dorm room where Alexander and Katherine packed all of Arianna’s belongings with the help of her roommate.

Alexander was surprised that Dr. Hawthorne took the change in Arianna’s care so well. He connected Dr. Hawthorne with the medical team at Valkyrie about Arianna’s needs. He had already contacted Dr. Montgomery who was pleased to make room in his schedule for Arianna. Dr. Ainsworth was excited to learn more about the prosthetics that Arianna had been given. Alexander was happy with this solution. His daughter would be protected and have the best possible help for her recovery. He would have to be careful not to abuse the privilege. He had asked for help, not demanded it. He asked for volunteers only or recommendations for other doctors that Arianna could see while she was staying with him. He had explained that they would have to do it on their own time. He couldn’t justify taking them away from their work at Valkyrie for her. Arianna had been slightly withdrawn at first but was now looking forward to seeing Germany with excitement. She had never been out of the country. They were back in Germany by Monday morning. Alexander had settled Arianna into his apartment. Mabel had already taken over her grandmotherly duties and shooed Alexander back to work while she gave Arianna the tour and got her security pass settled. Alexander knew better than to argue and there was no better cure for his daughter than Mabel’s warm loving care.

Valkyrie AGR Sport Headquarters: Knight's Office

Alexander knew that his decision to bring Arianna back to Germany was going to make him look bad. He didn’t care. He wouldn’t abandon her when she needed him. He could see how vulnerable she was feeling. Her mother had torn all the security and everything she knew about the world to shreds. He knew his daughter was reeling and feeling very alone by hearing her mother’s true nature. He had always hoped to spare her that particular pain. He sent Leopold a message that he needed to see him about something important. He then sent a message off to Wulfric letting him know his daughter would be staying with him while she recovered. Katherine was already drafting a media response for Valkyrie. Alexander recognized that this might set back his goals for getting the new ship designs off the ground. He needed the support of not just the board but he needed to raise the capital to fund them. He needed to hire additional engineers to support developing new craft while the team continued to race this season. It would take more engineering and mechanical staff than they currently had. He also had to begin filing motions and notifications with the racing league. New ships had to adhere to their rules. There was a long process to get new ship designs approved for racing. Alexander was not winning any popularity awards. There were still board members who didn’t trust him. There was still the mysterious backer for Maier hanging out there as well.

Leopold called Alexander back. Alexander connected the video call.

Alexander looked tired and worried as he took Leopold’s call.

Alexander: “Thank you for calling me back right away Leopold. I have a situation I need you to be aware of. I am handling it to the best of my ability. I could use your advice.”

Alexander looked ragged. His hair was disheveled as if his hands had run through in exasperation. He had dark circles under his eyes. He had been burning the candle at both ends trying to get all his work done and arrange for everything Arianna would need.

Leopold looked concerned: “What’s going on Alexander?”

Alexander: “You know I went to LA because I wanted to be there when my daughter got out of the hospital. I just got back this morning. Leopold, I needed to bring her home with me. She was supposed to move back home with her mother.”

Alexander’s voice cut off as rage suffused his face as he remembered Arianna’s scared voice asking for his help. He will never forget the pain that he saw in his daughter's eyes as she told him her mother didn’t love her. Alexander barely managed to get his shit together. He pushed the anger away and took a deep breath.

Alexander: “That is no longer an option. She still needs to recover and is not ready to be on her own. I brought her home with me. She needs doctors and prosthetics specialists. I have reached out to staff to see if they would be willing to take care of her needs. I emphasized their work at Valkyrie would come first and it would be on a volunteer basis on their personal time. I know the optics on this are bad. But Leopold…” Alexander’s voice broke a little. “She is my daughter. I won’t abandon her when she needs me. I have moved her into my apartment here on campus. I could use your advice.”

Leopold looked shocked and stunned. This was the last thing he thought he would be discussing with Alexander. When he had discussed this issue with him before hiring him, he had assured him that the plan was for Arianna to go home with her mother in the states.

Leopold: “Damn it Alexander! This makes us both look bad. This makes it look like I condoned this and signed off on it.”

Alexander: “I am a father first, Leopold.” Alexander’s jaw clenched hard enough that he thought he cracked a molar. “My daughter just came through a traumatic accident. She overheard her mother telling a friend that the only reason she was allowing her to come home was because everyone had heard her story on the news and it would make her look bad if she didn’t let her daughter come home to recover. My daughter begged me to let her come stay with me. I don’t care how bad it looks. I will work to clean it up as much as I can but my daughter stays with me.”

Leopold searched Alexander’s face and knew he was telling him the truth. That startled him more than he thought it would. He couldn’t help but sympathize with his situation. He sighed.

Leopold: “Damn it Alexander. The timing couldn’t be worse. The work that needs to be done is going to take time and the amount of money needed is going to be astronomical. It will also take a great deal of good will which you were just starting to build. This is going to set us back. You know this.”

Alexander sighed frustrated because he agreed with everything that Leopold was saying. Alexander’s fist came down on his desk. He was so frustrated and he still felt the need to choke the life out of his ex-wife.

Alexander: “What choice do I have? It is the hand I have been dealt.”

Leopold sighed. “I will do what I can to minimize the damage. I hope Katherine is already working on a press release. This is not something we can contain. The rumors are probably already flying around about this. Get ahead of it!”

Alexander could only nod as Leopold cut the call.

Social Media

Victory Racing Lap News has heard rumors coming out of Valkyrie AGR Sport headquarters that Alexander Knight has brought his daughter Arianna Knight back to Valkyrie AGR Headquarters to finish her recovery. Rumors from insider sources confirm that he is using team resources to help her recovery.

OfficeDrone#12: I have heard this rumor.
SuperfanAGR54: That’s wrong! Those resources are for the team.
DantheMan: Knight misappropriated team resources.
Superfan2075: #confused
DadBod89: As a father I understand why, but it's not right.
Hater101: Is Valkyrie paying for her care?
Papabear34: As a father, I get it. As a fan, I am disappointed.
Nana2050: There has to be more to this than we know.
GeorgeFly: #BadKnight
ValkyrieFan56: Maybe this is part of his deal with Valkyrie. He did say in the interview he came back to racing for her.
Weedhead81: Woah! Plot twist! Did someone slip shrooms into my stash?
SexyM@m@5: #disappointed
Paulmulder4eva: I don’t understand why everyone is so upset?
Britball12: #WhiteKnightFails
!YouSlow!: I think we need more details but the optics are bad.
xImFasterthanUx: This news does not make Valkyrie look good.
AGInthusiast: I am so confused. Why is this a big deal? It is not like racing teams don’t look for opportunities to study the impact of cybernetic advances. His daughter qualified for an experimental set. It could be planning for the future.
micheal650004: We don’t know that he is misusing team resources. Just that he has brought her back to recover.
llamalover4life: Do you believe everything the gossip sites say?
ieatAGR: Waiting for more information

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by FourtyTwo
Avatar of FourtyTwo


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Kofi Corner

Kofi Mensah

Signing hats, t-shirts, merch, the crowd was still going crazy for Kofi. The Delta Hyper crew followed, watching on as Kofi interacted. People yelling out, and well, Kofi more than happy to indulge. Cut back to the sofa.

"Why do you think you have such a big following, even in a country that isn't where you're originally from?"

"I've been in the sport for a while, and I suppose, people follow an African because they love the culture. They want to follow their neighbour. We are all like that. For reasons you can imagine at home. So throughout my career, I have done my best. Gone toe to toe with Dorian, Henry, Harrison, Alexander and had a lot to show."

"Do you think you could have done more?"

"That's a very leading question. But I gave it all I could. And I hope I inspired another generation. This is my last season. And with an African team, I'm very happy."

"You talk a lot about Africa, and what it means to you." Aurora asked, cutting to footage of Kofi's name being chanted, as he put his hand on the SuperCat logo, smiling back at the crowd, happy to just be doing fan service, even after over a decade in this game.

"What do you think it means to them?" Kofi replied, his white teeth parting his lips with a big wide grin.

The teams had plenty going on at the factory. Filming behind the scenes, catching none of the conversations, none that the teams would allow to be broadcastble, but anything else that was of note, was getting caught. And it displayed the varying fortunes, but no less, the drama, the trials, the tribulations of getting to the top. And the teams wanted to be at that top.

Talking Ships with Felix Burkhart

Felix sat down, on the sofa as an interlude to that section, of the various teams and their inner workings, from meetings to sim sessions, and well, everything else.

He brought up the teeny holographic model in front of him, gently pulling it into hand, and peeling it apart, the holographic display revealing the makeup of an anti-gravity racing ship. Much like Aurora had already done, following the first bit of the script and looking to the camera, adjusting his glasses, past his fading blonde hair.

"Hello. My name is Felix Burkhart. Chief Engineer and Principal Ship Designer at Valkyrie AGR Sport."

"For those at home who don't know what you do, how would you explain your role?" Aurora asked, the German's response one that seemed very....un-German.

"I fulfilled my childhood dream.....I get to design, then build anti-gravity racing ships." A smile cracked across the German's face, with a cackle of laughter, perhaps media not being a usual for him, but well, he was given an opportunity by Valkyrie, and putting it into terms put him out there. Perhaps put his point across to any engineers watching out there.

"Sounds exciting! So, take us through that process. How do you do it?" Aurora asked with her usual enthusiasm, as Felix shrugged, never one for a camera, but then again, making it what he could.

"Well, if you speak to Simon Calder, there's one way to do this. But I focus on another. The craft is a beautiful, if not fragile thing considering it fights gravity. Finding the perfect ratio, of instability to speed, mechanical grip to aerodynamic performance. Every stroke means upgrades, changes, modifications. We never stop but we push the design to its limits. You may have heard lots about Valkyrie. But rest assured. We know what we are doing." Felix added, pulling it in.

"We start with the basics. Strip back the ship completely." Felix added, peeling apart the bottom of it, where the anti-gravity generator sat,.

"This, this is what you define first. A strong, or a weak rake on your generator? Do you want an aggressive ship that barely bounces on the generator, or one that flows to the ground when it goes through undulation? Then, you decide on how to build your ship around it. Your engine unit needs placement, and the thrusters, or what power it, structured around. That affects weight, position, which in turn, reflects on stability. Your drivetrain must be efficient, but also, cooled. You cannot strap a rocket to zis, because you need to turn, and for that, you need every trick of minimising drag when you don't want it, while making it all in the right places when you do." Felix said, pulling over to the wings.

"You find a way to fight gravity with its own forces. And with no ground friction, find your way to make the ship slide through air like a knife. And within the rules, of course. But, you also have the opportunity to find ways to brake faster. Turn faster. Gain, and lose energy quicker. You find ways to make forces work for you, rather than against. And that is where a designer finds pleasure." Felix smiled, knowing this was layman terms, but of course, quantum physics meets engineering was never an easy sell.

"Is that something Valkyrie is working on?" Aurora teased, Felix shrugging. For a German, he seemed cool as hell.

"Well, that would be telling. Trade secret." Felix tapped his nose, and gave a hearty laugh, knowing well, Aurora got plenty from her. She changed the topic, knowing it wouldn't get much more than that. And, well, the episode needed a closer.

"Well. It was a good race, wasn't it? From a designer perspective, anything to add?"

"Very good race. We have more work to do to keep up. But as a fan of the sport....pretty good." The understatement was dry, but man, was it followed by a smirk from the German.

The highlight reel begins to play. The crash, the overturn. And most of all, the fans, all of whom were over the moon, carrying digital placards for their favourite drivers, from the #rallybrave for Bea to the #NitroNora crowd that went from a dozen to hundreds, and to the others that were watching at home. The podium, and the credits rolling, of the short, small production crew.

"Thanks for joining us on Delta Hyper. We're off to the Land of the Rising Sun in two weeks time. Don't miss it, our pilots are keen. Till then, I've been Aurora Baxter, and see you next time!"

The reel continues, cutting to Nora's excitement on the podium, Ava's concern, Kais's pure frustration, and Dorian's cheering, his smile back even in spite of the worries beforehand, the footage cutting on that.


Episode Three: The Neon Bath


Soundtrack: Hans Zimmer- Lost but Won

Rain, pouring, pouring, pouring away. It seems to not stop.

The camera peels away from the dark, blue-illuminated window gently, to what looks like an artefact of a VHS player being revealed to shot, and a cassette being pushed in. The fuzzy picture renders, as the VHS starts to play, the tape actually still working. An old Toshiba video recorder, hooked into a gigantic holographic display, via some absolute black-magic fuckery that made a SCART somehow work in a wireless display.


The scream of a McLaren through Fuji, pouring rain, and a puncture. And a poor repair job, but enough for what was needed. Enough to win, against the odds, the bloodied hand of James Hunt up in the air, given the gearknob came out of the shifter, and he was cutting his hand open every time he changed gear, let alone the fact he was sodden wet, on a circuit that was just simply undrivable to anyone with any sense of sanity, or security. But it was victory. Champion of the World, and a bloom of the moment James Hunt beat Niki Lauda, in a rivalry that echoed, shattered through the ages.

And the screen interfered.



It's a strange thing. On one side, a white and red car, in Marlboro colours, a McLaren, and on the right, another one, in the same colours, roaring through the Esses of Suzuka, a creation of an F1 circuit that may as well have been passed down by the Gods. Yet history seemed to also be written by them.

What happens is nothing short of bonkers.

Murray Walker commentating, and the shock all around. Prost, Senna, and two people that are going toe to toe, screaming engines deafening, before an almighty crash, Senna pulling away as Prost climbs out and the two team-mates clatter, and then, controversy. Senna having his win taken away from him, cruelly giving the title to Prost, for right or wrong.

Rivalry wasn't always about defiance. It was just pure anger. And Prost and Senna were that.


The same Grand Prix, refusing to give his line up and creating an almighty crash, to secure his title this time round. Senna takes it. To cement a legacy of a Brazilian F1 driver that seems to echo through the halls of racing history, and a quote that goes with it that narrates that end.

"If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you are no longer a racing driver."

And the screen seems to interfere, fuzzing, again.


Suzuka, again, in the pouring rain. And Jules Bianchi's Marussia against a telehandler truck. A moment almost of harrowing reminder, of the dangers, the risks, the by then standards of racing in 2094, the almost gladiator-like hazard that came with it.

A moment nearly as dark as the clouds, and a reminder, a brutal one, that motorsport was highly, highly dangerous. A reality that anyone in F1 would understand, and feel, and believe. Triumph didn't always come, sometimes, it was very much the opposite.


The view of Suzuka comes back with the rain back again, the sight of Helena Starcross, the highly advanced F1 car screaming through the start finish, the crowd screaming, watching what shouldn't have happened, happen, a teal blue and orange coloured McLaren wrapped in an iconic Gulf livery, the kind that was timeless once and timeless again. A comeback from 18th, in the pouring rain, the track so damp it may as well resemble a floodzone, but spray soaring into the heavens, and Helen barely grabbing first, through what some might have said was an all time classic drive, leaving Casper Lindstrom in bits, broken, almost in awe yet of what had happened as the camera brought into view on him.

The first female to take a third title, and cement her name in history. But in a way that more than luck, represented a driver that seemed to be on the edge in every corner, skidding, nearly drifting, almost completely in a flow state. There are moments you watch the footage back and cannot believe how sketchy the car is, but Helen seemed to make it work. "It's a bit rainy out!" And the Manchester-born voice underplaying the entire situation, as rather daftly as you could. Clambering out and passing out immediately after putting her fist in the air, and it turning out she had a heart rate of about 200bpm, and the car itself barely having any tread left at all on the tyres.

And the flicker continuing, revealing last year. Neon glowing, crowds screaming, and the gentle, hum of the streets. And then, the roar of AG craft roaring through, in an upside down section, before flipping back through the Shuto, and Shibuya streets, and five years ago, in the daylight, at Fuji Speedway once again, roaring past the snow-capped stratovolcano.

It cuts again, weirdly.


Soundtrack: Ridge Racer Type 04 OST- Naked Glow

And instead, we have a Nissan R33, and a Toyota Supra charging down the Shuto Expressway under Tokyo Bay, inbetween cars, in what looks like VHS quality tape, then out on the highways above the city, bombing through empty roads. The soundtrack feels wrong. The dramatic one stops and instead something different is on.

The cars peel through, the camera panning back, revealing Japan in 1999, the neon light. It's practically like a video game, and that's because the next scene is. Gran Turismo comes into view. And Ridge Racer. This is weird. Why are we looking at this? And then a cut out of that. The car scene, the crazy culture of Japanese modifications, and well, bit by bit, as the years go by, it getting even wilder, and weirder, and more than anything, keeping the love. The passion. The joy of it all. And the unbridled, unmatched, rivalry, as various scenes come through. Of racing, the Tokyo skyline, and well, Anti-Gravity racing in both suddenly emerging.

The tech got here slower than it should have, starting in Korea and Europe first, but, when it got here, people went crazy like they did with cars. And well, anti-gravity racing still has that debt to tuners, many of whom worked at Southern Cross, MMR, SuperCat and Nordic Call now.

And the screen flickers. And reveals now.


The city seemed as if it was on another planet, Japan of course always being about 10 years ahead of the rest of the world, sometimes maybe 40 years, even if they had only just gotten to terms with credit cards over cash now. The advertising was almost all 3D and holographic, the night sky blanked by light pollution, beaming towers of ads, and absolute excess. The roads all magnetic, and virtually the entire place like something out of Blade Runner. There's no tarmac on the Shuto, it's all magnetic track, given nearly everything is anti-gravity here now, but that means it's even faster, and even more effective to use ELS. The track is practically electrified on the raised elements, while the roads through Shibuya are still tarmac, and plated in supplementary magnetism.

And it is raining in the night sky outside.

Konbanwa, Japan.

The Others?

Back to the format again.

Questions, and the sofa. This time, the pilots were alone, not with their team-mates, and not without their aides to help. And the format once again, was a little the same, but with a teeny difference.

"Welcome back Bea. So, we have something a bit different for you today, now we're in Japan! Right in front of you, I've left a tablet." The glass panelled device sat on the table in front of each of the pilots, that were rotating about the sofa at their various points of filming. Imagine a supercut, where one pilot is there, then the next. You're almost seeing it from the show version, but of course, the pilots are seeing it through their eyes.

The scene cut to Hyeon-Ae. They were all being asked the same question, and the pilot changed, even though Aurora's point was the same. Each and every one was getting this same set.

"So, on that tablet, there's a few questions."

Kais came into view, no doubt confused.

"Now you've gotten to know the grid, let's see what you think about them. We have heard you in the press conferences talking about their activities on the track. What do you think about them off it?"

Lastly, Nora came into view, no doubt getting her confusion on.

"Any questions?"

There were questions. Aurora would let them ask away. But, they'd be ready to go.

"Alright, go!"

The questions popped up.

"Most likely to eat noodles with a fork?"
"Worst at keeping secrets?"
"Best Christmas gift giver?"
"Most fussy eater?"
"Most likely to climb Mount Fuji?"
"Most likely to get speeding tickets?"
"Best drifter?"
"Biggest classic car fan?"
"First to die in a horror film?"
"Most romantic of the pilots on the grid?"
"Which pilot would you most want to be stuck on a desert island with?"

Once they all completed, with no doubt some grimaces given this format, and some quips back, Aurora smiled as they put the tablet back down, likely wondering what the meaning of all of this was.

"Well. We'll show the audience at home and the other pilots what you said."

You, the viewer, were getting a look at that. Without them realising until most likely, it went to air.

The other pilots hadn't done that. Why? They were getting interviewed...and you could probably guess their question.

"Hmm....Japan.....well, I guess the sushi here. I mean the real stuff. Oh my word, it's unbeatable." Amy seemed human as ever on the interviews, with a beaming look, one that seemed so well rehearsed, it almost bled out of natural.

"Best thing....I mean, Yotei and Hokkaido are beautiful. And in winter. The shredding potential. Yeah, I love that." Harrison replied with the cool as you like, snowsports angle that was always going to come from someone like him.

"Okay, so.....probably the comics here. Seriously. Robot mecha? That got me started into being such a science fiction lover!" Layla chirped, perhaps to the surprise of a few, who probably were now about to start connecting the dots.

"Ooo.....probably just the racing history. Fuji, Suzuka, I always go and visit. So many memories there of legends, Hunt, Prost, Hamilton, Verstappen, Alonso, Starcross..." Dorian replied, with a certain love of his history, even for the gentleman of the grid.

"Hmm, probably won't be liked by the team for this, but the ramen. Japanese Ramen is so, so good. Cured a lot of hangovers...." Cassie laughed, giggling a little in response, knowing yeah, she was getting chewed out.

"Uh, probably the food. Gotta be the food." Max kept it short and sweet, and had no qualms there going to point.

"Food. Katsu curry is incredible. And my wife, she makes an incredible one!" Kofi replied, a hearty response, and as if it was heaping on board. The food and drink were all bundled, so next up....

"Sake. Final answer." Astrid giggled, to the surprise of literally nobody. And a sigh from Aurora.

"The cherry blossom is very beautiful here. I like that a lot." Ava replied with a cold, yet considered thought, knowing questions like these were scraping the bottom here, but it was to the point.

"Hmmm....has anyone said sushi yet?" Henry asked, as Aurora nodded. "Okay, damn, but I had to!" Henry replied, with laughs coming back.

Round 3 of Formula Anti-Gravity Racing
Friday March 31st, 2094
Japanese AGP
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2100 JST

Hakone Izakaya Bar

The Liquid Lounge

Cassie Neves.....and others

Soundtrack: KiloWatts- Last Hoorah

The music was decidedly something that wouldn't have been out of place from a 2000s Japanese video game, and partly, because it was.

But at the top of the skyscraper, about 90 storeys up above yet in a nest of concrete and glass among other buildings, here it was. The cocktail bar at the top of the drizzly Tokyo sky, the flying craft, AG ships weaving on glass and concrete paths below, hiding the Shuto right at the bottom, now in full flow. The skyline was a neon glow, lit up and making the rain coming in seem even more dramatic.

The bar itself was lit up with green and white, the tell-tell colours of BioCHO, their logo almost like graffiti, but then again, algal-grown biofuel that produced about ten times the potency of unleaded gasoline was a hell of a thing that needed punks to make. You wouldn't know they were funded by what was once Saudi Aramco....

It was a sponsor event, and Cassie was here, as were a fair majority of the pilots. After food before, mostly a mix of Western options, sushi and real wagyu, they had the rooftop bar to themselves, and of course, photographers were out in force, grabbing pictures via drones. The waiters were all wheeled robots in a cute Japanese attempt to imitate a French waiting team, whilst the cocktail bar actually did have a mixologist behind, with her blue and red hair indicating some individuality even at the very top level of her game.

So that meant each team had at least one person, but most had two. Luckily for us, viewers, that meant the entire crew were out.

The cameras followed on Cassie, walking under the field-generated protection that kept the rain out and meant no umbrellas were even needed, rain harmlessly pattering off the bubble-like roof.

"Welcome to the glitz of Formula AG. More parties. More blood transfusions. Though seriously. Sake cocktails do rock." Cassie giggled, as she headed over towards Han, waving her hand to say "come join me", then walking over to where she saw more of them gathered. Harrison and Nora were there, in pairs as per usual.

"So, you finally got a match?" Cassie teased, Harrison at first having it go over his head.

"Oh, you mean like for dating, racing?" Harrison replied, Cassie spitting the remainder of her drink.

"I meant you're actually up against someone!" She giggled, as Harrison sighed, knowing to be better and make introductions.

"You two haven't spoken. Cassie, this is Nora, Nora, Cass. She's a friend of mine."

"Friend? We're on different teams. I'm just here to kick his wee arse sometimes. But yeah, we're good." Cassie added, putting a hand out to Nora.

"What do you drink by the way? I know they're free, but I'm gonna make a run to the bar!"

Astrid popped her head around, as did Bea, Ava and Paul from an earlier conversation, naturally drawn in given their previous video call.

"Ooooo drinks run, get me one too!" Astrid said, Ava giggling, passing her glass of champagne over, Cassie bitter, but taking the extra glass. The robotic waiters were very, very busy, and it was easier to put glasses back, than it was to bother calling at this point. Tech may have been incredible, but it was clear everyone and their plus ones were here, so the pilots were just going to have to push to a human and get their priority.

Cassie went off with that little mission, as Harrison and Ava looked across to Bea.
"I don't think we've met yet. You did well in Cape Town. Till uhh...yeah." Harrison remarked, with a small chuckle, but shaking his head, indicating he knew just how big that hit was.

"I really liked your art. Got outbid one that Highland Cow though...damn, whoever got that got a good deal!" Astrid smirked, looking over, Cassie hoping Han had taken the hint and came over.

Dorian had joined, looking over, raising his glass of white wine.
"That's because I bought it." Dorian smirked, walking across, looking to the small gathering, taking them in.
"It cost lots of N-Euros. But even if I'm funding another team, I simply couldn't resist." Dorian charmingly adressed, as Cassie put hands on hips as she brought back a tray of drinks for everyone as a top-up of what they had before, using the smart-label on each of the glasses to identify what they needed.

"Never took you for an art collector, Dorian?" Cassie replied, looking to her old team-mate, the wound healing a little, but there still being a little separation between the two.

"Sometimes you need your whitewashed walls to be covered in something. It's pride of place." Dorian replied, as Cassie guffawed at it.

"I bet you're a real wine snob too. But that's okay. Family's originally from Douaro so I could tell you about reds, forever....not this cocktail stuff." She shook it about, as Astrid grabbed a glass, from Cassie's tray, looking to the others.

"Well, cheers to alcohol." Astrid chuckled, looking to the others, actually socialising. She was never as active as this, so she was probably three deep by now?

"And having it pumped out of your blood?" Harrison added, Ava shrugging.

"Something like that."

In the interim, Layla stuck with Kais, on non-alcholics, whilst Amy chatted away to Max and Henry in another part, a few other media personalities, celebrities, and sponsor officials milling around.

You really could do whatever you liked here. Talk to any pilot, catch up with anyone in particular. A rooftop bar was a hell of a place to be, especially looking out over the cyberpunk-like towering skyline that made up central Tokyo....
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Episode Three: The Neon Bath

Aurora Interview Questions

Soundtrack: Jeopardy Theme Song

Paul found himself sitting once more on the infamous interview sofa for Delta Hyper with Aurora’s holographic floating head facing him. On the coffee table in front of the interview sofa was a holographic tablet with the Delta Hyper logo floating above spinning in all its 3d glory. Paul was not in his race suit this time. He was wearing his team button up shirt with all the logos on it and charcoal gray slacks and dress boots. Paul's thick blonde hair looked great. He had that kind of hairstyle that just looked better the more you messed with it. His blue eyes stood out in startling color on the very monochrome and neutral colored set. Paul sat relaxed with one foot resting on his opposite knee and one arm along the back of the sofa.

Paul smiled winningly at Aurora’s hologram as she addressed him.

Aurora: “Welcome back to Delta Hyper Paul.”

Paul: “Thank you Aurora. It is a pleasure to be back.”

Aurora: “We have something a bit different for you today, now we're in Japan! Right in front of you, I've left a tablet."

Paul put his foot on the ground and leaned forward to pick up the tablet. He wondered what fun and games Aurora had planned for them today. He didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Aurora: "So, on that tablet, there's a few questions."

Paul raised an eyebrow and looked over at Aurora with a neutral expression.

Aurora: "Now you've gotten to know the grid, let's see what you think about them. We have heard you in the press conferences talking about their activities on the track. What do you think about them off it?"

Paul’s lip curled up into a half smile. It was going to be like that then. He gave Aurora a competitive smirk. Game On.

Aurora: "Any questions?"

Paul looked at Aurora and just clarified what she wanted.

Paul: “Just clarifying Aurora. We are to answer the questions on the tablet about our competitors? Got it.”

Paul looked eager and confident. This should be fun.

Aurora: "Alright, go!"

Paul read the questions as they popped up.

Paul smiled and read the questions as he answered.
Paul: "Most likely to eat noodles with a fork? Hmm I am going to have to go with Henry Fitzroy. He just doesn’t look like a noodle with chopsticks kind of guy.”

Paul laughed at the next question.

Paul: “Worst at keeping secrets? I am going to have to say Astrid here. The girl doesn’t seem to take much seriously and she loves her booze. Alcohol and secrets don’t go together in my experience.”

Paul: “Best Christmas gift giver?”

Paul tsked tsked at the camera. “I want to point out that this is a very unfair question to my competitors who are not of the Christian faith. But to pick the best gift giver…. I am going to say Nora. I suspect it will be something fun and unexpected.”

Paul: “Who is the fussiest eater?” Paul chuckled a little as he answered the question. “I am going to say Han Hyeon-Ae. She carries herself with a very formal air. I can’t see her accidently using the shrimp fork for the salad or on her noodles. She has very pretty manners.”

Paul smirked before reading the next question. “Who is the most likely to climb Mount Fuji? That is an easy one. I am going to say Harrison. He loves that kind of stuff.”

Paul: “Who is the most likely to get speeding tickets? Again that is an easy one. I am sure Beatrix Ward can tell us all about that. Maybe she would tell us how many she has had?”

Paul grinned into the camera before moving on. “Who is the best drifter?” Paul put the tablet down and looked up at Aurora. “Really? Who put this question list together? The only one of my competitors that I would think knows what drifting is would be Bea. Now as to which one of us is better… I wouldn’t know. I would love to find out. Hey Bea! Let me know if you are interested in a drifting challenge! Sounds like fun!” Paul looked excited and eager and waved at the camera before picking the tablet back up.

Paul looked down at the tablet reading the next question. “Who is the biggest classic car fan? I am going to have to say me here. I inherited my father’s collection and I converted them to biofuels so I can drive them. I have not heard any of my competitors talk about classic cars.”

Paul moved on to the next question. “Who would be the first to die in a horror film? Well this question is tricky. Kais would absolutely jump into battle with the bad guy with no hesitation. That doesn’t mean that I think the bad guy could kill him though. Honestly I think Kais would come out on top. So I would have to say probably Amy Stirling. She is arrogant enough to believe that the protagonist couldn’t hurt her and therefore be the first to kick the bucket.”

Paul grinned hoping that answer got under Amy’s skin a little. He moved on though after wiping the smug grin off his face. “Which of the pilots is the most romantic on the grid?” Paul gave a genuine smile this time. “I would have to say Dorian. He is known as the gentleman of the grid for a reason. His exploits in this area are legendary around Valkyrie.”

Paul moved to the last question “Which pilot would you most want to be stuck on a deserted island with?” Paul tilted his head to one side as he gave this some thought. “This is another hard to answer question. Logistically, Layla would be a good choice because I don’t think I would have to fight her for the same level of resources to survive due to all the augmentations she has. Kais probably has survival training. Bea and Nora would probably be the most entertaining. Although Harrison could teach me to surf. It would be hard to choose. Do I go with a smart option or the fun option? My best choice is probably Kais.”

Paul waited patiently to see what else Aurora had up her digital sleeve this time.

Round 3 of Formula Anti-Gravity Racing
Friday March 31st, 2094
Japanese AGP
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2100 JST

Hakone Izakaya Bar

The Liquid Lounge

Cassie Neves.....and others

Soundtrack: KiloWatts- Last Hoorah

Paul had been informed by Alexander that he and Dorian were required to attend the BioCHO party at Hakone Izakaya Bar. BioCHO was one of those large sponsors that provided biofuel to the entire racing league. Their name was plastered all over stadiums around the world. This event would have representation from all the teams here. Paul was meeting after the race to do the promotional endorsement photoshoot and commercial videos for Enigma Lux a high fashion house that caters to high end formal wear. Paul was repping one of the suits that they had made for him tonight. The suit was tailored beautifully and highlighted Paul’s physique to perfection. The royal blue shirt had a mandarin style collar that he had left unbutton to fall open showing some chest. The color made his eyes look even bluer. It gave a little more casual feel to the suit. The suit itself was a silk blend in a navy blue. Paul had worn black patent leather loafers with it. He had a classic brushed steel watch of his father’s on his left wrist as his only jewelry. Paul was wearing his favorite cologne, a scent that combined leather and amber together. He was actually looking forward to this party. He wanted to get to know his fellow pilots better after his call with Bea.

Paul was conscious of the drone cameras flying above their heads to capture the event. He was grateful that the press of paparazzi from the past was avoided in this smaller space by their use. He found the robot waiters an interesting choice. His thought went back to one of his father’s favorite movies which was an old one but still a cult classic, Star Wars. He felt like the waiters were a combination of R2D2 and Piakchu. Pokemon was still an ongoing fan favorite in Japan.

Paul worked his way through the crowd. He stopped to sign autographs. He stopped to talk to the sponsors' representatives, at least the ones he recognized. He was asked to take a few photos with some fans that were in attendance. There was an older Japanese gentleman that had stopped him. He told him he had been a fan of his father’s and had watched him race here in Japan when he was driving for Formula One and then followed him as he made the move to Anti Gravity Racing. Paul was polite to the older gentleman who looked like he was almost 90. The man told Paul that he saw some of his father in him. He also told Paul he was looking forward to watching him race here in Tokyo and would be rooting for him. Paul thanked him politely before moving on. He appreciated the experience since he had watched tapes of the race the gentleman spoke about so knowledgeable. He wondered who he had been.

Paul made sure to stop and give one of the camera drones taking picture some good poses. He spoke to the video drones filming the pilots and following them around. "Good evening Paul Mulder with Team Valkyrie here. I wanted to thank BioCHO for the invitation to this party. It looks like we are all going to have a good time. I want to point out that if you like what I am wearing, check out one of my new sponsors, the Enigma Lux Fashion House." Paul turned from side to side modeling the suit for the cameras. "Let them know if you like it! I think they did an outstanding job." Paul winked at the camera and drones after giving them a sound bite. He smiled and waved and moved back into the crowd.

Paul made his way towards the cluster of his fellow rookies. He had spotted Bea near Ava and it looked like she was greeting Cassie and Nora. Paul slid into the back of the group. It sounded like Cassie was going on an alcohol run. Paul smiled and sipped his glass of water that was in a glass to mimic a Martini Royale. He had no plans to get drunk tonight and he did not want a blood transfusion so he could race tomorrow.

Paul just listened on the edge of the group for now. Paul was surprised when Dorian joined them. He smiled as Dorian revealed he had been the high bidder on the piece of art Bea had created with Amy. Paul wasn’t surprised. Dorian was a man with sophisticated tastes. It was nice to see Dorian relaxing a little. He had been so wound up just after Auckland. He seemed to be in a better mood since Cape Town. Cassie had rejoined them with drinks for everyone who had already been there when she left.

Paul was surprised by the hint of bitterness in Cassie’s tone. He wondered what had caused it. Dorian had been a great teammate so far with him.

Dorian: "Sometimes you need your whitewashed walls to be covered in something. It's pride of place."

Cassie: "I bet you're a real wine snob too. But that's okay. Family's originally from Douaro so I could tell you about reds, forever....not this cocktail stuff."

Paul decided to step in and defuse Cassie’s bitterness a little. “I know what you mean Dorian. The apartments for us on the Valkyrie Campus are all white with black accents. I had to hang some photos and art myself. I needed some color.”

Astrid: "Well, cheers to alcohol."

Paul chuckled and held his glass up to acknowledge Astrid’s toast. “Cheers Astrid”

Harrison: "And having it pumped out of your blood?"

Ava: "Something like that."

Paul waved to Han across the way and motioned for her to join their group. Paul then tried to break the ice a little.

Paul: “Does anyone else wonder where they come up with these questions to ask us?”
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by LadyAmber
Avatar of LadyAmber


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Valkyrie AGR Press Release

Video Statement Released on Monday March 27, 2094

Soundtrack: Fighting for Me - Riley Clemmons

Alexander knew that he needed to make a statement to the press to hopefully at least stem the negative speculation that was hurting the team’s image from his decision to bring Arianna back to Germany with him. He had discussed it with Katherine and she had prepared a statement for him. He read it over and threw it away. He would meet this challenge like he did everything. He would not apologize for protecting his daughter. He had talked to Arianna about how she had felt about being on camera and her face plastered all over the news. Luckily for him she found it a novel and exciting experience. Alexander decided to tell the unvarnished truth because he felt that would resonate with the fans. They can tell when you are hiding something or blowing smoke up their ass. He believed they would respond best to honesty. Arianna had agreed to do the video statement with him. They would record the statement in Valkyrie’s media hub and release it to all the networks. Alexander went on camera without makeup just as he looked that morning haggard. His hair was in disarray from him running his hands through it in worry. He had dark circles under his eyes. The dark green shirt he was wearing was wrinkled and he looked frumpy. Arianna was a contrast next to him. Her golden hair shone under the studio lights. The bruises a dark contrast against her pale skin. She was wearing a soft blue button up shirt that hung loose over soft leggings and the pull on sneakers that Katherine had given her.

Arianna had picked up on the tension around headquarters and the fact that her father’s decision to help her was somehow causing trouble for him with his job. She didn’t understand it but she had offered to help if she could. He had asked her if she was up to making a short video with him explaining to fans and the media what was happening. She had agreed. It was the least she could do.

Alexander looked directly into the camera. He gave a tired smile and wrapped his arm around his daughter. The camera framed both of them. Arianna gave a tentative smile.

Alexander: “Good morning. I am making this statement to hopefully stop the wild speculations surrounding my daughter, Arianna. I believe honesty is the best policy. I have been very candid about why I came back to racing. I have never lied or hidden anything from the team or the fans. My daughter Arianna was supposed to spend her time recovering in the States. That was no longer an option for her. When she asked if she could come with me to Germany, I didn’t even hesitate to say yes.”

Arianna looked down incredibly sad as pain crossed her face as she remembered the hateful words from her mother. Her father’s arm tightened around her shoulders. She turned her head and looked at him. She found his eyes on her filled with worry and love and understanding. She might have lost the mother she thought she had, but she still had an amazing father. She gave him a smile full of that same love back. She turned her head to face the camera.

Arianna: “I hope you will all understand. The accident was a very traumatic incident for me. My body as you can see is still healing. I am still having nightmares about it. I am working with therapists but healing the mind will take longer than healing my body. I hope you will forgive me for wanting to spend that time with the person who comforts me most, my father. He has always been there for me. I feel safe and protected with him. He grounds me. I need to be here with him. Please don’t hold that against him.”

Arianna turned her face away from the camera looking sad and upset once more. A tear running down the side of her face. Alexander tugged her closer. She turned and buried her face into his shoulder. Alexander looked fierce and almost angry.

Alexander: “Arianna has moved to Germany with me. She is currently living with me at Valkyrie AGR Sport Headquarters because that is where I am currently living. Did I ask colleagues who work with Valkyrie AGR Sport for help? Yes I did. Those colleagues happen to be some damn amazing medical professionals with the right skills at the top of their fields. But I also made it perfectly clear that it was voluntary and that their work for the team came first. They are providing care on their personal time. I asked them for references to colleagues outside of the team if that made them uncomfortable.”

Alexander choked up for a moment as he remembered their responses. His voice got rougher as emotion threatened to close off his throat.

Alexander: “They just told me not to worry about it. That they were excited to meet and work with my daughter.”

Alexander looked right at the camera once more and this time he did look angry.

Alexander: “Have I used all the resources at my disposal to provide the best care possible for my daughter. Yes I have. I won’t apologize for that. Have I in any way comprised or misused my position here at Valkyrie AGR Sport to do it. No I have not! I would not put my daughter who is the person I care about most in this world in that awkward situation. So please stop with the wild speculation. If you have questions, send them to the team and I will be sure they get answered. I hope we can now focus on what matters. For me personally, it is my daughter’s recovery. For me professionally, it is helping Valkyrie AGR Sport win!”

Alexander gave a nod as the camera cut out.

Social Media

Paul Mulder @ValkyriePaul

Arianna is just another family member around HQ. Let her heal in peace.

OfficeDrone#12: Well it wasn't a rumor. She is living with him.
SuperfanAGR54: I stand corrected. It is still team resources. But at least there seems to be some choice there.
DantheMan: Still looks bad.
Superfan2075: Ok but if you could use a team doctor would you?
DadBod89: #DadApproved
Hater101: I still want to know if Valkyrie is paying for her care.
Papabear34: #DadApproved #FanAccepted
Nana2050: Alexander has been transparent about what is going on.
GeorgeFly: I am undecided. He was upfront and honest, but it still team connections. Although it sounds like they volunteered.
ValkyrieFan56: Ok that was heartbreaking to watch #TeamArianna
Weedhead81: @AriannaKnight Still waiting for you to call me!
SexyM@m@5: Can we get back to the pilots now. How is Dorian preparing for Tokyo?
Paulmulder4eva: I agree with SexyMama. How is Paul getting ready for Tokyo?
Britball12: Damn he really is a white knight!
BatDave: I am Batman!
!YouSlow!: Ok I believe him. Most teams would just put out some generic statement to appease the masses. It would be a generic talking head. He did the piece himself and I am willing to bet his PR person is shitting bricks about now.
xImFasterthanUx: I agree with others. Can we get back to the racing now?
AGInthusiast: As I said, it is not a big deal.
micheal650004: Did you see that poor girl’s reaction? Sheesh people let the girl heal in peace.
llamalover4life: That hurt to watch #TeamArianna
ieatAGR: Knight told us the truth. I agree with him. Can we get back to racing now?
Weedhead81: @AriannaKnight I have some nice stuff. Just what you need to help you relax. Call me!

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KingKofiFan: Wow Knight lets it all out!
$erwa: Can’t blame Knight for his choice.
Bertha: So we have to take Knight’s word for it? Unbelievable!
ValkyriePaul: NO you can take my word for it. Arianna is just another family member around HQ. Let the girl heal in peace.
NoraRules: I guess Paul told you @Bertha
BadBrad: You gonna believe Valkyrie’s golden boy?
ApexSuperFan: @BadBrad That is funny! Why would Paul be Golden?
TeamCondorSF: I can’t believe one of the pilots popped in here to post!
Susie: Yeah let the girl heal in peace!
ApexSuperFan: Again who cares? Can we talk about how awesome Silver Apex is?
Abdullah: I would rather talk about Al Saqr! I can’t wait to see how Kais does in Tokyo!
Zygonista: Zygon will dominate in Tokyo.
Bertha: Knight clearly has you all blinded.
Merica1: Knight is clearly just a father doing the best he can.
BatDave: I am Batman
Bertha: [content removed by moderators]
ValkyrieFan56: OMG Paul posted on this forum! Will we see other pilots posting here? Will he post again? Paul you are always welcome here!
Bertha: [Content removed by moderators.]

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by LadyAmber
Avatar of LadyAmber


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Valkyrie AGR Headquarters

Wednesday March 29, 2024

Soundtrack: I Won’t Let You Go - Rascal Flatts

Alexander had done his best to deal with the fallout of his decision to bring his daughter back to Germany with him. He had spent all day Monday putting out fires at headquarters and arranging everything she needed. He had once again offered to hire doctors for her care outside of the team if they could recommend someone they would trust. Dr. Montgomery and Dr. Ainsworth both had shut him down. The team had explained that by helping Arianna they would be learning things about the new augmentation technology that she had been installed with. They argued that it would help the medical team better understand how to help pilots improve their performance with the tech. They argued that Arianna presented them with a chance to learn more about a breakthrough in cybernetic technology that could revolutionize the industry. Alexander had met with the medical team and the team from Shinichi Bionics to work out the details that Monday. It turned out that Arianna’s misfortune might just benefit the team in the end.

The cybernetic augmentations that had been provided to Arianna were cutting edge and very different from anything they had seen before. The company who had developed the augmentation technology, Shinichi Bionics, was based out of Japan. Arianna is the first human test subject with this new technology. She met their stringent criteria to be the test subject. She was young and healthy. She was paralyzed from the neck down due to an accident resulting in a severed spinal cord. Luck and timing also played a part as well. Accidents such as hers were rare but still happened. It was easier for them to find test subjects that had been born with a defect or disease that caused their paralysis. Part of their criteria was access to all the data regarding her progress and synchronization with the technology and a nondisclosure agreement.

A team from Shinichi Bionics had been working with the staff from the UCLA Medical Center in regards to helping Arianna adjust to the technology. Their team had not been happy with the conditions they had been working in with Arianna in Los Angeles. Shinichi Bionics is a small privately held company from Japan. Dealing with the politics of academia while trying to protect their intellectual rights was difficult. They had also struggled with privacy laws even though Arianna had signed all the relevant waivers. They were often the last to find out if there was an issue. Shinichi Bionics had put everything they had into developing the new technology. If it failed or didn’t do well they would be in trouble financially. Shinichi had been pleased with the change in venue for Arianna’s recovery because Valkyrie AGR’s Team had state of the art equipment and a staff that understood what they were trying to do and the data they would need to prove their concepts. Shinichi Bionics had agreed after Arianna and Valkyrie AGR Staff had signed a contract detailing how the data and treatment would be confidential and shared between them with the understanding that in the future, if Valkyrie was interested in the technology, they would buy it from Shinichi. Valkyrie AGR’s staff would benefit from the training on helping Arianna adjust to the new biologically grown cybernetics that would replace her damaged nervous system. If the technology was proven, in time, it might be made available in the European Union as a more eco friendly and natural cybernetic augmentation.

Alexander had arranged for a small team from Shinichi to stay on campus to monitor and help with Arianna’s care. He offered to pay for them to stay off site but after learning of Shinichi’s offer to train the staff and share data, Leopold had been on board with utilizing team resources. He accepted it for the opportunity it was. They decided not to say anything more in the media about it because they didn’t want to lose the opportunity should Shinichi decide to shut them out. Shinichi would be working under Dr. Montgomery’s supervision. They would be training Dr. Ainsworth the team’s Cognitive Neural Specialist, Dr. Ishikawa their augmentation technician, and the team physical therapist, Sasha Volkova. Their activities would be scheduled around the team’s existing activities to keep their pilots in top shape and assist with their healthcare and training. The team from Shinichi Bionics had been excited after they visited the team’s facilities and met those they would be working with. They felt more included and had more control over the data they needed. They were pleased with the arrangements. The only other team members that would be supporting their efforts was the team nutritionist Dr. Thorkelson and Jacques who would be making the meals designed to support the organic components of her recovery.

Alexander had been humbled by the support he had received from the medical team and Mabel. There were still rumors floating around headquarters about misuse of team resources. Many of the staff were not privy to the confidentiality agreement and contract between Shinichi Bionics and Valkyrie AGR Sport. They simply saw Arianna receiving medical treatment and physical therapy from the team’s doctors and staff. They saw her getting specially prepared meals from Jaques. They saw her using the staff gym and training areas to do her physical therapy. All of the staff had seen the video statement that Alexander had put out with Arianna. Most of those who worked at headquarters, pitied Arianna. They felt sorry for her and were pleasant to her and supportive while quietly turning away from their colleagues who were not happy about her presence among them. Mabel had stepped in and spent her evenings with Arianna. She provided the maternal support and love that Arianna felt had been taken from her. Alexander had already noticed that Arianna was improving daily. Her balance was better. Her strength was returning. She still had a way to go before her fine motor skills recovered fully.

Alexander did arrange for Arianna to begin seeing a therapist to help her with the trauma she had experienced. She had been resistant to the idea at first. She had only agreed to go if he started seeing a therapist too. He had caved to her blackmail and agreed. The therapist either came to headquarters or met her via phone. Alexander had chosen to only meet his therapist via phone. He didn’t have much time to squeeze in therapy sessions. Arianna was seeing her almost every day at the moment. Alexander’s therapist wanted to see him twice a week but he had put his foot down and was only doing a one hour session a week. They were pushing for more but he had not really put much effort or energy into therapy yet. He had only agreed to it as a way to get Arianna to see one. Alexander suspected Mabel was behind her blackmail but to get him to see a therapist. Mabel had certainly supported the idea when he grumbled to her about it.

Alexander felt comfortable that he had Arianna settled and she was making progress. He turned his attention to focusing on his job. The contracts with Enigma Lux Fashion House had been signed. They would be shooting the photos and commercials for the campaign after the race in Tokyo. The luxury watch company, Orion, had decided to tag team with Enigma Lux, they would be shooting photos and commercials for that endorsement as well. Orion had Enigma Lux design an exclusive watch design that they would produce for them. The endorsement deal came through and because of the cross over with Enigma Lux the endorsement deal was worth more. The fashion house had come to them at Valkyrie Headquarters to take measurements and for final fittings. All three of them had received two new suits tailored and designed just for them and a new tuxedo. Both pilots had a new ship suit for Tokyo designed by Enigma Lux that would be debuting at the race.

Alexander knew the amount of money he would need to build new ship designs meant hiring more engineers. His engineering team was busy keeping the current ships ready for each race. They tweaked settings for every race and repaired any damage and performed maintenance. It was enough to keep them all busy. They would need additional help to be able to bring a new ship design to a fully functioning prototype. Alexander needed to raise more money. He needed more endorsements and sponsors. He also needed to start headhunting. He needed the right engineers. He and Felix had to get together soon on what specialties he wanted. He was willing to try and get anyone Felix wanted to work with. He needed to make sure he had enough money to get them.

Alexander got to work and began researching engineers that might be right for the kind of changes to the engines the team wanted to see. He needed someone who understood jet engines and wind turbines. Alexander began to read all he could on the latest research about both. He poured over articles, thesis, and magazine articles. He reached out to his father for recommendations on who might know the latest technologies in those fields and who might be able to give him some recommendations. He looked up at the clock. He needed to finish packing for Tokyo. The team was needed in Tokyo tomorrow. He, Dorian, Paul, and Katherine were needed in Tokyo for the endorsement shoots. He got up and stretched. His back popped as he twisted and stretched from side to side. He would get to have dinner with his daughter before he had to finish packing. They left for Tokyo bright and early tomorrow morning. The engineers and mechanics would get a day for practice and to make any adjustments before qualifying. Paul and Dorian were slated to attend the BioCHO event. Alexander had been invited to attend with the pilots but he didn’t feel up to it. He wanted them to enjoy the party without feeling like he was checking up on them. Arianna had wanted to go with him but she could not travel easily yet.

Social Media

Official Valkyrie AGR Sport Team @TeamValkyrieAGR
Team Valkyrie AGR Sport will be debuting new racing suits and helmets in Tokyo courtesy of our newest sponsor the Enigma Lux Fashion House! Be sure to tune in to see what they look like. New fan gear designed by Enigma Lux will be coming soon!

Paul Mulder @ValkyriePaul

I look damn good in it too!

Dorian Hornfleur @ValkyrieDorian

I look even better in mine!

OfficeDrone#12: Fittings were kept hush hush.
SuperfanAGR54: Interesting choice for sponsor.
DantheMan: Don’t really care what their racing suit looks like.
Superfan2075: Hmm it will be interesting to see what the new fan gear looks like.
DadBod89: I agree with DantheMan. I don’t really care what their suits like look.
Hater101: They are hyping new suits? How about talking about how they are going to compete with Silver Apex and Southern Cross instead?
Papabear34: This is not really relevant to me. I don’t buy arbitrary fan stuff.
Nana2050: I don’t know. Fan gear created by a fashion house sounds interesting. Maybe we will see more than the obligatory t-shirts.
GeorgeFly: Who cares about suits?
ValkyrieFan56: Oh I can’t wait to see what they look like! New fan gear designed by a fashion house. I hope they have a nice selection.
Weedhead81: You people need to chill and get skezzed.
SexyM@m@5: Oh that means new pictures!
Paulmulder4eva: Yes! I can’t wait to see Paul’s new suit.
Britball12: Only the women care about clothes.
BatDave: I am Batman!
!YouSlow!: AG racing has reached a new low when fans are excited about the suits the pilots wear.
xImFasterthanUx: Unless the suit contributes to their ability to win. I don’t care.
AGInthusiast: Not only women care about clothes. I look forward to seeing their new suits as well.
micheal650004: Some of us bat for the other team but love a nice fit body.
llamalover4life: Interested to check out the new fan gear.
ieatAGR: I don’t care what they look like, but an explanation of how their suits help in a race would be nice.
Weedhead81: @AriannaKnight You can come get skezzed with me. Still waiting on your call.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by LadyAmber
Avatar of LadyAmber


Member Seen 13 hrs ago


SaturdayMarch 17th, 2094

Video Call between Han Hyeon-Ae and Paul Mulder

After having a satisfactory outcome from his call with Beatrix Ward, Paul decided to reach out to Han Hyeon-Ae. Paul understood better than anyone that she was competition on the track. There was something about her that made him feel sorry for her. He felt the media seemed to be harder on her. Paul excelled with dealing with the media. So far he had avoided having to deal with any large scandals. The biggest issue he had was invasion of privacy and their penchant for wanting to compare him to his father. They were always asking him how he thought his father would react to this or that. The truth was that Paul wished he knew the answer.

He was very young when his father died. He didn’t have very many memories of him. He had gotten to know his father by watching home videos, every interview and piece of media he could find with his father in it. His mother had shared his father’s journals with him when he turned 16 and wanted to race. It was another way he felt close to his father. He would sometimes hold them and simply stare at his hand writing. It was silly but knowing that his father had written the words. It made him feel closer to him somehow like he wasn’t just some arbitrary imaginary figure. He had been a living breathing man. His mother had told him stories about his father but it was not the same as growing up having your father in your life. Paul envied Arianna for that reason. He still had not been brave enough to ask Alexander about his father. He knew that they had been rivals on the track but close friends.

Paul sighed and pushed those thoughts away. It was evening and Paul had finished his duties for the day. He was relaxing in his room. He had on a soft green t-shirt and jeans. He was sitting at the desk in his apartment at headquarters. The desk was the typical black and chrome affair that was the signature look for Valkyrie AGR headquarters. It was a little cold for his tastes. The colorful photo of his mother’s that had been blown up and hung on the wall behind his desk added some needed warmth and nature to the cold space. He needed to contact Han and see if she would be willing to listen to his request. He felt it would be good for her. He didn’t know how his request would be received but one never knew. Paul stopped trying to talk himself out of making the call. He was being ridiculous. The worst that could happen would be that she would say no. He pushed the dial button and waited watching the spinning arrow that showed the computer was trying to connect the call.

Meanwhile, in Seoul, the penthouse suite was back to its slightly cold, silent atmosphere, much of the clutter from last time’s social gathering now stowed away so it wouldn’t bother Hyeon-Ae until next time the apartment needed to meet other people’s expectations. The cascading moonlit lit up the obsessively spotless apartment through big window panes. Most people would be deep in sleep, or at least lazily burning their brain away in bed while staring at some entertainment. Hyeon-Ae wasn’t like most residents of Korea - she needed less sleep, and staying still for too long started making her body restless. So, like other times she was alone and left to her own devices, she was working out, pulling herself up on a bar fitted to one of the door frames. The buzz of the comm-piece laid on a nearby desk caught her attention at first, and before long the wall-mounted screen in her living room shook to life, bathing the apartment in light to showcase the incoming call. With a frowning brow, she ceased her workout routine and reached for the ear-piece, clicking on the video-button to stream her living room as she looked up to the monitor. ”Go for Han.” she intoned as she wiped her hands and arms with a nearby towel.

Paul smiled as the screen connected and showed Han using a towel in workout gear. He frowned as he noted the room was dark and was only lit by the screen and the moon streaming in the windows behind her.

Paul: “Thank you for taking my call Han. I must apologize. I got the time difference backwards. I thought I would be calling you midday.”

Paul blushed crimson as he admitted to such a careless mistake. He did the correct math and was surprised to note she was working out when most people would be asleep. At least he had not woken her up.

”Ah, Mr Mulder,” Hyeon-Ae offered curtly at first, finishing her little routine and discarding the towel. It seems it was a foolish decision to pack away all the decorations after all. She'd nag herself over that mistake later. Following that, she offered a small smile, peering up at the big screen as she took a few steps forward. ”It’s no bother. Occupational hazard for us world-travelers, no? And I was still up - no harm done. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Paul winced as she called him Mr. Mulder. He did his best to regain his composure. He was normally so calm and collected in almost any situation. What was it about Han that unnerved him so much? She had a way of making him feel like a bungling idiot.

Paul: “Please call me Paul. Mr. Mulder makes me look around for my grandfather. May I call you Han or do you prefer Hyeon-Ae?”

Paul paused before getting to the purpose of his call.

Paul: “I was calling to discuss a business proposal with you. Have you ever done any charity work?”

She curled a brow briefly, watching and listening with mild bemusement. ”...Please, call me Hyeon-Ae then,” she began in earnest, a brief bow of her head as she spoke. ”In my culture it would be impolite to refer to me by my family name when we are on first-name basis.” Hyeon-Ae smiled ever so slightly. Whether to lecture or merely inform, she seemed in good enough spirits. ”Charity work…? I have, yes. I am a founding member of the Joseon Women's Visibility group, who helps women in difficult domestic situations. Other than that, most of my activity was more of a figurehead, I am afraid. And I don't do much in the group either, these days. Something else has taken my mind lately, you know? Not much time for anything on the streets, now.” Hyeon-Ae chuckled softly, rolling her shoulder slowly to flex her tiring muscles.

Paul nodded and smiled as he absorbed the information. “Hyeon-Ae it is then.” He listened as she explained her experience with charity organizations.

Paul put on his working face and began to make his pitch. “My mother Alicia Mulder started the Mulder Foundation to honor my father’s memory. The Foundation provides equipment and stipends so that low income children and teens can pursue becoming a professional athlete. They also provide art supplies to children’s arts programs. They support children and teens in Europe. I wanted to do something for my mother for her birthday. I decided to plan a fundraising event for the Foundation. I could just donate money but I want to raise awareness about the Foundation as well. So I have begun to reach out to my fellow pilots in AG to see if they would like to be a part of it. Beatrix Ward has agreed to be a part of it. Of course with Bea it will be centered around her artwork. I thought there might be something we could work out if you would like to be a part of it too. It would be good publicity for you. There will be a silent auction at the charity gala where items will be auctioned off. Or if you have other ideas to suggest. I am open to discussion. I understand that there would need to be some compensation for your participation of course.”

Hyeon-Ae listened with professional calm and confidence, taking in his explanation with rapt attention - a feat in itself when the hour was past midnight. ” That sounds like a great thing, Paul.” she shot in when it seemed he was mostly done. But, instead of broaching the topic at hand, she decided to dig with a soft-spoken question. ”Is this something that your father was also passionate about?”

Paul was surprised by the question. “No, my father was passionate about racing. When he was alive, he did a lot of charity work for children. The Foundation got its start by providing training opportunities for low income teens who wanted to seek a career in racing. As you know, it is still considered a rich man’s sport. It takes money, time, and resources to make it to this level. Money many poorer families simply don’t have. The art was added because that is my mother’s passion. She is a photographer.”

”A beautiful passion. There is a saying - a fish that meets water swims best. It is always good to hear of people working with what they love, yes?” Hyeon-Ae smiled politely and brought her hands together briefly in an affirming gesture. ”I am interested and honored by your proposal, Paul. I think I cannot risk being outshined by Ms Ward; however I think serious matters like this may perhaps be best dealt with in a more intimate setting. I apologize for being so old-fashioned,” she remarked with a dip of her chin, not looking particularly apologetic. ”Perhaps we could discuss this possibility of collaboration in person?”

Paul smiles grew warmer as he listened to Hyeon-Ae talk. He nodded and respected where she was coming from.

Paul: “I understand that you need time to think about it. I will be in Tokyo on business a few days before the race and for a few days after the race. Perhaps we could set up a time while I am there to discuss this further?” He dipped his head in a respectful gesture.

”I am heading to Tokyo myself about six days before the ‘big day’; I need to scout a good place for my promise from the conference… but that sounds perfect. I'll forward you the number to one of my people, Hwang Sanbeng; he handles much of my scheduling. Whatever works for you will work for me,” Hyeon-Ae declared, with both of them likely aware that the truth was likely more complex.

Paul carefully jotted a few notes into his notepad about when she would be in Tokyo and who she was connecting him too about her schedule.

Paul smiled at her. “I will work something out. My schedule in Tokyo is not as busy. I have some sponsorship commitments I must see to it. But I have built in some blocks of time for sight seeing and the like. I will make it work. I look forward to getting to know you better. I will see you in Tokyo for the race.” He gave a wave goodbye before cutting the call.


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