@Varshanka Is Twitch having a Vietnam Flashback? Because i assure you there are no random Anti-Empire riots breaking out here. Planets further from the core are, but Hasiki is better described as a Cold War situation. There are definitely sentiments here, but the Imperial Garrison is too lax and underperforming in their "Jackboot to Throat" Duties to really stir anything up. Hasiki's citizens get on with their lives and the Garrison sits back, breaks up the odd mugging or bar-room brawl and rakes in the cash from doing the bare minimum. If anything, the laxness of the Garrison is the main reason why there aren't any real Rebellion flare-ups. Rebels can do whatever they need to without the Garrison doing too much to stop them, but this comes at the cost to the Rebellion that they aren't really rallying the citizens of Hasiki to their side, becasue nobody is particularly bothered with changing the status quo.
Nobody is feeling any squeeze, so nobody wants to change anything. I mean, sure, the Garrison WANTS more money and the Rebellion WANT the people to rise up, but both sides are kinda reliant on the other making a move that is detremental to them in the short term, so neither side really wants to.