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Hidden 1 day ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 30 min ago

Fondor, 2BBY

With the loss of Lothal to Rebel insurgeants along with the entire of Battlegroup Hydra, a power vacuum had been created and now there were forces moving to secure it. One such group is the Imperial Storm Commandoes, a group under Moff Kohl Seerdon who is seeking to make his way up to usurp the Grand Moff position right out from under Tarkin. In order to do this, he will require victories and results. He is calling in every favour he has and has putting together a special Rebel-Hunter-Killer taskforce called Battlegroup Cairnmog.

As the story begins, you have just arrived aboard I.S.S. Revenge, an Imperial Escort Carrier that is part of Hunter Group Alpha's Wolf Pack, a trio of ships designed to hunt down and destroy Rebel transports and mark the bigger targets for the Battle Line to deal with. You have been called into Captain Dazlos Crasse's office as the captain wants to size up his new commando team. Crasse is an Umbaran and one of the few non-human captains within the fleet.

"Greetings, commando's. I am Captain Dazlos Crasse, you will address me as Captain Crasse, you will do everything that is ordered of you and you will not question any order given to you. Obedience will be met with reward, disobedience will be met with harsh punishment. The Moff has given me his full support in running this ship my way and as given me carte blanche to treat you however i wish. So, we will take down targets that are ordered of you, missions are to be run quickly and quietly, collateral damage will not be tolerated. The Rebels have enough reports of unwarrented Stormtrooper brutality to rally the misguided to their cause, i'll be damned if i'm giving them any more excuses. Apart from that, get results, get paid, get promoted, maybe one day you'll find yourselves on one of the big Star Destoyers." He looked around at the team. "Any questions?"
Hidden 18 hrs ago 18 hrs ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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The transport from the medical bay of he last ship took forever to get him to the shuttle then another wait before he shipped out. Then rebels attacked again! And he damned near died again!

Rebel scum, if he ever had the sights on them he wasn’t hesitating. Stepping aboard the new assignment I.S.S. Revenge he followed the deck codes to his assignment and took a seat. once the Captain walked in he raised an eyebrow inside his helmet, otherwise kept his mouth shut and waited. Haha to have inside voice humor.

Once the Captain asked for questions he stood and saluted, his boots snapping with Imperial precision, the sound like a slug thrower rifle shot from some off route rim-world.

“Captain! Sir! Corporal Reanar reporting for duty. Call Sign Twitch, Sir! Scout Sniper specification. Languages: Basic, Shyriiwook, and Binary. Sir! I use a vocoder in the helmet to talk, or the handheld. Sir!. Blaster shot to the jaw and throat sir. Not as pretty anymore. Sir!” Another heel snap and he sat down listening to the other talk. He’d never met this group before so his opinions would develop over time. But it looked like they had a heavy trooper and a wannabe Jedi with a lightsaber!? Fuck shit was serious.

"Question, Sir! What's the first mission? Sir!"
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