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Hidden 22 days ago Post by MacabreMoth
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Cargo pirates, general goods, and old school starships--the combination smelled loud and rusty, like a Coruscanti black market. And if there was anything black markets hated, it was Imperials. Stormtrooper armor and squad formations would do Klara little good if she wanted her nose to the ground, so she forwent it in favor of generic pilot coveralls and seedy, portside pubs.

"...Right? And then I told the bucket head..."

As a child, Klara fancied the theatrical arts. Though she had long since decided on more fun dreams, she had not yet forgotten what it was like to play a part. Her current role? 'Hapless but very talent cargo pilot whose ship was grounded by Imperial blowhards, now woefully consigned to hitting up the docks and bars for a lucrative enough job to get credits to pay off the excessive impound fee'. Considering the pool of talent likely available to the average insurgent, enough flight jargon and oblique references to smuggling should be more than enough to market her skills as a hot commodity among the more questionable sort.

"Oh, wait! One sec!" She held a finger up to her conversation partners and stepped away. "I think someone got back to me about a gig. Took 'em long enough, eh? Be right back."

When she was clear, she tapped into comms, whispering: "Clever. Imperial Space Control does like their bureaucracy. I imagine you'd want to look for gaps in the logs or recurring IFF data from before and after the raids. If you need a hand, I'll head over when I'm finished here, but I'm sure you boys can handle a bit of office work, no?"

A click, a few steps, and an exasperated sigh.

"Dank ferrik, another scam offer! Would it kill folks to charge a decent rate? Anyway, like I was saying, if you know anyone who needs pilots lookin' for a quick buck. I know Huttese from my time in Nar Shaddaa, if you catch my meaning..."

Hidden 21 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Walking with his temp squad Twitch tapped out a message to his true squad and sent the locations he’d picked out as possible ‘Hangouts’’. There was a few he wasn’t sure about, but caution was for spies, not Commandos.

But he wasn’t stupid either and shit went sideways more often than not. That’s why he was sending what he had to the others. Just in case he ran afoul of rebel scum.

“The Cantankerous Tuskin”, “Slender Hutt”, and ”The Twerkin Twilek” were all good and likely locations, especially from what he’d been hearing and seeing. But he wasn’t positive about them so he’d leave that to other more qualified individual’s.
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Ian had changed into the standard issue white stormtrooper armor before going to the surface of Hasiki. He had contemplated leaving his jetpack behind but decided the maneuverability it offered outweighed how much it stood out.

Once on the surface, Strhar stayed within the garrison base listening to the comms as the others went around the city. He was primarily waiting to provide support if any of the others in the squad needed it. However, if information came through that needed follow up investigation he was ready to go check it out.

Cpl Tavitri had an interesting point in getting sensors data and gave Ian an idea. "We may want to get a list of suspected rebel sympathizers or potential rebel agents planetside as well. I'll work on getting that list and find marks to tail." The jumptrooper went off to find the base records keeper to inquire about getting a list put together. Hopefully that could help narrow down where the commandos need to search to find the next lead.
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Shovel
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"Copy that. I'll keep comm open." Tavitri responded before making his way toward Levinian's sensors. The journey took him quite some time on foot. Luckily, the staff members cooperated with showing him to the director after proving his identity.

The list, however, was much longer than he expected. Logs of ships coming in and out that filled one cabinet. Even if narrowed down to a specific date and time, there would still be somewhere close to tens of thousands of ships of various sizes entering and leaving. The captain said the attack was from "short-range craft" and "in range for Hasiki." This means the ship must be small or at most medium-sized size... And given Hasiki was attacked, there are cues for Rebel's bases in the local area... But how would they know?
Sympathizers in the sensor?

"Filtering for me small craft vessels that enter and leave Levinian. Time span is three days before or after. Please and thank you." He asked, scanning for the participants' expressions in the room. Luckily enough, the normal stormtrooper helmet does an excellent job of hiding where his eyes are trailing.
Hidden 15 days ago 12 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Walking around in Trooper armour was a real hamper on any investigations, so he listened to the local troopers and ask them questions. Chit chat style to see if they had any suspects of locations or people that might be sympathizers to the rebellion.

Plus he was listening to the way they responded to see if they were hiding anything and might be sympathetic themselves. “Got any places we can raid?” was his biggest ‘overly eager newbie’ question he asked. “Anybody we can arrest?”

"Vinca Rumen's new shipments of the good stuff at low prices. Is Criminal," the Sergeant replied, "But not arrestable." he finished with a chuckle.

Mostly he was listening to the way they answered, even though he added any answers to his list.

After a conversation with them, and some idle Bullshit chit chat he dialed his commlink into the broadband, he listened to that for a while as well, for any idle chatter from smugglers not realizing they were being listened in on.

Smacking the commlink closed Twitch figured he was out of range, or being jammed from hearing any good newss.
Hidden 15 days ago Post by rush99999
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Vinca Rumen. A Rodian trader who dealt in mysteriously sourced goods. Vanovar's search had turned up that name. As had the searches of some of his fellows. Between the mystery surrounding his work and the common interest of the others, Vanovar figured the guy was worth investigating. One quick address search later, Vanovar was off to Vinca's place of business to see what he had for sale.
Hidden 15 days ago Post by mattmanganon
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@rush99999 Vinca's ships was a YV-865 Aurore-class freighter and was in one of the docks. As Vanovar approached the businessman, the Rodian seemed to be looking through a box of fairly brand new looking mechanical parts, but looked up as the Anzat approached him. He addressed the Inquisitor, clearly not understanding who he was. From his tone, he seemed to be slipping into his best salesman voice. "Haku do Jee-jee hae Wata? Du Beeyada? Jee-jee ar jukasha Ta geda engiannig gessida!" It was clear he was speaking Huttese, sadly a language Vanovar didn't speak.
Hidden 15 days ago Post by rush99999
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Though he maintained a polite smile as the Rodian spoke to him, Vanovar's teeth clenched tightly behind his lips. Once upon a time, Vanovar would have understood those words perfectly and gladly given an equally fluent reply. Now though? He could only tell that the Rodian was speaking Huttese. 'By the Aurora. Why did I ever think retiring was a good idea?' Vanovar pondered within the confines of his mind, as he tended to do whenever he was reminded of how much rust he had gathered in all his years of idleness.

"I do apologise, but could you please repeat that in Basic?" Vanovar requested. "It has been some time since I last needed Huttese. As a result, I am woefully out of practice."
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Ian looked through the list realizing it was likely a dead end. All suspects had been gathered up, per Imperial doctrine, and put through thorough interviews. Very few people maintained their support if the rebels after such interviews from what Strhar knew. He thanked the clerk running the base archives and left.

It didn't seem like the others had to much progress yet either, aside from maybe Cpl Reanar who had sent potential locations to scope out. The others had not mentioned anything else as of yet. Investigating any of the locations Reanar would likely require Ian to store his armor and grab civilian attire to disguise his Imperial affiliation. He decided to check in with one of his squadmates that was closer to his location. "Any luck yet Corporal Tavitri?"
Hidden 13 days ago Post by MacabreMoth
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MacabreMoth Like a Creepy Butterfly

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//Roger, roger. Thanks for the intel, Corporal. Routing towards Vinca. //

At a glance, the YV-865 freighter didn't seem to be anything special, but Klara woagered you couldn't take a step inside that thing without stumbling over an aftermarket modification. It wouldn't automatically mean Vinca was a rebel, though--just that he was a galactic entrepreneur.

...Who might have been a rebel.

It was statistically likely, at least.

The fact he spoke Huttese didn't hurt the odds either. Then again, so did she, but she doubted that the Rodia had foreign language electives.

"There you are!" She butted in unannounced, addressing Vanovar first. "I've been lookin' all over for you." She put her hands on her hips as she made a show of looking over the Rodian's shoulder at the neatly stacked boxes. "You buyin' replacement parts for the ship or somethin'?"
Hidden 13 days ago Post by rush99999
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"There you are!" A familiar voice called out before the Rodian could respond. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Vanovar was glad for anything that would take his mind off of how much degradation he had allowed to seep in. "I've been lookin' all over for you."

"Ah. I suppose I have been moving about a bit too eagerly now that I think about it." Vanovar said with a tone of apologetic sheepishness.

"You buyin' replacement parts for the ship or somethin'?" Klara asked.

"Perhaps." Vanovar answered. "I only just arrived, so I don't know the specifics of what's in stock here."
Hidden 13 days ago 12 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Stepping sideways Cpl ‘Twitch’ Raenar barely avoided the messy pile of somethings excrement as the others laughed and smacked each others armour. An initiation ritual most likely. See how long it took the new guy to step in the shit.

Looking back at the group he gave them a mocking chuckle as they started laughing at his ‘almost’ misstep. Watching people for hours on end was boring. He wanted a good shoot out. Hell a fist fight would work, if it meant he could shoot someone at the end.

Fiddling with his commlink he kept listening for ny errant chatter about anybody or anything gettig arrested. Hell, maybe a bar brawl would break out in this boring ass end of the universe.

Hidden 13 days ago Post by Shovel
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@Lurking Krog@Varshanka@rush99999@MacabreMoth

"Yes, sending the data now," Tavitri responded to the comm before transferring the ships' owners' names over the channel. Something about Daro Vancil and Vinca Rumen caught his attention. Nothing concrete, but a checkup shouldn't be too bad. A quick search reveals Daro Vancil's address and prompts the stormtrooper to pick up his gears and take a departure from the sensor towers into the bustling streets beneath. The passerby make a way for him, eyes refusing to meet as the white armor made its way toward its destination.

A comm was sent to the team to update them on his whereabouts.

"Heading toward Daro Vancil, the address are below... See you there. Corporal Tavitri out."
Hidden 12 days ago Post by mattmanganon
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As Klara showed up, Vinca this time he began speaking in Rodian. "Keena chuada intica pooani poodoo rantaka." He laughed under his breath. Rodian was a differen language to Huttese, but it shared the same syntax and enough of the same verbage for someone who understood Huttese to realize that he had probably just insulted them in a singsong 'I can say whatever i want because you are too ignorant to know what i'm saying' sort of way. He then went back to pretending to be ignorant himself by continuing his sales pitch in Huttese "Greetings oh weary traveller to the great bazaar of Vinca, where only the finest of goods and services can be bought for bargain bin prices and it's a treat every time you come because Vinca ALWAYS has something a little different, but equally worth the trip and the price. We currently have a number of Droid Motivators in stock, along with farming parts for fixing everything from Moisture Vaporators to Sienar brand crop sewers and dusters. Even some good old fashioned Pesticides. And even if you aren't a farmer, Vinca guarentee you know a farmer or two who pays upward of 500 credits for any one of these parts or equipment. Well, Farmers are the backbone of our society and so Vinca will sell you anything you see here for a mere 250 credits a pop. You sell it to your farmer friends for 400 credits a pop and boom, everyone wins! So, what are you in the market for? As Vinca said, Vinca may not have what you need right now, but Vinca always comes back with something distinguished people like yourselves may want."


Daro was in one of the higher ends of the skyline. Not exactly the fabulously rich end, but slightly better off than the regulars. Good enough to have a ship landing space. Outside of the apartment complex was a small series of landing pads with all kinds of speeders and starships parked. One was indeed the Theta-class shuttle sat with its wings folded up. Nobody was immediately arround, so Tavitri could either approach the apartment to talk straight to Vancil or inspect the shuttle first without any real problems.
Hidden 12 days ago 12 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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He was thinking about ditching this armor and heading out as a civilian. When he heard his private comm link open, the one with the rest of the group.

"Heading toward Daro Vancil, the address are below... See you there. Corporal Tavitri out."

“I heard comm chatter, we should go and be ready for his backup.” He told his squad leader

Once at the location, Twitch stayed in shadows and asked aross the commlink to his ally Corporal Tavitri , “Everything alright here, Corporal Tavitri? Do you need backup? I’ve got a four man squad with me as well as myself, if things go sideways.”
Hidden 10 days ago Post by MacabreMoth
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MacabreMoth Like a Creepy Butterfly

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Nothing but Hutt-speak. Old Corellian freighter. The suspect description was coming together and it was looking green and bug-eyed.

Klara glanced over at Vanovar as the Rodian spouted his mercantile drivel. It was one of those 'get a load of this guy' looks. It vanished as quickly as it came, replaced by the much more amicable mien she'd been putting on. "I'd wager he's trying to pitch us these farming parts for a couple hundred credits," she pointed at one of the boxes Vinca gesticulated at. "And I think that box has droid parts? Hard to see."

If he was playing at ignorance, then she would, too. He sounded like the kind to let stuff slip while gloating. One probable cause later and they could start playing Good Troop, Bad Troop.

"We're not looking for those. Not a farmer. No droids." Klara told Vinca in Basic, making the appropriate gestures as she spoke. She made a show of looking around at the exposed stock. Nothing illegal, obviously. The real good stuff must've been aboard still. "Need more 'equipment'." She tapped her holster. "Friend in town recommended you. 1000 credits."
Hidden 10 days ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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"Copy that, I'll make my way there." Ian followed the directions to get to the location that Tavitri sent over the comms. Keeping his eyes forward, he made his way through the city trying not to draw any more attention than he already got from wearing the jumptrooper armor.

"Want me to come up and stay in sight with you or take a position just a short jetpack trip away? " Ian asks as he arrives near the residence.
Hidden 9 days ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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As Klara took her 1000 credit chit out of her pocket, her Imperial Military ID also fell out onto the floor in full view of Vinca. He looked at it, then back at Klara. "You're a bit new at this aren't you?" He asked in Huttese. "Look, if you're looking for a copy of Debbie Does Duros and don't want the Commandant to find out, i can do that, but i'm not just gonna hand over illegal goods to any old idiot who walks up to me with 1000 credits. I'm a strictly on the level kind of guy."
Hidden 9 days ago Post by Shovel
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Tavitri took a quick scan of the perimeter of Daro's residence. The streets were a bit cleaner compared to the average lowlife, and rows and rows of apartment blocks highlight the community's low middle class. Personally, he doesn't believe that one could finance such a middle-class lifestyle during this day and age as one person's salary. Especially one that works in the logistics industry, if what he remembered on the files is correct. He spotted the Theta-class shuttle sat with its wings folded up, Daro's spacecraft. Just at this moment, a voice coming from his comm. The scout sniper speaks, his voice husked and emotionless.

“Everything alright here, Corporal Tavitri? Do you need backup? I’ve got a four-man squad with me as well as myself, if things go sideways.”

"Affirmative," Tavitri responds as he approaches Daro's door. He would investigate the spacecraft later after spending some time with its owner for a few questionnaires. His comm turns up once more, this time the Mandalorian.

"Want me to come up and stay in sight with you or take a position just a short jetpack trip away? " Ian asks as he arrives near the residence.

"I'm going to make contact with Daro right now..." Tavitri responds quickly before speaking to both Twitch and Ian through the comm. "There is a Theta-class with folded wing in the parking space not far from here. Very easily spotted. Check it out and commed me..." He directed his teammates before knocking on the door, his badge ready on hand. Three knocks followed by another three knocks.

He would say to whoever that open the door and show his badge.

"Corporal Tavitri of Anti Riot Corp. I am looking for Daro Vancil." The stormtrooper said, his left hand resting on the blaster rifle grip while the right arm holding up his badge.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by Lurking Krog
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"Copy that, I'll start investigating the ship." Strhar covered the remaining distance to the residence and went to go check out the Theta-class shuttle. He kept his hand near the holster for his blaster in case who ever answered the door for Tavitri came out shooting. The jumptrooper circled around the shuttle before heading towards it's boarding ramp to see if it was possible to board and investigate further.
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