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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Fondor, 2BBY

With the loss of Lothal to Rebel insurgeants along with the entire of Battlegroup Hydra, a power vacuum had been created and now there were forces moving to secure it. One such group is the Imperial Storm Commandoes, a group under Moff Kohl Seerdon who is seeking to make his way up to usurp the Grand Moff position right out from under Tarkin. In order to do this, he will require victories and results. He is calling in every favour he has and has putting together a special Rebel-Hunter-Killer taskforce called Battlegroup Cairnmog.

As the story begins, you have just arrived aboard I.S.S. Revenge, an Imperial Escort Carrier that is part of Hunter Group Alpha's Wolf Pack, a trio of ships designed to hunt down and destroy Rebel transports and mark the bigger targets for the Battle Line to deal with. You have been called into Captain Dazlos Crasse's office as the captain wants to size up his new commando team. Crasse is an Umbaran and one of the few non-human captains within the fleet.

"Greetings, commando's. I am Captain Dazlos Crasse, you will address me as Captain Crasse, you will do everything that is ordered of you and you will not question any order given to you. Obedience will be met with reward, disobedience will be met with harsh punishment. The Moff has given me his full support in running this ship my way and as given me carte blanche to treat you however i wish. So, we will take down targets that are ordered of you, missions are to be run quickly and quietly, collateral damage will not be tolerated. The Rebels have enough reports of unwarrented Stormtrooper brutality to rally the misguided to their cause, i'll be damned if i'm giving them any more excuses. Apart from that, get results, get paid, get promoted, maybe one day you'll find yourselves on one of the big Star Destoyers." He looked around at the team. "Any questions?"
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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The transport from the medical bay of he last ship took forever to get him to the shuttle then another wait before he shipped out. Then rebels attacked again! And he damned near died again!

Rebel scum, if he ever had the sights on them he wasn’t hesitating. Stepping aboard the new assignment I.S.S. Revenge he followed the deck codes to his assignment and took a seat. once the Captain walked in he raised an eyebrow inside his helmet, otherwise kept his mouth shut and waited. Haha to have inside voice humor.

Once the Captain asked for questions he stood and saluted, his boots snapping with Imperial precision, the sound like a slug thrower rifle shot from some off route rim-world.

“Captain! Sir! Corporal Reanar reporting for duty. Call Sign Twitch, Sir! Scout Sniper specification. Languages: Basic, Shyriiwook, and Binary. Sir! I use a vocoder in the helmet to talk, or the handheld. Sir!. Blaster shot to the jaw and throat sir. Not as pretty anymore. Sir!” Another heel snap and he sat down listening to the other talk. He’d never met this group before so his opinions would develop over time. But it looked like they had a heavy trooper and a wannabe Jedi with a lightsaber!? Fuck shit was serious.

"Question, Sir! What's the first mission? Sir!"
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by rush99999
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Vanovar Pythis stood alongside the rest of his newfound teammates with just as much composed professionalism as the rest of them. Though the more insightful people in the room might also have noticed that there was a hint of something else to his demeanor that was reminiscent of a hungry customer at a dining establishment waiting for someone from the waitstaff to come and take his order. Vanovar wore the uniform of High Inquisitor Jerec's branch of the Inquisitorius and the organization's signature lightsaber hung from his belt. Hair as black as the void framed his face, stopping just above his shoulders. Any who gazed upon Vanovar's visage would be quick to call him handsome. The only flaw to it that someone looking for something to criticize would find being his nose, bulbous in shape with flared nostrils, though it would take some creative critique for any such barbs to land effectively.

Vanovar had been impressed by what he had seen of the Revenge thus far. Something that hardly came as a shock to him. The people of the galaxy always seemed to come up with their most impressive works whenever he was at his least attentive of such things. The highlight of Vanovar's explorations prior to receiving the captain's summons had definitely been the ship's holding cells. Though they contained no prisoners just yet, Vanovar knew the cells wouldn't stay empty for long. Nor would they stay full for long either. Not with him on board.

While he had already developed some opinions regarding the vessel, Vanovar had yet to form any attitudes towards the rest of the commando team he was a part of now. Aside from Reanar, that is. Vanovar didn't think too highly of the noisy corporal. Although the fact that he'd been thinking the same thing as Vanovar in terms of questions was at the very least half a point in the sniper's favor.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MacabreMoth
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MacabreMoth Like a Creepy Butterfly

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Klara Alde was the runt of this litter, the odd one out in more ways than one. From peerage to pilot, the esteemed Lady Alde was clearly cut from a different cloth than the two armor-clad troopers and the lightsaber-toting inquisitor standing to her left. Frankly, she felt a bit under-dressed in nothing but the olive-grey dress coveralls, but protocol was protocol and pilots dressed like NCOs out of the cockpit. Distinguishing herself from the similarly-dressed rank-and-file was the brown, half-braided crown sat on the top of her head, tying seamlessly into a chignon at the back of her neck. Alderaanians were particular about their hair, and though Klara's path had taken her in a very different direction from the people at home, she wasn't very different in this regard.

She was also, to speak the obvious, the only woman in this squad. Unsurprising--the rest of the ship had similar demographics from what she'd gathered during her personal venture.

The ISS Revenge was her new home-away-from-home, but the novelty had worn off fairly quickly. Klara had never served on any of the Imperial commando escort carriers prior to her posting here, but she was already well-accustomed to shipboard interiors from her service elsewhere. A capital ship was a capital ship was a capital ship; imperial design was nothing if not extremely consistent despite external appearances. So long as the hangar was well-equipped and easy to access, she had few complaints--and the hanger was certainly well equipped.

"Flight Lieutenant Alde, sir." It was a quick, polite introduction, not as bombastic as the other guy's. "What resources are being provided for this mission, sir?"

Storm Commando was an upgrade from her last posting. Surely now she had access to some top of the line equipment. One of those shiny new TIE/IN interceptors would be one hell of a signing bonus.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Ian Strhar, a copper skined slightly tall slightly bulkier mandalorian, stepped off of the transport shuttle onto the flight deck of the cruiser. The flight here was rather uneventful, during which he had taken time to clean the plastoid of the carbon scoring from glancing shots. There was still some discoloration but it was better than before. He also spent time wondering why he was not being left with the what remained of the of the super commandos to fight the rebelling mandalorians. The man let out a quiet curse in Mandoa at the thought of Clan Wren and Kryze continuing to lead the clans away from the potential and power siding with the Empire would bring. One day he would be part of their downfall, for now he needed to stay on the good side of his superiors.

After a quick check of his armor seals, the jetpack was secure, and making sure his weapons were in their holsters, Ian followed the standard layout that the Imperial cruisers had. He arrived at the captains office after everyone else had. Ian took note of the other troopers and the lightsaber wielding being. He gave a nod to the other two and moved to position himself away from the potential force user. The old stories Ian heard growing up about the being wielding unusual power that battled the mandalorians of old came to mind briefly before the captain walked in and started the briefing.

Already his opinions started to form about Reanar as the other troopers introduced himself. Some humor, maybe a bit over the top professionalism, and direct.

Alde was harder to read in Ian's opinion as her response was more reserved. Still to the point as Reanar.

The silence from the lightsaber wielder was telling in it's own way. Perhaps they had more intel than the rest of the present group, save for the captain. Or perhaps the question they had had already been asked. Strhar was not sure yet what to think of them.

Reanar had already asked what the mission was, at this time Strhar stood, attentive but not rigid, while waiting for more details about the mission.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Captain Crasse looked around at the new squad. "Glad to see you all with us." He turned around in his chair to look out into the shipyards of Fondor. Without turning he continued. "It's at this point that you are supposed to be given the general briefing, but i'd prefer to give it to you straight. Your Empire is on a tipping point. Contrary to what His Majesties propaganda machine would tell you, the incident at Lothal is anything but minor. The rebels struck hard, fast, countless losses on our side with equivalently minor losses on theirs. The entire of Battlegroup Chimera is gone, minimal survivors managed to make an escape and the Rebels have secured their position and dug in like a Mynock infestation. With Admiral Thrawns death, Moff Seerdon see's an opportunity to climb the ladder and he's taking it. If we are responsible for getting him up that ladder, then guess who he's taking with him." He turned around again to look at the party.

"All of us. Battlegroup Cairnmog could be the new Death Squadron, but only if we bring results." He looked at Vanovar "That's why Lord Seerdon has requested your presence. Thrawn overestimated his own abilties and underestimated those of the Jedi. We don't know how many more cultists of that dead religion are still around."

He then pressed a button on the console "Battlegroup Cairnmog is being dispatched to Sector 3, The Moff wants to make sure there are no Rebels in his sector before we branch out to others and show them how it's done. Our job is to take Hasiki, a number of Imperial Freighters have been being raided recently. We believed it might have been pirates, but a few survivors from their latest attack claim that the attackers were Rebels. The ships have all been hit by short ranged craft and they have all been hit with Hasiki in range so we are moving there first. When we arrive, your job will be to go down to the city and investigate. Find those ships or anyone who may lead to those ships. You're being given a Partrol Transport to get the job done. We will be at the planet in a day. Until then, if there's no questions, you are dismissed."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Looking around the room for a moment before he shook his head no. He didn’t have an questions. The future missions for the moment looked clear and simple enough. Kill rebels, gather information, and take Hasiki.

After a couple battles he’d put in requisitions for weapon upgrades so he could do his job better. And at a much longer range. Nothing like saying hello from long range. Except when it was reallly long range.

Targeting scopes, better barrel, quantum alignment, interfaze transducers. Eventually he’d be the best.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by rush99999
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"I have a question, Captain Crasse." Vanovar spoke up, his voice smooth and sonorous. "These few survivors, did they mention anything that might hint at what we should expect from our prey? Whether they are merely the standard fare provided by pirates and Rebels or if we should expect something more?"
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Casse looked at Vanovar. "It's all in the reports. A few illegally modified freighters with boarding crew. No match for Revenge is they try anything, but i'd rather take them on the ground and alive if possible. Dead men can't talk and hopefully they won't have wiped their Navicomputers too well so we can track where they have been to other Rebels. No evidence of Jedi if that's your question." He said to the Inquisitor.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MacabreMoth
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MacabreMoth Like a Creepy Butterfly

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Were Klara a Cathar, her ears would've perked up at the Captain's proposal. Political ambitions and riches were things she had foregone ever since joining the Academy, but the chance for more flight hours in the hottest warzones of the Empire? Now that was an offer that deserved consideration.

As she had no questions for the Umbaran, Klara planned to engage in a common pastime for idle nobility: catching up on some light reading--although the tales of action and adventure she consumed were far less romantic and much more concerned with numerical and mechanical specificity.

"In that case, I'll take my leave to review those reports, sir." With the Captain's permission to disperse, Klara saw no further use standing on ceremony, so she turned around to head out. "Book club is in the hangar, Storm Commandos," she waved her datapad, "Attendance is optional."

...Well, even if nobody showed up, she reminded herself to make a point to share the information regardless.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Shovel
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Tavitri Braca was late to the briefing it seems. Lieutenant Morgana T. Lee, his direct superior had only given him the grace of being in the known ten minutes before the meeting started. And as he ran from the lower floor of the ISS toward the higher commandeering floor, he couldn't help but wonder why. Not every day, an anti-riot stormtrooper gets sent to another squad. A mysterious task too at that, Tavitri noted the eyesight his Lieutenant gave him. Part pity and part ... desire??. But surely a task can't be that good for his Lieutenant to give him that sight?

This prompted him to think. Morgana is a drunkard outside of the office, this is well-established. So, Tavitri had been bribing her with booze tabs to stay on her good side. Not that he didn't put in the work, Tavitri thinks before taking a left turn. So, in theory, she shouldn't be diddling him into a corner here he thinks. But thought froze as he reached his destination.

"Captain Dazlos Crasse." The title board read. A captain huh? were Tavitri's thoughts as he smoothened the creases in the collar and made sure the insignia was good on his stormtrooper's armor. "803", he whispered, "here hoping the captain ain't an ass." The door opened.

"Corporal Tavitri Braca, Sector 3 Anti-Riot Corp, reporting for duty." He saluted the man in the middle of room, eyes refusing to scan others unless permitted to do so.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by rush99999
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Vanovar chuckled as a member of the team arrived late. "As much as I'd enjoy watching this next part, I have a book club to attend." He said as he made to follow Klara. "Good luck, Corporal." With that said, Vanovar followed Klara out of the room and spoke again once he drew level with her. "Flight Lieutenant Alde. That was how you introduced yourself, yes?" Vanovar said, then waited for confirmation before continuing. "I myself am Inquisitor Vanovar Pythis. I look forward to working with you."
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Ian saluted the captain before turning to follow Lieutenant Alde toward the hanger. He had just stepped to the side fast enough to avoid bumping into the late arriving trooper. A riot trooper was not what Strhar had expected to join in on these missions. Then again the captain had explicitly stated the squad was to minimize collateral damage and unnecessary brutality. Perhaps the anti-riot trooper had something to bring on that end.

The jumptrooper maneuvered around and out the door to continue to follow Lt. Alde. He was a few paces behind her and Vanovar. Catching the tail end of Vanovar's introduction to Alde, Strhar waited for a moment before introducing himself. "Flight Lieutenant Alde? Specialist Ian Strhar, Imperial jumptrooper. I have some skill with computers and getting around unnoticed. If need be I can also pilot a ship." Strhar kept a pace behind the Lt and Vanovar listening to the what the others had to say.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Crasse watched the last of his new Commando's arrive. Riot Trooper looking to earn a name for himself. Honestly, so far he was pleasantly surprised by their cander. Not many questioning looks at his near-human status. "Thank you for attending, I'm going to tell you the same thing i told the rest of your squad. Obedience will be met with reward, disobedience will be met with harsh punishment. Take down targets that are ordered of you, missions are to be run quickly and quietly and collateral damage will not be tolerated. Apart from that, get results, get paid, get promoted, simple as that."

More importantly when the Moff had told him he was getting an Inquisitor, he was afraid that one might throw the team off by being aloof and superior, but this one seemed more down to earth than the ones he had worked alongside in the past. Then again, those were the ones under Vader, rather than these ones under Jerec. He had no idea who or what Vader was under that mask but at least Jerec was Miraluka, another Near-Human. He had heard Jerec was a bit nuts and liked his minions equally so. Maybe this one hadn't had the opportunity to get broken in yet.

Ian on the otherhand was Mandalorian. He was equally grateful to have one of them in his group. He had heard that a few Mando's flew for the Rebellion at Lothal, so maybe the rumours that the Empires grip on the warriors was slipping was merely the Rebellions propaganda machines working a little too well.

"You are all dismissed" He said, before they began to file out of the room.

As the commando's began to dispurse, Crasse made his way to the bridge before standing and looking out of the front viewscreen as Revenge cleared her moorings with the rest of Hunter Group Alpha and made their way to the Hyperspace Lane Marker "Link up with Obliterators Navicomputer and follow her into Hyperspace. Once we have reached Sector 3 and the command group is in position, make best speed for Hasiki." He ordered. As the rest of the Hunter Group launched into Hyperspace, the stars turned to streaks before Revenge catapulted itself into hyperspace as well.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Standing up Twitch left the room when everyone was dismissed, stepping aside for other in more of a hurry than he was. Heading to the testing range he collected his weapon and spent hours firing and reloading. Firing and reloading. He onlly left when the range master kicked him out, so others could have time as well.

Then he went to the holopods and ran through piloting programs until he ‘crashed’ then it was time for food and bed. Food was basic and bland, but it was healthy and filling.

He was surprised no one asked about the injury, or the fact that the squad was a blend of humanoids and humans. He didn’t care the pay was the same no matter who, or what, he worked with.

Grabbing food he left the commisary, pausing whe the officer in charge tried to bust him for stealing food, usually it didn’t leave. But once he tilted his helmet up and showed the burns and scar tissue, he left and headed back to the rooms. And if he had extra ration bars in his armour, so what.. right?

Throwing half of his extra’s on the table he went to his room and closed the door, only then did he take his helmet off and eat.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Shovel
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Tavitri gave a final nod to his superior before following the large group that just left the room. Luckily enough, the three of them had not gone too far. As such, he hastened his pace before joining the three heading towards the library. Only now did he notice their composition. A Mandalore was among them... And beside them was a person with a lightsaber... Inquistor

"Corporal Tavitri Braca, may I ask for your name and where we heading?" He tapped the Mandalore. Tavitri wasn't here to meet most of his new squad, best to learn their names before some hiccups. @Lurking Krog
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hasiki Orbit

Revenge exitted above Hasiki, ignoring the traffic it flew towards the northern pole of the planet so the magnetic field of the planet would mask the ship from targetting sensors.

"Storm Commando Teams, we have arrived at Hasiki. Deploy to the planet and begin operations."

Even though the Storm Commando's had their their own armour. For this mission, they were being deployed with the the standard gear to better blend in with the current planetary forces and not allow the Rebels to figure out that the Storm Commandoes were onto them. They would probably go to ground hard if they suspected the Storm Commandoes were being sent after them.

Their first target would be Levinian, the capital city and where most of the orbital traffic was routed through. Meaning that if those freighters were coming from anywhere, they would have at least passed through there.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by rush99999
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While the rest of his team deployed in Stormtrooper armor, Vanovar opted for a set of civilian garb that would allow him to blend in with the people of Levinian while also concealing his lightsaber. "I'm going to go press my ear to the ground." The Inquisitor announced the minute the team arrived in the city. "I will likely be gone for a few hours. I'll have my comlink with me if anything comes up on your end." With that said, Vanovar vanished into the crowd and spent the next six hours digging up as much of the latest word on the street as he could find.

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 1 mo ago

At least they’d had enough warning that he could clean the basic armour they'd been saddled with before dropping to the planet below. And he had his own basic blacks, other wise it was going to be hell. Then he made sure his E-11 was in perfect order and cleaned (Again)

Once he was boots on the ground he patrolled with another group, never go it alone was a healthy motto to have. And play stupid. As far as these troopers were concerned he was straight out of boot camp and lost.

So they took him under wing and pointed out the seedier parts of town. And in the process he kept his ears and com-link open, He’d have preered his own gear, or at least non-Trooper gear to blend in with. But he wasn’t writing the orders, he was just obeying.

Every chance he got he’d stop and mark potential ‘hangouts’ for rebellion or smuggler types, on his geo-slate. Kept him from getting lost as well.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Shovel
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@Varshanka@Lurking Krog@MacabreMoth

Tavitri do the same as his teammates, observing the bystanders and oncoming traffic. Acting as a menacing stormtrooper, he felt the slow process of this. The Rebels aren't dumb enough to do their bidding under the stormtroopers' eyes. Which means, every moment spent standing here is a moment doing nothing. He looks up and notices the traffic that entering and leaving the planet. There must be a central tower to identifying oncoming stellar traffic, he thinks to himself before speaking into the comm.

"Flight Lieutenant Alde, is it possible for us to require logs from the sensors?"
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