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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

//Church of the All-Force, Hathforth

Hidden 28 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hathforth Castle Dungeon -> Plaza at the Pier

In collaboration with @ERode

In the darkness, he could hear the clicking over of a key, the squeaky iron as his jail door swung open. But this time, it wasn't the gloved hand of Duke Rhinecliff offering reprieve. No, it wasn't reprieve at all.

The guards unchained Duke Sev Willowsteel from the wall, and he fell limply to the ground, numb. His whip lashes cracked open with the sudden movement as he was hauled to his feet. Iron, absent of the typical enchanted hand covers geared to nullify mages, shackled around his wrists, connected with chain to his ankles.

“Come on. Her Majesty is waiting for you.” Said one of the guards, pushing Sev down the long, torch-lit hallway and up a narrow flight of stairs.

The outside door cracked open, and sunlight came rushing in. Sev's eyes pounded painfully, and he flinched in the light. The evening sun was warm overhead, yet did little to heat the dead-cold chill in his gut.

He was escorted, two guards in front, two guards in the back, and a flag bearer hoisting the Hathforth's colours leading them to the plaza near the pier. Sev wasn't looking at onlookers. How could he, when he was counting his remaining breaths?

Staring at the raised platform, a rectangular piece of polished stone that spanned the majority of the plaza, was the Wizard Queen and her entourage, under make-shift canopies. There was a seat for herself, while others stood, watching carefully. Some faces included Duke Grimhand, watching with a pained face.

The plaza opened up to Sev, and he was marched to the center of the raised platform, caked chopping block cleared and ready. However, today, Her Majesty had other plans for this particular execution…

Duke Rhinecliff himself was present, of course. His own entourage was smaller than to be expected of a noble of his stature, but he was an eccentric, practically an ascetic compared to the excesses of his peers. A dark cloak was draped over his shoulders, the patterns of blueberry brambles sewn upon it as a cigar smoldered between his fingers. It was a lovely day, though it ought not to be. The Wizard-Queen had done well to finish the sham trial and set up the execution so quickly; the people of Nordor wouldn’t even have time to plan something before news of her judgment and execution was known.

No space for rebellion, when the Queen’s own had kept an eye on Sev’s companions, ensuring that their hands were tied.

He lifted up his cigar to his lips, inhaling the sweet smoke once more, then exhaling it as a singular sigh. Lightless eyes laid behind the spectacles, as the Duke gazed upon the late Arthur’s progeny. What still remained in this man, now that death came with an inevitable cadence?

Sev now stood at the center of the raised platform, in front of the chopping block, facing the royalty and nobles who'd come to witness his execution. His eyes briefly glanced to Duke Rhinecliff. All the man would see was a smoldering fire burning behind those eyes. It would seem Sev wasn't entirely resigned to his fate.

The Wizard Queen watched silently, before she nodded to Vulluin, who stood faithfully beside her. Vulluin took a step forward, and addressed Duke Willowsteel.

“Sev Willowsteel, Duke of Norder. You are hereby sentenced to death for your act of treason and defaming the Crown. You will be ignited, and left to burn until you are nothing but bones.”

Vulluin glanced at the Wizard Queen for a moment, before turning to Duke Rhinecliff. “If you would, Your Grace.”

Sev had kept a stoney face, except for when Lord Urimyar called upon Duke Rhinecliff. Now? Hints of betrayal, and bitter understanding seeped into his face. Sev, however, kept silent. It wasn't his place to speak, unless he was given permission.

Positioned at the edges of the platform, drums began to thrum a steady beat, reverberating the air.
Hidden 23 days ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Mirie Agustria of the Grand Bank,
Duchess of Caelin

Execution Grounds\\

The confluence of events over the past few days was becoming troublesome for Mirie. Between the Athius affair, the fallout with Ravenfell and subsequent failed gambit, as well as simple domestic affairs on Caelin –most importantly, the arrival of the Queen at the Grand Banks-- the issue of the downfall of a fellow ruling duke had almost become forgotten in the entire mess. Almost.

The emergency return to Caelin Castle via her seed after being ejected from the ghost king’s court meant that she had been robbed of conferring with Laurent and Altina after their little act of rebellion. There had been no time to discuss the matter of Duke Willowsteel.

It was a perfectly pleasant day, with a beautiful sky and a pleasant warmth from the sun overhead. Mirie thought it hardly suited an unjust execution as she sat there with her entourage among the other ruling dukes. It was clear that what the Queen had intended was as much of a punishment as it was an example for the other nobles.

Fall in line or meet the same fate—the message was clear.

Unlike Rhinecliff, Mirie’s party was commensurate to her status as a duchess, with more than the simple two knights that she had brought to the meeting with the Ravenfell king. As usual, she had her handmaiden Minuette by her side, alongside her guard of knights, dressed in the armored maid-like battledresses that were emblematic of her household.

In the absence of any coordination, Mirie decided she was still going to let the chips fall as they may. While she didn’t want to see a fellow duke executed, and in such an undignified way, in terms of realpolitik, both a rescue and an unmitigated execution were both detrimental to her goals. Both acts were inherently destabilizing, inching the province further into the waiting hands of a future civil war.

With a sigh, she remained, looking forward and crossing her legs as the drums began to beat.

For a moment, her eyes too met the condemned duke’s eyes and saw the fire that remained in them.

Perhaps this execution was not all that it seemed after all.
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Hidden 23 days ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

//Plaza at the Pier, Hathforth
@Estylwen@Click This

"Of course."

Duke Rhinecliff rose from his seat. Death by immolation, but no pyre was built. Did Evelyn believe him to be some sort of Wizard-Duke? It was a grim affair, but he allowed himself a moment of levity, at least in his mind. A consignment to the flames was preferable to the axe or the noose. It was, in a way, a recommended death, in terms of what was to follow. And who else but a 'family friend' to perform the last rites before a living cremation? He took another draw of his cigar, tapping some ash off into the tray. A glance towards Duchess Agustria, another towards Sir Hayworth, and he was off.

With steady, certain steps, he ascended the platform, until he was on the same level as Sev, looking down at the man. Fresh injuries were upon him, staining the rags he was dressed up in. If the Wizard-Queen knew any better, she would've have made him drunk, showed him off as the disgrace he was that night, rather than give him opportunity to regain his dignity. Dark eyes glanced at the mundane shackles. Laurent would have been impressed if Sev had hidden his magical tutelage this entire time, only seeking to reveal it now, but something like that was only a good story. The most important thing...

"Good, you still have your tongue."

...was confirmed as he grasped the man's face and pried his mouth open.

"As one who bears duchal blood, Sev, you are granted privileges that others shall not. Though your people are not here, speak now, and die knowing that your words shall be carried to them, that this moment will be how you will be eulogized. You are, after all, already destined for death. What reasons remain for you to watch your words?"

The tip of the cigar glowed, turning ash-white.

The timer was set.
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Hidden 21 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Plaza at the Pier, Execution Platform

“Though your people are not here, speak now, and die knowing that your words shall be carried to them, that this moment will be how you will be eulogized. You are, after all, already destined for death. What reasons remain for you to watch your words?"
Duke Rhinecliff

Sev didn't fight it when Duke Rhinecliff had pried his mouth open. But he definitely leveled a flat gaze.

A eulogy, eh?

His eyes closed momentarily, imagining the vineyards of Nordor, the laughter of children in the street, life bursting from the very air. The carefree nature of the younger generation was carefully tended to by grizzled adults with a strong distrust to their neighbors in Aethera, Tarin, and Dibevin. And an even stronger distrust to the Crown in Hathforth.

The distrust wasn't uncalled for. Aethera especially loved to flaunt their magical prowess at Nordor whenever they had the chance. A long time ago Aethera was bold enough to bully the farmers of Nordor before Nordor retaliated with the Nordor Coalition, filled with men who had battle tactics and skils with the sword that rivaled the empty-headedness and dependency on magic of the Aetherians.

It was always Nordor, alone, having to stick up for itself in this province. It made the people jaded, but proud of their own strength. Their honest strength.

And here he was, having pushed it too far in the presence of the tyranny that aimed to slowly bleed Nordor dry. But, if Sev had to do it all over again, he wouldn't have changed a word he said on the night of the gala.

It was all the truth.

His eyes opened, and he regarded his ‘old friend’ with a mixture of gratitude and steel-heartedness, before he addressed the crowd. Addressed the Queen.

“The people of Nordor have always been known for their strong will, their determination, in the face of imminent defeat. Their refusal to die quietly.”

His fists clenched, causing the shackles on his wrists to clink. Sev's eyes narrowed at the Wizard Queen.

“I want my people to know that as one falls, a thousand Sev Willowsteels will rise. You can't kill a revolution, you can't silence a movement by killing the leader.”

His chin jutted out defiantly, staring right at the Queen. “Those present here know exactly what they're doing. It won't work. The people's cries will reach the All-force, and we will be here. Today, tomorrow. Ready to watch your reign end.”

And he drily spat on the ground in the direction of the Wizard Queen's feet. The Queen herself gave no reaction, staring with a bored expression.

Sev's eyes closed, he breathed in, and stared back at Duke Rhinecliff, his voice soft.

“Just do it quickly.”

Hidden 21 days ago 21 days ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Nyx Heir the Wanderer

Plaza at the Pier, Execution Platform

Skills: Shifting

Nyx watches from the crowd, squished between bodies of others who came to see the Duke of Nordor meet his grisly end. His eulogy made a hush fall over the people there and she can feel the palpable tension among the commoners and nobility listening; these people are tired of the Wizard Queen’s reign as well.

It was truly a blessing to have Laurent’s phrase that could make the Skybound siblings sleep, for without it she would not be able to watch this event unfold. Once the twins had returned to their quarters, Nyx made quick work of putting Mene to sleep before finding a random soldier nearby. As was common, there was drinking involved with those off-duty and it had been easy to slip some sleeping drug into a mug without much notice.

One passed out soldier later, Nyx had made quick work of taking Asteria’s clothing off and placing it nicely in a storage closet before shifting into the body of the man she had drugged and stealing his clothes before stuffing him into the closet as well. She had arrived at the execution platform just as Duke Sev started his speech.

Now, there are some brave souls who cry out against the Wizard Queen, easily lost in the swarm of people. This is exactly the opportunity that Nyx has been hoping for. “Justice for the duke!” She yells in the deep voice of a man, the bass of it reverberating in her chest. Similar shouts scatter throughout the crowd. Nyx moves through the throng to a new position, making small changes here and there to her appearance. She doesn’t want to exert all her energy and end up being unable to shift back into Asteria, after all.

“End the Wizard Queen’s tyranny!” This seems to spur the people forward, the onlookers pushing closer to the stage’s edge. Nyx briefly wonders if the Duke of Rhinecliff would recognize her but quickly dismisses the thought as she repeats the same process a few more times. Once the crowd is successfully riled up with screaming and shouting, she slips away towards the back of the audience.

With one final glance over her shoulder, she watches as the people of the kingdom come close to a riot. She’s glad she had managed to pass around some rotten fruit and vegetables, knowing that a few of her spies had done the same. “I hope she gets hammered with some mushy tomatoes.” Nyx mumbles to herself before making her way back to the ship.
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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Irradiant
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Duchess Altina Freya Bastille, Islara Yelren, & Raiden Asher

The catacombs of Agrovia, date unknown

Collaborator: @Estylwen

The duchess wore a pensive look. “Hm… You bring up a salient point, Miss Islara.”

She clicked her teeth. “I must admit, I am at a loss.”

Sprawled across a wooden table was a map of Arrowfell, inked on a dirty parchment. And beneath it, crinkled slightly, was a map of Hathforth. The day of the Nordorian duke’s execution was drawing ever closer, and yet, a cloud of uncertainty still hung above the duchess’ head.

She’d yet to come up with a plan.

Annoyance would paint her face a fiery crimson. “The risks are much too great. I…” She paused, hesitation causing her voice to quiver. “The Sparrows will be stamped out if the battle persists.”

Islara scanned the duchess’ expression curiously.

So this histrionic woman isn’t so heartless after all.

She scoffed in amusement, a wry smile strumming upon her lips like a guitar, before she offered up her own thoughts.

“You are right, Duchess.”

The spymaster rose from her chair and approached, taking the map of Hathforth and unfurling it. She held it up to the torchlight. “But we need not let it persist.”

“What we need is to sow confusion. To throw the enemy into disarray.”

She cast a lifeless glance at the man leaning against the wall, his pet wolf licking at his feet. “Then, rescuing that hapless duke becomes a matter of subtlety, and not might.”

The gears were turning in her head. But Islara needed time to let her ideas sublimate.

The process was much like steeping tea leaves and then straining them, to rid them of impurities.

Islara would begin to pace around aimlessly, the pitter-patter of her steps echoing from the walls of the… “room” they were in, if one could call it that. This “room” was akin to a jail cell, though it was obviously regularly maintained.

Islara had heard of Agrovia’s underground passageways before, from other informants, but she’d actually never stepped foot in any of them. She didn't possess any knowledge on their layout either.

A history book she’d read helped her to understand why exactly the people of Agrovia had built them. But word on the wind was that they’d fallen into disuse long ago. Perhaps the duchess had them renovated in secret…

Tsk. She would have a stern talk-to with Joachim, a “friend” of hers from the underworld, later. That bastard sold me outdated intel.

Her footsteps would pause abruptly in front of the man with the wolf. “Raiden, you know Hathforth like the back of your hand, right?”

Islara pursed her lips, contemplating her next move. “If we were… able to pry the Duke of Nordor from their clutches somehow, what route can we take out of the city?”

She narrowed her eyes playfully. “And preferably one that lets us get away without incident, yes?” She knew the man was fond of his games.

Islara would briefly recall a mission she’d gone on with the man, a memory that she would have preferred to perish in the recesses of her mind.

He’d made them crawl through a sewer slowly filling up with rot, trash, and debris. It proved to be the most efficient way to evade their pursuers at the time, but she couldn’t help but wonder if it had been the only way. Raiden had known her for a while, even back then. And what he knew about her was that she was a stickler for cleanliness.

Islara handed him the map of Hathforth, her eyes drilling holes into him as she waited for an answer.

Raiden glanced at Islara, eyes dropping to the map before cooly plucking it up in his gloved hands. He pretended to examine it, that cool demeanor never leaving them. They were thinking so hard about this. It was almost funny.

Alas, they didn't know what he knew.

“Your Grace,” He dipped his head to the duchess, before addressing both her and Islara. “If I may, we can forget about running from the fight. Or running to it.”

He smirked, giving his wolf Kai a pat before pushing off the wall, taking a step into the room. “There's a little surprise I brought with me from Tarin, one that had resided in the forested lake behind the Corrin Estate since I acquired it.”

“What would you say we could accomplish with, say… a dragon?”

His smirk widened as he laid the map on the table, pointing to Hathforth's waterfront. “It's a simple matter of flying south via the coast to their execution grounds. Then, we cause some chaos, pick up the duke, and sail on outta there. Easy as meat pie.”

The duchess met Raiden's smirk with a smirk of her own. Her previously tense expression would relax in an instant. “Well, that simplifies our escape then.”

Still, there was a question that lingered in her mind. “Pray tell, Raiden, how did you force such a beast to heel? Dragons are mighty creatures, and most of them are far from being docile.”

Raiden smiled. “You know I have a way with my words, Your Grace. The real story lies in how I acquired said dragon. You see, there was this lovely bar maiden—”

Islara cut in. “Perfect. So that matter is settled.” She gave Raiden a weak punch on the arm. “Good going there. For once.” The praise came out grumbled but sincere. Raiden gave a low chuckle.

She took back the map of Hathforth. “As for any moves on the ground,” she flashed a black, circular capsule, and flicked it skillfully between her fingers. Raiden would immediately recognize this strange contraption as a smoke bomb.

“Let me worry about that.” She caught Raiden's gaze, her voice steady and confident. “I’ll make sure you can fly away safely.”

Raiden stared for a moment, before he smirked. ”Right, boss.”
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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Irradiant
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Islara Yelren & The Sparrows

The plaza of Hathforth, on the day of Duke Willowsteel's execution

VIII: A Fuse Lit

Islara could hear the clamoring of the crowd, even while submerged in the shadows. Though the evening light could not reach her, their voices did. She would listen closely.

"Oh, Duke Willowsteel..." An old woman with graying hair muttered. There was a familiar sadness to her voice, which quivered with every word that escaped her lips. She was practically teetering into a sob.

"His Grace is a good man. He deserves a second chance, like the rest of us." There went the tears. Her pleas would be lost to the wind. Like the constant ebb and flow of time, the execution would go on, and the duke would number yet another victim of the Queen.

Just as Roland was. Just like the Corrins were.

Islara gritted her teeth. I've cried my share. Now, I must act.

She would dispel her magic, appearing behind the woman with an understanding smile. She held the woman by the shoulders, her expression fraught with concern. "Are you alright, ma'am?" She put on an accent. "What seems to be the problem?"

The old woman cleared her eyes. She looked up to meet Islara's gaze, her eyes glinting with surprise. "Oh, hello there, young Miss. I... did not mean to alarm you." An apologetic bow.

"It's a shame what is going to happen to Duke Willowsteel," Islara would remark with a hint of remorse.

A sniffle. "Why, yes, it is." The woman stopped her sobbing. "If you must know, I used to serve the late Duke Arthur Willowsteel, you see." A wistful smile crossed her face. "And I also served His Grace too, when he was young. Little Sev, so full of vigor..." She trailed off with a laugh. "I still remember when he would play in the vineyards of the Nordor estate. A rascal, he was..."

A grim pause.

And with that, her smile was gone, fleeting as a firework in one of the Queen's gala. "But those days have passed."

"To think it would come to this..."

Islara pondered her own memories of the Corrins. Of happier times. Out of everyone, she could make out Roland's face clearly. His expression as he told her of his plans for the Sparrows... She could still visualize it. They lay listlessly on the wet grass of the Tarin manse. It was after a hard day's work, and they were passing the time in casual conversation.

Islara did not normally go around rolling in fauna — dirty as it was. But for Roland, she made an exception. She would turn to him, resting her head on her arm.

"So, Mr. Dreamer, think you can handle Raiden and his pet wolf in a fight?" She blurted out something random.

Roland scoffed. "Ha! I would bet my sister's ashes on it!"

Islara rolled her eyes. Roland always had a way of making light of even heavy topics, something Islara wasn't accustomed to, at first. As they grew closer, however, she began to develop some endearment for these quirks of his. This was a... natural progression to their relationship, one could say.

Still, she didn't believe him. "Right." A sarcastic response.

Of all the memories she'd made with the man, Islara couldn't figure out why this particular memory came to her suddenly. Perhaps it was because of the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

More likely, it was because the mundane, day-to-day memories made her feel his loss even more.

"Dry your tears, ma'am." She offered words of consolation to the woman. "Everything will work out."

But before the woman would be able to respond, Islara would disappear without a trace.

The drums would boom a deathly rhythm, steady as a heartbeat.

The people would whisper amongst themselves, fear as a faint wisp of air upon their lips.

The Duke of Nordor would deliver his final words, as permitted by Duke Rhinecliff.

And then his end would come.

If only that were how it played out...

As Duke Willowsteel exhaled his last rites, a smoke would rise from the stands, black as obsidian. It swept through the swathes of onlookers like a fog, and it did not take long before it swallowed them whole. From within the blanket of darkness, one could hear the unmistakable melody of chaos, a chorus of panic no doubt produced by the people caught up in it.

Islara would climb out of Duke Rhinecliff's shadow.

Wasting no time, she rushed to Duke Willowsteel's side. Snap. With an impressive display of daggerwork, she cut off his restraints. "If you wish to escape, stay close to me," she whispered in the man's ears.

Then, from her hands, she would detonate another smoke bomb, releasing a plume of red that clashed against black. Now Raiden would know where to land.
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Hidden 16 days ago 15 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Plaza at the Pier, Execution Platform

“End the Wizard Queen’s tyranny!”
”Angry Crowd”

The Wizard Queen didn't bother moving as the crowd raged. Instead, her eyes flickered to Vulluin, who was quick to give out orders.

“Call for the guards at the barracks! Solidify a barrier around the Queen and her entourage. Block the stairwell; Don't let anyone approach the platform!”

Immediately, guards began shoving unruly citizens back, blocking off access to those under the canopy or those on the execution platform. From the west, guards began funneling in from the street, doubling up the lines. None had drawn their sword. At least, not yet.

Tomatoes began to fly. Lobed by angry faces, it was a sight Vulluin was loathed to see. In irritation, his hand struck out, causing a spray of ice to arc in the air, catching a tomato and halting it's momentum. As the frozen tomato fell, Vulluin glanced out of the corner of his eye at the Wizard Queen.

“Permission to teach the rabble some respect?”

“Granted.” The Wizard Queen said effortlessly.

So Vulluin took a step forward, narrowed his eyes, staring at the crowd. Faces of anger, grief, desperation looked back at him, screaming for justice.

Contempt was written in his face as his earrings shimmered, and the magic within them was cast. In an instant, the crowd grew quiet, staring with shocked eyes. Before each began to react to the unexplainable horror that clawed up from the depths of their very souls. Some stood there, numb. Some fell to their knees, hyperventilating and crying. Others stumbled on numb feet, running for their lives. Tomatoes and other rotten vegetables were dropped as the crowd broke up and scattered.

The riot was snuffed out as quickly as it had started.

But before Vulluin and the guards could assess the situation further, smoke wafted in, overtaking the entire execution platform. A red plume was soon seen reaching up into the sky.

Duke Willowsteel stared in shock at his potential rescuer, before he bit out, “You shouldn't be here. You know what they'll do to you if they catch you?!”

They’d torture her endlessly before letting her slowly die in front of the people.

But before Sev could get another hoarse word out, a great, rumbling roar reverberated the smoky darkness. Flashes of green scales could be seen as Raiden dove in on the back of a magnificent dragon, hand outstretched to Islara.

“Get him up here, we gotta go!” Raiden cried out.

Alas, their cover wouldn't last. The wind took on a bitter chill as snowflakes began whipping through the air. The wind churned, sharp and cold, blowing away the smoke. It revealed a shocking scene on the execution platform.

A bright green dragon, thirty feet in length, was circled about a Sparrow intruder and a somewhat freed Duke Willowsteel. And riding atop the dragon was another Sparrow. The guards immediately turned face, and the schling of swords drawn from their sheaths broke the air.

The Wizard Queen stood from her chair. “Guards, apprehend them!”

The guards began to rush the execution platform, giving space to Duke Rhinecliff as they attempted to ground Raiden and pin Islara and Sev. One guard cast a spider web net wide and high, hoping to cover all four of them in a sticky, strong net.

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Hidden 8 days ago 8 days ago Post by Irradiant
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Islara Yelren & The Sparrows

The plaza of Hathforth, on the day of Duke Willowsteel's execution

IX: Budding Flowers Over Graves

The stirred pot was now starting to boil over.

Stone-faced, Islara observed the display of ice magic from the Queen’s advisor. The biting blizzard would soon rid them of their only advantage. With her plan essentially foiled, one can only imagine the anxiety that gnawed on the woman. But she felt no such thing.

She turned to Duke Willowsteel, her free hand urgently ushering him up the dragon. “You must depart. Now.”

A steely gaze landed on Raiden. Islara would give him a solemn but firm nod. “Go. I’ll buy you time.”

She’d made her peace long ago, before this mission. She swirled a pellet on her tongue, tucking it underneath.

The duke’s life was important, far more important than hers. No doubt would word of his rescue quickly reach the Nordor demesne. Perhaps such news, of knowing that their ruler yet lives, would finally embolden the people of Nordor to rebel.

She brandished her dagger, the lingering smoke cloaking it in a temporary haze. It’s too early to dwell on defeat. Just one emotion streaked across her face. We haven’t lost yet.

But if she were to fall here, it would be on her own terms. She would make sure of it.

The smoke had now completely dissipated, revealing her figure, along with Raiden’s and the dragon’s. The Queen’s guards were closing in, their hastened steps grinding against the concrete of the execution grounds. One of the knights had even attempted to ensnare them in a trap.

Clever. However, the net would burn away, engulfed by a mystical flame, before it could touch them.

“Looks like we made it in time!” A familiar voice called out to her from the stands. It was a young man with brown hair. He wore a breastplate with the insignia of the Sparrows.

A blue flame hovered on his palm, gathering in size and intensity. He would toss it in the direction of the guards, and it would burst in a deadly conflagration, leaving a desiccated crater in its wake.

Contrasting the skinny young pyromancer was the muscular man emerging from the aftermath of the firestorm. He clutched a broadsword with his right hand, the tip of the blade trailing along dirt, creating lines and other patterns.

There were those among the Queen’s guards who survived the blast, and they would surround the man in a tight formation. But the giant would shake them off with nothing but a flick of his weapon.

“Damn it! Don’t underestimate us, interloper!” A lone knight would start to engage him head-on, blade overhead, preparing for a downswing.

He too would fail, bisected from the torso by his foe’s broadsword. His blood and entrails were splayed out on the ground unceremoniously. A squish could be heard as his killer continued his pace, the metal on the man’s feet pressing against intestines and other organs.

The other knights around him froze in place. So, the man quietly passed them by. After all, if they moved, twitched, even slightly, the fate that awaited them was staring them right in the face.

Meanwhile, on the raised platform where the execution would have occurred, Islara armed herself with another dagger, forming a pair.

She leveled her previous one at Duke Rhinecliff. “So, the ruler of Odonfield now licks the feet of this… ‘queen’ too? How shameful.” Scathing criticism spilled from her lips like a waterfall off a cliff’s edge.

Piercing eyes would shift towards Advisor Urimyar. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten, elf. The suffering you’ve inflicted… On me, on us… I will inflict it upon you tenfold.”

Those were the final words that Islara exchanged.

In the next passing moments, she would lunge forward with superhuman speed, intending a beheading. And she would have succeeded too, if not for another blade putting a stop to hers.

Sir Hayworth stood in front of Advisor Urimyar, his steel locking Islara in a standoff. He pushed ferociously against the would-be assassin, sparks flying amidst the struggle. “Apologies for my tardiness, Sir Vulluin.”

Islara scoffed. “Ha! Agrovia as well? Have the territories of Arrowfell grown soft?” An obvious taunt.

But Sir Hayworth would ignore it. Something more pressing was on his mind. How... is she matching my strength? Sir Hayworth was by no means holding back. And yet, no matter how hard he pushed, Islara, too, would push harder. The assassin had forced a stalemate: a stalemate that would not have been possible, if not for…

Prying eyes would spot a ring on the woman’s hand.

A Seed.

She was being empowered by a Seed.

So that's how it is. Sir Hayworth would change tactics.

“Guh—!” In a blink of an eye, Islara was sent flying backwards. Sir Hayworth had expelled a stream of mana from his sword, surging forth unexpectedly like a wave. Unable to resist its flow, Islara found herself ultimately swept away by it.

“Sir Vulluin,” Sir Hayworth began ominously, addressing the elven man behind him. “She is dangerous. We must not let her reach the Queen.”

Islara would soon rise to her feet, held up by her companions, who now stood side by side with her. Sir Hayworth looked them up and down, a grave expression wrinkling his face. “Not her, nor the pyromancer, or that warrior.”

Islara let a brief smile tug at her lips. Now all the attention would be on her. On them.
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Hidden 6 days ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

//Plaza at the Pier, Hathforth
@Estylwen@Click This@Irradiant@Donut Look Now

Duke Rhinecliff let Sev speak his piece.

He had his own thoughts on the last words that a Duke ought to leave his people. Certainly, he didn’t think it was all that great a thing, to push his people towards revolution when they had no defense against this new form of warfare. The development of magic outpaced the development of steel and tools thus far; the presence and monopolization of Seeds only further forced that divide. What battle tactics had been used once mattered less with the titanic arcane potential of these particular artifacts.

Did the man wish to see his people collared for his words?

Down below the stage, the people stirred. Sev did have the countenance of a hero, after all. Young and unmarried, a stalwart supporter of Nordor’s commonfolk, yet without that class-defining intellectualism that other duchal lords possessed. He was the sort that would be able to truly drink and feast with others. Laurent’s dark eyes gazed over the brewing discontent, could see already the elven advisor make his move. Blue gems glowed within the dangling earrings, and fear seized the populace, forcing them to kneel, to run, to hide.

He disagreed, perhaps, with Nyx’s decision, but it was useful information, nonetheless. A Seed to foment mass hysteria. Yet more proof of the decreasing value of mundane troops. Could it work against the undead though? Or had the King of the North already claimed dominion over the minds of his own people?

Thoughts to be considered at another time, for the riot had only been a prelude.

A shadow extended out from his own, the form of an assassin that brought forth smoke and danger. A dragon, of all things, descended from the skies, a creature of legend that had been tamed to serve the purposes of the Sparrows. Sev, freed in the chaos of the moment, as Islara turned with vehemence upon them all. Duke Rhinecliff stared at the former Royal Knight, his mien unreadable but for the slightest hint of bemusement.

Licking her feet? Seriously?

“Such open rebellion will not reflect well upon the people of Tarin.”

He dropped back, creating distance, while Sir Hayworth clashed with Islara. It would no longer be flame, but it would be enough.

“Magic Arrows, Seven Lights.”

Daylight coalesced into bolts of pure energy as the Duke extended his index finger towards his target. He had his own role to play, after all.

It wasn’t fire like the Wizard-Queen desired, but it was quick, as Sev requested.

Seven arcane arrows flew, fanning out around all combatants before converging upon the only one present who had been slated for death.
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Hidden 4 days ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Mirie Agustria of the Grand Bank,
Duchess of Caelin

Execution Grounds\\

And indeed, the execution was not what it had seemed at all. In fact, what happened had far exceeded her expectations, and Mirie had to be impressed. Duke Willowsteel was allowed his last words—a speech, and the crowd responded in kind. It was interesting, how it started. The murmurs and yells among the crowd started sporadically at first, and then drew closer and closer to a riot.

Were those rotten tomatoes? They were.

Still seated, the duchess of Caelin threw up a shield of wind around the stands. It would not do if her other the other important guests would be marred by an unfortunate fruit, and it served to add additional protection to the Queen, as well. Returning her attention to the crowd, she watched the chaos placidly at first. She was convinced there were plants in crowd—and a prelude to something else.

The arrival of Islara and then a dragon of all things was on cue, as unexpected of a manner of a rescue as it was. It seemed the last vestiges of Roland Corrin were still hanging on—here to enact some manner of revenge for the dead duke.

This was also quickly beginning to become out of hand as she watched the butchery of the Queen’s knights. Taking in the scene, as her eyes flicked towards the Queen, then Vulluin, she made a quick decision. She leaned over to Minuette at her side, whispering. “Do not interfere when it comes to Duke Willowsteel. However,” she commanded, before raising her voice to be properly heard, “See to it the Queen is protected.”

For a brief moment, Minuette gave her lady a questioning look, before inclining her head a fraction as she rose, drawing her sword.
Mirie’s attention was drawn back towards the crowd—Vulluin’s magic had dispersed much of the initial rioting, but the appearance of the Duke’s would be rescuers was beginning to reinvigorate those committed to his cause. She remained in her seat, not to intervene personally, but she kept up her shield for the benefit of those still in the stands.

Minuette had taken two of the duchess’s lifeguard, and appearing next to Sir Hayworth, arrived in time to even the odds. In contrast to Mirie’s knights, with their maidish accoutrements that made them stand out as Mirie’s, she was dressed as a proper countess for this outing, but was still not a woman to be underestimated herself. “It would appear you would have things in hand,” she greeted, complementing her counterpart’s guesswork as she took a guarding position.

“But when it comes to the safety of her majesty, it is better to be safe than sorry, no?”

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Hidden 1 day ago 1 day ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Plaza at the Pier, Execution Platform

@Irradiant, @Click This, @ERode

“Look out!”

Guards dove out of the way as a bright flame was launched towards them, narrowly escaping the blast radius. The attack had been successful, however, as not all were able to escape the blast in time, charred corpses on the platform.

“She is dangerous. We must not let her reach the Queen. Not her, nor the pyromancer, or that warrior.”
Sir Hayworth

There was the lightest sense of appreciation decorating Vulluin's gaze as he side-eyed the warrior. His voice rose over the chaos, directed to the guards.

“Protect Her Majesty, arrest the intruders, and secure the duke!”

The remaining guards acted quickly, coming down from the other side of the raised platform to form a protective line in front of the Wizard Queen and the rest of the nobles. Others stalked around the charred corpses, eyes on the Sparrow, his dragon, and Duke Willowsteel.

Duke Willowsteel watched with silence as the lit arrows soared towards him. His eyes flicked to Duke Rhinecliff, before they shut.

Surely, this was the end.

Well, not if Raiden had anything to say about it.

Raiden saw the arrows shot by Duke Rhinecliff arcing towards Duke Willowsteel, and acted fast. A low whistle under his breath, and the green dragon twisted around the duke, forming a protective barrier. The arrows hit the dragon's scales, the scales glowing white slightly with each impact, before bouncing off harmlessly.

Unwinding slightly, the dragon's head reached down as low as possible. With a grunt, Raiden leaned down and grabbed Sev's arm, practically dragging the man onto the dragon. With one last curt whistle, Raiden made eye contact with Duke Rhinecliff, then the Wizard Queen, gave a mock salute, and the dragon took off into the sky.

Guards hollered, throwing all manner of spells, fireballs, and electrical attack at the receding figure. Alas, simple twirls in the sky, and the dragon managed to dodge most, before it was naught but a speck against the evening sky.


The collective rage of the Queen's guards was now wholly focused on Islara and her two Sparrows. Vulluin as well, as his face settled into a delicate scowl.

As Duchess Agustria's personal hand approached the side of Sir Hayworth's side, Vulluin eyed her. Someone capable of evening the odds more. Good. It would be more likely they'd be able to apprehend and questions these meddlers.

”Take them alive if you can. If not, at least one to suffer being tied to a post will do.” Vulluin said, raising his hands towards the three Sparrows.

Immediately, the sky overhead clouded, and shards of ice, sharp like glass, began raining down on Islara and her companions. The guards, obediently, backed up so as to stay out of range, closing their ranks around the Wizard Queen. Vulluin, at the same time, activated his Seed, hoping to imbue them with enough fear to sow discord among their ranks.

Meanwhile, one of the guards slunk around to the side of the Wizard Queen, bowing before whispering in her ear. In the next instant, her eyes narrowed as her gaze locked on Duke Rhinecliff.

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