Had to look up what norovirus was...
Oof. Doesn't sound fun at all.
Oof. Doesn't sound fun at all.
<Snipped quote by Estylwen>
<Snipped quote by ERode>
i think it is important to note here that he is the one that first brought this game to my attention and i've been intermittently yelling at him to join for months
Sir Hayworth had just lodged his Seed deep within the beast.
Happy holidays, folks! Enjoy the holidays, no rush on posts. :>
Welcome Andre!
For anyone interested in a bit of the lore behind Ravenfell and the Agravaine family, you can find it here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/37775-tale…
I've sent Andre in ERode's direction as a suggestion. :p
I hope I can live up to this roleplay- it looks really REALLY exceptional.
*sneaks in to place a totally relevant TikTok*
A very funny, very Arrowfellian-esque tiktok
I am looking for posts from @Irradiant, @Click This, and @Donut Look Now. I know Donut has mentioned they are working on it.
How're the posts coming along? ;)
I would say 'instant aura loss', but on the other hand, I watch Youtube Shorts, so...
The job comes with its perks, I promise~
I'll try to get up a post for both scenes later tomorrow.