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Had to look up what norovirus was...

Oof. Doesn't sound fun at all.

Sir Sawyer Hayworth

At Hathforth Palace, shortly after his return from the Athius voyage

XV: Thunderclouds

Sir Hayworth paced nervously around his room, a rather spacious accommodation, which the Queen had arranged for him as thanks for his help. Their voyage to Athius was... an eye-opener, to say the least. The old knight put a hand to his chin. Who knew yet another race of people lived in the depths? The thought had been running circles in his head. He clutched the necklace that one of them had given him. Exhaustion had taken him over on their way back, and he hadn't the energy to take it off. Until now. He unlatched it, and set it aside on his bedside table. It was a homely thing, the necklace: throughout the string's length was an assortment of cutely-arranged shells, no doubt the result of someone's painstaking effort. Sir Hayworth could tell a handmade gift from a store-bought one, and the necklace was definitely handmade.

His thoughts circled back to the duchess, who he had not seen in days.

Rarely did he have to rack himself in worry over the duchess' safety, given her capabilities as a fighter, but at present, an ambiguous feeling was gnawing at him. Sir Hayworth hadn't yet sorted out if it was a positive one or not.

Just what was she doing all this time? Even the duchess did not confide in him what she had planned, sending him off to Athius. It was initially decided that she would be the one accompanying the Wizard Queen, as per the monarch's letter. Alas, Sir Hayworth knew well that the duchess' mind vacillated like the waves at sea. Those initial plans changed, and Sir Hayworth was dispatched to help with the voyage in her stead, completely unaware of what his liege would be doing in the meantime. He recollected her recent private dealings with Duke Rhinecliff. Perhaps their union was now... official? Sir Hayworth could only hazard a guess. He pursed his lips in rumination. The duchess had a habit of... "towing the line" regarding where her allegiances lie. That sort of lukewarmness afforded her some protection against the Queen's antics. But one can only walk the tightrope for so long. Had the duchess finally jumped off it?

When the question crossed his mind, he heard a knock at the door. "Yes?" He called out.

A maid had informed him of a summons from the Queen. "Ah, I see." He would thank her briefly, before raising himself up from his chair and leaving his room with all haste.

It didn't take long before Sir Hayworth found himself face to face with the monarch. He was never one to meander to his destination, after all, especially when it came to urgent matters such as this. Once he entered the throne room, and the gilded doors shut, he bowed before her, as was customary, and a standard greeting escaped his lips. "How may I serve you, Your Majesty?"
Way to put characters into a pickle, Est...

Sir Hayworth, in more crude terms, mimicking Callum's reaction: What in the fresh hell is this sword that's capable of killing this beast suddenly doing here?!

Also, (potentially) more new people! The more the merrier, as Est said. Pretty timely, too, considering the holiday that just passed. Welcome! Hopefully.

<Snipped quote by Estylwen>

<Snipped quote by ERode>

i think it is important to note here that he is the one that first brought this game to my attention and i've been intermittently yelling at him to join for months

The Otter came before The Snow. Explains why we didn't get a white Christmas this year.

Sir Hayworth had just lodged his Seed deep within the beast.

This line totally can't be misconstrued for something not... wholesome.

Happy holidays, folks! Enjoy the holidays, no rush on posts. :>

Happy (belated) holidays!

Sir Sawyer Hayworth

At sea on the Battle-Blood Minstrel, during the Athius voyage

XIV: The Prisoner and The Warden's Keys

Sir Hayworth gritted his teeth in frustration as he watched Valor conveniently teleport herself away. It was a formidable magic, teleportation, and one capable of warping the very fabric of space itself. More than that, it was magic the old knight could do nothing to prevent. He'd already seen it firsthand during that fateful trip to the province of Ravenfell. To think that the usage of such a recent magical discovery was seemingly so widespread in a neighboring — not to mention, hostile — territory... it was a scary thing to imagine, indeed.

There was little time to dwell on this, however, as Sir Hayworth's gaze shifted once again to the depths below. With eyes still adjusting to the darkness, he could make out the familiar glint of a blade. When clarity finally returned to his vision, this familiarity would immediately turn into recognition. That is... The blade offered by the King of Ravenfell, the supposed "slayer" of the leviathan they were now facing. Sir Hayworth recollected King DuFairre's words. If the Queen were to get her hands on the leviathan... A conditional statement. She will be able to control it to such a fine degree, that not even all our armies combines stand a chance. And its harrowing conclusion.

Sir Hayworth's expression contorted with an uncharacteristic ambivalence. In front of him lay a chance to vanquish the beast once and for all. Yet, it was not a decision he could simply embark on without a second thought. If he were to act on his impulses and plunge the blade into the leviathan Ingens, it would also mean dispelling any pretense of fealty towards Hathforth that Agrovia and the Duchess had carefully maintained over the years. Further consequences swirled in Sir Hayworth's mind. If he were to fail, the Wizard Queen would no doubt order the complete annexation of Agrovia, as she did with Fyrdhaven, to say nothing of his and the duchess' inevitable execution for treason.

If the king's words are to be believed, then salvation surely awaits. An optimistic thought would burrow its way into Sir Hayworth's mind.

But Sir Hayworth, in all its temptation, remained unconvinced. Shaking his head, No. I am betting my hopes on a man with motives yet to be known. He repelled the thought with a counterpoint.

The idea hung like the most tantalizing fruit upon the most tantalizing tree, and Sir Hayworth found himself vacillating, stuck in a limbo between two choices.

Then, he finally noticed young Callum Prosser. The noble's arms flailed about like the wings of a headless chicken, and he was obviously attempting to attract the man's attention. Needless to say, he certainly got it. The strange sight was enough for Sir Hayworth to shake off his paralysis. I must not be rash, he would scold himself. Regardless of the outcome, the Queen cannot lash out with her new weapon immediately. A small reassurance, but it also bore some truth. Agrovia did not yet number among the Queen's enemies, after all.

Sir Hayworth also noticed that Ingens no longer moved. Now was a prime opportunity to embed the Seed into it. That was likely what young Callum Prosser was attempting to relay to him. Wasting no time, he rushed to Callum's side, his sword once again erupting with mana. He placed a palm on the leviathan's head. Boom. A violent pulse of mana would cause ripples in the water.

Sir Hayworth had just lodged his Seed deep within the beast.
Welcome Andre!

For anyone interested in a bit of the lore behind Ravenfell and the Agravaine family, you can find it here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/37775-tale…

I've sent Andre in ERode's direction as a suggestion. :p

Dayum. Lore from a decade ago... Now that is epic.


I hope I can live up to this roleplay- it looks really REALLY exceptional.

Welcome aboard new guy!

Post made! Sir Hayworth is free! Finally...

Sir Sawyer Hayworth

At sea on the Battle-Blood Minstrel, during the Athius voyage

XIII: Determination Encased in Steel

Sir Hayworth observed the aureate constructs that were conjured up around him. Starting out as flecks of dust, they crunched together into cubes that no sooner attempted to suffocate him, if not outright stamp him out. The old coot didn't exactly know the kind of magic that Valor had employed, or how it worked. But it mattered not, as... Boom. A massive burst of energy was released from his sword, tearing him free from the golden imprisonment.

The pieces of Ravenfellian armor that floated about told Sir Hayworth all he needed of the result of his previous onslaught. Still, it seemed he had held back too much. The woman had survived, and worse, she was still capable of fighting. She was even casting spells in her state, as if she hadn't just taken blast after blast of mana head on. He reckoned her status as a "specter" could have played a part. More than that, however, Valor was a persistent threat, which made her all the more dangerous.

He looked back, down at the abyss below. The young Callum Prosser had joined the fray as well, zipping past him amidst the commotion. That Subjugation Seed was in his hand, and he was getting close enough to the behemoth that was Ingens to use it. Sir Hayworth would have to do the same eventually. But for now, there was a score to settle, and another threat needing to be extinguished.

Sir Hayworth propelled himself upwards with a vigorous jet of mana, and his sword exploded violently in a flare-up of magical energy. He'd made yet another split-second decision: he would engage the Ravenfellian woman directly, as the Countess did. He flicked a glance at the Countess, and then at Duchess Agustria. "Let us put an end to her here!"
*sneaks in to place a totally relevant TikTok*
A very funny, very Arrowfellian-esque tiktok

Lmao, who made the multiple choice? Evelyn? And where's the "all of the above" option?

I am looking for posts from @Irradiant, @Click This, and @Donut Look Now. I know Donut has mentioned they are working on it.

How're the posts coming along? ;)

Will work on a post soon! Don't want Sir Hayworth to be stuck inside those golden thingymabobs for too long...

I would say 'instant aura loss', but on the other hand, I watch Youtube Shorts, so...

And the pot meets the kettle. Not that I should be the one saying this...
The job comes with its perks, I promise~

Callum, unless the job offers banger benefits and a good 401k plan, don't take it.

This is Irradiant speaking, by the way, not Altina.

Ooh, she purdyyyy. I think I have an idea of when/how she's going to show up...

I'll try to get up a post for both scenes later tomorrow.

Mirie is a fence-sitter / monologuer (is this even a word?) no more! Eat that ERode :D


EDIT: Post count in IC is 123 at the moment! Magic number yey.

Sir Sawyer Hayworth

At sea on the Battle-Blood Minstrel, during the Athius voyage

XII: A Warrior's Elegy

Sir Hayworth reeled at the sheer size of the tentacle now seeking to flatten him to paste. Still, tremble as his hands did, his countenance was unflappable. Having to navigate in water slowed Sir Hayworth down, making the prospect of avoiding an attack much less likely. Compounding that were the effects of aging, which flowed through his veins like slow-acting venom. The battle-hardened knight was not getting any younger.

But Sir Hayworth was not one to take an attack lying down. He readied his sword, preparing a swing with as much mana as he could muster. Fortunately, one of the Queen's anglerfish had thrown the tentacle off course. Sir Hayworth had safely escaped its clutches.

At this moment, Sir Hayworth was not yet aware of the Swiftsure's arrival, and by extension, Duchess Agustria's arrival. However, as spells clashed above him, imprinting the ocean with prismatic hues, he spied another battle raging. The black-haired maiden was unmistakably Duchess Agustria, accompanied by her lady-in-waiting, Countess Minuette. Sir Hayworth squinted his eyes. He also recognized the armor that that one Ravenfell woman wore, Valor. My men must have failed in stopping her, he thought matter-of-factly. He understood well what her appearance here implied.

A split-second decision would be made.

He swam closer to the Ravenfell woman, and with his sword already primed with magic, he intended to unleash another Bladestorm.

"This should be close enough," he whispered to himself, stopping in his tracks.

Time began to pause around him.

Then, an unrelenting wave of mana left his sword, leaping out from the blade like a lion to its prey. Following it were six more blasts, all in quick succession. It was a carefully-constructed attack which left no room for collateral, though it was not as fast as his first burst against the leviathan. Countess Minuette, after all, currently engaged the Ravenfell woman. Sir Hayworth needed to hold back, and give the countess time to react, in the dire case she would be caught in the cross-fire.
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