Hidden 4 days ago 3 days ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Open to application

Themes: Modern Fantasy, Hidden World
Inspirations: Mahoutsukai No Yoru (Type-Moon), To Aru Majutsu No Index

Upon rain-soaked streets, where whispers exchange in full view
In the corners of grey high rises, nestled in upscale lounges
Crumbling towers and filthy tunnels
In the halls of masters, and the abodes of nameless

Unseen workings toil where the common know not
Kings and queens of ancient lineages persist undying wars
Heroes and monsters shed life in perpetuity

Here dies innocence
Here reigns ambition



Magic in the Park (henceforth shortened as MitP) is a world in which you will play as a practitioner of the arcane -be you a confused newcomer to the clandestine scene, or a veteran born of magic nobility- wherein you must merely survive or thrive in power. The world of magic is fraught with danger in the form of wayward curses and abominations, or as murderous fellow mages who see you as a stepping stone to their goals. Ancient grudges and competitions pervade the established houses and organizations of this world, and many can find themselves pitifully caught between them or belonging to one of many sides.

To engage with magic is to delve into the greatest labyrinth ever conceived by once-mortal minds. In the beginning all was permitted, and in the chaos that was afforded naught but impermanence was achievable, for everything that could be was also instantly undone. The combined spirits of ancient visionaries saw to it that this untenable existence would not go on, and smote infinity from the fabric of reality. Since then, magic has existed as a path upon which the existences within the now stationary world may explore.

Loops, halls, mazes, towers, traps, walls, bogs. All these things now exist between ambition and ultimate victory. A spell is a room within this meta-reality, found after deliberate and persistent delving. The means by which a mage reaches these ends is myriad, and not all are entered unharmed. Within the endless-scape manifest misgivings, hatred... but also hope and joy. Monsters and creatures preside here foremost and sometimes they find their way into the realm otherwise reserved for man. Some are tamed and incorporated, while others remain as perilous haunts.

In their quest for ultimate power, truth, and fame, those that access the labyrinth oft seek to stifle the journey of those behind them. To enter a room is to be its occupant and thus suffused in the knowledge its shelves of text provide... to share such with another is to divulge weaknesses, partition energy, and to give up uniqueness. For those within families, whose learned history and progress passes by blood, this sharing is a begrudging capitulation. For those who wander alone, it is an unacceptable act.

Not all within the dark sphere ascribe to the same misanthropic view -all mortals are, necessarily, still their human selves. Such is the binding which had similarly limited magic. Within the hearts of men lay still the trappings of life, and the array of emotions that come with such an existence.

Condensed into an unfathomable finite, magic has come to express itself in manners fundamental to mortal imagination. These Aspects are thus:

Enigmatic darkness and invisible depths. Unknowable and ineffable songs hide behind a veil while touchless blades tease at strands of spirit. None -save the master that brings them from pits of nameless centuries- may ever define them. And for those masters who do, visions of black, aetheric seas flood the soul with madness.

A giant of insurmountable will lifts mounds of unquestionable destiny from the earth and tosses them through walls of the deniers. The presence of its bulk pushes away doubt and uncertainty, and crushes under sight all that question even its faintest breath. Determination and desire is ignorant to the realities that seek to stifle action.

Shapeless material twists and expresses, changing as light-speed evolution into the form that should see it fit into an eternity that cannot compete. All missing is obtained, all that never was, soon to be. Looked upon, only the echoes of past victories are seen, and the hum of innovation teases just out of sight, never to be caught up to.

Labyrinthine towers, etched together in beautiful arrays that render appraisal hopeless. A river of camaraderie whose infinitely divisible droplets speak together in languages of timeless libraries. Worlds of meaning touch and depart, each affording movement into ever deeper crossroads whose signposts never signal the final destination.

In greater lights and deeper shadows exists nobility and notoriety that transcends the wishes of lesser. Pure authority -without equal- and the shared-consciousness histories prevail atop uncultured and untested modernity that shall never age to the peaks of godhood. From thrones steeped in divinity, kneel.


For any mage, a mark of their attachment to these concepts renders unto their skin, and forevermore governs their journey. For some, this mark comes as lineage, and for others as the signal of acceptance into a new existence -borne by effort or happenstance otherwise.

Most representative of the labyrinth glooms an alternate half of human confluences -the Dark City. This phenomenon manifests in high-population areas as the realm behind a thin veil wherein the arcane-touched may find their way. Dominant in the night and faded by day, the Dark City serves as a place of meditation, a place of settling, and an escape for the hunted. Meaningless and confounding but subtly familiar in its construction, the endless cityscape offers usually uninhabited spaces to use for chargeless purposes.

Though present for many, little of the dark sphere exercises itself within the Dark City. Great families and brotherhoods make their mark primarily upon realspace, wherein their own efforts and magicks serve to maintain the façade of a mundane world whilst their disciplined numbers hoard what lay beneath it all. For most, life within this dance is met at first breath. For others, it is a wondrous accidental discovery, or a dreaded curse.

But no matter how one steps upon the stage, there exists a constant to every actor:

Continuing in the play is to be mired in tragedy.

Threads Woven

The home of a beast should be in the darkest corners of the world, for now is the civilized age, and long has it been. Thus, when beasts show their faces in the abodes of men, prophets sing doom, the people lament, and heroes' names are written. Moments of both opportunity and fear have begun to arise now within the city as numerous reports of arcane entities manifesting within realspace circle about the mages' communities. How and why has this transpired? Is some new age arising? Can someone be blamed?

The houses stir as malevolence visits upon the mortal realm and efforts be made to conceal truth. The unaware, in greater numbers, are pulled into the hidden weave.

This is where our story begins. But who are you as this curtain rises?

Character sheet
Appearance - Image required, text optional
Background - The more details I have, the better. An initial hook into action within this world has been provided, but the greater story is to be based around each character and the connections that can be made between them either in the past or the future. Relationships, family members, rivals, deaths, achievements, failures, hopes, hates... Create someone whose past can be drawn upon deeply.
Crest - Which of the five fundamental Aspects has marked itself upon you?
Craft - What are the discoveries you have made within the labyrinth, inherited or otherwise? What makes you powerful, and what makes you weak? What calls you master... or what do you call master yourself?

Additional info

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Hidden 4 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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Hidden 4 days ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 1 hr ago

With regards to Crafts (and the section in the CS for them) are you expecting a list of individual spells, or more of a general 'this is what the character is capable of' kinda way? As well, do all Crafts have to be associated with the Aspect a character is aligned with, or is it more to showcase that they have a particular thing they're better at learning than others?

Along the same vein, how do crafts manifest? Are casting methods (spoken incantation/hand symbols/rituals) more or less the same between all Mages? Or does each Mage come across their own casting method?
Hidden 4 days ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Tentatively interested! Looks very rad I just have to decide if I have the time to give it the attention it deserves.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

With regards to Crafts (and the section in the CS for them) are you expecting a list of individual spells, or more of a general 'this is what the character is capable of' kinda way? As well, do all Crafts have to be associated with the Aspect a character is aligned with, or is it more to showcase that they have a particular thing they're better at learning than others?

Along the same vein, how do crafts manifest? Are casting methods (spoken incantation/hand symbols/rituals) more or less the same between all Mages? Or does each Mage come across their own casting method?

It's up to you how you want to organize and detail your crafts. It could be a list of spells, or a general feel for the sorts of things you're capable of. I don't expect players to rigidly abide by a spell list, just to stay within their lane. Obviously I won't accept players pulling crazy things out of their ass, but there's a level of freedom here that's afforded.

Aspects guide a character's magecraft, but does not constrain it solely -at least, not until you get into the deepest echelons of the Labyrinth. As an example, a budding mage might know the same spell as a hundred other kids -one which has nothing to do with their Aspect- but later down the road will begin to notice that the spells they're finding/developing tend towards their Aspect. Imagine venturing into a labyrinth that has many different ways of getting to the end, and so you take the same initial "area" of paths as others, but at a certain point you're deep into the maze far from the paths chosen by others, and that part of the maze is miles in diameter labeled "Red", and it's unlikely you'll venture into the section of the maze labeled "Blue".

Casting methods are as unique and varied as the spells themselves. Some are rigid, more 'pact-like' in that they are mandated for a magecraft, while others are agnostic to how you manifest them. For some, the casting method is a kind of Meditation in itself -a thing the mage is used to and comfortable with, granting a confidence that helps to manifest spells.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Sky Blue
Don't put characters in the character tab until they're accepted please.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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ok. Should i remove it?
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

ok. Should i remove it?

Yes please. Post it here instead.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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Name: Loki
Age: 18
Gender: male... usually. (Shapeshifter)
Species: shapeshifter
Appearance -

Background - His consciousness has existed for eons, but due to him now being in a mortal body, he only remembers the 18 years he's spent in this body. Loki used to be the norse god Loki, (I based him off of the version in marvel comics when he becomes a good guy) but his mind was banished to earth after trying to kill thor, and nearly succeeding. While other religious deities exist, they probably won't be as important to the story. Thor is watching over Loki, and pities him, hoping he can be redeemed. Odin is… stubborn. And hela thinks he should die. Loki's mom was kidnapped, and Loki is trying to find her.
Crest - [Manifest]
Craft - Is a shapeshifter and a magic prodigy showing signs of skill, but has no real experience or control. So far can only cause explosions by letting out the raw uncontrolled magic that is in him.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 1 hr ago

FYI, you can request post deletions here.

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Hidden 4 days ago 4 days ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I've been feeling modern magic lately, might throw my hat in if I can come up with a concept. What's the power level you're going for here? The aspects are pretty esoteric, how's that reflect in the actual application of magic?
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I've been feeling modern magic lately, might throw my hat in if I can come up with a concept. What's the power level you're going for here? The aspects are pretty esoteric, how's that reflect in the actual application of magic?

Good question. Power level is difficult to give a straight answer for, however. Characters should be of "low-middling" power on the in-universe scale, which ranges from being able to make a small spark to being able to affect an entire city with some sort of effect.

Aspects are meant to be esoteric -it is how you interpret them that is meant to guide the themes of your magecraft. Think of it like a prompt.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hidden 4 days ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'm definitely interested in this but have to focus on my other rp's first this weekend. If I haven't posted a CS application and there's still a slot open, can I ask you to ping me on Tuesday so I can try and get a spot?
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hey! Would love to join up with y'all, though it's going to take me a bit to create a character sheet, especially since I have a deadline due Sunday night. Could I by chance reserve the Complexity Aspect?
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hey! Would love to join up with y'all, though it's going to take me a bit to create a character sheet, especially since I have a deadline due Sunday night. Could I by chance reserve the Complexity Aspect?

There aren't reservations, nor is there a limit to how many can take any one Aspect type. Can double up, triple up, any choice is fine.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Framing A Moose>

There aren't reservations, nor is there a limit to how many can take any one Aspect type. Can double up, triple up, any choice is fine.

Got it - can I reserve a general spot? Or is it first come, first serve? It's likely gonna be a few days before I can post a CS, maybe a week.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Half Pint
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Half Pint

Member Seen 32 min ago

Tentatively considering an application depending on if I can get a solid character in my head. Otherwise I’d just like to say I love the way you’ve written the OP it’s very captivating.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Asuras>

Got it - can I reserve a general spot? Or is it first come, first serve? It's likely gonna be a few days before I can post a CS, maybe a week.

No reservations I'm afraid. I'll be looking over submitted sheets within a few days and selecting up to 5 based on which ones I think I can get the most mileage out of when constructing a plotline.

Tentatively considering an application depending on if I can get a solid character in my head. Otherwise I’d just like to say I love the way you’ve written the OP it’s very captivating.

Thank you!
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Remram
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I have to ask. Is Realspace set in our world or is it also a fictional one?
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