Reina Asher
26 |
She/her |
5’4 ft. |
120 pounds Background:It was a blood sacrifice.
As customary of House Asher, families would give up their first-born son or daughter to
Yusei, a powerful eldritch horror of Spider Lily Halls, Yusei's territory within the Dark City. The ritual was elaborate, and usually ended up with the same fate. Death.
The parents always had a hope, though, that their child would be
Most often, as it was the past ten years, Yusei would take the offerings and leave not a trace, consuming the child and all the years of life prescribed to it. However, when little Reina was presented at the alter, instead of vanishing like all the rest… a prismal light descended on her. The little albino opened her muddy brown eyes, and in a flash, red light burst forth from the depths of them, permanently changing them. The mark of Yusei.
As the child grew, she spent much of her time in Yusei's charge. As her diet changed from food to devouring years, much like her master, Yusei taught her how to capture and eat weaker monsters in the Dark City, and tame the stronger ones.
Yusei also helped Reina navigate the labyrinth, leading her down to rooms that would allow her to summon the monsters she had tamed, and subjugate the foolhardy with the powers of obscurity.
Being chosen by Yusei put Reina in the reigning position of House Asher, and elevated her family. Yes, there are many who would eliminate her within the Family, hoping Yusei would be forced to choose
their first born. Others still play political games, hoping to make Reina their puppet.
House Asher, of course, is steeped in the obscurity aspect, often using spells that prey on the unaware and curse those who look at the House the wrong way. The families within the House are cult-like, seeking to be favored by Yusei and his subjects.
No one quite realizes the toll having your soul connected to Yusei brings. Not only did Yusei devour half of Reina's lifespan, but Reina lives with varying degrees of madness she is trying to find a cure.
Yusei's goal, of course, is to devour the lifespans of Reina's enemies, and pushes her for military power and domain expansion.
Reina, being at the pinnacle of it all, has enemies both inside and outside of House Asher. But under the guidance of Yusei, she will lead the House to greatness, making it the greatest powerhouse in the city.
Crest: Obscurity, a complicated floral tattoo on her right hand.
Craft:Reina's Craft can be broken down into facets:
Reina has the ability to absorb the lifespan of someone or something with a simple touch. The more years she takes, the longer the absorption takes. For example, to absorb 50 years it could take upwards of ten minutes.
Reina has the ability to summon eldritch beings from the Dark City to Realspace to fight for her or accomplish tasks she normally wouldn't be able to complete on her own. She would have needed to defeat this being before being able to command it.
Riding the Dimensional Drift
Reina is able to travel between Realspace and the Dark City, using portals to flit from one area to the next in a chain reaction. If she wants to move from one spot to another in Realspace, she would open a portal to the Dark City. Then, from the Dark City, she would teleport to her chosen destination in Realspace.
Cursed Physical Subjugation
Reina is able to conjure various ways to torture and subjugate those around her. For example, creating a black hole that follows someone around, slowly gaining vacuum power, until it swallows them. Or, cutting someone and cursing the wound so it continues to bleed, ensuring they bleed out. Or, striking someone with a dark bolt that slowly transforms their body to stone.
Mental Attack and Dissemination
Reina is able to pull at the strings of the soul, and attack someone at the mental level. Once her mind smashes down their front door, so to speak, she is able to read and warp memories, implant thoughts, and embed commands like sleeper cells, to be completed once certain conditions are met.
Curse of Yusei
As an Ultimate, Reina is able to summon Yusei, who appears in the sky like a big red eye, transforming the area into one of nightmares and blood. Their tentacles come up from the ground, destroying buildings with ease. Anyone looking up at the eye or the blood on the ground will begin to go mad.