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Hidden 1 day ago Post by Violetta
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Outside of time and space, Tempus observe the different timelines and universes, as they touch the glass and water like surface of Vector Prime device imputing random inputs trying to find the missing guardian of space and time. “Vector, where are you?” Tempus mutters to themselves as they switch quickly to different timelines and universes as they were getting annoyed that they didn't find any clues of the old Prime where being. In frustration, Tempus punch the device, breaking it. “Oh, no, what did I do!” They said as they tried to scramble the pieces of the machines back together as they feel their surroundings shattering and suddenly Tempus fell through one of the cracks.

Meanwhile, in the Autobot base, the Autobots were panicking as they were trying to understand what was happening. Rodimus was sitting in his office as he was looking over many documents to figure out what was happening, a few minutes later Ultra Magnus enter his office.
“Rodimus Prime, sir. I have a report from Perceptor and the others scientists.” Ultra Magnus said as he hands over a data pad to Rodimus.
“Other realities are merging with our own… Maybe the matrix could fix all of this.” Rodimus said nervously as he headed out.
“Rodimus, wait, we are not sure of the orign of this phenomenon.” Ultra Magnus said as he followed Rodimus.
Outside it was pitch black, and they were white cracks in the sky, as Rodimus saw this sight, Springer landed next to him.
“Rodimus, don't get close to these cracks one of them nearly suck me up." Springer said with a smirk on his face.
“I'll remember that.” Rodimus replied. “Back to more serious affaires, Springer, do you have the device Perceptor gave you?” Ultra Magnus asked with a serious tone. “Well, when I almost got sucked in one of these cracks, I lost the device.” Springer said.
“Great, what we can do now?…” Rodimus said as he sighs knowing they hit a roadblock now. “We can only wait for Arcee and Bumblebee to come back with bots from the dimensions who merged with ours. Hopefully they'll know more about this than we are…” Ultra Magnus said with a heavy tone in his voice.

Hidden 1 day ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Springfield, Oregon. A wholesome town built on the American dream and American value's. And by American Values, what they really meant was Corba Commander's twisted mess that he calls "American Values". In the dead of night, a parked Snake Oil Truck just outside of a petrol station in the middle of town sat idly. the lighting fast form of Laserbeak swooped in and landed on it and crawled inside silently. Transforming into Cassette-mode and slotting himself into one of the computers in the converted mobile-base, 0's looked at he footage being played. A secret chemical weapons plant masquerading as water bottling plant. Cobra King was a sick bastard, right in the middle of a residential zone. 0's quickly grabbed his gear and body armour, suiting up. "Thanks, Laserbeak" 0's said as the tape ejected from the console and hovered over to the boombox before slotting in. He slipped out of the hatch on the bottom of the truck and rolled out. His old bones ached from this never ending war. Added to the heavy equipment, and it all came to one inescapable conclusion... 0's needed a vacation...

Slowly making his way across the street, the Sig in hand, he looked around to make sure the area was clear of civilians. I mean, it was 2am, who the hell was awake in an Americana dystopian hell-hole like his? But still, make sure he doesn't accidentally give Cobra King any martyrs to parade across the propaganda networks. Watching the Dreadnock nightwatch slowly make their way around the corner. As soon as they were gone, he ejected Ravage and climbed on the cats back, Ravage ran and leapt straight over the fence in a single bound. As soon as they landed, Ravage went back into the boombox and 0's continued his mission. hugging a wall, he made his way towards he entrance of the factory. Kicking open the door, he quickly put 3 bullets silently into the head of the Televiper at the desk, before running around the desk to try and use the logged in computer to see what he could pull up. However, as soon as he got around the desk, he suddenly felt rather faint, almost collapsing, but managing to stay upright. Was his heart finally giving out? Rumble and Frenzy both ejected to help keep him upright. "Hey, Zero, don't you go dying on us!" Rumble said.

"Yeah, Soundwave ain't gonna be pleased if we let you go all decreased on us." Frenzy concured As the two bots held him, he looked around. Something was off... Something had changed.

"What's...?" He asked, looking around the room. Several things had changed places... And the Televiper corpse was gone. He immediately pulled up the rifle. Frenzy pulled is blaster and began waving it around wildly. "Sweep the room. Possible Arashikage..."

"Why's it always gotta be Ninja's? I hate Ninja's!" Rumble grunted. Inside of the tape deck, Ravage chimed in.

"I don't smell anything." He hissed out in his feline voice.

"Something definitely just happened." Ratbat chimed in. "Cosmic energy just shifted in the spectrum..."

"New Cobra Weapon?" He asked.

"Unlikely. If they knew we were here, they'd just send in the vipers to kill us. Makes no sense to waste the surprise of a new weapon on just us." Ratbat replied. 0's quickly approached the computer while Rumble and Frenzy continued their sweep. He looked at the computer. Not logged in, but the screen was just that of the water treatment company. No Cobra markings around. Must be some kind of legitimate cover-up... But why? This was Springfield and it's not like they had to worry about Government inspections anymore. He tried a few passwords, but it kept getting rejected. "Eh, nuts to this." He grunted, before pointing to the twin Minicons who quickly jumped back into the boombox. 0's ran through a few doors and down several corridors until they heard the sound of laughter and a TV in the next room. Slowly creeping up to the door. He put his ear to the key-hole, listening. Sounded like someone telling jokes at the expense of some politician he had never heard of. The guards in the room clearly finding the whole thing hilarious. That wasn't right. Cobra Commander had specifically outlawed political satire when he came to power. Bootleg stuff? Maybe a pirate station? He raised the pistol and slowly opened the door to see a pair of security guards. they were out of shape and neither had any Dreadnock or Cobra insignia's on them. At this point, Frenzy loudly ejected and pulled the blaster on them.

"REACH FOR THE SKIES, COBRA CREEPS, LEMME SEE THEM PIT STAINS!!!" He yelled, the Security guards fell out their chairs, hands raised. 0's looked at Frenzy in that "How many times do i have to tell you to stop doing that?" way, but not taking his own gun off of them.

"Alright, tell me where Big Snake is keeping the goods?" The pair looked at each other, clearly confused by the question. "This place ain't Cobra then? Iron Grenadiers? Crimson Shadows?" They continued to look at him as if he were insane. "WHERE ARE THE DAMN BIO-WEAPONS?" The guards continued to look both terrified and confused.

"This is a water bottling plant..." One of them said. "No bio weapons." 0's then quickly shot a pair of warning shots past their ears.

"That jog the old memories?" He asked.

"Wait..." The other guard said. "Iron Grenadiers? Yeah, i remember them from school. Used to be terrorists back in the day."

"STOP PLAYING GAMES!!!" He roared at them.

"Wait..." Ratbat ejected and he pair of guards screamed as he flew over to one of them and activated his hypnosis. "You will tell us everything we want to know... Where are the bio-weapons?" the pair staired into the hypnotic waves Ratbat was emitting from his eyes.

"We have no idea what bio weapons you are talking about, master..." The pair replied in unison.

"Taze each other unconscious and forget about us ever being here." Ratbat ordered. The pair did so without question, pulling out their tazers and zapping each other simultaneously unconscious. "They are telling the truth." Ratbat replied. He then flew over to 0's. "Chronotron particles... I'm picking up Chronoton particles." Joe had dealt with this type of energy before. Alternate versions of Steeler, Grunt and Clutch from another timeline had come through and helped for a while.

"Time trave?" 0's asked. "But... But that would make this... The past? But no, he said the Grenadiers were the past... Another timeline?" 0's looked around. "We gotta get out of here and figure out what the hell is happening." He said as the Minicons all bundled back into the cassette player and he began running out, not realizing her had already set off the silent alarms. Nearby Autobot City would probably pick up the alarm, especially since the security camera pictures of the intruders had them all wearing Decepticon logos.
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Hidden 1 day ago 18 hrs ago Post by Sky Blue
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Log date: 1942-???

Explosions. that was the last thing 𝔹𝕃𝕀𝕋ℤ remembered, and his name of course. 𝔹𝕃𝕀𝕋ℤ was in a battle of sorts. he knew he was winning, because no one could reach him. the puny hairless monkeys (his system told him that they called themselves humans) were nothing to him. but they had weaponry that rivaled his own. Suddenly he was knocked back by a bomb called it a grenade, and a piece of its heart. [SIRE, I AM ACTIVATING DEFENSIVE MEASURES. RETREATING TO A SAFE PLACE.] Then he simply passed out.





Who...? Then, he was awoken.
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Hidden 24 hrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

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Somewhere in the skies over Central America

Skylift was... concerned.
Cybertronian and human scientists alike had been in a state of... not quite panic, but definitely excitement about something. Some phenomenon that was growing in intensity, a disruption to the natural order of things that was significant due to its' change. And worst of all, they didn't quite understand what was making it happen, or why.
The Camien wasn't a scientist herself. She was curious and always eager to learn, and had a decent enough grasp of knowledge... but the kind of things that Perceptor, Jetfire and the rest were talking about were far outside of her level of understanding. Things about temporal shifts, chronological collapses, quantum cascades and something called Chroniton Particles... it made her head spin.
But all the same, she and various other transformers with airborne alt-modes had been dispatched to gather sensor readings - especially as now, there was a new sign of activity. Great, glowing white cracks in the sky, like it was a pane of glass. And worse; they seemed to be spreading. Anything that touched them had disappeared, and she'd been warned not to get too close after her cargo bay had been loaded up with survey equipment to gather readings and information.
She flew as close as she dared, then; propellers churning the air reliably and her engines throbbing, leaning into a steady banking turn to hold an orbit around one jagged finger of the fractured sky. Her own systems could sense and detect radiation of various kinds leaking from the fissure, and as it washed over her, it showed as smeary, ghosting, pixelation on her optics. Whatever it was, it was interfering with her sensors; her taste receptors registered a metallic, sour taste. Her olfactory ones something like sulfur and ozone.
Nervous, she banked away as the payload in her cargo bay started to go wild, blaring and bleeping up a ruckus. Her internal communications burst into life, the words mangled by static.
"Airlift this-- -ghtspeed; getting readings from-- get close to the-- going to expand, you have to--"
She internally grimaced as she pulled a hard, high-angle bank that threatened to pull her wings off at the root.
But it was too late; the white of those fissures flashed blindingly, growing larger, shattering the sky even further and it reached out. A sensation like burning fire washed over her and she tried to scream as it burned down her cybernetic nervous system.
And then she vanished
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Hidden 19 hrs ago Post by Violetta
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Meanwhile, in Autobot City, after picking up the alarm signal, Blaster ran outside to where Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Springer were.
“Hey, boss bot, I got a distress signal from an industrial building.” Blaster said. Rodimus though about it for a few moments, then he said:”Blaster, call Arcee and Bumblebee and send them over there.” Rodimus Prime said as he stares at the white cracks in the sky.
“Sure thing, boss!” Blaster said before running back to his post. “Ultra Magnus, let's go see the progress of the scientists.” Rodimus said as he started walking towards the laboratory.

In the meantime, somewhere in Oregon, in their alt-modes, Bumblebee and Arcee were racing each others on a deserted highway. After, ten minutes, they received a call from Blaster. “Hey, Arcee and Bee, there is a slight change to your mission.” Blaster said through the communication channel. “What is it, Blaster?” Arcee ask as she slow down her speed. “Blaster, what's our new mission?” Bumblebee said as he also slow down his speed. “Your new mission is to go check the industrial building that I will send you the coordinates to.” Blaster said communicating through the communication channel. “Got it, thanks, Blaster.” Arcee said as she closed the communication channel. “Arcee, do you believe it might be Cons?” Bumblebee asked as he was driving next to her. “It might be them, or maybe it's might be an accident that doesn't involve any Decepticons.” Arcee replied, hoping that the Decepticons weren't involved with whatever what was happening in that industrial building, as Bumblebee and her were speeding to that area.

Meanwhile, Tempus woke up somewhere they don't recognize as they felt a strange substance beneath them, it was a yellow beige color as they touch the substance it had a coarse and powdery feeling. “Oh, it's sands. I thought it would have a more pleasant texture.” Tempus said as they got up as they brush off the sand off his frame. “And on top of that my spear is gone…” Tempus said as they realized that their spear was no longer on their back. As they looked around, Tempus could only sand that goes on for miles. “Great… nothing but sand. Think positively Tempus, you may have to walk for hundreds of miles or even thousandth, but maybe you will find someone who could help you find your spear or Vector Prime.” They said to themselves as walk toward the north as they try to reassure themselves as they were lost in a world they only observed before.
Hidden 15 hrs ago Post by Sky Blue
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Log date:???

Blitz was... tired. He knew he had to get up, as the voice kept saying [SIR.] [SIR!] [SIR, YOU MUST AWAKE!] but honestly, he didn't care. then he felt a bonk on the head. "Hey!" he opened his eyes and found himself in a forest. Needlessly to say, he did not remember this. Then again he did not remember anything. was that supposed to worry him? he forgor. [SIR. MY NAME IS NITRO. YOU MAY NOT REMEMBER ME, BUT I AM YOUR FRIEND. I SPOTTED A MASSIVE SPIKE IN TEMPORAL ENERGY WHEN YOU WERE HIT ON THE FOREHEAD. PERHAPS INVESTIGATE?] "Okay!" oh lookie a spear!
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