Power Rangers Rebel Force

The evil Velcon Empire, ruled by the evil Emperor Qyi, is a force that has conquered planet after planet with no end in sight. Now, after conquering the planet of Kial, the Velcon Empire has set its sights on Earth. Emperor Qyi sent a team to Earth to learn more about the planet before the proper invasion began after hearing the word of Earth's guardians, the Power Rangers.
But as the team settles in and learns more about Earth and the Power Rangers. That either already harboring treasonous thoughts or changed by Earth's people. This team has decided to defect from the Velcon Empire and join the Power Rangers in defending the planet. Using their knowledge of the empire to their advantage in the fight against the Velcon Empire.
Only the Power Rangers would mysteriously disappear, and in their place, the defectors would take their place as the new Power Rangers and defend the planet from their former allies while trying to discover what happened to the last Power Rangers. A task they must bear if they wish to defeat the Velcon Empire and stop their advance, and earn their place as defenders of Earth, their new home.
1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. A max of one character
5. Minimum of one paragraph
1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. A max of one character
5. Minimum of one paragraph
Hello and welcome to the rp. So that is the idea for the rp, playing as alien defectors that have taken up the mantle of being the Power Rangers after they go missing. Now I know this idea differs from other Power Rangers rps on this site that I have seen since you always play as humans from Earth. But, I was curious if people would be interested in a Power Rangers rp like this and so this is more of a gauge to see if the idea works.
If there is enough interest, then I will continue working on the idea and get an OOC up with more details. However, I will say that I am looking for a Co-Gm to help with things if any are interested, and I will answer any questions people have if they have any.
What I have so far is the colors for the rangers and how they look. Green, Red, Pink, Black, and Blue. Which are not gender exclusive and can be played by anyone. But I will reserve the Green Ranger for myself, and anyone can be the leader of the team if one desires. Now how the ranger look, Power Rangers, ignore the bottom three rangers and how the Zords look like is this, Zords and the Megazord.
As for the Velcon Empire, I will be lenient and will allow people to make up stuff for it as long as it does not contradict what I have for it. Which I admit is not much right now. Plus, allowing people to have the freedom to pick what their character looks like alien species wise along with a human appearance. As long as the alien appearance is humanoid in appearance.
That is it right now, and again, if anyone has any questions or interested in being a Co-Gm, then say something.