The Story
It's always a good day when you discover a vintage board game in the back of a sketchy antiques shop right? That's exactly what the gaming club president of Briarwood University thought when he found a legitimate copy of "Heroes of Auric: Into the Tangle". A vintage board game from the eighties, "Heroes" sees the players taking up the roles of four warriors of the Auric Kingdom who've been sent out to defeat an ancient evil: The Twilight Witch. Each hero offers a unique playstyle and players can work together or on their own to claim the glory of slaying the witch. Later expansions offered new quests and heroes to flesh out the game, but hardcore fans agree Into the Tangle was far and away the best version.
However... something is very wrong with this version of the game. Despite a clearly sketchy shopkeeper, the president buys the game on the spot and gathers the - very - small board game club to try it out at the next meeting. Each player chooses their characters and skillsheets. No sooner do the pieces touch the board when all the players find themselves suddenly being sucked into the game! Upon waking up, the players find themselves trapped within the world of "Heroes of Auric". Having been transformed into their respective characters, they must now navigate this strange new world if they want any hope of returning home!
The "Heroes" of Auric are as follows -
- Galeth the Magic Swordsman: A wandering mercenary with a heart of gold. Galeth's always on the lookout for coin and his next meal. In his travels through the kingdom, he's gained a unique talent for swordsmanship and he's mastered the minor magics (a rare feat for a commoner). With his powers, he's able to enchant his weaponry and allies to take on monsters most normal men might struggle against.
- Aqua the Merrick: An insatiably curious shapeshifter. Aqua's people are often looked down upon in polite society because their race has a history of being tricksters and deceivers. Aqua has the power to commune with nature and transform into any beast she's slain. After a battle, she collects a trophy from her fallen foe (hide, horn, claw, etc.). So long as she carries it with her, she may call upon the creature's power and transform!
- Rufus the Magus: A disgraced student from the Mage's Academy. Banished from his school after the "Potions Lab Incident", Rufus began to pursue his magical studies in secret. Whether it was pouring over ancient texts in forgotten libraries or wandering the ancient ruins across the continent, his knowledge of the major and minor magic rivals even that of the Royal Archmages! Rufus brings a blend of elemental and healing magic to the table.
- Lady Kira the Shadow The runaway princess of Auric, Kira longs for nothing more than to escape the confines of the royal palace and see the world. In the wake of the Twilight Witch's chaos, she's found her opportunity. Slipping out one night, Kira donned a disguise and enrolled herself at the local Adventurer's Guild. After several months of her double life, she's become handy with bow and dagger. Kira can maneuver the high society world with ease, or strike at her enemies from long distance.
Hey all. Coming back after awhile and needed some simple fantasy to relax. Keeping this one small and manageable. Ideally, I'm not going to hound people for posts. Just be consistent and I'm chill. If you have an idea for expansions or more "heroes" to join the world, let me know! I'm here to have fun!