Hidden 4 mos ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 19 min ago

Marrie Knight

Marrie had intended to stay silent and focused as they flew, but Boteg's comment made her perk up, especially when Trixy added to it. She wasn't sure if she was right, but...

"You can tell where things are by the rain?" She could help but ask him about her guess. That would be a really handy trick if she was correct. Regardless, her attention was stolen away by the sound of horns honking. As she looked toward the source, she saw what might be Billy, and so she waved down at him. She didn't know if she was even visible from down there, especially with how barely visible he was, but it didn't really matter to her if she was or not.

Now that it was getting closer to the mission proper, a deep cold settled in Marrie's chest and shoulders. Apprehension of the heaviest kind pushed down and made it hard for her to breathe. It was worse than usual, and even considering that it had been a while since the last time, she still knew that those times barely compared with now. This wasn't a normal mission, after all. Usually she didn't have to fight other factions, or better still was working with them like against the Diver. But this time it would be direct combat with others, and quite likely others she knew at that. If GEMINI targeted Crazy first, then she might have to fight the espers she knew for sure was with GEMINI, that being the girl who had been there when she played a game with Oros and Stacy as well as Cerberus, who she had just worked with. With all that had happened since then, notably the mission with Cerberus, she didn't quite remember what the first girl's name was.

Her apprehension only got worse as the thought of the redheaded girl being beheaded showed itself again. Would something like that happen now? She shook her head, but couldn't dislodge the thought. She wouldn't let it happen again. This was why she had spent every moment she could training, she was going to prevent anyone and everyone she could from dying today.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nakushita
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Nakushita Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter

Member Seen 1 hr ago


@BrokenPromise@Vertigo@The World

“Well you see, I’m a part of my own little group, and he is a golden dragon, I’m golden, we would make the perfect golden team, it's about the aesthetics, always have to look towards the future after all” Shrugging her shoulders as she answered Trixy’s question. Enjoying the ride thus far, finding it far more pleasant then she had initially expected, especially with the weather being what it was.

Her gaze fell upon the back of Boteg’s head when he spoke as she gave a slight nod of her head. “That seems to be close enough, his snout doesn’t seem to have the power or the ability to pick up the scent of what we seek, he seems to be able to track it via other means, perhaps currents of the air? Or currents of energy from ole crazy? Either way we will get to our objective” Himiko added her own interpretation to the two that had already been made by Trixy and Marrie. Glancing back over her shoulder as her fellow espers as she answered.

Her gaze turning back towards searching the ground beneath him as she took a hand to pat Boteg on the back of his golden scaly neck “This is almost like an audition, if you keep impressing me, then I might have no choice but to make you my second in command”

This little field trip might be more profitable then she had anticipated, it was a good thing she had finally decided to stick her nose into Maverick business. It would help to spread out her interests, she could deal with those GEMINI specimens later.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Kero
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Walking Church

Noah Anderson

Noah’s idea to rein in her embarrassment by trying to focus on anything else besides the nearly naked woman in front of her seemed to be rapidly backfiring. As Lexi wrapped her arm around Noah’s shoulder, Noah’s eyes became ever wider as she did everything in her power to stare straight ahead and not look up to the much taller woman. Noah knew very well what she would see if she turned her head, and she was absolutely not mentally prepared for it.

Beginning to sweat, Noah couldn’t help but wonder if she’d have been better prepared for something like this if she’d actually joined her old college roommates on their bi-weekly bar crawls. No use wondering about it now, though.

At the very least, Lexi did actually inform her of everyone's names. She very much could have done without Lexi pointing them out individually with the arm she’d wrapped around her, but Noah was really getting the feeling that the taller woman found her reactions funny.

Also, her thoughts of the now named Nova being relatively somewhat close in appearance to a regular nun were rather quickly smashed into the ground upon hearing the word ‘smoker’. Alongside her internal opinion of the woman. She hadn’t actually seen the smoke before, but now she couldn’t help but notice. Really, of all the vices in the world to choose, Noah would never understand how anyone could bear to pick the ones that smelled as awful as smoking.

As if to emphasize the sheer height difference, Lexi bent her knees enough to look her in the eye. And on top of that, given the new way Lexi had positioned herself to more than likely get some manner of reaction out of Noah, it was to the surprise of absolutely no one that the long sheltered girl would turn a shade of red previously undiscovered by humanity. As a result, she only distantly registered the exchange between Lexi and Raphael. She might reflect on it later, but right now she was a bit too focused on not melting into a puddle.

At Lenora's prompting, Lexi finally stopped with all that teasing, and Noah breathed an audible sigh of relief. She held a hand to her heart in a vain attempt to calm it and resolved, in that moment, to pretend the nearly naked nun didn’t exist for the duration of the meeting. If only so that she could actually focus.

The plan itself sounded like a divide and conquer sort of thing. Three teams of three espers, and one of those teams, the one she was in, acting as backup to the others if needed. And the ‘Bates’... Noah had to assume they were the same twins she’d seen mentioned a few times on the esper app, she was relatively certain they owned the place she and Marie had brought Oliver to, but she hadn’t seen them on that visit.

As far as questions went, only a few things really came to mind. She thought about asking after what they’d be clearing the area of, but it was probably demons, Noah didn’t see much of a point in asking. But there was, of course, the trains themselves. “... Do we know what to expect from the trains, in how they fight?” Noah asked. “Do they favor any particular types notes?”

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

... Yeah. If Ciri hadn't felt like socializing before, actually meeting the Freelancers made her seriously consider just up and going the fuck home. Like was this some kind of a joke? She couldn't imagine how desperate the Big Boss had to be to employ an actual goddamn madwoman like this blonde. Had she even introduced herself? Ciri had tuned out most of her rambling, so she couldn't say for sure. Something about royalty? She sure was a Royal Pain in the A—

Boteg gave her a pleading look, but the only answer he got was a telepathic, You're on your own, pal.

The other girl was... there, Ciri figured. Which, honestly, was still miles better than whatever the fuck was going on with Goldilocks. She seemed like the shy, nerdy type; inoffensive, but not exactly memorable.

And then there was Trixy, spewing something about train sex.

So, yeah, Ciri didn't see much reason to raise her gaze from the phone.

In the end, the blue haired chick seemed to find her voice by playing 100 questions with Trixy. At least she seemed interested in the mission, and not rubbing her ass all over the dragon, like So-eww-reign up there. So, again, one point to the nerd.

Ciri pocketed her phone, sighed, and followed the other girls onto the dragon and into what seemed to be a long damn day. Hopefully, the wind up in the sky would steal everyone's voices, and she could get at least some peace and quiet before the inevitable conflict.

Right. No such fucking luck.

"You," Ciri finally snapped, jabbing a finger in Sovereign's direction. "Stop flirting with our ride. If we plummet, your horny ass'll be toast too." She turned to Trixy, exasperated — and a little bit insulted, in all honesty. "No, I can't translate that, do I look like someone who'd have any idea what he's—"

The cacophony of horns from somewhere below cut Ciri off and gave her at least a vague sense of solidarity — and a reality check. It wasn't just the four of them on this mission. This was a big, important damn job, and she would see it done, even if she had to put up with an entire damn asylum while at it.

Close, Boteg had said.

Ciri stood a little straighter, eyes peeled, hands itching. There were no shadows up here, not even her own. She felt worse than naked; as if a part of her very skin had been peeled off and left behind on the ground. She had to find a place to land and prepare.

But to do fucking anything at all, she first needed everyone to just — "Shut up and focus."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Ouch, my bones."

— Mika Fang


Raven waved to Ashley before taking a seat. "Good to see you as well. It’ll be interesting to see you in action today, provided the rain lets up."

Just a bunch of new faces. Maybe they’d survive today, maybe not, but they would all pass eventually. Why bother getting to know any of them? All a conversation was going to do was give Finn an opportunity to say something edgy, because of course this all had to be about him somehow. Hopefully Ashley knew what the hell she was doing, but Mika kind of doubted it.

The van started up again and rolled through the rain.

They drove out of the city and into some farm land. A single, unwinding road that went on for miles and miles. The rain was too thick to see anything but the asphalt road disappear in the distance. Mika parked the van on the side of the road just outside a tiny cottage.

"This is our stop."

There was no reason to get any closer with the van. According to the doctor,this was the best spot to try and hitch a ride on the incoming monster. Any questions they may have had about the beast would soon be answered.

The twins, who had been speaking to each other in hushed whispers, got up from their seats. "We'll scout ahead, wait here." Cereza let the other three know before opening the back of the van. Yes, three. Seemed whatever the two had in mind involved Timekeeper, as Cerise had gently grabbed his arm and walked him out with her. The boy rose a brow at her but did little else. The trio walked around the cottage for any sign of the behemoth.

"Forgive us, darlin', but it's hard to ignore how tense y'were." Cerise finally explained to him, a light southern accent softly reassuring him they didn't intend to antagonize him. "We figured gettin' ya away would do you some good, stick with us instead?"

Finn's expression softened. It was nice of them, but... The machine sighed. "What good would that do? I'm gonna end up jinxing things again soon enough." He gave the mikos an indifferent shrug. "Better I embrace it now before it kills me." He was a monster in his own right. But to them he was just a troubled kid, nothing more. The two passed each other concerned, nervous glances before Cerise spoke to him again.

"If you're strugglin', maybe we can put a word in and get y'transfered? We've heard of ya, y'could help the scientists back where we're posted. I'm friends with a few, they'll take good care of-"

"No time for that, look!"

And then it appeared.

Light from a center light pierced the rain. At first it looked like a distant star, but it gradually grew as the behemoth moved closer. The ground shook, and a silhouette started to take shape. Something with a long, cylindrical body was coming closer. It looked like it might be a train, and it started to sound like one too. Rail wheels hovered just a few feet off the ground and pushed the massive train along an invisible track. Rather than toot its horn, the train’s tesla coil sparked and arced lighting lept between the raindrops at its back. It wasn’t going to slow down.

Mika grit her teeth. "Where are they?"

No sooner did those words leave Mika’s lips did Binky leap out from behind the cottage. She was fully transformed, and had all of her arms extended when she landed in front of Peace Train. It slammed into her, but she dug in her feet and tried to hold her ground. It wasn’t enough to stop the behemoth, but it was enough to slow it down.

But the train was not unmanned. Phantom train operators were scattered about the length of Peace Train. Most looked like scientists, a few priests, but all were apparitions with bodies made out of white smoke. They struggled to maintain their footing when the train slowed down.

If they were going to board it, it would have to be soon.

"Let’s move!"

@Vertigo@The World@Nakushita

Trixy only blinked as Sovereign continued to ramble like a chuuni. Then, as if suddenly getting it, she smiled and raised a finger. ”I can be gold if you want!”

But this attempt to impress fell the the wayside as the group tried to figure out exactly what Boteg was saying. Though this did not seem to impress Ciri, who more or less looked up from her phone only to tell off the money obsessed esper and exclaim that she was just as clueless as everyone else. ”Uh, I mean, You were able to translate back at the Bastion.” Trixy added with a nervous chuckle. But soon she decided to just honor Ciri’s request to just shut up and focus.

”’Me thinks thy company should continue to flap thy lips. Silence makes me nervous.”Then he added. ”’So long as thou doth not make me the topic of discussion.”

But there wouldn’t be much time to talk, since their mark had shown up.

Crazy train had appeared. Everyone knew this because it looked just like a train. One that was made out of far more bone and sinew than a normal train, but it was a train none the less. Below its center light was a ghoulish face that was crying out in agony. Or maybe it was just crying out because that was its nature.

Crazy Train did not travel in a straight line. It swerved side to side, howling all the while. If it was wounded, it was difficult to see with all the rain.

”Looks like it was a train after all.” Trixy shrugged her shoulders. ”Welp! Looks like this is your guys's stop!” Trixy flung Soverign off of Boteg’s back and watched her fall towards the train. ”Does anyone else need help getting down?”


Raphael addressed Noah’s questions. ”We do not know much about how they fight. From what’s been said, they tend to avoid fighting. They move so swiftly that there usually isn’t a need for them to fight. Many greater behemoths are that way, where their very presence causes natural disasters. That, and they attract other monsters to their presence.” This was mostly common knowledge, but Raphael did not have an issue filling in a new esper. ”You should be more concerned with the weather and the demons that show up with the trains.”

Lenore stretched her arms. ”Right, well, we’ll be off now.” As soon as they turned around, they disappeared behind a veil of smoke like a quatro of awesome ninjas.

”Our opponents outnumber us, we best be ready when they arrive.”

Yet even though there were no visible enemies yet, the freelancers would begin to feel a sense of being watched by many, many eyes. Their surroundings seemingly growing darker than what was natural. Even with the raging storm darkening the sky. It was something even the Walking Church's light struggled to break through.

Then they'd hear it. Creatures plenty, obscured by shadow snarl and hissed at the group, their forms hard to distinguish from each other whenever they clawed into the light. How many of them were there? And why hadn't they immediately attacked? It was as if...

"You can walk away while you have the chance, Priest."

From above, a golden haired woman sat casually on the edge of the rooftop. She held a katana in one hand, and her eye was obscured by a black rose. "You may end up regretting getting caught between a rock and a hard place.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

All aboard!
-Ashley Avenir

Upon reaching their destination, Ashley was somewhat surprised to find that the twins wished to serve as scouts. At first, a pair of supportive healers seemed like a poor choice for such a role, but when they suggested that Finn accompany them, things became considerably clearer. The kind-hearted pair obviously wanted to put some breathing room between the young agent and the source of much of his stress, something the Knight of Tomorrow was in full support of.

“Roger,” Ashley confirmed with a nod as she watched the trio head out, thankful that Finn was being at least somewhat cooperative.

If anything, whatever the young agent had been through recently had left him in an even worse state than he’d been in at the end of the last operation, and Ashley fervently hoped that the twins would be able to do a better job of addressing that situation than she had. Yet, if an impromptu counseling session was their plan, they wouldn’t have much time to conduct it.

“Here it comes,” Ashley breathed as a faint, but rapidly brightening pinpoint of light pierced the curtain of rain in front of them. “Get ready, everyone,” she instructed, smoothly shifting into the esper state as she did so.

Even as an annoyed Mika inquired where their scout team had run off to, Binky darted out from where she’d been hiding and leapt in front of the approaching behemoth. Ashley was so shocked by her green-haired mentor’s sudden appearance that she almost didn’t notice their target’s own bizarre aspect. True to it’s codename, the behemoth was indeed a train, albeit a spectral, art-deco, Gernsbackian, retro-futuristic vision of what a 21st century train might look like. Binky had succeeded in arresting much of its momentum, but the Knight of Tomorrow knew full well the limits of her mentor’s mighty abilities, and that time was very much of the essence. Thus, when Cereza appeared and advised them to move with haste, Ashley was in full agreement.

“You heard her, agents!” the high-tech heroine shouted as she rushed out of the van and leapt for the electrically-charged engine’s side platform. “We have a train to catch!”

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


Hidden 4 mos ago Post by The World
Avatar of The World

The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 19 min ago

Marrie Knight

Slightly, ever so slightly, upset by the lack of clarification on whether she had been right or not, Marrie did as the Maverick esper asked and became quiet. The feeling that now fully engulfed her upper body was somewhat numbing, which may have been a good thing. She smiled, just barely, when Boteg mentioned that he wanted further conversation, but there was no time. Almost instantly there was some form of ghoul in the shape of its namesake swerving along the ground.

Well, that's going to be tough to follow for the riders... That was all she had time to think before Trixy bodily threw Sovereign off Boteg's back. Marrie didn't hear the rest of what Trixy had said, too focused on Crazy Train. After a few seconds, she gave her a thumbs up and jumped on her own accord, trying to predict its movements so she could land a few yards behind its head, far enough to easily avoid what appeared to be a mouth also on its driver's cab.

Luckily, she had timed her fall correctly. Unlucky, she hadn't angled it quite as well. Marrie found herself holding onto one of the spikes on Crazy Train's back, having missed the locomotive's top and almost hit the side. It was hard to see with the rain whipping her face, but she reasoned that she had to be no more than one or two of its cars away from the front. Concern for her own safety finally overtook the apprehension in her chest; she looped the chain of her Instrument around the spike she was holding onto and began to climb up onto the back of the behemoth.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nakushita
Avatar of Nakushita

Nakushita Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter

Member Seen 1 hr ago


@BrokenPromise@Vertigo@The World

It looked like phone girl had finally finished flirting with her e-boy. At least long enough to voice her displeasure with Sovereign. “Someone sounds like they got rejected, don’t be such a bummer, I’m sure you’ll find another one if you keep swiping” letting out a laugh as she responded to Ciri now that she was paying more attention.

“As for turning yourself gold, I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but that isn’t really what I’m after, besides you seem happy enough with Maverick, soooo I don’t think you’d really want to join up with my little project…” shrugging her shoulders as she tried to clarify. Though Boteg being a golden dragon was a bonus, and it matched the aesthetics, that wasn’t the primary requirement for her interest in recruiting him.

But before she could delve into anything more, they finally laid eyes on their target at last. With the weather being what it was, she was only able to make out limited details, enough to know that it was traveling erratically. Its howling form shifted side to side at a decent speed as it chugged through the rain.

Before she or anyone else had a chance to discuss the next course of action, Himiko found herself flung from the dragon's back. As she found herself in a sudden and alarming free fall. “Remind me to ride in the back next time!”

Yea, that Trixy didn’t seem like the type that would fit the requirements to join her little pet project. Though she at least had some gusto, which was more than could be said about many others in this day and age that Himiko had come across.

But she had a more pressing issue of concern right now. Figuring out how she was going to land on an erratically moving train while falling out of the sky. She did at least have one thing going for her in this situation, and that was her oversized white coat.

Spreading out her arms, as she pulled out the sides of her coat, using it as a makeshift parachute to slow down her momentum. It wouldn’t stop her completely, but slowing the fall would be more than enough to cushion the landing. Fighting through the storm as the cold rain filled wind whipped past her.

Now that she was at a more controlled speed, she angled herself towards the head of the train. Her golden eyes locked onto her landing spot through the rain as she stuck out her feet to brace for impact. Coming to a sudden and jolting stop as she hit the mark, rolling until she found herself atop the ghoulish behemoth. Taking a moment to take note of any discomfort, pain, or injuries from the landing.

“Well, that could have gone better, but.. I’m not going to complain” Himiko muttered with a sigh as she took hold of one of the large spikes to brace herself against the wind as the train traveled through the storm. Already soaked by this point, with vision hampered, it would be difficult to see any incoming threats. But at least they would have to deal with the elements as well.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"... What?" Ciri quirked a brow at the blonde's blabbering, unsure what the hell she was on about. Rejected by who? She was the one who wasn't good enough for a flying lizard! Was this what they called projecting? Cause the weird-ass Freelancer was doing an entire cinema's worth right about now.

Ciri was about to argue as much out loud, when an ear-piercing wail cut her off and sent shivers down her spine. Frantic, she looked around, finding the source pretty much immediately. It wasn't exactly difficult to spot an entire-ass train.

Huh. So they really were up against a train, albeit one with a face. Ciri watched with equal parts fascination and disgust as the fleshy vehicle wailed below them. This had better not be one of those 'remove a thorn from a lion's paw' sort of situations, because Ciri was so not going to dig around in all that sinewy shit to help the damn thing. Sovereign probably would, though. With glee.

Speaking of, with no warning at all, Trixy went and earned some points in Ciri's book by practically yeeting the handsy blonde off the dragon straight at the train below. She whistled, peeking over the edge after the other Esper, then grinning at her colleague. "Thanks, I owe you one."

Ciri assumed Boteg would take the rest of them closer for an easier time getting on the train, but the way Trixy turned to look at the two remaining Espers — and the way the blue girl just took off — gave her pause. No way. Was she insinuating...?

"... Seriously, Trix? Forget owing you shit then, damn."

With that, Ciri peeked over the dragon's back to watch the train's erratic swerving for a moment, wanting to make sure she timed her jump right. Physical stuff wasn't her forte, and she only got one shot. Damnit, this was exactly what she had her summons for, what she had It for. Ugh. It better catch her now.

Waiting any longer would've likely earned her a yeeting from Trixy — or worse, made her lose face, so Ciri braced herself, cursed under her breath, and took a leap without the fate part.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Kero
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Walking Church

Noah Anderson

Noah nodded, accepting the information Raphael gave gratefully. It wasn’t as much as she hoped, but if no one really knew how they fought, then she supposed this was going to be a learning experience for them all. That they caused natural disasters certainly explained the horrible storms approaching the city, but why did they do that? Noah had much the same question in regards to how demons would form up around the behemoths. She certainly could toss out a couple of ideas as to why, but she could hardly know for sure by just guessing in her own mind.

Noah decided she’d ask after the job was over, provided it went well. And she absolutely made a mental note of that comment on demons. But again, later. Perhaps if she hadn’t been late… but there was no use worrying about it now.

The dramatic effect of the departure of Black Sabbath was lost on Noah, as she had the misfortune of being right next to Lexi when they left, and was given a facefull of smoke. She coughed a couple times, and waved her hands around to try and dispel the smoke. Walking away from the quickly ascending smoke cloud, she shook her head and held a hand to her chest. She might’ve found the disappearance cool, if not for that.

And, with an ominous warning from Raphael, the three of them were off. The storms in the clouds raged, and rain beat down upon them as if it was trying to pass through them like a bullet. The wind was so rapidly changing that Noah wondered if there might be a tornado forming. And yet, none of it really impeded them. Their esper forms didn’t allow it to.

Noah found the whole experience novel, she couldn’t help but feel like an outside observer to the hurricanes, despite being right in the middle of it. She just felt like she was back up north, back in college, watching a reporter stand out in a storm. As thankful as she was for such protection from the elements, she couldn’t shake a feeling of vague disappointment. It may not have exactly been the kind of thing she wanted to experience, but she couldn’t help but feel deprived of it regardless.

Things began to change some minutes after she and her allies departed from the church. Though the hurricanes had already shrouded the city in such darkness that it appeared to be night, they began to lose more and more of their ability to see the further they went. Noah, unwilling to break the somewhat uncomfortable silence that had fallen over the group, silently willed her natural glow to increase in an effort to counteract whatever likely magical happenings the storm was causing.

Those likely magical happenings became in Noah's definite when her own light collided into it as if hitting a wall. It pushed back enough that the three could properly see their nearest surroundings, but such a passive effect could hardly do much more than just that against whatever spell was being employed against them…

It was at that same moment that Raphael ordered them to stop with a hand. His pace had been slowing steadily since the darkness had begun obscuring their sight, but he did not stop them for just that reason, Noah realized. He had probably noticed it before she heard it. Notice what, you might ask?

The demons lurking just outside of the magical dark. She could see parts of them, sometimes. A claw, talon, an eye, or a maw. She could hear them, too. That was what let her in on the fact that there were more than the few who were just occasionally peeking through the dark. She never fully saw any of them, but all those sounds sent her hand to the cross she rested upon her back, drawing it forth and into physical existence. Her right arm held it roughly in the middle of its shaft, at an angle. She fell into a vague defensive stance, and her heart rate sped up, awaiting whatever might come next.

The demons, despite all their posturing and snarling, hadn’t yet struck. The reason why became clear, when the voice of a woman pierced the darkness, saying some vague threat towards Raphael.

Noah’s head jerked to face the direction of the voice, and upon spotting the blonde woman on top of the building, a good number of Noah’s thoughts came to a screeching halt. In the back of her mind, she quite simply put together that this woman was likely behind the darkness surrounding them, and might even be working with the demons. She certainly couldn't figure out why, maybe she had some grudge against Raphael, priests, or just wanted other groups to succeed and for them to fail. Too many possibilities, and it was also not what Noah was focused on.

No, Noah was focused on something much different, something that had utterly drained any tension she had been feeling towards the situation because of its sheer absurdity. Because, really, “What on earth are you wearing?!” Noah unceremoniously blurted out in complete disbelief. Her left arm immediately slapped over her mouth and her face promptly turned red. The rainwater only increased the volume of the slap. She really hadn’t meant to just say it, but who could blame her?! The woman had perched herself atop a building in full fetish gear! Why?! Why was that her esper outfit?!

Her focus returned moments later, and she gripped her cross a bit tighter in recognition of the threat, but still! All dramatic tension was lost! And Noah really couldn't get over the outfit at all! How did that woman expect any of them to take her seriously when she was dressed like that?!

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by TaintedMushroom
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Dead Head

”Late Again!”

For the most part Asher had been keeping to himself since he’d arrived. He wasn’t familiar with anyone here, except for Lenore’s crew. Even that relationship wasn’t one he’d call familiar, more like acquainted in violence. His employer seemed imposing enough, issuing orders ensuring anyone who needed further intel received it. At least there was one solid brain in charge, Asher knew thinking wasn’t his specialty and it was a relief to not have to worry too much about it yet.

He couldn’t help but find amusement in the prudishness of one of the other church related freelancers who’d arrived around the same time he had. Of course he found himself then a little disappointed when Black Sabbath disappeared in a puff of smoke, scouting ahead or some such as Asher thought he’d heard, his mind was a tad scattered. Fully immersed in his ipod Asher flicked from song to song unable to settle on the perfect soundtrack. Frustration was evident in the way the fires grew and flickered from his eyes.

As the group began to move out Asher was still deep in his distraction and was mostly oblivious to the ever growing host of demons and creatures circling their party. Mostly, a little bit of his mind had noticed that things were going on but rest was thoroughly obsessed with the tiny electronic device that held what was most likely Asher’s most prized possessions. When Raphael told everyone to stop, Asher very nearly walked into the man’s back, catching himself just a moment before disaster.

“What’s going on?” He muttered to no one in particular, slightly annoyed by the interruption. His fingers itched to get back to the ipod before he worried about anything else but the greater of two brain cells was saying he should at least try to pay attention for a moment. And then the half naked lady spoke from up high and Asher’s attention snapped fully into focus. A slight tingle began at the base of Asher’s spine, his fists clenched and a scowl formed on his face, it was starting to look like a fight was brewing and he’d still not found a soundtrack, that was frustrating.

Asher was about two seconds from telling this woman to shove it and find someone else to bug, but then the prudish nun spoke up first. It took about three full seconds for Asher’s brain to process things, and for those three seconds he just stared at Walking Church with the most vacant blank face. And then almost like flipping a switch Asher started cracking up. He tried to contain himself but before long found himself doubled over as he cackled wildly.

“Christ, aren’t you a right loon? Fuckin’ ‘What on earth are you wearing?!’ ya said, as if that’s important. Oh hell that was too good, talk about breakin the fuckin ice I tell ya.” He cackled wildly, his attitude and demeanor making it difficult to tell if he was laughing at Walking Church or with Walking Church. Regardless it was evident by his behavior that he cared little for any sense of decorum. Classy wasn’t really how Asher did things.

For the moment, the ipod was forgotten.

Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Oh shit, it's dat boi."

— Mika Fang


As everyone jumped on the train, Mika stopped for just a moment to look in Binky’s direction. But as soon as Ashley called everyone aboard, she joined the other five espers on top of Peace Train.

The behemoth was massive. Even Mika had difficulty scaling the side of the thing. The wheels were as big as she was, and despite the squadron’s size, all six of them could have stood side by side on top of the train. As soon as everyone had gotten to the top, it started to move again. Binky threw herself off to the side as the train screeched past her.

The robed specters turned to look at the newly arrived. They floated into the air and swirled overhead, hissing at the agents that were here to bring down the train. A minor complication, and an expected one. If they could find Peace Train’s weak point, they could destroy it before it did too much damage.

But another complication would rear its head shortly.

The Train was stopped again. The espers had to struggle to keep their footing, but the train started to move again before long. As it picked up speed, a field of wind pushed back the rain, which soared over head along with the specters. But that wasn’t a complication. The complication had just finished scaling the front of the train, and was flanked by Lexi and Bobo. He dusted himself off and slammed his shield into the top of the train. His red hair waved in the wind like a bonfire, and he pointed at the espers with an outstretched finger. One by one, he called out their names.

"Miko Twins, Cat girl, Gear boy, Spy girl, Techno girl." A grin crossed Elroy’s face. "You aren’t here to stop the holy roller, are you?" He looked at Mika "Heard about what happened at the church. Are you doing okay?"

"I was." Mika fret her brow. Her voice didn’t hide her dissatisfaction with the legendary freelancer. "But since you know what happened, you must also know you’re working with my partner’s murderers."

Elroy’s smile vanished, but he stood his ground. "Hate the employer, not the employees. Sometimes you need to do something that feels wrong because the outcome you want is right." Ashley couldn’t be sure, but she could swear Elroy’s eyes lingered on her for a bit as he said that. "...And protecting this train is right for me. Speaking of protectors, I see why Gear boy is having so much trouble with his love life. He surrounds himself with women wherever he goes!" His grin returned. "Hard to believe you were Pax Septimus’s first folk hero. I thought for sure you’d stop working with the government as soon as you rescued Betty."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Armchair philosophy and relationship drama on top of a retro-futuristic ghost train? Only in Pax Septimus…
-Ashley Avenir

After leaping aboard the train, Ashley had only a precious few seconds to take stock of the situation before a voice caught her attention. The Knight of Tomorrow stifled a gasp when the owner of said voice appeared a moment later. Although she had never met him in person before today, Elroy Bates, the Immortal Volcano, was one of, if not the most well-known freelance espers in the world. G.E.M.I.N.I. had an extensive dossier on him, and it painted the picture of a highly capable and powerful combatant, one whose abilities outclassed those of her team and herself by a significant margin. As if that wasn’t problematic enough, he wasn’t alone.

The fiery-haired freelancer was flanked by two other espers, dressed in what could only be described as twisted mockeries of nun outfits. Even if their choice of attire didn’t manage to set off any red flags, Mika helpfully came right out and stated that they were the ones who had tried to kill her at the abandoned church, and had succeeded in killing Ellie. Plus, from Mika’s briefing, it was almost a certainty that one of their similarly-garbed associates had fought for Justin during the raid on his mansion. The fact that Elroy chose to brush off that piece of information once he learned of it just proved to Ashley that, despite his reputation as a dashing hero, the Immortal Volcano was nothing more than an amoral mercenary, willing to work for whoever was offering the biggest paycheck, regardless of how reprehensible they might be, and his ‘ends justify the means” remark only solidified that opinion. Even so, the high-tech heroine couldn’t help but feel that he’d said that to call her out. Then he shifted the topic to Finn (because of course everyone eventually does), but Ashley refused to allow a potential discussion of the young agent’s love life to derail things.

“We’re not the same,” she stated flatly before Finn could respond with one of his edgy quips. “G.E.M.I.N.I. works to protect helpless civilians, and although I’ve been forced to do some things I’ve regretted in my time as an agent, it was always in pursuit of that goal.” She took a deep breath, her eyes narrowing as she tightened her grip on her techno-wand. “I’m sorry if it’s going to interfere with you getting a big payday, but this behemoth is going to put a lot of innocent people in danger, so it has to be stopped.”

She didn’t want to fight if there was any chance of resolving the situation diplomatically, but the Knight of Tomorrow was no longer so naive as to think that there was any real chance of that happening, and the moment combat became unavoidable, she was fully prepared to make the first strike.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


Hidden 4 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Vertigo@The World@Nakushita

Trixy tipped her head when Cirilla thanked her. ”Eh? What for?” Though after Marrie jumped, it seemed like she had changed her mind and retracted the statement. ”I don’t get it, I’m so confused…”

The espers didn’t have much difficulty landing on the train’s back. In fact, the muscle and fat-like fibers were a relatively soft thing to fall on. It was warm too, and everyone on board could feel the pulse of a giant heart pumping blood through the train. The train’s ribs felt firmer under foot, but were just as disgusting as the rest of Crazy train. Now it was time to figure out what was causing the behemoth to behave so erratically.

Or it would have been.

The center of the train was struck by a fireball, filling the the air with the scent of cooked hamburgers. The fireball had come from a makeshift hot air balloon. The balloon itself looked like it was made out of tarps and blankets, with an esper shooting a torrent of flame into it. That esper was unmistakably Regina, and the two nuns she was with were Nova and Lenore, who the two freelancers would recognize easily enough.

”Hahahahahahaha!” Regina’s laughter cut through the storm before her balloon slammed into the side of Crazy train. The nuns hopped out and landed on either side of the ruinous meteor, who tumbled to her feet and dusted herself off. ”Oh hey, I know who you are!” Regina pointed at Marrie. ”You’re the sweet summer child that uncovered the whole Hand deal. I guess you still can’t wrap your head around killing monsters, huh? You should have been there when we terminated Highway to Hell.” She chuckled.

Lenore grinned like a shark. Her eye glowed like a lighthouse in the middle of a storm.”I’m just here for a rematch.”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Raphael seemed to pay no mind to his bantering companions. His gaze was focused solely on the newly arrived: part of a third party that would interfere with his mission. ”I have endured many trials, whore of babylon. What is one more?” If everyone was going to make fun of her appearance, might as well jump on that train with them. Such spirited companions Raphael had paired himself with. ”Time is of the essence. If you have us trapped, please spring it quickly so we may finish our work that much sooner.” With one hand, he pulled the massive cross-shaped mace off of his back and rested it on his shoulder.

Out of all the possible reactions the trio could’ve had to the woman’s appearance and warning, it had to be about her esper form. Noah’s initial shock earned a genuinely surprised look from her, silently glancing around them until Raphael spoke up again. But instead of being offended or whatnot…


She bursted out laughing. Her, and the collective of darkness. God, she loved her job. ”Sorry, sorry- I know I should be serious but I can’t help it!” The woman sighed, then smiled, standing up to walk along the edge of her perch. ”But I am offering mercy here, Father. On one hand, you go after Crazy train, you’ll end up fighting the Mavericks.”

As she spoke, a red dot slowly aimed for the Walking Church.

”On the other, try and save Peace Train, you’ll be going against the government themselves.”

As she spoke, an array of shadowy tentacles readied to restrain Dead Head.

”But what would I know, you do seem resolute.”

She glanced back at Raphael. ”Don’tcha?” Then allowed herself to fall into the shadows.

The unseen shooter pulled the trigger, the sound of a single gunfire ringing out. But yet the bullet merely scraped by Noah, grazing her shoulder. It was less for her anyways and more a signal for everyone to strike. Though the next ones proceeding it seemed to have more killing intent. The wave of demonic shades surged. Swiftly followed by their supposed master launching herself at Raphael dead on.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 19 min ago

Marrie Knight

As Marrie fully pulled herself onto the back of the Train, she saw the three espers who were there for what could only be a fight. This was totally unfair. One of the strongest Freelancers, and that bitch nun!? Marrie glanced between the two, once, twice, three times. Her mind was racing, but if she wanted to win this, there was really only one chance. And so she looked at Regina.

"You're the proud type, right? Then you should get where I'm coming from with this. Do whatever you're going to do that way. She pointed towards the back of Crazy Train. Then she turned her attention to Lenore as she slung her Instrument's chain off the spike and retracted it.

"If that's the case, tell your congregation to stay out of it this time." The chain extended once more, falling to just an inch above the monster's back. Any apprehension she had felt evaporated as her mind shifted into focus. Nobody was going to die today, not even this bitch. Marrie's teeth clenched, hard enough that she heard a cracking sound, but she forced herself to loosen her jaw. Magic flowed into her right foot. She didn't even try to hide it, assuming that Lenore would notice regardless.

{Silver Touch - Portal}

She stepped forward, once, getting into what she had found in the time since she'd last fought to be a decent stance to start from.

Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"By god do I hate my life right now."
- Finnegan Vanhorn

Wonder if these are supposed to be the monsters this thing attracts.

The Timekeeper thought to himself as the spectral passengers and crewmen of the Peace Train swarmed the team of agents as soon as they landed. The grip he had on Atropos tightened as he immediately began trying to plan a course of action, with or without Orion's input. He couldn't say for sure whether or not everyone weapons could lay a dent on the ghosts, much less if everyone would actually work together this time. The painful encounters with Gunther came to mind. Misplaced expectations. Maybe it was wrong of him to have so much hope.

Speaking of which, before any form of conflict even started the train stopped again. The cause quickly made himself known, causing the machine to hold back a pained expression once he saw who it was. Elroy, accompanied by two nuns who Mika confirmed were the ones that ambushed her and murdered the late Angelie. He already got the hint of the Immortal Volcano's intentions longer before he confirmed them outright. If he's dead-set on protecting the behemoth, to the point where he was resigned to, willing to work with what he could only assume was dark web espers. They were going to have to fight him.

No matter how Finn tried to look at it, it wasn't going to end well regardless of what everyone decided to do.

Then, for some reason, Elroy seemed to try and lighten the mood by turning the attention towards him and his reputation. Ashley responded before he could. The Timekeeper let a quiet, shaky breath slip through his lips, left unseen.

I never wanted any of this, I never had a choice.


"Elroy. Get out. Of the way." He spoke up as stilled as he could, shooting Elroy a look as both a warning...and a plea.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Nakushita
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Nakushita Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter

Member Seen 1 hr ago


@BrokenPromise@Vertigo@The World

Himiko’s hopes of having a nun-free experience quickly went out the window. No matter where she seemed to go, and no matter who she went with, she seemed destined to encounter them. All she could do was let out a sigh of acceptance of this thorn in her side. She hadn't been expecting them this time around.

Though with a hot air balloon in this kind of weather that wasn't a mode of transportation that anyone would expect. Regardless, that mattered very little in the scheme of things. Not with them throwing out fire like it was a backyard barbecue. Which would likely be a real pain in the ass if they kept that up and irritated the behemoth any more then it was.

She hadn’t even had time to get a better understanding of the behemoth that she found herself atop before they had interrupted. But it was clear that this thing seemed to consist of nothing but organic material. Just from how it felt to stand on, the visual look of it, and of course the smell that was emitted when the fire had struck it. Clearly it could be hurt if hit with enough power, and it wasn't immune to fire.

It was an interesting creature, though she didn’t see anything obvious yet that pointed towards its current behavior. But she figured the fire wouldn’t help matters. The sooner she did get to the bottom of this mystery the better, it may even help with her own agenda depending on what she learned. Which would be a lot easier without these Nun's being in the way.

Though….the nuns seemed far more interested in Marrie right now. Which was something Himiko could use to her advantage. While Marrie kept them preoccupied, Himiko could start to explore more of this behemoth to search for the reason behind its erratic behavior. If it was something physical, it shouldn’t be too hard to find.

“I don’t have any time to hear about your lord and savior or whatever time share you have on offer, sooooo I’ll just leave you guys to it if you don’t mind..you got this Marrie! I'll just check out this stretch of Crazy Train and be right back, Good Luck!” Turning around she started to run down the length of Crazy Train giving a wave of her hand as she begun to leave. If she could reach that particular end of Crazy Train, she could at least rule out some of the theories.

Besides Marrie seemed more than gung-ho to go at the nuns herself, not to mention she was likely to get some support when Trixy and Swiper arrived, which should be pretty shortly. Sooooo Himiko might as well do some exploring and save her energy and effort for later.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Huh, Ciri thought, as she landed atop the train some distance from the two Freelancers, that was easier than I th—

Too soon.

From out of nowhere, there was an explosion. Because of course there was a fucking explosion. Ciri could see flames somewhere further ahead, cooking the side of the meat train and filling the air with a pungent stench. She gagged, losing her balance — then gagged again, as she felt her hands pressing into the warmth of the organic vehicle underneath. Ew, ew, EW, ew! This was the worst mission ever.

She stood up so fast she nearly lost her balance all over again, searching for the assailants. At least that wasn't very difficult; the crazy-ass laugh was a clear enough cue, as was the goddamn hot air balloon ramming into the train. Then, suddenly, there were nuns. And they apparently knew Blue. And Goldie seemed to know them — though she apparently didn't intend to stick around to hear their helloes.

No camaraderie amongst Freelancers, huh?

Ugh, fine, guess she had to do something then, or their trio would be a duo soon. Not that she intended to make that too obvious. The nuns weren't focused on her, and she was more than happy being the wallflower for a bit, retreating further backwards and away from the inevitable action. Summoning anything here seemed like a tall order, but she had to at least try. Something that would help her stay atop the train if — when — a fight broke out.

Spiders were pretty cool.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Sounds like you kids need an attitude adjustment."

— Elroy Bates


Elroy had tried to lighten the mood, but the GEMINI agents remained stiff. Ashley, rather bluntly, stated that they were not the same, painting her own cause as just and Elroy as just another money loving freelancer. It was a stereotype that Elroy should have been plenty used to. Then Finn stood up to spit out some edgy protag dialog, but Elroy erupted into laughter half way through it. He refocused his eyes on Ashley.

"Yes yes, I’m sure you try very hard." His lips curled into a sneer. "Purging curable thralls and slaying innocent monsters is all for the greater good. I’m fortunate gear boy was there, otherwise you’d have killed violin girl and Trisha. For the greater good. His blackened scars started to turn gold. "I’m sure your intel on Holy Roller showed how wicked they really are. There must be tons of footage circulating about such a dangerous behemoth. You’re funded by the US army, and you must have access to tools I could only dream of. Forgive me for my ignorance.“ The air around his shield distorted as it heated up. "Speaking of big paydays, I understand you got a promotion. I didn’t realize GEMINI rewarded failure, but I guess killing a bartender and attempting to kill his daughter is what it takes to climb the company ladder." As small as the event had been, too many people were alive to leak the operation after the fact. The Shadow Wizard Money Gang or Maverick Alternative could have told a friend of a friend. He looked down at Ashley like she was an insect. "You’re right, techno girl, we aren’t the same at all!"

Elroy grabbed a cross shaped pendant from around his neck and held it up to the sky. The specters howled, spun about, and descended towards the back of the train. It would take them a moment to congregate, but the freelancers began their attack immediately.

Lexi pointed her staff into the heavens, and the freelancers pulsed with light. The air around them was filled with a smattering of feathers, and the three of them charged. Elroy brought his shield up in front of himself and howled while the nuns piled in behind him.

"Orion?" There was hardly any time to form a plan, but it was clear Raven was going to follow Ashley’s lead.

Though even without her input, the twins had already moved on the defensive. Cerise stepped up next to Ashley and raised her own shield over the two of them in anticipation, and Cereza aimed to fire her bow at first sight of an opening.

”Betta’ talk quickly, hon! We can’t keep ‘em back forever!”
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