Location: 1-B Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya
Yui was.... well, not tired exactly, his Quirk ensured that, but the past few hours had been quite hectic for the mind. Despite all the adversaries they faced, the day had been won, though not in a way that he could consider a true victory. After all, Keyaru had escaped custody and most of his classmates were out of action due to injury of some kind, so the only real win was the fact that they were alive. And the whole fiasco with the police after the fact hadn’t helped matters. Fortunately, their senpai had managed to get them off their backs before anything....
untoward happened.
Now, though, Yui found himself sitting before his homeroom teacher with a few of his classmates. She began with a speech about the professors who had gone missing over the school year and that she didn’t want to be one of them—obviously. She ended it with a useless platitude about them being safe. Safety was relative, not to mention boring. He supposed the others might find it comforting.
Then, Ravens—or, Yatagarasu Hisora, he supposed—turned her attention to him and hit him with a question he had been unfortunately expecting, if not quite so soon.
Yui didn’t answer her immediately, mulling the question over and considering his words carefully. His battery was low, but he could afford to take his time a little here. From her perspective, he’d have only paused for a moment before responding anyway.
“.... I know that they exist, but not much else, I’m afraid,” the lie spilt from his lips easily as he gave a nonchalant shrug,
“Why do you ask, sensei?”A ghost of a smile spread across his lips at the hero’s use of his
name as he waited.