The mists gather around your feet as you meander along the old path leading to the Castle. The cool mountain morning air nips at your exposed face. It has been a good four hours treck from Tours-en-Savoy, the local town, a bustling hub of trade and miscreants. Coin is flowing in these parts, prices are high, and banditry abounds. Everyone is looking to make it big, one way or another.
Adventurers as you are, you are not too different. The haunted Castle was known throughout the region, a place of horror but also treasure. You had heard enough stories of celebrating parties buying rounds in the local tavern, enough to know that it was possible, even when their number was less in the evening then the morning. Still, the risks seemed worth it. And some of you had even nobler reasons for approaching this place.
As it was you stood at a crossroads: before you, the cobbled path ended at an old masonwork bridge. The trench it covered had no water, but a thick layer of stodgy mud. Beyond, a ruined gatehouse flagged a lonely entryway. Where once there may have been a gate, now lay only rubble. You see the arrow slits in the two towers flanking this entrance. The north one in particular looked so ruined it could be entered; pillars of pasty morning sunlight filtering down through a half-broken roof. The road also meandered southwards, turning a corner beyond your sight. The road was downhill, but seemed slightly better travelled.
One could always explore Northwards as well - you spy two windows that could welcome an intrepid climber, but one would need adequate tools.
Adventurers as you are, you are not too different. The haunted Castle was known throughout the region, a place of horror but also treasure. You had heard enough stories of celebrating parties buying rounds in the local tavern, enough to know that it was possible, even when their number was less in the evening then the morning. Still, the risks seemed worth it. And some of you had even nobler reasons for approaching this place.
As it was you stood at a crossroads: before you, the cobbled path ended at an old masonwork bridge. The trench it covered had no water, but a thick layer of stodgy mud. Beyond, a ruined gatehouse flagged a lonely entryway. Where once there may have been a gate, now lay only rubble. You see the arrow slits in the two towers flanking this entrance. The north one in particular looked so ruined it could be entered; pillars of pasty morning sunlight filtering down through a half-broken roof. The road also meandered southwards, turning a corner beyond your sight. The road was downhill, but seemed slightly better travelled.
One could always explore Northwards as well - you spy two windows that could welcome an intrepid climber, but one would need adequate tools.
HOW DO YOU PROCEED? ► Through the Gatehouse ► Explore the North ► Explore the South ► Something else... |
Your party have arrived at the castle nice and early. We'll say you have probably adventured with each other from level 0 to level 1 and know each other well.
You can see thick castle walls encasing the manor beyond; though they look old and not very well looked after. In the middle distance you see a towering donjon somewhere deeper in the grounds, with balconies and an upper bridge. Both the North side of the castle and south side of the castle sport multiple stories, and you reckon their may be windows you could enter through if you wished. You would know the castle is protected by a huge lake on the north and far east sides.
More information and actions are always available to be taken, just like in dnd. Welcome to the game, my friends.