Annika Falling Star

Character Summary
Name: Annika Tara Falling Star
Alias: Falling Star; Proud Star; Blue Knight; Keeper of the East
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 23
Birthday: August 8, 1789 (Starting date is October 31st of any year)
Birth Place: Upper Canada - St. Lawrence River (Present day Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada)
Source: From the Creator
Domain: Transformation

Height: 5’5”
Weight: 165
Build: Endomorph; strong, carries weight in hips
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long, dark brown
Skin Tone: Light brown, tans easily
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Double ear piercings left ear, three right, right helix and daith. Tattoo of Raven embracing sun on R upper arm/deltoid.
Personal Style: During the warmer months she wears soft deer skins as a short dress to her knees or separated into two pieces. Its interwoven with beads done by her grandmother. During the colder months it is a longer dress, and an assortment of furs as a cover. She goes bare foot when able, or wears moccasins made from beaver for waterproofing and other animal hides for warmth and comfort. When hunting she wears long pants with a longer tunic, sinched with a Wampum belt.

Friendly * Perfectionist * Intuitive * Reckless * Adaptable * Distrustful
Annika learned to work closely with the woman in her village in her younger years of life. She learned to be nurturing and noticing the signs of distress before most. She became compassionate and patient, every dedicated to her work. When she came of age and developed her power, Annika learned from the warriors in her village. She became unwavering and dedicated to her craft. If she failed, her people failed. Although still compassionate in nature, blood and death did not deter her from winning her battles and keeping her people safe.
Curious by nature and friendly in conversation, Annika is always willing to lend a hand, a paw, a hoof, or a wing. However, her people always come first.
Curious by nature and friendly in conversation, Annika is always willing to lend a hand, a paw, a hoof, or a wing. However, her people always come first.
Sexuality: Two-Spirited
Relationship Status: Single
Fatal Flaw: Perfectionist
Inner Demon: To watch the colonists burn on the ships they used to bring disease, faminie, and war to her home.
Habits: Zoning out; dancing randomly
Hobbies: Feeding animals; Sewing;
- Onyare: giant serpent like creature of the Great Lakes, known for capsizing canoes and eating people
- Being choked or smothered.
- Failing her people
- The Sky (sun, moon, and stars)
- The Wind
- The River
- Beading
- Hunting
- Dancing
- The deep cold of Winter
- Ships
- The smell of gun powder
- White Man (other than the good ones a part of her tribe)
- Alcohol
- Snakes

Cards On The Table
Skills: Limit 10. These can be combat or general skills. Anything you list here gets a +2 bonus on rolls.
- Sewing
- Plant knowledge - knowing the difference between edible and healing plants
- Tracking
- Stealth
- First Aide - tinctures, splints, salves, teas, wound care, bandaging
- Wilderness survival - hunting, cooking, starting fires, creating shelter
- Hand to Hand Combat
- Knife Fighting
- Agility
- Stamina
Medical Issues/Injuries:
- N/A
- Her mother’s necklace
- Labradorite stone found by her brother
- Journal - gifted by her father. Get's her a new one every year for her birthday. This one is about a quarter full.

The Mother - a Mad Truth: Annika wants the past to return to the present. She wants normalcy, she wants safety. Her people have warriors, as every tribe, but she had always felt safe and protected with them until the wars with the white man started. Life has become an unstable thing.
The Crone - a Grim Future: Annika is adventurous and curious, but she is also reckless. She thinks up a plan before executing it, knowing if she has that, she can accomplish anything. Except in the heat of battle, Annika will act on whatever animalistic instinct she has taken the form of. It has made her become reckless. She will cross any line she needs to for the good of her people. For their freedom.
The Lore: Annika’s home is undergoing tremendous change. Since she could walk, Annika was exposed to the ceremonies her people undertook for healing, hunting, and release. When she was five, she finally understood the ceremony for release. When she was twelve, she underwent a ritual she hadn’t witnessed before. During the transition from girlhood to womanhood, Annika went through another change. She received the gift of transformation from the Creator and a vision regarding upcoming changes.
Strange new people had already encroached on their territory, bringing diseases, weapons, and war. Annika’s vision only confirmed what her people already feared. However, that didn’t stop them from welcoming white men or taking them to improve their numbers and genetics. Annika’s father was a British white man who married her mother after she was born. This man brought new religion and taught Annika to speak English, read, and write.
Traditionally, Annika’s people were gatherers. They were gifted with the knowledge of agriculture from the “Three Sisters”, harvesting mostly corn, squash, and beans. They have hunters and warriors, but women often stayed within the Longhouses. It wasn’t until Annika’s ceremony that her people learned of her power and learned she was two-spirited. She began her training as a warrior the next day. She undertook further studies with the elders and Shamans to practice her transformative gift. “Shapeshifting”, as she started to call it.
June 1812 began another great conflict, and Annika and her people found themselves in the middle. By this time, Annika had fought in many battles and wars. She had a taste for the hunt and was adept at it. The Creator, Coyote, and other gods of her people gifted her generously.
In October, her people were in the middle of a battle when Annika was injured. She shifted back from her hawk form, an arrow still in her shoulder when her enemy pinned her down. It was then that she blacked out and awoke in a foreign land. The arrow was gone, but still, Annika assessed the damage; sure, she had been raped, but gloriously she remained unmarked; however, Annika didn’t consider herself safe in this strange new land.

Character Quote: “Our past directs our future.”
Song: Skoden - Digging Roots (Skoden = "let's go"/"let's do this"/yes to a duel)
Anything Else: HoO - Ezekiel Kel
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The Grimoire
Annika Tara Falling Star
Transformative magic gifted by the Creator in her twelfth year.
Beast Bond
- Type: Divination
- Description: You establish a telepathic link with one beast you touch that is friendly to you or charmed by you. The link is active while you and the beast are within line of sight of each other. Through the link, the beast can understand your telepathic messages to it, and it can telepathically communicate simple emotions and concepts back to you.
- Notes: The spell fails if the beast’s Intelligence is 4 or higher. While the link is active, the beast gains advantage on attack rolls against any creature within 5 feet of you that you can see.
Commune With Nature
- Type: Divination
- Description: You briefly become one with nature and gain knowledge of the surrounding territory. In the outdoors, the spell gives you knowledge of the land within 3 miles of you.
- Notes: Instantly gain knowledge of up to three facts of your choice about any of the following subjects as they relate to the area: terrain and bodies of water; prevalent plants, minerals, animals, or peoples; powerful celestials, fey, fiends, elementals, or undead; influence from other planes of existence; buildings
Insect Plague
- Type: Conjuration
- Description: Swarming, biting locusts fill a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range.
- Notes: ten minute limit
- Type: Transmutation
- Description: Assume the shape of another creature and gain all of their abilities.
- Notes: If within that animal for more than an hour, starts to lose humanity.
Pass Without Trace
- Type: Abjuration
- Description: A veil of shadows and silence radiates from you, masking you and your companions from detection.
- Notes: 30 foot radius; can be detected with magic roll.
- Transformative
- Description:
- Notes: