Ryllae Evoek
Appears Mid-20's |
She/her |
Living Doll Description: It was said, whether myth or real, that Ryllae was one of the soldiers broken at the Coup of Hathforth, where the Wizard Queen swept away King Ludwig II and ascended to the throne. Although Ryllae was on the verge of death, the curses she had taken on from the Shade prevented her from being healed. Instead, her soul, intellect, and magic was transferred into an enchanted doll. However, in exchange for ‘healing’ her, the Crown wanted her magical services. Free of the curses, Ryllae also broke free of the capital's hold on her, going into hiding. It was a few months later she emerged in Odonfield, where she met a wandering knight that also had a dislike for the new Queen.
They decided to put their minds together and assist with the brewing rebellion in any way they could. Most of their time has been spent on the road, helping small towns and villages in the countryside push out the lords governing their lands. Their work has been minimal in the past year, but they had recently heard of a certain chevalier of Ravenfell looking to empower the revolt. This has piqued their interest immensely. More help to overthrow the Wizard Queen would always be welcome in the hearts of the ones trampled over by Her Tyrannical Highness.
It is true, she is a living doll. She consists of joints like a real doll, and her skin is porcelain, firm, and brittle. It is possible to smash her.
Magic/Seed: x Minor Aeromacy - The ability to conjure air streams that cut, minor gusts of wind, and the ability to float light objects.
x Major Aeromacy - The ability to create winds on a high level, such as a small tornado.
x Water of Life - The ability to turn water into glowing blue healing water, which she and her butterflies drink from. On humans, it heals wounds and soothes emotions, giving a person a sense of spiritual peace. For her butterflies, it invigorates and heals them. For her, it… unfortunately does nothing. If she is shattered, she must be put back together piece by piece.
× Minor Aquamancy - The ability to control small amounts of water through levitation, controlling the currects, and freezing them.into ice, and vis versa.
× Minor Pyromancy - The ability to create small flames, walls of flames, and balls of flame, which can levitate and be thrown.
x Butterfly Whisperer - The ability to communicate with the butterflies around her. She often uses this is a way where she can spy on those around her.