Welcome to the Hopeful Romantics Club!​

Jokes aside, welcome to my character thread. :D I'll be posting all my character bios on this page and will update it with new characters and changes to the template and the options available. As of my creation of this thread, it'll include the characters I've created for original, slice-of-life roleplaying games. They're all guys who have unique, distinct personalities and ways of dealing with things, and are looking to find a girlfriend who will make their lives better. For fun's sake, I'll arrange them by Hippocrates' four-temperament classification. Without further ado, the gentlemen! In-canon, they're all friends and hang out at a common bar. Despite their unique experiences and personalities, they are all dashing gentlemen who have the courage to take the set the tone and take the lead, making your ladies feel secure and loved!​

The Four Romantics
The Phlegmatic

The Melancholic

The Choleric

The Sanguine

Other characters
