Name: Styx
Gender: Unknown
Age: 29
Physical Description: WHY DO YOU ASK? What seems to be an axolotl doll possessed by a soul. Their seams will split at their own will, revealing whatever homunculus is beneath.
Abilities: Oh, you know, reality warping, a pocket dimension inside my body, warping shadows to my own will... definitely no multiversal travel over here.
Weapons (If none, specify or leave blank): Anything I can find inside my body.
History/Backstory: I don't know exactly who or what I was before, all I remember was I was young, and before my former consciousness faded, it felt... like a soothing coldness. After that, I'm pretty sure I ended up somewhere in the outer void, found a couple of other people in my same situation, y'know, the basics. Now, I guess traversing dimensions is considered illegal, even when I don't personally have any control over it. If you ask me, I think it was the [REDACTED] settin' me up 'cause they were scared. But, that's just me.