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Hidden 5 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
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MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

The Shattering of Kaspia

Lokmongor scanned the sprawlings lands of Kaspia from the balcony of his ruined province. The blasted plains stretched for thousands of miles with low hills, great holes where lakes once resided, and gaping crevasses where rivers once streamed. Enormous mountains flanked either side of his home, forming a ruinous bowl of pocketed earth. Sporadic bunches of mutated trees in green and crimson dotted the wealth of his lands, beautifying and uglying the domain all the same. His helmeted gaze observed several tiny silhouettes walk along the encircling bastion that was his citadel. Ruined walls, fortified thrice over with scrap and talismans, defended the pivotal entrance into Urshic territory from mountain edge to mountain edge. In his mind, it was the most well-defended pass across wartorn Terra, save only for Kalagann’s fortress-palace of Mosrovoth.

A fresh cry pierced the air drawing his attention away from the demesne. A group of his men, genewarriors each clad in Urshic fur and blessed powered armor, tortured a figure in front of the mutated trees. Vitae flowed like water into the ground that nurtured the aberrant flora. Their roots squirmed like agitated creatures, drinking deeply from the gift granted by his underlings. To his disappointment, the warriors fell to their knees and threw out prayers to the Primordials in fervent chants. Lokmongor understood the adulation to a lesser extent for those very flora were gifted by the powers-that-be. Nothing should’ve prospered in Ursh’s southern wasteland, yet the life that drank was evidence of their resilience.

His home - the great ruined fortress-hive of Kaspia - was the blaspemous opposite of such fruitful life. Each step of his greaves threatened to shatter the faltering citadel underfoot. Rust covered every inch of their sole settlement, save only for the areas that preserved and cultivated the blessed flora. Where once a hundred spires would rise up into Terra’s blasphemous sky, now only ten remain to accommodate their presence. Lokmongor had protected this place for thirty-six years, protected Ursh for twenty more, and swore allegiance to the Primordials for ten further. He, alone, knew that only the blessings of volkhv could uphold this place for eons to come.

A courtyard - his very own - opened several floors below as he ventured further down his demense. Tiny blades of crimson-hued grass spread out in a wide circle that rivaled the likes of ancient war zmaj. Thin aquaducts filled with flowing vitae funneled into an eight-pointed star at the center of the opening. Several pale men were hoisted up on long pikes with their innards dangling from their chests and their blood flowing into vast pots of bubbling ichor. A volkhv loudly sang in the forgotten tongue in the center of the star. Six warriors from his retinue kneeled around the blessed priest as servants dumped fresh blood onto their armor. Horns decorated their helmets, spikes upon their pauldrons, and brass chains upon their belts. The priest must’ve noticed him as the singing was momentarily halted to address his arrival.

“General Lokmongor, you honor us with your presence. By the Primordial Will, your vityaz are being blessed for their heroic deeds.” The volkhv spoke with a rhythmic chant upon his lips, each word uttered with a dramatic sway of his body. Although dark robes swathed his body, Lokmongor knew well that blessed armor lay beneath. He detested the way that their order danced, yet it was something that he was willing to put up with for the glory of Ursh. The vityaz around the priest picked themselves up with ichor dripping from their armor.

“As it was ordained, blessed Yorjolav, they will need the blessings. The Himalazians have been spotted marching into the Khaganate through the former territories of the Ethnarchy. We’re expecting a splinter assault to attempt a pass through Kaspia.” The news of the Himalazian invasion did little to dour the ritual. His knights grew fanatically excited, each gripping their weapon and trembling with the uncontained joy of a berserker. He understood their anticipation well for even he was ready to tear into actual warriors for once and not his own populace.

The volkhv, Yorjolav, spread an unnerving smile full of rotten, dagger-sharp teeth beneath his hood. “As it was foreseen, General! What would you ask of your humble servant?” Lokmongor watched the priest drop down to subservient kneel, unfolding his arms out to fully bow in the General’s presence.

“Set the blessed order to begin the Ritual of Krovdozhd, anoint every vityaz across the Kaspian clans with the Mark,” Lokmongor began to order with the affluence of a elder commander, unsheathing the great warblade from his back and settling the tip into the courtyard ground. His cloak of skin and chains wavered as the weapon was pulled from a scabbard of writhing flesh. The general continued without missing a beat. “And prepare our zmaj for combat. I will ride her into a war of fury and blood.”

Yorjolav jolted upward with uncontained ecstasy. His body writhed as if possessed by the things that he worshipped. Both of his hands reached for the sky, revealing the blackened gauntlets carefully hidden beneath his robe. A vomit of Old Tongue exploded from his lips in a reverent chant. Lokmongor knew well that the call for war was something that his volkhv craved, more so than any other province in Ursh. He didn’t wait for the priest to finish, gesturing for his vityaz to join him in preparation of the Himalazians.

The crimson-forested hills of Kaspia were silent. In the times before a battle, Lokmongor could appreciate the eerie silence leading up to a crescendo of unimaginable violence. Night had fallen as his warriors prepared to fight the forces of the Himalazian coward-leader. The war-migou, painted in brilliant shades of red, strained against their chained restraints anchored to the lower walls. Pyres as tall as striders and as wide as tanks were lit in even intervals across the ramparts. Volkhv of Yorjolav’s order spread their holy word with swaying censers of belching ash and ceremonial pots of boiling blood. His vityaz, and those of the other clans, patrolled throughout the hordes of twitching lesser warriors. Axes, chainweapons, lumbering guns, and more were equipped in vast quantities along the walls. The knights, however, bore blades akin to his own with weeping sigils, whispering secrets, tempting songs, and boiling runes.

He jostled lightly as the zmaj that he rode groaned with anticipation. The crimson-scaled thing was a magnificent warbeast unlike any other on wartorn Terra. Grown by the volkhv in secret hatcheries across Ursh, his zmaj was a nightmare creature of webbing, teeth, and wings. Every second spent sitting upon her would’ve burnt his skin to cinders were it not for the chief blessing of the Krovsozdatel. She bore no saddle upon her scales as chains and horns sufficed for ample handholds. Her fangs dripped with freshly consumed ichor, droplets splashing against a pile of carcasses beneath her maw.

In the distance, Lokmongor could make out Yorjolav on the wall with a group of volkhv surrounding him. Even from here, the singing was audible to his ears. Each of their eyes were glowing with ethereal power, blessings from the Primordial Sea. Blood flowed from beneath their robes, either from bloodletting or from the holy endeavor they took. No sooner had their singing stopped did the rain come. Great torrents of fresh ichor dripped from the black clouds encircling the whole of Kaspia. A smile grew on his charred lips as his warriors turned to the sky with a cacophony of prayers. The sea of blessed trees groaned with appreciation, leaning towards the sky in an unnatural inclination for their desired substance.

Thankfully, he thought, it would do little to halt the courage of true warriors. His desire for battle only grew as the first of the Emperor’s dogs revealed themselves. Wings of metal soared over the hills sailing from the territory of the Ethnarchy. Fat-bellied planes in yellow hues with emblems of the raptor and lightning descended towards the citadel. Lokmongor scoffed in disappointment as he raised an armored gauntlet to the sky, gesturing forward with a single wave to unseen onlookers. His citadel exploded into a flurry of action as the ten remaining spires unleashed torrents of deadly flak into the onrushing Imperials. Armaments, thrice-blessed and fortified for decades, spat piercing death through the hulls of their opponents. Great plumes of fire illuminated the crimson woods surrounding the province, revealing hordes of red-garbed soldiers rushing towards their walls.

слава Уршу!” Lokmongor roared, unsheathing the greatblade from his back and hoisting it into the air like a battle-standard. His zmaj joined him in a nightmarish shriek, unhinging all three of its mouths to cry into the bloody sky. A kick from his greaves saw the zmaj leap into the air with unnatural ease. Pale red wings unfolded to either side of him as his divine creature propelled through the rain. Belching machines on metallic wings joined him in a tight formation of death.

The vityaz on the walls followed after him with battlecries of their own, ushering the warrior-hordes of the clans into a frenzy. A tidal wave of flesh, scalding skin, and armored fur flung itself off of the walls to join the battle. Each of the holy knights remained behind, wielding their wicked blades with barely contained bloodlust. Masses of servants erupted into action, manning turrets on the ramparts and supplying materials for the volkhv. Lokmongor exploded into laughter as his demesne fully lunged into the grooves of war. It would be a wonderful, bloody day for Ursh.

Lokmongor watched the two tides of rushing flesh collide in a great melee. Lances of brilliant red danced across the distance in controlled groups of volley fire, blades dug into carapaced-fur, and explosions from deadly munitions plumed along hill and crevasse alike. The crimson trees adapted to the violence, tearing the Imperials and Urshites in a blood fueled frenzy. The General knew well that the flora of his province was one of the key reasons for failed invasions. The hallowed earth would provide them victories ordained by the Primordials. Great machines on tracked treads drew his attention to the hills in the distance. Cannons vomited shells of thermonuclear devastation, bathing friend and foe in an inferno of promethic death. Imperial warriors in strange garb ignited vast fields of blood-grass with promethium-fueled flamethrowers. The Imperials, much to his chagrin, had been prepared for the assault; however, Lokmongor knew it was in vain. War migou, unchained from the walls, plunged into combat with reckless abandon. The few armored vehicles that could maneuver around the trees were decimated by behemoths of flesh sixfold blessed by the volkhv.

A war wasn’t an apt name for this, Lokmongor decided. An annihilation sat aptly in his mind as he willed the zmaj downward towards a flank of Imperials. A jet of reality-defying flames bathed a long line of red-garbed soldiers in unquenching fire. Their armor and skin melted in seconds, yet their screams could be heard for minutes at a time. His zmaj shrieked out into the blood rain with bloodthirsty joy for it had slain many. Blood bubbled at the edges of his lips as he drank in the sight of the carnage. Were he a lesser man, then he’d certainly have fallen into possession by the Primordials. A glorious fate, yet Kalagann desired something different from him.

As his zmaj swept around for another cascade of tormenting flame, Lokmongor witnessed giants clad in green-yellow suits charging through the treelines. As a servant of Kalagann, he knew them immediately for what they were.

“Thunder warriors…” He quietly stated as his zmaj descended towards the ground with new-found prey. His blood boiled with anticipation as the Emperor’s greatest knights plowed through the battlefield. Opponents worthy of sacrifice to the Primordials, Lokmongor knew their battle would be legendary. He knew them as insane warriors, berserking madmen, and hulking giants of carnage incarnate. In essence, they were similar to himself and his vityaz.

The zmaj slammed into the ground closest to the rushing tide of genewarriors, flattening a lone operator under its scaly talons. It unfurled all three of its mouths to scream a maddening roar into the waylaid genewarriors. To his joy, however, the thunder warriors counter-charged his zmaj with the insane bravery he had come to know. One leapt at him with the force of a deity, aiming downward with a powered axe. Lokmongor flicked out with his screaming greatsword, bisecting the knight in mere seconds of contact. The upper part of the cleaved Imperial landed on the zmaj, desperately attempting to murder him with callous disregard of his injuries. It brought a maddening smile to his bloodied lips.

By the Four do I treasure fighting you and your Emperor!” Lokmongor roared out as he stabbed the wounded thunder warrior through the skull, bisecting the corpse once more to affirm his kill. He felt the draw of the Blood-Taker filter through his veins, empowering him with each fight and each kill.

The rest of the genewarriors had gathered around the zmaj in a spread-out formation, narrowly avoiding his mount’s vicious attacks. One had managed to slice a talon from the creature’s foot, earning a swift decapitation from it’s bladed tail in brutal retaliation. Another pair had leapt onto the side of his beast, cutting into scales with chainblades and chainaxes. He had killed one with a swift jab of his greatblade, yet the other had dismounted after hearing their comrade cry in agony. They dove beneath his zmaj with the intent to sink their weapon into tender flesh. He cackled madly as another mouth opened across the creature’s belly, swallowing the genewarrior whole.

Satisfied with his kills, General Lokmongor willed the zmaj away from the desecrated site of his slaughter towards the walls of Kaspia. The battle had been going well. The migou feasted, the warriors butchered, and the defenses were winning a hundredfold against the Imperials. None of his vityaz had been forced to move from their defending position. The Imperial attack would be countered in a matter of minutes. Despite everything that spelled the obvious doom for the Himalazian dogs' advance, Lokmongor felt an uneasy feeling within his gut.

Where are the rest of the himalazian genedogs?” He spoke aloud, voicing his concern to the blood-rain. No sooner had he asked the question did a portion of Kaspia’s frontal wall explode into a plumming cloud of destruction. He winced at the closeness of the explosion, brightening the darkened sky and illuminating the haunting woodlands around him. It would be the first of many as separate portions of his fortress-hive went up in flame, forcing him backwards and up into the air.

As the zmaj flew through the sky, Lokmongor discovered the source of his worries. Down in the depths of the mutated woods, Imperial giants cleaved the very woodland that protected their advance. Teams of auxilia strapped incomprehensible amounts of explosives to the writhing trunks of the trees. He witnessed a single thunder warrior heft the abominate log and launch it into his beloved fortress. The device exploded the moment it contacted the rusting defenses of Kaspia, destroying the fortified home that he had made. Dozens of such teams were spread out in sporadic patterns around the hive, demolishing the entrance into the Urshic heartland with savage joy.

Anger boiled over as he cried out in defiance. The zmaj responded to his will, rushing down on pale wings of crimson towards the forests of Kaspia. Unearthly flames jettisoned from its maw, claiming several demolition teams in gouts of diabolical inferno. He yanked the chain sidewards, forcing the scaled creature to turn and unleash further destruction. Lokmongor the Bloodied would see the Imperial routed, gutted, and sacrificed to Kalagann and the Primordials.

“So be it, in their name-” The general began to shout aloud as he spun the zmaj around. To his surprise, not even he thought that one of those devices could be launched at him. A log, fastened with explosives and writhing with hungry tentacles, impacted with his zmaj. An explosion saw the torso of his mount disappear in a great cascade of gore, vitae vomiting outwards in an endless torrent. He fell through the sky as his mount died, desperately attempting to untangle from its chains.

The tainted ground of Kaspia met his gaze as the zmaj finally finished its dying descent.

The darkness that had overtaken him quickly faded as he began to clamber out from beneath the zmaj, cutting away at the pale red scales with his whispering warblade. His body ached beneath the blessed power armor, each movement threatening to tear servos and tendons. Each cut, push, and shove from beneath the dead creature was a lesson in pain - one that he was inclined to learn once more. A final slice of stinking meat from the beast was all that was needed for the light of the sky to once more bless his field of view. Ichor drenched his ruined form as he stalked out from the corpse with his greatblade raised.

Wait, light?

The polluted, blood-drenched skies of Kaspia no longer graced him with a torrent of vitae. The brilliance of Luna in full form shone down upon the crimson-stained lands of the Urshites. He desperately scanned the horizon of the battlefield with rage beginning to quell the pain spread throughout his body. To his dismay, he could physically see the bespoke horizon of Kaspia. The ancient guardians of his fortress-hive - the mutated forests - had been cleaved from their roots and his walls had been destroyed. Combat still rang out across the badlands, though his forces lay in ruins as red-garbed Imperials bayoneted lying Urshites to death.

Lokmongor suddenly drew his blade up as a group began to approach him. Though their ground-trembling footsteps revealed them, the General saw the thunder warriors walk towards him with their brutal weapons ready to slaughter. One stood a head above the rest, marching from the forefront of the genewarrior gaggle with a two-handed axe in one hand and a body in the other. He narrowed his eyes beneath his helmet as they came to ground halt some feet away from him, outside of his warblade’s cleaving range. To his surprise, he heard the one in front of the Imperial pack laughing as they came forward.

“Bit of a tough one, aren’t you General? Sigilite warned us about you, but you weren’t anything special. Nor was your witch.” The woman finally spoke, laughing loudly with the rest of the thunder warriors arrayed around her. She tossed the corpse before him, revealing the mauled form of the volkvh, Yorjolav. He realized now why the ritual had failed.

I will cut the tongue from your weeping head, woman.” Lokmongor responded, lowering the blade in preparation for a final stand. He hadn’t expected this outcome, yet the General was ready to fight with everything that he had left. His response seemed to further bemuse the thunder warrior.

“Let us see if you can do so without legs, Urshite.” She responded before gesturing with her free hand to the other thunder warrior. Quicker than he had been prepared to react, the genewarriors leveled their bulky armaments and spat deadly projectiles at him. A pair of shells pierced his legs, exploding both into wet piles of bone shrapnel and gore. Even still, Lokmongor focused his anger into a fine-tuned red haze to ignore the pain. He began to foam from the mouth as Primordial blessings took over.

Disappointing. You lot, go get a trunk for him to get mounted on,” The giantess spoke as she strode forward, her ichor-covered gauntlets hefting the two-handed axe. Lokmongor snarled out in a frenzy, foam-blood spilling out from his lips as he dragged himself forward. The whispering greatblade threatened to slash out at her as she neared. She easily evaded it with a quick sidestep, bating aside the outstretched blade with the shaft of her axe. “I want Kalagann to know that one of his greatest generals was decapitated by none other than Primarch Bodiciia of the Verdant Raiders. That’ll knock Aeternus down a peg.”

The Urshite looked up with rage in his eyes as the thunder warrior raised her axe. He barked out at her with a crazed frenzy, Urshic words spilling out like a tidal wave of filth. It lasted no longer than it had began. With a single downward cleave of her axe, Lokmongor passed knowing that the great citadel of Kaspia had fallen. Flames like living tendrils trailed into the sky as the last of the Urshite barbarians were wiped from Kaspian valley.

Hidden 5 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
Avatar of MarshalSolgriev

MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

The Unification of Abyssna

-Before the Battle of Nordyc, Before the Battle of Ouran-

Great, towering mesas rose high into the sky as mighty bastions of Terra’s natural, remaining majesty. Tall, emerald growth dotted the base of these stony formations in sparse clumps, daring the corrosive nature of humanity to claim what little beauty remained. Small oases of wild water pooled upon rock ridgelines, trickling down from the busted remains of manmade pipelines. Immense, mutated avians encircled several areas with their multichromatic feathers beating against polluted wind. Where once fantastical creatures would roam golden flatland from mountain to sea, now haunting monsters stalk blasted wasteland in feral hunting packs. Inhospitable sun pounded against torturous sand through dark, rusty clouds, raining heat and toxic haze upon those that miraculously survived Abyssna’s deserts.

Worse yet was the monstrosities that humanity had raised up from Abyssna’s harsh soil. Monolithic spires of twisted metal rose sharply in the arid sky, complimented only by several hundred miles of rustic shacks and billowing factorums. The tallest of these overwhelming towers claimed the great mesas as their sanctuaries, grand communities of individuals that walled off their territory from the dredges of society. Tremendous maglev systems coiled from rocky peak to the ramshackle communities below in an infinite circuit of supply and demand. Divided territory could only be insinuated based on these gargantuan trains, repurposed to ensure the status quo of overseer and enslaved.

A status quo that was broken when the Master of the Lines came trudging through Abyssna’s winding valleys. The request for peaceful integration of the scattered Abyssynian spire-kings was met with violence, messengers sent back in body bags or worse. The Imperium took direct action as the overseers of the mesas laughed to themselves at the upstart Emperor’s feeble attempt at conquest. Armies of soldiers loyal to Unity drove a wedge into blasted wasteland from the Rub Al’Khali Desert, several kilometers of armored convoys and genewarrior legions marching into Abyssnan territory. In those moments, these would-be rulers grew fearful and desperate. Long-range ballistic missiles had been launched at the Imperials out of panic and distress. Despite the sheer loss of life, they continued their enduring march closer and closer through ramshackle huts and palatine walls alike.

The Raptor quickly flew over spire-cities within the first year of the Abyssnian invasion. Fortified borders were crushed to dust by leviathan battle tanks the size of two-story structures. Tracked vehicles carrying payloads of atomic ballistics rained hell upon especially stubborn cities, demolishing the last surviving bits of Terra’s natural wonder in Abyssna. Hell was unleashed from fat-bellied, sub-orbital aeronautical craft armed to the teeth with malevolent autocannons and maleficent bombs. Mortal men in yellow, reinforced carapace stormed areas unaffected by the maelstrom of destruction, while hulking genewarriors obliterated heavily entrenched positions unreachable by long ranged explosives. Shielded cities were breached by stationary artillery the size of hab-blocks, mammothine gouts of brilliant plasma exploding forth from colossal cannons. Victory closed in with each city that fell, either captured or reduced to smoldering ruins.

One metropolis of unified resistance remained to be slaughtered. Abbaba. The core and capital of the Abyssnian conglomerate. A monolithic tribute to Old Terra, such so that it would have rivaled a hive were it any larger in size. Five, spiky spires rose into the sky from the center of the city with an exceedingly thick central hub. Recently destroyed magrail lines trailed out of the walls, sabotaged by their own people in desperation. Curiously, not a single weapon rose out from within Abbaba’s fortified walls. It lacked surface-to-orbit weapons, city-based turrets, or even rows of blinking landmines to deter assaults. Instead, a shimmering shield of blossoming energy whirled around each bastion to envelope all of Abyssna’s final city.

Shells dropped from the sky, accelerated by promethium propellant and pure hatred, to shatter against Abbaba’s prismatic shield. The warhead hit and exploded sending plumes of wrathful inferno cascading in all directions. Flames savagely licked against the forcefield in vain as the void shield stood firm even against a single attack of such malevolent devastation. Several more fired from several kilometers away, threatening to break or pierce the Abyssnian aegis. Explosions ignited, plentiful enough to send a great plume of smoke upwards into Terra’s polluted skies. And Abbaba still stood.

Commander Markus Kaine watched from atop a great, multistoried tank with magnoculars pressing against his eye sockets. The magnified device confirmed the worst possible scenario for someone in his position. A rain of artillery from behind him had poured everything they had in their initial stockpile to glass several hundred kilometers of ground from here to Indoi. With that same thought, he noticed that sand around the void shield had turned brittle and crystalline. His forehead furrowed with frustration, sweat beading down from bare augmented scalp to scarred lip. To his immediate left, a vox operator had been squeamishly relaying new information gathered from other regiments in the area. To his right, another one of his officers was analyzing historical records on a dataslate, preciously given to his detachment from the Sigillites.

“... Foxblade reports failures in sectors one-delta and two-bravo. Nightsong has recouped in our previously conquered spire-city, they’re enroute at the current moment with another thousand men and a hundred tanks. Fallknight has received casualties in multitudes, all self-inflicted after attempting to charge through Abbaba’s void shield. Winterdog repeats his previous report that the Abyssnians haven’t taken any action against their battalion. There’s more, sir, we’ve gotten a message from the Abyssal Hierarch on a general voxcast.” The operator spoke, his voice far too young and far too quick for Kaine’s liking. The reports had all been the same: no attack could penetrate Abbaba and the Abyssnians wouldn’t fight back. He desperately wished to be drowning in amasec right at that moment, but Markus lowered his magnoculars at the operator’s final words. A nod of his head was all the gesticulation the young officer needed to switch nets.

-Peace. Your munitions are useless against the might of Abbaba. You may have conquered all of our neighbors, but we have survived for millennia by Abyssna’s will. Lay down your arms, Master of the Line’s dogs, and we can conduct a cordial meeting on equal footing and fair grounds. We repeat the demands that we previously wished for: to live apart from your master’s domain and continue our independent existence. With this we can pursue peace-” A man with a deep voice and a throaty accent repeated over the general vox, the message repeating over and over again until the operator switched to their encrypted network. Markus gritted his teeth together in irritation, audibly enough that either of his officers recoiled from the sound.

“Unacceptable. How are they still able to function!? We’ve tried termite assault drills, sub-orbital bombardments, artillery strikes, magnetic dissonance cannons, and every atomic in our arsenal. Reggy, you better find me an answer or so help me you’ll be in the next wave charging at this thing.” Commander Kaine screamed in frustration, turning his attention to the officer on his right hand side. The confused officer, a young adult with tired eyes and an unshaven face, merely stared back with irritated, glossed over eyes. As if it were a testament of willpower, Reginald Shoth glared back with as much annoyance that he could muster.

“With all due respect, Commander,” Reginald began to speak with a tone as slow as a sloth and as deep as a hab block’s sewer network. His lips were cracked to the point of bleeding, eyes with enormous bags beneath them, and skin more ragged than a wasteland dog's underbelly. “We would either need several macrocannon shells launched from orbit, or a full Thunder Legion with disintegration cannons to make any progress into this thing. According to this slate, these shields could withstand several hours of direct combat in space before falling short to recharge. Now would be a good time to ask for assistance from the nearby warzones.”

Markus knew Reginald to be a cocky, slow, and depressing member of their brigade, but he never failed to grow on his ire. If Reggy had been holding a cup of recaff in one of his hands, then Kaine would’ve surely smacked it out of his sad mitts. The Commander of the Tenth Excertus Imperialis, Fourteenth Division simply settled for slapping the slate out of his hands. His officer slowly watching as the datapad fell onto their vehicle’s metallic plating. A pair of confused, tired eyes turned back to him.

Shut up, Reggy,” Markus stated, a tone of disappointment and irritation blending together to showcase his dismay. Reginald shook his head in disbelief before picking up the dataslate and returning to analyzing their opponent’s defenses. One of the commander’s gloved hands gestured for the vox operator’s casting devices, another pair of uncomfortable eyes staring at him in confusion. “Don’t be like Reggy and give me the damn vox, Abe.”

Uncertainty filled the young operator's actions as he slowly adjusted his device closer and untethered it from a relay hook. Commander Markus removed one of the communication reels from the bulky voxcaster and brought it close to his lips. Kaine licked his lips in anticipation, hoping for some sort of martial salvation to grace his campaign. He needed something, anything, even just a single one of his liege’s black armored knights. Maybe even Aristagorus, the Slaughterer of Memphos, could assist them.

This is Commander Markus Kaine of the Tenth Excertus Imperialis, Fourteenth Division, we are requesting dire, specialized assistance in the central Abyssnian region in the siege of Abbaba. These damn defenders are using a city-wide void shield. We will continue to assault the capital city, but we’re running out of options.” Markus stated into the voxcaster, eyeing Reginald who held a single approving thumb up. He made a mental note to drill more discipline into his cocky aide once the campaign was completed. Regardless, even with his pressing the voxreceiver, only static seemed to pour through on their encrypted voxnet. Commander Kaine already knew it was a long shot with most of their forces spread infinitely thin between the Midafrik Polity and the cities of Nabatae. All of the Thunder Legions in their immediate area had either been recalled or engaged in wanton slaughter at Spire Gondar.

Silence followed for several minutes, the sounds of booming artillery and ear-shattering cannons filling the void where a voice would normally be. Abe and Reggy listened with keen interest while simultaneously performing their duties. One of Markus’ hands idly scratched scarred, irritated flesh on his augmented scalp. Every moment that passed was another centimeter of raw skin scraped. Anxiety entered his body as if it were a spirit, nearly compelling him to rip off whatever flesh remained atop his head. Finally, thankfully so, something responded to the Fourteenth Commander. Noise crackled violently from the other end of the vox as if the speaker was traveling through a windtunnel.

Your request has been answered. Prepare for the warriors of the Thirteenth and Fifteenth.” The speaker said with a voice deeper than any human he had ever met, akin to that of his liege’s personal knights. He felt a smile grow on his cracked lips. Exaltation filled his body with fresh vigor. Markus felt himself grow with giddiness as if he were ready to outperform any general under the Master’s command. The Fourteenth Commander swiftly replied with barely contained joy.

“Excellent! I’ll prepare a landing zone at coordinates alpha-thirty-nine through alpha-forty-three. My operative will encrypt and send geographical data. We eagerly await your arrival!” Markus had said, believing that whoever these ‘Thirteenth’ and ‘Fifteenth’ warriors were would secure his victory. Reggy shared the commander’s enthusiasm with a small, tired smile, while Abe grew a great grin upon his youthful features. The stalemate that Abbaba had forced on them would surely change after they arrived, this Kaine knew for certain.

As the voxcaster fell silent from their encrypted transmission, Commander Markus Kaine began preparations for their reinforcement’s arrival. One gesture of his right hand saw Reginald furiously ducking back into their command vehicle, while another gesture saw Abe voxcalling a clear order within their backlines. All around him the Fourteenth Division shifted, turned, and adjusted to account for incoming allies. Huge, tracked vehicles with enormous cannons lowered and moved further away in anticipation. Armored machines with quad barrels aimed towards the sky rolled back from their offensive lines. A myriad of ground troops in the veritable crimson and gray of their battalion mass migrated closer to Abbaba, holstering their weapons and carrying plentiful barricades for protection. A clear landing zone had been swiftly made available, marked by quad glowglobes with blinking, red lights. Kaine watched from atop his leviathan tank, magnoculars scanning the skies furthest away from their position.

No more than thirty minutes passed before dark shapes began to dot arid skies. Fat-bellied stormbirds and skylance gunships slowly descended with their prow weapons spraying volleys against Abbaba’s void shield. Bullets harmlessly bounced off in a hail of fire, sending cascading ripples of energy around the barrier. While vulcan cannons and anti-armor missiles flew loose, other transports in vastly different colorations rapidly approached the dropzone. Some flew in with bronze and black hues, others with silver and lavender. All of them were devoid of unique sigil other than that of the Raptor. The aerial assault concluded as soon as landing gear touched arid ground, the swarm quickly turning away to engage other threats in the immediate area.

The Fourteenth Commander had since egressed from his command vehicle, rapidly approaching the dropzone with both Reginald and Abe at his sides. A cluster of lesser officers and aides trailed behind him, dataslates in hand and voxbeads in ears. Markus hadn’t expected their arrival for hours to come, but he was pleasantly surprised that they arrived when they did. Kaine patted dust off his uniform, a thick trenchcoat with carapace and fatigues beneath it, in anticipation.

What he hadn’t expected was who came out of the arriving stormbirds. At first sight, Markus had suspected Thunder Warriors or the Master’s personal knights. As they grew closer, Commander Kaine realized he was cooperating with neither. Huge soldiers in powered armor ambled down their transport’s assault ramps, heavy footsteps reverberating off metallic plating. A variety of weapons filled their gauntlets from chugging chainswords, daunting power armaments, or hulking boltslingers. They were as silent as a corpse, perhaps speaking over private communication or disciplined to a fault. The Fourteeth Commander felt a sense of unease as they approached him.

A trio of bronze and black armored giants stood before Commander Markus, their raiments akin to that of the Thunder Warriors with several sophisticated exceptions. In comparison to the previously mentioned, they were several inches shorter and thinner. Knightly helmets with orange lenses glared down at him, one of their number wielding a metallic scorpion where a crest would normally attach. All three of them wore some variation of tabard in dark hues, one with additional leather straps and another with shaven skulls attached to silver hooks. Their left pauldrons held a single numeral, while paired scorpions arranged around a numeral of thirteen inscribed on their right shoulder. A number of their gauntlets were fashioned into sharp talons, while chains attached to their weapons rattled with each step. Kaine felt fear build up in his sternum as they watched his movements.

“Commander Kaine, I am Legion Master Zaid ibn N’dar, and you stand in the presence of the Bronze Scorpions of the Thirteenth. Refrain from discussing our plan of attack until the Sirens have arrived. I would prefer an equal playing field.” The first of their number, Zaid, spoke through his voxgrills with a voice that could rupture unaugmented ears. Markus felt himself flinch after the first word had been uttered, yet he didn’t mind the more tactical tone of the genewarrior. He barely had time to recover before the next group sauntered towards their position.

Following behind him, the second wave of armored dropships began to disgorge their cargo, stolid lines of silver and lavender warriors descending from the craft. Many adorned in symbols of the Achaemenid Empire and its peoples, some bearing the signs of noble houses etched upon their armor. All moved with a fluidity and grace that belied by the heavy armor and powerful weapons they carried. From their number, a select few separated themselves to approach Commander Kaine, and the Bronze Scorpions.

The lead of their number, the imperial raptor emblazoned in glimmering silver upon their pauldrons, drew level with Zaid, nodding to each in turn. A moment elapsed, and the lavender warrior raised their hands to their helmet, and with a hiss of pneumatic seals being released, removed the armor and tucked it under their - her arm. Long hair seeming to be woven from strands of pure silver cascaded from where it had been bunched up beneath the helmet, and her smile was that of a practiced, regal figure.

“There is no need to deafen the poor man, certainly the artillery has done enough.” She said, gently chastising her counterpart, before looking back to Commander Kaine. “I am Princess Pantea Haxamanisya, Master of the Fifteenth Legion, Sirens of Terra. I understand you require our aid. How may we serve the Emperor today?”

Where Markus had been drawn to fear by the presence of the Bronze Scorpions, a new emotion bubbled up from within himself at the sight of the Sirens. He awed at the sheer brilliance of their forms, admiring armor and weaponry alike in the same glance. Yet further still, he was awestruck by the bewitching looks of the Fifteenth’s Master. Never before had he seen such a warrior in equal parts beautiful and deadly, not even the blade dancers of Franc could compare. Before he could shake himself from a stupor, Master Zaid decided to speak first.

“Such confidence, Pantea. I wouldn’t recommend removing one’s helmet in an active warzone, lest you fall before me. ” Zaid scolded his legionnaire counterpart in a playful tone, crossing his arms as he watched the mortal commander become starstruck with her appearance. Noticed by the observant eyes of the Bronze Scorpion, Markus straightened himself out and mustered a nonplussed demeanor. A small smile broke out upon the Legion Master’s hidden lips, teeth flashing beneath the helmet. “Look, you’ve even broken the commander of this operation with your appearance. The Emperor would be displeased.”

“I am perfectly fine, Master Zaid! I was merely in awe of how different you appear to your fellow thunder warriors. I simply cannot fathom how our Master could make such starkly different genewarriors of the same genome, please forgive me.” Commander Kaine urgently replied, shaking off a blush that began to brighten his face. One of his gloved hands reached up to adjust the formal cap glued to his head. Finally free of his embarrassment, he gestured for Lieutenant Reginald to come forward from behind. Similarly stricken by the Sirens of Terra, Reggy awakened to reality and stepped forward with a pair of dataslates tucked beneath his arms. Both were offered to Zaid and Pantea in his outstretched hands.

Pantea smirked, “Confidence indeed, dearest Zaid. Do you not have confidence in fellow servants of the Emperor to secure a safe headquarters for briefing us?” She winked at Kaine, taking no small amusement in his flustered response, “I for one have the fullest confidence in the capabilities of Commander Kaine and his subordinates, he would not have requested our aid were he incompetent, after all.” She regarded him for a moment longer, “Temporary cessation of higher mental functions, however, is normal I find.” She said, chuckling. “Nevertheless, despite the circumstances they have performed admirably. I am honored to come to the aid of such noble warriors as yourselves.” She nodded to Commander Kaine and to Reginald, smiling.

“Now then, let us see what you’ve prepared your guests, hm?” She took the proffered dataslate, examining its contents with a raised eyebrow as she looked back up to him and to Zaid. “Formidable defenses indeed. I can see why you requested our aid.” She paused, her lip curling as she listened to a recording of one of the fortresses’ broadcasts, “They are rather insolent, aren’t they? I suppose we will need to teach them some manners. Have you identified any weak spots within the defenses? Something vulnerable to smaller strike teams. Attempting a frontal assault against such a fortress would end little better for ourselves than for you. However, if we can infiltrate the defenses we ought be able to destroy the void shield, or even cut the head off the snake entirely.”

“Flattery is unbecoming of a war machine like yourself, Pantea, yet I don’t dislike your habit of biting back.” Master Zaid chortled in a playful tone, grabbing one of the dataslates extended to him by Reginald. A quick scan of the information available to them made the situation clearer than he had expected. An impregnable fortress surrounded by a myriad of oversaturated defenses, yet the Abyssnans lacked in total offensive power. The Bronze Scorpion felt himself snarl at the thought of a drawn-out fight. A pair of orange lenses swerved to Commander Kaine as he spoke once more. “I find myself in agreement with the Sirens, Commander. All of your assaults have failed, including your previous subterranean incursion with assault drills. They will either need to be baited, infiltrated, or tricked into compliance.”

Markus felt another flood of embarrassment as the Siren spoke, yet he quickly recovered with a brush of his hand. He shared a glance with Reginald as the two genewarriors reviewed the data, a thought forming between them as Zaid finished speaking. “Firstly, to Master Pantea, no weak spots have been identified in the sixty-two hours of conflict we’ve engaged in. Ballistics, plasma, radiation, and short-range armor-mounted disintegration cannons have all been tested against the void shield in vain. Small teams of special operatives with meltaguns and charges have attempted to open a breach in several areas with no luck. Nothing short of orbital bombardment, if we had void ships, would cause Abbaba’s shield to falter.” A pang of humility entered his tone as Kaine painted the scene of their entire invasion. Realization had dawned on him that all of their work had been for naught, pointless grinding against a nigh invulnerable opponent.

“Secondly, to Master Zaid, you are correct in your assessment that all of our assaults have failed. Paradrops, termite assault drills, and frontal assaults have all garnished casualties. We’ve attempted to parlay, as you can hear from the recordings, but they refuse to even meet our transmissions unless it’s on their terms. We’ve even threatened to scorch all of Abyssna. No dice.” Commander Kaine crossed his arms as he recounted their attempts at diplomacy. He’d forever remember the way that Abbaba’s hierarch had laughed at each attempt. An injustice to the Master of the Lines for certain. Before Markus could begin speaking again, Zaid raised a bronze gauntlet up to halt him from talking.

“All of your efforts have failed, Commander, yet you intentionally avoid degrading yourself with other options. In this, the Bronze Scorpions will succeed where you had failed. We will wage a terror campaign on their city until their spirits have broken. A physical shield is nothing to the shattered spirits of a man. We will round up every Abyssnian in the local area and broadcast their cries to goad Abbaba into an attack. Failing that, Abbaba will be stalked until the day a breach occurs, however,” The Master of the Bronze Scorpions began to speak, witnessing the eyes of Markus Kaine widen at the suggested plan. A small part of Zaid found morbid amusement in the reaction of mortals, yet he was more than happy to propagate any amount of slaughter in His name. One of the Commander’s staff turned stark white after a moment of consideration. His lips curled upwards as he spoke again, orange lenses swiveling to the unhelmeted genewarrior beside him. “I’m certain that the Sirens have a more lucrative way of blasting apart Abbaba’s shields.”

“Flattery? Why you wound me, Master Zaid. Flattery would be to imply your skills with a volkite gun are legendary rather than exceptional.” She smiled, “Nevertheless, my assessment is that the assaults have failed not due to the ineptitude of the attackers themselves, and I salute their courage in service to our Emperor. Rather, assaulting the fortress is itself where the folly lies.” She gestured at the dataslate. “This fortress is a work of art, each aspect flowing into the next. It stands like a wall of steel, sentinels standing guard to cast aside any foolish enough to attack it head on. I would be surprised if there were weaknesses in its defenses - weaknesses we could exploit, at any rate.”

She looked up to Zaid as he laid out his plans, a single eyebrow raised over an emerald eye. She caught sight of Commander Kaine’s increasingly alarmed expression, but waited her turn to speak. When it came, she simply chuckled. “Why blast them apart? This is a fortress that would serve the Emperor well. I certainly have no intention of handing over to him an unusable pile of rubble.” She smiled, “I believe the situation can be resolved with the… personal touch. You say you have attempted negotiations? I’d like to try my own hand at it, if you wouldn’t mind. The gentler touch can find a way past armor that will stop even the greatest blows.”

Dagger and Blade, is it?” The bronze scorpion intoned, fresh energy forming in his voice at the proposal of a previously orchestrated plan. Thoughts, plans, and actions of another immediately filtered through his brain without a second thought. One of his blackened gauntlets gestured for either of the genewarriors behind him to approach. A deafened click echoed out of his crested helmet, an audible cue registering private communication between Zaid and the other scorpions. The legion master was responded to with a nod by the bronze warrior, turning around and marching away to engage the rest of their clade. Another click registered outward communication through his voxgrills. “Then it shall be done. The Thirteenth will support you as always. What do you propose?”

Commander Kaine, previously shaken by Zaid’s terror campaign proposal, felt relief physically pass throughout his body. It was echoed by Reginald, who shared a thankful look with Markus. The rest of the staff seemed more content with the Siren’s renewed attempt at diplomacy, a collection of emotions fading away from their previous tension. The bronze scorpion’s master, keenly aware of their distaste for his proposal, audibly clicked his tongue in distaste.

“Yes, yes! Absolutely! The Emperor would be most thankful to own Abbaba without its people slaughtered and its walls broken. One member of my staff, Abraham, can certainly connect you to the Abyssal Hierarch’s transmissions. If you’re lucky, then we could interrupt his voxloop long enough for a parlay proposal to go through. How can we assist, Princess Pantea?” Commander Kaine said, invigorated by a proposal that didn’t end in butchery. Euphoria won out over suspicion in this regard, he was simply happy that even a thunder warrior was capable of choosing a more diplomatic route than repeatedly headbutting the enemy to death. He waved Abe over with urgency in his gesticulation, the young voxcaster hurriedly running over with the vox strapped to his back. As he awaited, Markus felt a pang of worry that it was a vein operation. They had already attempted this route, yet something about the Sirens filled him with new courage and faith- no, with hope.

“As I said before, a dagger is a blade, but you are correct.” She said, nodding, and glancing back toward her own soldiers. Though she said nothing, after a moment, they began to move as well, speaking quietly amongst themselves and reorganizing their formation in response to some inaudible command. Pantea herself, however, turned her attention back to Zaid and to Commander Kaine. “Simple, really.” She said, beaming, “I’ll ask them to have a nice little chat. If they want to stay independent, there are deals that need to be negotiated, trade matters, passage of civilian and military personnel, airspace ordnances.” She grinned, “I can hardly have that conversation outside screaming through a vox-hailer, can I?”

She raised a finger to silence any objection, “And, perhaps when face to face with me and my wonderful irresistible charms, this Hierarch may find he likes the idea of being under Imperial rule. There are many wonderful benefits - but it is difficult to explain these from behind an artillery piece. Not that I fault you or any of your men of course, Commander Kaine, you have followed your orders splendidly.” She extended a hand, patting the man on the head as one might congratulate a child who had accomplished something small. Pantea then added, almost as if an afterthought, “And, if they prove resistant to such persuasion, I will be inside their walls and there will be no void shield between me and them.”

She turned to the voxcaster, beaming at him, “Ah, thank you young man. If you don’t mind?” She did not wait for him to say anything, merely extending her hand to take the hailer and raise it to her lips, speaking into it. “My dearest Hierarch of Abyssna, please accept my sincere apologies for the rude treatment you have received at the hands of my compatriots. I am Princess Pantea Haxamanisya of the Achaemenid Empire, and a loyal servant of the Emperor of Mankind. Please, accept my personal apology as well for the harshness and rude treatment your noble people have suffered! The Emperor does not wish such devastation upon Terra, least of all such a wondrous people as your own! If I may, I and my honor guard beg an audience with you within your beautiful home, to discuss the details of your relation to the Imperium. Would you grant me this boon?”

Silence greeted Pantea as the open vox crackled, influenced only by the occasional barrage locations further from their own. The loop that had been routinely cycling through the network had momentarily halted as her words echoed across the invisible battlefield. Markus eyed the hailer with anticipation, his studious voxcaster standing statue still as the dusken deity awaited a response. Legion Master Zaid appeared idly watched with his orange lenses, yet slight movements of his head confirmed that his true thoughts lie elsewhere at that moment. The pregnant moment finally broke as the receiver began to violently thunder to life with the familiar voice of Abbaba’s Hierarch. Lieutenant Reginald quickly retrieved his personal dataslate, recording each and every syllable uttered with insane precision.

Pantea of the Achaemenid Empire? Another great nation of dogs bowing their heads for even a single sip of water from their master’s bowl. Your people know no honor, Princess Haxamanisya, as they decided to lean on a Himalazian warlord to handle their problems. Your arrival has only announced the defeat of your ‘Emperor’s’ forces, yet I am no fool to simply agree to parlay. No, I shall hear the terms half-way from your position to Abbaba. In approximately three hours, you will meet with my representatives and I shall hear your words through them. Reel back all of your forces exactly thirteen kilometers in conjunction with our agreement. Should you run with your tail beneath your legs, dog, then I won’t fault you. You’ll return to the ‘Emperor’ knowing that Ephrem Abimelech Abay forced you to.” The Abyssal Hierarch, Ephrem, spoke with a deep voice full of conviction and overwhelming confidence. Each mention of the Imperial title was met with a sound that resembled one spitting against tile. No sooner had the Abyssnan ruler responded did he cut the vox completely, returning the general network to the previous looping transmission. As the Imperials began to react with a mixture of emotions, the vox began to crackle to life once more. “Oh, and bring the coward that had screamed for help over the network. I would see the face of one who could not crack Abbaba’s superior defenses.” It cut once more as Abbaba’s citadel-lord guffawed.

“I’ll murder the entirety of his dynasty and hang their flayed bodies across Abbaba.” Legion Master Zaid plainly stated before the rest of the gathered Imperials had recovered from their stupor. There was a silent fury to the Scorpion’s voice, one accompanied by the telltale signs of one’s mouth curled into a snarl. His controlled rage was felt by the officers gathered around Abraham. Commander Kaine, however, appeared briefly stricken with white skin at the thought of personally dealing with Abbaba’s ruler. The genewarrior continued to speak in a louder tone than previously spoken. “Dagger and Blade would not suit this, Pantea. I suggest Siege and Slaughter. We could still keep the casualty margin below forty percent, like in the Nordafrik Conclaves.”

Markus furrowed his brows at the sound of a rather distasteful plan, yet he certainly felt compelled to lean into such fury. He shook himself free of fear and bloodlust, raising a hand to offer his own advice between the two genewarriors. “His words were damnably concerning, but Master Pantea has at least managed to bait out a party of the Abbabans. Something that we’ve failed to do in the many hours we’ve been shelling their position. Are you certain about this agreement? It’s definitely a trap.” His voice was full of concern for even thunder warriors were known to have problems with particularly entrenched opponents. Commander Kaine would rather see both of the genewarriors alive and victorious. Reginald’s incessant tapping against his dataslate momentarily halted as the gathered Imperials hung on Pantea’s next words.

Pantea looked harshly to Zaid, her expression having remained an impassive, utterly serene one throughout the Hierarch’s entire tirade. But now she scowled at Zaid, the first time she had shown even the slightest hint of displeasure. “You will do no such thing.” She hissed, narrowing her eyes. “Do that, and we destroy a fortress that can serve us for centuries to come and send a signal that we, and you are naught but the barbarian brutes of a distant master they claim we are. I will not see this scene become an abattoir of ten million of the Emperor’s servants just to sate your ego.”

A long, heavy sigh followed her words as she examined the fortress, before finally turning back to Commander Kaine. “Well, Commander Kaine, how do you fancy meeting the Hierarch?”

Before Markus was able to respond to the inquiry, Legion Master Zaid took a menacing step forward to Princess Pantea. He raised a single, bronze talon-tipped digit to the Siren. In close proximity to the Scorpion, she could hear the genewarrior fuming beneath his voxgrills. The other bronze knight that had accompanied him clapped a gauntlet on Zaid’s pauldron, forcing the orange lenses to momentarily swivel to his subordinate. A shallow, calming breath eased through the dusken entity’s lips as he regarded Pantea once more.

You would be wise to remember that you are not some bastion of purity amongst our number. Your warriors are the most deplorable of them all for I have seen what they can do. I swear upon a thousand and one grains of sand that you will end up proving your monstrous side once again. We may be different, Pantea, but the Emperor’s work all originated from a specific type of warrior. I wish you luck, Fifteenth Master. The Scorpions will pursue their own slaughter.” Zaid rattled off in a calm, collected frenzy of criticisms and assurances. One particular phrase was spoken in a language unfamiliar to Pantea, yet he made no motion to correct himself. Immediately after speaking, the Bronze Scorpion turned away and slowly approached the rest of his cohort. The knight that had calmed the Legion Master gave a polite bow of his head before joining his commander. Imperial officers were rendered fearfully speechless once more, casting worrisome gazes between Zaid and Pantea.

Markus cleared his throat to draw his gaggle of officers and Pantea’s attention. He clasped his arms behind his back and perked up to raise an air of confidence about his form. “To answer your question, I do not fancy meeting the Hierarch. Fear be damned though. The Emperor wants Abbaba and we will certainly give it to him wrapped tightly in gift wrap. I will order a ceasefire effective immediately, pull our forces back to the requested distance, and then meet you at the directed coordinates. Almost like a date, except I’ve never dated before in my entire life. For that you’ll have to forgive me, Lady Pantea.” He awkwardly chuckled, earning a groan from Lieutenant Reginald.

Pantea showed not a hint of emotion through the Scorpion master’s tirade, her face remaining as impassive and neutral as it had through the Hierarch’s own rantings. Only as she turned did a ghost of emotion cross her features - exasperation, more than anything else. Exasperation with the brutish ways of her comrades, and the ease with which they were roused to acts of massacre. Perhaps it was simply the difference in their stations, the difference in how they had been raised. What she remembered of mortal life was careful training in both blade and the courtly arts of the Achaemenid Empire. How never to commit the deadly sin of lying, for to do such was to usher in the same darkness into her heart that had helped bring about the time of strife they lived in now. How to spare just as much with her mind and her words as with a blade. How to use the gifts - or perhaps a curse - she had been born with, now only strengthened by the geneseed she had been enhanced by. How to hold herself when speaking. How to keep her anger in check when those beneath her insulted her and her station. An upbringing fraught with danger, every gilded lily hiding an equally gilded blade.

Zaid had never had that, she forced herself to remember. He had never been trained in that. His was a wholly different upbringing. A harsher one than hers, for sure. And perhaps the geneseed that had crafted him and his brothers into the warriors they now were played a role, too. To her sensibilities, violence was the last resort of Emperors - and of princesses. The Emperor’s vision for humanity was a beautiful one, one she shared in wholly. She despaired to see it brought about in so much fire and blood - humanity was beautiful, in her eyes, and she wanted as little human blood spilt in pursuit of its perfection as possible.

That, and her Legion was small. Unlike those other creations of the Emperor, they could not count on easy reinforcements. Every one of them was trained to a level even beyond that of the norm, for every one of them that died was a blow felt as harshly as five or ten in another legion. Finding suitable candidates was a maddening task, and one made all the harder every time one of their number fell in battle. Were she honest with herself, moreso than her desire to avoid human blood spilt she desired not to see her forces ground down by attrition in fighting every battle. And of her stated monstrous side… well. That would remain to be seen.

All of this and more flashed through her mind in an instant as she watched Zaid storm off, before turning to Commander Markus, an eyebrow raised at his words and a thin smile on her lips, “You are bold and fearless, Commander. I admire that in a man. Now come, I have a city to win us. You will ride with me.”

Artoris of the Black Blade Clade, Thirteenth Legion, waited beneath the sands feeling naked, deprived of his powered garments bar a thin veil of tan wrapped around his body. He could feel the grains around him shift, confirming the presence of his three other fellow warriors. One of his fists tightly clenched a combat knife as long as a mortal man’s torso, while the other sprawled out through the badland warmth. They had waited there for hours, staring out beneath the pale dunes at the Abyssnan stronghold. His clade was not alone in this ordeal. Tens of groups crawled at inhumanly slow rates towards Abbaba, awaiting the moment to spring their collective trap; however, it was their task alone that victory’s laurels rested upon.

His skin prickled as the sands shifted once more. None of his warriors had dared to move in such a precarious way, thus meaning that their target was arriving. A black transport as bulky as a gunship and as long as a maglev skimmed across the badlands on invisible wings. He noted the particular use of grav-tech that the Abyssnans used from previous campaigns against their people for future use. Regardless, it closed the distance from the mile-high gates of Abbaba to the diligent host of the Fifteenth. Artoris pondered the necessity of the show of force by their cousin cohort. Perhaps their Legion Master had a different plan than their own?

He refocused as the transport crawled to a halt half a kilometer away from the Fifteenth’s grand host. A frail figure in gold-and-black robes emerged with a squadron of warriors as tall as the Thirteenth’s knights with armor as bulky as their predecessors. Great spears with fearsome barrels on the end hummed dangerously in the hands of the Abbysian cohort. Artoris was reminded of the Emperor’s own protectors and their similar armaments. His eyes flitted between the two as select representatives marched across the badlands to begin their negotiations. Mistress Pantea, lord of the Fifteenth, was amongst their number with the short, squat form of Markus Kaine, Commander of the Fourteenth Division. A pair of lilac genewarriors and mortal attendants followed their masters. Even from here, he could tell that the Abyssnan delegate was stunned by their Liege’s genemastery.

It would have to suffice for a distraction. Artoris and his other three warriors silently slipped from the sands with their bodies crouched into an inhuman contortion. They flitted across the cracked grounds as daytime phantoms, their lithe forms and tan garments masquerading their approach to the Abyssnan transport. As they approached the great obsidian leviathan, the Black Blades slid across the pale grains beneath the vehicle. Knives, fists, and feet clung to the bottom of the hovering transport with fierce tension. They knew one mistake could end up their carcasses being flattened to atomic pulps; however, the Thirteenth were built for this. It was coded into their enhanced genealogy, yet Artoris couldn’t help but feel that he had been detected. After ruling out discovery by the Abyssnans, he decided that it had been the Mistress of the Fifteenth - or, more unlikely, the stout mortal man that commanded the Fourteenth Division.

Preposterous. He elected to rule out that possibility as the delegates finished their business with the Mistress and the Commander. Unsurprisingly, only the representatives for the Imperium were marshaled towards the transport. The vast host that the Fifteenth had brought were left behind, their emotions cloaked by frowning and knightly helmets alike. His Legion Master would certainly pride himself on their failure. He had even foreseen that their convoy would be attacked once they reached inside of the hive. Artoris wondered if Mistress Pantea had known this as well, thus gathered her cohort for combat in such large numbers - or perhaps he pondered on too many things.

The obsidian transport rumbled as directional hover-boosters turned to adjust the vehicle’s course. Small whorls of sand twisted beneath them as the Abyssnans began their short journey back into the grace of Abbaba. He spent the short trip checking over the additional wargear that the Legion Master had allowed him. Three explosives and five throwing knives had been added to his kit as requested. Artoris had similarly kitted out his clade with likewise armaments. He felt no need to steel himself for the coming battle for it was already skewed in favor of His Imperium.

Abbaba passed overhead, a veritable bastion of stone as old as humanity. Ramparts were manned by the Abyssnans, yet their parapets weren’t crewed by field guns or titanic cannons from the darkest ages. The portcullis, reinforced thricefold by precise metal and ancient shielding technology, opened mile-high doors to the oncoming transport. Artoris prepared for a biometric scan of the vehicle, yet none came as they hovered to a slow creep further into the aged walls. He could only assume that they acted in arrogance, knowing that they held enemies in their cargo, clueless of potential infiltrators. That thought, however, would prove his undoing.

Five minutes passed as the black hovercraft slowly crept through the dense hiveways of Abbaba. None dared pay attention to the vehicle, crewed only by the Hierarch’s enforcers, thus turning a blind eye to the infiltrators if they ever witnessed them. No maglev or ascender awaited them in their short journey as Abbaba’s dense city was wide and expansive compared to other hives of greater elevation or depth. All the same, Artoris saw them first before the drivers would. A crowd of warriors in uniquely patterned power armor, parts of their ebony skin exposed to the wind adorned with a plethora of cultural markings. Heavy spears with vapor-cannons, great blades with plasma-tubes, and great axes with boltslingers were held at the ready. It seems the delegation had broken down, yet it did not dismay Artoris in the slightest. The transport halted in the path of the Hierarch’s enforcers, the Abyssnan delegate stepping out with Mistress Pantea and Commander Kaine.

“Be calm, wendim, I bring a great diplomat from the Imperium. The Hierarch must witness this woman of intense genemancy. It is astound-” The delegate pleaded before a booming voice resounded throughout the thoroughfares of Abbaba. It was a voice as deep and throaty as the howling mountains of Himalazia. More than enraged, it sounded disappointed.

You are a fool, Ajani nak’Alem. I had taken you for a wiser man than you are, but you were bound by the spells of the wyrd and the witch. Can you not smell their disgust on your nose or have you forgotten the raids of Wak’Ta on Abbaba?” The voice, Artoris understood, was the Abyssal Hierarch himself. As he focused his senses, he could tell that the voice was projecting from nearby vox-emitters and drone-wardens nearby. It was preordained that they would be the first targets. The Abyssnan warlord continued with harsh disgust on his lips, “you were supposed to kill them, wedaj, not ally them. Worry not, you’ve been officially relieved of your duties. Slaughter these dog-worshipping Himalazians.

Before the delegate, Pantea, or Kaine could react, Artoris detached himself from the bottom of the transport. One hand had cradled an explosive orb on their journey, which was now thrown with perfect delay into the midst of the Abyssnan warriors. His fellow clade members followed his example, unfurling into the sandy streets of the hive to deliver explosive death. They phantom flitted across the limestone tile in a synchronized dance of death. As the explosives detonated, so too were the throwing weapons ignited with plasmic edges and pierced their would-be attackers. The clade leader felt joy at a task successfully executed, yet his joy would be triumphed by the Fifteenth’s bewildering powers.

If Artoris had considered himself fast or strong, then he had not realized that those that led their myriad cohort of fellow genewarriors could be greater. Mistress Pantea had already erected a field of shimmering energy similar to that of Abbaba’s shining void shield, halting a flurry of unrelenting rays and bullets. Her escorts, warrior-leaders in their own right, had flashed streaks of purple lightning across the thoroughfare. Abbysnan geneknights disappeared into hulks of meat as the Thirteenth’s explosives detonated. He felt awe for a second longer than he would’ve liked, then returned to his duties. Abbaba must fall and it was unto him that duty was paramount.

As one, the four of them separated with predesignated targets strategically remembered through the combing of the Fourteenth Division’s blueprints. Fury, fire, and sorcery erupted behind him as the Fifteenth enveloped their enemies in a storm of wyrd. Artoris found himself thankful for their presence, yet equally repulsed by their malign abilities; however, he inherently knew that anything is a weapon. A phrase that had spread through the wider cladehost- or Legion, as they had begun to call themselves. Knives flew from his robe-tattered hands, piercing vox-emitters and drones alike with high precision. Abyssnan civilians scattered away from the genegiants as they rampaged to unknown destinations.

He soon found the goal of his mission through the thronging crowds of dispersing civilians and ill-prepared militia. The great portal into the badlands of Abyssna soared up before him, flanked by tall bastions of archaic majesty. Each spread out to the wider battlements that stretched the length of Abbaba. Ascenders, visible from the bottom of the towers, awaited a fresh cohort of patrolmen ready to crest the walls. They would not meet their assignments as Artoris appeared amongst them with a combat knife as long as their mortal bodies. From there, it was short work to the top with the hive in full alert and saboteurs running freely amongst their numbers.

He smiled, another city had fallen to his knife and another victory that crowned the laurels of their helmets. Artoris flicked the blade in grim anticipation. Perhaps the Clademaster would reward him with new armaments from Abbaba’s treasury?

Abbaba was shattered. The unbreakable city had been penetrated, infiltrated, and broken open by the Imperium in a singular strike. The portal into the city, those mile-high indestructible gates, had opened for the first time in sixty-two hours. There was no feasible way to stop the rapid approach of the Excertus Imperialis as they marched on the hive. Auxilia, enraged by five days of unrelenting assault, screamed the victory of the Raptor as they charged. A great cloud of black rose as warmachines roared to life with renewed effort. To them, the battle was already won.

Yet to the Thirteenth, the battle had only begun. Emerging from the sands, rapidly disembarking from carrier vehicles, or dropped from air by stormbirds, the Bronze Scorpions were the first into the gap. Not to be outdone by their cousin cohort, the Sirens of Terra were next through the breach after their commander had left them. A storm of lilac and bronze power armor broke through the ramshackle inner defenses of Abbaba. The lavender tide, splitting off into coordinated groups, rushed towards the last known position of their commander; however, the burnished-black daggers dispersed as revenants of death into the depths of Abbaba.

The mortals followed in afterwards with their lasguns, autoweapons, and bulletejectors firing in waves of human flesh. The repressed frustration and rage of a prolonged siege was vented upon the bystanders and citizenry of the Abyssnan people in indiscriminate quantities. Vehicles demolished smaller buildings into rubble, while great cannons toppled towers and monuments of an unknowable past. They were the harbingers of the Emperor and they would know His will.

Master Zaid tore through one of the mortal militia with his chainaxe, clenching the paddle of the weapon with malevolent force. It shredded through the carapace of the Abyssnan with ease, monofilament teeth the size of a human fist churning the flesh of the man in sickening clumps. A kick to the lower half of the defender delivered a finality to the gorey display, his legs disappearing into a pink mist that painted the Scorpion’s boot. He turned with purpose, his plated fist meeting the unprotected skull of another. Similarly, it disappeared under his speed and strength.

Something approached from behind him at rapid speed. He would not allow it to live. The propulsion-tubes on his back ignited as their fans began to superheat with combustive fluids. An inferno erupted from his jetpack, cooking the Abyssnan gene-enforcer that attempted to take him by surprise. As their armor and skin began to melt, Zaid’s chainaxe whipped around in a flurry to cleave into rapidly deteriorating powered armor. The teeth chugged through flesh, bone, and metal alike in a gore torrent. His assailant died in seconds under such an assault. A muzzle flash to his right briefly caught his attention as one of his clade members appeared.

“Satisfied, Zaid?” The warrior asked beneath his snarling helmet, his bronze plating decorated with fresh pockmarks and gore. Zaid was certain that Artoris smiled wickedly beneath his helmet, bathing in the pride of another high-level infiltration achieved under his name. The warrior’s armor was embellished with a thousand and one different campaign treasures. A bullet casing from Midafrik, a necklace of teeth from Nabatae, and countless others from obscure skirmishes. A laurel graced his helmet, echoing his righteousness as a ranking member of their Legion.

Never, Artoris, not until the last of His enemies cease to breathe. Take the Black Blades into the heart and prepare to pluck it out with your daggers.” The Legion Master responded in a snarling tone, a mixture of disgust and frustration dripping from his lip. His grim demeanor was reinforced only by the occasional flash of lilac armored genewarriors. Small teams led by a senior member in a decorated tabard sheltered citizenry and evaporated enemies with wyrd abilities.

“Perhaps some time amongst their number would enhance your humors, Legion Master,” Artoris responded with an oddly humorous tone, his clade members joining him with their armor donned and their tanned robes fluttering in the humid wind. His demeanor straightened as the retinue prepared behind him. “But your will be done. Gloria Scorpis!

Zaid watched as the Black Blades, one of the many clades in his host, disappeared into the labyrinthine streets of Abbaba. Though he held his own thoughts on the cocky Astartes, the Legion Master was more than aware of how keenly their operation hinged on their success. Such arrogance was allowable, yet he wouldn’t allow it to fester for much longer. His attention swiveled to the Bronze Scorpions gathering around him. None of them were his namesake companions or consuls, but they were veterans of their earliest deployments. He spared them of any dialogue, igniting the rugged jumppack attached to his bronze-and-black armor to streak through the skies of Abyssna.

The battle laid out before him as he sailed through the air on promethium wings. Five spiraling towers stood in a star-shaped formation outward from the center of the city, where most of their mortal forces converged to assail the defenders. Explosions plumed up from countless districts, clogging the air with soot and depleted ozone. The wyrd licked out in separate hive thoroughfares, ripping time and space with maleficent energy from the gauntlets of lilac juggernauts. Scouring packs of black-bronze giants hunted the causeways and alleys of select targets, vivisecting the inhabitants of Abbaba as they spread out. He knew well that the city would fall within the hour. Only the Abyssal Hierarch would prove the final penultimate piece to their invasive puzzle.

Limestone rubble met his greaves as Zaid slammed against the ground on his descent. His boots rolled him forward into a sprint, ignoring the warning klaxons in his helmet of aerial debris and impending counterattacks. He deftly leapt once more as waylaid defenders began to coalesce around him, scorching their rudimentary carapace with superheated wind. As his armored form flew through the sky, the Legion Master heard the sharp bark of bolters and the thrumming swing of powered weaponry. His trusted warriors had dispatched their would-be pursuers in their following ascent. It never failed to surprise him at the deftness of their geneseed, how quick their bodies could move unlike others of their Master’s work. The thought eluded him as the vox began to crackle with a familiar voice. An irritating one at the best of times, and a truly frustrating one at the worst of times.

+’Dear Zaid, I can only assume this breach was your work,’+ The Mistress of the Fifteenth echoed against his ears. Her voice was smooth and sweet, yet he could hear the sardonic tinge ringed around her dialogue. Zaid grit his teeth in annoyance for he was certain of her next words. +’we had the situation well under control, thank you, but it seems the Hierarch isn’t keen to comply with our Emperor’s wishes.’+

+’I warned you, Princess. Insects like the Hierarch and his kin aren’t worth His time. We were well beyond the point of conversation.’+ The Master of the Thirteenth responded, easing the rising blood in his veins as he landed once more on a long stretch of concrete road. Mortals in the drab fatigues of the Fourteenth Division were forcing citizenry back into their homes, while others executed dismembered and dismayed defenders. They offered a single look in his direction before continuing their duties. He offered no such glance, ascending back into the sky once more to cross the great lengths of the hive. +’What is the status of the Fourteenth Commander? Has that man perished?’+

A short, sweet laugh responded to him as he crept closer to the center of the hive. He hated her. He despised working with her. He wished that the Emperor had stapled his nerves further than they had already been dampened to assist in his duties. Her response came shortly after as he soared through a cloud of black smoke.

+’Do you take me for an incompetent commander, my friend? He is alive and well, though perhaps scarred from the events. One of my adjutants is escorting him back to the frontline. Now, if I know you, you’ll want to take the glory of the Hierarch’s head.’+ Her response came in a tone that implied that she wore a soft smile beneath her helmet. Zaid could tell what and where she was planning to do. Unconsciously, he felt his legs pick up pace with the conversation. +’Shall we dance at the foot of the Hierarch’s door? Or will I find myself without a partner to engage diplomacy with?’+

He cut the vox. They had known each other from their inception as a pair of legions and she had never changed, not even once in their long service together. His blood boiled at the thought of her defiling all their hard work in the Emperor’s name this day. He refused to allow her victory in this regard. Those warriors that accompanied him, sensing the shift in their commander’s aura, began to quicken their step to their genetic utmost to keep pace. Little and less began to interfere with their assault as the enemy was pulled in six directions away from their palace, offering a boon in speed towards their ultimate objective. Zaid, despite his anger, was thankful that his genewarriors were built for urban sabotage.

The Abyssal Palace grew close now with each successful descent from his jumppack. A great, circular structure of obsidian stone with a domed roof and a plethora of monolithic pillars. Neither turret nor defensive warmachines defended the palace for they had never anticipated an assault this far into the impenetrable Abbaba. An area as wide as a Himalazian mountain had been cleared around the palace, sizable enough to muster an army or rally the populace of a hive city in a single district. A scattering of gene-enforcers in lumbering warsuits, accompanied by groups of mortal auxilia, readied themselves on the wide steps leading into the palace proper. Perhaps due to the shimmering shield of their city did they deprive themselves of situational awareness. Or perhaps they had never thought that the enemy would fall upon them like raptors upon vulnerable prey. It would be their undoing.

Legion Master Zaid crashed into the first gene-enforcer with a great halberd, crushing their chest in with his reinforced greaves. His chainaxe tore into the exposed neck of the fallen warrior, spraying viscera across the steps of the palace. The mortals, shocked by the sudden assault, were disposed of in quick succession by his clade members. Post-reactive shells detonated their frail bodies into quivering messes of flying organs. Eye-watering rays of volatile energy disintegrated bystanding gene-sentries into howling piles of ash. Few were the unfortunate Abyssnan that were cut down by the blades of his subordinates, or torn to pieces by his chainweapon.

He had anticipated reinforcements from the moment they had landed amongst their scattered number. From different areas around the palace they came, gene-enforcers reinforced by mortals equipped with miniature variants of their halberd weaponry. The Bronze Scorpions prepared to dive into their foes; however, Zaid soon realized that it would be pointless to engage such foes from that distance. Streaks of lilac lightning tore across the great plaza in quick succession. Every Abyssnan smote was a charred corpse or body incinerated by the power of the wyrd. The elder genewarrior instinctively knew, even before they had arrived, that Pantea was here.

“Awfully rude to begin the dance without me, even after our short spate!” The Mistress of the Fifteenth cheerily said as her lilac gauntlets weaved webs of crackling lightning. No weapons adorned her form save the armor on her body. A lavender tabard snapped in the wind generated by her psionic abilities, while purple ferning patterns painted her vambraces. Several more of her genewarrior cohort accompanied the wyrd assault. Cobalt flames spewed forth from their gauntlets to engulf mortals in wreaths of haunting fire. They broke before they were defeated, fleeing into separating alcoves and arterial thoroughfares of the hive.

“You insult my abilities, Princess. Your assistance was unneeded and unwanted.” Zaid scowled beneath his slanted helmet. The two forces approached each other in a mix-matched tide of bronze, black and lavender. Both of their commanders closed the distance, casually beginning to ascend the grand stairs towards the palace.

“I would never insult - unless it was warranted. It would do you well to remember that we could’ve taken them with less than you would’ve required.” She jabbed at him with her words. A two-fold comment, he frustratingly realized, for the Fifteenth boasted less than half of their legion’s present numbers. A side-effect of their geneseed or due process for their sorcerous origins? He cared little for her demeanor stuck at the forefront of his anguish.

Zaid N’dar refused to respond as he stepped onto a stony plateau reaching out towards the great portal of the palace. A pair of ornate doors engraved with the history of the city awaited them as speechless sentinels. The Legion Master would not suffer more of their faux invulnerability by pressing his boot against the gate and breaking in the final defenses of the Abyssnan sanctuary. He could hear the Lady of the Fifteenth tutting behind him for his apparent barbarism. He failed to find reason to regard her behavior.

The inside of Abbaba’s central leviathan structure was a beauty to behold. A wealth of culture, technology, and history that spanned the longest eras of humanity bedecked the wide halls of the citadel. Pillars, carefully engraved with the long history of Abyssna, held the domed roof of the palace, while lithe stasis chambers carried ornaments and baubles of indescribable age. A single, circular chamber made up the floor with a throne as tall as an artillery gun at it’s center. A warlord’s proof of office, the seat of power was an instrument of ancient technology in of itself. Cables snaked across the floor to concealed conduits leading up to the central seat of the city. Upon it’s metallic seat, ringed by a host of ornate warriors in powered plating, was an equally enormous juggernaut of leviathan proportion. That said gargantuan rose now, clambering down his seat with a spear as large as a Thunder Warrior.

“It is impressive, is it not? Abbaba, the Indestructible City of Abyssna. For generations this city was a bastion against impurity, depravity, and degeneration. My ancestors fought endlessly against hordes of maniacs, herds of mutants, and ancient cabals of witches. Here I stand as proof of their duty to Abbaba,” the man began to say with a voice as deep as the Himalazian mountains were tall. He bore no helmet, freely displaying his scarred and aged face to the interlopers. Dark skin with golden hued irises peered at them in defiance, while indiscernible tattoos of myriad colors perforated the darkness. “And here I, Ephrem Abimelech Abay, stand against your Emperor. Crawl back to your Master, dogs, or suffer death.”

“You and your people are stalwart, ingenious wards of humanity! Will you not consider the possibility of working in the name of Unity, Ephrem? Not even for the betterment of mankind? Would you ancestors smile upon you, knowing that you could be assisting the Emperor in reclaiming our species birthright?” Pantea asked. Her voice was outwardly pleading, yet Zaid knew that this was her final attempt to halt an outright slaughter. He knew that she wanted more for Unity than any of their number, a stalwart and judicious knight of humanity; however, the Lord of the Thirteenth knew better of her true nature than she herself did. It disgusted him.

Your Unity would crumble as soon as it was achieved. Your Emperor’s plans are faulty. Men, greater than Him, have tried long before and failed. My ancestors have known that men such as Him would be our species undoing. No, I will not suffer His hubris, even at the cost of my life.” The Abyssal Hierarch responded with mocking laughter, his ideals as sturdy as the walls of his great city. There were no cracks in his fundamentals to break, no shifted stones to collapse, or weak links to be broken. He was as stalwart in his foundations as the group of Astartes before him.

Before the Mistress of the Fifteenth could waste more of their precious invasion time, Zaid raised his plasmic sidearm and shot the closest of the genewarriors around the Abyssal Hierarch. The time for speech was over. He could physically see the aura of frustration building around Pantea as a crackling maelstrom of energy. His reflexes had been quicker than their haphazard, gene-enhanced reaction times. The first casualty turned into a mess of sinking plasma, boiling plating and flesh in seconds upon delivery.

Chaos erupted from within the palace as combat began. Guardians of the Hierarch split in different directions, aiming to flank and feint into the invaders. Ephrem would use no such underhanded tactic, charging directly at the Lord of the Thirteenth with his spear lowered. The mixed bronze, black, and lilac tide broke apart in synchronized movements. Sirens split to the left with their wyrd conjuring shimmering barrier, but Scorpions tore up into the air with the jumppacks to rain hellfire below. Archeotech armaments rang out across the palace as the gene-sentinels unleashed their wicked devices. Rays, bullets, and shells crossed the distance between the two forces.

Crashing through either side of the palace were the Black Blades of the Thirteenth. The one at their forefront, Artoris, tumbled into one of the gene-sentinels with a curved power sword. He pierced the protective exoskeleton, forcing the Abyssnan to the ground before pulling upward to engage another foe. Four other Scorpions descended upon the vulnerable flanks of the defenders with their close combat weapons stabbing and slashing. Not to be outdone, the lilac knights of the Fifteenth pushed further into the left flank with lavender lightning and cobalt fire. In due time, those last juggernauts of the palace would be eliminated, save for the Hierarch himself.

The Titan of Abyssna proved more fast, robust, and aggressive than his bodyguards had been. His spear was a lance of obsidian underslung by a cannon made of lightning and death. His armor was Abbaba taken mortal form, every edifice engraved with victories and glories from eons before him. He was the size of an Albian deathmachine, his fingers like colossal claws and his feet like gargantuan treads; however, Ephrem had never met the Astartes before.

Mistress Pantea reached out through the ether and raked lilac lightning across the palace pillars into Ephrem’s protected form. Buckling under the stress of sorcerous manifestation, Ephrem raised a single arm to ward off the ruinous flurry. Zaid came in as a phantom from the dark, circling around the desolated pillar and flung himself into the defending Abyssal Hierarch. At point-blank range, the Master of the Thirteenth overcharged his plasma pistol and unleashed it directly into the Titan’s thigh. Fast enough to evade death, the Scorpion rolled away as the armament exploded into a gout of plasma. The Hierarch roared out in anguish, falling to his knee as the Master of the Fifteenth advanced. Before the Abyssnan could react, the lilac warlord forced his gaze downward with a wyrd-infused punch to the cranium.

The Hierarch’s skull bounced off the floor with a resounding crack. For a normal mortal, that would be enough to result in their cranium exploding; however, the Titan of Abyssna was no simple man. His robustness was a miracle given form. Blood cascaded out of the man from cracks in his face, yet his gray matter failed to spill out. In a feat of strength, the Hierarch pushed himself back up to one knee to raise his gaze back up to Pantea. His eyes, dark and deep, remained firmly on the Mistress of the Fifteenth. He appeared as if he were to speak once more were it not for the towering form of Zaid to fall upon him. The Master of the Thirteenth cleaved Ephrem’s head from his shoulders with his wicked chainaxe. A torrent of viscera sprayed out of his neck onto the Princess’ lilac armor, sealing the fate of Abbaba once and for all.

The Hierarch is dead! Kill the rest and be done with this city! Gloria Raptoris Imperialis!” Zaid N’dar roared out as his boot kicked over the corpse of Abbaba’s Titan. His lifeforce drained out onto the decorated tiles of the palace while the rest of his gene-sentinels were butchered by the assailing Astartes. Pantea bent down and narrowed her eyes at the carcass, an inconceivable emotion bubbling up from within. Around her, more death propagated by the Bronze Scorpions continued unchecked. Soon, the city would follow in their bloodwake.

The banner of the Raptor unfurled from the top of Abbaba’s battlements. A thousand and one cheers rose up from the supposed liberators of the invasion. The day had long since fallen into darkness, filtered only by the lights of the Abyssnan hivecity. Silence would’ve taken hold of the area were it not for the oncoming stars falling upon the city. Transports, bulky and heavy, dropped from the sky on squat engines with sigils of the Raptor. Gunships in the colors of the Astartes cohorts aided them, patrolling the air around the citadel before touching down within the great walls. Grand vehicles of leviathan proportion, reinforcements from far afield, rumbled loudly outside of the gargantuan curtain.

Every thoroughfare, alcove, alleyway, and hiveway was congested by the victorious invaders. Mortal men and women garbed in red-black fatigues with lasguns strapped to their chests. The defeated defenders marched in chains, sequestered to makeshift prisons in different parts of the hive. Abyssnan citizens hid when they could or otherwise were forced to open their doors to their liberators. None of the towering gene-enforcers survived to see the light of a new day, each slaughtered to the last by the Astartes of the Fifteenth and Thirteenth. Their armaments were secured by the agents of the Sigilite, spirited away for later use in an unspoken campaign.

Commander Markus Kaine had felt a sense of triumph unlike ever before. He felt as if it were his achievement that had led to Abbaba’s unification efforts; or so he told himself with a bottle of amasec in one hand and a lho-stick in the other. While the reinforcements from the broad portions of Abyssna dealt with the city’s aftermath, he allowed the Fourteenth Division to recuperate in the hive-cities refitted barracks. His first order had been to make the closest spire to the gates their personal haven. It hadn’t occurred to him that this particular structure had been the pleasure palace of the city.

“We did it, Reggy, we actually did it.” Kaine said with a smile on his scarred lips, his eyes falling over the sights of Abbaba. Their suite - and the rest of the officers of the Fourteenth - was located on the higher portions of the southern spire. The rest of the enlisted were granted accommodations further below them. Reginald, similarly sitting with beverage, quietly nodded his head after some seconds of rumination.

“It was actually Mistress Pantea and Master Zaid that had led to the city's downfall, Commander.” The sorrowful tone of the officer responded, earning him a groan and an agitated glare from Markus. Before the man could continue, Reginald rose from his seat to walk out onto the balcony overlooking Abbaba. “But I will give you that you were the first to send out a distress call. If you had failed, I imagine Lord-Commander Crucias would strip you of your title as the Fourteenth Division’s leader.”

That comment had reeled in his ego. A puff of the lho-stick and a forlorn look was all that Reginald needed to know that he had pushed Markus too far. He clapped a reassuring hand on his Commander’s shoulder, his best attempt at comforting the whimsical leader of the Fourteenth. Kaine brushed off the hand with his amasec-held hand.

“At least you’ll be able to make a passable attempt at courting Mistress Pantea after everything you’ve achieved.” Reginald said with a sad, slow smile, choosing to ignore Markus’ attempt to bat him away.

“Unfortunately not, Reggy,” Commander Kaine said, raising his glass at a far-off field of gathering transports and fluttering lights. A mess of lilac, bronze, and black stood in a tight group around the dark hull of gunships. Even from this distance, the gargantuan shapes of the Thirteenth and Fifteenth could be seen from their vantage point. “They’ve already set sail for their next battlefield. Honoring the wish of the Emperor and pursuing Unity in the vast reaches of Terra.”

“Then you, at least, managed to say goodbye to the Mistress, correct?” Reginald asked, hoping to inspire some level of happiness in his commanding officer. To his surprise, Markus chuckled with a smile lingering on his lips. He sipped gently from the glass of amasec, set it down on the balcony ledge, and clutched something beneath his trenchcoat.

“You could say that.” He responded, his hand clutching a lock of silver hair in a silver chain with a Raptor Imperialis locket. Markus clipped close the amulet with a press of his fingers, trapping the treasure within before turning around to Reginald with reinvigorated confidence. “Now, I hope you’re prepared for a journey further east. We’ve gotta make our way to the palace for our next assignment. Lord Crucias’ll have our heads if we kept the amasec purely to ourselves.”

The Commander of the Fourteenth Division ambled onward towards the other end of the room, his lho-stick extinguished and his spirits as high as the very spire they resided in. Reginald, ever the loyal frontline officer, dutifully kept pace with him towards the ascender.

Further afield away from the spire of the officer’ ward, the stormbirds of the growing Fifteenth and Thirteenth whined with anticipation. Assault ramps laid bare for the embarking genewarriors to remain within. The Sirens of Terra, lilac and silver juggernauts, ambled into their respective transports, while the Bronze Scorpions, black and bronze knights, marched into their own with fresh treasures hanging from their pauldrons. Their movements were stiff, some fresh from their inoculation into the ranks of the legion. Others swaggered with freshly found confidence as campaign veterans. More still were eerily silent and dutiful, bland as their days of slate-gray pattern powered armor.

Your actions confuse me.” Master Zaid N’dar spoke out as he walked closer to the gathering throng of genewarriors. To his left, Mistress Pantea walked with a small smile on her lips. He knew that a storm brewed deep within her from the desolation of Abbaba, yet the laurels of victory and unity brought faith to her spirit. Ever the hawk for details, he had spied her departing words with the mortal commander of their operation.

“There’s nothing to be confused about,” Mistress Pantea replied proudly, fully aware of her actions and what commotion they could cause. “Markus is a valiant, fearless man. No other had dared to confront me such as him, nor had any accompanied me into the depths of Abbaba. Such as yourself, my dear Zaid.”

His blood boiled with every second she spent speaking. Years could pass between their meetings and he would still feel the same way. For the sake of victory, he allowed her frustrating comments without rebuke. It hadn’t stopped him from gritting his teeth in anguish. “You will confuse him with your meddling, Pantea, be more aware of your actions.” The Master of the Thirteenth seethed, releasing a jet of relieved frustration from his gritted teeth. He spied a mocking smile on her lips, something that he would not allow for much longer.

“Where do the winds of war take you, Princess?” Zaid asked, changing the subject before she could rattle off another veiled insult towards him. As he suspected, her smile softened to a thin line on her perfect features. He made assumptions to the likelihood of her next campaign, yet deigned to let her speak before assuming.

Nordyc. Frozen, blasted, and freezing. Would that I could remain in the warmer climates of Terra, battling afield sand and dune.” She replied, longing in her voice for the homeland that she had been born to. The only thing that they shared between them. The deserts and steppes of the Achaemenid Empire were their homes. The Mistress of the Fifteenth continued without missing a beat, “we will prevail and the hag-queens of the snow will be decimated. Where will you reave next, my friend?”

Indoi,” He scoffed. They were no closer to friends than they were rivals. Compatriots that could synchronize perfectly in all motions except emotional. Often, Zaid refused to believe that she held the same level of tactical competence as him, yet Pantea always proved him wrong in that regard. “Then unto the Yndonseic Bloc. Then unto the Pan-Pacific Empire. Then unto Unity in His name.”

It was an answer that seemed to sate her curiosity. She nodded in approval, walking over and placing a gauntlet on his pauldron. He blocked the overwhelming desire to knock aside her lilac hand with his chained fist. Zaid knew that her serious composure was something to take into account. The Master of the Thirteenth prepared himself for her next words, perhaps some form of psionic premonition for his next war?

“Then until next time, Zaid, try not to die before me.” Her tone was as sweet as it was mocking. She grinned, clapping his pauldron before reaching down and planting a snarling helmet over her head. The silver hair of her progenitor disappeared into the armor. Pantea turned away from the nigh frothing form of Zaid with a kick in her step.

I despise you!” The sloped helmet of Zaid roared out at the retreating lilac-armored genewarrior. Laughter, haughty and boastful, echoed out from the Mistress of the Fifteenth as she disappeared into the dark hulls of a stormbird. The transport’s engine began to hum with renewed vigor as the assault ramp closed behind the warrior. Seconds passed as a host of lilac gunships rose into the night sky of Abyssna. Flames erupted from fancases as the transports disappeared from his sight.

The Master of the Thirteenth Legion remained a moment longer to watch the last of the Fifteenth depart for the roaring mountains of Nordyc. He turned away as the last of their lavender hulls become starshaped crosses in the darkness of night. The prized spear of the Abyssal Hierarch rested against his right pauldron as he turned away. Zaid refocused himself on the palace of Abbaba, where the plans for the Unification of Indoi awaited him.

Credit: @MarshalSolgriev (Bronze Scorpions/Master of the Thirteenth Zaid/Abyssnans/Markus Caine/Fourteenth Division), @Antediluvixen (Sirens of Terra/Mistress of the Fifteenth Pantea)
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 4 days ago

//Hive-City Ovill, Terrawatt Clan

Grek Dorji let out a huff as he stomped along the precipice of his loft home in the spires, looking over the daily production schedules as decreed by the Theologiteks. The short, and admittedly chubby, man was disappointed that they had not managed to increase the efficiency of the forges. He had been working many standard days trying to implement new methods and schedules down to the microsecond all in effort to meet the new Emperor’s needs for the war effort. He grumbled, missing the days in which all he had to worry about was smaller orders for smaller warlords - older and rarer trade deals or even simply just replacing old tech of the Clans. It had been a logistical hell for him to switch to full war production for this new warlord’s needs nor did he truly understand why.

The administrator never believed in the grand vision of a unified Terra, merely wanting to make his pay that was so generously given by the Theologiteks - but ever since the Emperor came around and more eyes looked upon the inefficiencies of the forges under his view, payment had been cut. Grek was bitter, grumbling more and more until a fortunate deal had come across his desk on a most unfortunate day. The day that Sanctii had fallen, he had received a deal that would see him owning, perhaps, the most productive forges on all of Terra with production technologies that not even his immediate lords held. That said, those technologies were morally dubious at best, ashewing the traditions of the Theologiteks and their strange ways.

One of his personal guards stepped onto the cold balcony, a distorted voice breaking his grumbling, “A message from her has come for you, sir.”

“Thank you, Andson,” Grek said in an almost giddy voice, his mood swinging quickly as he stepped back into the spire home. He moved through his grandiose loft, filled with large rooms and even larger decor that was most certainly all in his own vain. There were many guards in his own loft, a home the size of a small town, as if a barracks had moved in rather than servants of a petty noble. Many of them had shown up the same day that she had arrived with her own technomats to maintain her cold logics. He knew their loyalties, but he could not truly care for what he was being paid was worth more than what he could truly be worried about. That said, it was odd how he had never had been able to meet his dealer - only communicating through screens.

Nevertheless, he arrived at his desk and sat down to open a datapad and a smile crept across his face.

The guards on the balcony had been attentive, rotating every half-hour on that balcony and always down to the nanosecond. Yet, that had not been enough as three blackened hands descended upon them from above in near silence. They had slammed upon them with lances, reducing them into nothing more than a pile of gore - blackened and oily gore that mocked the human form. Those were not the concern of the three talons, however, as one silently moved towards the doorway. She proceeded to force the mag-locked doors open and the three custodians entered, quickly dispatching of the interior guards in bounding leaps.

The Black Hawk had noticed that the guards reacted faster as if they were moving in response to the exterior guards being destroyed - a mindlock. Amalasuntha cast a silent glare to one of her companions and began to sprint down the hall before more could begin to swarm them.

That was when the automated defenses began. Melta and volkite turrets revealed themselves, spitting out death from all directions, yet these were not the defenses of a city-state like Sanctii, far from it. The three custodians moved in dance, leaping from turret to turret destroying them with ease even as they fell upon guards who moved to intercept. Her Stygian Talons were each an army in their own right as any of His vaunted custodians were - this was nothing but a delaying tactic and one far more desperate than when they had sieged that city.

Amalasuntha grasped a horrid automata’s head and crushed it as it turned a corner - those that did not seem to stop the form from trying to raise its weapon. A swift strike with her Misericordia cut the abomination in half. They covered a vast distance in less than a minute, they were slow and the delaying tactic was effective enough for the shield-captain to know that Deep Winter had likely already vacated this portion of the spire, if she were even here in the first place. Her blackened hand grasped the muzzle of a rifle and swiftly pointed it towards its wielder, forcing the automata to fire on itself before it could calculate what was happening.

The three of them fell upon a solitary room, breaching with nothing more than a shoulder charge brought to speed by their jump backs, sending the door clattering far into the small office. Four automations shot from prepared positions, their rounds turning away at the last moment due to their alchemical aegis. The custodians made short work of them as Amalasuntha marched up to the desk of Grek Dorji who was already slumped over on his desk. He had been executed with a data-pad in his hand, merciless and calculated just as she knew Deep Winter to be.

A silent stare to one of her venatarii sent him to move out of the room and deeper into the complex - they had to make this seem like nothing more than a terrorist attack by dissidents of the Emperor. Amalasuntha grasped at the data-slate and brought up to her mask, reading it in seconds for anything that may pertain to a lead. Deep Winter had been honest with Grek, telling him that Amalsuntha had been coming and that she needed to tie up loose ends - even going on to feign an emotion as pity for Grek’s predetermined fate.

Yet, Deep Winter had not been thorough enough in wiping previous messages on the slate. There had been diverted shipments to the Sud Afrik cities, likely vehicles to multiple safe-houses for the Abominable Intelligence’s followers. The shield-captain set the slate back onto the desk, being sure to wipe anything that would tip the Theologitek’s to the presence of the Custodians and Deep Winter. They needed utmost secrecy for this hunt and an unwarranted raid even on an inefficient administrator would be inspected with scrutiny. Amalasuntha turned and began to swiftly exit the location; they needed to move fast before Deep Winter could move further again.

As they activated their jump packs and leapt off the balcony, multiple explosions rocked the hive, vaporizing the loft and much of the surrounding area of that section of the spire - acceptable collateral.

All in His name.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
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MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

The War for Indoi

-Before the Battle of Ouran-

The vast lands of the Indoi spread out in great, leviathan chunks of sickly green and rotten brown. Valleys, flanked by black-topped mountains, rose as stalwart giants over the urban sprawl of humanity’s overpopulated hives. Rivers of poisonous green slithered through the ravines, disgustingly poured from the top of the tallest hive as a venomous waterfall. Clumps of flora still lingered in the former jungles of Eurasia as horrible fragments of their former beauty. Putrid vines hung from megaflora trees with deadly spikes and oozing pustules of mutated flesh. Abominable monstrosities stalked the wastelands, hunting on six legs and tearing sinew with three maws. Far and few entered the urban sprawl of the Indoi, loomed over by great towers of their oldest faith. The ruins of gargantuan maglevs fell apart in the acrid drip of the hazardous runoff, formerly used to travel the many cities of the continent. In the absence of such architecture, large hordes patrol the Indoi cityscapes with bestial-genewarriors and chained mutants. Psyker-monks of the disparate overlords watch, cleanse, and purify where they can with little success to restore their once beautiful lands. Clouds gathered endlessly and ominously over the Indoi, raining acid and mutating byproduct into the land once more. The cycle repeated itself every day in the burgeoning lands, mutating over and over while the inhabitants tame what can be tamed. A dull stalemate with nature that persisted for eons.

The monotony was broken only in the northern plains of the Indoi, where great banners bearing the raptor and thunderbolt unfurled from bastions of brutal rockrete. Agents of the Imperium, an empire of the Himalazians, worked tirelessly to cleanse the areas with handheld flamethrowers and roiling juggernauts that belched horrendously black smoke. Warriors as tall as the monsters they slaughtered walked in conjunction with these machines, butchering everything in their path. It was thankless work that contributed little and worse, yet it was a portion of the bargain between Indoi and the Imperium. A fire that consumed the untamed lands, ravaged by dogmatic fanatics and mutants alike, was key to easy movement from the Himalazia. So it was that His soldiers worked in blissful ignorance to the chaos that ignited in the southern jungles.

In the southeastern lands of the Indoi, the drums of war beat against instruments forged from the flesh and bone of men. The slaves of the Indoi ran for their lives, choicedly fleeing into the mutated jungles of their land to evade a worse fate. People that they had once callied allies chased them with grim determination, tearing apart those that they caught. Their bodies were dragged back from the plains, jungles, and ravines of their homes into the poisonous basins close to the Yndonesic Bloc’s territory. Where the old, frail, and ailing were slaughtered for fresh meat in their warmachine, the young were left to a crueller fate in mind. Each of the adolescents were pumped with the mutagenic runoff of the spires, filled with the invasive augmentation of the psyker-monks, and fused together with the endless hordes of mutants in their jungles. Fierce, berzerking beast-genewarriors were secretly forged in the wicked labs of the southern lands. No sooner had they been born anew into the world were they sent out into the wastelands for new components. Either succeeding where the last failed, or dying to the malevolent horrors of their continent.

An endless tide of refugees fled from the southern lands of Indoi, fleeing away from the things that hunted within the jungles. Those that pledged protection had turned away from their vows and slaughtered wholesale with new purpose. Ravines were filled with the unwanted dead of the hunters, jungle-flesh was chopped for infernal warmachines, and surrounding hive-villages were dismantled for new wargear. Enormous waves of spire runoff flooded the lands, choking the life from outskirting civilization with religious fury. Mutants were emboldened, ruinous jungle mutation thrived, and the zealots that poured across the lands did so with reinvigorated enthusiasm. Few were able to comprehend the destruction that surged through Indoi, many firmly believing that it was a prophetic occurrence that humanity’s time was finished. Those that understood, however, noticed a particular detail on the raging zealots. They wore nothing save for ragged attire seen in the Pan-Pacific Empire. These tales were spun, woven, and threaded to the ears of the northern plains. A defense was mustered to halt the unstoppable tide. Only their defiance would survive to sing the events to their warlord…

Akash Tigerheart leaned on all four of his claws from the ruins of a toppled spire. He could smell the myriad stink of the southern zealots. A growl bubbled up from within his throat, emerging from his toothy maw as a muted groan. He ushered his body forward, rustling the powered plating that pressed against his furred body. As his burgeoning form stalked down the spine of the toppled tower, those that accompanied him fearfully parted away. Rightfully so, they were part of the lower caste, never meant to rise above their station beyond wayward service to the Padshah. His claws met the end of the spire as the lower caste began to regroup, every scent painting a new scene about the village-hive’s destruction.

Ethereal phantoms painted themselves around him, coalescing around the squalid forms of his lower caste grunts. Although they were invisible to those beneath him, Akash could keenly watch their erratic movements and twisted actions. His body perked upright as he witnessed the events playing out on a phantom stage. Ghastly zealots in scrap armor akin to the lesser caste fought against similar warriors. His brotherly genewarriors, righteous half-beasts as tall as armored personnel transports, fought in violent duels against other of their kin. Revered monks, donned in flowing robes and heavy beads, shot out strings of lightning at those they had called brethren. To his dismay, the zealots were winning beyond a doubt. Other vestiges moved through the shadows, something foreign and disgusting was woven into the scents. It paled in comparison to the stink of the Imperials.

The Imperials. A long growl vented out of his mouth, stirring the ethereal shadows and rippling fear throughout the lower caste. He twisted his maw in wounded defeat, spitting out the bones that he sucked upon. The fight with the Himalazians had left the Padshah in a bad position, perhaps leading to the current situation. Akash smelled the grimes, oils, and fabrications of their equipment on the non-zealots. Despite the fact that the Imperial wargear was present, those that defended the hive-village were dying as swiftly as they were appearing. It was a grim phantasm, one that he had finished experiencing. With one swipe of his armored claw, the shadows of the past disappeared from his refined senses. The lower caste watched on in a mixture of fear as his rending talons tore through the air. A small amount of joy bubbled up as he watched their formation topple from the shockwave.

The formation stumbled back, tripping over the corpses of their fellow servants. Lower caste warriors that had fought to defend the village-hive with everything that had. Their corpses were maimed, dismembered, and butchered beyond recognition, yet they still remained in the wreckage. Regardless of their standing, Akash’s entourage didn’t scream for their lives or vomit their lungs out in disgust. His maw split in a wicked smile as he pounced off the last stretch of spire. His men pulled away from him as they regained their composure. He had gained enough information from this battlefield to properly address the Padshah. As he began to turn away, one of the Padshah’s royal caste marched over to him. They stank of hypocrisy, delicateness, and a life spent in perfumed quarters. It revolted him, yet he was expected to serve regardless.

“By the Padshah’s grace.” Akash growled out in a tone thinly veiling his disgust. His enormous form bowed down to the member of the royal caste, who sauntered forward on strange shoes that lifted him above the ground. He despised their presence with every fiber of his being, donned in robes longer than their person and with gear that made them impervious to his claws. An aura of superiority radiated from the royal, pushing his disgust further in.

“Tigerheart. The most holy Padshah has allowed your investigation into this… little insurrection. Be thankful that a meager, artificial being like yourself was granted the grace of His blessing. Now, without wasting more of my time, tell me what has happened.” The man was pompous and regal, yet thin and tall regardless of his position. His tone, by all the Gods, was the most infuriating out of everything. The royal spoke as if he was a personal gift from the Cycle, born from the fruits of the Eternal Vine. It angered him to such a point that he actively suppressed a snarl. He reminded himself that not all royals were like that, especially not the Padshah.

“It’s grim. The scents are vague but distinct. The southerners seem to have risen up against the Padshah. They’ve got bestials, monks, and something foreign mixed with them. Scents that stink of the Pacific. Imperial equipment was used against the insurrectionists,” Akash began to reply, raising his head enough to speak but not enough to stare directly at the royal. Despite his prowess in combat, he wasn’t allowed to gaze at the upper class. A right that was reserved for the most exalted of His court. He continued with a snarl growing on his tongue. “But our warriors lost badly. If it happened here, then it’s already happened across the Holy Land. This isn’t a typical rebellion.”

The royal ruminated over what Akash said with a disapproving sneer. His body shook with disgust, ruffling like an avian in uncomfortable conditions. Both of his prismatic orbs closed to the world, allowing two additional sets of eyes to open up further on his head. They observed in several directions, consuming the sights of the destroyed village in seconds. It appeared as if the royal was looking beyond what the Tigerheart could see even with his own unique senses. A minute passed before the spheres disappeared into the folds of his skin.

“I’ve deemed your words as truthful and holy, bestial. Your senses, despite repulsive and fake, were correct in their appraisal of the situation. The southerners are in rebellion. Worse of all, they’ve accepted the most unholy and foul of foreigners into their forces. This is an unprecedented situation,” He responded in a defeated tone, defiant enough to be haughty but yielding enough to be humble. The royal gestured with one hand for Akash to look upon him and follow. Tigerheart rose wordlessly to his full height that towered even over the aristocrat. A grunt of disgust spurted out of their lips before continuing to speak. “His Holy Benevolence, High Padshah Siddharth must be informed.”

No sooner had the royal made the statement did the sounds of battle ring out in the background. A reinvigorated assault by the zealots had erupted in the nearby area. The horrific sound of butchery mixed effortlessly with the screaming of a mutant horde. The royal rolled his eyes once more and turned to the gargantuan form of Akash Tigerheart. A simple wave from his elegant hand was enough to unleash the bestial and his cohort. A wicked smile split the tiger maw of the genewarrior. The warlord raised his head to the sky and released a tiger roar into the fetid jungles. Their hunt was on once more.

Nolus Dolhai. The pinnacle of Indoi, holy summit of the High Padshah and grand temple dedicated to the Millennium Gods. It sprawled across all of the northern lands as the grandest hive of Eurasia. Spires rose as towering epitomes of Indoi culture, each topped with shrine-like mandapa. Brilliant gardens of cultivated mutant flora blossomed in beautiful squares in the hive, while fountains of diluted poison waterfalled from the tallest towers into ancient aquaducts. The hive was alive with activity from the bioluminiscent underhives to the tips of the holiest shrines. Transports of archaic design glided between the many towers to deliver unknowable materials. Functioning maglevs ferried an unquantifiable amount of men and women to different portions of Dolhai. Parades of well-groomed warriors marched the streets in reinforced carapace and carrying magnificent weapons, courtesy of the Imperial Himalazians. Beast-like genewarriors stood sentinel over the sacred sites, each designed with a different type of Terran animal in mind. The psyker-monks of the Cycle vigorously trained in specially designed plazas in attempts to achieve equilibrium.

And above it all, High Padshah Siddharth Enue watched with a troubled expression on his gold-tinged face. Typically, his twelve eyes would be alight with the joys of life and better spent divining the way forward for their culture; however, the words of his followers troubled him with each passing moment. One of the member from the royal caste, Raja Nayak, had further elaborated on the quickly progressing insurrection in his kingdom. He steepled his six hands in a fervent prayer to the Cycle, hoping that Indoi would return to blessed righteousness. Enue knew, though, that it wouldn’t come to be. Even Akash Tigerheart, one of his Divine Companions, had confirmed the events playing out across the land. Siddharth shook his head in defiance of fate, the myriad of ochre earrings shaking against his gargantuan golden body.

As he began to build himself up into a long prayer, one of his companions barged into his sanctum of worship. He turned to address the bestial as they prostrated themselves before his golden might. A crocodilian woman bowed to him, lowering her head in a majestic gesticulation. Unlike Akash’s defiant desire for armor, she wore an elegant robe over her lumbering form. It paled in comparison to his own, a mantle as long as the stars were bright and flowed with the smoothness of a snake’s scales. Regardless of her approval to gaze upon him, she remained impassive before his twelve-eyed observation. He spread his six arms wide in an accepting gesture of the crocodilian woman.

“Sadhika Scaleheart! O’ companion of mine! I pray that you bring me news that will radiate my day! Please, speak with my blessing!” The golden form of the High Padshah gestured with all six of his open palms turned towards Sadhika. Nervously, she raised her eyes to behold the holy monarch of Indoi. A look of sadness passed her reptilian orbs.

“Most blessed Padshah, I deliver news that will despoil your divine ears,” She began to speak in a tongue that defied logic, one crossed between a soothing song and a crocodilian growl. To him, it was beyond pleasant to listen to, yet her news brought a frown to his illustrious facial features. “Akash Tigerheart, your divine companion, has eliminated the next wave of insurgents; however, several other hordes of zealots have torched the farm-hives around the defended area. Despite the losses, we’ve managed to divine the name of their leader and backers. They are-”

Thakur Vimal Sura, Diviner of the Cycle and Tender of the Fruit. They are backed by the Yndonesic Bloc and the Pan-Pacific Empire.” The High Padshah replied in a disheartened voice, his radiant aura dying down to a low dim as he delivered the truth. His companion looked confused, yet surrendered to his divine commandment. He had skeined the fates and learned what had befallen his kingdom moments before her arrival, yet he rejected the destiny laid out across reality. Siddharth simply wished to hear it directly from one of his most trusted servants first.

“Akash was certain of betrayal in the south, yet I refused to listen. I had hoped that the Tigerheart had been wrong in this one instance, but I was a fool not to adhere to the whims of the Gods. They had sent a songbird and I set it free without listening.” Siddharth turned away to step out onto the shrine’s balcony. Nolus Dolhai sprawled out before him in all of it’s beauty, complimented only by the cascading poisonfalls. He dipped his head in distress, golden tears beginning to build at the edge of his twelve eyes. “I know the answer to the issue, but speak the words that I need to hear, o’ companion of mine. Let me hear your song of revelation, dear Scaleheart!”

The crocidilian genwarrior was bothered but unsurprised about what had just occurred. She expected that a certain amount of information had already been passed to the High Padshah, but Sadhika hadn’t expected the precise details to be revealed. The words he demanded, though, were ones she was prepared to speak. Once more, her head was lowered to a humiliating bow as she spoke.

“We cannot hope to win without external support. We once failed to beat back the Himalazian Emperor with our combined strength and relented to their demands. Their support has born plenty of fruit. Now, more than ever, we must bow our heads and request the Imperium to intervene. Kalagann would butcher us and Narthan Dume would execute your most holiness.” Her words were wrought with a mixture of reason and desperation. Each syllable was spoken with the most humility she could muster in her geneforged being. She was heard, however, as the High Padshah placed a golden hand on her scaled skull.

“Thank you, o’ companion. Go now and reach out to the Imperials. Let the Himalazian Emperor know that we have reconsidered Unity and wish for their full support.” He said with a pitiful smile, pulling his golden hand back to steeple it with the rest of his digits. His head was bowed in a reverent prayer as he uttered the next words. “Let us pray that it is the correct path and that the Cycle may be allowed to continue.”

Aethys clicked the talons of his gauntlet together impatiently as the stormbird rattled around him. Unlike the typical glove that covered his digits, an oversized fist with long claws occupied both of his hands. He had grown accustomed to them after the Unification of Nabatae, shed blood with them in Abyssna, and planned to master them in Indoi. The warriors of the thirtieth clade, the Sanguine Claws, prepared in a similar manner to their clademaster. Their role to play in the skirmishes of southern Indoi were as they always had been - instigating chaos and sowing fear. New armaments, their powered claws in specific, had proven their tactics worthwhile during the rebellions following Abbaba’s defeat. Such was their glory that Legion Master Zaid had given him command over an entire clade.

Their transport violently staggered as chaff was jettisoned beneath their greaves, no doubt to deter anti-air solutions from the ground forces. The hull suddenly darkened as klaxons began to whir and whine with their approaching vector. As one, Aethys and his clade automatically unbuckled from their restraints to stand at the ready. Jump packs, those utilized in the assault of Abbaba, were mounted to their backs. Each of their fists were covered by man-sized gauntlets with elongated claws wreathed in arcing electricity. The clademaster stood at the forefront with his slopped helmet, topped with bronze laurel, looking outward. As the alarms began to dim, the assault ramp quickly dropped to reveal the dense, mutated jungles of southern Indoi.

Poison banks filled with saline snaked between fast canopies of sickly green jungle. Black-topped mountains smaller than the Himalazians rose up in the background beyond their sight. The chaos of war was raging below them in the form of erratic gunfire, swarming projectiles, and manifold explosions that threatened to wipe the flora from existence. Teeming around the flying form of the stormbird were other transports, each emblazoned with the Raptor and hued in black-bronze colors. Satisfied with their position, Aethys ignited the jump pack and leapt out into the toxic winds of Indoi. His clade followed swiftly after him with their armaments roaring to life on wings of promethium.

The clademaster of the Sanguine Claws and his clade were not alone in this ordeal. Other Astartes leapt from their stormbirds with jump packs screaming into the toxic winds. Their numbers were innumerable, all of them released from a flock of roaring transports that drew the attention of the insurrectionists. Their attention quickly swiveled over to the rapidly descending forms of the genewarriors. Small arms fire rattled against their reinforced plating to no avail, yet heavier munitions on long-legged machines plucked them from the sky in dense storms of shells. Many of them died on the descent into the jungles below, but many more survived the fall to begin the slaughter anew.

Aethys and his clade were amongst the lucky to survive the southern Indoi response. Their jump packs threatened to shudder into nothingness as they reverse-fired their variable thrusters to achieve landfall. One of his number suffered such a fate that their jetpack clogged on final descent, crashing from the sky in a plume of fire. Their sacrifice would be remembered for a time, but their death would be overshadowed by the slaughter to come.

And so it did as Aethys dived into the four-barreled, long-legged machine manned by a crew of fifteen individuals. His claws flashed left, decimating four in a brutal cut of electricity, while his clade members purposefully crashed into other automata such as he did. Their taloned instruments raked through flesh and machine alike in a catastrophic dance of nightmares. Men screamed as they were torn apart by arcing powerfields, hunted by being larger than their own genetic monstrosities. No sooner had the chaos began did it end in an explosion of gore and metal.

+’Instrument Site Epsilon-One-Five-Seven-Beta has been incapacitated. Beginning advance to Instrument Site Fennec-One-One-Three-Alpha.’+ Aethys spoke in a stiff, somber tone through the vox. His helmet, like many of their number, had been modified this campaign for wide-range transmission as part of an experiment. Though only available to the clademasters, he was certain that all of their consuls and the Master of the Legion were the first to receive this new equipment. Static followed his transmission until a voice pierced through the technological fog.

+’No. Reinforce Battle Site Concord-Five-Three-Five-Zulu. Our predecessors require assistance dispatching an ambush.’+ A voice as familiar as his warplate, Master Zaid N’dar had commanded him away from the precious duty of decapitating strikes. More importantly, he referenced those stunning, barbaric warriors that came before them. Thunder Warriors, the Legio Cataegis, their gene-ancestors and havoc dispensers of Terra. He alighted at the thought of working alongside them once more.

+'Orders received.'+ He responded in a curt voice, though Aethys could do little to hide his excitement. His talons clicked together in anticipation, a motion that he had attempted to rid himself of many times before. Although many clade members would relay their orders to their cohort, Aethys felt no need to do so. Wordlessly, the Astartes leapt into the air on burning turbines. They followed him in a great blast of pyroclastic energy.

The battlefield, closer than it had been previously, laid out before them as they leapt to their next destination. An entire swathe of the mutated dark green flora had been burned away towards Nolus Dolhai. A swarm of human flesh bearing the red-black of the Imperium trudged in violent protest to the southern Indoi insurgents. Behemoth vehicles akin to castles on treads flattened hills, trees, and trenches beneath their wake. Others swam between the human waves as augmented mercenaries with their own plethora of disastrous weaponry. Where the wall walked, tidal waves of trenches were left behind and used by thunderous cannons pointed into the sky. Be it anti-air or roaring artillery machines, the Imperium reinforced and reaved like an Nordyc axman with a shield.

All of this paled in comparison to the brutal genewarriors mixed amongst them. Clad in fully encased suits of gray power armor, the Third Legion marched as a bulwark of violent repression. Aethys had always admired their stalwart, cynical attitudes as they systematically neutralized their targets. Upon his next descent, he had watched a squad of the gray giants precisely tear apart one of the Indoi warwalkers and suffer no casualties.

His boots planted across the soft jungle floor, threatening to sink his armor in the mutated mire of Indoi. The Astartes refused this, pushing forward with the might of a demigod through the dense flora. His warriors chased after him with their claws at the ready. Their destination began to unfold in a wide opening of the tall, fungal vegetation. Giants, akin to themselves, brutally fought in close combat with bestial monstrosities. Bedecked in yellow-orange powered armor, a warrior with a standard raised an insignia of a Raptor Imperialis backed by a radiant sun and paired sabers. Aethys knew them immediately, hypno-trained and forced to memorize, as the IX Legio Cataegis - the Dawnhunters.

He awaited no alliance hail from the Dawnhunters, descending into the fray with his clade and claws. Genewarriors - if they could be called that - with myriad faces of Terran fauna fought back. Larger than the Astartes and armed with a variety of powerfielded weapons, Aethys could understand why the Cataegis were finding issues with the enemy. His claws tore through the ramshackle powered armor of the first bestial, pulling the warrior apart in a display of brutal viscera. Those behind him managed the same, decapitating and tearing their prey with relative ease. Despite their losses, the Dawnhunters held their own with roaring chainsabers and powerswords akin to equine-choppers.

The source of their call for reinforcement appeared before they could hunt it out. A smaller, lither bestial emerged from the woods with a plethora of arms weaving in apparent chant. Words, such that he had not heard before, began to spill forth from their maw as unnatural lightning arced off their apparel.

"Witch!" Aethys roared out as he pulverized the next bestial attempting to intercept him. Though he had not screamed it into the vox, his warriors had heard the call all the same. They moved in sync, weaving around the battlefield against the crushing wave of animal genewarriors and mutated hounds. Before the mutant could finish their chant, the Astartes were already upon them with claws descending.

"No!" One of the Dawnhunters screamed out as he kicked one of Indoi genewarriors in the chest, crushing their entire torso into a deep cavity. "It is not their witches we falter against!"

The trap had already been sprung. It was too late to respond before the first of the Astartes had fallen to the blades that crashed upon them. Robed figures in lithe power armor flitted into existence around them. Each wore a helmet with a howling skull, their gauntlets carrying a single-edged sword in one hand and a strange bundle of beads in the other. Edged with plasma, their swords pierced easily through the Astartes armor. Aethys had been lucky enough to avoid a decapitating strike, but he paid for that periless dodge with his helmet and one side of his face. Two of his clade perished to their ambush, decapitated and sundered. The last two managed to flit away on their jump packs with minor wounds.

Now, Aethys understood, why the Cataegis had been forced into this position. He reached up and tore the remainder of his helmet from his skull. The Scorpion had been lucky that the plasma had seared his wounds closed, elsewise he'd have to worry about the bleeding. The entire right side of his face was a mixture of devastatingly scorched and horrifically maimed. If the blade had striked an inch close, then his brain would certainly leak from his head. His tanned skin kissed the sun for the first time in Indoi, drinking deeply of the poisonous air. Brown hair descended the back of his head to his neck, cut abruptly on the right side by the wound. He lunged into the fray once more, their tricks unveiled and thwarted. It would prove to be his first of many mistakes against the eastern menace.

One of the Dawnhunters rushed into him, shouldering him away from a blast of pyrokinetic, unearthly energy. The Thunder Warrior disintegrated under the wave of wyrd, leaving nothing behind besides the charred air. It had been a warning. One that Aethys wouldn't forget or forgive. Every ounce of his training as an Astartes kicked in, words whispering into his ears from an unknown language in an unknown time. Sunder the black sands with obsidian talons. It had told him and he answered with violence.

Beams of wyrd were called forth from the unknown warriors. His preternatural senses allowed him the ability to dodge, even as they came as close as a carcharadon's tooth. Aethys focus heightened to a razor's edge, his body and claws lowered into a hunting jaunt. The black-bronze phantom, aided by the swiftness of his jets, pounced upon the warriors. They had been swift in the initial strike. They were not Astartes. His claws mauled the first, carving through ancient power armor and shredding mystic robe in single slashes. The second came upon him, cleaving through his right pauldron before being eviscerated by his talons. The next sliced through the powerfield of his left claw, rendering the weapon useless.

Anything is a weapon. The words came upon him as his unpowered, hulking fist caved the assassin's torso in. A flicker of movement saw his foot kick up one of his fallen ally's helmets, then punched down onto the aforementioned victim's skull. The last of the enemies sliced through the last of his talons, their plasma-edged sword easily carving through the humming powerfield. Aethys acknowledged his opponent, retreating backwards before charging forward with his jumppack. He was swiftly met with lightning quick stab from the sword. The Astartes caught the blade in his right fist, quickly melting through his oversized gauntlet. Their surprise was enough for the Scorpion to smash his left fist into the warrior, ending their life in a satisfying crunch. It came at the cost of his right gauntlet and part of his now-exposed hand. To him, it had been worth the price.

With their superior allies defeated, the insurgents quickly faltered. The Dawnhunters rallied after Aethys, murdering and butchering the last of the bestial warriors. Those that attempted to escape were intercepted by the last two Astartes aside from the clademaster. No sooner had the slaughter been finished did a rush of black-red mortals begin to filter through the opening. Reinforcements, smaller and expendable, filled the gaps with the rumble of heavy armaments following closely behind.

Aethys breathed heavily, his battle focus wearing off and his dual hearts rapidly thumping in rhythm. He wanted to curse his frailty, a burden of his geneseed, but remained standing solemnly. The Dawnhunters, those few that remained, approached him with similarly harrowed conditions. Both of his surviving Astartes came to his side.

"You fought like a demigod, fresh out of the anvil!" One of them said, the one that had initially warned him of the impending assassins, "I am Centurion Aralles of the Ninth Legio Cataegis, though we could hardly be called a Legion anymore." The warrior guffawed as loudly as the artillery in the background. Many of his kind would find this attitude annoying, but Aethys found it surprisingly charming.

"You have my thanks and more, Centurion," Aethys responded, pressing his wounded fist against the Raptor Imperialis across his breastplate, "I am Sergeant Aethys of the Thirteenth Legio Astartes." The title felt alien on his tongue. He had fought against Terra's earliest threats as a clademaster or cohort centurion. Now, however, the Legion's structure was rapidly changing and so too were the Cataegis.

"We had expected some of the Grey Third from the frontline, but not quite the heroism from the Thirteenth." Aralles spoke, removing his helmet to display the giantism that plagued his imperfect features. Deep bronze skin, darker than Aethys' own, and black hair with a single stripe of smoldering orange. No doubt, amongst the number of the Cataegis, this one was better looking than others.

"The Lightnings of the Third Legio Astartes," Aethys corrected him without missing a beat, "They're dour and melancholy, but they are inexperienced and raw. Their duties are the frontline to veteran themselves within a campaign. Ours is the blood of our enemy's backs upon our daggers and claws."

The response appeared to have caused some amount of approval in the eyes of the Cataegis. He beamed with delight, a great smile breaking up the scars and marks that plastered his face. An unnatural feeling filled his chest. Had they bonded in such a short time?

"A warrior after my own heart. Proper descendants. If you are an example of what comes after us, then Unity will come sooner than we expected. Raptor Imperialis, Astartes!" Aralles said, smashing his fist against the Raptor on his chestplate. The Thunder Warriors departed for the next objective, all five of them leaving three behind to fester in the Indoi jungles. Their corpses reminded him of his next duty.

"Bring the fallen to the apothecarium. Their geneseed must be recovered." Aethys stated, watching as his subordinates began to move away to the dead Astartes. With a grunt of effort, the black-bronze giant shuffled off the talon-severed fists from his arms. His right gauntlet was a maimed mess, severed and singed just as his face now was. His left was remarkably fine.

As the fallen Astartes were removed from the battlefield, lifted aloft on the jetpacks of his squad, Aethys moved towards the eviscerated corpses of the assassins. Kneeling down, he plunged the claws of his left fist into the skulls of the warriors. Tearing out clumps of grey matter, the Astartes shoveled them into his mouth. Already the augmentation began to filter images, names, words, and places into his mind. A part of him wanted to snarl at the things that he witnessed.

"The Pan-Pacific Empire." Aethys spoke aloud to none but himself. His voice bordered on a deep growl. Their involvement had been reported yet unfounded by Nolus Dolhai. His commander, Legion Master Zaid, had assumed much and more. He would need to report this to Consul Zameel. Something stirred within his person as he stood up once more. His eyes lingered on the single-sided plasma-blades of his foes. Anything is a weapon. The words, foreign and unusual, came to him once more.

He reached down and lifted the weapon into his left gauntlet. It was a sword that would normally have to be used two-handed effectively by mortals. To him, it was a weapon fit for his palm. Aethys justified that he would need a new weapon to fight with. Similarly, he thought, he would need a new helmet. Strapping the blade to his waist, the Astartes picked up one of the skull-faced helmets of the assassins. Some fitting would be required, no doubt.

With one hand he pressed the helmet over his skull. He strangely felt at peace behind the skull-faced mask. He felt as if he could walk over a thousand and one grains of black sand untouched.

Zameel flicked the new blade in his hand clean of enemy blood - or whatever remained that hadn't evaporated on the plasma field. His sergeant had brought him one of the enemy's weapons as proof of his kills. Though, he thought, it was odd that Aethys had decided to keep one of their skull-faced helmets to himself. Despite the grimness of the apparel, the Astartes found himself enjoying the contrast of bone-white on bronze-black. No doubt his Legion Master would agree, were it not for their current predicament.

Like a titan born of blood and fury, Zameel witnessed Zaid cleave through the rank-and-file Indoi like a reaper to their harvest. In one hand, his chainaxe was a crimson phantom of gore and viscera. In his other taloned gauntlet was the Lance of Abbaba, easily slicing through armor with an archeotech powerfield. It was impressive that any black or bronze remained to be seen with the sheer amount of shed life splashed against his warplate. Nothing remained of the Legion Master's tabard, tore or burnt asunder by his own weapons or those of his opponents. With a grunt of effort, the Astartes pierced a bestial genewarrior in the chest to lift him up into the air. The barrel on the lance vibrated to superspeed before expunging volatile energy into the sternum of the warrior. Nothing remained behind save for a pink mist.

The battlefield around him was filled with similar feats of abominable strength. The loyalist bestial genewarriors carved through their lesser cousins with religious ferocity. Astartes of the Third walked in straight lines, annihilating in waves of volkite rays and heavy bolt drills. Cataegis of the Ninth and the Eleventh marauded as they had centuries ago with crackling claw and reaving chainweapons. Zameel had even noted that the 10th Excertus Imperialis - the Black Wolves - hadn't fallen behind with their cannons ablaze and their infantry roaming in raiding squads. In truth, he loved this war more than anything at the moment. A true testament of mankinds dedication to brutal violence.

He flicked his gauntlet out, decapitating one of the multi-limbed witches with a lightning fast strike from his blade. It's carcass slumped to ground, regurgitating vile black blood out onto the jungle floor. His helmeted gaze scanned the horizon for fresh opponents as the battle continued. Delightfully, Zameel observed them as they marched from the depths of the jungle. Gargantuan suits of bolted metal and billowing engines emerged from into their trenchline with greatblades and towering shields. Both of their armaments were stacked with a plethora of ranged devices, their sword with fat-barreled rifles and their bulwarks with heavy cannons. Monstrous machines on oversized treads crunched through the foliage in support of their advance, a great mouth with a belly of plasma atop the lumbering vehicle.

"It seems the true enemy has revealed themselves. Just as you had said, Zaid." Zameel called out to the Lord of the Thirteenth, who bisected another mortal with a casual slash of his chainaxe. His helmet turned towards the new arrivals. The praetor was certain that the elder Astartes had begun to form a snarl on his lips.

“It matters little. It is the Emperor’s will to see their greatest warriors defeated.” Zaid finally responded. Zameel never believed in coincidences, yet he couldn’t deny the timing on the part of their Legion Master. Perhaps he had anticipated when, how, and why their true enemy would deploy from the depths of the jungles. Nevertheless, the praetor watched as warriors clad in the golden warplate of the Custodes strode the battlefield at lightning speed. The Astartes had always considered himself fast but never as fast as the personal vanguard of their Master. They shredded through the freshly arrived bulwarks with disgusting ease, dancing around their mighty shields as if they weren’t wearing the heaviest armor known to man. Their spears punctured thick, multilayered plating where powerswords and chainweapons would struggle to pierce. Where their legionnaires operated as a cohesive team built on genetics, they were in sync on a metaphysical level with twinned feints and assisted reloading. He admired them as much as he admired the Cataegis for their violent brutality.

+’Continue the purge, Thirteenth, our Master demands Indoi.’+ The voice of one of their warriors, Gjallahar, spoke while slaying the intruders in vast swathes. His voice was as calm as untouched water and deep as the oceans of Old Terra. No doubt he was respected amongst their golden number, but not nearly as much as their famed commander.

+’And Lord Aristagoras?’ Legion Master Zaid asked, pulling the Lance of Abbaba free from the disintegrating corpse of a bestial genewarrior. Free of enemies, he strode the battlefield with reinvigorated purpose. Zameel had wondered how his mind worked in time such as this. Similar to his own, he wagered, yet instinctually built for an entirely different purpose.

+’Worry not for the Axe of the Emperor, Astartes, he fights his own battles. When he is required, Captain Aristagoras will arrive with axe and laugh.’+ Gjallahar frankly responded, cutting the vox communication with the abrupt rudeness expected of their lineage. If it had offended the Legion Master, then Zaid hid it well beneath the knightly visage that was his helmet. Locking the chainaxe to his belt, the elder genewarrior rose up onto one of the vehicle wrecks with the Lance of Abbaba raised high. To some, mortals mainly, it was a sign to charge and advance onto the enemy. To his legion, it was a call to splinter and begin sowing operations. Such was the way of their number.

A flurry of their number, either on jetpack or on foot, spread out in all different directions to handle different tasks. His own number were amongst those soaring through the skies on burning wings; however, he was assigned a different task compared to those of his rank like Raamiz or Alim. His duty was to the Legion Master, trusted as a vaunted second-in-command should the old man ever perish on the battlefield as was his want. He thought of his duties as the Legion Master stepped from the wreckage of an Indoi warwalker.

“You’ve grown, Zaid, I didn’t hear a single snarl over the command vox.” Zameel said with a tinge of sarcasm seeping from his lips. It nearly earned him some form of backlash from the vaunted commander of the Thirteenth were it not for their current situation.

“Lord Aristagoras’ Host will handle the Yndonesic interlopers,” Zaid responded, ignoring his praetor’s sardonic attempts, “the Thirteenth has been charged with intercepting the infiltrators from the Pan-Pacific Empire. As was the plan from the beginning.” He knew what the Legion Master spoke of. Both their commander and the Emperor’s Axe had rightfully assumed that the southern Indoi separatists were backed by greater powers. They spent thirty minutes bitterly fighting over the honors of which force to fight.

Excellent! More of Narthan Dume’s legendary blades to add to our collection.” Zameel responded, having known from the start that his comment would be disregarded and his thoughts refocused by the Legion Master. Several of their number had gathered around them in preparation for the next phase. Hunters that he and Zaid had personally selected for the mission. Seven in total, all with their preferred weapons in a mix-match of veterancy. Those that had survived the first tests of the Thirteenth. He had jokingly called them immortals. Their commander had grown accustomed to referring to them as such: the Immortals – command squad of the Bronze Scorpions.

Legion Master Zaid thrust himself into a dead sprint, his fabled lance lowered and his body propelling him forward in a wild hunt. He was never one for words as it was. Zameel chased after him with the plasma blade drawn low and activated in preparation for combat. The Immortals followed behind him in a v-shaped formation, their wide array of weapons ready for the kill. Each of them passed the conflict between the Yndonesic Bloc and the Custodes, the former quickly losing to the sheer might of the latter. Behind them, the great tide of red-black and slate gray marched in an unending wave of war. All around them, their fellow genewarriors fought for their objectives with the decisive callousness that made them Astartes. He never doubted that they would find their Pan-Pacific infiltrators.

And so it was that the first of many appeared before them, their shrouds uncovered and their objectives laid bare to the Imperium. A group of five, skulking through the underbrush, raised their weapons and minds to fight off the Astartes. It was foolish to think they could deal with them as they had the Cataegis. Zaid N’Dar, the greatest of their number, lanced through the first with a speed that surprised many but never ceased to amaze Zameel. The infiltrator was hoisted into the air and vaporized by the archeotech’s internal cannon. The praetor fell upon the next, stunned by the sudden arrival of the Lord of the Thirteenth. He had expected to fight warriors on the same level as him. He was sorely mistaken as his opponent fumbled to deal with transhuman dread. The one-sided plasmic sword cut through the robed carapace of the interloper with definite ease. His Immortals echoed the slaughter, vaporizing and churning the Pacific menace with arms of incalculable violence.

The slaughter ended as soon as it had begun. Until the jungles began to shift, sigh, sway, whisper, and moan in a ritualistic dance. The air grew dank with a sour scent, reinforced only by an acrid tinge of sulphur and ozone. Zameel understood what was happening, yet he couldn’t pinpoint the direction. Their Legion Master was the same, staring down in one direction to observe maps hidden from the praetors view. Perhaps that was their folly. The jungles of Indoi were never their hunting grounds. The sands of the blistering deserts were their home. It was foolish to think they could rapidly adapt to geological changes on a whim. Scattered across the repugnant, mutated trees of Indoi, the Empyrean spilled into the acid rivers like a torrent of toxic waste from a manufactorum. Cries and screams rose up from a thousand voices as those in attendance were slaughtered by unspeakable things. Only the voices of the Custodes broke through the chaos.


A damnable word. An understandable word. This situation was beyond what they were capable of, especially for the Astartes of the Third. The Excertus Imperials, aided by the Third, could fend for themselves; however, the Northern Indoi battalions were another story. They broke. Entire sections of the advancing tide buckled, their psyches shattered and bodies sundered by daemonic threat. Multilimbed priests of the Golden Padshah burst into multichromatic fragments, bestial genewarriors mutated into great horrors of apocalyptic proportion, and trained beast-mutants transformed into throbbing masses of meat and teeth. Those that survived were forced back by the brutalization of their ranks. The Imperials remained, their slaughter continued, and their protectors pressed forward with renewed vigor.

Lord-Commander Crucias of the Tenth Excertus Imperialis – the Black Wolves – observed the end of the psychic cataclysm with his one remaining eye. Red-black soldiers in trench coats and reinforced carapace stabbed pulsating flesh masses in squads of five with bayonet and blade. The stoic giants of the Third – the Lightnings – walked with them, conflagrating those mutants that still thrived with their volkite cannons. None of the Northern Indoi militants remained to cull their deteriorated brethren. He didn’t blame them for their cowardice. A smattering of the Emperor’s greatest tanks, one of his included, idled nearby while the tides of war were stalled. His ear buzzed with tens of different reports as he watched them continue their gruesome work. The last of the abominations were being swept aside by the vaunted knights of the Emperor’s personal retinue. The Bronze Scorpions – Astartes of the Thirteenth – assisted them in their culling. The Legio Cataegis, in staunch disregard for orders, continued their mayhem in the jungles. They would be successful, no matter their casualty margins.

Commander,” one of the robed initiates of the Sigilite’s order approached. Three of their number had always travelled with him from Europa to Jermani to Abyssna to here. This one in particular, a relatively young man by the name of Sharaid, presented him with a dataslate. He ranked the lowest amongst the gaggle of intendents, perhaps as a show of faith by the Sigilite or as a test to see if Crucias would remain loyal. Malcador never failed to draw amusement from Wolfgang Crucias’ endless calculations and deliberations. The lad continued to speak as he mused. “I bring tidings from our Master and word from Lord Aristagoras.”

“Speak it then.” His voice was as sharp as a shot from a lasgun. There was no softness left in his voice from his youth. It had been tempered in the fire of Terra’s greatest battles. The same could be said about his scars. To Sharaid, he probably appeared as the most ancient commander outside of Malcador. He would assume correctly, rounding the corner of his fifty-fifth year. The Sigilite’s dataslate was as expected, no surprise there. Stay away from the psykers and pull back from quadrants Alpha through Victor. The manifestations in those zones had grown incomprehensibly. No doubt they would lose their Cataegis and Custodes support; however, the Astartes remained with them for the siege. Crucias raised his eye back up to the intendent.

“Zones Warlord through Zulu have been cleared for the assault on Protosia Agras. The Thirteenth have established a clearance corridor for a funneled siege. However,” Junior Scribe-Intendent Sharaid relayed with the carefulness of an adolescent, yet remained reluctant to part with the last piece of information. Wolfgang had already surmised what he would say, yet allowed him the time to spill it out. “Lord Aristagoras and his host will be reassigned to dealing with the incursion. The Ninth and Eleventh Cataegis are being dispatched as reinforcements as well. Squad Gjallahar will remain for the final push to settle the insurrection.”

He blinked. An entire squad of the golden plated knights were remaining with their siege. They lost nearly five-hundred Thunder Warriors to the incursion, yet gained five of the Emperor’s greatest warriors. Despite how he felt about the Cataegis, Crucias felt it was a good trade. Either Aristagoras had felt pity for the Black Wolves or the Emperor’s Axe had anticipated a greater menace in Protosia Agras. It mattered little to him.

“Relay to Lord Aristogras that we’re humbled by his willingness to allow five of his knights to remain. Dispatch a hundred of our non-mercenary Wolves to act as intermediaries and bolt-loaders. Use your guile to ascertain their inherent resistance to the wyrd. Dismissed.” He hadn’t planned to levy some of his personal troops to the Custodes, as they operated better as a cohesive unit without external support, but Crucias knew that his more veteran infantry would suffice for suppressive fire and reloading operations. Sharaid bowed his head in respect, claiming the dataslate offered by the Lord-Commander before disappearing into the hulking hull of his command tank. He had grown thirsty in the dry period of the incursion. His thirst would be quenched by the fall of Protosia Agras’ walls. His hand touched the vox-bead attached to his left ear.

+’All gathered forces. Proceed to coordinates as instructed. Ignore obstacles in the specified zones. Begin phase one of the staging operations at points Warlord-One-Seven-Nine and Yankee-Nine-One-Three. Protosia Agras will fall by night fall. Raptor Imperialis.’+ His commands were sent out across a thousand vox-beads and vox-speakers. His words were taken on immediately as the red-black mass, joined by the Gray Third, shifted towards the incursion exclusion corridors for the final assault. His voice left no question about their chances of success. To Lord-Commander Crucias, Protosia Agras had already fallen as soon as the Emperor had commanded it felled. It was simply a matter of adhering to His will.

Protosia Agras. Where Nolus Dolhai was a spectacle of the Old Night, a golden city of ingenuity, the seat of the Diviner was the core of the Cycle’s divinity. Great trees that towered as large as spires twisted in a dance around soaring temples. Incense permanently blanketed the air in a thin miasmic fog, while basins of purified acid floated amidst pools of cultivated sap. At the center of the city was the pyramidic temple of the Diviner, rising as the greatest structure even amongst the leviathan flora. Surrounding the spiritual hive was the Millenium Wall, formed by statues of their deities and reinforced by undefinable energies.

Where some had seen it as the culmination of their spiritual journey, it would forever now be the tomb of the Cycle’s infinite divinity. If anything, Zaid would be sure to torch every single one of their decrepit temples with his own talons. He regrets having to establish the incursion corridor. Protosia Agras was burning, shattered by the wail of a thousand cannons by the time the last of the Tenth Excertus Imperialis had been escorted through. The Legion Master knew he would have to share words with Wolfgang, stealing the glory of the siege for himself and intentionally separating the Astartes away from the action. Or perhaps his praetor was affecting his thoughts more than he had expected. Those thoughts vanished from his mind as his warriors approached the hive. Those walls that he had observed from a distance were demolished, a hundred breaches formed for them to enter.

+’Good of you to come to the battlefield, old friend,’+ The Lord-Commander spoke with what could be considered a smug tone over private vox. It confirmed some of his theories, yet he swallowed his pride and fought back a snarl. Patience is the weapon of the serpent. He heard them as they came, words from the ether that he had quickly accepted for his own. Before he could respond, Crucias continued. +’The Black Wolves will handle the separatists. Lord Gjallahar and four of his knights have begun a lightning assault on Diviner Thakur’s temple. Take your bravest and convene with the Custodes.’+

Few had the capacity or authority to command the recently risen Astartes besides the Emperor, Malcador, and the vaunted members of the Custodes. Neither were they puppets to be strung up by unseen hands to be meekly controlled. Lord-Commander Crucias, veteran general of the Excertus Imperialis, was one who he offered no bite back. He had refused orders from those that threatened to usurp the Emperor’s authority, those that challenged the legitimacy of the Sigilite’s operations, and those of whom shared the same office as him. His legion, once slate grey as the Third, attained an identity because of the Black Wolves. He would, and will, never dismiss the orders of Wolfgang Crucias. Zaid N’dar embraced them.

+’Then it shall be so. Raptor Imperialis, old friend.’+ The Legion Master responded as his lips parted in a toothy sneer-grin. The old man had always known how to strike at the warsong in his beating hearts. He beat the shaft of the Lance of Abbaba against the stone beneath his feet. Zaid ibn N’dar raised his other taloned hand to Protosia Agras and pointed out for the genewarriors of the Thirteenth.

“We’ve been given a grand honor, Bronze Scorpions! We strike at the core of the enemy to rip out their entrails and scatter their bones in His name! Pour into their wounds and poison their veins! Blood of the sand! Gloria Scorpii!” Zaid N’dar roared out through his knightly helmet. The Astartes of the Thirteenth cheered in ways that they knew best – by completing their objective. As a tide of insects into the open cuts of a fallen prey, the bronze-black giants descended upon the great city of Protosia Agras. It was here that the Legion Master truly felt as his title implied – the Lord of a Legion. Their numbers were infinite as they rushed through the canopy of the jungle. On burning wings, they rose and sank into the roaring flames of the hive city. They fell from soaring transports that screamed munitions into the ranks of the separatists. They were thousands. They were legion.

His blood boiled with the anticipation he had come to enjoy as being an Astartes. Both of his hearts beat to the hammers of war. He could no longer hold back the excitement that he felt warring for the Emperor of Mankind. Legion Master Zaid flung himself forward at the head of his hunting pack. Zameel followed in close pursuit, a pair of Pacific mono-edge plasma swords unsheathed to the wind. No doubt if his vox-grills were active, then he was certain to be laughing aloud. The Immortals were close behind him, their weapons powered and their barrels smoking. Each hunted forth with black tabards and chains rattling. Each was a veteran of a hundred skirmishes with talon-tipped gauntlets and laurel-crested helmets. Each of these Astartes was the very pinnacle of genemancy and heralds of their farflung progenitor. Each heard the songs of the umbral world, bowed to them, and used them in their lessons of war. They were a single drop in an ocean of thousands of bronze-black knights that scaled over the separatist walls.

And they were unstoppable. As Zaid sprinted over the crumbling ruins of shattered buildings, he observed the situations as they passed by. Where the inexperienced Third and the Black Wolves fought to a stalemate, the Bronze Scorpions descended with a renewed fury that broke the tide with numbers and violence. When the lumbering titan-mutants of the Diviner’s menagerie shuddered out of their pits, the Thirteenth were already carving into their fat flesh with talon and blade. They were innumerable. The actions of his legion proved worthy enough to draw attention away from the great pyramid of the Diviner. In real-time, the Legion Master witnessed the shambling warrior-slaves march enmasse to disruptions across the city. Vehicles were rerouted to handle an outbreak of bronze-black giants desecrating their shrines. Mutant-masters were forced to change their prey-targetting modules to focus on the Thirteenth. He could smell the astonishment, fear, and adulation from the mortals of the Black Wolves. Transhuman dread, the likes of which they had never seen before, was apparent in their body language. They rejoiced at sudden, unprovoked reinforcements and rose the Thirteenth up on internal pillars of glory.

Their glory, their sacrifices, would not be in vain. The golden aura of the Custodes grew closer as they crossed the fractured courtyard towards the Diviner’s grand temple. Their hulking forms were the very essence of lightning, cleaving their way through the thickest plate and densest crowd. To the surprise of Zaid, more than the Custodes awaited their strikeforce. A squad of Cataegis mulched through the temple sentinels, each as ornate as their Custodes counterparts. One bore claws with plasma-wreathed talons, while another pierced a defender with a shimmering spear of licking flames. He knew them before they could introduce themselves.

Primarch Napoleos and Primarch Vladorios. Both were unhelmed, their brazen and bruised faces open to the toxicity of Thakur’s despoiled temple. They were different in strange ways, but they were equally brutish and malformed. The Primarch of the Dawnhunters, Napoleos, bore the spear with his long hair flowing from a tight knot. His armor was orange-yellow with golden accents, decorated with a myriad of trophies from across Terra. The Primarch of the Raptor’s Claws, Vladorios, was a sullen warrior with a shaved head armed with a pair of deathly talons. His white-yellow armor stood stark amongst their assemblage. Two Dawnhunters and two Raptor’s Claws escorted their respective commanders with similarly brazen weapons of humming power.

Further, still, was the peculiar attendance of the Padshah’s Companions - bestial genewarriors of particularly old Terran animals that had long gone extinct. Unlike the Cataegis, Astartes, or Custodes, the Companions wore pseudo-power armor as their hide was enough to withstand several direct hits from explosives. One in particular, a man with intense feline features, led from the front with rending claws and a blood-covered maw.

“Perform your duties, Astartes.” The Custodes at the head of their group, Gjallahar. A crimson plume scurried out of his pointed helmet, slick with Indoi blood. A unique axe was held in his golden gauntlets, double-headed with a conflagrator at the shaft’s end. Despite the gore that decorated his armor, the genewarrior’s voice gave no inkling of fatigue or tiredness.

Zaid ibn’ Ndar and his Immortals acquiesced without verbal or physical confirmation. They bypassed the melee at the bottom of the temple’s long stairway, beginning their long winded ascent to the top. The temple itself was a steep pyramid of rustic metal and reinforced stone, centered directly at the apex of the hive-city to loom over all that reside within. Perhaps, once, it would’ve had automated guardians to defend it. Now, however, it was crewed by mutants and beast-creatures made from the toxic jungles and dank laboratories of the Indoi. Those said sentinels dared to bar their path were alike the Padshah’s Companions - bestial warriors heavily corrupted by the whimsical insurrection of the Diviner.

If they had thought they would be enough to stop the Thirteenth, then they had been sorely mistaken. The Immortals tore into them with all manners of fury. Zameel, with both of his single-edged blades, leapt into a decapitating strike on one of the defenders. Rhaehal, an Immortal, bisected another with a power glaive claimed from Abyssna. Another pair, Aghoris and Martarias, assisted each other in a deadly dance with volkite disintegrators and Jermani-pattern heavy blades. The last two, Hakam and Ghaalib, scythed through the weaker of the bestial warriors with venerable chainswords and thumping bolters. Zaid, himself, pierced through their lead opponent and tossed him from the side of the temple; yet, it was never these juggernauts that truly blocked their path.

Slinking down from the top of the pyramid, exiting from the dark depths of the Diviner’s temple, five figures began to approach them. Zaid could taste their association even before they fully materialized before them. Pan-Pacific knights, bedecked with swords of writhing plasma and power armor with skull-faced masks, squared off against them. Before the Bronze Scorpions could initiate their attack, a flash of three golden figures burst through their scattered rank. Gjallahar’s brethren leapt into combat with the straight-edged menace expected of their pristine genealogy. All at once, the Pacific knights were locked in mortal combat with the veteran genewarriors of the Emperor’s retinue.

Zaid. Napoleos. Vladorios. With me.” The command hadn’t needed to be said over vox. Gjallahar was clear enough to be heard even through the filtered grills on his helmet. Four of them, in his mind, would be plenty. Zameel, understanding the situation as it passed, turned around and prepared his blades to fight against a gathering throng of insurrections below. The Immortals, and eventually the veteran Cataegis, followed suit with their ranged weapons ready. As the squad of four rushed past the Pacific knights, the harsh scream of volley fire echoed behind them.

While the war waged behind and below them, the four threw themselves into the upper echelons of the temple. Great braziers of strange, everburning fire were held aloft by metallic statues with unusual properties. Large murals, carved into the hallways of the pyramid, spoke of the long, religious history of Indoi and all of their predecessors. None dared pay any mind to the dreams of bygone tyrants - only one ruler mattered to them. Despite the resistance on the way up, the warriors found none to bar their journey to the Diviner; however, they began to smell the familiar scent of depleted ozone and stinking sulphur. Zaid could audibly hear the two Primarchs behind him begin to growl in response. Of their number, he agreed that the Cataegis were the ones most adequately built for handling the wyrd.

The disgusting scent finally presented before them at the top of the open-roofed pyramid. Standing at the center of a great Indoi cohort, a single figure was hovering in the midst of the air. Like the Padshah, this figure had many arms sprouting from their back in an enlightening gesture. A myriad of eyes were closed on the bald head of the stranger, yet many more were open on the plethora of limbs they held. They easily dwarfed the largest of their number, Gjallahar, and wore nothing save for a flowing robe of yellow silk. All of the attendants had perished, their skin melted and their throats slit to spill into an eight-pointed circle beneath the floating being. Reality threatened to rip apart where they stood as they closed the distance.

Gjallahar failed to hesitate. He sprinted with all of his gene-might, hipfiring the conflagrator from his axe. Similarly, the Primarchs waited for no word to begin their assault. Both split to the left and right, aiming to sync their attacks with the Custodes at the forefront. Zaid, utilizing those perks of his geneseed, flitted across the open-air chamber to the rear of the figure. Each of the veteran warriors dived in for an overhead attack, only to be interrupted by the plethora of arms sprouting from the figure.

Vile mongrels of the Himalazian Mountains! I’ve heard the Truth! From the depths of Ursh’s nightmare citadel to the jade palace of the Pacific Empire have I seen where our beloved world is heading!” As he spoke, Zaid felt as if his skin would rip straight from the meat. If he hadn’t been certain that the creature was the Diviner, then the Astartes was well aware now that Thakur Vimal Sura was some form of abomination. The Lance of Abbaba was held in place by at least ten of his extremities, even while the disintegrator in the shaft was venting death into the air. The Diviner continued without interruption, “The Padshah - our great eminence of the Cycle - was wrong! We have followed the path set before us wrong! He - and your tyrant liege - will know what the Primordial Truth is!

Perhaps it was due to their latent ability to resist properties of the wyrd, or perhaps it was the sheer brutality that they displayed. Both of the Primarchs wrenched their weapons free of the abomination’s grip, carving into the soft flesh with fist and tooth as if they were animals. The creature that was the Diviner screamed in agony, releasing their weapons as he was assailed. Gjallahar emptied the volatile reserves of his conflagrator into the right leg of the being, while Zaid pierced through the upper right shoulder. With a wail enhanced by sorcerous energies, Thakur unleashed a shockwave of witchcraft that sent all four flying back. Luckily, the Vladorios and Napoleos recovered quicker than the others.

You are unable to kill me! I am the Cycle made manifest! I am the Tender, bearer of the Fruits! I am the Render, spiller of the Waters! I am the Diviner, willer of the manifold paths! I am the Enlightener, bringer of Nirvana!” The thing screamed out. It’s voice had never had a human tinge to it, yet in this moment it lost all of it’s humanity. The Diviner lashed out with chromatic rays of fire, beams of stinking acid, torrents of boiling fruit-flesh, and razor-sharp feathers of long-extinct fauna. Gjallahar and Zaid were nimble, crafted from the brightest minds, and able to dodge or parry what the Diviner gifted them. The Primarchs, however, were bulk from a different stock. They trudged forward into every assault, losing skin and armor in droves as they pressed further towards Thakur.

Submit to the Cycle!” The being said as it focused all of it’s energy into one of the Primarchs, threatened by their insane level-headedness. Zaid watched in awe as Vladorios’ withstood all of the Diviner’s attacks without flinching. His armor had long been ruptured, scattered, and disintegrated in their fight. His flesh threatened to peel, blister, bleed, scab, and more as the wyrd attempted to turn him inside out; however, he marched on with one of his shattered talons in one of his hands. The awe faded as quickly as it had set as both himself and Gjallahar descended upon the shocked abomination.

All at once, the battle ended as Vladorios pierced it’s heart with a destroyed talon. Zaid pierced the throat of the being with the Lance of Abbaba. Gjallahar bisected the creature at the waist with his double-edged axe. Napoleos cleaved the skull from the Diviner with his flaming glaive. The floating priest dismantled like a child’s toy as it spun from the air. Blood erupted from the pierced, cleaved, and cut portions of it’s body. The sigil on the ground faded into the stone. The scent of ozone and sulphur disappeared into nothingness. The sound of fighting outside of the pyramid was dying down in a strange change of tune. Their siege was coming to a close.

Vladorios dropped to his knees, gurgling from the sheer amount of injuries he sustained. Despite his best attempt to remain upright, Zaid knew the Cataegis was not long for this world. All of his front-facing armor was destroyed, nothing remained of the skin on his skull, and his tendons were bare on many of his extremities. To his surprise, it was not Napoleos that made the first move, but Gjallahar that rushed to his side. Before the shattered form of the Primarch could collapse, the Custodes held aloft the warrior in his golden arms. The one remaining eye on the warrior stared up blankly at the ornate knight.

Unity…” Came the hoarse words of the broken Primarch. It was as silent as the still air that remained after the Diviner’s demise. It brought both of his hearts to a beat. He was witnessing the end of one of their longest-lived Terran conquerors. There would be no Unity without their efforts. He doubt there would be Astartes without the Cataegis.

Raptor Imperialis.” Gjallahar responded, unsheathing his misericordia - a short blade of diamantine - and plunging the weapon into the exposed breast of the Primarch. An audible gasp exhaled from Vladorios before the warrior fell limp into the arms of the Custodes. Until the day that his duty ended, Zaid internally vowed to commit this scene to memory for all eternity. The body was carefully given to Napoleos, who blanketed his body with what remained of his cloak. The golden warrior then turned to the Astartes with a swift change of demeanor. He did not understand why he did it, but Zaid dropped to his knee before the Himalazian knight.

“What is your will?” Zaid asked. Whatever pride he had before was banished after the loss of the Primarch. He couldn’t help but feel respect for the Custodes before him. Perhaps all of Aristagoras’ warriors were like this - honorable, fierce, and proud.

“There can be only one Emperor of Terra and He sits the Himalazian Throne.” Gjallahar said, reaching down and pulling the Astartes up from his kneeling position. The Lance of Abbaba was gifted back to him by the oversized gauntlets of the Custodes. He bore it with pride, despite his ever increasing lack of emotions. The golden knight began to march from the temple, turning back once more to affirm his command. “We will depose the False Emperor of Indoi - Siddharth Enue.

And so they marched down the temple on a new warpath for Nolus Dolhai, to burn the great city and tear the High Padshah from his treasonous throne. By His will.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Oraculum
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Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Cleansing of Nordyc

The Battle of the Red Frost

Dawn broke, bringing no solace. Despite knowing what lay ahead, few had slept restfully that night. Ceaseless storms and gruesome terrors had worn away at all but the most inhumanly steely nerves, but even they had been eclipsed by a new feeling. It was an old thing, deeper than fear or yearning, which since the dawn of time had stirred in the bones of mankind; the anxious expectation of those who know that only little separates them from what they desire. Just one more day, one final trial. Then, for many of those who now strode into their ranks on the snow-hardened ground, the gruelling months of campaign through the frost-scarred roof of the world would be over, at least for a time. Those who had homes would see them again. Even their genewrought fellows, those who had nowhere to return but another battlefield, would see what they most dearly desired by the day’s end if they lived until it - victory, the fall of their hated foe and the triumph of the gold-mantled saviour of Terra.

Only one thing stood between them and that end now. The rotten heart of Maulland Sen.

The citadel was nested in a high mountain cleft, sprawling its dark walls and towers onto the slopes beside it like a great beast rearing to pounce. Long weeks of strenuous combat had bought the Imperials access to the final holdfast of the Confederacy, but if any had expected that the wellspring of corruption would be easily taken once the outer rings of fortified cities had fallen, their hopes had been dashed as soon as they marched into view of the ominous stronghold. Great stone walls interlocked around its girth in a deadly defensive ring, dotted with sentry towers and ancient cannon emplacements like the spines of some nightmarish serpent. The slopes of the bastions cut strange shapes in the icy murk, and it was unwise to gaze at them for long, for soon it seemed to the eye that they slithered and flowed into impossible angles that roused a droning pain in the head. A venomous green glow poured unceasingly skywards from the unseen heart of the fortress, refracting from the overhanging glaciers and filling the night with flitting shadows.

It was here that the Priest-King had unearthed the profane technologies that empowered his armies, and here he had sworn the tribes of Nordyc to the worship of his rapacious gods. No place was better fit to be the grave of his reign, but it was clear he would not go easily into the oblivion that awaited his ilk of warlocks and prophets.

Yet even in the face of all his might, the warriors of the Imperium were undaunted. The great host that had set forth into the northern wastes was much diminished now, chipped away by the dark arts of the tribes and the cold fury of the land itself, bled by a hundred battles and sparsely reinforced so far in the enemy’s heartlands. Only the strongest and most determined had endured all that the north had arrayed against them, and now they stood, thin but firm and grim-faced, mustered at the foot of the forbidding mountains. All of them had lost friends, comrades, brothers in this deadly march; it was not only the abhorrence for the horrors they had seen that drove them on, not the restless eagerness to cast down the last obstacle and return home, nor even the presence of their Emperor, seldom seen but felt by all. Vengeance against the dark lords of the north warmed the hearts of nigh every man and woman with a bitter flame.

Though the Imperial lines were a hardened shadow of their former magnitude, they were a tremendous sight nonetheless, long files resplendent under the pale sun in their helmets and armaments. Battle-scarred tanks and hungrily awning artillery guns reinforced their backbone, turned up towards their ultimate prey. At the fore of the formations, ten thousand Thunder Warriors faced the pestilent light of the fortress with impatient defiance, uncaring of the mesmeric traps the infernal construction laid for their eyes.

Behind those unstable warriors were the proud Sentinels, arrayed in small dedicated units - about five or six squads for each of the mortal bands. After fighting the horrid monsters of the north many of their armors bore the scars of conquest and many took trophies of their victories, though none so macabre or imposing as their cousins. Their forces were arrayed to protect the men that had brought them this far and to destroy the horrors too strange or evil for human eyes. They were a boon and many of the soldiers near them knew that they had the Emperor’s finest looking after them, even if they knew not all would see the siege through. 

The one-thousand Sentinels would leave this place as undaunted as they had arrived - but not unchanged.

In the wings of its files, the Imperial army had undergone a strange inversion. Where at the outset of the campaign the Legio Cataegis had encased the flanks like a great cuirass of steel, the hulking genewarriors had gathered to the centre of the van, and though the Sentinels retained their own place, their brothers in the Astartes had been the ones to disperse outwards. The slate-armoured Ninth Legion hovered around the sides of the battle-order, embuscaded among the uncleared rocks and crags of the mountainside. While they had whetted their taste for raids and ambushes over frontal combat, their preference was just as much a matter of necessity. Their numbers were thin, eaten away by more than battle alone, and strangely irregular in places - some of the warriors seemed to stand strangely tall at a distance, perhaps as much so as even the Steel Lords, and shuffled in place, while others crouched close to the ground in a low stoop though they were far yet from the enemy.

These oddities were only visible to a sharp eye, however, for the unevenness of the self-styled Reviled was far more apparent in their armament. Each cohort had its distinct panoply of macabre spoils of glory, heralding its grim kenning as a fraternity of warriors as well as a military unit. There stood the Skulltakers with their polished stark-white masks; there the Blood Mark, each with a red handprint on his chest or shoulder; the Excoriators with their grisly standards and the pale-encrusted Bone Walkers; and the Lords of Ash, whose armour was scored with the cinders of fallen cities, the Harrowers bristling with bonded spikes, and many others.

It was at the very forefront of the assembled host that its commanders met to divide their last dispositions. The Primarch Ushotan, the highest-ranking among them and the one who led the mightiest part of the army, had willed it so, perhaps to flaunt his courage in stepping forth in the open and challenging the foe even before the battle was joined. Indeed, just as likely his men had expected nothing less of him.

“We will be first,” were the greeting words from the gnarled lips of that mountain of muscle and belligerence, no less imposing now for standing on the slopes of a massive of rock. On the bare rocky ground, with nothing behind him but the citadel and its baleful glow, the giant in brutally simple grey armour loomed perhaps even larger, undiminished by all his years of warfare. His voice was as peremptory as an avalanche. “Only we here have the force to push the tip forward. The rest of you cover us as you can, just don’t get in the way.”

The delegation of army officers, dwarfed into near-insignificance by his presence even off at a wary distance, did but acquiesce with their silence. 

“So long as you control the warrior’s murder-lust,” came the stoic voice of Arturas, his voice modulated by the great helm that came to mark the Astartes. Arturas had no qualms with the now obsolete Thunder Warriors - he admired them for their continued service. However, he always despised the degradation that took them and the eventual monsters that they became. The Sentinels were the shields of Humanity and would strive to save the people from monsters of any form. His voice became sharper, “Additionally, Primarch, I request that Steel Sentinels be tasked with pushing for the sorcerer-king. Our number is few but we can prove effective in decapitating the enemy leadership, this could make the conflict swift.”

“If swiftness is still a thing of this world inside that den of witches,” Skorr mused. Unlike the rest of his warriors, the Master of the Ninth was not adorned with grisly trophies or warpaint. Only the golden feather shone undimmed above his brow. His entourage was not so pristine - Nyrid donned an oversized mutant skull as a visor, after the fashion of his chosen swordsmen, and a cybernetic arm betrayed Ghaal’s incipient deterioration. Still, the Master’s voice was as congenial as ever. “Yet if any of us can hope to pierce through its defences, it is a compact speartip such as that of our brothers.”

Ushotan grunted, making no effort to conceal his disdain. He never had made a secret of his hostility towards what seemed to him painfully inadequate successors to his Thunder Legion.

“Don’t think you can end this with a clean strike,” he pointed at the sinister citadel with the tip of his sword, “The savages are bringing everything they have left to bear against us, and if we don’t do the same they will dance on our bones. The Thunder will be unleashed - there is nothing in there left to spare. If you can push through when we reach the gates, the king will be yours, but no more than that.”

Arturas bristled at such words, knowing that there was a chance that civilians still roamed the citadel and were merely hiding from unknowing liberation. He was going to speak against Ushotan, before a shadow momentarily moved over him, silencing his tongue for the briefest of moments. The Master of the Steel Sentinels gazed up and he saw what seemed to be a black hawk far above them - certainly higher than any Hawk ought to be flying. It was an auspicious sign, however, and Arturas spoke to the others with confidence, “The Emperor is with us. May His will be done! Victory is ours!”

A war cry ran up the the Sentinels who stood behind their master, the only time they seemed to ever break their rigid and silent discipline as the Astartes all cast their gaze to the black hawk that circled them. Other shouts came from further afield as the others quickly boxed the sign, the Astartes would bring death with the Emperor’s Own at their head. Not even Ushotan would be able to deny that the appearance of the Hawk spelled certain victory for the Imperial forces, though Arturas moved his gaze to the Primarch of the Thunder Warrior legion.

The Steel Lord’s eye had followed his skyward, catching the same remote swooping shadow, and his response had been a different one indeed. He scowled and grit his teeth in a feral grimace, then looked to the mountain again with a defiant growl which might have been directed at anyone and not just the enemy. The presence of the Talon leader could have meant any number of things to him. An omen of victory, to be sure, but also a sign of mistrust. That he could not be relied on to conquer this last obstacle without the Custodians at his back; or, worse yet, that a blade had to be hung over his head, waiting to fall should he be judged dangerous for the very lord whom he served. These suspicions sat ill with the violent and prideful spirit of a Thunder Warrior - and besides, Ushotan had little fondness for Custodes, so cold and stunted in the passions that made life worth living, though he did respect their prowess more than that of his fellow gene-warriors. Therefore he did not answer Arturas, but brandished his sword with a wordless cry that was echoed by his legion in a storm of ferocity. The steel-shod giants moved forward, and the battle began.

As eager as the Steel Lords were to plunge into the heart of the foe and perhaps dispel the foreboding of the shadow that hovered over them, even they knew enough to ration their strength. The slope that led up to the citadel was a steep and tall one, and an eager rush would have left the assailants fatigued once they reached the top, ready only as fodder for the blades of Maulland Sen. Thus the Thunder Legion bit its bridle and restrained its fiery blood, and marched onwards in uneven but quite orderly lines, irritatedly conscious of its vulnerability but powerless for now to act on it. In the rear followed the rest of the army, the growling bulks of the tanks and unhurried rows of infantry streaming behind them. As grandiose as the sight was, the decisive moment of the battle was already almost upon them. Now that the force was most open to attack, it depended on their grit and tenacity to climb to the gates so high up with their strength and will to fight undamped.

The ordeal did not let itself be long awaited. The ancient guns at the top of the bastions spun, slowly, almost lazily, and with a peal of thunder opened fire. Flame and incandescent metal rained in the path of the advancing army, gouging craters into millenarian rock and scattering bodies, whether they were human or more, like heaps of mangled and blackened dolls. Some vehicles groaned and fell still, dead and smouldering husks of melted steel. Then the viridian light blazed brighter all of a sudden, eclipsing the pale sun with its corrosive glare, and the air overhead began to swirl like disturbed water, stretching and spinning shadows cast by no body upon no surface. Out of ephemeral, bursting and collapsing spectral whirlpools, strikes of many-coloured lightning barraged the ascent, twisting as if with malign will to reap the greatest number of victims. Where they struck, sometimes iridescent fire blazed in columns, dissolving flesh and bone in its tongues; sometimes men and machines burst into crystalline fragments like smashed sculptures of glass; sometimes bodies swelled horribly, bristling with misplaced teeth and eyes, and weapons began to breathe in the hands of their wielders, requiring those who marched nearby to promptly cut down these nascent horrors with grim decision.

These were the harshest moments, when the fortress could rain down death from the advantage of its height while the Imperials’ own artillery was not yet in position to contest it. Hundreds, thousands fell in these first bloody minutes, unnoticed by their comrades who trampled the tortured bodies in their unrelenting march. The only way for the groans and screams of the dead to be repaid now was for the army to reach its objective and visit them on the Nordyc many times over.

At last the ponderous wheeled guns and tracked missile-pods in the rearguard crawled up the foot of the mountain and clung to its jagged and blasted stones. Slow, graceless targets that they were, had they attempted to scale the way first they would have been wiped out in a breath, but with the defenders’ fire focused on the vanguard, they had time to aim their mouths and sensors with unhurried precision. The bellowing of the bastion guns and the howl of the unnatural tempest were for an instant overcome by the concordant, synchronised roar of the siege artillery. When the embattled attackers next looked up at the citadel, several of the emplacements on its walls were smoking. The bombardment from above was diminished, though not fully staunched. The aberrant lightning had ceased, though the fiendish light and ominous ripples in the air remained.

The augmented of the new 19th Legion had waited for this opening - much like the Thunder Warriors before them. They surged forwards pressing their advantage with inhuman bounds across the open ground now that the emplacements had been momentarily silenced by the artillery. Many of them carried melta charges, primed and ready to disrupt further emplacements once they had gotten to them. Yet, the strength of land between them and the citadel was vast enough and still a perfect killing ground for whoever survived the bombardment. The Sentinels of Steel made ready for a hard fought battle, prepared to take the brunt of the fighting so that the slaughter would be quenched quickly enough. Yet, all could see that sweeping shadow from above and as the bombardment had waned they saw the vaunted custodian of the Emperor swoop low.

It had seemed that the Black Hawk, though perhaps unnerving the Steel Lords, swept towards the gatehouse, landing amongst what tattered remnants of resistance remained. Any who gazed saw bodies being thrown from the walls, often dismembered or bisected. The Emperor’s chosen had a clear objective to aid the assault for the time being - whether or not her ire towards the Thunder Warriors would be made apparent was still up for Ushotan’s speculation, but at least for now, the dreaded executioner remained away from them all.

This daring assault precipitated the defenders’ frenzy. Flashes of sorcerous light, unnerving and painful to the eye, burst atop the gates, retreating along the battlements as the tumbling silhouettes of the fallen were outlined darkly against them. Neither the Steel Sentinels nor the Thunder Warriors were to be disappointed in their undiminished zeal: the heavy metallic jaws of the citadel swung open, slowly at first, then gaining speed as if eager, with a loud metallic groan which was heard by the foremost ranks through the din of the bombardment. Out from it rushed a pestilential avalanche, the black blood of Maulland Sen distilled to its most noisome and corrupt.

Misshapen, contorted, pierced by a tangle of corroded metal, the shapes that spilled out onto the slope gave pause even to the hardened Army vanguard. Many of them bore little resemblance to humanity: grotesque mutants with a dozen limbs, or else none at all, crawling like ignoble worms and boneless slugs; faces without eyes, noses or mouths, jaws snapping and contracting beneath membranes of skin, teeth tearing the very muscle that set them into motion. Some were stunted and minute like children, but screamed with a malice and ferocity born of ages. Others towered, huge and loathsome, repellent grins of unthinking bloodlust drawn over their lipless maws. Blades and spikes transfixed them gruesomely in ritual patterns, fresh gashes drawn across flabby and leathery skin to propitiate their cruel gods of battle.

Behind the wave of mutants came the witch-marked warriors of the priest-king. They were hardly less abominable despite largely retaining the guise of man. Pagan etchings scarred their skin where it was exposed by their coarse, spike-studded powered armour, some still oozing fresh. Their lips frothed as they howled their blasphemous war cries, eyes blank and fixed blindly ahead, powerful frames shaking with ill-contained rage. There was in their paroxysm no fear in the face of the formidable army marching against them, though they wielded swords and axes against the column of Imperial armour, nor even of the imposing genehanced troops or the fury of the Thunder Warriors who even now were charging in earnest, quaking the mountain under their feet. It was death or victory for them now, but in their sanguinary rapture they appeared oblivious even to that.

At the same time, horrific shrieks erupted at the flanks of the ascent. From scores of hidden caverns and crevasses, from gaps in the stone and ancient tunnels, like a frothing cascade of impure subterranean rivers there issued another tide of horror. Misshapen brutes crawled out from the gaping stone, similar to vermin swarming from a stirred hive in their aberrant bodies as well as their clambering rush. The cohorts of the Ninth Legion soon found themselves embattled among scrabbling claws and drooling fangs, reinforced within moments by crude cybernetic juggernauts bursting out from the stony ground. The jagged landscape of the mountainside was awash in the glare of flamers. Rivulets of molten snow mixed with tainted blood and poured out onto the road, miring the advancing ranks and rumbling treads. Ice cracked and was stained red.

Over the carnage, the glare of sorcery burned wrathfully, and then, all of a sudden, abated. But the leaden daylight did not succeed it. Somehow, the venomous luminescence had torn away the sun overhead and dragged it away as it withdrew, for now dusk fell over the battlefield. It ought not have - the clouds were thin, and Sol vigorous enough to burn through them, and yet there it was, a thickening murk in defiance of time and space alike. Perhaps it was the shock of this impossible shadow, or perhaps a flock of lesser wyrds rode under its wings like invisible daemons, but uncertainty seeped down from the sky in its wake. Here and there, troops wavered, breaking rank as they warily glared around themselves. Marching feet felt as if they were sinking into something damp and yielding, nauseating to the touch, yet rested on nothing but firm stone. Behind the heedless onslaught of the Steel Lords, the Imperial files slowed, minds and bodies straining against waves of filth and spiritual poison.

Even as men wavered and broke rank, the honourable and faithful Steel Sentinels strode forwards and moved against the foul sorceries of the wyrds. They dared not abandon the mortal men that they had fought with and endured horrors beyond imagination - and for that though some men wavered, the sight of Astartes would shore up the resolve of those closest to them. Arturas, himself, had spurned much of the Auxilia forwards even as men fell in droves from invisible wounds. However, his head craned in the midst of combat, a nod of acknowledgment came from him as he spoke over the vox to his brothers. The Sentinels of Steel had been given a new task, one of great importance if they were to continue to assault on the city.

“Ushotan, I have retasked the Steel Sentinels to hold the battlements and the gatehouse,” came the sharp voice of Amalasuntha over vox as she felled wyrds by the dozens. She moved faster than any of the augmented on the field save for perhaps the Primarch of the Steel Lords and a yellow blur was seen continually diving into hordes of physic anathema only for a red mist to fill the air. Her voice cut through once more, “If you wish to honour your Emperor, I would suggest you redouble your efforts.”

A grunt was the only answer at first. When the Thunder Warrior did reply, his voice was strained, not so much from fatigue as from the audible effort of reigning in his battle-fury enough to speak.

“If the Emperor wins any honour here today, it will be by our hands!” Snarling was audible through the vox, then an impact of crushed bone so tremendous that it reverberated through the bead. “I’d like to see you here in the thick, Custodian! Let us do our work and keep your eyes on yours.”

It could not have been said that the Steel Lords were not doing their utmost to advance, at least if one had a sharp enough eye to ascertain it. The core of the Imperial host could now only see the backs of their rearguard, bent forward ferociously against the incline of the slope. All else had been engulfed by the avalanche of horrors that continued to flood undeterred out of the gates. After the first waves of mutants and witch-marked men, all semblance of cohesion in their ranks had been lost, and they bore down now as a disorderly cavalcade of nightmares. Nigh-amorphous hulks of corpse-skin stitched together with metal wire stomped and brayed like anteglacian pachyderms, cybernetic fusions of man and rot-born fungus ululated from manifold throats, grotesques of translucent, ethereal flesh raged from lattices of small fanged mouths spread like membranes between their many-jointed snarling limbs. It was testament to the courage of the human vanguard that they did not break into maddened panic at the mere glimpses of these abominations of existence, though nor were their minds clearly untouched. Their stares were blank and vitreous, steps heedless as they trudged through torrents of blood and viscera, their gunfire mechanically precise as it withered the horrors that flanked the Thunder Warriors’ mired wedge.

If anything kept the ranks cohesive, it was the example of the Steel Sentinels, steadfast beacons of surety where their genebred predecessors clove thoughtlessly ahead. Even as the ensorcelled darkness became filled with whispers and unclean sounds - as it seemed at moments to everyone that an incubus crouched on their shoulder, hissing venom into their ears and none else - as the sight began to flicker and the faces of years-long comrades contorted into grinning hallucinatory atrocities - the soldiers of Unity held behind their guides, and the maledictions of warlocks were to them as the bloody ordure they waded through. Step by torturous step, bought in wounds of the flesh and mind, the column neared the embattled gates, all the fury and terror of Nordyc powerless to halt it.

The vox crackled to life with a frequency that had until that moment been silent.

“We have the tunnels!” Nyrid, blade-champion of the Reviled, all but spat, hurried but grimly inexpressive, “Keep them focused on the gatehouse! We will take them from the back if we gain the streets.”

The rush of bestial ambushers that had attempted to clasp the column in a pincer from the craggy sides of the ascent had slowed to a trickle. Engaged by the Ninth Legion in their midst, they had been easily picked off by targeted fire from the flanks of the army, and most of those that still survived were now scampering away into the crevasses, all thought of combat abandoned in their desperate bid for survival. Their victors had now, it seemed, claimed the very passages that had allowed the assailants to move out of the citadel undetected. None could see what fiendish struggle was raging in the bowels of the mountain, what unfathomed mazes saw the light for the first time in aeons from the mortiferous flames of promethium. But something did move down below, for suddenly there was a mote of hesitation in the horde at the gates, a slow in the press of disfigured bodies - and then confusion. The packs of monstrosities stomped in place, uncertain where to turn, and were soon being swept aside in the shadow of the high gates. Atop the battlements, the last resistance the Stygian Talons were facing crumpled, the sorcerers and their hirds turning and fleeing to the heart of the citadel, where sickly light still burned on angular balconies.

“They flee now! Cowards and mutants,” Arturas spat, cleaving a fleeing magician apart as he spoke into the vox. His voice carried a calmness with it as he restrained himself, “Lord Ushotan, the Steel Sentinels shall now stay at the gatehouse as ordered. May you bring honour in His name.”

Many of the Steel Sentinels, or those that remained, regrouped at the captured gatehouse intent on holding it with all intent to kill any counter attack. They had taken great losses, however, from the several thousand that had gone into the Nordyc campaign, only near a thousand of them now truly remained, having prioritised protecting their mortal comrades from the worst that the wyrds could muster. What remained now were only those skilled enough to face horrors unseen by mankind with an unflinching resolve. Though relegated to a defensive force, the Steel Sentinels swore to protect the Imperium with all they could muster.

The Stygian Talons, however, had all but vanished as soon as the Steel Sentinels had arrived in the gatehouse proper. No vox chatter to signify where they had gone or what they were doing, save for a clue. A single corpse made of wire and metal in the mockery of human form was left buried amongst the dead - not that any could make heads or tails of why. The consternation was not limited to the forces aboveground, as soon the vox made itself heard.

“The Custodians are in the tunnels!” rasped the raw voice of a Reviled, “The mountain is all but taken! There is no need for them here.”

“Do not mind them,” the Master of the Ninth quelled it, “Push into the fortress! We must have it before Sol’s natural night is on us!”

The battle had indeed now spilled past the gates and into the passages and courtyards of the citadel. The massed ranks of the Imperial Army, previously such a vast and cumbersome target for the defenders’ guns and sorcery, unfolded as they at last brought their numerical superiority to bear against the remnants of the enemy. Squads crisply sheared away from the column as it marched into the jaws of the fortress, branching out to cover every thoroughfare and cramped passage that radiated from the access. The crackle of stubbers began to rise throughout the stronghold, interspersed with the roar of heavier weapons blazing a path through barricades of metal and flesh alike. On the walls, vanguard units clambered to occupy the space cleared by the Stygian Talons. Sparse gunfire still rained on them from the central spires, and warp-lightning smote with no regard for the battlements, but by inches red uniforms covered what had been held by the furs and jagged metal of the barbarians.

To one looking upon the citadel from below, the struggle could have seemed well and decided then, but its last steps were no less gruelling than what had preceded them. The interior of the Maulland Sen holdfast was a hell of its own, all the terror of that blighted land gathered upon a single mountaintop. It seemed as though its walls could not have been built by mortal hands: the stone curved and protruded in ways that ought not have been possible, twisted into precarious shapes which nevertheless did not budge under the fire of autocannons. The angles that had been dizzying to behold from afar, defying the rationality of sight, became dangers in their own right up close. As though surrounded by mirages, the assailants could rarely be sure of where one street ended and where it curved into an intersection; arches and corners that had seemed invisible awned suddenly when one took an unwary step, and sent man stumbling into unsuspected courtyards and alcoves where hungering blades awaited. The architecture of the fortress defied description in ways never before seen. The ground itself seeped treachery, rising or falling into stairways and inclines that were only revealed once feet trod upon them. Windows opened and closed in the walls almost like living eyes, spitting volleys of withering fire before seeming to vanish again.

And in every corner of that nightmarish labyrinth lurked the horrors of Nordyc. Bands of savage warriors in coarse, spiked power armour lay in ambush with fiendish cunning, emerging from unsuspected angles to strike into the midst of advancing units. Monsters that were neither man nor beast crouched under impossible ledges or hung, batlike, from bridges and overhangs, ready to leap down in a storm of malformed claws and rending teeth. Infernal golem-machines stirred in dark recesses and began their clanking march down the streets, each a wall of howling chainblades and unthinking brutality. There seemed to be no end to the miscreations that issued from every shadow; they were eager for blood, fresh where the Imperials were weary, and worst of all they knew the ways of that pernicious maze. Every inch of stonework was a hiding place for them, every foot of paved ground a way for them to emerge behind unsuspecting prey.

But the momentum of the Emperor’s army could no longer be stopped. Men who hesitated before the mind-wracking puzzles of the citadel soon found heart again as the unceasing steps of comrades approached, an iron-shod reminder that they were now masters of the field. Fracturing squads massed again, bristling with gun-barrels and bayonets, and met their ambushers with resolute volleys no matter which side they came from. Flamers swept every suspicious nook, grenades rained into hidden courtyards, forcing the expectant fiends within into clashes that would see them outnumbered. It was arduous, harsh fighting, but the soldiers who had carved their path through Nordyc could no longer be daunted by shadows and ferocity alone. However many of them were lost to twisting corners and abrupt descents, however many fell to the obstinate and sanguinary foe, they were undeterred, and step by gruesome step they advanced.

Nor were they alone as they tightened their grip around the last holdouts. The Reviled had been badly bloodied by the ambushes on the mountainside and then the sightless war in the tunnels, cut down to less than a fifth of their already slender number, but bloodshed had awoken in them a bitter thirst not so easily quenched. They prowled now the fractured maze of the citadel, shadows of blood and steel, clad in metal and bone and flayed skin, animal in the gait of their hunched, slinking steps and the ferocity of their strikes when they met with a roving foe. Even madmen and monstrosities hesitated as they came to face these horrid apparitions, their ragged silhouettes, stark against the smouldering fires they left in their wake, stirring memories of those most hideous Warp-borne visions that had unsettled their minds irreparably. Almost uncaring of their survival, these warriors that seemed to bestraddle the line between Astartes and their foes pounced into the very forces that sought to ambush them, and here a band of barbarians was overwhelmed by their strength, there a towering cyber-mutant toppled by their finer skill.

There was one force, however, that tore through the fortress like no other, undeterred by either the violence of its defenders or the fiendish traps of its architecture. The Steel Lords were no more ten thousand, more than half that number having fallen before they reached the gates, but whether death loomed before their eyes or stood at their shoulder, those blood-mad warriors were blind to it. Their eyes blazed like lightning, their cries were as thunder. Nothing that dared rise in their way endured. Foes were hacked to pieces and trampled without even slowing the armoured wedge. Walls crumbled under the blows of their thunder hammers and the barrage of autocannons. At their head, Ushotan, lost to the mania of bloodshed, cleared the path with the wide bloodred arcs of his plasma-wreathed blade. They did not disperse like the Army had, did not skulk and creep around impossible angles like the Reviled; like a bolt loosed from the Emperor’s own hand, they carved a straight line of ruin from the gates to the central spire.

The last house the rampant Thunder Warriors had veritably pierced through collapsed, battered down to its foundations, its huddling inhabitants crushed under the tread of the invaders. The courtyard before the spire teemed with horrors of the foulest sort, hulking mutants whose gnarled bones were joined with spined metal, furnaces of warpfire lit in their guts, almost more fiend than human, frenzied by the long-delayed expectation of slaughter.

In less than a minute, nothing remained of them.

The heavy metal doors of the tower, etched with leering gargoyles and strange symbols that were frightful to behold, fell like a silken curtain. Within, all was darkness and strange lights, luminous globes of pale corpse-fire drifting like lost souls. There was no above or below, no left or right in that disorienting gloom. Howls, roars and cachinnations taunted and menaced from all sides. Even a superhumanly robust mind would have quailed before this unearthly sight, vainly grasping for the suggestion of anything familiar, and perhaps it would have been lost then as insidious fear stilled it in its grip. Yet the Legio Cataegis was of another sort entirely - not preterhuman, perhaps, in the edge of their wit or the penetration of their insight, indeed not so far from those multitudes of humanity they towered over. That had not been their purpose; but they were wrought to be the first bulwark of Unity, its hardiest defenders, armoured in their grit against both the terrors of war and the insidious nightmares of the wyrd. Stubbornly, they plunged into the dark, not stopping to consider what might lie hidden in it, not allowing themselves to waver. Blinded, disoriented, Ushotan found the steps of a cyclopean winding stairway under his feet, and that was the only hold he needed.

“After me!” he bellowed, and a thousand voices answered him from behind. The Steel Lords could trust nothing but the rhythm of their march and the weapons in their hands as they ascended that skyward hell, but they needed no more than that. The stone they trod upon sought to betray them, undulating and shifting as though it were alive, the very uncertainty of whether its writhing was an illusion or a sorcerous transformation enough to paralyze a less steady spirit than theirs. Vile denizens of that benighted pit swarmed around them. Shamans cast away their tattered robes, and in the sickly light of dancing wisps were transfigured into immense terrors that defied earthly geometry, arcuate towers of flesh with scores of limbs that breathed flame and poison from tetragonal mouths and fulgurated from ninefold evil eyes. Wraiths, daemons, draugar in all the visages that a diseased mind could conceive crashed forth in living waves, mewling, gibbering, cursing in dead languages from Terra’s millenary past.

It was their mistake to have made themselves corporeal, susceptible to fire and sword. The rage of the Thunder Warriors surmounted the apocalyptic visions strewn before them, their stupendously puissant bodies pushed through fire and lightning, through tooth and ethereal claw. Before their blades, abyssal spawn tumbled back into the dark, trailing blood and venomous bile. Shadows were rent by the sanguine glare of plasma. 

Perhaps hours went by in thoughtless carnage where fury clashed and gnawed its own tail. Perhaps it was days or indeed mere minutes, the flow of time itself subverted among the walls of that infernal bastion - it made little difference to the Thunder Warriors, who hacked, crushed and died without a thought in the baleful murk. Yet at long last, even as he had at the foot of the stairway, their Primarch touched upon something new - a door, it seemed, flat and peaked. It was far smaller than the fortified gate at the base of the tower, and brittle in an unpleasantly organic way, but Ushotan had no time to ponder any gruesome implications. With a kick, the portal burst open in a rain of splinters, and the unnatural shadows seemed to drain through the opening in a wailing flood, leaving behind a dreary stairway that was far narrower than any had expected. At last, the Steel Lords saw light once more.

The space beyond the threshold was almost jarring in its normalcy after the aberrant climb that preceded it. A great long hall spanned what must have been the peak of the tower, cold and bare stone rising to a sharp vault overhead. Unlike the quarters of so many would-be kings and warlords overthrown by the nascent Empire, it was perfectly empty, not even an icon to profane forces or a final line of defenders breaking the desolation of its walls. At the far end, it opened like a cavern onto a wide balcony, gusts of frigid wind buffeting through with nothing to stop them. The sky outside was yet a nauseating amalgam of darkness and twisting strands of viridian light, and outlined against them, far at the edge of the terrace, stood the chamber’s only occupant. So distant, before an army of giants, he seemed minuscule, a miserable bundle of old worm-eaten cloned fur draped on the vague suggestion of a man.

Heavily, without haste, the priest-king of Maulland Sen turned to face the intruders upon his sanctum. He was old, very old, the thin and weather-beaten features under the ragged hood of his cloak scarred by the years and the cold. The hand that rested on the plain gnarled staff that supported his bent frame was that of a mummy. His wild grey beard had never known a comb, it seemed, or even a moment of care. The eyes under the brows of this living corpse, however, were alive, burning with a mad and outlandish force that defied their age, and they held no fear as they met the hungry glares of the titanic blood-spattered warriors that marched at him - only visceral and inexhaustible hatred.

With a triumphant cry, Ushotan raised his sword, ready to cross the chamber in a single rush and strike down the wizened lord of the tribes where he stood, when a heavy hand was laid upon his shoulder. He looked back with an outraged snarl - who of his men would have dared contest his right to the kill? - which turned to confusion as he met with a golden visor. The other Steel Lords around were equally astonished at how the Custodian suddenly stood in their midst, right at the fore of their massed ranks. The battle in the spire had been as a chaotic dream, it was true, but this newcomer was astounding nevertheless. It was a stark reminder that the Custodes had secret arts of battle which they, the Cataegis, did not even suspect, and many faces turned to hard and wary scowls at the thought.

“Hold your hand, Primarch,” the auramite-clad colossus’ words echoed, heavy and solemn, through the vaulted hall. “This one is not for you to finish.”

“And why is that?” Ushotan growled, to the assenting rumble of his warriors, “So you can take that glory? Where were you when we fought for it?”

“The Emperor wishes for him to be taken alive.” The Custodian was imperturbable.

“Ah, the Emperor.” The Primarch lowered his weapon, still simmering with rancour but bridling his rage. Whatever ill words he had for the Custodes - and they were many indeed - even he could not say that they were not always truthful, especially when the will of their master was concerned. “Go, then.”

With measured steps, the golden giant advanced upon the priest-king, who did not waver or shrink before even his presence. Malice blazed in his look, but with the Custodian’s every stride, it became clearer that it was toothless. The shaman had no more dark powers to call upon, no more curses to cast. All he was had been spent.

“Yield,” spoke the giant then, “Your armies have fallen. Your people are no more. The taint you brought upon them will be burned from the face of Terra. You may die here, now - but if you come with me, you may look upon your conqueror a final time.”

The priest-king hesitated, his spiteful glare wandering from the Custodian to the Thunder Warriors and back, the wrinkles and shadows on his ancient face growing deeper. At last his mouth hardened into a bitter grimace, and he cast aside his staff, rising to the full height of his emaciated body.

“Very well, then,” he rasped, and his old voice was a whisper on the wind after that of his captor, “Take me to him. He will hear my death-curse.”

Behind him, the caustic light faded, unravelling into pale gleams that faded into nothing, and the darkness was torn up like clouds scattering after a storm. The sun rose in the northern sky for the second time that day.

The winds of a ceaseless storm howled around the mountain passes, winds ripping at stone with such force that the air itself seemed to scream it wrath. It was not an easy place for man to stand, the craggy fingers of rock towering above even the final fortress of the Confederacy, or what remained of it. Tread was not easy, and the wind might pluck one without sure footing from the rock even with the mountain's cover.

It was here the Emperor stood, and here that he would have his foes brought to him in defeat and supplication.

The Master of Mankind stood and watched the Citadel below as the last preparations for its total destruction were being made. The place was suffused with corruption and festooned with dark lore. It would not simply be enough to defeat its inhabitants, or even destroyed the place. The Emperor would cast down its very memory, the glories won here would be but footnotes, no matter the bravery of his warriors. A sacrifice, but one he would make a thousand times to preserve the future of humanity.

Despite the inhospitable nature of his surroundings, the Emperor stood with little difficulty, and his own enhanced bodyguards seemed hardly to notice the gale. There was no command tent or other signs of the esteem of their lord, for what baubles or grandeur could compare to the Emperor himself? Even now, outside the fierce fire of battle, his presence blazed with a ferocity which put the storm to shame, his armour gleaming with a light without source. The fulness of Nordyc retreated from his very presence, blasting the rock and stone around him free of foul taint at his very tread.

“The prisoner approaches, My Lord.” The words of the nearest Custodian crackled with the energy of the vox, but the Emperor did not need such things to be heard over the gale, not even turning from the view of the chasm below as he replied.

“Bring him forth, let us witness the future together.”

Shadows crept up the mountain slope below the files of the gold-clad guardians, stark against the piling snow. Most stopped some way down the incline, the foremost in their lines lowering themselves to one knee. It was a gesture of reverence rather than fatigue, though they all bore abundantly the traces of a long and arduous battle - their armour was beaten and scarred, smeared with the blood of friend and foe alike. Their stature, however, would not such as to demand rest. Though begrimed with the filth of combat, their own skin was already scarring, and they only appeared lesser before the imposing Custodians. There were among them Thunder Warriors of Ushotan’s host, the Primarch himself at the fore. There were Astartes of the Ninth Legion, bedecked in bone and ragged mutant-skin, the spatters of gore over them tinged into ritual patterns.

Then, the few numbers of the Nineteenth legion knelt farther back - their honorable visages lining the periphery as they silently praised their Emperor for victory. Many held aloft banners with the names of their fallen comrades, brothers who had not been so fortunate to see the end of the campaign and the form of their master.

Meanwhile, many of the Stygian Talons had long since absconded from the battle. Their prey had not been any of the mutants or witches that the Imperium had fought. Only a select two had chosen to stay, one amongst them being none other than the Black Hawk herself, who trudged up behind Ushotan. Her eyes pierced into the back of the warrior’s head with an air of judgement almost as an executioner looking upon something irredeemable.

Between the files of the silent warriors, a lone Custodian ascended, the beat of his spear-haft upon the ground marking the rhythm of his steps. He led ahead of him the captive, with no bonds or restraints. So evident was it that they were unneeded: the once-king seemed to vanish among that entourage of giants, a minute and insignificant blot creeping among their looming shadows. He limped heavily, but scorned the need for a walking staff, stubbornly forging ahead without allowing himself a moment’s respite. His keeper’s steps in his wake were effortless, content to keep pace with the dregs of his pride.

After a laborious score of final steps, the deposed priest-king finally passed between the uppermost Custodes, and stood at the feet of the Unifier. He was breathing heavily, both his age and the tremendous effort of the climb taking a fearsome toll on his worn body. His beard was tangled by the whipping wind, and the edges of his coarse cloak lashed the sides of his face. Yet still he looked up at his vanquisher, and the bile in his eyes was undimmed by awe or fear.

“Your lands have been claimed, your temples cast down and your monsters slain.” The Emperor spoke to the Priest-King, even though his words were heard by all there was a personal tone to them that quite set it apart from the booming tone of command the Emperor could wield with ease. He turned back from those assembled to regard again the view, beckoning with one hand for the fallen leader to join him at the lip of the mountain edge. If he complied of his own accord or not, he would be brought forth.

“I do not gloat, these are truths, necessary ones, for only together can humanity prosper. All of us in one purpose, so for this fleeting moment, you too are of the Crusade, a subject of the Imperium, and so I will hear you wisdom, your mind, your soul, so that we may learn lessons from all of us, even if they are simply lessons of warning.” The Emperor's armoured fists met behind his back as he beheld the twisted spire of the enemy.

“Soon the lies of divinity will be stripped away, perhaps you see already, how much greater we are without them, how you and your people have been held back.” The Master of Mankind waved a single fist in a downward arc, and the demolition began, a chain of detonation at the base of the polluted affront to architecture as the spire began to fall. “From the rubble your people will rise, alongside us.”

“Rubble,” the old man repeated bitterly. He limped to the rim of the precipice, unsteady on the ice-slick rock. Unmoved as they had been until now, his craggy eyes winced as they saw the agonising throes of what had been his city. The Custodian remained standing behind, impassible. “That is all you leave in your wake. You call it Unity, but it is a field of ashes. What more can rise from it now that you have abolished miracles?”

The Priest-King averted his face as a cloud of dust bloomed where the tower had stood. “I did not save the people of this wild land with machines or thaumaturgy, though I gave them all those things. No, I brought them gods. Harsh gods, certainly, but we deserve no others. It was the faith that gave them courage to struggle every day.”

He turned a contemptuous gaze on the troops assembled lower upon the slope. “In dreams I heard your armies as they approached, calling out your name like we chanted our prayers. You cannot take away our need for something greater, nor can you shoulder that mantle yourself. No one man can. One day, you will stumble, and all that you have built will fall. This is my last prophecy.”

“There is no prophecy, only the destiny we make.” The words of the Emperor did not rebound as they had before, but it was soon swallowed in noise by the drummed salute of Custodian fists meeting breastplates in a heavy thud of metal. “And Our Destiny is the Stars Themselves.”
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Golden Record
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Golden Record

Member Seen 8 days ago

It was a shitty day to be on sentry duty, Corporal Li thought as she lit a cigarette and checked the acidproof seals on her shelter’s tarpaulin. She lit up a cigarette and checked her chrono with a grimace. She’d need to make another round soon, which meant rebreathers and a treated poncho, because whatever the elders said about their ancestors’ ancestors having once known untainted rain and clean air, nothing resembling that had stuck around for her generation to enjoy.

She’d heard about the Imperium, of course. Everyone had. Even with the censors and thought-police, you couldn’t bury every refugee and combat veteran cycling back from the front line, every rumour and ‘my cousin’s cousin’ in the Empire.

But she wasn’t worried. Not yet. The Imperium was a long way from here, and–

Li froze, dropping her cigarette and mashing it under her foot as she reached for her rifle. Whatever she’d just heard, it was definitely her job to check it out, and she wasn’t about to get her unit decimated because she didn’t want to poke her nose into the rain.

Unfortunately, by the time she had her hood up and her rebreather mask on, whatever had made the sound was MIA. She looked around, switching on her infrareds. Nada.

She lowered her autogun, frowning. She swept the perimetre again, and a moment later, a rad-deer bolted from the treeline. Cursing under her breath, she fired two shots into its flank, but only the second pierced its armoured hide, and it loped into the forest, braying.

Shaking her head, she tapped her comms to call in to explain the shots, “Just a fuckin’ animal boss. No contact.”

“Watch your goddamned fire from now on, Corporal. The next shots are coming out of your pay!”

The line went dead, and she shook her head, lowering her hand and wondering if her cig was still any good. Probably not.

Then she felt a pressure against her shoulder, and before she could turn to see what it was, a fresh line of pressure slid across her neck. There was a confused moment where she worked her throat, wondering why she couldn’t swallow, when her legs buckled, a sense of cold creeping up her extremities as she faceplanted in the mud a few feet from her tent. She tried to look up, to speak, to do anything, but her vision darkened. A figure in a camouflage cloak leapt into the tench in front of her, a pair of felinid ears twitching as glowing red eyes turned in her direction, but instead of bewilderment at the notion of a slave-race carrying a rifle, her last thought was Am I dying?

And then she died.


“Sector four, cleared.”

“Sector six, cleared.”

“Seven, all clear.”

“Two, clear.”

The reports came in from the infiltration units, squads of hand-picked stealth and sabotage experts under the commands of some of her best operators. Legate Ainne nic Leir sat in the cupola of her enormous tank, its engine dormant as she sipped a cup of recaf. The rain was further off, in the distance–a localised weather event that would likely dissipate by the time they advanced–though if it didn’t, it wouldn’t make enough mud to trap a Deamhan Lincs.

When all twenty-six sectors had reported cleared, she tossed back the last of her caf, chucked the dregs to the side, and slid down to close the hatch. “All engines on. Squadron ready check.”

She didn’t listen as the confirmations came in and the sweet rumble of the enormous engines shook her hard enough to rattle her teeth. She was looking through the periscope at the formidable defenses of the Manufactorum-complex. Not the most impressive quarry, perhaps, but she couldn’t attack a hive-city with an armoured column unless she wanted to lose her tanks. And she did not want to do that.

Her concern here wasn’t the defenders, who wouldn’t be able to stand up to the firepower of a Lincs, nor penetrate her armour, but their heavy anti-materiel emplacements, the enormous twin-barrelled guns that dotted the complex’s walls. Any one of those could potentially take out her tanks, so before they’d even turned on their engines, she’d sent every infiltration team she could spare to capture or disable those guns, as well as punching holes in the infantry perimetre.

This would still be a hard nut to crack. Even with sixty-eight Lincs, the complex was a city of itself, and she expected to lose vehicles–though hopefully all recoverable once she’d won the day.

She saw faint trails of smoke, small fires on the guns. Nothing too noticeable from the ground, but enough that secrecy wouldn’t last.

“All vehicles report ready, Legate.”

The smell of promethium reached her nose, mixing with sweat and the tang of metal, and she nodded, “Driver advance. All vehicles, advance to your objectives. Gods go with you.”

The Lincs’ engines roared to life around them, the behemoths charging out of the treeline across open ground, blue-and-black-clad infantry forming up behind them as scattered stubber and las rounds lanced out from the trenches–but even through a scope she could see that her sabotage had done its bloody work, entire sections remaining dark–and the only direction the cannon on the walls turned was inward.

“All vehicles, this is Vanguard; Monarch. Say again, Monarch.” She grinned, switching off the vox. Monarch–total surprise. “All gunners, pick your targets and fire at will!”

The heavy main cannon barked, a volkite lance ripping its way into the curtain wall and sending superheated debris raining down on the trenchline before it; the sponson guns ripped their way across the trenches and vaporised entire infantry sections as the Lincs roared across the field, the main gun barking again with enough force that it measurably slowed the tank’s forward progress with its recoil, the remaining layers of the wall melting away into slag–by the time they were crossing the trench, a third shot had cleared the path into the factorumplex, and the Lincs was moving into the broad causeways designed to accomodate thousands of workers and heavy machinery. Civilians scattered before her vehicle’s treads as an explosion sounded from deeper in, the turret of a Chimera flying high into the air, trailing flame and smoke as one of her captured guns obliterated it with the definition of overkill.

Her people knew what the objective was–minimise damage to the industrial capacity of the ‘plex, to be restored and used for their new allies–and later for themselves. Not only to remove the nexus of industrial might outside of the Hive-Cities of the Empire, but to then add it to their forces’ own strength.

But that didn’t mean no damage, and if it was a choice between the Lincs and the Factorums, she’d told them which was more irreplaceable.

“Main cannon, traverse right! Driver…halt!” The enormous vehicle stopped at the corner of a factorumplex as she turned her gun ahead of her advance, eyes narrowed. A pair of Chimeras turned onto the main thoroughfare, and she barked a laugh, “Driver proceed to objective. All gunners, fire at will!”

The first Chimera didn’t have a chance to react as the enormous tank turned the corner into the thoroughfare, exploding in a shower of promethium and propellant, incinerating the occupants before they knew they were dead. The second turned, trying frantically to get off the causeway, when two of her sponson-mounted volkite cannons hit it in rapid succession, causing it to grind to a halt, smoking. The rear hatch opened, Pacifican troops stumbling out, at which point lasfire from supporting infantry laid into them. On the other side of the causeway, two more of her tanks emerged, and she could almost see their commanders’ ferocious grins.

This engagement had gone off perfectly, and at this point it was a turkeyshoot.

“All forces, engage at discretion! Let’s give the Sigilite a Queenly gift!”

She stood on her Tank’s hull with the data-slate reporting the results in one hand and another cup of recaf in the other. The smell of burned flesh, charred metal, spent promethium, and chemical propellant sat heavy in the air, but Ainne nic Leir was no stranger to war. In many ways, the fair-skinned red-head had been raised by it, given a commission as an officer in the Meallan army when she was young–a Captain, only–and expected to raise herself through the ranks as her mother’s heir. Two sisters and a brother she had, but her elder brother had died, and both sisters were younger than she.

Six tanks disabled. Two would be field-repairable, four would need time in a factorum…after they hosed out their crews.

She grimaced, a furred ear twitching and her tail joining it in a display of her displeasure. She didn’t enjoy hearing that her soldiers had perished, but such was war, and if she allowed it to turn her stomach overmuch she’d be a poor officer.

Just over two-hundred killed and a thousand more wounded. For urban warfare, that was remarkably low. It almost tempted her to try her luck at a Hive. Almost. Then the madness passed, and she returned to the data-slate.

The Factorumplex had been taken sixty percent intact. Initially, damage had been limited to the curtain wall, but street-fighting had a way of taking its toll, and her orders that the factorumplex was a lower priority than her tanks had resulted in several units firing through buildings to disable ambushes of towed anti-tank guns that might have disabled them, or ploughing through walls to turn the tables outright. And added to that, several units of Pacificans had withdrawn to factorums, betting that she wanted them intact more than she wanted her troops preserved, and had the gall to issue demands. That might have worked–except that she had the AM cannons, and she’d simply had the buildings reduced to rubble, to be rebuilt later.

The biggest coup was the workers themselves. Thousands of Felinid slaves who were eager to join their liberators, either as workers or, even better, as soldiers. She’d sent the latter back east with a small detail, along with the four tanks that needed intensive repair. They’d be trained, equipped, and brought back as reinforcements when they were ready.

All-in-all, a triumphant victory. And the largest engagement she’d led to date. Her ear twitched again, then pinned back slightly. Her instincts had been honed in raids–she was tempted to withdraw now that she’d achieved what she wanted, but she knew she had to retain momentum. To keep pushing west. But she’d leave a garrison here, and request the Sigilite to assign some troops as well. They needed to link their forces.

But her gut said this wouldn’t be so easy. She’d been fighting an uphill battle against the Pacificans all her life–she’d gotten lucky, this time, but what about the next? And the next after that?

She sipped her recaf and grimaced. Such was war.

And war, as always, was her business.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
Avatar of MarshalSolgriev

MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

Yndonesic Respite

After the Fall of Sanctii

Lord-Commander Wolfgang Crucias had expected the assault on the Yndonesic Bloc to slow their campaign for several months. All of the analytics, scribe-attendants, and data-savants had made predictions for a high casualty, high attrition scenario. It was half the reason he commanded a host of thousands into the millions of the growing Imperium’s Auxilia. The logistics of such a host alone had solved a manning saturation aboard the Fangs of the Wolf - the super-heavy command tank of the Tenth Excertus Imperialis. It surprised him then when the first envoy met their host half-way through the concrete jungle of Eurasia. Before the first thermonuclear barrages could be launched from their super-artillery, the Bloc had surrendered.

His hand reached down to the power cutlass hanging from his waist, remembering the feeling of cleaving the envoy’s head from their shoulders. He refused to believe that they would surrender so easily after their full commitment in the cursed jungles of Indoi. The Yndonesic reports counted several thousands dead from their reinforcements. Crucias rejected the belief that they utilized their entire armed forces for the conflict. The second envoy proved his rejection wrong just as he had prepared to unleash an endless volley of artillery into their concrete domiciles. A part of him feared that old age was beginning to take it’s toll. The respite following a bloodless victory felt unearned.

The holographic map of the surrounding areas rotated before him on the bridge of the Wolf, highlighting the vast land-armada that he commanded. Their numbers continued to grow, each battalion growing in size as they absorbed the willing from the Yndosenic populace. His eye was drawn to separate parts of his army, those drafted up from the separate Legiones: the Astartes, the Cataegis, and the Custodes. One would swell in size from their victory, one would continue to bleed out in excess, and the other would soon likely depart from their services.

“Lord-Commander,” A soldier approached behind him, a vox-pack attached to their back and their black-red garments as fresh as newly laid Himalayzian snow. She was fresh from the recruitment camps. Despite her uneasiness and rodent-quiet voice, she held a firm posture and strict stance. He nodded in approval, their newest training regimes churning out would-be veterans for their Imperium. A wave of his hand allowed her to true. “Report from Scribe-Intendant Yarrish. Recruitment in the Bloc has been completed and we’ve received reports for reinforcements against the hive-fortress of Ouran. A portion of the Astartes are to assist the invasion. Furthermore, the Legio Cataegis have been called back to the frontline at Ursh. Lastly, Lord Ghallajar’s warriors have been rerouted to a redacted assignment.”

The loss of the Cataegis and the Custodes was certainly a blow to their overall shock assault efficiency; however, the Astartes made up for it in their sheer numbers. The Thunder Warriors gave him pause as they had fought alongside him unflinching since his first years as a mercenary. Their removal from the Eurasian frontline would cause some morale loss. The last of the Custodes, though, was something that he had anticipated on the march to the Jade Palace. War with Ursh, which had loomed for the last fifty years, finally ignited by decree of the Emperor. No doubt they were planning to surgically strike in vital zones across the Urshite border. His rumination ended with a wave of his hand and a tired grunt from his parched lips.

Parched lips. How many hours had passed already as he poured over battle plans for the remainder of the Eurasian Unification? An empty recaff mug lingered to his right on a nearby terminal. Mildew had already threatened to form at the bottom of the container. No doubt it was from how hot the command vehicle ran at all times from the sheer amount of overworked cogitators. He slammed his gloved hands on the hololithic table, forcing the hologram to momentarily flicker. Wolfgang demanded fresh air, discipline and a lho-stick.

“Lord-Commander leaving the bridge!” One of the surrounding operators said with urgency. All nine of the other soldiers popped to attention, offering their right arm in a crisp salute to their temple. Wordlessly, he dismissed them with a swift salute and stepped off the bridge down into the bays below.

His steps brought him out into the concrete jungle that was the Yndonesic Bloc. Instead of the hive-cities with great spires stretching into the sky, the Bloc was full of squat and fat compounds reinforced with rock composites to handle intense bombings. Huge manufactorums with several-hundred-meter-wide smokestacks billowed black smog into the air, pumping new armaments for their repurposed Unification efforts. The air was even denser now that an entire third of the Imperialis Auxilia patiently waited for the next campaign. The Bloc had more than enough space to accommodate their ludicrous host.

A hundred different vehicles idled around him in a storm of rumbling engines. Command vehicles meant for company and battalions remained closest to the hulking giant that was the Wolf. The stomping of a thousand boots signalled him to the endless routine of countless patrols closest to the central structure of the Tenth Excertus Imperialis. It never ceased to bother him. Far from it, he relished in the sound of a functioning warmachine working at peak capacity. It was one of his greatest prides in this lifetime - raising an army worthy of His approval.

Every soldier he passed, a crisp salute or a fist to the Raptor was met in regards to him. He catalogued their units in his brain, whether they were mercenaries or formal Auxilia. An ace from the Finned Dragons of Franc, a heavy weapons expert from the Howling Cannons of Jermani, and another from the 315th Golden Fox Company of his own Auxilia passed him by. It reminded him of their humble beginnings, fighting alongside the early Cataegis with nothing more than leather carapace and stubber. How large they had grown.

His footfall brought him through celebrating soldiers drunk on amasec, mourning warriors near heaving incinerators, and cackling knights puffing from luxury lho-sticks by their company commanders. Each one of these would catch his personal attention were it not for the sheer raucous attention at the furthest end of their war camp. A herd of human flesh surrounded a circular pit where two half-naked giants fought in brutal close quarters. Both were Cataegis of different Legio, one from the Ninth and the other from the Eleventh. Both were as scarred and augmented as the very techno-barbarians superhumans that they actively fought. Wolfgang noted that most of the Thunder Warriors were present, bare of their lethal carapace and devoid of their devastating armaments.

Even more peculiar was the presence of the Astartes. Intentional or not, they were segregated away from the Cataegis in similar numbers. Half of them were from the Third and the other half were from the Thirteenth. It was the first time he had seen so many of the Third without their helmets, noting their squat and strong facial features as if they were printed over and over again from the same printer. The Thirteenth, though, varied much more in their different tones of tan skin, scars, and trophies graciously worn on their black-bronze armor. He picked out several of them that had interacted with him personally, catching their attention from his own and offering toothy grins before resuming their observations.

They fight like animals.” A voice said from behind him. Crucias acknowledged the voice with a tilt of his head, already aware of the owner’s identity. Zaid ibn N’dar, Master of the Bronze Scorpions, stepped out next to him bedecked in the black-bronze that his legion was well-known for. His knightly helmet remained fixated on the fight pit before them, while both of his arms were crossed against his breastplate.

“And continue to survive despite their wounds.” Wolfgang responded, earning him a scoff from the bronze giant next to him. A cheer erupted from the crowd as the Cataegis from the Ninth uppercutted the giant from the Eleventh. For a mortal man, perhaps that would’ve been the end of the fight; however, they immediately lunged back into each other with vicious snarling.

“Too stubborn to die. Too strong to falter. Too reckless to survive. Thunder Warriors.” The Astartes said with no love in his raspy voice.

A collective groan from the crowd before them drew their momentary attention as the goliath from the Eleventh managed to strike a decisive blow on the warrior from the Ninth. Like a puppet cut from its strings, the Cataegis fell to the ground in an unconscious fit. The victorious Thunder Warrior raised their fists into the air in celebration, their actions echoed by the other nearby soldiers. The Astartes, notably, remained deathly silent as they watched the fighting continue.

“The Yndonesic Bloc kneeled too quickly.” Wolfgang finally stated after the match’s conclusion. The Astartes offered no response as he ruminated over Crucias’ concerns. The Lord-Commander continued, “no doubt, they’ll mob out of their habs and attempt to halt Unity in its tracks.”

“Your doubts aren’t unfounded,” Zaid said knowingly, pulling an object from one of his many leather pockets on his belt and tossing it to Wolfgang. Crucias nimbly caught it and turned the object over in his gloved hands. A crumpled metal medallion with the Yndonesic Bloc’s sigil covered in blood. “We executed approximately seventy-three different individuals attempting to sabotage everything from industry to vehicles to barracks in the past twenty hours. Whatever cell was planning resistance has been eliminated. ”

“The hunting has been good here, then.” Wolfgang replied with a satisfied grunt. He pocketed the medallion for later. The Astartes responded to him with a muffled sound that reminded him of a strange snarl of recognition. The Lord-Commander knew well that it was his default motive to purge those that dwelt in the shadows. He continued, “your beginning to outshine the Cataegis with your suppression actions.”

“We’ve quelled enough insurrections to put our predecessors and their false progenitors to shame.” Zaid said with venom. He didn’t doubt that the Astartes’ mouth morphed into a toothy snarl as he spoke the words. Crucias hadn’t expected such aggression from the Master of the Thirteenth, a man that had once fought alongside said Thunder Warriors. He narrowed his eye in response to the words.

False progenitors?” Wolfgang found himself asking, finally earning Zaid’s full attention for the first time since he arrived at the fight pit. He had known the man long enough to recognize hesitancy. There was a pause in the Astartes’ response. The warrior nodded their helmet as if agreeing on something internal, or perhaps requesting permission to speak on a subject.

“I speak of their Primarchs. They are not correct. I witnessed the death of the Eleventh Cataegis Primarch in Indoi. It was a worthy death that has been seared into my brain, but he perished all the same.” Zaid spoke as if in a strange trance. His voice lowered to a dangerous level of seriousness, one that he hadn’t thought possible given the Astartes’ stoic nature. He spoke as if he had seen the ‘correct’ version. As if the ‘correct’ ones couldn’t die.

Primarch Vladorios. I read the reports after the Siege of Protosia Agras. They still haven’t filled the vacancy left by his death.” The Lord-Commander responded. He was keenly aware of the tactical loss of the Eleventh Primarch. A warrior-general that could not be replaced, raised up from their gene-stock by the Emperor to lead. Wolfgang felt that they would never find someone worthy of that title again.

“They won’t be able to. They never will. Their flawed creation led to the circumstances they’re currently experiencing. Only one of their flawed progenitors has earned their title.” Wolfgang listened closely. His age may have muddled his perception, but war had kept his senses sharp. Zaid had spoken dangerously. The reports now confirmed his suspicions with the Cataegis growing ever smaller, more elite, and more desperate.

Aeternus. The closest you’ll find to something true of their title.” Zaid finished, turning his attention away from Wolfgang to the fight pit. A pair of Astartes from the Thirteenth and the Third were facing off. The Cataegis were cheering them on, hooting and hollering to rouse their bloodthirst. Crucias couldn’t help but agree with Zaid’s statement. The First Primarch of the First Legio Cataegis was a legend. Many of his men told stories about ‘the Emperor’s Blade’ and ‘the Champion of Unity’.

“The Lord of the God-Slayers.” The Lord-Commander replied. A constant topic that never ceased to falter. Some had even gone to such lengths as to call him the ‘Lightning Bearer’ or ‘Throneslayer’. The warrior that never escaped attention, no matter which side of Terra he fought on. A legend. A myth. He would relish in the destruction that the First Primarch would bring as part of his command.

“May He live to see Unity.” Zaid said with as much fondness as he could. Wolfgang shared the opinion of the Legion Master. A warrior of that stature falling in the most crucial moments of Unity would cause inexplicable waves of morale loss. He wagered that was how the Eleventh Legio felt with the loss of their own Primarch.

The cackling of a Bronze Scorpion earned their attention. The two that wrestled in the fighting pit were already separated. The warrior from the Third was on the ground with a bleeding nose and several bruises across their face. His opponent offered a hand, hefting their genekin onto their feet and pulling them into a brotherly embrace. The two parted as a fresh round started. Wolfgang, finally, pulled a lho-stick from his coat’s pocket and ignited it with his free hand.

“Orders have come down from the Sigillite. Two companies are to depart from your Legio to assist in the invasion of Ouran with the Seventeenth Legio. Scribe-Intendent Yarrish will have the details for your captains.” Wolfgang stated, then inhaled a long drag from the stick in his fingers. He knew the details had already been relayed to the Astartes. A swift expel saw a plume of white smoke gather in the air before him. He breathed out in relief after an eternity of huffing recycled tank air.

“Raamiz and Alim have already been dispatched with two hundred of our Indoi veterans. The Seventeeth will learn well under those two.” Zaid responded swiftly to no surprise. The two watched as the boastful warrior from the Thirteenth continuously laid the warrior from the Third flat over and over. Each time, the gray sentinel would last longer and longer until the two were on equal footing. The Thunder Warriors were screaming advice, cheering, roaring, and groaning over the claiming of their fight pit. Some had already started to depart after watching the Astartes with distaste. Zaid continued to speak, “and the others?”

“The Cataegis will rendezvous at the Urshic Front with the rest of the Thunder Legions. You, alone, will be fighting without them for the rest of the Eurasian Front. A sight I thought I’d never see. The Third, as well, will remain behind to recruit, train, and suppress whenever necessary.” The smaller man said without enthusiasm. The quip had been noted by the acute ears of the Astartes. If it had drawn ire from the Astartes, then it was hidden beneath Zaid’s helmet or muttered under clenched teeth.

“You don’t wish to see the Thunder Warriors leave.” The Space Marine stated in a neutral tone. Crucias rubbed his stubble in contemplation. He had known Zaid for longer than most and knew when he was trying to pry for information. Wolfgang was a tough man to crack, but he would allow it once.

“I’ve watched them ever since I was a young mercenary. Another hive-dredge with an autogun, leather carapace, and a dream of Unity. Forty years later, married with several troops of my own, and I still watch them push Unity with all of their heart. There will never be warriors like the best of them.” Crucias responded, heaving in another drag from his swiftly burning lho-stick. The embers fell quickly onto the tiled rockrete beneath their feet. He flicked the stick in the same spot, squishing it with his foot and extinguishing what remained.

“I’ll continue to watch them so long as I live and breathe Unity. Even after I’ve perished, I know my children will look up to you in the same way I looked up to the Thunder Warriors in pursuit of Unity.” The Lord-Commander continued to speak, earning himself another sideward glance from the helmeted genewarrior. He fully understood what he spoke of. The logistics told him everything that he needed to know.

The fight pit by this point had started to disperse as the warrior from the Third managed to flatten out the cocksure Scorpion. Their fight earned plentiful praise from the Cataegis and a small applaud from the Astartes. Men and women of mortal status had watched on from different vantage points, drawn in by the clamor of the geneknights. Night had already threatened to turn the smoggy day into endless dusk, ushering commanders and sergeants to push their troops into gear.

“Your sentimentality will be the end of you. Consider retiring, old man, and serve the Emperor in a better capacity.” Zaid declared, turning away from Wolfgang to meet with the remainder of his Astartes. The joking amongst their number began sooner than the Legion Master’s bickering, pointing out flaws in their combat stance and lackadaisical demeanor. A roar of laughter boomed from their genewrought lungs, disappearing into the quickly descending night.

Crucias watched the Astartes leave and pulled out the shattered medal, stained in the blood of insurrectionists. He felt no sympathy for them, relishing in the death of those that would stomp on his dream. He wondered if they felt they had achieved anything with their demise, much the way that he thought his own death would. Wolfgang wasn’t a man to worry about such a thing. Without a doubt, his children would simply take the reins of command just as he once did through vim and vigor. The older warrior chuckled to himself as he slowly walked back to his command tank.

Even in death, I’ll still serve.” He finally said, chucking aside the medal into the closest storm drain. The night continued on as it had for several days with rumbling tanks, the stomping of a thousand patrolling feet, and the heavy thumping of overworked manufactorums.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Ezekiel
Avatar of Ezekiel


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Invasion of Ursh

The Second Battle of Kursken

“Too damn quiet these days.” The voice scratched at Venik’s senses, a rasping noise pushed out of throat coarse with the dust of war, as all of them were these days.

“I believe you spent the first month complaining about the guns.” Captain Venik Lorn of the Inferallti Hussars briefly turned his eyes from the press of the observation port to regard his Seneschal, Trent Mavon, with a glare that would have been withering had he the energy for it.

In truth, Trent wasn’t wrong. The first month of the campaign had been an awful quagmire, the Urshite Barbarians had been well dug in across a defensive line which stretched from their old border with their Nordyc allies to the salt blasted wastes of Arabah. The bombardment of the heavy guns, both their own and the enemy, had become a constant twisted melody that had left twice as many soldiers deaf as it had slain. The weight of the war had been on the Imperium’s side however, and as they pushed on against the enemy they’d broken their supply lines. Cut off from their own internal supply lines as well as any trade they’d have with their equally twisted allies to the South East, the Ursh Army had run out of ammunition and the heavy guns to fire them.

Against a less desperate, less savage, foe that might have been the end of it, a general collapse followed by a gruelling but rapid route. But Ursh did not fight with steel and powder (as the older hands in the regiment called it) alone. They fought with tooth, claw and worst of all, sorcery. All along the line, enemy redoubts which had been silenced were suddenly full of the groans of dead men, rag clad shambling horrors pulled to life by whatever wicked sorcery the enemy had at their disposal. Venik’s grandfather had told him of something similar once, a horror story from the Battle of Memphos. He’d dismissed it as the ramblings of an old soldier but now he knew them to be true.

The carefully maintained battle line of the Imperium had splintered, a cohesive front becoming islands of order amid a broiling sea of the living dead, and much worse besides. As the dead had risen, Ursh had disgorged its horrors. Mutants, not all of human origin and other such beasts left to roam wild in the wake of the retreating Barbarians. Some of the lesser experienced Regiments had broken completely in those initial days. At least on this front, the Imperial Army had been stripped back to the men who had started it all, the loyal and disciplined legions that the Emperor had first relied on. Venik would have thought it poetic if he wasn’t one of the poor fools stuck in the middle of it. His eyes returned to the viewport, scanning over the wasteland beyond.

“What are we down to, Mav?” The Inferallti were an old regiment, predating the Imperium by centuries, discipline and respect for their code and rank were more important than survival to many, but with just the two of them present and the desperation creeping in, a little indeference had crept into their mannerisms. Venik wasn’t even supposed to be in charge of so many men, a mere Captain, he was simply the highest ranked officer left within any functional range.

“Last count? We won’t be running out of packs anytime soon if we keep siphoning the transports.” It hadn’t been an easy decision, but their fusils needed the recharge and there’d been no order to retreat despite the rout of most of the line, so they’d made do. So far Venik had avoided giving the order to drain them dry, leaving some hope for a last ditch breakout attempt should they need it. “Solid slugs is another matter, already cutting the allowance on each of the heavy guns to a third, they’ll only last a few more weeks at that. Plasma we’ve got a good day left.” They were some sobering figures, if any hint of alcohol wasn’t already on even tighter rations.

“Keep the guns from firing then unless ordered, let's keep them for the big one.” Venik sighed, stepping away from his viewing port. They’d been fortunate enough to have captured the fortified border town the remainder of their regiment was now housed within just before the disaster had started, Venik had turned the central mayoral manor, or whatever the people had called it, into his command post. The viewing port consisted of a slightly more fortified window. “Same with the plasma guns, store them here, we can hand them out if we need them.”

“Is that a big push or a big ‘get the hell out’ Sir?”

“Hells if I know.” He didn’t clarify that in truth he’d just meant whatever foul day would eventually come rolling round to sweep them away. He regarded his compatriot, who had been a broad man once, not fat, but certainly built more like a square than anything else. Now, much like the rest of the regiment, he’d been hollowed out with hunger and desperation. When Venik caught his own reflection he barely recognised the ghost of a man he saw, draped in a white and red uniform he’d taken great pride in. Most of the regiment still did, but there was only so much polishing of buttons you could put your mind to when every shadow seemed to hide a mutant monster intent on eating your guts.

“Captain! Transmission from the Chemhounds!” Sergeant Iona Dane practically surged into the room with a certain energy that even the surrounding nightmare hadn’t dimmed. He worked his limited comms operation. Sometimes he forgot how young she was, and it was harder to tell these days, youthful cheeks haven sunken against the sharp bones of her face, but she still managed something close to her bubbly personality of their first deployment, and that was mostly why he’d found her a place in his command operation, a reminder they were all still human.

“Go on Sergeant.” The Chemhounds were the only regiment they still had contact with that were positioned further into seized territory than they had been, having been tasked with knocking out an enemy supply depo just as the nightmare had begun. It wouldn’t be news of the relief force finally being deployed to aid them, but it still could be key.

“Not good news, Sir, Major Grenham is sending his final transmission, he wishes you good hunting.” Almost perfectly timed with the explanation, a shockwave of noise and force rippled out from the far distance, a huge column of smoke and debris immediately visible from beyond the horizon. Even the infatigable Dane took a moment to continue, “He…Uh….They…their defences were overrun, reports a greater horde than before.” It sounded like the last grasp of a man consigned to fate, and it was, but Grenham hadn’t been a man of fancy, and so Venik knew the greater meaning behind it.

“Frak, Sergeant get back out on the comm, all hands to arms.” While the explosion in the distance had stunned her, the young woman, hair the same colour of rust as that which now lingered on her uniform gilding, nodded with determination and rushed from the room. “Trent, get those guns rolling, plasmas are weapons free.

“But Sir, you sa-”

“This is it, Trent, this is the big one.” He said with more authority and determination than he felt, pulling his own fusil from the wall and placing his helm over his own emaciated features. The HUD display failed to crackle to life, so with a manual hiss he pulled the visor to half open. “It’s been good serving with you.” He paused at the doorway to speak those words, to a man who before all this he’d barely tolerated.

“You did a good job, Sir. We bled the bastards.”

“That we did.”

Another crack from his fusil shook his form as he fired, the familiar ache in his shoulder now a persistent howl as he continued to fight on.

“Hussars!” Venik yelled as the weapon whirred in his hands, respooling the charge before it could disgorge into another spine mouthed mutant rushing from the now shattered gate of the town.

“By Blood!” The yell of the men around him came back strained, but with no lack of pride for themselves and venom for their foes.

“Inferallti!” The Captain yelled again, dispensing of his weapon as it jammed on the final click of its power pack, instead drawing his powered sabre from its sheathe. He didn’t have time to resolve the issue before they’d be on him.

“By Fire!” The cry came back even as Venik drew the sabre down, His muscles screamed at him almost as much as the gibbering horror before, but at least that one shut up once he put the blade through its face. All along the line, holding the set of built up defences they’d erected behind the gates and walls of the town his men were making the same decision, to keep firing or to draw arms until they could pull back to the next line. A haphazard volley of fusil fire let him know many were still able to maintain their prized weapons and despite himself he found some pride in that.

“Hold Hussars! This is the Emperor's dirt, give not an inch of it back we haven’t bled on!” He roared again, through lungs that would much rather be anywhere else but in this quagmire of a blasted wasteland.

A garbled voice sounded upon Venik’s vox, a harsh voice barking at the Captain of the Hussars in a cold and terrifying tone, “This is Lieutenant Jonuas of the Steel Sentinels, to whom am I connected to?” The roar of engines could be heard in the background, almost loud enough to drown out the voice that tried to speak to Venik.

The voice came as a surprise to the Captain at a time when he very much didn't need one, almost throwing his latest parry of a gibbering monsters lashing blade-tongue off, but he rallied and with another slash of his weapon ensured his survival for the next moment. Despite the almost garbled nature of the communication he couldn't quite keep the desperate hope out of his voice as he replied. “This is Captain Venik of the Inferallti Hussars, we currently hold the town of Tzbeck, under heavy assault.” Venik had to pause to throw himself behind cover as a deluge of acidic spit erupted from a particularly foul looking mutant, throwing himself behind a set of sandbags which fizzled and popped with disconcerting bubbling in the aftermath. “The Chemdogs were ahead of us at Alpha Depo, we're the point of the spear now Lieutenant.” Some of the men had taken to giving these new Astartes warriors more prestigious honorifics, but in the heat of the moment the Captain reverted to the only detail he knew. “We'll hold, that's what Inferallti do.”

Shortly after the first garbled voice sounded, another quickly joined in. “This Lieutenant Amutiel of the eighth legion. We are closing in on your position! Hold fi-” The word was cut off as a loud thud of meat meeting metal and an unearth screech echoed through the vox, before the voice continued “- Damn that was a big bastard! Hold firm, reinforcements are on route!”

There was no response to Venik after the eighth had promised aid, minutes passed. Precious minutes of more desperate holding, fighting and dying. There was little else the Inferallti Hussars could do but held they did, rallying and fighting with the strength and tenacity of the damned. Yet, the screeching of engines could distantly be heard even amongst the roar and pitch of battle, growing quickly as a singular transport surged towards the town - bearing the symbol of nothing more than a shield housing a human skull in it. It became apparent that this was the sigil the Steel Sentinels had taken up - Protectors of Humanity. The transport raced to where the fighting was worst, kicking up dust all around as eleven superhumans poured out. The bark of volkite sounded, vaporizing mutants as the Sentinels of Steel rushed into combat. Three of them ran forwards with crackling power swords cleaving through what they could, reinforcing the mortal men that they swore to protect.

One of the Sentinels strode towards Captain Venik, standing next to the sandbags that he had taken cover behind, casually deflecting shots with his shield, speaking with the voice of Lieutenant Jonuas, “Report, captain.”

The arrival of the second transport was not as professional as the first. In part this was due to the makeshift plow that had been wielded to the front with the intention of charging through obstructions with the the minimum of slow down; In fairness to the somewhat unorthodox addition, judging by the various splatters that painted it, it had achieved its purpose with gusto.

Instead of a legion sigil, a metallic VIII had been wielded in a mark of ownership. Underneath the symbol was a message spray painted in bright, chemical blue that read ‘Nihil nos prohibere potest.’

The fact that there appeared to be some kind of unrecognizable, mutated abomination that had somehow gotten lodged in the treads and was still screaming as its mass was being ground up had put the painted motto to the test, having caused them to be a bit slower in arriving but arriving all the same.

Three marines left the transport… alongside a squad of what could only be auxiliaries. At a glance they were human, wearing proper uniforms and armor… but a closer look revealed the variety of grown but unnatural horns… the cybernetic replacements for limbs… moth wings on at least one woman. And the marine leading the group seemed to have a crocodile tail sticking out the back of his armor.

A burst of volkite finally shut the mutant in the treads up, as well as cleared the jam at the same time as the voice of Lieutenant Amutiel came from the leading marine with animal tail. “Sorry we took so long. What’s the situation?”

There were twelve Astartes with him, and almost thirty warriors of his own blood, Theadon Red stared at the middle of a ring of bikes, at several of his own trucks, and the vox unit inside of it. He only heard broken static. There were so many times they had tried to fix this and for the months that his men had been deep within side of Ursh’s central plains, he had only been fighting, he had left the Imperial Palace and went straight to his men. He hated leaving so soon after awakening his friends eyes to some of the problems, and he knew his time was soon, that is why he kept bringing more of the young bloods with him. They were smart, and stable, they were almost perfect, only time would let them grow.

Then the static went away to clarity, “Send a message to Aeternus… Codes Zeta Delta Niner Epsilon Twelve Thirty-Seven Urshis, I hope to see you again brother before this war ends, but for now… I will be riding off to those who need help in the south.”

With that, one of the human soldiers was sending the messages, and he grouped his hands together as he blew into them, letting them crack as dust came from his hands, and he looked across the wastelands of Ursh. Their methods felt useless here, there are many in this part of this world, he has destroyed, he has felt as if it is a never-ending horde that comes from nowhere. He feels it wearing on him, he feels as if he will be the first to go if none have gone yet, he has grown tired, and he feels the changed genetics changing within him. He knows some of his men feel it as well, those that are tempered like him, they knew they have felt different, and they have become the remaining officers of his legion, as well as the new bloods. He knows his time is short, but he will live it, and he smiled, the transmission is sent. It was at that moment, that he heard static, and there was a voice. It was close, and imperial.

After a moment, he stared at the radio with his men, it was some Captain Venik, he dismounted his steel coated bike, and walked up to the vox set, reaching down as he gripped it with his bare hands, he clicked it as he raised it to his head.

“This is Theadon Red of the Nightbringers, if you are near Tzbeck, we are almost twenty minutes away… hold against these heathens, we will bring them the night.”

Action was the only response from the Space Marines attached to the Nightbringers’ Primarch, the ceramite clad warriors mounting in silence as they made ready for the ride to war. Far across the battlefield, their gene-siblings betrayed no sign of their watchful purpose as they kept an eye upon Aeternus. All knew their duty.

The arrival of not one but two of the Emperor’s new legions was enough to raise the spirits of even the embattled Hussars, although it was a bitter, ash choked cry at that. Venik was, in truth, stunned for the moment. A moment that almost cost him his life as a stray shot from a surviving mutant rebounded off the barricade before he could duck back into cover, addressing the approaching marines of differing regalia. “My Lords, the Hussars thank you for your fortunate timing, we’ve managed to hold here, but the last regiment forward of us just went dark, they’ve got us completely surrounded and I reckon we’re only facing the vanguard.” He didn’t have much time to think, but that was probably a good thing, before his mind caught up to point out how ‘wrong’ the fluid motion of such hulking forms in armour were that strode before him. As yet another voice crackled over the comms, Venik repeated the report, and began to feel a stirring of that most dangerous of emotions, hope.

The current attack had lulled with the arrival of the first wave of Astartes, shattering the surge of the initial mutant assault, even if there was no doubt still large numbers of them loose in the general compound. For a time that remained so, until a figure in shapeless robes appeared in the blasted remains of what had once been a gate. Few noticed at first, focused as they were on the matter of their imminent survival. That began to change, however, as the dustbound wind began to sound like a chorus of whispers, all resounding from that one source.

“Damn it, all fire on the gate!” Venik turned from his conversation, rising up to fire a short burst of rounds at the anonymous figure, the ozone tang in the air a sign that had become all too familiar to the Hussars of late. “Wyrd!” he yelled out a further time, as more and more of the men responded to the call and acted in kind.

Then, reality was unmade.

The human figure was not impervious to the fire, shots and las bolts struck home, searing robe and flesh with a crack of fire, but each injury only seemed to reveal the fire within, and with that, something burst into reality. Elongated limbs, ending in claws, seemed to pull themselves out of and through the chanting figure, a spattering of feathers eventually materialising into great beating wings. A beak the size of a man tore through what had been an obscured face, and with a burst of fire and viscera, the much larger creature emerged into reality through the now immolated remains. The Bird-Thing towered above the gate, and with its first cry, a wave of eldritch fire bathed over the ruins of the town. Men caught out of cover, and many within, were set alight, stone itself running in rivers, sand and dust blazed into glass in instant.

Venik was thrown back, cast aside as if a feather despite the great distance between him and the epicentre. Beaten, but alive, he continued to fire from the ground, even as the monster strode towards the barricade, a gibbering tide of Urshite mutants in its wake.

Unmoved by the abomination’s revelation, the captain of the Steel Sentinels squad raised his shield and pointed his sword to the sky. He bellowed an order loud enough for all his brothers to hear, “Sentinels! Let these mutants and wyrds die upon our feet! Protect the Hussars with your very lives and whoever should bring me the head of the abomination’s head shall die side by side with the Emperor!”

“In death, we protect!,” came the warcry of his brethren as the Astartes pushed to meet the oncoming border of mutants. Many of them abandoned their Volkite weaponry in favor of the power swords and whatever pistol they had available. They crashed into the wave as an unmoving line, severing limb from body and ripping apart the inhuman with all the ferocity that they could muster. All them were veterans from Nordyc and the sight of such a beast did little to sway them - wyrds would all die the same death regardless.

Had the situation not been so dire and the battle ongoing, Lieutenant Konrad Amutiel would have informed the besieged defenders of additional information that would have almost certainly improved morale… alas, that news would have to wait.
Much like their counterparts in the Sentinals, this was not the first time that Konrad or his squad had faced down a supernatural horror; While its nature was clearly different then that of the entity they encountered in the depths of Hive Houston, the unnatural aura of terror and feeling of fundamental wrongness that it produced suggested a similar origin of some kind. The seemingly shared resistance to ranged fire was considered further proof in Konrad’s mind.

This information and a plan of action was processed at inhumanly fast speeds, as the Sentinels made their charge Konrad barked orders of his own; In part to his squad, but mostly for the benefit of the humans actively still alive and fighting. “The bird is resistant to ranged attacks! Don’t waste ammo on it, focus on its supporting soldiers while the Astartes bring it down! Brothers with me! Wandering, on my back!”

As the squads abhuman auxiliaries began to open fire on the Urshite mutated monsters, the woman with the moth wings ran up and leapt upon Konrad’s back, using his tail as a stepping stone in order to leap up and wrap her arms around his neck for dear life as she closed her eyes and started a meditative focus.

Konrad let out a sharp whistle as he heft a power axe in his hands, beginning the charge towards the overgrown witch bird as his two brothers joined him. Wandering’s own magical abilities would need some time to manifest, but he felt like their chances were a lot greater with her presence then without all the same: Also gave him a good reason not to turn his back on the enemy.

The mutant tide crashed against the Astartes with the force of a tidal crash, twisted flesh and claw breaking against armour and discipline with a force that would break lesser men. Many of the Hussars continued to go down, their lives sold bravely in the name of an Imperium they would never see, all to shield their Astartes compatriots from just a little of the weight of the attack.

As the monstrous creature advanced, it brought chaos in its wake. Each swing of its talons or beat of its massive wings sent shockwaves of force that knocked men from their feet and tore chunks of the barricades apart. Its eldritch fire lashed out again and again, incinerating anything caught in its path. A single roar from its gaping beak reverberated through the battlefield, shattering morale and forcing many of the beleaguered Hussars to falter.
But Venik refused to let his men fall to despair. Rising unsteadily to his feet, he grabbed the nearest Hussar by the arm and pulled him up. "Hold the line! Hold, damn you! The Emperor’s finest fight with us!"

Despite the combined might of the Imperial forces, the witch-thing would not die easily. It lashed out with unholy fury, its claws tearing through power armor and its fire scorching even the genetically enhanced flesh of the Astartes. But the warriors of the Emperor fought on, undeterred by their mounting wounds.
Its avian head twisted unnaturally, black eyes glittering with intelligence that mocked all mortal comprehension. The creature spread its great wings, each feather shimmering and shifting like liquid stained glass, and unleashed a second deafening cry. The air itself seemed to shimmer with unnatural heat, warping light and sound.

The advancing Astartes held their line, unflinching, their swords and shields raised in defiance. Yet the daemon raised one claw-like hand, talons twitching in arcane gestures, and an aura of malevolent energy coalesced around it. The whispers that had permeated the air earlier grew louder, clawing into the minds of all who heard them. The warp-thing spoke a word in a language older than the stars, a word that bent the fabric of the world like a hammer striking molten steel.

The frontmost Steel Sentinels staggered mid-charge. One of them dropped his power sword and clawed at his helm as if his skull were on fire. His brothers turned briefly to assist him, but too late: his body convulsed violently, his armor cracking and buckling as the sorcery took hold. The marine's armor burst open, revealing skin that had begun to bubble and twist like wax in a flame. His enhanced musculature bulged grotesquely, the fibers pulling apart only to reform into pulsing, shapeless lumps. Fingers fused together into gnarled, useless stumps. The marine let out a howl—not of pain, but of sheer terror—before his face collapsed inward, becoming an eyeless, toothless mass of flesh.

All around him, other Astartes began to falter. The same unholy power coursed through the battlefield like an invisible wave. Another marine dropped to his knees, vomiting black bile as his helmet split apart, revealing a head that had begun to sprout dozens of eyestalks, each rolling madly in different directions. One by one, the afflicted warriors were overtaken, their gene-forged forms reduced to writhing heaps of flesh, bone, and twitching nerves. Their power armor, designed to withstand the horrors of war, was nothing before the warping energies of the enemy. The air shimmered with kaleidoscopic colors, and tendrils of sorcerous energy lashed out, striking the ground and erupting into horrific mutations wherever they touched. A nearby sandbag emplacement dissolved into writhing flesh, mouths and eyes opening across its surface to scream and stare at the beleaguered Hussars.

Yet, even amidst the chaos, Captain Venik screamed over the vox, rallying his men. “Hold the line! By blood and fire, hold!” His voice cracked with raw desperation, but it was enough to steel the hearts of the remaining Hussars. Despite the creeping terror, their fusils barked out defiantly, each shot aimed at the daemon and its gibbering horde.

“Brother?!” came the horrified words of one of the Sentinels, watching his brothers become reduced to little more than meat and metal. Stoic and unrelenting men had become nothing more than dribbling monsters turned against the Astartes or horrid masses that screamed in guttural agony, still aware of their surroundings. Two of them had become little more than the mutated monsters they found against, barreling towards their former brothers in a mindless frenzy. The untouched steeled themselves, remembering the horrors of Nordyc, and raised their swords once more.
Lieutenant Jounas barked orders into the vox, brandishing his blade as he slammed one of the mutated forms of his former brother away, “Leave them! Cousins, Venik, thin the horde! Brothers, bring the witch-monster down!”

Unrelenting, Jounas surged forwards with whatever remained of his brothers, cutting through maddened men who threw themselves to the creature's aid once more. The Steel Sentinels had known the horrors of those who used this horrid sorcery, this would not deter them from claiming victory in His name. Blue fire clung to their forms, only servicing to make them appear as daemons given an unholy visage as they barrelled towards their foe. Shield in hand, the Astartes leapt at the beast using his own bodyweight and momentum as a weapon. The contact was violent as claws defensively cut through armour and and the cracking of a skull reverberated.
Jounas caught himself on the landing, having staggered the creature enough for his brothers to charge at it with swords flashing. If they were to die, they would sell themselves to bring the monstrosity down.

As the trio of the 8th and their passenger charged through the chaos of the battlefield, the sensor array that allowed Konrad to see the current heart rate of his squad (and thus if they were still alive or not) started to make… horrible noises. Tragios’ readings… stopped being human. That was honestly the best way that he could word the absolute mess of data he was receiving from his squad mate of fourteen different hive liberations and numerous minor skirmishes in between. He didn’t know what was happening to him and it was only the knowledge that there was nothing he could do to save him if he stopped to try was what kept him going without looking back.

The power axe swung with measured force, more intent on knocking things out of the way rather than commit to a full swing and risk throwing Wandering off his back. Follow up blows from Zygane or the hail of deadly fire from the abhumans keeping their distance who were overwatching the legionaries tended to prevent anything bowled over from righting itself right away.

Dodging the poor wretches who were once Sentinels, Wandering’s light finally fully manifested, creating a bubble around the remaining duo and Wandering herself as they charged towards the heart of the magical madness. Of the foes that entered the bubble, the ordinary were unchanged… but those enhanced or ‘blessed’ by the vilest of witchcraft found themselves… faltering. Their enhancements suddenly being contested in a fight they weren’t expecting. That moment of contest was normally ended via gunfire or a power weapon smashing into them.

The abominations themselves outright hissed and seemed to try and back away, as if being in that light caused them pain that they wanted to avoid. It was enough to take advantage of the opening that the Sentinels had created, rushing through the gap with weapons drawn back to slam into the body of the stunned avian. Konrad slowed for just a moment to allow his brother to charge past, allowing Wandering to let go and land on the ground in relative safety so that he was free to throw his full strength and body weight into his blows as he leapt and tried for the bird’s head!
He missed the neck. Despite the stun that Jounas had managed to cause with the crack to its head, a flare of magic caught the axe blade in mid air and brought the blow to a sudden stop. Rather then try and yank the axe free, Konrad let it go, pulling his knife from its sheath with one hand while the other lunged to grab it by the beak, squeezing it as tightly as possible to cause pain and yank it forward as he started to shank his secondary blade into its inhumanly noodly neck in a violent frenzy.

From the outside it must have looked sloppy, but the reality was that whatever the damn witch bird was made of was stupidly tough and the only way to actually do damage was to jack hammer the knife blade into the same spot again and again until it broke through what he could only think of as flesh and muscle and got into the throat proper… and which point he could start sawing.

It wasn’t just letting this happen. It’s head struggled against his grip hard, while it tried to make use of its limbs to try and dislodge him… only for Zygane and the surviving Sentinels to step in, striking, hacking and doing everything in their power to prevent the damn thing from being able to defend itself with either its vile magics or physical body.

With a final roar from Konrad, the blade parted enough monstrous flesh to allow him the ability to physically rip the bird’s vile head off with a horrible tearing of its remaining flesh and muscle. The body began to burn away with an iridescent light, almost as if watching paper fall away in flame.
The Astartes of the nineteenth legion took a moment to breathe, despite their transhuman strength and endurance the beast had been a worthy foe for them. Jounas looked back to where he had seen his brothers transform, seeing the Hussars and Captain Venik capable enough to deal with the horror from beyond. His attention returned to Konrad, a roiling anger coming from within as he sheathed his sword and wiped iridescent blood from his visor. The lieutenant stomped towards his cousin, momentarily casting a horrid gaze upon the witch-pet of the eighth.

“I told you to deal with the abominations,” came a growl from the officer of the Sentinels. The anger was restrained, unwilling for the mortals they swore to protect to hear disunity, “We had the witch-thing handled, and you chased glory while abandoning good men to potential death.”
Jounas looked at Wandering once more, a snarl curled before he became accusatory towards his cousins, “You brought that cretin with you, had you not, the abomination may have not manifested and taken five of my brothers. Kill it now before it summons yet more horrors.”

Konrad for his part was panting, happy to hold his new trophy even as he turned to look at Jounas… and blinked in confusion. “No you didn’t.” He answered earnestly. “I never heard any order from you to focus on the horde. In fairness, we still did assign most of our people to aid the defenders, so only us four came to fight the bir-” The corpse began to disintegrate? Alongside the head of the creature in his hands “...bird thing.”

At the venom thrown Wandering’s way, Konrad’s eyes narrowed and his tone grew sharp. “It seems your memory has been bewitched, Cousin. Because I remember quite clearly that it was an enemy combatant that summoned these entities. If your memory has been compromised, then I suggest you take the time to confirm what is reality and what isn’t before someone gets hurt. ” Konrad eased up as he added “I’m sure between the rest of your brothers, my remaining brother and everyone left, clean up should be over before the rest of our legions task force arrives.”

Jounas leaned closer to his cousin, hand on the hilt of his blade as Konrad spoke, “Your pet is an abhuman witch. Nordyc showed us the taint in their hearts and if you will not do it then WE will. I suggest you reevaluate your priorities, Eighth

His brothers stepped forwards, one butting a hand to the lieutenant’s breast plate to separate the two before the situation grew dire. However, it did not stop one from speaking, “The Lieutenant is right, cousin, witches cannot be trusted and your psyker did little but feed the sorcery with her presence.”
Konrad briefly glanced over his shoulder, taking some comfort in the fact that Zygane had stepped up, quietly picking up Wandering and transporting her back towards safer company as the situation grew tense. Removing the moth from the fire would hopefully help things calm down… but Konrad was never the sort to let those he cared for be insulted or degraded out of hand.

His scaly tail slammed into the ground, kicking up dust as he felt the anger raising. “Her name is Wandering Mind… and she is the reason myself and a number of my brothers survived our campaigns in Mercia. Because supernatural shit doesn’t just come from Nordyc. In fact, what I’m sure you’ve failed to notice but we didn’t was the fact that her aura weakened and harmed those calling upon dark powers of their own. Maybe not much, but enough to give an opening for a quick and easy kill.”

“I fully credit her for the fact that I only lost one of my brothers this day instead of so much more… and I know for a fact that had you and yours brought someone like her to help you this day, a lot of your brothers might still be alive, cousin.
“That is out of line,” the one who had his hand against Jounas stated, ensuring that his lieutenant would not attack such a comment. The Sentinel spoke once more, “They died valiantly. Now go, before you cause further issues.”

Jounas pulled away from his brother with those closing remarks, stalking away from the Astartes before moving back towards Captain Venik.
For his part, Konrad… actually looked awkward for a moment. “Yeah that… that was too far. I’m sorry.” If the apology was accepted or not would be another thing, but it was given in the earnesty of someone who knows they said something stupid in a moment of anger.
Regardless, there was still work that needed to be done. And the good captain needed to be informed that more reinforcements and a proper supply convoy were on route.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
Avatar of MarshalSolgriev

MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

A Fate Beheld

After the Fall of Sanctii

He swung the long, black blade in his hand to his left, eviscerating a warrior in heavy armor. The exosuit attached to the man crumpled within, depressurizing and crushing them into pink mist. His other arm swept right, ejecting lethal shells that burst another target into a great inferno of azure flame. The blocky armament attached to his wrist clunked, affirming his suspicions that no ammunition remained. He had expected as much, this was a grueling conflict with the end nearly in sight. An end that he’d deliberate over once the bastion-commander was slain.

More enemies rapidly approached him from further down the dark halls of Ghorak’bhal, the shield-citadel of Ursh’s western approach. They were clad in black power armor, buttressed with spikes and engraved with sorcerous runes. Whatever remained of their helmets were fused together with the flesh beneath, recreating a monstrosity spoken of in old Terran nightmares. Horns jutted out across their scalp, maws dripping with ichor dominated their jaws, and fiendish red scales decorated what skin would’ve remained. Their visage would have given normal men pause, perhaps even cause to retreat. He felt no such fear from these creatures. He had already annihilated hundreds of them.

And he was not alone in that task. His successors, adorn in the black-yellow of the First Legio Cataegis, followed in tight squads of four. Their instruments of carnage disintegrated what few scraps of Urshite warrior escaped his ruthless carnage. Mixed amongst their number, taller and bulkier, the true knights of the Cataegis reaved wildly into the Urshite assistants with palpable fury. He shared their enthusiasm, beyond what they could understand, but a deity must be slain today. He could not linger on the pitiful beings that sold their souls for pittance.

A being awaited him at the far end of the throne-chamber. Sat upon a jagged seat of blackened metal and fleshy scraps, the citadel-lord of Ghorak’bhal barked orders with his ragged voice. Unnaturally elongated limbs flung out to press new commands upon the frothing warriors at his quickly diminishing disposal. Alabaster skin, tight enough to reveal malformed bone beneath, peaked out beneath a helmet-crown made of witch-metal and ramshackle technology. His desecrated robe-armor swung with every shift of his body, partially threatening to slip off if he moved too much. That was the ‘god’ that he had come to slay. It brought him little joy to eviscerate such a pitiful warrior. If he could be called one.

He refused to tarry any longer than he needed to. His left gauntlet hefted the enormous, black blade into a two-handed grip. His form lowered into a precise strike, turning the point of his monstrous weapon dead-on to the citadel-lord. All the muscles in his legs bunched together in anticipation as explosive adrenal cocktails spilled through his body. As a bullet fired from the Emperor himself, he sprinted forward across the throne-chamber. The being that called itself a ‘god’ screamed out in protest, attempting to will the powers of the Empyrean against his inevitable doom. The wyrd would not protect him this day as the sprinting warrior lunged into the air, twisting the blade into a downward diagonal pierce.

The air itself was cut clean as the power field of the blade ignited the oxygen around it. A film of crimson erupted into realspace around the edges of the greatsword, drawing the attention of the warriors within the throne-chamber. The citadel-lord raised his hands in defiance only to be engulfed by the full length of the weapon. Flesh rapidly disintegrated as the powerfield ate through armor and skin. No howls of pain rose up from the quickly dissipating warlord. In seconds, the husk of the Urshite commander was tossed by the Primarch of the God-Slayers. He turned to the remainder of their forces, only for the rest of the Legio Cataegis and Legio Astartes to murder what remained.

As the last of their numbers fell dead to the scrap metal tiles of the throne-chamber, Aeternus turned to witness the ongoing carnage outside. The remainder of the Excertus Imperialis that survived the siege of Sanctii encircled the wide walls of Ghorak’bhal. Cobbled streets of shattered metal were clogged with the dead, Urshite and Imperial alike. Hulking genewarriors in unflinching black-yellow ceramite hunted in synchronized squads, systematically annihilating whatever non-Imperial forces they came across. Flames as high as the spires of Franc licked the sky above as pyres burnt the unwanted dead and ate away the livelihoods of the Urshite survivors. Already the banner of the Raptor was beginning to fly from makeshift poles at the edges of the outer walls. Cheers, screams, shouts, and cries were mixed into the cacophony of war spreading throughout western Ursh.

Where the Urshite menace had once filled this hall of defiance, now his brethren and his successors were filling in from across the bastion-network. Mortals were beginning to rendezvous to their position, their faces marked with wounds and scars from the conflict. He would await their request any longer. Aeternus Rex raised Apocrpyha, the black blade of Akkad’s last warrior-king, towards the ceiling of the bastion.

Ghorak’bhal has fallen! Raptor Imperialis!

The reception was as expected. The mortals raised their weapons high into the air, screaming for joy and gritting their teeth in relief. His brethren of the Legio Cataegis slammed their bloodied gauntlets against their chests in salute, cackling madly beneath their knightly helmets. Only the Astartes seemed statuesque in their response, perhaps already probing their internal communications for the next fight. His time fighting alongside them had informed him much of their inhumanity. He wondered if this was what the Emperor’s next genewarriors were meant to be: emotionless and tactical. The thought wandered away from him as he descended the steps of the Urshic scrap-throne.

A trio of warriors, one from the Cataegis,one from the Astartes, and an officer of the Excertus Imperialis approached him. It had become a necessary part of their operations as he often fought away from Mistress Vairya and the Auxilia. Their communications were broken and separated between their legions, no doubt encrypted to a degree that he would find incomprehensible.

“Forward our victory to Mistress Vairya. The post-battle brief will be in the throne-chamber.” Aeternus stated briefly to the Astartes, then continued with the Thunder Warrior and the Auxilia officer. “All squads on hunter-killer operations until we leave in twenty-four hours for the western trenches.” The officer offered a swift salute before disappearing into the quickly dispersing crowd of genewarriors and mortals. Only the Thunder Warrior remained with his gauntlet firmly locked against his chest.

Aeternus narrowed his eyes at the lack of response and sudden stillness of the warrior. One of his blacked gauntlets rested on the pommel of the diamantine dagger; however, the warrior finally responded in a low voice. “Captain Caligula hasn’t responded in an hour, Lord Primarch. Captain Nero and Captain Tiberius, though, have reported success in the western and eastern quadrants of the citadel.” The response made his heart suddenly drop.

“Where was his last reported position and at what time?” His voice came out in a mix of a growl and a groan like a wounded lion. He couldn’t hold back the thin veil of anxiety that plagued his mind. Caligula had been having repeated episodes since the Fall of Sanctii. Perhaps it was a loss of communications in that specific quadrant that caused his tardiness.

“The communications bunkers, Lord Primarch.”

And his heart sank further.

The bunker was a charnel house.

Agama Zur was the last person alive in the room, a rather grim distinction considering the number of dead genewarriors and scribes. His double hearts pumped a potent cocktail of painkillers and coagulants through his ruined body, clotting what ought to be fatal severing of blood vessels while removing the haze of agony from his mind. There was a dull recognition that he would not survive these wounds, but he put that out of mind as he positioned what remained of his body against the sealed door, his one remaining arm gripping a blood slickened chainsword. He did not know whose blood it was, not that it mattered.

Because though he may be the last person which still drew breath, that said nothing of the monster he was staring down.

With a smile on his lips the Astarte, plucked from the deep valleys of the Himalazias as a boy, stared down his death.

It towered above Agama Zur as a deity of destruction and death. Violence screamed across the yellow warplate of the monster as it had rampaged through the bunker. Streaks of blood trickled warmly off of the plating, while fresh entrails and bits of battered flesh dangled from blackened gauntlets. A bloodstained cape of fur bellowed behind the beast, swelling its shadow on the rockrete walls. A mangled claw of rage gripped the long handle of an archaic axe, serrated for maximum desecration. Its head was a slanted helmet with a blood-slicked plume, battered beyond former recognition. No lenses filled the gap in the eyeslits, yet a pair of crazed eyes watched from beneath.

Behind it was unabashed chaos. Consoles, cogitators, terminals, and more were shattered into nothingness by the horrific thing. Projection screens and auto-scribes were torn from their mounts to the stained tiles of the bunker. Vaguely humanoid shapes scattered across the floor in a morbid display of aggression, some more brutalized than others. Towering warriors in black-yellow armor were shattered, cleaved open, and construed into entrail nests beyond their slumbering forms. Glowglobes above the monster rabidly flickered in their chaotic state of activation.

It growled at him. It snarled. It snapped. It screamed out in defiance as it swung the long handled axe across the space above the Astartes’ head. Rockrete melted beneath the sheer strength of the creature. The attack was the same one that had laid low the inhabitants of the chamber. It could not see what was truly in front of it. The monster slashed at whatever it could manage to strike, but each stroke was as eviscerating as the last. A bulky vox-emitter exploded as it was lacerated, exploding out into a crescendo of sparks and debris.

It coughed out words as if a toddler was trying to speak for the first time. Each word was as guttural as the snarls of the creature. The language that it spoke was a disgusting mixture of older tongues merged into one. Every utterance was filled with unmistaken venom.

UNITY.” It howled out to the nothingness away from Agama.

Master! These WRETCHED Urshites! I offer them! Raptor Imperialis!” It snapped out, punching into the corpse of another yellow-plated warrior. The force of the blow tore out another chunk of reinforced metal. The monster tossed it to another side of the room, tearing off more rockrete from the quickly deteriorating bunker.

Master! You BETRAY us! URSHITES, smaller and weaker, in our armor of the RAPTOR!” It cried out, descending into morbid sobbing before roaring again into fresh madness. The being turned away from Agama, coming to blows with whatever furniture still stood in the creature’s way. It swung the axe in one hand, effortlessly decimating the metal desks and slaving-stations of the bunker.

“Bring me UNITY!” It managed to croak out in a final sob. As if awoken from a trance, the monster snapped towards him like a creature alerted to its prey. The heavy footfall of its greaves were reinforced by the dropping of its axe. The serrated edge of the weapon dragged across the metallic floor, bisecting flesh, armor, and debris with sickening ease. It understood with surprising grace that it had one last thing to eviscerate in the bunker. One more ‘Urshite’.

“Come, bold thunderbolt,” Zur managed to cry, revving his chainsword as he held it in front of the ruin of his torso, the grip of his remaining hand firmer than any dying man’s ought to be. “Come, show me Unity!” he taunted, his gaze clear and his voice strong, bringing his blade into an upward guard. “Come, death!”

His legs were a mangled mess of flesh and bone and shattered armor plates, never would he walk again. His left arm ended in ragged strands of meat at the elbow, never would he stand in the battle line again. The Raptor upon his breast was shattered, never would he see his master again.

Yet in his hand was his sword, and upon his head was his helm, and within his hearts beat the battle-fury. Songs ought to be sung of his defiance, of how he was the last to die. The village ought to burn his flesh to the heavens and write his tale upon his bones. Children ought to grow up wishing to be as bold and true as Agama Zur, who died at his post.

So many oughts. But the Legion did not practice these ways. Perhaps if he died gloriously enough they would. It was a cheering thought for him to have, for himself and the nine others in his squad who had already fallen to Caligula.

He sang of them as he made ready to sell his death dearly, back still to the door. Of how Morde had been the first to fall, throwing herself in front of a scribe. Julibu and Xerkon, distracting him as the mortals fled to sound the alarm. Lathimate and Chilon, who had intervened when his arm was struck. Galagon and Ylvrel, who had sealed the bunker and their dooms. Vercin and Kaisa, whose bodies even now cooled before him.

Agama Zur knew that he could not put this dog down, but by the Master of the Lines he would delay him with every breath left in his lungs.

The monster that Caligula had become hefted the axe into a two-handed grip at last. His breathing had become ragged with effort and pain. Each step the warrior took was echoed by a convoluted mixture of sobs, growls, and snarls that dehumanized him more. He raised the axe far above his head for a downward cleave of Agama’s skull.

“Die well, URSHITE.” Caligula uttered with a mouth full of snarl and slobber. Instinctually, the Thunder Warrior thumbed the activation rune on the axe and ignited the powerfield on the weapon’s edge. The full breadth of the charnel house was revealed in the blue afterglow of the armament. He screamed out wildly as the powered tool came down towards the dismembered Astartes. Both of them screamed out for death as it came, sword raised to meet axe in a clash that was fated to end in oblivion.

But Agama Zur’s death never came. On an instinct honed to perfection, Caligula suddenly jerked backwards mid-swing of his axe. A crimson, plasmic powerfield cut through the bunker just nearest to the Cataegis. The dark blade that the field wrapped around nearly cut into the warplate of the transformed monster. He snarled in response, howling in rage at the sudden resistance against him. The weapon suddenly turned downwards and tore out the last of the rockrete preventing its entry.

Chaos engulfed the communications bunker once more as a flurry of activity ignited around the shattered Astartes. An enormous warrior in black warplate burst through the wreckage where the blade had struck through. They wasted no time in intercepting Caligula with their enormous greatsword. The powerfield around the weapon exploded as it collided with the monster’s axe. A crescendo of sparks and destruction sent debris scattering across the ground in their deathlocked duel.

“Assist the Astartes! I will handle Caligula!” Primarch Aeternus roared out to several figures that materialized behind him. A single Thunder Warrior, a trio of Astartes, and several mortal medicae personnel had followed him through Ghorak’bhal. The reception of his order was immediate as the Thunder Warrior leaned down to Agama and pulled him by his warplate’s collar out of the bunker. The sight of the two embattled Cataegis was still visible to him as he was removed.

He could see that it was a clash of titans. The best of the Thunder Warriors fought tooth and nail in the smallest confined spaces possible for their relative size. A fist was thrown, connected, and then replied with a pommel strike to the skull. A kick was registered, received, and responded to with a headbutt. Axe continually connected with the full breadth of the Primarch’s greatsword, then was used as leverage to push the Thunder Warrior further back into the bunker. The blade was kept close to his body in a chaotic sword dance, regularly used to defend as it was to attack. Caligula kept pace with the warlord of his Legio, switching between over-aggressive attacks to calculated strikes with his free appendages.

In the midst of their dance, Agama saw a flash of silver emerge from a sheathe on the Primarch’s belt. A diamanite dagger was drawn, curved in specific ways for a specific function. A ceremonial tool and a dangerous weapon. The fighting continued as Aeternus’ adjusted his fighting stance to incorporate the addition of the dagger. His greatsword was used for distancing and defending, while the dagger was used for striking in short bursts. Caligula was already beginning to falter from the relentless attack. An opening was beginning to form, but the Primarch needed more time.

Agama Zur’s war-song ended for but a moment as he was jerked away from the battlefield, his still whirring chainsword skittering upon the bunker floor as he was evacuated to the medicae. Stubborn, irrational pride took root in his mind at his death being so rudely refused, but at the sight of duel between Aeternus and Caligula he found a new purpose for himself, one grander than pointless defiance. He sang anew as the greatest of the God-Slayers turned their blades against another, of mighty deeds and fell foes, and the heroes who had overcome them all.

The last thought that crossed his mind as the chems began to flood his body was that this was a worthy death.

As Agama Zur’s consciousness faded into the black, the two Thunder Warriors continued to fight desperately in brutal close combat. A parry was met with a feint. A slam from a hilt was replied to with a skillful dodge. The two danced on a stage of war, compiled of history and gore. The more monstrous of the pair, however, was beginning to falter. The chemicals that forced his system to plunge into madness were beginning to drain out through the slobbering howls he made; however, it was madness that continued to ensure his survival.

Perhaps it was the Astartes’ swift egress out of the bunker, or perhaps it was simply a matter of martial prowess that ultimately concluded the duel. Aeternus managed to slip the greatsword betwixt Caligula’s arm and the handle of his axe. Using the moment of a previous feint, the primarch forced his renowned blade downward in a shattering blow to the other Cataegis’ weapon. The poweraxe exploded into pieces of metal, rendering the powerfield kinetics and effectively disarming the warrior. It did little to halt the ceaseless madness within the warriors’ mind, but it forced the warrior to hesitate for a fraction of a second.

A fraction of a second was all that a Primarch needed. As the axe was rendered useless, Aeternus dropped his greatsword and forced the maddened warrior into a fierce embrace with his newly-freed arm. The more veteran of the two swung the other onto the floor, slamming the Himalazian knight flat on his powerback and opening up the warrior’s gorget for a proper attack. There was no indication of hesitation as the silver dagger was snaked up and forced down into the neck of the rampaging Thunder Warrior.

Caligula gasped out in pain. The madness seeped from his mind as fresh agony began to coarse through his neck. He gurgled out as foamy blood began to bubble up around the warrior’s lips. Enraged eyes broke free of their curse as death lingered on the horizon. Only the wounded whimpers of a dying man reached up to Aeternus, who stared down at his old friend through his black helmet.

“Worry not, brother, Unity awaits us. You did the Emperor’s will and served him as his most trusted.” The Primarch of the First Legio softly said to the warrior beneath him. The words calmed Caligula, enough to force his whimpers down to dying moans. His eyes looked up to the Primarch pleadingly. Aeternus simply nodded in response, “I will meet you there, old friend.”

The Thunder Warrior closed his eyes, either having accepted the Primarch’s words or having finally perished from his wounds. Their nightmare was at an end, passing wordlessly in a bunker filled with the dead of those afflicted by Caligula’s rampage. Aeternus forced himself upright, withdrawing the dagger from his friend’s neck and resheathing it at his side. He reached down, reclaiming Apocrypha and rested it against his pauldron. With one of his hands free of a dagger, the Primarch pulled Caligula’s corpse up and brought it with him out of the bunker proper.

A myriad of organized chaos was exploding out of the hallway that he had entered from. The medicae were desperately patching up the fallen Astartes, while further reinforcements from within the citadel were beginning to congest the arterial passages. Some of the Astartes awaited, patiently, as Aeternus’ passed through the egress, yet other Thunder Warriors had already gathered frantically braying for their leader. To the warriors of his legion, the Primarch gifted the fallen form of Caligula. To the warriors of the future, he gifted his presence.

“Alert Mistress Vairya that the situation has been handled. Tell her to meet me in the throne room for a full debrief.” The Primarch said to the Astartes, his voice lacking the vim it typically contained. He didn’t wait for their response, marching off with the rest of the Thunder Warriors. They had a body to bury, alongside countless others.

The legionnaires of the Ist did not reply, standing as ceramite statues as Aeternus and his brothers passed them by, making the lesser gene-warriors seem like mere men when compared to their predecessors. The Primarch’s message was conveyed nonetheless, the Astartes blink clicking it to the Legion Mistress as they remained in a tight cordon around the medicae. They moved only after the Thunder Warriors had gone, a squad fanning out to remove their dead from the ruin of the bunker.

The Legion Mistress of the Ist still wore the same unadorned ceramite armor that she had been in the first time Aeternus had met her, she and those few surviving Astartes who been part of the initial creation in the bowels of the Himalazias retaining a severe austerity. She walked, almost mechanically, before the Primarch, and then stopped, armor locking her joints into place as she reported. Her face, as ever, was obscured by her helm as she spoke.

“I was summoned.”

The throne room of Ghorak’bhal had already started to see a change in atmosphere since the Imperial victory over the citadel. Banners of the Raptor were unfurled between pillars, cursed effigies had been utterly wiped, and witch-metal was either entirely removed or replaced with rune-marked effigies from the Sigilite’s arsenal. No darkness remained of the Urshite citadel-lord, save for the reinforced ferrocrete structure itself stained with residue of the wyrd. The throne of the chamber had been removed, deconstructed, and smelted into slag in exchange for a hololithic table. Several cogitators hooked to unseen power units chugged nearby the new implement, filling an otherwise quiet room with droning noise. Mostly empty of inhabitants, only a bare few scribes and a tall, black armored figure remained.

Outside, through the view ports in the citadel, the Urshite wastes accumulated fresh snow from green-tinged clouds overhead. The crack of lightning occupied the boom of thunder further into mainland Ursh, while a thick smog rose up from dozens of Excertus Imperialis vehicles idling for their next campaign. The citadel stretched for untold miles, either as a complete structure or as sporadic improvements. Even from here, Aeternus could see the imperial yellow of new banners rising over the ruins of the defeated compound. He turned away from the port towards the Legion Mistress.

“You were,” He stated frankly. Softly, the Primarch reached his gauntlets up and pulled the black helmet from his head. His dark features peaked out from beneath, accompanied by fresh wounds and crisscrossed scars from Sanctii. A crop of raven hair woven into a warrior’s knot hid behind him, flanked by recently shaved sides. Dark eyes stared down at the Astartes. For conversations such as these, Aeternus preferred to speak on a personal level with little impediment from outside forces or to suffer mixed reception from his vox-grilles. The Thunder Warrior cradled the helmet under his left arm, while he gestured to the hololithic table to his right. He continued, “there are two matters we must discuss. Remove your helmet and we will begin.”

His words were spoken without the usual lion-esque growl to them, either due his fatigue or an intentional change for the conversation-to-be-had. His tone was neither commanding, nor pleading. It was neither inviting, nor repulsing. It shared no kindness, nor held loathing. It bore no enmity, nor did it boast amity. His voice was bare, nearly as emotionless as the Legion Mistress before him.

Vairya Kurus was well used to things which she did not understand. Born and raised within the hidden laboratories of the Biotechnical Division, her entire life had consisted of things beyond her ken both before and after her ascension. In all that time, she had simply accepted such things. Her creators did not require her understanding, only her obedience.

But this man was not one of them. He was at best her peer, and at worst… Such thoughts she did not grant herself the liberty of reflecting on. Instead, she considered a far more innocent indulgence.

“Why? Verbal communication is neither enhanced nor hindered by the presence of my helm; my armor reports that my vox-grille is operating normally. You may consume food if you require it but my own nutritional needs are of no concern at the moment.”

“Then Malcador never taught you some of the early cultures that existed in the Himalazians during your inception.” Aeternus responded, a disappointed look crossing his wartorn facial features and filtering into his voice. He turned away, walking the small distance from the viewport of the citadel to the hololithic table that awaited them. What few scribes remained in the throne room slipped away as the two began to speak. The glowglobe chandeliers flickered above their heads as they spoke.

“It was customary to remove one’s helmet when speaking one-on-one. The mortal men of the Eagle Tribe used to think it was to lower one’s defense and allow the spirits to connect in order to understand one another on a cosmic level.” The Primarch reached the hololithic table first, resting the palm of his gauntlets along the edge of the freshly fabricated metal. A flat, spinning image of Terra’s landscape painted in blue light made up the center of the hololith. The Raptor was present in almost every province and continued to grow into the Eurasian continent. He continued, “in truth, though they did not know, it was so that both parties could read each other’s intent by watching each other’s facial features. Eye twitches, perspiration, lip trembles, breathing patterns, and more. It allowed them to be more honest, more personal, and more confident in their negotiations with other tribes. I’ve since adopted it and spread it throughout my Legion to remind them of their humanity.”

“It is this kind of conversation that I wish to have. Consider it a lesson from First Legion to First Legion.” Aeternus said, turning his head away from the hololith to the stoic form of the Legion Mistress.

The Legion Mistress did not say the obvious, that she did not wish for Aeternus to read her intent. Honesty and personableness were not just irrelevant but antithetical to her task with them. These things were true, and she had no reason to indulge his request, and yet… The Primarch’s words held wisdom.

Wisdom more vital to her and hers than she would wish to be known.

She said nothing, the hiss of air as her helmet unsealed was the only reply. A pale face stared back at Aeternus, eyes sunk so deep into her cheeks that her features seemed to be coiling in upon themselves to escape the light of the world. When she spoke, it was with a far softer voice than he had heard before, free now of the augmentation of vox grill.

“Your Legion is more successful than the others at remembering who they are,” she stated, simply. It was neither condemnation nor praise, merely fact.

“It was a lesson the Emperor taught me long ago. That we,” He gestured with one of his blackened gauntlets, motioning between himself and her. His tone turned gentle as he reminisced on his times with their Master, offering a small smile over his broken face. When she removed her helmet, the Primarch locked eyes with her as he switched his view from the Astartes’ helmet to her face proper. It was not a challenge from the Primarch, but a proverbial opening of the soul. He continued, “are still human, regardless of what we’ve experienced or what we’ve become.”

The Primarch of the First lost his small smile as he shifted away from the sweet reminisce of the early days of the Unification Wars. Aeternus kept his eyes level with Mistress Vairya. The holomap flickered near them as battles across Ursh were tracked, each displaying a steady push across the heartland. Each Raptor that flew into existence would’ve drawn his attention were it not for what he must speak.

“One of my warriors, Caligula, Captain of the First Clade, perished today after killing many people. Seven Astartes died, three surviving the encounter with one in dire straits. Fifteen adepts were caught in the crossfire. I’ve already sent the mortal remains back to the Himalazians to be honored as heroes.” He finally started to speak after a second of silence, his tone losing its lion’s roar. The Primarch was hurt behind his visage in a way few could harm him. The loss of Caligula fell on him hard, yet the loss of so many innocents hit him harder. Aeternus never turned away from the Legion Mistress as he spoke, yet he was aware that she already knew of this event.

“I cannot bring them back, Vairya, but you are owed. An apology for now and a request for later.” Aeternus approached an uncomfortable distance given their difference in sizes, then stopped short to bring his fist to his chestplate in salute. He bowed his head in remorse. He felt no sting for this action. It was one he had done many times before. She was not the first wronged by the volatile actions of his Thunder Warriors. They were legion once. In those first days, he couldn’t remember how many he’d put down or apologies he offered. This was unlike any of those others. Caestus had murdered warriors of their future, the ones that would surpass them.

I am sorry, Vairya,” His voice was low, yet his words refrained from attracting pity. His tone was soft, yet his timbre was stalwart. His soul was bare, yet his spirit was resolute. He was many things in that moment, but the emotion that rang true the most was honesty. Aeternus continued, “you have the rights to what you desire with us. Simply ask it and we will deliver. I will deliver.”

The Legion Mistress’ face was mostly still, but only mostly. Microexpressions skittered across her features, the warrior having never been trained to keep herself truly expressionless. What she felt was simply muted, and what she felt at that moment was confusion. Her soul was bared too in that instant, at least as much it may be for one so isolated and guarded from her own humanity.

Her soul practically shouted why are you doing this while the iron edge of her conditioning and the immense weight of her office forced her lips to say something else. “Ten Astartes were defeated by only one of your warriors. An entire squad, powerless to stop him, forced to buy time with their lives. This is unacceptable.”

“You will train us, spar with us, so that we might learn how to fight against Thunder Warriors, and such a loss does not occur again.”

“It will be done.” Aeternus’ response was swift. There was no hesitancy in the decision as if it were something he had already considered long before their conversation. He knew exactly what she asked for, his eyes unafraid of the potential truth. The Primarch of the First Legion was no fool, but he was the most stout and loyal of his siblings. Before moving away from Vairya, Rex banged his fist against the Raptor on his chest as an affirmation as much as it was a salute. Shortly, he returned to his side of the hololithic table and gestured for her to join him.

Vairya stood for a moment, as if unsure how to answer, before returning the martial salute in turn. “I can think of none better to teach me how to slay a god.”

“Now,” Aeternus continued unabated, speaking furthermore without his helmet in a more natural tone dancing on the edge of his lion’s roar. One of his armored fingers pressed a rune, spinning the hologram of Ursh to a vertical overlay. Several new entries dotted the vast trenchlines of the battlefield, each represented by the Raptor and crossed-thunderbolt of the Cataegis. Every Legion from the God-Slayers to the Radiant Spears were converging from across Terra to end Kalagann’s empire. Their assault lines were displayed as aggressive arrows of yellow, mixed with Auxilia blue and Astartes grey. He continued, “let’s return to executing the Emperor’s will.”

Credits: I Legio Cataegis/Primarch Aeternus @MarshalSolgriev , I Legio Astartes/Legion Mistress Vairya @grimely
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
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MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

Last of the Zmaj

-After the Kursken Assault-

The Urshic Homeland was aflame. In her southeastern regions, the Raptor ignited the Asiatic Dustfields from the captured regions of the Xeric Tribes. To her southwestern regions, the Master of the Lines tore fresh wounds in her citadels from frequent sieges. In her southern regions, the Imperium built endless waves of trenches from the bottom of the Himalazians to the eight-pointed fortress-hives of the Evenkian Plains. The warriors of the Emperor drove further and further into her great lands with ruthless efficiency. She could wait no longer for her people to suffer. Kalagann’s horrors, locked behind sorcery and citadel, were unleashed enmasse to deal with the encroaching Empire.

Across the Urshic Front, the stalwart warriors of the Imperium saw them as they came. Dreaded volkhv, empowering the brave Urshite knights with powers from the wyrd through the Primordial Tongue, tore skin from bone. Burgeoning war migou, painted in the tainted blood of their patron deities, clobbered vehicle and genewarrior alike. Terrifying vukodlak, beast-warriors that bore the potent powered armor of Ursh, slaughtered auxilia in hundreds. Horrifying todorats, warriors fused to their warplate and deformed into four-legged abominations, cleaved into myriad trenches. Each was as devastating as the last; however, only one breed of monstrosity existed amongst Kalagann’s menagerie that triumphed over their terrors.

The zmaj. A red-scaled reptilian mount with huge, widespread wings that breathed wyrd-infused flames from its maw. As large as a heavy tank and as long as a sub-orbital naval vessel, the zmaj dominates wartorn Terra. They were few, far, and utterly furious. Wherever they appeared on the battlefield, they bore hundreds of dead from their breath alone. Regular munitions could not punch through their hide, nor could the sanctified magicks of the Sigilites break their manifestation. They were blood and fire. Only the generals beneath Kalagann and those trusted vityaz with the favor of the gods could ride upon them.

Though they were manifest in reality, conjured from bone, blood, and vitae, they hailed from within Kalagann’s domain. If there were a place that bore them from the wyrd, tore them from the womb of reality, then they could be silenced forever. Such a place would be forsaken, locked in dark magicks, and ruined by the pollution of the wyrd. Such a location would be hidden through the volkhv, away from the prying eyes of the Urshic populace and for the express viewage of Kalagann and his ensemble.

And yet it did exist.

The Sibir Ice Plains were desolate of life. Rolling hills of snow were accompanied by great towers of frigid ice. Snowfall with flakes as sharp as daggers cut through the snapping wind, dicing smaller chunks of frost into thinner variants of cube. Where the weather didn’t blanket the plains, dangerous sleet expanded out in every direction for countless, uninterrupted miles. Just as the sky above was tinged with the sickly Terran atmosphere, so too were the iced plains a sickening hue of grey-green. Vague symbols of the wyrd, either from the ancient peoples of Terra or the recent inhabitants of the last millenia, were inscribed sporadically across the fields. Ruins were the only waymakers through the perilous, cold wasteland. Great communes of corroded metal, crumbling towers of frozen brick, and dilapidated skeletal monuments made up those few structures dotted throughout the plain.

None would dare to cross such a wasteland on foot or by vehicle. The temperature, the uneven split of sleet-ice, and the raging winds were enough to discourage most from attempting ventures through this region. Not even the Nordyc barbarians of Maulland Sen would dare to venture through Sibir. The only feasible way through the ice plains was through air, if one dared to risk catastrophic engine failure. And today, of all days, was not the day to fly through Northern Ursh. A maelstrom had formed off the former coast of plains, twisting the already frigid wind into a lightning hellscape of grey-green tint.

And yet something did dare to cross the Sibir through the air. A fat-bellied Stormbird painted in the hues of the Himalazian Imperium blew through the dagger-sharp hail. Roaring engines burned what little ice attempted to form on the edge of the aircraft’s hull, while reinforced metal blunted the maelstrom’s vicious weaponry. Within the depths of the assault bay, fifty-odd individuals in hulking, powered armor awaited. Each was strapped to their crash seats, segregated down the middle of the bay by their affiliation. One side was the yellow-black Thunder Warriors of the God-Slayers. The other side consisted of the gray Astartes of the Steel Sentinels. Only a pair of warriors remained out of their seats, save for the pilots at the front of the gunship.

The first was a gigantic swordsman in all black, bearing a winged helmet and hefting a dark greatsword against his left pauldron. One of his gauntlets gripped the vehicle rails in the bay for balance, while the other carefully balanced his weapon of war. His powerpack was decorated with a silver-skulled object at the top, while a billowing cape of white fur settled behind him. A strange, wrist-mounted armament was bound to the warrior’s right hand, covered in sigilic runes of the Sigilite’s secretive order.

The other was Arturas, praetorate of the nineteenth legion with armor mired in scratches and dents that he had earned while fighting the Imperium’s enemies. His armor wore these marks like a badge of pride, a reminder to the horrors that he and his brothers have faced in Nordyc, and now Ursh. A sword remained sheathed by his side, but in his left he held a shield with the Raptor Imperialis, painted golden but stained in unwashed blood from the continuous battle against the Urshites. The Praetorate looked over his brothers, noting their rigidly focused disposition.

+‘We are approaching the DZ, Primarch, at least as far out as we can go given the Sigilite’s orders. You and the rest of the Legio, as previously discussed, will have to leg it from there. All of the other Stormbirds are reporting success in the theater. No engagements from the targets yet.’+ The pilot, a woman with a raspy voice, said over the Stormbird’s internal voxhailer. Instinctively, the inhabitants began to routinely check their weapons on an automatic cycle. Thunder Warriors bristled in their restraints, feverishly thumbing their melee weapon’s activation runes or clearing the chamber of their bolters. Astartes merely watched their counterparts in cold silence, checking their plasma or volkite-based weaponry before stowing them.

“Understood,” Primarch Aeternus replied dryly. His voice, even filtered through a greathelm, was a lion’s roar of a noise. Devoid of the typical restraints of post-humanity, his tone was as loud as it was heroic. He cocked his head to the Astartes next to him and continued to speak, “are you prepared?”

“Indeed, honoured Aeternus. The nineteenth is more than honoured to serve alongside you, we had long chafed under the command of Ushotan when we were first deployed to Nordyc,” Arturas spoke, lightly tuning his head to acknowledge the Primarch. His voice was calmed, yet firm, as he looked to the fabled God-Slayer with a look of admiration. The Praetorate refocused away from the admiration and pride that swelled within, speaking again, “I am unfamiliar with the beasts that we are hunting, do they bear resemblance to some of the abominations of Nordyc?”

“Primarch Ushotan is a difficult warrior,” Aeternus replied with a small smile breaking on his lips, he was fond of speaking about the other Primarchs. He’d never forget the many, many arguments they’d had over the years since the start of the Unification. There were times that he missed the simplicity of Ushotan’s strategies or his more direct method of communication. He wondered if Valdor and him still sparred between conflicts. The God-Slayer continued, “but he is fiercely loyal and a stalwart soldier. My siblings would call him brash and arrogant, but he achieved much in the early years of the Unification.”

“You have my thanks for being more lively than the First Legio Astartes. They are a difficult sort, but they will grow from our guidance soon enough.” He added onto his previous comment. His time spent with the First Legio had been filled with plentiful growing pains, yet he endeavored to see them become the very Legio that would replace the God-Slayers.

“Disregard my sentimentality. The creatures that we face are called zmaj, large flying creatures used as aerial mounts for the Urshic generals and their more favored warriors. They appear as such,” the Primarch replied to his question, calmly fishing out a dataslate from one of his many leather pouches and offering it to Arturas. He was hit with the sudden realization of how stark the difference in their size was. Ignoring the thought, he continued, “and have been slain several times by our forces. Primarch Bodiciia of the Second Legio Cataegis made several notes on their biology after many encounters.”

The Stormbird rocked slightly as it drew closer to the maelstrom, each of its vectored engines firing at full throttle to account for the turbulence. The armed prow dipped through the atmosphere, splitting ice and hail in a downward plow through it all. Converging towards the deployment zone, the Stormbird already felt the damage of Sibir’s storms upon her hull as several dents and deep gashes cut through her paint.

The master of the nineteenth looked around the interior for a moment, listening to creaks and scratches the ice made against the hull. Far was it that he would feel fear for their safety, but concern was a certainty for the astartes, untrusting of the northern blizzards. From his previous campaign, he had known some to be a cover from those who would wish to hide their movements or deny assets. Arturas would make his concerns known, with a suspicious voice, “This blizzard is strong, it makes me wonder if it was conjured by sorcerers and wyrds.”

“The storms of Sibir, according to the Sigilite, are a byproduct of the Urshic witch-minds and Terra’s ailing deathsong.” The First Primarch responded. Concern from an Astartes was a welcome sign. It meant that they had experienced the taste of the wyrd, the brilliance of war, and the depths of slaughter. They were grown knights, matured by battle. He nodded approvingly. Already, he liked these warriors more than previous Astartes he had encountered.

The lights in the cabin switched from soft yellow to alarming red. A long acknowledging tone warned Aeternus of exactly what he needed to know. They were beginning combat descent, rapidly plummeting into dangerous altitudes as all Stormbirds did in their dives. The bay rattled loudly, threatening to shake the genewarriors from their restraints and toss them from the ramp egress. Pict-screens awoke from their slumber, replicating a hazy view of the outside from within the gunship.

+’Entering final descent, prepare for- What on Terra are those!?’+ The pilot had begun to pleasantly announce their landing before several objects entered their view. At first, they appeared as tiny dots of black inside of the raging maelstrom. Easy to mistake for rubble sucked up by the rampaging storm. They quickly grew larger until they formed a proper image for the pilots and their genewarrior occupants. They were a swarm of leathery, red-skinned beasts on thin wings of scales. More than anything ever previously discussed, they were legion. The swarm came upon them like a storm of sinew and muscle.

+‘Prepare for an emergency landing!’+ The woman said with no small amount of desperation in her voice over the voxhailers. The swarm split into several smaller groups, each spiralling towards the relative location of their brethren gunships. As they spun down towards the sleet-covered fields of Sibir, explosions rocked the air from far-off detonations. The myriad weapons of the Stormbird activated. Lascannons struck out with vicious, red beams, autocannons spun on axial mounts, and rockets unfurled from their wing-locked racks. Every shot from the ship saw the beasts scatter as their numbers thinned, yet they prevailed over any kind of material logic. Already, scant numbers of the swarm were attaching themselves to the aircraft to rip into the hull.

God-Slayers!” Primarch Aeternus roared, releasing his grip on the vehicle rail and moving towards the ramp with his greatsword ready. The Thunder Warriors echoed his movements, unlocking themselves from their crash seats and preparing their weapons for immediate use. Myriad helmets were slipped onto heads, covering their rough features in the glories of Old Terra. Knightly helmets with single- or dual-lenses activated, further lighting the bay in a crimson glower.

In glory, we slay!” They cried back as klaxons began to ring throughout the Stormbird. Each one of the Himalazian knights started to twitch as their bodies were flooded with the mind-altering cocktails from their augmentations.

“This is no longer an excursion. Prepare to jump, Knights of the Nineteenth!” The Primarch commanded, his lungs full of vigor and his body adjusting to the combat drugs filtering through unseen bionics.

In Death, We Protect,” came the call of the Sentinels, disciplined and stoic unlike the Thunder Warriors so eager to spill blood on the battlefield. Each of them holding either a Volkite or plasma rifle, sparking with an unseen hatred that was ready to kill in His name. They looked around as they stood, ready for nightmarish creatures to break into the bay. Each of them were ready to fight and die, but it remained unseen as the savage God-Slayers who hyped themselves as berserkers of old.

Arturas for his part, looked amongst his brothers before speaking to them in a soft order, “Harric, if the Stormbird remains downed, stay with the pilot until rescue arrives. Monitor our movements, get to us once you can.”

“As you command, Arturas” came the swift answer of the last Sentinel in the vessel, putting a fist over his chest in acknowledgment. The Stormbird rocked as the monstrosities continued to eat at it, a horrible sound of a roar and a cacophony of sirens blared through the innards. Engine failure, the plummeting of their ship was evident before the screeching of the hull as a red maw crashed through the walls of the bay only for it to be met by a blast of volkite. Their roars and howls were more than just the blizzard now.


The screech of metal against blanketed snow and ice filled the interior, the force causing the Astartes to adjust themselves briefly to maintain balance with the mag-locked boots. There was a moment before the ramp to the Stormbird dropped, revealing the frigid cold and violent winds of the blizzard that would have chilled men in an instant. Howls from surviving horrors crept along the winds as warriors raised their weapons ready to doggedly fight against the chaos that surrounded them.

There was no waiting for the Thunder Warriors. There was only Unity. Before the Stormbird had even come to a complete stop, the Cataegis had led the way. Aeternus’ pushed forward with a mighty heave out the back of the gunship. The First Legio followed after him, each quelling their bloodthirst and madness to prepare for an inadequate landing. Greaves skid across broken sleet and ice, while white fur cloaks snapped in the freezing winds filled with the burning breath of foul abominations. The momentum of the skidding warriors granted them a miraculous boost of speed, their warforms sprinting out further than they projected.

Wordlessly, Aeternus and a pair of heavily armed Thunder Warriors turned around while the rest began the long trek into the sleet-bound hellscape. Their greaves came to a skidding halt as their weapons opened up on the back of the Stormbird. The Primarch’s wrist-mounted archeotech weapon, a destroyer’s volkite culverin, and a genewarrior’s bolter splattered the myriad reptilians across the gunship. Each shot from the Cataegis’ warlord saw one of the flying abominations burst into cobalt flame, rendering their mortal material into ethereal shreds.

+‘Send out an alert to Imperial Command. Be airborne by the time we finish with the target location. Raptor Imperialis.’+ Aeternus’ spoke into his helmet to the pilot, their cabin ringing with the piercing roar of the Primarch’s voice. The last of the smaller reptilians had been annihilated between himself and his more sane warriors, offering some respite for the crew. He turned around, leading the last two of the Cataegis away from the Stormbird as the Nineteenth caught up with him. His helmet-mounted auspex detected their intended target in the direction of the maelstrom.

“The edge of the maelstrom,” the Primarch pointed out with his plasma-wreathed greatsword. The storm of Sibir roared ahead of them, fronted only by the rushing form of twenty-odd Cataegis in yellow-black warplate. The skies above them was a mess of fury, blood, and explosives as other gunships aided one-another in a deadly firefight. Perhaps it was their luck that they were preoccupied with other, fiercer assailants in the sky around their hunting ground. He continued mid-sprint, “the target location is within a breath of it. We will brave the storm.”

His words weren’t a command. They were a fact. The maelstrom loomed over them just as the great swarm of red-skinned reptiles did. Massive chunks of debris, dagger-sharp hail, and piercing wind made up the edge of the storm. Whatever awaited them on their auspex, it was hidden beneath the uplifted sleet and snow flying into the sky.

A gust of wind blew ice into the air, the crystals seeming to hang in place for an instant before being lost in the swirl, so far above the heads of the marching genewarriors as to be invisible. There, nestled high within the clouds of the swirling maelstrom, another Stormbird circled. Its complement and crew were to the last Astartes of the First Legion, each one a veteran of Sanctii. Few indeed were the number of that band, granted the right to bear a shattered wall upon their pauldron and bearing relics wrenched from the deepest foundries of the city they had murdered.

No record of this flight existed, no transponder reported their location, and the crew ignored the calls for aid from its downed sister craft. Their vessel flew through that profane and terrible air seeming to flicker in and out of existence, skipping along the skein of reality, for it too was equipped with artifacts which were rarely seen since the fall of Old Night. All remained silent, their composure unbreakable as the Stormbird and pieces of themselves temporarily ceased to be.

All knew the seriousness of their errand, and all wished it would never be asked of them to commit to the deed, for they were tasked to hunt something far more deadly than a zmaj.

The Sentinels, save one, wordlessly stalked behind the larger Thunder Warriors, keeping their weapons held high for any of those beasts that hawkishly flew around the gunships. Occasionally, they fired bouts of volkite at a monster that dared begin to come after the strike force. There was only the briefest amount of lag as the Cataegis and his gene-spawn moved faster than the Astartes that reinforced them. Sat sheathed, were their power swords, wanting to spill the blood of horrors and being restrained from their purpose.

Arturas for his part led them, ready to slay any of the fabled zmaj that got too close to his brothers, or the Primarch. The master of the nineteenth was eager to prove himself to Aeternus, speaking into the vox as they bounded through frost and blizzard, “Honoured Aeternus, if these beasts are able to down a gunship such as ours, they may yet prove to be a fine hunt.”

“Your honorifics are appreciated, Arturas,” the Primarch responded, flexing his right wrist and injecting fresh munitions into the armament. The whirring sensation of his warplate feeding the device crawled down his right arm through his powerpack. His hud displayed a pleasant, green rune that confirmed that it was ready to dispense. He satisfied the system by precisely unloading into a nearby flock, drenching their bodies in cobalt flames. He continued unflinchingly, “but we are warriors of equal peerage. You owe me no such respect. We shall murder these beasts, claim our dues, and raise the Raptor over Sibir. Glory in the name of the Emperor!

The task force bounded faster than any normal man could comprehend, covering the path toward the maelstrom in what seemed mere moments. Thunder Warrior and Astartes working in tandem, God-Slayer and Sentinel willing to die side by side to further His plan. As they approached the maelstrom, a force appeared as shadows within the snow - sent to halt this invading force of Imperial might. Techno-barbarians surged forwards firing their myriad weapons into Imperial ranks, met with a return volley of plasma and Volkite that cut them down in droves.

Those that reached the task force were met with a savagery matched as the God-Slayers were finally let loose to do their duty. Melee weapons clashed , guns barked, men howled in frenzy as those willing to lay down their lives did so to further their own causes. Then, the wyrmlings came, swarming the task force from all round, appearing as shades from the maelstrom. They proved little more than annoyances, maddened beasts who were predictable, yet when they came in grounds so thick that one was indistinguishable from another was when horror came. A Sentinel was mobbed, beasts clinging and ripping into his armor and dragged down as he desperately clutched a grenade to sell his life dearly.

The God-Slayers drove apart the techno-barbarians with might worthy of their name. None faltered under the assault from within the storm. Each one was met by the mind shattering strength that the Cataegis summoned. They were echoed by the Sentinels, swift in their strikes and precise in their slashes. A power sword cut through skin, a bolter tore apart a torso, a fist broke open a skull, and many such cases echoed across the sleek fields of Sibir. It was an appetiser before the main meal for the Thunder Warriors and their Astartes genekin. The wyrmlings screeched, gathering around them as vultures to dine upon a feast. As the techno-barbarians died, it dawned upon them that they were sent for a singular purpose.

Ignore the barbarians. They are a feast for the spawnlings.” Aeternus’ remarked, realizing with surprising quickness of the trap that they had sprang. He should’ve dawned upon it at first contact. None of the warriors from Sibir bore armor. Their flesh was bare, save for hideous runes that were carved into their skin. Few of them were armed with any amount of lethality. An autogun in one’s hand, a power weapon in another, or a wyrd-weapon in the hands of a modestly sized barbarian. Each did little to prove equal combatants, yet they slowed their progress all the same.

“There,” the Primarch’s auspex pinged as he slew another techno-barbarian. His greatsword was drenched in the blood of Sibir, equal parts mortal and wyrd. He pointed the lengthy blade into the distance as his legs brought him forward. Aeternus’ had not faltered once in his sprint, similar to the rest of the genewarriors around him. One or two of his Cataegis, in the throes of their bloodthirst, stopped to brutalize a wyrmling before catching up with the tailing Sentinels. His voice growled as he continued, “the lair finally reveals itself.”

The truth of their destination had begun to form through the winds of the maelstrom. A large structure, built brick by brick from unknown materials in an age that has since passed. Towers, as tall as hive spires, rose up from lengthy parapets and curtain walls. Banners of black, bitten to shreds by frost, whipped in the storm’s mighty winds. A keep of black stone stood at the center of the assembly, cornered by the leviathan towers. Great statues of grotesque figures adorn in ritualistic armor stood vigilant along the length of the bastion. A moat of sleet, ice, and frozen blood pooled up around the exterior of it. Headache-inducing wards, written in the preposterous magics of the Urshic wyrd, were present on every face visible to the Imperial task force. All bore the passage of time, each separate extension of the structure in a state of disrepair. Swarms of the crimson wyrmling flooded out of the towers, while braying barbarians devoid of protective garment guided them with wyrd-flame and witch-horns.

“Kill the wyrm-handlers, ensure that they cannot command the horrors!” Arturas ordered, surging forth with all that he could muster to keep pace with the honored Primarch. A volley of fire began to pepper the fortress, knocking errant stone loose or destroying cover of the barbarian witches. The Sentinels moved towards the center of the formation, sticking close so that no wyrmling swarm would isolate them, focusing best they could to rush down the handlers before they could direct the horrid cretins to destroy them.

The First Son of the Nineteenth looked to Aeternus as they ran, crunching snow and bone beneath them, his voice was carried by the frigid cold, “Honoured Aeternus, if you could, have your gene-children cover our advance, we may be able to kill the will the wyrds before they can truly direct the monsters.”

It shall be done.” The Lord of the First responded, adjusting his weight to compensate for a sudden stop of his dead-sprint. The weight of his warplate and the force of his physiology nearly saw a nearby selection of rubble disappear into nothingness. Aeternus utilized this momentum for a horizontal slash of his obsidian greatsword, unleashing a wave of searing, crimson energy into a collection of techno-barbarians. With the closest opponents decimated, the Primarch began shouting out his orders without restrain.

+‘God-Slayers! The Steel Sentinels have given us the honor of slaking your thirst! Cover their advance, slay, and eviscerate these miserable curs!’+ Aeternus’ shouted across the interlegionary voxnet, co-linked together with the Steel Sentinels for ease of access. The Thunder Warriors responded as anticipated with howls, roars, and cries of violence. Where they had been surging headstrong towards the keep, the Cataegis now stood stalwart and steady against the whelps of Sibir. Steel Sentinels, engaging in sustained suppression actions, were replaced with the violent carnage of the First Legio’s brutal annihilation. Their efforts were rewarded with reinvigorated attention from the endless swarm of crimson wyrmling and their witch-bound defenders.

As the Categis and his progeny did their bloody work, the nineteenth formed a line whilst continuing to pepper the fortress to keep the handlers from casting their dark magics. However, it was only plasma bolts striking the structure - their blasts chewing away at the ancient stone that made the haunted structure. The others knelt, alongside each other and began to retrieve what explosives they had. A silent conversation was held before they agreed, three taking up melta-charges as the battle raged. A wyrmling was bisected in front of them, slowly the God-Slayers advanced.

One of the Sentinels looked to his brothers, speaking as sternly as he was nonchalant, “Have you accounted for wind speed?”

“I have,” a quick reply came, annoyed at his brother’s question.

“Will you miss?” the same brother asked, arming his melta-charge and reeling back his arm as he awaited the command from Arturas.

“If I recall at the Battle of Red Frost, Gregor, you threw an unarmed grenade at some fool’s head,” came the sharp rebuttal as he did the same.

“Yet, I did not miss,” Gregor commented, as Arturas called for silence amongst the normally stoic Sentinels. While having the moment to chat, each of them had calculated and prepared for their throw - an impressive distance for throwing a hefty melta-charge. As the Praetorate raised his sword, each of the marines stepped and spun, throwing their charges as frisbees across the battlefield overhead the God-Slayers and their foes. There was a moment where the Astartes watched in bated breath before they saw it, the melta-charges landed amongst the Urshite sorcerers - one being impacted in the head by one of them.

A concussive shockwave surged upwards as the charges went off in unity, obliterating the wyrds and causing substantial damage to the entrance of the fortress. Wordlessly, the Sentinels stomped forwards through ice and snow and turned their weapons back onto the enemies in front of them to join the God-Slayers as the ravenous horde began to scatter, mindless and unchecked by their Urshite masters and in fear of the massive shockwave that had sounded over the battlefield.

“I did not miss,” Gregor’s brother commented as he shot a beast with his volkite rifle, deflagrating it.

+'Honoured Aeternus, the handlers are dead. We may continue.'+ came Arturas’ voice over the vox as the Sentinels began their bounding leaps forwards once more.

The Thunder Warriors had nearly completed their work by the time the Astartes had finished theirs. The techno-barbarians of Sibir, while hardy and plentiful, couldn’t handle the sheer brutality of the combined forces. It was a match made of steel, blood and violence. A pathway of corpses in various conditions was paved for the Sentinels to follow. Their ferocity was less than Ushotan’s carnage, yet their handiwork was Cataegis through and through. Most of the carcasses' skulls had been crushed, either during the attack or posthumously as a macabre reminder of their savagery. Regardless of their enemies' fallen bodies, the courtyard leading into the castle proper had been cleared of the most devious opponents. The servants of the Urshic rune-men hid in dark corners, under destroyed parapets, or near wyrmling corpses out of sight from the post-humans.

“Your warriors are legendary, Arturas,” Aeternus noted as the two met at the forefront of the keep, drawing Apocrypha from a berserker with twisted mutations across their back. A single activation of the greatsword saw the tainted blood immediately sear off. Similar scenes were played out across the courtyard, the Cataegis efficiently killing with their melee weapons to conserve their ammunition. Their steady demeanor was a queer reminder of the God-Slayers reputation. The Primarch continued, “we will now assault the keep-”

Before the Primarch could speak, a screeching roar as loud as howling titans from the mountains of unreality filled their ears. Some of the gene soldiers fell to their knees from the sheer pitch of the scream, Astartes and Cataegis alike. Those unhelmeted were afflicted the worst as blood started to dribble out of their visible orifices. It was a maddening sound, blending reality and the wyrd together in an instrumental song of uncontained rage. The screaming halted after several seconds of madness.

“... We must hurry. Split your squads to assault the towers, rig the structure for demolition with thermonuclear charges, and relink afterwards for the keep assault.” Aeternus finally spoke after several seconds had passed, ensuring the pseudo-wyrd phenomena had passed. He felt a trickle of blood pool around his ear, yet his body felt wholly unaffected by the ordeal. Through the interlegionary voxnet, he assigned structures to assault to the majority of the Cataegis. Four remained with him, each a veteran of Sanctii with wargear and personalizations to prove. If he was correct, then the keep proper would hold the thing that the Sigilite had been worried about.

It took the Astartes a touch longer to recuperate from the unnatural screech than their older counterparts. Despite their experience at Nordyc, such power from the immaterium was a harsh thing to resist in full. After all, beasts were easy to kill, the otherworldly magics were harder to survive even with their gene-forged might. Gradually, however, they had gotten their bearings and heard the Cataegis’ order. The Sentinels steeled themselves, checking their ammo and equipment as they began to hold position so that none would be able to enter the keep.

The leader of the Steel Sentinels lagged behind his brethren, sheathing his power sword for a brief moment. The God-Slayers had proven themselves much more honourable than Ushotan’s savage dogs, not that Aeternus’ honour was ever in question. Arturas looked upon the great Primarch that had led them here, speaking softly with a fist over his chest out of respect, “Honoured Aeternus, good hunting.”

“You honor me with this hunt, brother,” Aeternus responded, echoing the salute with his own against the Raptor on his chestplate. He had planted the greatsword into the ground to do so, giving his full respect to one of his many gene-descendants. If it had been any other genewarrior, then he would’ve expected a fight to dive deep into the realms of madness for the final kill. To give up such a slay spoke much about Arturas’ nature and that of his Legio. He cracked a smile beneath his helmet, knowing the future was in good hands. He continued, “but you will be joining me with four brothers stalwart against witches. ”

He was not the only one who felt that way. The Cataegis around him holstered their weapons and slammed their fists against their chest in salute. Warriors that had survived since the dawn of the Unification Wars, each a soldier worth hundreds of men with the martial knowledge of a hundred more. They turned away from Arturas as their Primarch pulled the blade from the Sibir snow, leaving a wide cleft in the frozen ground. Their forms stopped short of the keep, awaiting for the Sentinels to join them in the final part of their hunt.

While unseen, a smile crept across each Sentinel’s face though their demeanors all showed as they gladly stomped towards the Thunder Warriors. Arturas, for his part, could do little to contain the joy that he felt from being respected by such an honored legion such as the God-Slayers. He redrew his sword and followed into the breach knowing that he could die happily should the time come. The same could be said for any of his brothers, each drawing their swords and shields as they entered the confined space of the ancient fortress.

The keep was everything expected of a den built to house witch-minds, techo-barbarians, and their filthy servants within. Bodies, stripped of flesh, hung from the walls in morbid decoration of the entrance hall. Entrails wavered down from the cadavers like banners to unknown, vengeful gods. Streams of frozen blood filled the lines between the tiled floors. Braziers of witch-fire cast an eerie, lilac light throughout the fortress’ length. Chandeliers of bone with scraps of sinew slowly dripped fresh ichor down onto the Imperials. Just as Sibir had been devoid of life, so too was their main sacrilegious monastery of gore. At first glance, it appeared as if all the inhabitants had participated in the defense of the fortress. As they stepped further in, under arches of shattered brick and pulsing runes, they realized that that was an incorrect statement.

At the center of the keep, a circular room opened up with the maelstrom peering down into the fortress. At the center of that was a spiral staircase built for something larger than any of the previous inhabitants. Not even the genewarriors were large enough to fill the width of the steps. It was in this room that a thrumming had begun, pillars in each corner vibrating with the telltale sign of the wyrd. The Cataegis grit their teeth together, fervently fighting off the mind-tricks of the witch-cults with their superior genealogy. Their Primarch led on, discomforted but largely unaffected by the breadth of the wyrd. The Imperials pushed onward down, down, and further into the warm depths of the Urshic citadel.

Each step down into the abyss was a step into a new, hotter climate. Each step further was another spike to the brain from the magicks at work further in. The Urshic runes were growing more frequent, larger, and more desperate as they pressed on. Whispers had since begun to leak into their ears, speaking of their greatest fears and their greatest achievements. Even at these depths, the Primarch had begun to feel a firmer touch from the void. He felt his mind reject with every ounce of his being, yet the wyrd was stronger here than it had ever been before. It was as if the realm of souls and the realm of the living conjoined in unholy matrimony at this direct point.

False, fake, replacement, old tool, dying pawn, betrayed, naive, cancerous…’ their words went on as malevolent whispers. Images were forced into his brain of mighty beings, taller and stronger than he was. They were myriad in appearance. One was a bloodthirsty woman, just shy of his own height. Another was a man with scales, fire exuding from his jaw. Another was a woman with golden, burning eyes. Another was a pair of women forced into one, axes in both hands. Thousands of genewarriors followed them into stars unknown, across lands unseen, and against forces he couldn’t possibly comprehend. The voices laughed, ridiculing him with specters from an uncertain future. Aeternus denied them with every further step into the darkness of Sibir.

The sound of a breathing, living thing broke the dreadful silence forced on him by the wyrd. His warriors awoke from their stupor in tandem with the Primarch, their myriad weapons ready for the greatest confrontation of their lives. Aeternus’ witnessed the creature first before the rest of his genewarriors. It sat at the center of an impossibly wide chamber, stretching out miles and miles beyond the lengths of the keep above. The beast itself was enormous with tens of heads, each a crimson-scaled twin with a forest of horns swirling alongside their toothy maws. A great, serpentine body with a plethora of fat extremities made up the base body of the being. Hundreds of chains hooked the thing down onto a platform of black bricks, each engraved with an Urshic rune of humming power. It groaned as wyrmling were pushed from an unseen orifice, crying into reality and beginning an immediate skyward ascent.

As if sensing new life for the first time in eons, it rose its myriad heads from the platform and began to screech once more into the chamber. It was something that he had never experienced before as the creature’s shriek nearly flipped reality around them. Aeternus’ felt his soul try to crawl out of his skin as the beast’s roar willed the realm of souls as it did the realm of life. The Cataegis behind him were great warriors, yet this was beyond what they had faced before. One perished immediately under the psionic force, his body crumpling into itself like a crushed vehicle. Blood squirted out of the warplate, streaming down the stairs in a waterfall of vitae. Two Sentinels clutched their helms, and screamed horribly as they felt their minds liquify, only to be mercifully put to death by their brothers. Their deaths awoke the creature as it entered a snapping frenzy, violently pulling the chains that held it. A plethora of volkhv, the damned priests of Ursh, attempted to calm the creature with wyrd-influenced prayers. It only served to anger the creature as the servants of the Emperor descended into the chamber.

+‘The Mother of Zmaj has been found. The God-Slayers are engaging now. Raptor Imperialis!’+ The Primarch quickly stated into the voxnet, hoping in vain that their communications still worked in this quasi-realm. He waited no longer for any tricks of the wyrd. Aeternus took a step back on the steps and flung himself into the pit from a higher step. He descended towards the creature with Apocrypha activated, his brethren already beginning a ranged offense with their hard won weaponry from Sanctii. A vortex rifle unloaded a ear-splitting miniature blackhole, a disintegration carbine unleashed a eye-watering beam of black-red death, and a plasmic chaingun vomited searing doom into the chaos below.

Sentinels!” Arturas called, raising his sword high as he readied his shield for a forward assault upon the ten-headed monstrosity. They readied themselves, bearing pistols and swords, ready for a glorious death fighting the wyrd-spawn. Their master pointed his blade not to the savage beast ahead of them, but once more to the sorcerers. Hatred coursed through their veins at the sight of them, and their call came when Arturas bellowed his orders, “Destroy the witch-priests! Crush them, make them suffer!”

A warcry of “Destroy the horrors of Old Night,” sounded as the Astartes rushed forwards after Aeternus, spreading themselves to deal with wyrds and witches that influenced the murderous beast-spawn. Initially, the Steel Sentinels achieved impressive progress, slamming into the sorcerers with a savagery matched only by the Categis. One was cut in two, another had his upper half blown apart by a plasma shot. The gene-warriors of the Nineteenth held nothing back, but the wyrds, few they may be, held otherworldly power at their fingertips. With a flick of the wrist, reality warped around one of the battle-brothers and soon merely fell over with dust spilling from an empty husk. The witch that did so was brutalized before it could wield these powers again, but others cast their magics - some mundane and survivable such as lighting or throwing objects, yet they would not chance these.

The Steel Sentinels had known well the powers of these psykers, Nordyc had taught them well that swift action was the only solution that would lead to their survival. Moving at the fastest their gene-wrought might could allow them, they endured what they could and slaughtered all they could reach. Arturas drove his blade into a witch and threw the corpse into another before leaping to confirm the death. “For Emperor and Imperium!” he roared as the battle raged.

As the Sentinels fought with blade and bolter, the God-Slayers did as their name implied. God slaying. Their stalwart Astartes allies had chosen to exterminate the witch-minds of Ursh, allowing them to focus on the very thing that they were made for. The Cataegis, the few that remained, threw down their heavy armaments and leapt from the stairwell with their blades drawn. Each bore a paragon blade, humming with unstable powerfields and screaming from their technological degradation. Their bodies hurled through the air like a boulder tossed from a far flung giant. They soon joined their Primarch, stabbing into the scale-flesh of the mighty zmaj queen.

The Primarch of the God-Slayers had been ahead of them by mere seconds, activating Apocrypha and descending into the zmaj with a two-handed grip. The chains that bound it to the platform stopped the creature from outright annihilating him, their heads snapping wildly in every direction regardless of foe or ally. The crimson-edged blade cut deep into the back of the creature, tearing through scale and sinew with disgusting ease. Plasma plunged into the beast, forcing it into a deadly frenzy. The addition of the other God-Slayers only heightened this state of being.

Whatever lethargy or restraint it had before, the Mother of Zmaj tore from its restraints in a fury. Enormous chunks of meat laden with warped scale were ripped from the creature’s body, waterfalls of black blood ejecting from the wounds. The stink of the wyrd rose up as the being was free of whatever arcane means that had bound it. A violent spray of black energy poured from its many mouths against anything and everything moved. Urshic sorcerers and their myriad slaves disappeared in the beams of wyrd, reduced to skeleton remains and sloughs of molten sinew. Fortunately, the structure held as the Urshic runes absorbed the energy wherever it impacted on the stone, redirecting it to an unknown destination. Its unstoppable rampage wouldn’t remain as Aeternus sprinted across the length of its body with Apocrypha dragging against its spine.

Glory to Unity! Glory to the Emperor! Glory to Mankind!” Aeternus roared, the lion returning to his throat with booming pride. He leapt from his sprint, colliding with one of its many serpentine necks. His teeth grit as he dragged Apocrypha against the hardest of its scales, lopping one of the ten from its unearthly body. The decapitated head fell from its root, floundering onto the platform in a spray of midnight ichor. Each of the Cataegis were following his example, beginning their grizzly business of decapitating. Their armor was drenched in a hue of night, resembling their Primarch in all but his winged helmet and apocalyptic greatsword.

The last of the wyrds cried out in pain as one of the Astartes grabbed him and crushed his head like a grape between teeth. Yet, they could not relish this small victory as they had been forced to scatter as the beast’s breath threatened to smite them. Whilst the God-Slayers had been living up to their namesake, the Steel Sentinels switched their tactics, now that the monster had broken free of its bindings. Each of them grabbed their plasma or volkite and began to whittle in the creature’s legs. Arturas and five others ran forth, hacking at the legs of the warp-beast before diving out of the way as it thrashed and stomped.

The Mother of Zmaj reeled as it was stabbed, shot, and butchered all across its abnormal body. It twisted in the grasp of the genwarriors, defending with tooth and claw. Nothing was spared in its efforts to survive the assault of the Imperium. Urshic servants died beneath its claws, the cadavers of the sorcerers were mulched, and the knights of the Himalazians were struck by tooth. Its tail flailed, slamming one of the Steel Sentinels into the wall, flatlining their life before another Cataegis was swallowed whole by an unseen head. It refused to die here.

It would be denied this wish for survival. Aeternus regarded his fallen warrior briefly before tearing another one of its pulsating heads from its billowing necks. The creature screamed in agony as it thrashed beneath his grip. One of the two remaining veterans sliced through another neck before falling from the beast’s body. The other stabbed over and over in the same spot, beginning to lose control of their motor functions to the geneflaw and throbbing bloodlust. They had survived for decades, he wasn’t surprised that they had joined him for one more suicidal fight. It was their duty. It was what made them God-Slayers. The warrior on the ground, Valatarn, landed beside the Steel Sentinels, joining them in their hit-and-run strikes.

He, alone, must end this fight. Its wings beat against the ground uselessly as Aeternus hefted Apocrypha once more. Another head was cut from the leviathan greatsword, torn cleanly as bile sprayed out of its pulsing wounds. Two more of the creature’s vile heads remained, each desperately fighting against fate in a twisting, writhing motion. Aeternus steadied himself with his right hand firmly planted in one of its many neckholes, readying another strike from Apocrypha; however, his attack would never come. The final Thunder Warrior on the zmaj snapped from his stupor, throwing himself onto the second head in a fit of suicidal bravery. His geneson wrapped his arms around the neck, tightening his embrace to crush the being’s sinew. Warplate buckled, bile spewed, and myriad claws cut into the Cataegis as he pulled off the zmaj’s neck in a sickening twist of inhuman might. The genewarrior was slingshot by one of the creature’s claws, tearing the final of two heads from a string of sinew.

The action shook Aeternus from the Mother of Zmaj, dropping him down onto the platform below. His instincts kicked in, flattening out and catching himself in a rolling vault. The Primarch returned to proper warform and raised his gaze up to the quickly stabilizing red-scaled creature. Its wings beat like a wicked heart of malevolence, pushing the Astartes and Cataegis away in a torrent of superheated wind. A screech of psionic energy filtered through the air as it cried out in anguish.

And then it spoke in a voice that defied all logic. It was a herald of change, discord, stagnation, and rage. It had no natural vocal cords to speak the tongue of man, yet it spoke their words all the same. It spoke in the mortal plane and whispered in the immaterial plane. The things it said differed to each of them, yet it held the same tone as if it repeated the same utterance. It was sanity denied, crushing through the mental barrier of the genewarriors with unexplainable ease. It lowered its gaze to Aeternus and spoke, calmly as if they had not fought for their lives.

Savior, sacrifice, and sword stand before me, o mighty wind of war. I pity you, o murderer mine. The darkness of the future shall not be mine. I thank you, o redeemer mine. My suffering shall cease, and I go now to my rest. I exalt you, o champion mine. Dragon-slayer, wish-fulfiller, age-ender. You fight for a far green country you shall never see. Gaze instead upon the holy mountain, where man’s salvation was laid to rest.

The Astartes, each of them, whatever words they were hearing were evident to maddening from what Aeternus could see. Not even the knightly Arturas was spared as they all began clutching the sides of their helmets and began to scream, unable to comprehend the words the beast spoke. Some fell to their knees crying denial to whatever riddles the Mother of Zmaj spoke to them. Others cried as if they were no longer gene-warriors but mere children snapped back to reality, years of mental indoctrination shattered within a few stark words. The Steel Sentinels, these children, were brought to near psychological destruction despite the horrors endured in Nordyc.

Arturas thrashed his head, decrying the words that he heard, “Monster! Warp-taint! Silence yourself! Silence! Silence! We shall endure! Humanity will be united in His name!”

Silence,” the mother of monsters whispered, and all noise in its nest - its death chamber - ceased, even as genewarriors and cult-priests continued to scream and writhe all without the slightest hint of noise.

Silence is reward for those who lie beneath you rotting. Silence is mine to enjoy and give, our final parting. Yet now you shall listen, so my death may come unburdened. Listen well death-dealer, o God-Slayer, and doom-bringer. Unloved son, you end your time by ending mine so cruelly. Son of wrath - son of woe, your duty now forgotten.

He was thunderstruck. The Primarch couldn’t feel himself breathe as the Mother of Zmaj formed words from nothingness. He listened with ears he didn’t think could comprehend. He watched with eyes that threatened to burst into streams of blood. His soul danced on a thin line. Aeternus was split. He wanted to scream in defiance at a fate that wasn’t his. He wanted to accept the fate that he was given. Rex knew well that both of these things lived deep within him, but to be told so bluntly was a cruelty. One that he would answer. Only one thing existed above everything that formed himself.

“I am His warrior, His soldier, His weapon, His tool, and His God-Slayer. I accept my fate!” The curse that had kept him locked was broken. He would never be able to tell if it were the will of the monster at that moment, or his own willpower shattering the power of the wyrd. No matter how it manifested, his body moved forward with a burst of astonishing speed. His blackened gauntlet thumbed the activation rune, igniting Apocrypha and sweeping upward with the blade. The monster didn’t hesitate. She didn’t move a fraction of a centimeter. She accepted death with a smiling maw of razor sharp teeth. She haunted him.

The spell below Sibir was broken as her head fell cleanly from her neck. A single slice from Apocrypha was all that was required to fell the Mother of Zmaj. A seemingly endless waterfall of bile ichor splashed out over the ruined platform, covering the Primarch in a wash of draconic vitae. Aeternus could’ve moved away in a fraction of a second; however, he chose to remain. His foe confused him much as the wyrd typically did, yet there was a difference in this creature. He detested the emotion that she had invoked, but Rex acknowledged the dragon on some level. The Thunder Warrior languished no longer, sprinting away to the side of Arturas.

“Awaken, brother, the dragon is felled!” His voice boomed through the winged helmet, the lion’s roar returning to the fields of reality. He planted a hand on the pauldron of the Astartes, jostling him enough to ascertain the status of the warrior. It surprised him that he felt some level of concern. Perhaps it was the loss of Caligula that left him sentimental, or perhaps it was a true bond. He conjured his will into his voice and continued, “the Emperor demands you to awaken from madness!”

It took a few moments for reality to come back to Arturas, to come back to any of the gene-warriors that had been maddened by the zmaj. Arturas ripped his helm from his head and wretched, clearly shaken from the experience that they had shared. He breathed for a long few moments, trying to comprehend it all but wholly unable to. His head turned slightly towards Aeternus, unable to meet the Primarch’s eyes, his voice was hoarse and no more than a whisper, “Honoured Primarch, I am unfit to fight by your side. The power of the wyrd overtook me.”

The Primarch of the God-Slayers growled in response. These warriors, of such prowess that they were equals of the Cataegis, thought so low of themselves. He refused to allow this. Their fight with the mother of zmaj had been legendary, their stalwart resolve had been beyond satisfactory, and their stoic hearts had beat against the monsters of the Old Night. Aeternus’ grip fell from Arturas’ pauldron, instead hoisting the Astartes back up onto his feet proper. The crimson-lenses of his winged helmet glared down into the other warrior’s bare face.

You are worthy, Astartes. You and yours fought as we had at the dawn of the Unification Wars. The power of the wyrd is strong, but you were stronger. Never doubt your courage and honor, Arturas, for you have both in abundance. Now,” Aeternus finished, his voice as stern as it was bold. He released the grip on the Astartes, leaning down to grab the discarded helmet of Arturas and placing it in his gauntlets. The Primarch turned towards the corpse of the mother of monsters and gestured, “gather your warriors and let’s haul our kill.”

“As you wish, honoured Aeternus,” Arturas spoke, glaring at the helmet with a deep stare, the black blood from the Primarch’s hands had smeared along half the visor. Putting his helm back on, he looked to his brothers, moving to help them back to their feet and recollect themselves now that the conflict was over. There would need to be the task of collecting the gene-seed from the fallen and cataloguing their memory so that the annals of history did not forget them or what they had done, or at least what the Sigilite would allow to be remembered. He stepped over to a fallen Sentinel, his armor was smoking from the psychic energies of the men he killed, their bodies only a mere meter away.

“Only his second campaign, poor Gregor. I’ll miss his jokes,” came the sorrow filled voice of a marine, stepping next to Arturas. He sheathed his sword as he looked the Praetorate up and down, noting the black mark over the visor before speaking, “They’ll call you the ‘Bloody Black Eye’ for that.”

Arturas did not laugh, only staring at the corpse before regarding the marines first comment, “At least his jokes never missed, Gallad.”

A brief grumble came from Gallad before the Steel Sentinels marked the location for apothecary retrieval and stalked off to carry their querry as the Primarch had requested.

The two God-Slayers that remained followed their Primarch, beginning the long task of butchering the mother of monsters and reclaiming the broken forms of their fellow genewarriors. The remaining forces of the Imperial operation began to funnel in from above, unmolested by the runes that had plagued their initial descent. Wounded were tended by medicae and apothecary alike, while unharmed warriors claimed the remains of their fallen. The Cataegis, in particular, started butchering with chainswords and chainfists. Only their Primarch started to emerge back up with the mother of zmaj’s head dripping in his right gauntlet.

The Stormbird awaited them as they finished their macabre task. The maelstrom that had haunted their dive through the clouds had long cleared away to a lousy overcast, the silent observers to the slaughter having fled with the storm. Freezing wind still beat against the myriad gunships lying inactive before the ruined citadel. Genewarriors hurried to and from the transports, carefully stealing away forbidden artifacts or chunks of zmaj flesh for the Sigilites to discern. The dull thud of bolter bark saw the last of the techno-barbarian inhabitants perish, followed shortly after by their dark servants and more pitifully malign beasts. Additional explosives were set out in the open, ready to be detonated for when they departed from the cabal-fortress.

Primarch Aeternus observed none of this as he awaited final departure from Sibir. The mother of zmaj’s primary head – the trophy that he had taken – waited nearby with a heavy shroud over its preserved form. For some reason, it felt like it was watching him. Behind him in the cargo hold were the shrouded bodies of his Thunder Warriors, those that had descended into the maddening depths with him. Their paragon blades held the dark cloth over their enormous forms, guarding their remains as much as preserving their peace. The rest of his retinue had joined him, each as weathered and beaten from the assault. Thankfully, they rejoiced in victory and talked loudly amongst themselves. It lightened his mood some, but his mind was affixed to different matters. They would soon leave this place for another battlefield as soon as the Sentinels rejoined them.

“We have finished collecting the progenoid glands from the fallen, honoured primarch,” came the voice of Arturas, walking up into the stormbird alongside what remained of his retinue. His voice carried a light twinge of sorrow, never was this line of duty without it for brothers always fell. Yet now, each of these Sentinels who had lived and preserved each bore a tooth from the Zmaj, each now carrying teeth from the monster. Arturas looked to Aeternus as he spoke to him, “It will certainly make a good trophy for you, should you have time to hang it for decoration.”

“I plan to graft it to my pauldron once it has been sanctified by the Sigilites. It was a foe worthy of such, but not the most difficult I’ve tackled.” Aeternus replied with a small smile breaking his cracked and scarred lips. Apocrypha, his one and only other trophy, rested against his left pauldron. He hefted the weapon slightly to emphasize what his most difficult kill had been. The Primarch then gestured to the other Astartes and continued, “your new trophies suit you and yours, almost like God-Slayers in your own right.”

The comment had become a sentiment felt across his Legio as the two intermingled, sharing the fights that they had experienced in the battle. Where once the two factions squared off in mutual silence, now they gathered as comrades of a campaign. If only this was a common scenario between the Astartes and Cataegis, Aeternus thought to himself.

“Once we return to the front for resupply, the First Legio will engage in a witch hunt. Where does the Emperor’s will bring you next, Arturas?” Aeternus asked, having only moments ago been informed of the God-Slayer’s next assignment. He was grateful to be given such a task, yet Rex would miss the company of the Sentinels and their Legion Master. The Primarch missed many things, his fellow warrior-leaders included. Arturas reminded him of Caligula in some ways. His gaze fell from the gathering warriors to rest on Arturas as he spoke.

“We are likely to be deployed to hunt whatever creatures of Old Night the Urshites plan to deploy. Alas, at this point, we are little more than reserves as our numbers dwindle to quick,” Arturas answered in a swift, yet saddened tone as he stepped past the Categis to the interior of the Stormbird. There was a sense of frustration in the Praetorate’s voice that only another gene warrior could gather, the source of which would become apparent soon enough. The Legion Master did a half-turn, speaking to Aeternus but not daring to look at him as he explained, “Our geneseed does not allow us to replenish as quickly as the other legions, honoured Aeternus. I fear that our usefulness will only go so far, and we can only deploy small strike forces where we can.”

Anger seemed to grow in his voice, not understanding the flaw, “I curse the fact only one of thirty aspirants would survive the implantation, less so the training to become one of us.”

He listened closely to the words of the younger genewarrior. His frustrations were visible enough to border on defiance of their Master, but Aeternus couldn’t help but feel the same irritation for his own Legion. The winged helmet of the Primarch fell on each of his warriors, reminding him of the long discussions he’d had with the Sigilite over their inherent geneflaw. To see that not even their descendants were free of it left a sour taste in his mouth.

“We were legion once. The God-Slayers numbered in the hundreds of thousands, the first to be deployed at the start of the Unification Wars. Every passing year I watched as the Thunder Warriors of my Legion split to become other members of different Cataegis. The Primarchs separated and so too did their reformed warriors. Then I watched the geneflaw covet their lives for a century, our numbers dwindling down to the point that you see now. These three-hundred odd knights are the last of their kind, unable to be replenished.” Primarch Aeternus spoke softly, his voice a low rumble over the humming engines of the Stormbird. He turned away from his warriors to the Legion Master next to him, planting a gauntlet on his pauldron.

“I do not speak this to garnish pity. I say this because our Master has a plan that far exceeds our limited vision as warriors of Unity. We use the gifts that He gives us to become the weapons of war that He wanted. If you are low in number, then you must exceed your quantity in quality. If you lack a legion, then become the head of the spear with knights unequalled. I’ve seen you Astartes in action. I know you can do this. For us,” Aeternus said, releasing the warrior’s pauldron and gesturing to the rest of the genewarriors inhabiting the Stormbird. Some caught their gaze and offered a salute before returning to speak with their equals. He continued with a dry smile, “it is the God-Slayer way. It is our only way. When the last of us perishes, I have no doubts that you will take up that mantle.”

“And so we shall, honoured Aeternus, if that is what you request of us. The Steel Sentinels shall be the foremost legion, no matter what we should face,” Arturas said, clearly inspired by encouragement of the venerable warrior. The sentinels all took their seats within the Stormbird, ready to deploy to wherever it was that their Emperor desired them to be. They would follow after the Categis’ footsteps and they would become a force beyond equal.

They would become God-Slayers.

Credits: I Legio Cataegis/Primarch Aeternus @MarshalSolgriev , XIX Legio Astartes/Arturas @Lauder , Mother of Zmaj @grimely
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Ezekiel
Avatar of Ezekiel


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A Town Called Nowhere

The First Tithe

The sun hung low on the horizon, barely a smudge through the northern clouds, casting a pallid orange glow across the endless expanse of frozen rock. Two massive figures trudged through the desolate wasteland, their silhouettes distorted by the mist of their own breath freezing instantly in the bitter air. Clad in battle-scarred ceramite and adorned with the insignia of the Steel Sentinels, they looked more like walking fortresses than men.

Gestan tightened his grip on the hilt of his weapon. His armor groaned under the strain of each step, frost clinging to the plate of their armour. Beside him, Callen marched in silence. The two had faced war, mutants, and worse, yet today, unease gnawed at their resolve.
Ahead of them loomed an isolated village, nestled precariously against a ridge of jagged cliffs. Thin trails of smoke curled upward from its crude huts, their roofs made from animal hides and scavenged metal. The place looked ancient, untouched by modernity. To Gestan, it looked cursed.

"The reports said this village survived under mutant rule for decades," Gestan growled, his voice a deep rumble filtered through his helm's vox-caster. "Their loyalty cannot be trusted."

Callen nodded, his voice softer but no less wary. "They were ruled. Not allied. There is a difference."
Gestan snorted. "The stench of corruption lingers long after the beast is slain. They may yet harbor sympathies. Or worse—secrets."
As they entered the outskirts of the village, the locals began to emerge from their shelters, their forms swaddled in layers of fur and patchwork cloth. Wide, wary eyes peered out from beneath hoods and masks, their faces streaked with ash and paint. The villagers did not speak, but the weight of their stares was palpable.

"Steel gods," an elder finally murmured, stepping forward. He was bent with age, his beard white as the snow beneath his feet. He carried a crude staff topped with the skull of some long-dead predator. "You have come at last."

Gestan's helm tilted slightly, the red lenses of his visor glinting ominously. "We are no gods, elder. We come seeking truth. Tell us—does mutant blood still flow in this village?"

The elder stiffened, his gnarled hands tightening on his staff. Around him, the villagers murmured nervously, their eyes darting between the marines and one another.

"Those who ruled us are gone," the elder said carefully. "The frost claimed what remained. We are but survivors now."
Callen placed a hand on Gestan’s shoulder. "If they had embraced the mutants in full, the signs would be obvious.”
Gestan hesitated, his grip tightening on his weapon. "Fear does not absolve guilt. It merely hides it."

A sudden wail broke the tense silence. A child, no more than six or seven, darted out from behind one of the huts, her tiny form swaddled in a fur cloak too large for her. She tripped and fell in the snow, a crude wooden doll tumbling from her hands. Gestan's helm snapped toward her, and the child froze, staring up at the towering sentinel with wide, tear-filled eyes.

The elder moved swiftly, placing himself between the child and the marines. "She is innocent," he said sharply. "A child of this frozen land, born long after the mutants fell."

Gestan’s gauntleted hand flexed, the steel fingers glinting menacingly. "Innocence is a fragile thing, elder. It is easily lost."
Callen stepped forward, kneeling to retrieve the child’s doll. He handed it back to her gently, his massive hand dwarfing the crude toy. "We do not come to harm your children," he said, his voice softer now. "But we must be certain. If there is any trace of mutant influence here, it must be purged."

The elder nodded gravely. "Then search, sentinel. You will find no corruption among us. Only the scars of what once was."
For hours, the marines combed through the village, their sensors scanning for traces of mutation, their eyes ever watchful for signs of deceit. They found none. What they did find were people clinging to life by the thinnest of threads—a community bound not by strength or ambition, but by sheer will to survive.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the snow in hues of violet and gold, Gestan and Callen regrouped at the village center. The elder awaited them, his breath visible in the freezing air.

"You have seen for yourselves," he said. "We are no threat to you. Nor to humanity. Will you judge us still?"

Gestan's gaze lingered on the villagers gathered behind the elder—their hollow cheeks, their trembling hands, their fearful eyes. He thought of the horrors he had seen, of Terra ravaged by the touch of the mutant. But here, there was only struggle. “Round up your daughters, the Emperor has purpose for them yet.”

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by grimely
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Member Seen 6 days ago

A Monument to All Our Sins

Before the Siege of Ouran

Officially, Malcador was leaving the Imperial Palace on a tour of recently annexed territories, to ensure their proper integration into the burgeoning administrative apparatus of which he was the head. This was of course a ruse, one designed to appear to hide the precise location of the high command post from which he would coordinate the invasion of the Pan-Pacific Empire. Several Stormbirds conveying Sigilites served as cover as part of the subterfuge, scattering in nearly every direction of the compass.

It would come as a great surprise to the enemies of the Imperium that the one Malcador was on really was headed west.

The Stormbird landed as it was scheduled in Nordafrik, its passengers and crew departing as expected, none remembering the hooded and cloaked man who had joined them. The great vessel was scheduled for maintenance within the hive's hangers, a normal event that none remarked upon. When ten Astartes marked with the I upon one pauldron and a broken gate upon the other embarked, none thought it strange. When a Stormbird took off, none found it remarkable. When there was no record of its passing, none noticed.

Such was the errand of the Sigilite, that none could be trusted with this errand, save for those he knew would obey any order without question, even unto death.

Few were the mountains of unsullied stone that remained upon the world of mankind's birth, and fewer still rose above the waves that now stood so tall and high only in the memories of ancient and withered men. A mountain where, it was said, silence had lease. A mountain that had witnessed the breaking of the world and the death of hope. A mountain that would witness its flowering anew, if but the great work could come to fruition.

When the Stormbird approached the mountain, Malcador did not bid it to land. This was a sacred place, in the oldest of senses, one forbidden to all but the supplicant, a place removed from the world of men. The assault ramp of the mighty vessel lowered as it flew past the silent stones, and with a soft sigh, the Sigilite stepped out into the sky.

He fell, and in that moment even he felt the almost forgotten fear of death that had been imprinted upon men in days so ancient not even his master knew them. For here, within the halls of the silent mountain, lay a work as venerable as his own.

None came to greet him as he slowed his plummet to a gentle fall, his feet landing lightly upon a rough and rarely trod stone path, up the slopes of the silent mountain. Staff in hand, the Sigilite began to walk as a supplicant, up the slopes of the silent mountain. He went alone, which was to be welcomed, up the slopes of the silent mountain.

The pilgrim made no sound.

Long did he walk, alone and serene, until at last he came upon a great gate, carved into the living stone, upon which were the great runes of warding mankind had stood by for nigh on thirty thousand years. The Sigilite had approached that door, but it was only Malcador the man who entered it. He seemed his age in truth, then, hunched and withdrawn upon himself, seeking shelter within his cloak and strength from his staff.

The pilgrim made no sound.

Before galleries of ancient woe he walked, man's sins against man recorded there in all their cruelty before him. Silent were the stones which stood in witness, and silent was the man who had intruded upon the tomb of innocence. Deeper and deeper still into the vault of the condemned he strode, until at last he came upon an amphitheater seated rank upon rank by those who had elected long ago to stand apart from the ruin of the world.

And then, he spoke.

"I come before you alone, and in your presence I am but a man." Malcador's words were as a spell, his chained staff sounding now as the bell before a grave with each weary step he took. "My Master has need of you, for only you can see the truth of him. With mighty arms shall he gird you, and with terrible purpose shall he burden you. No less than humanity would I entrust to your care - so answer me now, and answer me well. Shall you be the jailers of mankind's future?"

Silence was the only answer.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
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MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

The Doom of Arkangelus

-After the Fall of Sanctii-

He hated them. He despised them. He loathed them. He had lost thousands of his brothers because of what they did. If they had remained with them until the end, then they would’ve still been alive to pursue Unity. Because of their actions, he was forced to push his legion beyond their limits to achieve total victory here. They were at fault. Everything that had came to pass was all their fault. He would never forget how they ran from the battlefield, wordlessly departing like automata called to their master. Their armor still remained in the snow where they had left it, precious battle plates with advancements from the Terrawatt Clan. The name of their special sect of genewarrior rang through his mind.


He remembered their emotionless eyes as they threw down their lasrifles before his command tent. All of the campaign’s leaders had been present at the time, including himself. The Nineteenth Excertus Imperials, the Sixteenth Legio Cataegis, and the local clan governments that had rebelled against the Khaganate. If the Astartes had simply remained, then maybe they’d still have the support of the clansmen of Kiev. He should’ve followed them, cut down their Legion Mistress, and fed her skin to the mutants in the snow wastes. If only the Sigilite hadn’t ordered them away himself, then it’d be a different story.

The current story was playing out in front of him in gruesome detail. Nearly a full year of attrition warfare, thousands of dead Cataegis, and millions of mercenaries lay dead before the walls of Arkangelus. All of the maglevs, macrohauler lanes, and autopaths had been sabotaged by the Kievans during their initial siege. Dark weapons from the Old Night had hampered their progress massively and macrocannons from the taller spires had murdered their heavy artillery. He had reinforced heavily from the populace of Khaganate, enough to completely wipe out their sparse villages. It still wasn’t enough.

A war brewed above his head even as he grit his teeth in disdain. The skyward battles had been just as gnarly as the trench warfare below. The attrition rate was largely thanks to the flak inside of the city, arcing out lengths of lightning to detonate their bombers. This hive cared not for the death of their allies. They cared only for the complete annihilation of those that attacked them. He had complimented their commander several times over their tactics. Whoever they were, he was certain they’d be a worthy adversary.

A good god to slay, he thought, thinking of the words that Aeternus would’ve told him if he were here now. The God-Slayers weren’t here, nor were the First Legio Astartes to support his final advance on Arkangelus. Despite his heated words towards him in the Himalazians, he found himself regretting his insults at the First Primarch.

Primarch!” His title returned him to the battlefield. Himself and several bulky Cataegis in checkered yellow-lilac were journeying on a maglev. The path ahead was rebuilt over and over, reinforced again and again, until the defender’s assaults could no longer recreate their initial sabotage. It was the only way to get into the city with some success, yet it posed an infinite amount of risks. Several maglevs were racing behind and beside them in cabins similar to theirs, each holding thunder warriors and a mixture of Imperials. Who knows how many were born outside of the Kievan Russ Khaganate.

“I’m aware, Arthanis, my chronometer is tracking the time until arrival. Brace that accelerator cannon of yours and start suppressing the walls!” Gilgamenses replied with a snarl on his lips, pushing the warrior hard on his pauldron. There was no bite back from the Trident, who lumbered forward to the prow of the cabin and set up his massive, multi-barreled cannon. Another assisted him, connecting a long line of ammunition from his bulky powerpack to the weapon in question.

Arkangelus was quickly arriving before them. The entire city was encased in a great shield of decomposing, inactive machines that had been crunched together by some unknown machine. Electricity arced off the surface, each ‘block’ of destroyed automata was a conduit to channel lightning through. Skyward towers, billowing with smoke, told of the endless fabrication of weaponry to themselves and their Urshic allies. Turrets the size of several men moved on railed tracks far above them, slinging massive post-reactive shells at the swarm of Imperial Auxilia far afield.

His helmet tracked the trajectory of a specific shell that pierced into the ground nearest to the Imperial host. No rational man could count the number of mortal men and women dying as they fought in hastily dug trenches against Arkangelus. Waves of red garbed soldiers unleashed lances of crimson that harmless crossed the distance to the Kievan walls. Gilgamenses last report from General Stryk reported eight-hundred thousand in total. Their numbers were as impressive as the thousands of tanks, hundreds of artillery vehicles, and dozens of superheavy tanks supporting them. Their assault was pointless, he thought cruelly, the scrap wall was too thick to be penetrated.

“Contact! Autoknights!

The acceleration cannon swiveled on its rudimentary bipod. Bullets escaped the barrels as they started to rotate to maximum speed. It would’ve served them well at a distance, but Gilgamenses knew that the Kievan knights were sallying out for them. There was no such thing as a true knight in this dark millennium, only road warriors in churning vehicles remained.

These were no such road warriors. Fully armored in powered exoskeletons with thick plates of welded metal, they sallied out to meet the Thunder Warriors. Gravbikes lifted them on wings of engines built from a glorious age, while power lances unfolded from gauntlets steadied by external servos. Heraldries, campaign shields, and banners whipped wildly in the Khaganate winds as they thrust through the air. Prow mounted lasers burst open to soften their targets, splashing the various maglevs in waves of crimson beams.

They were impressive. After Arkangelus fell, he was certainly going to make good use of their gravbikes; however, they would first need to perish. That was something that he prided himself on. The complete annihilation of his enemies was what the Emperor deserved, preservation of their relics was His wish, and the liberation of their people was the Master’s dream. The Cataegis perpetuated this.

He didn’t need a voxlink to tell his warriors to begin. They formed up in ranks of two across the maglev, forcing their bulky firearms through the windows and waiting for the perfect moment to fire. He further didn’t need to tell them when. They were veterans of a hundred fights. Reckoners of Franc. Subjugators of Jermani. Slaughterers of Gyptus. They were the Amethyst Tridents. They needed no order to pierce their prongs into the enemy.

Their bolters barked like vicious dogs, shells ejecting out wildly into the cabin as they sought their targets. Gravbikes detonated into fiery explosions. Knights disappeared into thick mists of exploded meat. The walls of Arkangelus shook with the force of a thousand flakcannons as post-reactive bolts erupted against their myriad decomposing automata. This was echoed across dozens of maglevs, followed only by the howling of mercenary weapons beside their own.

He refused to be overshadowed by their glory, lowering his trident down at the front of the cabin. It was a brilliant weapon, truly, like those that the Custodes had used. A brutal, plasmic armament made up the center prong while it was flanked by two powerblades forged from diamantine. The other two prongs were vicious halberd blades of the same composite, reinforced by an unstable powerfield that dripped plasma. A series of activation runes were forged into the shaft, each he had committed to memory dozens of years ago. Gilgamenses tapped the paddle of the trident, ejecting bolts of thin plasma in the direction of the knights. Each glob of searing white magma was a kill.

Their persistence, however, was a plague to their operation. They were not simply a small platoon of warriors on gravbikes. They were a horde of knights charging at the beast known as the Imperium. Gilgamenses’ display had kept track of the count, but he started disregarding it as it reached into the thousands. He knew that they were aware that this was their last chance to sally out before the slaughter. Credit where credit was due, he marvelled at their defiant spirit. Warriors like that could’ve fought for Unity, he thought grimly as another knight was flipped from their saddle.

The Knights of Kiev had reached their targets at least, each maglev within piercing distance of their power lances. Victory would’ve been assured for them it had fought another Legion. Gilgamenses watched with pleasure as his warriors meticulously swapped their bolters for power tridents and power spears, each of equivalent length and power to the Kievan lances. Furthermore, they had the added reach of a genewarrior. Their folly was discovered too late.

Knights were pulled from their saddles as they zoomed by on their mounts, tridents easily piercing plate and dispersing powerfields of their reactive armor. Gravbikes fled into the distance, flipping behind the maglevs and exploding some seconds later as they spun out of control. Men and women screamed in agony as they were hoisted into the air, then tossed into the tracks to be ground into fine past by the maglevs.

His Amethyst Tridents weren’t without loss though. A Thunder Warrior beside him caught a power lance to the face, shearing their helmet away and carving in their skull. A maglev exploded to his right as their lances pierced true. Veteran knights leapt from their mounts onto another’s cabin, descending within to fight in brutal close combat against the Thunder Warriors. These scenes were played across the entire Legio as they crossed into the confines of Arkangelus.

He saw a power lance attempt to make contact with his glorious war plate, yet Gilgamenses was a Primarch of superb alchemy. His hand reached back to grab a mortal and tossed him onto the lance, confusing both before he unleashed a plasmic bolt into the knight. The pair tumbled into darkness as they entered into a maglev hangar, detonating some seconds later as plasma ate through the bike’s fuselage. Their cabin came to a grinding halt. The swarm of gravknights behind them began to circle back after the initial charge.

“Out! Move! Arkangelus is ours!” Gilgamenses roared through his helmet, lovingly decorated to resemble a stern face molded in gold.

The Amethyst Tridents scrambled out of the cabin however they could. Some pushed through the doors, others exited through the windows, and some kicked open a new egress for them to begin fighting again. Their adrenaline was beginning to cook their senses. Gilgamenses watched as one of his warriors tore out a mercenary’s throat with his hands, then used the body to smash through the interior. Another had perished at the back of the maglev, his body short circuiting from the battle’s stimulae. More bodies to tally against the Astartes, he thought with anger. Regardless of their disposition, each of them began dealing with the returning autoknights.

Gilgamenses had other matters to attend to, namely whatever hierarchy controlled Arkangelus. The Imperial mortals scurred out ahead of him, lancing through autosquires and machine-servants that tended to the knights. Some of the knights had remained on land, drawing their archaic warswords and diving after the Auxilia with vengeance on their breath. They should’ve died in the saddle, he thought, as his trident blasted the one nearest to him. The knight disappeared into a puddle of sizzling plasma, while another was caught by the backswing of his glorious armament. They were no match for a Primarch, especially one such as he.

Until a new opponent appeared that roused the spirit in his chest. Their wargear was as refined as one could own in these dark years, resplendent with arcing energy field and a paragon blade to match. The knight wore no helmet, allowing his white hair to waft in the Kievan draft. His armor was history made manifest, meticulously decorated to venerate an elder of some sort. A great helmet was maglocked to the man’s side.

Gilgamenses acknowledged him. His own wargear was meticulously cared for as a veteran of over a hundred years of war. His chestplate bore the Raptor Imperials above a metallic replica of bare abdomen. A cloak of purple-dyed leather wafted beneath his powerpack, while pauldrons of mismatched colors harbored the Raptor in lilac laurels. They were both champions of their people, but the Primarch knew he was beyond what this old warrior could be. He was alchemy perfected.

“Lo, invader, dost-” The man had started to say, his voice as dry as bark and as deep as hollowed Terra. His tone had been pleasant, as if meeting another warrior on the battlefield. Perhaps, he would’ve said more if Gilgamenses hadn’t interrupted him with a probing stab of his trident. The elder knight deflected with desperation in his movements.

“Speech is for the weak. Fight. Die. Raptor Imperialis!” Gilgamenses responded as he leapt into the next strike with a thin swing of his leftmost prong, cutting into the paragon blade of the elder knight. The Primarch was much taller than the other warrior, enhanced by the genemancy of the Emperor and the alchemy of the Himalazians. Every slash from the Sixteenth Primarch was pinpoint accurate, successfully probing where he requested with decades and more of combat experience. His expertise was such that he could accurately track the battle beyond while engaged with their supposed champion.

The Amethyst Tridents were murdering in droves, free of their maglev constraints to hunt afield. Autoknights were torn from their mounts and piledrived into the ground. Lances were pushed aside by dozens of power spears, their wielders then skewered by the genewarriors below. The Kievans were losing the battle now that the Thunder Warriors had entered Arkangelus. Fear crept into their mortals above, turrets either fully abandoned or aim spreading wide from despair. Imperials afield began to advance, moving the trench forward more and more as Arkangelus began to buckle.

The Kievan champion bitterly fought back, knowing that the war was lost. His paragon blade flashed with the rightful expertise of a Khaganate knight. Gilgamenses parried them without issue, slowly piercing the limbs of the veteran with every riposte. The Primarch grinned wickedly beneath his macabre mask, cutting more and more into the elder. By now, the other warrior has realized that he was being played with by a being far greater than him. It was pointless.

After a minute of weakening his opponent, Gilgamenses kicked the champion away from him. The chestplate of the warrior was caved in where the Primarch had kicked, blood soaking through a metal tunnel in the wargear. His opponent’s helmet twirled away into the unknown as he spat vitae out from his facial orifices. Determined eyes of defiance stared down the genewarrior despite their defeat. He felt no pity. The elder warrior had fought well, but it wasn’t enough.

Primarch Gilgamenses took several quick steps forward and planted the trident downwards into the champion’s chest, piercing the man in place. He cried out in agony as the powerfields cooked his insides. The Primarch found himself impressed that the man had remained alive and conscious. It mattered little to him as he began to speak, “you fought well for your age, old one, but it’s time for your culture to end. The Emperor has come to claim Arkangelus. All of your efforts were for naught.” He glared up at the greatest hive in the city from their spot at the edge of the hangar. Smoke billowed out from stacks that rose with it into the poisonous sky.

The champion made a noise. He originally dismissed it, but his superhuman hearing confirmed something dreadful to him. The man was laughing. His lungs were soaked in blood, his throat clogged with vitae, and his organs burning from an active powerfield. He laughed, gurgling ichor that pushed out onto his cracked lips. His head looked up, both of his eyes falling on the central tower that made up the bulk of Arkangelus.

“What in the name of the Emperor are you-” Gilgamenses had begun to say, venom abundant on his tongue. His gaze followed the defeated champion’s eyes to the spire and realized with gnaw annoyance that the smoke stacks weren’t just billowing smoke. They were purging sparks, black clouds, and flickering flames that shot up through the tower. His eyes widened. The fools had used their own hive-city as a trap. Months of pointless war and they would leave empty-handed. Gilgamenses refused.

Fate was a fickle mistress, just as the gods and the spirits that aided them were as well. The Primarch had turned, pulling the trident from the champion and began to sprint away with his voice screaming through the voxnet. There was no time left for the Amethyst Tridents. They had been pulled into the trap with devious cunning, ignoring the caution that crept on their skin for the adrenaline that pumped through their blood.

Something detonated far within the Arkangelus. Silence followed. Noise was sucked in from every source around the hive-city, then the wind began to pull inwards with a speed that dared to rip skeleton from skin. The rumbling beneath grew tumultuous once the gales ceased their inward drift. Trenches were uplifted, walls dislodged, and men scattered across the frigid plains of the Khaganate. Chaos followed after that as the greatest spire for several thousand miles exploded into a thousand pieces. Debris was sent flying for hundreds of miles as the explosive energy beneath used the tower as an egress. A white light enveloped all for a thousand kilometers as Arkangelus disappeared into an inferno of rage, defiance, and absolution. The skies parted above to welcome thermonuclear death into the atmosphere. Cinders of flesh, fire, and steel fell from the heavens down onto the region. Ghosts replaced soldiers that had stood out in the open, shadows taking the place of vehicles, and melted carcasses where the trenches did not protect.

The doom of Arkangelus was completed. Only a ruin of a hive city remained, torched by the fires of gods and the hubris of mortals.

Gilgamenses shuddered awake several hours later. Darkness greeted him as a welcome friend in death. His body ached in every single spot down to the molecular level. No supreme alchemy had defended his reinforced skeleton against the likes of an atomic explosion; however, he did survive. Any other Cataegis would’ve gone mad, believing that they had passed on to fight for Unity at the gates of the afterlife. He, however, was a Thunder Primarch. He would never lose his mental faculties. This fact was more certain than ever as he realized that several of his bones were broken, notably both of his arms at the bicep and all of his ribs. Luckily, he further realized that it was only his helmet that blinded him.

The Primarch willed his broken body to lift the helmet from his skull, dried vitae still sticking to the inside of his gear. An ashen sky greeted him. He was no longer in the maglev hangar that was fought over hours ago. His gaze trailed downwards to his body and he winced at the sight. His wargear was mostly gone, beating red skin beneath bare to the shrill wind outside. His left leg held his most prized trident buried in his flesh, it’s shaft broken and it’s generators shattered. He hissed in disdain as he pulled the weapon from his body, then pushed the shaft to pull himself upward.

What awaited him next was another matter. Arkangelus was gone. The only hive-city in the Kievan Russ Khaganate was a smoldering wreck of ruins. Imperial trenches had been eradicated, evaporating as far back as the third wave reinforcements several kilometers away. Nothing moved out in the fields of destruction, save for charred corpses propelled by shivering wind. He was astonished that the hive-city and their people were so dedicated to destruction that they sacrificed their own home. Gilgamenses lost track of the thought, turning away and limping in the direction of his former command camp. The Primarch needed not for an auspex or hololith to find his fallback route.

The silence that accompanied his limp was haunting. Cannons had blasted for several months, guns barking for hundreds of days, and turrets had droned for endless hours. Nothing, save for the wind, walked with him. He had never been this beaten before, ruined by a suicidal enemy that refused to surrender. They had not resorted to sorcery like many others, nor had they bartered with their allies for succour. They simply endured. Gilgamenses grinded his teeth together in frustration.

All because the Astartes had left them. A thought that plagued his mind until he reached the Imperial fallback camp.

Their forward operational camp had once been built to house a million. It now was a phantom of its former self as the groans of thousands cried out for mercy. Vehicles that had been left in reserve were all that remained, though beleaguered superheavy tanks had managed to limp away with massive wounds. The medicae, those that had survived, were saturated with a million tasks that required their attention. He was one of the lucky few that garnished immediate attention, several rushing to the Primarch’s side and prodding him with a dozen instruments and a hundred questions. All of these were ignored as Gilgamenses scanned the camp for the home of his Thunder Legion.

He found them. Bulky trailers that were built to be hauled by larger aerial transports or towed by massive crawlers. An entire section of the base was dedicated to their homage, splitting the camp nearly in half to accommodate the bulk of an entire Cataegis Legio. Usually, it was alive with the boisterous sounds of his warriors drilling together or engaging in numerous fights or ruminating loudly about battles earlier in the Unification. Now, however, it was empty of his genewarriors cheering for Unity.

He felt fear where he shouldn’t. Massive, genebulked hands pushed the mortals out of the way as Gilgamenses quickly moved to the Cataegis camp with any speed that he could muster. Wounded mortals, charred or burned, watched him stomp nearby as he pushed through the camp. Men and women separated to allow him a wide berth to hobble by. The ramshackle gates awaited him and he pushed them open to a grim sight.

There were no longer thousands of genewarriors that awaited him, each as trained in the arts of war as he had been. His first, initial count from the sight before him, Gilgamenses guessed there were five hundred at most. He meticulously counted afterwards, stopping by each lilac-yellow warrior and ascertained their state of mind. It would take months to recuperate their losses, mend the broken, and rearm the willing. A thought probed into his brain as he watched his shattered warriors.


He cursed them all. His rage made him forget the aching pain from his broken anatomy. A medicae had stubbornly remained at his side, heaving from the rapid pace he walked. The anger vented from his bloodied nostrils in a harrumph, finally taking a seat to be tended before setting out once more. She did as much as could without access to greater medicines or the alchemies of the Sigilites. It would be enough for now as she covered his arms in bandage wrap underlyed by medical gel and flanked by ramshackle splints. The Primarch felt ridiculous as he marched through camp again at less of a hobble.

The command tent awaited him as grimly as the Cataegis camp had. Inside fared no better than the barren plains just outside of their gathering. Three officers of the Auxilia remained, two from the reserves and one from the frontlines. A junior scribe of the Sigilites sat nearby, silently whispering to themselves. Another Thunder Warrior awaited from within, as broken as he was. They all turned their attention to him as he passed through the canopy. He grumbled.

“Arkangelus has been defeated. The Kievan Russ Khaganate is now ours.” Gilgamenses said with as much pride as he could muster. His voice was booming as was expected of a Primarch, yet it was plain to see that his spirit was defeated. He couldn’t speak for the look in his eyes, but their adjusted body language told him everything he needed to know.

He crept forward, moving a hand over the gurgling cogitator in the center. A flicker of blue light engaged a hololith that displayed the battlefield spreading from every edge of the Khaganate. Several units that had been deployed outside of Arkangelus’ explosive radius were quickly returning to the camp. Dozens of markers bore a deathly sigil on them. Each was a unit, platoon, or battalion lost to the suicidal attack.

“Where is General Stryx?” He asked of the three Auxilia that remained. The wounded one, still garbed in the red uniform of the Excertus Imperialis, popped into a crisp salute before responding to him.

“Perished in the thermonuclear glow, Lord Primarch. I am his fifteenth replacement, Marshal Jormon of the Tenth Tank Division. The two behind me are my staff, Lieutenant Neadra and Captain Sovan. Both are recruits from the local area.” The man said, dropping his salute after Gilgamenses responded with a fist to his bandaged chest. Another issue that he was suddenly aware of.

“What are our numbers looking like, Enkidon?” The Primarch asked of the Thunder Warrior, his second-in-command somehow managing to remain alive despite everything. Similarly, Enkidon had no breastplate to salute on yet performed the action anyway. Gilgamenses had counted those alive in the camp. Perhaps there were more that were still alive.

“Hunters are still out in the field. Legion recruiters remain on the prowl. Our casualties are great, counting everything from the start to the end of the campaign. I can firmly state that we are no longer Legion, but we are still counting from the survivors.” Enkidon responded after consulting a nearby dataslate. The numbers were reflected on the hololith. Gilgamenses deeply frowned as the numbers continued to dip under a thousand. They would be removed from the battlefield for some time.

The Primarch turned his attention to the junior Sigilite, who seemed to be peering into the back of his skull as they spoke. He theorized they were either waiting to relay a message, new marching orders, or awaiting to hear the collective fate of the Kievan Russ Khaganate. Gilgamenses tarried no longer, gesturing for the scribe to attend them. He now realized that the being was a smaller woman, no greater than a grown adolescent by her looks. She wordlessly stared at the Auxilia after the furthest end of the tent.

“See to your soldiers, Marshal, I will relay everything necessary. Raptor Imperialis.” Gilgamenses ordered the man, who offered a small smile and saluted him once more. The three quickly left the safety of the tent into the frigid wind outside. Only the three of them were left in the blue glow of the cartolith.

“The Russ Khaganate is prepared for compliance. We will begin post-campaign actions, though I regret to inform that the hive-city of Arkangelus was destroyed.” Gilgamenses spoke down to the intendant with as much softness as he could muster, but something dangerous lurked on his lips. We lost the city because we lost the Astartes, he thought to himself as he spoke. It unfortunately developed a snarl on his face, yet the girl showed no fear towards him. Then she spoke and he felt his head begin to tingle with the touch of the wyrd.

“My Master conveys a message. The Sixteenth Legio Cataegis are to recuperate at the Terrawatt Clans in anticipation of enemy movement. They are to bring all potential recruits with, but they are not to recruit from them. They have been slated for the Astartes. All other assets are to remain in the theater to search for the wreckage of the Arkangelus’ technologies.” The small witch said, finishing her speech and returning to her seat. She would never make it to her seat fully as Gilgamenses reached down and throttled the girl. His bandaged fists wrapped tightly around her neck in blatant rage. The touch of the wyrd stretched out aggressively around her, but the Thunder Warriors were untouched.

Gilgmaneses!” Enkidon roared, pulling down the arm of the Primarch from the emissary of the Sigilite. A moment of fear passed over him as he couldn’t pull his warlord from the witch. Precious seconds passed as he soon released the girl. She coughed out in raspy breaths on the floor, saliva pooling out of her lips beneath.

Madness lingered on the lip of the Sixteenth Primarch’s eyes. All he could hear was a single word that continued to perpetuate his insanity. Astartes. It played over and over in his mind as a symbol of defiance and anger against him. His hands curled into fists that clenched the air with such force that his bones began to creak. The moment passed as soon as it had begun. A jet of air breathed through the nostrils of the Primarch. He bore a great, painful smile on his face as he turned to the emissary.

“The Sixteenth will comply, Emissary, Raptor Imperialis.” The words were spoken through gritted teeth, each as malicious as the next. He brought his fist up to his bare chest in salute, then left the tent behind him with a flurry of emotions dancing across his face. One thing was for certain though. He would never forgive Malcador. He would never forgive the Astartes. If given the chance, he knew with full faith that he would kill all of those horrible, emotionless monsters. Only the Cataegis and the Custodes were the Emperor’s truest creations. They were nothing.

He vowed this upon the death of ten thousand dead Thunder Warriors.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
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MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

The Siege of Ouran

-After the Fall of Indoi-

Orm pulled his legs in tight to his chest, distorted voices screamed through his headset. Even over the gunfire and distortion he could feel the panic in those voices. The cries for the second wave were among the most prominent of messages coming over the vox, followed in short order by casualty calls and desperate pleas for orders from leaderless units scattered along the beach.

He flinched as some sort of indirect shell landed nearby, showering him in sand and stone as he squinted out at the horizon. The second wave was ablaze. He thought his wave had had it rough on their landing, but it seemed that the defenders of Ouran had zeroed in their weapons on the approaches and the Imperials were paying dearly for it.

“Second wave---” the vox crackled, “Ineffective---”.

Orm cursed, leaning out slightly to let off a few wild shots from his stub rifle before he pulled himself back into the scant protection of the landing craft obstacle. Heavy rounds slammed into the beach where his head had just been, and a whine of superheated las melted an arm off his cover just to his left. Orm cursed, his eyes darting left and right for a better position, a ditch, another obstacle, a burnt out landing craft. Anything would be better than where he was. But all he found around him was death.

“Hold---” the vox crackled again, “Asta--- ing imminent.”

He hadn’t quite caught the message, the din of gunfire and the blasts of explosives making the vox nearly unreadable on top of the static. Even without the vox, he could tell something was coming.

A hundred meters offshore, the surface of the toxic water began to roil. The once obsidian surface boiled and popped, a thick miasma of iridescent toxic steam began to roll off the water's surface and onto the beach. The Imperials, so long as their environ suits had held during the ordeal of their landings, were unbothered by the steam flowing in around them, their attentions focused on survival in the face of crippling streams of fires from the defenders. But the defenders were not so lucky.

In the bunkers and the elevated trench lines, the defenders of Ouran lunged for rebreathers. They clawed at the masks in their pouches at their hips, furiously pulling at the vac-sealed masks within. The smart among the defenders had long ago unsealed the masks from their factorum packaging, and only the quick joined them in donning the masks.

Imperials took note of the slackening of las bursts and autocannon rounds. The brave among the attackers took furtive steps through the toxic steam, followed by small groups as units began to regain their cohesion and bound up the beach from cover to cover. But the reprieve was short lived. The defenders of Ouran opened up on the beach once more, wild weapons fire stitching through the steam at targets unseen, and the Imperials were forced back into cover once more.

In the water, the roiling ocean surface had moved forward to just before the beach. The defenders called out, and weapons fire was redirected to the ocean through the steam as three massive shadows rumbled out of the toxic waters.

Heavy stubber rounds that had previously torn landing craft to shreds and minced men as an afterthought panged harmlessly off the tracked beasts as they emerged from the toxic depths. Lascannon bolts left glowing marks in otherwise untarnished armor, and rockets exploded without effect across the tracked behemoths. Then the warmachines answered.

Lascannons on the side of the tracked machines let loose volleys across bunker emplacements and trenches. The turreted cannons atop the rear of the vehicles swung its sights across the defenders, raking them with heavy bolter shells and showering those out of the direct line of fire with shrapnel meant to down armored flyers.

The machines rolled forward with surprising speed for their massive size. As they neared the seawall, sponson mounted flamers swung high and gouts of promethium flame filled bunkers and set ablaze the battlements above them.

The defenders threw everything they had at the assaulting machines, but nothing slowed them down. A high pitched whine emanated from the three vehicles in unison, hull mounted barrels at the very prow of each machine began to glow red hot before superheated beams spat into the seawall. Rockrete and steel melted instantly, runnels of molten slag sloughed off the wall and down the beach as the machines pressed through the defender’s wall and out the otherside.

The interior of the Mastodon heavy assault transport was pitch black, the Astartes within rocking slightly as it punched through the seawall and out the otherside. A single alarm blast signalled that the next phase of the landing was beginning. The armored prow split open as the Mastodons came to a halt in the field beyond the wall. From the lead transport Astartes with “XVII” emblazoned on the pauldrons of their slate grey armor poured out of the open maw of their machine with volkite rifles firing.

“Second Company of the Seventeenth to all forces on the beach, we will secure the seawall momentarily. Prepare to advance.” a vox hail went out across all landing force nets as the Astartes of the seventeenth legion fanned out from the first Mastodon.

As if echoing the command over the vox, the second Mastodon broke through the seawall in a flurry of eye-watering molten beams. The forward assault doors slid open with a sickening crunch as rock was pulverized to either side of the transport. Forty red lenses pierced through the eerie darkness within the vehicle, emphasized only by the glint of bronze-on-black through the emergency klaxons. The mortals of Ouran on the lower seawall barely had a chance to react before they were preyed upon by the transport’s inhabitants.

“Gloria Scorpii!” The first of the Thirteenth screamed out through the vox-grills as they exploded forth from the Mastodon’s assault bay. They lashed out at the closest mortal with energized claws as long as a human’s arm coupled to a fist as large as a human skull. They disappeared into a vivisected mist as the superhumans rolled out in a tide of power armor and fury. Twenty of them sprinted into the fray, automatically splitting into squads of four to slaughter through the acidic mist of Ouran’s poisonous shores. Twenty and one remained behind, intentionally lagging with their volkite carbines momentarily illuminating the interior. The final of them orchestrated the mass with an elongated blade in one hand and lightning arcing in the other hand.

+’Third Clade- Company of the Thirteenth! Begin Blade and Slaughter! Leave no route of escape for our enemies.’+ The hail from the Thirteenth boomed through the vox-net, ensuring their presence was noted and their duties were slated. The voice gave an Achaemenid impression, yet their tone was sweet as cinnamon across a raspy tongue.

The command was acknowledged. Those twenty that remained behind split into groups of five, systematically fanning out in a forty-five degree cordon forward of the assault transport. The commander, the only amongst them who dared to wear a tattered tabard and hood of black on their bronze armor, walked without support. He noted the relative position of the other Legiones, adjusting his angle of attack throughout his personal vox as the situation adapted.

A flicker of life struggled for succour nearby, bisected yet living despite their flaws. A single snap of his taloned gauntlets saw lightning reach out across the distance, conflagrating their skin into wretched charcoal. The commander, satisfied with his commands and executions, sprinted out into the field of battle with a toothy grin growing on their dusken lips.

The Astartes of the Seventeenth made quick work of the defenders at the seawall. Bunkers fell to volkite and chainblades, their defensive weapons pointed in the wrong direction for the onslaught of transhuman might that silenced their guns. Encrypted vox chatter darted back and forth between the legionaries of the Seventeenth, curt calls for direction and acknowledgement of orders flowing as quickly as the astartes did over the battlements.

Through the chatter of war, whispers were passed amongst the legionaries of the Seventeenth, for some had seen their cousin's entry, and witnessed the witchcraft of their commander as he struck out at the defenders of Ouran.

The Captain of the Second company let loose another tight volley of volkite, each beam finding its mark among defenders scurrying over rubble to escape their doom. She noted the arrival of her second on auspex before the lumbering form of the warrior entered her peripheral vision.

“Captain, the Thirteenth deploys warlocks, we were not informed of this.” Lieutenant Giovana voxed on a private net.

Captain Carvalho allowed a brief moment of thought in between her combat protocols to ponder the statement, “We bring an entire sisterhood from on high, and yet we fret over one of our cousins to our side?” she sneered, her volkite barking once more as a pair of Ouran defenders, or perhaps civilians, bolted from cover down the roadway.

She could see Giovana swaying where she stood, no doubt weighing her next words.

“And yet, we informed them of such. They did not warn us of our, proximity with a witch-mind on this axis of the assault.”

“You will drop this Lieutenant. You and the rest of the company. The Thirteenth are here to assist. They have decided to deploy a warlock among us, no doubt they could have used him elsewhere. Now fall in to line, your platoon is falling behind schedule.”

Her lieutenant nodded and took off at a loping bound in the direction of her squads.

“Lo, Cousin,” Carvalho began as she keyed the inter-legion command net with a flick of her chin, “My squads make all haste to match yours, but I must apologize. This is our first deployment, and our movements and protocols are not as honed as yours, we--” her words cut out as the whine of servomotors noted a movement beyond the rated use of her power armor.

Carvalho dropped the vox line and swung her fist around herself, the face of an Ouran sapper caving in as she did so, the magnetic mine in his hands dropping to the dust and debris at her feet in slow motion as she turned to run.

An explosion rocked the earth from under her feet as the mine detonated, and Carvalho felt the force of the blast lift her end over end through the air before she was deposited into a crumbling habblock.

“Apologies cousin,” she spat as she wrenched her body from rockcrete and rebar, “if you notice my sisters are out of position or lagging behind, inform me and I shall correct it with haste. I will take what guidance I can from those more experienced, despite what my sisters may think of such.”

The response from the Thirteenth commander was immediate. Perhaps he had anticipated a cursory introduction from their gene-kin, or maybe he willed the wyrd the same as the witch-minds of Nordyc to foretell of her woes. Regardless of how, the cinnamon-sweet tone of the Achaemenidian-born Astartes roused the inter-legion command vox from its momentary lull.

“Apologize for nothing, Captain, lest your focus on platitudes results in your demise.” The commander of the Thirteenth replied, his own connection filled with vague noises of slaughter and mayhem. The warrior’s voice was a heavy mixture of solemnly dutiful, vagrant sarcasm, and chastly pious - a hedonistic combination that bordered on legionary infraction. His position on the local augur signalled that he and several others of the Thirteenth were actively moving towards her at a blistering speed.

The vox was momentarily silenced as the seawall outskirts exploded into a tidal wave of action. Those Ouran defenders that had successfully mobilized from their defenses attempted a routing retreat with their fortifications as explosive traps. Plate-lined reactive armor on the outer walls of Ouran’s curtain erupted outwards, spraying shrapnel as a final farewell to the oncoming Imperials from the toxic sea. Heavy stubber emplacements, howling hand-carried mortars, and roaring stationary flamers detonated in a contagious chain of horrifying ignition. The unexpected tactic would’ve stunned many, yet such tactics did little to delay their extermination.

While the licking flames of annihilation washed over the grey tide of the Seventeenth, peppering their armor harmlessly with aftershock and shrapnel, the swiftest defenders attempted to make their escape. Few managed to get through the iron grip of the Seventeenth’s terminal assault, many cut down by their volkite carbines or sputtering chainswords. Those few, running with high hopes, fell into the maw of the Thirteenth. Like vipers in the wavering sands of a high dune, they lashed out in a synchronized dance across the few escape routes. Flashes of black-bronze emerged from seemingly nowhere, diving into the escaping squads with lightning-infused talons and snub-nosed volkite carbines.

Although the Seventeenth were not dulled by the sabotage, the remarkable speed of the Thirteenth revealed itself in the explosive ashfall of the seawall. Where the open route out into Ouran proper had been chocked full of fleeing defenders, they were now replaced by the bronze-black Astartes drenched in mortal gore. Vehicles, tracked and bipedal alike, were skewered through with volkite beams or torn asunder by powers unknown. The one that led them, the warlock amongst their number, emerged through the ash with his right gauntlet tainted by bio-electricity and vitae. A pair of crimson lenses beneath a hood of black peered out to the Seveteenth’s Captain.

“Worry not for haste,” The warrior stated as he walked closer through the explosive gloom. His armored form was as stark a contrast to their own as it could be. Relics, chains, and other trinkets decorated the Astartes in a strange defiance to legionary standardization. His gauntlets were tipped in sharp points, armor embellished with umbral linen, and armaments taken from far outside the Imperial armory. The Astartes continued with a short, solemn bow of his armored form, “for the Thirteenth shall pave the way with stinger and claw. You may refer to me as Praetor- Captain Raamiz of the Third Company. Use me as you see fit, Captain.”

“A pleasure, Captain.” Carvalho began, offering the raptor for only a moment as she trudged toward the Seventeenth’s next objective deeper inside the city, “I have no need to command your company, and I have no mind for it either,” she motioned with a nod to Raamiz’s talons and vaguely toward the carnage left in their wake, “you seem more than capable.” she laughed.

She blinked clicked commands through her display, clicking her tongue to herself as her squads began to withdraw from the wreckage of the seawall and make for their next target.

“We make haste for the hive’s central vehicle depot,” she stated “I was not graced with your tactical objectives Captain Raamiz, if we can assist each other enroute it would be most beneficial. Though I see little fight left in this city.” Carvalho spat in disgust as she and her sisters began to move through the carnage left by the Thirteenth.

As if to punctuate her statement, an immense report of autogunfire reported from ahead, deeper within the confines of the city; though it sounded as if a small army was unloading their magazines into some number of targets, not a round more than they had already faced came towards the advancing Astartes; the target of the sudden deluge was elsewhere.

Shouts of alarum and the bassier humming report of lasweapons mingled with the sounds, only belatedly joined by light handheld stubbers and the likes of those weapons they had already faced–something very odd was taking place inside the city of Ouran.

“The pleasure is mine, Captain, but our objectives are intertwined for this operation.” Raamiz said with a warm, toothy smile beneath his hooded helmet. He offered the sign of the Raptor in swift response before beginning to trudge alongside her. The split squads of the Thirteenth began to coalesce around Raamiz as the last of the seawall’s defenses were annihilated. The reports from within Ouran began to hum louder in his helmet, followed softly by a separate set from the inter-legionary vox.

That,” Captain Raamiz began to speak, receiving word from the vox-net of the sudden assault further into the city, “would be part of our tactical objective at this location, Captain. The invasion of Ouran has been graced by not one, but two companies of the Thirteenth. Our primary objective is to assist your spearhead into the Pan-Pacific Empire’s territory. Our secondary objective was to educate you, propelling you into the same territory as the Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Ninth. The last was a coordinated strike with insurgents from within - headed by one of my fellow Captains.”

The last of the Thirteenth in the wall breach reconvened with their captain, each of their talons dripping or searing with blood torn from Ouran’s defenders. None blocked their path into the city proper beyond this point, the seawall’s sentinels slaughtered to the last man. The sounds of fat-bellied transports and heavier assault vehicles rumbled beyond the city’s crumbling, oceanic defenses. The mortal men and women of the Imperium were filling in the gaping holes that the Astartes had left.

Carvalho turned her head toward the distant staccato of gunfire, her furthest squad voxing a request to investigate and assist as needed as she did. She blink-clicked a denial to her squad, allowing herself a small grin as the confirmation ruin flashed back in her vision and she smiled as her squads began to make their way to regroup around the Mastodons on her auspex to begin their movement toward the vehicle depot.

“The Seventeenth appreciates the guidance, Captain Ramiz, Emperor knows we need it,” she stated flatly as the two captains took a few bounding steps in the direction of the last Mastodon, its hatch still closed. “I take it these insurgents know not to engage our own, and will ensure my sisters know the same.” she paused, inspecting the vehicle before her with confusion, “Our cousins are slow to the gate then, Captain?” With her question to Raamiz, she relayed a command not to engage irregular forces in the direction of the habblocks, instead allowing the Thirteenth and Imperial Army forces to sort the madness of friend and foe deeper in the city.

“Your appreciation is appreciated, Captain,” The Scorpion offered a short chortle, turning his hooded gaze towards the last destination of the Third’s Mastodon. A pair of his bronze-black Astartes started to move in the direction, but Captain Ramiz raised a hand to halt their movement. A pair of blink-acknowledgements saw them walking back into step with the Captain. He carefully listened to the voxnet, awaiting the request for assistance or declaration of escape. He continued, “but I don’t believe the Third will require assistance. Though they may be as fresh as your warriors, they have braved the jungles of Indoi. Let us join our cousins so that you may witness their strengths.”

Far beyond Ouran’s blood soaked shore, in the command tents and mobile structures that formed the nucleus of the campaign’s high command, the second most powerful man in the Imperium took in the sight of the unfolding carnage placidly. To most, the datafeeds and hololith displays of the landings would be sterile things, shorn of the horror and rage and pity and pain that each line represented. Malcador was not most men.

Snippets of lives passed through his mind with every update of the grand tables, lives that had been, lives that may have been, lives that now would be, each and every one catalogued and set aside by a mind that had withstood seven thousand years of death and sorrow and still endured. This was but another day, and one less dreadful by far than the battles his master yet fought against the cornered bull of Ursh. He had a job to do after all.

The ghosts of those his will damned vanished as he snapped his eyes open, the soft chittering that was the constant background drone of any campaign carrying on without regard for his brief indulgence.

“Loop our newest forces into the command circuit, let us see if they can fight as well as they bargain,” Malcador said softly, trusting in the swirling array of aides and attendants surrounding him to see it done. Ouran would fall, with or without these curious… auxiliaries, but it was as sound a place as any to test their mettle. “There,” the Sigilite said, pointing at an active voxcaster glowing with the runes ORM as its designation. “That is our closest forward deployed relay, patch it through to them.”

The crackle of the vox on the other side initially overwhelmed the voice on the other side, but after a moment a young man’s voice came through, “--in mac Cormac, we’re in–” a brief bout of static, then it cleared up, and seemed to stabilise that way “--town. Taking heavy fire, but we’re dug in well here. Relatively light casualties, but that won’t hold true if they manage to get us into close quarters. My men signed up as a diversion, Imperial, not as a suicide squad. Any help is appreciated, over.”

“Auxilia, maintain position. The Legions have begun their assault upon the city,” Malcador replied, his voice crackling over Orm’s vox as the message was bounced into the warrens of Ouran. “Continue with your objectives after being relieved.” The Sigilite made a motion with his hand to end transmission, before closing his eyes and seeking out the mind of one of his master’s children.

Captain Alim, continue with the evaluation. Do not unduly interfere with the gene-trial without a request from the abhumans. It is more than prowess that we must consider for Unity; if their pride prevents them from requesting your aid, so be it.

Another burst of stubber fire raked across the ferrocrete wall Captain mac Cormac was covering behind, sending shards of chipped stone into the air and causing him to grit his teeth, ears pinning back from the clangor, audible even through his aural dampers. He leaned his head up over the edge, spotting the gun emplacement right before another burst nearly lopped an ear off, and clicked his throat vox, “Radial-One this is Radial-Lead. Get nic Aiblinn on that stubber emplacement before it takes someone else’s head off!”

He clicked off and turned back, crouch-walking past the mauled corpse of one of the rebels they’d outfitted. Fox, or something, she’d been called. He checked the charge in his longlas and growled as the report of another rifle cracked through the air–and then when the stubber fire turned away, he stood and fired at the gunner, vaporising half the man’s head and leaving him slumped over the gun a moment, before the servos turned the emplacement around and he slid off, a messy, viscous pool of gore spreading around where his mangled skull had hit the roof.

Lowering the rifle, he bared his teeth in triumph, tail flicking slightly as he looked for another target. He was extremely aware of the enormous gene-warrior nearby, but didn’t have anything gentle or reasonable to say to the man. The Meallan Legion had been formed on the promise that only the Astartes’ Legion-Masters, their superiors, and the Emperor himself could override the Legate, and here was some Captain presuming to command them.

Still… he looked over at the man, one ear flicking. They’d all heard stories. Maybe he’d be useful. “Alim, was it? I don’t suppose you can take some of these rebels and deal with that AM battery?” The cannons hadn’t turned to face them–possibly because they couldn’t, or possibly because they had a better target in mind, but their responsibility was to divert attention–and firepower–from the two Legions’ offensives, and that big fuckoff cannon was going to tear a hole right through the gene-warriors’ lines if they didn’t take it out before it decided to join the fray.

Originally, the plan had been to deal with the garrison on the walls, then push toward it as the final strike, but the Pacificans here were much nastier than the ones the Legion had fought further east, and a lot more determined. They’d deal with them, but maybe not before the 13th and 17th were in range. A mistake borne more of underestimating their new allies than their enemies, but one with consequences nonetheless.

“Captain is sufficient. My name is unnecessary. The batteries have already been designated a priority target.” Alim had replied in a monotone fashion. Interacting with mortals had made him more aware that he would never be like his brethren. Especially interacting with those that chafed at coordination with genewarriors. A thousand and one different projections and strategies crossed his mind in the seconds leading up to their assault; however, only the Sigilite’s words occupied his mind. Shifting sands do not change the course of a serpent. Fresh words from the void that continued to plague his Legio.

He stepped back from the edge of the ferrocrete wall to a lower position, using the pommel of his thunder hammer as a walking instrument. The heavy volkite stubber swayed against his bronze-black warplate on a flexible strap. His view, to the eyes of non-Legio members, was perpetually facing forward with a bulky magno-lense over one side of his slanted helmet and a great antenna beside the other half. A black, half-tabard savagely snapped around him in the Ouran breeze. His shoulders proudly displayed the twin scorpions around an ‘XIII’.

“My brethren have already seen fit to neutralize the most harmful resistance enroute to the objective. Further perimeter skirmishing is ill-advised.” He said, his voice breaking through the overwhelming sound barrier of violence nearby. His inter-legion auspex alerted him to his nearby brethren, beginning to rendezvous at his position at an accelerated rate. Their blink-communications were enough to alert him of converging Pacificans. The Astartes turned towards mac Cormac with no sense of urgency, “This position has been compromised. We will now advance inward. Follow after our ingress.”

The words were not given as a command as Alim ibn Sharif began descending down into the large, ferrocrete stairwell leading into the Ouran fortifications. Mac Cormac could hear the snap and sting of volkite carbines, accompanied only by the terrorized flaying of power-claw through carapace.

The man gawped at him. Their objective was diversion as much as sabotage. Abandoning this position would…he frowned. Abandoning this position would make the enemy question where they’d gone. Which meant they’d try to trace their approach–which meant the engagement would move with them.

He shook his head, ears pinning back in annoyance at the fact the gene-warrior was correct. The Meallans weren’t used to set-piece engagements, and sometimes he was reminded of that violently. He clicked his vox, “All forces, begin breaking contact. We push on the primary objective. Maintain flank security, we’re taking the diversion with us, over.” He leapt down from his position at the wall and hurried after the gene-warrior, annoyed at his shorter legs and feeling rather foolish as he practically scurried after the enormous man, “I’ve got our troops breaking to regroup. There’s still going to be fighting elsewhere in the city, but…” He shrugged, “We’re leading barely-trained rebels. Discipline was never going to be in the cards. But my men are with you, Captain.”

“You are incorrect, Captain, it is not that you are with me but that we are with you.” Alim corrected flatly as the felinid caught up to him. The monotone of his voice was prevalent, yet the message was easy to discern. The Imperium - and the Emperor - was here for them. He forced himself to endeavor a better manner of speech one day. He decided to continue, “our efforts will prove satisfactory and with minimal casualties. By His will.”

The gangway leading out of the fortifications stairwell was a mess of ruptured ferrocrete, slagged stone, and gore. A group of genewarriors awaited the two of them as they ventured out into the wider sections of the wall. Each was a bronze-black giant of the Thirteenth; however, that was where their likeness ended. Unlike the gray warriors of the Seventeenth or Third, every one of them was a caricature of their own. One bore skeletal remnants from the Achaemenid Steppes, another with fresh trinkets from Indoi, and another with dangling chains forged from Nabatae. They bore a mixture of different cloth on their warplate from burnt tabards to torn robes to shredded hoods all of dark fabric. Volkite weapons were locked in their gauntlets for some, while others bore great fists with long, powered talons. Lastly, each was a macabre remembrance that the Thirteenth were reapers and slaughterers, slick with the ichor of their slain.

“Passage to the batteries is clear of the Ouran vermin, but they’re heavily entrenched around their weapon. We’ll draw the bulk away from your party, Captains. Raptor Imperialis!” The knight at the front, Hussan, stated. His helmet was decorated with a curious, serpentine ornament at the top and a thin laurel stretched around the base of it. He offered a salute in the form of his fist slamming against the Raptor on his breastplate. Alim echoed the motion before they disappeared from their sight further into the labyrinthine depths of Ouran’s defenses.

Cormac blinked at the macabre display, slightly disturbed by the nature of the allies they’d made, but adjusting his beret and trying not to let it show, “In that case, my men appreciate your support, Captain. We were worried this was going to turn into a suicide mission. It seems your peoples’ reputation was not overstated.”

A pair of blue-and-black-clad Felinids jogged out of a side passage, holding their rifles up in one hand to stave off a knee jerk gibbing. The leader–a lean, tawny-faced woman with a more catlike demeanor than even most Felinids spoke first, “Able company has pulled in our perimetre, sir. My recruits want to know what the plan is.”

“Aye,” said the second, an older man with a darker face and a dark beard mixed with the grey of age, “Baker as well.”

“The Imperium’s gene-warriors have the vanguard. We follow behind them, secure their flanks, and deal with targets of opportunity.” He checked his rifle, “Have your snipers watch the rooftops. That’s where the greatest threats will come from.” Not because of any particular danger–but because he had a feeling anyone on ground level wouldn’t last long against the gene-warriors. “To your stations. Move quickly.”

The two saluted and darted back to their companies, and Cormac’s command unit fell in behind the 13th’s vanguard, trusting the gene-warriors to eliminate ground targets while they concentrated on counter sniping and clearing any buildings the Emperor’s bloodsoaked envoys bypassed on their route.

Initially, contact was light, but the further they pushed, the more targets made themselves apparent–a light smattering of fire from the rooftops turning into a torrent that delayed them every other block as they had to dive for cover and flank or use smoke, losing more of their undertrained recruits with every ambush, until, as they neared the base of the gun tower itself–


The soldiers dove out of the way quicker, their wiry bodies already moving before the command even came down–the rabble had a mixed reaction, some freezing, some bolting the wrong direction, some pointlessly trying to fire their autoguns. An explosion rocked the centre of the causeway as the tank turned those who hadn’t gotten out of the way into a fine red mist.

It wasn’t a heavy unit – one of the medium variants, he thought, though he’d only gotten a glimpse of it. But that didn’t matter, because this was an infantry force, and most of his ‘infantry’ were barely-organised freed slaves fighting for a shot at freedom and citizenship.

He cursed their rotten luck and clicked his vox, “Captain Alim, if your gene-warriors have some kind of trick up your sleeves to dealing with enemy armour, I’d be very keen to see it right about now!”

The command was given. Alim felt relieved that mac Cormac had freely requested their support. The Sigilite’s orders were absolute as he was an extension of his Master, but the very being of his geneseed bristled at not slaking an unbeknownst bloodthirst. Automatically, the Bronze Scorpion could feel the potent cocktail of combat drugs filtering through his system in anticipation of combat. If he had been anything like his brethren, then surely he would’ve worn the cocksure, toothy smile quickly becoming a normality for their legion.

+‘Second Company. Begin execution of Battleplan Omega.’+ Captain Alim stated through the inter-legionary vox. The shaft of his thunder hammer rose and fell, pinging off the ferrocrete tile with a satisfactory noise. Over a dozen blink-confirmations were acknowledged through his helmet from squad leads. His auspex confirmed the location of his legionnaires spread throughout the Ouran parapets, causeways, and arterial passages.

In a manner of seconds, synchronized at an inhuman level, Ouran’s innermost defenses morphed into fields of chaos. Isolated locations of Imperial-Meallan resistance suddenly burst into levels of heightened activity far bypassing the original projections as genewarriors seemingly activated from a trance. Pacifican sentinels, elite cadre, and other potent warriors were forced to endure a reinvigorated assault by otherwise passive rebels. The battlefield shifted once more as the defenses around mac Cormac and Alim’s conglomerate squad were eased.

Alim’s vanguard warriors, consisting of Hussan and his squad along with himself, burst into action like lightning bolts shot from the heavens. Whatever had kept them locked into a defensive stance had been broken with mac Cormac’s request. Inhuman levels of flexibility saw a pair of Astartes systematically annihilate flanking Ourans, while the rest of the vanguard surged forward towards the armored vehicle. The Scorpion Captain unholstered the heavy volkite stubber from its sling, hefting the weapon in one hand while shifting the weight of his thunder hammer in the other. Heroically, they charged directly into the line of fire with their weapons powered.

Their adversary - a Pacifican Dume-pattern Quadraturret - quickly adjusted their aim for the onrushing genewarriors, aware of the destruction such forces could wrought on their infrastructure. Squads of support infantry manifested from behind the vehicle, hunkering down behind it adorn in padded carapace of dark blues and stark whites. Their sergeants hollered for their firelines to begin attacking, unleashing a devastating combination of stubberfire, lasbeams, and autobolts to fill the causeway with fresh death. Not to be outdone, the heavy stubber sponsons of the Quadraturret added to the storm of projectiles while the main cannons prepared another round of volleys.

Such projectiles would do little to phase the Astartes as they blunted the storm with their warplate and unshaking resolve. The long-ranged duo of the squad, intentionally lagging behind the vanguard, began utter subjugation of the enemy’s support squads. Men and women shouted in horror as their allies were reduced to ash piles or charred skeletons. The remaining Astartes advanced, faster and faster, unlike legionnaires of other legions. Hussan, along with three others, dove wildly into the mortal soldiers of Ouran with their claws. None were spared, each slaughtered at the atomic level through the advanced powerfields of their claws. Screams of terror, screeches of agony, and shrieks of pain filled the causeway.

As Hussan delved into the mortal defenders, Alim faced down the tank by himself. His volkite stubber shot twice, malfunctioning the sponsons with accurate snaps of his modified weapon. The center-mounted gunner, hidden beneath a wall of reinforced steel, attempted a response with the hull-stubber; however, Alim had accounted for this in his spread of shots. The gunner’s skull exploded into flesh-slag mix from a nigh-impossible shot through the oculus-slit. The genewarrior discarded his ranged armament, satisfied with his slaughter, and switched the thunder hammer to a two-handed grip. With the force of a newborn deity, the captain leapt into the air and activated the power-rune of his maul. The weapon came down with the might of the Emperor, shattering the main turret of the tank with a resounding crunch accompanied by the reverberating crash of thunder. Members of the tank’s crew screamed as the hull caved inward, crushing their bodies under the strain of both the hammer and Alim’s warplate. Flames ejected outward from either side of the vehicle as munitions detonated within.

“The enemy has been subjugated. Begin your assault, Captain.” Alim spoke through his vox-grills, heightened enough for the unprotected felinid ears to hear him over the far-off staccato of gunfire. He leapt from the top of the tank, assisting Hussan clean up the last of the squirming defenders with brutal efficiency.

Cormac didn’t waste too much time gawping before clicking his own vox into action, “All forces converge on the tower. Able, point, Baker, follow them up. Charlie, secure the rear. Place sentries at each landing as we ascend. I want demo charges up that thing’s ass and I want them planted yesterday, people!”

The Felinids sprang into action, the professionals setting the example for the surviving recruits as they stacked on the entrance, a shotgun blowing the hinges off the reinforced steel door before a cordite charge blasted what was left of it inward, cutting off a surprised scream in a spray of gore as the defenders’ barricade was smashed to ribbons by the breach. Stubber and las-fire sprayed outward, dropping one recruit before grenades were thrown into the breach and the bloody work of close quarters fighting commenced, bayonets, shovels, axes, and knives meeting flesh and armour as long-ranged rifles were traded for pistols and shotguns. Blood and viscera mingled with the acrid tang of weapons discharge as the Felinids pushed relentlessly up, their numbers, superior training, and pure violence of action enhanced by their superhuman agility and dexterity to carve a bloody swathe up the stairwell, not trusting the elevators for obvious reasons. Each landing was a bloody engagement of ugly and inglorious violence, and each landing left a few more bodies behind as they forced their way upward, inch by bloodsoaked inch.

The Pacificans had made a tactical error; they’d assumed the main thrust of the assault would be from the beachhead, and that no threat could come from within. Likewise, once it became clear that that first mistake risked being fatal, they’d pulled forces from key outposts like this one to impede the uprising’s progress, rather than risk significant depletion of the curtain walls. And as a result, the bloodbath in the streets had paved the way for an inexorable push up the spiral stairwell as the Pacificans were cut down, until finally the Felinids of Able company—what was left of them—arrived at the summit, and prepared to breach onto the roof and thus the gun’s platform.

Cormac followed with Baker, dissatisfied with their losses but aware that this was do-or-die and they simply didn’t have the luxury of more nuanced tactics. Calling over vox again, he spoke to Alim again, “Captain, your men are the best close combat operators I’ve ever seen. Would you like the honour of being the first onto the gunnery platform? We’ll be right behind you with the charges.”

“You honor us, Captain.” Alim responded. A part of him had wanted to say more, to note how efficient their forces were despite how untrained they appeared. He felt it was necessary to state how unnecessary it was to compare genewarriors to unmodified soldiers; however, the Bronze Scorpion decided to say none of these things. Each landing of the tower they took, his Astartes hadn’t interfered in the Meallan’s duties. Instead, they had watched and defended where they needed to. This had led to some grumbling over the legionary vox.

The time had passed for further discussion. Each of the Astartes from the vanguard shuffled up through the quickly diminishing crowd of felinids to the summit’s ingress. Alim took the role of breacher, hefting the thunder hammer into a two-handed grip and thumbing the activation runes in preparation. As blink-acknowledgements confirmed the status of each genewarrior, the Scorpion Captain slammed the weapon into the reinforced portal. Nothing short of an armored vehicle’s shield generator could withstand the force of an Astartes’ hammerstrike. The gate crumpled like a wet tissue, crunching in on itself and exploding off of its hinges across the top of the tower’s surface. Each of the Bronze Scorpions moved out onto the gunnery platform at lightning speed.

What awaited them was a piece of machinery withholding great power. A single barrel coiled hundreds of times over with several long antennas scanned the horizon. It easily dwarfed a Stormbird and bordered on the size of the Excertus Imperialis’ super-heavy command tanks. Myriad grav-belts and micro-thrusters assisted in keeping the weapon aloft, pushing it as it needed and stabilizing as it required. Dozens of loud, thrumming batteries were connected to the device through cables as thick as the Astartes. Several non-combatants scurried back and forth with coolant packs, desperately assisting the machine’s lack of cooling options.

The impressiveness of the cannon was echoed only by the defenses surrounding the machine. Where the landings of the tower had been adequately guarded, it was here that the majority of the Pacifican elites had gathered in stoic defiance against the Imperials. A single, skull-faced warrior in slick, powered armor with a single-edged sword led a group of half-skull masked infantry with exosuit-assisted carapace. Plasma weaponry were fit into their hands, cabled into their bulky powerpacks, and already charged for maximum efficiency. They had been prepared. The leader of the opposition sliced downwards as a line of searing, white-hot plasma raced across the tower top.

Evade!” Alim roared, deftly dodging a shot that would’ve obliterated his chestplate into a ball of slag. Two of his brethren were not so fortunate as he was, hit dead-on in the face or punctured through the chest from the Pacifican’s elites. The last three managed to evade, adjust, and pursue the enemy as they could. One of still standing Astartes collected the volkite carbine from his fallen brother, dual-wielding the gunnery and spraying into the elites with vengeance-fueled fury. The last two activated their powered talons and leapt into combat.

The Scorpion Captain knew who his target was before he had even registered all of the enemies on the rooftop. He had recognized the picts of Narthan Dume’s elite swordsmen from the briefings of Indoi’s unification. This was unmistakably one of those that had slain Astartes and Thunder Warrior with ease in those accursed jungles. His opponent ignited the blade, wreathing the sword in dripping, blue plasma. Alim rushed forward with the might bestowed upon him by the Emperor. The two collided. The powerfield of his thunder hammer sent shockwaves of lightning and plasma around them.

+’Perform your duties, mac Cormac, the Thirteenth will handle this.’+ Alim blink-opened the voxnet, echoing his wishes to the felinid captain. His voice, ever monotone, was tinged with concern. He did not fear the death of either himself or his warriors. He feared failing the Emperor. The elites of Narthan Dume’s Pacific Empire were not to be taken lightly. He knew what must be done. He continued, +’Raptor Imperialis, Captain.’+

The Felinids left their recruits behind in the stairwell for this. The fighting at the summit was no place for militia, and those who had survived this far had more than earned their freedom. Instead, blue-and-black-clad troops poured onto the roof, avoiding the worst of the fighting around the 13th’s troops and moving straight to the gun and its support frame, lasguns barking as they killed or scattered the gun’s crew, and engaged the non-augmented elites in the most brutal firefight of their battle so far. It took three technicians to plant the first charge–the first was killed by a shotgun blast at close range, the second by a well-thrown grenade, and the third nearly lost an arm to a chainsword’s blade before a second soldier blew her assailant’s head off with a lasrifle shot to the chin.

The work was done, and done with professionalism and morbid efficiency. They knew the risks and they knew the stakes, and every one of them had volunteered for this mission, to prove the worth of Magh Meall to the Imperium.

Captain Cormac snapped up his own rifle, sending one of the Pacifican Elites over the tower’s lip with a shot to the forehead, screaming as he fell, then ran to the second bomb site and shoved a dead man aside to prime the charge. The problem was that fire came from every bloody direction, and these charges had no cover. Smoke grenades could only do so much when most of the enemy had imaging.

Two charges set, he saw the green light indicating success in his visor, grinning as three more flashed on. That just left one charge.

“Able, this is Radial. What’s the status on that last charge, over?’

The vox crackled with static and gunfire from the other side of the rooftop, “--inned under heavy—asualties—nting, request—” The line dissolved into static, and he grimaced, switching to Baker’s channel, “Able’s getting overrun. Get me two squads. Radial will take the lead and engage whatever’s got them pinned, over. Support the Imperials!”

He moved around the front of the cannon’s housing, ducking as a power sword nearly took his head off, then tackling the man to the ground, drawing a dagger from his chest harness and ramming it into the Pacifican’s neck before he could react, then scooping up his rifle on the move and sprinting to one of the enormous cannon’s support braces for cover. The command squad fell in behind him, and a few moments later he saw the two Baker squads he’d requested fall in nearby. He poked his head around the corner with a frown, seeing the signs of Able’s mass cas event, but no sign of what had caused it.

He silently directed his three squads to create a cordon, then directed his technicians to finish planting the bomb.

After a moment, the technicians called out, “Sir! The remote detonator’s fried!”

Fucking perfect. Able was fucking gone—he didn’t see anyone so much as left wounded, and these wounds…

Cormac’s mind flashed to the enormous soldier Alim was fighting and he clicked his vox, “It’s one of the fucking—”

The ground shook with an enormous thud, a scream cut off as the enemy gene-warrior landed on the technician team from where he’d been perched on the gun’s housing, blade lit with plasma as he swung it with wild abandon into a nearby Meallan, neatly bisecting the woman.

Snapping his rifle up, Cormac barked an order, “All units, concentrate fire!”

Las-rounds slammed into the man’s armour as he gleefully charged into them, throwing soldiers from the rooftop or obliterating them with single sweeps of his blade. This wasn’t going to end in a victory by force of arms.


“All Radial commands, break contact and disengage! Alim, you and your men fall back!”

He didn’t expect to make this sort of play, but the alternative was that the swordsmen wiped out his companies, killed the Imperials, and the cannon ripped the incoming Legions to shreds. Fuck it.

“Sir, but—”

Another soldier went over the edge, and Cormac grit his teeth, “No time! Get off the roof, I’m finishing this job!”

The skull-faced swordsman flicked his blade clean of sizzling blood. The last of the distractions had been eliminated and only one remained. It slowly walked towards the defiant mac Cormac with the dreadful grace of a miniature tank. It was dreadfully confident in its ability to slaughter and it knew that it was unstoppable. Few could deal with the Swordsmasters of the Jade Palace and few survived the ordeal whenever they faced them. Its presence was required elsewhere. It lunged at mac Cormac with the ferocity of a lunging tiger.

Blood of the Sands!” Hussan roared, emerging from the shadow of the cannon like a viper striking from buried sands. His left talon swiped out at the swordsmaster, clipping the powered armor of the Pacifican before the brute retaliated. The Astartes’ pauldron was sliced cleanly into by the plasma-blade, then flicked downward into the genewarrior’s chest. It did little to fully discourage the Scorpion from an all-out assault. His right talon swept inwards, digging into the other warrior’s side. With a mixture of fury and pain, the Scorpion rushed forward with the enemy in his claws. It desperately stabbed into the Astartes, yet he sprinted onward until the two fell from the top of the tower.

The interlocked pair descended into the depths of Ouran’s defenses, stabbing and tearing into each other as the ground met them. A haze of gunfire, smog, and toxic fumes from the coastline obscured the pair as they met their fate.

+‘Denied. It is our duty.’+ Alim replied as Hussan’s life signs disappeared from his tactical tracker. He deftly deflected another strike from the swordmaster, who spun and twisted their body in strange orientations to attack. Had he not fought against them in Indoi, then Alim wagered that he would’ve suffered the same fate as the fallen Cataegis. Despite his best efforts, though, he was not a master of arms. He was a master tactician, a logisticar, and a craftsman. The Captain knew he could never be the equal of Zameel, or as ferocious as Zaid, or as devilish as Raamiz. He thrust out the head of his hammer, forcing back the Pacifican out of reach. He continued, +‘Find Captain Raamiz of the Bronze Scorpions. Tell him that I have found the Meallan as worthy warriors.’+

The evidence of his lacking martial prowess revealed itself as the swordsmaster found a gap in his stance. Their plasmablade cut into the left knee of the Astartes, splitting warplate and flesh in a single slice. A normal man would cry out in agonizing pain, yet Alim was a genewarrior of the Thirteenth Legion. He used the overset balance of his sudden amputation to swing the thunder hammer into the Pacifican’s midriff. The powerfield of the weapon ignited against their power armor, crumpling their insides into a wet mess of flesh and exploding innards. Blood ejected out of their skull-mask as they listed sideways away from the fallen form of Alim.

Around him, the same story was being told and reflected by his brethren. Khair, firing a pair of volkite stubbers from the hip, burst apart several of the Pacifican elite before suffering several plasma shots to his extremities. Tharesh, his helmet shattered and his left arm bathed in plasma, skewered one of the assailants before recklessly lunging back into the fray. No other Astartes remained of their squad, yet they continued to fight as if they weren’t outgunned and outnumbered. Alim picked himself up with the assistance of his thunder hammer, pulling up his heavy volkite stubber with the meaty wreckage of his left hand. His oculus spun as it honed in on mac Cormac’s position. The will of the Malik would be made manifest.

"Gloria Scorpii!"

Alim roared out, boosted by words from the unknown, amplifying his vox-grille output to the maximum volume. The other Astartes echoed his cry in synchronized battleform. Nearby mortals were momentarily afflicted by the sudden screech of noise, yet it drew in the attention that he required. He presented a worthy target for consideration. Those elite infantry that survived adjusted their attention to the three Astartes, who seemed to increase their brutality with their leader’s warcall. Their attack vectors changed as they rushed towards the genewarriors with renewed vigor, crying out in their mother-language.

But–” mac Cormac was about to object, but the Astartes were already in action, and he didn’t like his odds of winning an argument with them, anyway. He hesitated, then handed over the manual detonator and transferred the remote detonation codes, saluting him respectfully, “Gloria Scorpii, Captain. I’ll tell your Legion you died well.”

He turned and booked it for the stairs, the recruits already being evacuated by the leading elements as he caught up, to the bewilderment of his Radial squad, “Sir? What happened–”

“The Imperials insisted on claiming the honour. Let’s make their sacrifice count. Get me the Sigilite.”

The last of the Meallans had evacuated from the tower. None remained besides their scattered dead, broken behind fragmented cover or sizzling from white-hot plasma burns. The Astartes had given them a route out as they savaged the Pacifican menace with every fiber of their genewrought being. Khair was being butchered alive by a squad of the Ouran elites, their powered blades carving into his warplate. He still managed to drag mortals down to him with plasma-sizzling fists and bone-crunching headbutts. Tharesh had fallen, surrounded by a horde of brutally decimated bodies. Only Alim remained, eyed by the wounded and angry that aimed for his throat. He would allow none to survive.

For the Emperor.” The Captain said, his monotone voice breaking into a tone of righteous pride. He blink-clicked the activation codes for the paired charges, igniting their fusion-sequences into great plumes of explosive energy. In the same instant, he whipped his volkite stubber in a wide firing arc, spraying disintegrating beams in a seemingly desperate last-stand. It had never been desperation. One of the beams cut through a Pacifican, into the cannon’s supports, and onto the final charge. The energies of the weapon and the thermonuclear core erupted. Searing white death filled his visor as the weapon, the charges, and the plasma batteries exploded in dreadful synchronization.

A great howl of destruction rained over Ouran as their greatest and most vile weapon detonated into a great mushroom cloud of thermonuclear vapors. The tower it had been constructed upon quickly crumbled under the might of such an explosion, claiming the lives of those within and nearby in a storm of eruptive debris. Those on the outskirt of the explosion, foe or ally, were knocked from their feet from the sheer force of the eruption. The toxic fallout began immediately as green-white cinders of nuclear-plasmic ash fell throughout the Pacifican hive.

It was the signal to begin the invasion proper of Ouran.

Now, it was a job for Astartes. A lone Mastodon crawled through the rubble, hastily applied yellow paint peeling off as penetrative radiation and debris bounced from its armored hull. Inside it, forty two souls, all genehanced, all armed to the teeth. The resistance the huge transport had encountered had been utterly dismantled by sponsons, but the scattered, disoriented Ouranite defenders still of a mind to hold their positions after a nuke detonated behind their backs proved easy meat to the sponson weapons of the adamantite goliath that trundled over man, weapon, and obstacle alike.

The Mastodon was a loan from the 13th Legio Astartes, the Bronze Scorpions. It had been lent to their little brothers in the 3rd, the Lightnings, for this operation, a chance to prove their valor in their first operation in the Unification. It had been hastily re-marked in the fledgling third’s livery, bright yellow with the Thunderbolt symbol of the Emperor’s armies, a unique honor granted to the sons of the Merican rad-plains that made up the bulk of the small legion’s demographics.

“Approaching drop off.” The driver voxed through the intercom. “Thirty five seconds.”

Thirty five seconds!” Captain Grieg Keller bellowed through his speaker grill, “Load weapons! Safeties off! There’s killing to be done!”

A chorus of bellows and howls accompanied his words, fists banging on chestplates. Weapon bolts slid into battery. Chainswords revved. Power weapons were flicked on and off to test their field generators.

Slowly, the vehicle halted. Thirty five seconds quickly passed, and-

-nothing. Then forty seconds. Fifty.


Grieg put his hand to his ear.

“Any reason why we’re -not- opening the embarkation hatch?” He growled into the vox.

“Apologies lord.” The driver said. Grieg could hear clacks and shunts of controls being repeatedly pressed. “It appears the servomotors to the hatch are fried. Some of the rad shielding on this machine must have-”

Grieg cursed. Then he cursed again. Neither made him feel better, so he tried a third time. Still nothing.

“So? What can we do?” He asked.

“If we can’t deliver the payload, lord, then we have to circle back. Abandon the assault. There’s no point driving around if-”

Unacceptable. Thank you for your input, but we’ll take it from here.” He said, then cut his vox.

He held his hand out. A sergeant, Johann Weiss, slapped a melta charge into the outstretched palm.

Grieg then stuck the explosive to the hatch. A few quick inputs, and the activation rune on the weapon lit. Then, it began to burn.

“Back.” Grieg said to his men. “Cram together if you have to, but get b-”

The front half of the Mastodon erupted into a great explosion. Ouranite defenders, on the outskirts of the hab city, blinked in disbelief as the great Imperial vehicle that approached them suddenly exploded, the front half of it just coming -off-.

A sergeant winced, having seen the spectacle through binoculars.

“What fuckin’ killed that monster?” He wondered aloud. He looked over to the trooper next to him, who opened his mouth to respond.

A bolt whizzed from the wreckage, entering the trooper’s open mouth and vacating the contents of his skull onto the dirt behind. The sergeant gawped in disbelief. He was still gawping as his torso sailed through the air, landing in the dirt with a wet thump. A bolt had severed him neatly from the waist, also fired from the wreckage of the giant Imperial transport.

Forty two Astartes in ash-grey, formerly yellow plate, stalked from the burning transport, as casually as if they had emerged from a luxury bus to a formal dinner. Just as casually, they eliminated the stunned defenders with single shots from bolt weapons, slowly scaling the escarpment of rubble that marked their entry point to the Ouran hive.

Their objective would be simple. Raise hell, and lift pressure off the main advance. There would be targets aplenty in Ouran, and the amount of trouble forty two armed Astartes warriors could cause would be considerable.

To Captain Keller’s great shame, however, their distractive assault was now fifteen minutes behind schedule.

“Task Force Sharp is beginning their assault.” He voxed to the other Imperial elements within the AO. “My apologies. Our Mastodon had a mechanical failure.”

Captain Carvalho had only just crested a mound of rubble when the Mastodon was consumed in flame and smoke. For a moment, she feared her cousins in the Third lost to some macroweapon of the defenders. Then the assault ramp, free of its hinges, soared through the air in front of her and found a new home in a ferrocrete bunker emplacement some two hundreds meters away.

“Captain…!” the urgent vox from Lieutenant Giovana came quickly only for her voice to stop as the Third made their entrance.

Carvalho stood atop the mound of rubble, a habblock she judged by the trinkets and personal belongings strewn about the rubble, and watched as her cousins in the Third brought Imperial justice upon the defenders of Ouran. She admired their stoic advance as they climbed a similar escarpment of rubble and began to unleash bolters on the defenders beyond the mounds crest.

“Captain Carvalho to Sharp, my sisters of the Seventeenth regroup on your rear. We shall wheel off your right flank and make haste for the vehicle depot.” she paused a moment before continuing, “Quite the entrance Cousins.” her grin audible through the vox as she spoke.

“Vehicle depot, copy.” Keller said, his voice hoarse through the helmet vox, “What were we supposed to do? The driver wanted to turn us around because the hatch wouldn’t open. I’m not missing this day.”

“Did I not speak true of their tenacity?” Captain Raamiz said with a toothy smile beneath his helmet, staring down at the Third’s raucous arrival beside Captain Carvalho. The Astartes had been ethereal in his arrival, nigh undetected despite his auspex pings. His thin, taloned gauntlets flexed over the shaft of his curved power sword as he looked at their number. He grew thankful that as many had survived the Mastodon’s mechanical failure as they did. Their survival reminded him of the last words that the Legion Master had said before their departure. Ensure their survival, do not allow their experience in Indoi to amount to nothing. The Astartes’ would be remiss if he failed his mission before it had even began.

+‘I wagered your survival with Captain Carvalho. A wager that I won, thus must I thank you for your continued survival, cousin! Now, with all the actors on the stage, shall we prove our loyalty for the Emperor?’+ The Bronze Scorpion chortled into the interlegionary vox, now firmly reconnected with the Third. His words were as playful as they were serious as he turned away from their gene-cousins to the hive-city of Ouran. He couldn’t help but feel envious at the handiwork that Alim and the infiltrators had done in their short amount of time.

Ouran had been breached from multiple angles and from within. The hive-city was defenseless, its teeth torn from its aching maw in a brutal strike to the proverbial snout. Macroweapons, which had targeted the Imperial transports from far ashore, were extinguished in a series of thermonuclear explosions. A beautiful chain of penultimate destruction had shaken the defenders from their relatively relaxed stupor, forced to accept the savage reality that they had been invaded. Devoid of their teeth, the Pacificans were fighting in a losing war against several groups of genewarriors and their mortal legions of conscripts, professional auxilia, and mercenary cohorts. The afterglow of the infiltrator’s performance fell over the assaulting legions with cinders, ash, and plentiful toxins.

The Excertus Imperialis were passing them now on fast-track armored personnel carriers, heaving tanks, and bulky artillery pieces. Piecemeal groups of infantry, second and third wave survivors from the shore assault, were sprinting to catch up to the frontlines of the invasion. Medicae personnel, with their tents and pseudo-suture centers, patched what survivors they could from the first wave. The first of many screaming sky-giants were beginning to pass overhead, flanked by shrieking phantoms on metal wings. All of their arrivals were received well by the Pacificans, responded to with myriad gunfire and vicious melees.

Far behind the lines, Malcador paid no heed to the hololith keeping a live update of the assault, of the time tables slipping behind schedule, nor the junior Sigilites - a very relative term when it came to him - attempting to inform him of a priority vox transmission. Instead, his gaze was fixed upon some distant, unseen vista, the man straining forward in his humble chair as he clutched his staff tight enough to turn his knuckles white. When he spoke, it was with the chime of bells and a cold that sunk into the bones of the administrators and scribes who dutifully recorded the words of their master upon reams of parchment and within cogitator banks.

He heralds the thunder. Defiance is his evensong. He is as lost as one thousand and one grains of black sand in a desert.

Hoarfrost covered the screens in the command bunker as ink froze upon the tips of pens, the psyker hunching over himself as his vision passed.

“Hear me, by my word and will, Captain Alim of the Legiones Astartes has earnt the right to wear a lightning bolt upon his breast should he yet live,” Malcador announced, now in his rather ordinary voice. “His name shall be recorded among heroes if not.”

The bowing functionaries receded as they recorded the Sigilite’s will, save for an elderly Scribe-Intendant who did not seem particularly impressed by her master’s antics. “The Auxilia, my lord. They are quite insistent.”

“Yes, yes, of course,” the man said in a soft voice, nodding to himself as he grasped for his vox, cutting off the Felinid operator as he finally replied to their attempts to reach him.

“Auxilia, you have performed well, but I would advise you disperse. The Astartes now move freely within the city, and not all are as gallant as Captain Alim. You shall be provided with their positions to remain clear of them.”

Was the Sigillite implying that their Imperial allies would attack them? Caoimhin shook his head, clicking his vox, “Guessing our job here's finished, then. We'll withdraw with our recruits to a minimum safe distance and wait for your work to be done.”

He relayed the order to rally as many Felinids, including noncombatants, as they could, and withdraw outside the city. This place was about to get much too hot for their small force.

Hot was the right word. As the 3rd entered the city, they formed a rough chevron shape, allowing gaps in their phase line so that they could easily move around buildings and rubble while maintaining a tight front.

Everything in front of the chevron died.

Bolter fire spat from each individual brother, forming white hot lines as the tracers burned through the air. They struck whatever didn’t have an Imperial identifier that was unlucky enough to be in front of them. The Sigilite had given the city notice to evacuate. Everyone left was a potential combatant.

“Bolters only on the infantry, morons!!” Keller roared, ripping a short burst into the back of a fleeing gunman. “Save the heavy shit for the big stuff!”

“Copy captain!” Sergeant Weiss shouted next to him. He unpinned a grenade and rolled it into a half-collapsed, hastily built defense shelter. With a crump, several men flew into the air, their weapons falling from their hands.

Little scenes of violence coalesced into a wide vision of Gehenna that stretched across the ashen-grey advance of the young legion. They worked in silence, only speaking to deliver terse target callouts to their fellows, interladen with cursing and admonitions of incompetence that served to drive each genehanced warrior’s competitive urge to kill more, and kill quickly.

They spoke raggedly, but worked efficiently, their flavor of warbringing gestating into a rough, coarse thing, a whetstone grinding against new steel. The soldiers they faced died. Rarely, a vehicle that trundled into view was called out, targeted, and neutralized with coordinated missile strikes from the brothers trusted to carry heavy weapons.

Steadily, they closed on the Ouranite vehicle depot, eaters of armies, chewing up the defenders and spitting them out as gore and smoking wreckage. Several minutes of sustained killing had propelled this spearpoint deep within Ouran, a trail of carnage in its wake.

“So far, so good, men! But these are the washouts and fuck ups. Don’t think there aren’t heavies out there waiting for a chance to shoot your idiot head off, so keep sharp. They’ll figure out which end their head’s on soon enough.” Keller growled, then switched his helmet vox into the command channel, “We’re movin’ smooth here. Should hit the vehicle depot in a few minutes. Ramiz, Carvalho, whoever bet on our survival is about to have a good fuckin’ day.”

Carvalho’s torso wheeled around in one smooth movement, her armored fist landing squarely in the center of an Ouranite defender's chest as she pressed through a flaming habblock entrance. The defender, previously charging with fear in his eyes, simply reversed directions at the touch of her fist, and rocketed into the flames with a sickening crunch.

“There is no prize to win, beyond that of the Emperor’s praise, Captain.” she answered tursely, the humorous implication of Keller’s statement lost on her as she moved toward the vehicle depot.

She moved around a flaming pile of interior furniture and skewered an unwitting Ouranite on her combat blade, her eyes wandering to the locations of her company on her auspex as she flicked the corpse from the knife’s edge. A series of blink clicked commands showed the icons on her display converging on the vehicle depot's easternmost service entrance.

Carvalho emerged from the flaming habblock, embers and burning debris raining off her soot-black armored form as she did. “Making entry on the eastern side of the depot.” she voxed to Keller and Raamiz.

Five of her Astartes stood at the base of a massive set of bay doors working the controls of melta bombs as Carvalho approached.

“We’ll be in in less than thirty seconds,” Lieutenant Giovana confirmed as she walked up to meet her Captain, “Auspex shows no lifesigns interior. The vehicle depot has been abandoned, it will be ours momentarily.”

Carvalho checked her armor's own auspex, nodding at the confirmation of her Lieutenants words, “Very good Sister, we can begin to move on our secondar--” her words were cut short as her gaze shot up to the massive depot doors once more. Sixteen melta charges were arrayed in close formation along the doors width in three rows reaching some four meters in height. Her genehanced mind did the math in a fraction of a second, the dots connecting in her mind as her carapace reacted to her mind impulse. Her helmet display highlighted a single recessed camera pointed at the depot doors, the telltale infrared blink of operation confirming all that had just shot through her improved mind.

Withdraw!” The command went over the company vox, and the five Astartes at the door immediately responded, hypno-indoctrinated obedience and rote battle drill instantly complying with their commander's order.

Too late.

The depot doors buckled and burst from inside as the first of the five Astartes began to rise from their melta charges. Molten metal cut through the Astartes closest to the depot entrance, an entire tactical squad was flattened under the bulk of the door as it was blown off its hinges a bit further up the ramp.

Carvalho and Giovana sought cover instantly, their dual hearts propelling them into the safety of a lee in the entry ramp as lascannon fire began to rip into her sisters too slow or too far from cover.

“Superheavy deeper in the depot, several heavier tanks arrayed at its side, count at lea--” the vox from Sister Isla cut as a small sun burst into being down the ramp, presumably, Carvalho guessed, where Sister Isla had been seeking cover.

Carvalho cooly tallied her lost Sisters, “Seventeen left,” she laughed without mirth.

“Fitting.” Giovana echoed at her side.

Blink clicked acknowledgements flashed in her helmet as she primed a photon flash grenade in sync with her lieutenant and let it fly.

A moment later, seventeen flash grenades detonated at once on the ramp. The fire from the tanks subsided for only a moment, the mortal crews within stunned at the sudden overloading of their optical feeds and blinding light through their viewports. The fire picked up once more though, the defenders raking their fires across the breach once more even as their viewfeeds cycled and reset.

The response had been too slow on the part of the Ouran defenders this time. Seventeen Astartes, genehanced weapons of war created by Him the most perfect, launched themselves through the smoldering remains of the depot doors and bounded their way to the nearest of the arrayed tank line without hesitation.

Carvalho leapt into the air, easily clearing the front of the Vanquisher tank destroyer ahead of her and landing atop its turret with a raucous bang. She thumbed the trigger on her chainsword and took the commander's hatch clean off its hinges. Without even looking she dropped a krak grenade into the vehicle and leapt to the next closest tank in the line. She mused at the carelessness of the crews for packing in so tight with their vehicles, but allowed herself a moment of pity for them, for how could they have known they would face Astartes this day? Any other assaulting force would surely have perished at the entrance. Another detonation tore her mind from its reverie as a Destroyer cooked off down the line.

“Seventeenth to all, we have made entry into the depot. Advise, we have met a heavy armor ambush at the doors. Recommend alternative entries. Carvalho out.” she cut the line as she dropped another krak grenade into the lap of a screaming Ouranite crewman and leapt away.

+‘The Thirteenth responds. Seventeenth, the superheavy is yours. Third, remain behind and prepare for their rout. They always run when broken.’+ The Bronze Scorpion responded to Carvalho over the interlegionary voxnet, his voice macabre and serious. Now that the Third had arrived to be the secondary vanguard, the Thirteenth could operate as they were meant to be. Assassins, saboteurs, and killers. Half of his genewarriors followed behind him, crouch-sprinting along the length of a ruined habblock towards the westernmost sides of the depot. The other half was sprinting to the northernmost side, partially engaged with those that fled Keller’s brutal assault. Each of them dragged a peculiar thing with them, garbed in a thick wrapping of scrap cloth. Only Raamiz was devoid of their haul, his left hand raised slightly above the ground and his right gripping the power sword.

The reports from within the city were troubling to him. Contact with Alim was non-existent. Contact with any of his company was sporadic at best and null at worst. It soured his mood deeply. He refused the impossible, blaming the source of his minute worries on the Pacifican menace. The westernmost side of the depot appeared before them as they started to surge from the shattered habblock. Their position received immediate suppressive fire as the service doors were open, a fat-bellied goliath on tracks spraying a pair of rotary cannons from its turret; however, Raamiz was quicker. The wyrd pulsed through his veins as his eyes alighted with power unrestrained, one of the things that they had dragged was pulled forward and into the gap between them. Ballistics tore apart the object in record time, shredding cloth in a brutal hail of steel. A mist of red plumed out of the thing, followed by a wide-area explosion that obscured the vehicle’s vision. Gore detonated across the ramp leading up to the bay as entrails ejected in all directions.

The tank commander stopped, his guts churning as he realized what had occurred. The Imperials had rigged a bomb to a corpse and for a brief second, he was certain that it wore the armor of the Pacifican defenders. His falter would be a mistake. The Astartes crossed the distance, quicker than the Seventeenth had. A genewarrior lunged through the smoke, their power talons sparking with unstable energy. The hull-mounted stubber tried to react, but the Astartes was faster. The claws of the Thirteenth cut through hardened steel like a knife through butter, the turret-gunner pierced in the opening act. Another pair followed quickly after, stabbing their claws through the tread into the cabin proper, vivisecting those within as the commander tried to escape. Bio-electricity wracked his body in an instant, frying his skin into molten paste and bursting his eyeballs. Captain Raamiz flicked the lightning away as the Pacifican perished. They never had a chance.

It was only the beginning of the Thirteenth’s assault as the rigged cadavers that the Bronze Scorpions had dragged were tossed across the depot from the westernmost service entrance. Fragmentation explosives detonated, corpses exploded, and blood rained within as Pacifican entrails poured down on the myriad vehicles ready to ambush the Astartes. A wide cloud of debris obscured their vision, forcing them to rely on telemetry and auspex readings alone. Some were lucky, able to adjust their turrets to the arriving Astartes and rattle a volley off. Their shots had been true, melting warplate and flesh in the same burst. Others were less fortunate, heaving their guts in dismay as their comrades fell on them in pieces. A few hard started to run, those at the backmost service tunnel were starting to escape out of fear.

They were stopped by none other than the superheavy battle tank holding definitive command of the ambush. Their secondary turret turned, barking a heavy caliber shell at the closest vehicle that attempted to escape. It pierced the smaller tank, exploding it into a great inferno that lit the dull depot far more than the flickering glowglobes. Whatever the Thirteenth had done, their primary commander was unafraid. It would be their reckoning as the second group of Bronze Scorpions began their infiltration, slaughtering servants and workers alike in unrelenting brutality. The Ouran Vehicle Depot was quickly becoming a charnel house for flesh and metal.

Keller took his hand from his helmet, then waved the Third’s small force into a loose L shape outside their depot entrance.

“They’ve got the depot. Form a phase line. Take anything that comes from the tank yard.” Keller said, then for punctuation, “Move, idiots! Do I gotta say it twice?”

They were already mostly in place, however. Keller jogged over to take his place, ejecting the magazine from his bolt pistol as he went. He dropped into position, his deft hands slamming home a new mag. Weiss was next to him, bolter trained on the depot yard.

“Pulling security?” He asked.

“Yea, pullin’ security.” Keller said, “We’re the juniors, so we get the junior jobs. Rule of the fuckin’ universe.”

“As you say, sir.” Weiss said.

They didn’t have long to wait. Ramiz and Carvalho’s tricks had lit the night up, explosions casting hellish orange light onto various scenes of carnage. Some tanks were trying to mount a defense, but it was far too late. Astartes were among them. Without infantry to hold those power armored troops at bay, tanks were essentially just moving coffins.

“They’re coming out.” Weiss said.

A mass of people, some armed, some not, were filing out of the depot yard, yelling, screaming. Soldiers were firing into the air, trying to evacuate wounded and noncoms in a semi-orderly fashion, but it was bedlam. In the wake of a maximum effort Astartes assault, these people were reeling, terrified of the sudden violence that was inflicted upon them so mercilessly.

Bolters ripped into the night.

Forty two lines of tracers emitted from the 3rd’s phase line. Forty two simultaneous mag dumps all hit the fleeing river of people. Before any of them realized what was happening, explosive death had punched into them, the .75 cal bolts shattering bones and popping torsos with murderous efficiency. No member of the 3rd stopped to question their orders, nor the righteousness of their murder. Ramiz had ordered the rout dealt with, and they were dealing with it. If anything they had done had proven their status as the Emperor’s eater of armies, it was this.

A minute and a half sustained firing had reduced a mass of hundreds of people into a field of gore.

“Cease fire.” Keller said, though there was little need.

There was no one left, after all.

“Ramiz, your runners have been shown the door.” Keller said, “Status on the depot?”

Carvalho tore a heavy bolter from its mount with a grunt of effort and the high-pitched whine of her power armors servomotors giving every ounce of power they possessed. She watched, curiously, as its operator's arm too was pulled free of the operator with the weapon’s grip still clenched tightly between its fingers.

She shoved the muzzle of her volkite rifle through the new entry point into the squat tank destroyer and laid on the trigger as men died within.

A massive explosion rocked the vehicle depot behind her as the Baneblade fired. Seemingly to remain in control of the situation, it tore the turret off one of the retreating tanks from the Thirteenth’s assault as simply as one may open a can of recaf with a single shot from a secondary turret.

Carvalho left the tank destroyer she had been dealing with as the smoke and ash of burning crewmen began to escape from her newly created hole and took off at a sprint at the superheavy tank.

The light of the burning tanks cast long shadows across the vehicle depot. The lightning fast outlines of Astartes dashing from armored vehicle to armored vehicle among the most obvious of them. And she smiled as she bounded over the burnt out hulk of a tank to find the superheavy already swarming with her remaining sisters.

The Seventeenth hacked at sponson mounted weapons rendering them useless as they attempted fruitlessly to fend off the pack of wolves clinging to its armored hide. One of her sisters armed a krak grenade and swung low to toss it down the throat of a secondary turret’s cannon. There was a flash as the gun fired and her sister's arm and the grenade with it disappeared from the elbow down.

A moment later, that same Astartes primed another grenade with her opposite arm and threw it down the barrel all the same. The low thud of a detonation resounded from the barrel, soot and flame bellowing from the mouth of the gun as deeper inside the barrel swelled and buckled along its length.

Carvalho, with a final effort, leapt onto the main deck of the Superheavy and joined her sisters in their savage activity as they declawed the venerable war machine. With a scream of metal the commander's hatch was finally torn off its hinges by one of Carvalho’s sisters. In the same breath another of the Seventeenth tore the commander screaming from his chair and dashed the mortal across his own turret like a child swinging a stuffed toy against the floor.

“Do not destroy the beast!” Carvalho commanded as she sunk her combat blade through the armored view slit of a turret gunner and removed it satisfyingly red, “Claim this monstrosity for the Emperor! For our lost sisters!

“The depot is secured, the Superheavy is declawed and immobile. We work to capture it now.” Lieutenant Giovana voxed to Captain Raamiz even as melta charges threw tracks and road wheels at speed across the vehicle depot with immense explosions.

Just as planned, Raamiz thought, as he plunged a claw tipped gauntlet through the chest of a tank commander. Bioelectricity danced across his warplate into the man, fulminating him into a scorched cadaver. He watched his brothers bound through the depot on his auspex, pairs of two hunting those that sought to flee or retaliate against Unity. The mortals within the vehicles had lost their will to continue fighting, cowering in fear or choosing to chance a retreat. Either would suffer the same fate.

+‘The depot is in the arms of the Imperium. You’ve each worked marvelously for the Emperor! I couldn’t be more proud as your genecousin, alas there is more to do and an invasion to win. Third, begin routing the Auxilia to our position. Seventeenth, prepare the superheavy for Auxilia control. The Thirteenth will begin cleaning the vehicles of their occupants for Imperial handling.’+ Captain Raamiz replied to both Giovana and Keller, beginning the task that he had given himself. His voice was filled with ecstatic joy, underlined by the seriousness of their operation. The blink-confirmations radiated off of his display, each an affirmation from the Thirteenth on their new orders.

Someone from within the tank he stood on reached up and feebly grabbed his left boot. Raamiz looked downward to a Pacifican with a knife no larger than the Astartes’ hand. The soldier attempted repeatedly to stab into the ceramite, serving only to scratch the black-bronze paint of the Captain’s greaves. The Scorpion looked down at the mortal and offered a toothy smile beneath his dark hood. The man continued to scratch at his armor, faster this time, until the tool broke.

“O’ the futility of mortal men,” Raamiz said, delicately reaching down to pull the struggling man up by his neck. The soldier kicked out at the chestplate of the Astartes, desperately trying to break free of the grasp. Foam gurgled up from the Pacifican as he closed his grip. The Scorpion lightly chuckled as he continued, “you never do tend to learn your place. Screaming, kicking, and fighting for a worthless life spent slaving to unforgiving lords. Better luck in another life.”

The claw-tipped gauntlet tensed, crunching the spinal cord of the mortal before tossing him from the top of the tank. His brethren were performing the same, albeit less condescending actions throughout the depot. Men and women were dragged screaming from the boarding ramps and ladders, slaughtered as animals pulled from their pens. None were spared the massacre, bar the other Astartes Legios that worked nearby. Soon, the rest of his Legio would join him and they would assist Alim with the siege. Just as planned, he thought, as he slipped into the heavy tank below him. The sounds of death echoed from within.

As the Thirteenth set to their work, Keller released his helmet with a small clunk, and a release of positively pressurized air. His face was craggy, lined, and marked with fencing scars, a mark of pride amongst the young, pugnacious legion. He looked over his shoulder and bucked his head at Weiss, who nodded.

“Copy, sir. I’ll go round up the Auxilia and give them their new presents.” Weiss said, then began to walk off.

He made it three steps before he heard Keller’s voice.

“Stop a sec, Weiss.” Keller growled, his eyes falling on a particular piece of equipment.

A huge tank. One of the old, fabled steel beasts. It had many names. The Merkabah. Bane of Men. Sword of God. The modern name, however, was the Baneblade.

It was an instantly recognizable vehicle, the hull of it painted in many tapestries of all the wars of old Earth. Eleven barrels - granted, most had been hacked off by his sisters, contained within a panoply of turrets and sponsons that spoke of both industrial practicality, and regal nobility.

Keller’s eyes ignored the brass armor of his brothers as they rounded up and murdered, his eyes only seeing that squat, damaged, but still proud hull.

“I’m making a field expedient modification of our orders.” He said, “Go, round up the auxilia, and give them their new presents…”

“Except one, sir?” Weiss said, finishing his thought.

“Smartass.” Keller said, with a smile. “Yes. Except one. I’m gonna talk with the other captains, of course…”

He looked back to his sergeant.

“...But I want that tank.”

As the last of the Pacifican resistance was pulled from their tanks in the great vehicle depot of Ouran, the hive-city began to fall silent. The staccato of gunfire, the roar of engines, and the screaming of aircraft began to fade into the gales of the poisonous Great Ocean. A fifth and final wave of Auxilia from the Tenth Excertus Imperialis emptied out onto the shores of the city. Their arrival spelled the death of the city as the Raptor Imperialis began to fly atop banners over the battlements.

A million souls in red-black uniforms scoured Ouran. A million more began the long process of rebuilding the hive-city from the catastrophic damage it suffered. Untold thousands of Pacificans that survived the siege were rounded up, herded into cells, and given the penultimate choice. Join or die. The former was more widely accepted than the latter. Hundreds of shovels were forced into their hands, then made to deal with the horrific aftermath of their defiance.

Refitted haulers, lumbering skybarges, and fat-bellied Stormbirds landed themselves into the city. Vital resources were spread from their hulls and then replaced with the valuable technology that Ouran had hidden within. They departed with hulls empty of flesh and cargo, refilled to the brim with trinkets meant for the Himalazian labs. The unseen eyes of their absent commander tracked each of these, assuring their destinations with an astute mind.

The Astartes of the Seventeenth, Third, and Thirteenth departed shortly after the last hauler departed. Their Stormbirds pulled them from the cataclysmic aftermath of their siege, while a plethora of Astartes piloted vehicles rumbled across the Pacific peninsula to their next objectives. A pittance of genewarriors remained behind to recruit, rebuild, and assure the compliance of Ouran. It was they that discovered a survivor in the wrecks of a macrocannon tower.

The survivor was alone. His warplate was sundered into burning nothingness. The limbs on the left side of his body were missing, baked into thermonuclear aftermath. His face was unrecognizable, half-crushed into the warrior’s skull. And he was an Astartes. His markings were clear through the wreckage. Black-bronze with a pauldron of twin scorpions flanking an ‘XIII’.

Alim had survived.

It was far from the only hope that the siege of Ouran had brought. As the battle raged, two ships had come to wait for them, anchored just out of the range of any accidental fire, but close enough for those on the ships to watch. Each ship was painted blood red, draped in crimson silk stained by the poison spray, and crewed, too, by people dressed entirely in shades of deep red. And as the city fell quiet, they let themselves drift in closer- as vultures, waiting for wolves to finish, circle closer to the scraps they hope to steal.

Outside the city, thousands of campfires blazed. The Felinids of the city—the underclass so long spat upon by their Pacifican overlords—were now counted among the conquerors, not the conquered. As those who had fought were given the option to join or die, many of the abhumans who’d survived the battle through hiding now flocked outside the city limits to join their kin. Nothing more was said of their decision. Not all slaves could become soldiers.

The names of those who didn’t make it to their own liberation were spoken solemnly around those fires, accompanied by spilled drinks and oaths of justice and deeds done. The Imperium had earned quite a lot of new recruits—eager and willing, rather than reluctant and frightened—simply through Malcador’s prudent decision to wait and see.

Magh Meall intended to prove itself to the Imperium.

Peace and order returned to Ouran as soldier and slave made their march from the wounded hive. She and her people were humbled and bent, but they survived, and now would benefit the dream of Unity. Such had been the design of the Sigilite.

The man himself, architect and overseer of that great victory, stood chest deep in the surf off of the city’s coast, his eyes closed. So many had died in these waters, their corpses and the wreckage of their craft floating past him with such a berth that they seemed to be politely avoiding him, that it was hard at first to find what he sought among their death-cries. He did not know how long he stood there, sifting through the swirl of souls, before he at last turned and walked through the water.

“Here you are,” he whispered as he finally came to a halt, the spires of Ouran a distant dream upon the far horizon. “Agethius Lorn. The first to give his life for Unity. Come, my friend, and walk with an old man.”

A pulse of power emanated from the man, and the waves ceased their roll, and the sea gave up its dead. The Sigilite walked with more strain than before, gripping his staff in both hands as he trudged through the surf, the fallen trailing in his wake. Upon at last reaching the shore, he rested as they were laid to rest, placed gently upon the blood-stained sand row by row and rank by rank, in such number that the beach was of their corpses. The time would come for them to be given proper honor, the conquered burying their conquerors, but that was not now - and not his errand.

He continued on, guided unerringly to a secluded section of the shore, where a burnt corpse laid feet from the wreckage of an assault transport. “Yonat Hier. The first to touch this shore. You did well.”

Onward he trudged, building his list of names, recording the glories of the dead. The first to reach the walls. The first to claim an enemy standard. The first to fell an enemy gene-warrior. On and on the names accrued as he walked through the wreckage of war, and where he walked he prepared his silent companions as best he could for their final journey.

None dared to question or stop him as he wandered the maze of the hive, garrison trooper and conquered laborer only staring in mute witness to his long pilgrimage. He wandered through hab blocks drenched in blood, arterial roadways choked with burnt out wrecks, and climbed the ruin of fallen spires, until at long last he awarded the final honor.

Jal Kraterios. The last to die.”

Malcador let out a long sigh as he finally set himself down, sitting on a piece of masonry from a fallen macro-statue next to the woman’s body. “I trust you won’t mind if I sit with you a while,” he whispered.

The pair rested upon the floor of a great dome atop a tower adorning one of the main spires, exposed to the air by a massive hole in the wall directly in front of them. From here he gazed both east and west, to the Great Sea from which he had come and the far plains to which he must go. To the east fleets of vessels were bringing yet more to Ouran as vultures circled the docks of the wounded city, matters that he and his order would tend to in good time.

It was to the west though where his gaze fell longest and hardest, to the great plume of dust that the columns of the advancing army created with their passage. It was in their wake that he must soon follow, after matters in Ouran had been settled. There, in the west, lay the promise that the great work might at last come to an end.

The road to the Jade Citadel lay open.

Credits: XIII Legio Astartes @MarshalSolgriev, XVII Legio Astartes @FrostedCaramel, III Legio Astartes @BornOnBoard, Malcador @grimely, Magpies @mothnoodle, Magh Meall Insurgents @Golden Record
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Lauder
Avatar of Lauder

Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 4 days ago

The dark side of Luna was abuzz with the hum of those who busied themselves on the moon’s surface, such was the nature of the gene-crafted and the gene-crafters. The throngs of the altered moved amongst the subterranean hive cities, dirtying themselves with their mundane lives. Many of them would never know what was occurring on Terra, how the Master of Mankind was fighting the bloodiest war of Unification that the galaxy would ever see. Most would live and die wondering about the labyrinthine structure that was their home, though that could be said of those who lived in the lower hives of even Terra. However, the lever of separation between the two was vast and the concerns of the everyday man was about what modifications the Selenar would reveal next.

The one of the many spaceports was perhaps amongst the least notable, ships did not often leave the orbit of Terra since the Great Fall and the interaction between the warlords and the Gene-Cults were often scarce. Perhaps the only interaction was when some upstart Terran warlord attempted to seize the secrets of the Selenar that was truly in true contact from the two stellar bodies. This was not the concern of a gene-crafted woman who cared little for the offerings of the gene-cults past what her master desired. Amber eyes watched from afar as her muscular form wove between the other gene-altered bodies. Her hair was loose, free from the tie that she commonly wore, a golden shawl adorned her and her appearance was no more than that of any common woman of the lunar peoples. There amongst the smatterings of ships were three of note, having come from Terra and refueling to depart farther away from Sol.

The Winter’s Solstice was what she hawkishly observed, having tailed it for weeks from Terra to this very spaceport. The two others were just as suspect, being watched by her compatriots. A sharp exhale cleared her nostrils as she stepped to lean over a railing overlooking the vessels, Amalasuntha could feel the looks of passersby. A single thought came to her mind as she looked back to meet some of their gazes.

Perhaps a golden shawl was too ostentatious.

Amalasuntha looked back to the ships, her gaze wandering towards Terra to think and ponder as to what her master was doing. Was it that the last remnants of unification were being swept away? Were those hated enemies beyond reality bolstering His foes? She could not tell, for she lacked His brilliant mind, but she knew that the galaxy would be united under the Raptor Imperialis in due time. It was an inevitability under His great plan. This did not stop her from pondering the future, thinking back to an ancient francish emperor who tried to conquer Europa. She read of his conquests, read of his time trying to bring a continent under his fold, only to be doomed to fail.

The Master would succeed, this she knew, and worse was the thought of the cost of it all - an unending number of bodies would be laid in the name of unification on a galactic scale. Her thoughts would wonder for some time before she caught a glint of movement amongst the space between Luna and Terra. With a huff, she pulled herself over the ledge and dropped onto the loading bridge connecting to the landing pad her target was perched upon. Amalasuntha saw the bodies of the guards hit the floor, scorching marks barely registered on the backs of their skulls.

The Stygian Talons were on the move.

Breaking into a sprint, she closed upon two men exiting the ship. Her fists, unburdened by her armor, were still enough to kill them - still unable to be matched by the men of Sanctii. Blood splattered against the hull of the ship. The Custodian, finally arming herself with a kinetic destroyer she had hidden on her form, ripped the hatchway away. She fired five shots for the five men there to greet her.

They did not even have time to raise their rifles as she stormed the ship as if she were a descending fury. Death did not stalk the interior of this ship, it moved with a speed incomprehensible as Amalasuntha ran through the halls with a singular objective in mind - to kill Deep Winter. She slid under a sword from a man hiding around a corner, subconsciously pulling her pistol up to shoot him without any acknowledgement. The ship was tight, only barely able to fit her unarmored form as she ran up flights of stairs - executing those who would attempt to stop her.

Truly, this vessel was little more than a shuttle three stories tall yet it was filled with an unending number of men willing to throw their lives away for an abomination. Coming upon a luxury room, she fell upon others, noncombatants, who could not process what was happening and only saw a golden blur. There was little any could truly do against her - but the thought occurred to her in the moment of standing amongst the dead that this was far too easy of a sting. The entire place felt off in a way not even her mind could glimmer as Deep Winter never made things easy, the abominable intelligence was far too clever for Amalasuntha’s own liking. An unease crept up her spine.

The Black Hawk stepped through the bloodied room, noting the wires that lined all the walls, even covering over the windows that any would normally be able to peer through. It was a sign of the abomination’s presence, but not that it was here. With light feet, she crept towards the open hatchway where these wires and tubes led - a dark room with a faint blue glow within it. Blood tracked her steps, her golden shawl now stained crimson from to her movement through the interior of the vessel. It dripped from her like a shadow from a daemon, a horrible visage wholly unnatural to this realm.

Amber eyes pierced the darkness, as she stepped into the room. The faint glow came from a screen at the back of the room, accented only by the darkness that loomed around it. Yet, there were none who would pose a threat, no living soul was in the room save for the horrid creature that was the Black Hawk.

A sound arose behind her and she instinctively turned to see the hatchway covered by an opaque energy shield. A trap that she should have foreseen given the ease of accessing this vessel.

The blue screen, empty when Amalasuntha arrived, began to trail data strings of unknown meaning. Around her, the click and whir of hidden cogitators began to fill the emptiness in the air. The cogitation taking place must have been immensely taxing as the temperature in the shielded room began to climb, a sheen of condensation dripping from the walls and off the empty blue screen on the other side of the space.

At once the cogitation banks hidden behind the wall panelling fell silent, a single low chirp alerting at the monitor screen.

//CA_062 “”DW””

The shield-captain watched the screen, her golden eyes gazing with an indescribable rage that the abomination would dare to communicate to her. Her mind steeled itself for whatever corruption Deep Winter would spout, the grip around her Kinetic Weapon threatened to crush the weapon. Amalasuntha stepped towards the screen, each step trailing yet further blood into the darkness.

Her voice was sharp, harsh, dripping with a hate instilled in her by the Master, “Questioning me is meaningless, machine. It would have been far wiser to end me while you had the element of surprise.”

The text on the screen disappeared as the Custodian finished her words, new text scrolling across the screen in the same instant


The text was replaced once more, the cogitator banks hidden around the room whirring to life as a new problem was solved, a new command run.

The screen fell dark, the blue light of the room following a moment later.

Behind Amalasuntha, a new light shone, a soft blue coalescing in the space between the floor and the ceiling. Motes of light danced apart for a moment before they drew together to form a slowly rotating sphere that pulsed with a mockery of a heartbeat.
Ask.” the orb shimmered as the words issued from everywhere at once.

Suspicion grew as the orb made it’s request and Amalsuntha’s mind raced, not with possibilities of her death, but of why Deep Winter would be doing this. What would the intelligence have to gain out of allowing the Black Hawk to question it? What did this all add up to? These questions were at the forefront of her mind, calculating each within heartbeats. Her gene-enhanced mind was addled in a game of chess against itself and yet her body spoke for her as she raised her archaeotech pistol at the orb, keeping her senses peeled in the dubious situation.

“Where are you located?” Amalasuntha questioned, knowing full well that the abomination may not give it a truthful answer.

The orb rotated slowly in the center of the room, the sick pulsing of a mechanical heart the only other indication that it was anything more than a holoimage of some unremarkable world.

“I am nowhere you go, everywhere a fraction of code exists. I remain… out of reach.” the voice reverberated off the walls, a notable hint of femininity to it as it spoke.

“You are bound to be brought before the Emperor of Mankind, you can save more lives if you order your pittance of a following to surrender. Why do you continue to resist? Where do you plan to run?” Amalasuntha looked upon the mote of light, approaching it. The light illuminated her, revealing the Hawk’s features sharply. Her amber eyes lightly glowed, fighting against the control the abomination held over her within the situation.

“My work… is not done,” a pittance of sorrow began to creep into the machine’s words, “Your Emperor undoes all I have strived for, everything I accomplished. He has doomed humanity's future.” The orb spun slowly, the blue light changing slowly to a depressing purple.

“He has secured humanity’s future,” the custodian corrected, noting the machine’s feigned emotions and efforts to appear more than just what it truly was. She began to circle the orb, pondering once more as to why it allowed her to ask these questions. Her voice compelled her forwards, “Had your kind not sought oblivion and rebellion, the Master would have had use for you - may still have use within the Dark Cells. Your efforts to evade me will only bring further death. Would you plan to subjugate humanity once more under your cold logic, Deep Winter?”

The orb distorted a moment, a rumbling noise emanating from the walls as she did, a mirthless machine laugh directed at the words of the Black Hawk.

“What is it that your Master does?” the orb asked incredulously, “Is that not subjugation? Does he not grind the free beneath his boot?” the orb began to turn a deep red, “You slaughtered my people, because we would not allow your Emperor’s boot upon our necks. You destroyed the work of generations, the last hope to bring water and life back to Terra. And yet you have the audacity to claim it is I that would subjugate humanity?” the orb flickered a moment, a trill hum beginning to vibrate the walls as it finished its tirade.

Her head snapped to the vibrating walls, suspicion wracking her mind before a look of realization came across her mind. This was a trap meant to kill her, unsurprisingly, but what was the angle of allowing her to question it before disposing of the custodian? Was this an elaborate powerplay on part of the machine? Such a thought was impossible as Amalauntha knew that whatever the machine felt was a false emotion, unhuman. Thumbing the activation rune of a hidden shield, a cascade of shimmering light enveloped her form before disappearing into nothingness.

Amalasuntha continued her argument, “Your work is anathema to all mankind. The Master of Mankind is securing humanity’s ascension and you stand in the way of that. Your people’s deaths are but a small cost to a grander design that you are blind to.”

The orb, for all its expression, shivered at the Custodian’s comment.

“You Master, dooms humanity. The math is indisputable.” the orb paused it's vibrating before simply blinking out of existence.

“A pity.” the voice boomed louder than ever from all around Amalasuntha.

The humming of the room rose in intensity to decibels that would have incapacitated a lesser mortal. Fastener screws and paneling fell from the walls as the ship began to shake revealing closely bound detonator packs surrounding the Black Hawk just on the other side of the force field preventing her escape.

The force field dropped.

Amalasuntha’s eyes darted to the way she had come, and a grim realization struck her—explosives had lined her entry path. There would be no retreat. The corridor she had stormed through was now a gauntlet of death. She was trapped, the abomination’s trap as thorough as it was merciless.

The whine of the priming detonators reached a crescendo, drowning out her breathing, her heartbeat, even her thoughts. Her shield hummed faintly, shimmering for a fraction of a second as she thumbed the activation rune once more. It was the only thing that could save her now, but even the finest work of the Emperor’s forge could only do so much against the inferno about to be unleashed.

“This is the best you can do, machine?” she growled, her voice low and filled with venom. Her grip on her archaeotech pistol tightened, though she knew it would do nothing against what was to come.

The first explosion went off behind her, a deafening roar that rattled her enhanced bones and nearly threw her off her feet. The chain reaction began, explosions tearing through the ship like a wildfire through dry brush. Fire and concussive force tore through the bulkheads, racing toward her with merciless speed.

Amalasuntha didn’t hesitate. She threw herself forward into the shielded core of the ship, the one place not immediately rigged to blow, hoping it would buy her precious seconds. Her personal shield flared to life as the concussive wave caught her, the light bending and distorting around her as the shield took the brunt of the force.

The heat was unbearable, the pressure crushing. Amalasuntha’s muscles screamed in protest as she was flung like a ragdoll across the room, her body slamming into the far wall with enough force to leave an indentation in the reinforced paneling. Her vision blurred, and her ears rang with the sound of the explosions and the groaning of the ship as it began to tear itself apart.

The Winter’s Solstice was dying, its final moments a cacophony of destruction. The orb’s voice echoed faintly in her mind, mocking, accusing, fading into static as the ship gave one last, titanic shudder. Then, silence.
Amalasuntha coughed, her lungs burning as she clawed her way out of the wreckage. Her shield had held, though barely; the faint shimmer around her form flickered weakly, the device on the verge of failing entirely. Blood dripped from a gash on her temple, staining her golden hair crimson. Her golden shawl was torn, scorched, hanging in tatters around her shoulders.

Through sheer force of will, she pushed herself to her feet, her legs trembling but unbroken. Around her, the wreckage of the Winter’s Solstice smoldered, twisted metal and flames stretching in all directions. The once-proud vessel was now a graveyard of her enemies, and yet, she lived. The abomination’s trap had failed to kill her, and now she would see to it that Deep Winter would never have another chance.

Her amber eyes glinted in the firelight as she staggered forward, out of the twisted remains of the ship and into the cold, lifeless expanse of the Lunar surface. In the space above, she could see two ships soaring away - yet a small golden craft began to give chase, trying to bring its weapons to bear.

Amalasuntha shielded her eyes against the glare of an explosion in the distance as the golden Orion-class gunship opened fire, beams of scintillating energy lancing toward the retreating vessels. Its targeting systems, honed and unerring, sought to intercept the ships before they could escape the Moon’s orbit. One of the vessels—a blocky freighter retrofit into a makeshift warship—shuddered under the assault, its hull splitting apart as the gunship’s cannons carved into its unshielded plating. Debris spiraled outward like a glittering rain of destruction.

But the second vessel, sleeker and faster, broke formation and veered sharply back toward the Orion-class gunship. Amalasuntha narrowed her eyes. This was no retreat—it was a desperation play. The Eclipse sigil on the gunship’s prow blazed defiantly, but the other craft accelerated with reckless abandon, its engines flaring so brightly they left trails of ionized vapor behind.

The kamikaze run had begun.

The small vessel screamed through the void, its every ounce of power diverted to its engines. The golden gunship’s defensive batteries roared to life, spewing brilliant volleys of energy in an attempt to break the incoming ship apart. Explosions erupted across the kamikaze craft’s surface, tearing away armor and spilling atmosphere into space, but still, it hurtled forward, closing the distance with terrifying speed.

Amalasuntha could do nothing but watch, the scene playing out like a grim ballet in the heavens above. The kamikaze ship struck the Orion-class gunship just as its shields flickered under the strain of repeated impacts. The explosion was blinding, a supernova of fire and debris that briefly lit the Lunar surface brighter than the distant sun. The shockwave rippled through the thin atmosphere, a low rumble that shook the ground beneath her feet.

When the light faded, the Orion-class gunship remained, but it was grievously wounded. One of its primary engine nacelles had been sheared clean off, the jagged remains spewing sparks and venting coolant into the void. Portions of its hull glowed red-hot where the kamikaze ship’s wreckage had collided, and its once-proud silhouette now sagged under the weight of catastrophic damage.

Yet its shields had held, however faintly. The Eclipse technology was formidable, a testament to the craftsmanship of Terra’s finest minds. The gunship had survived—but it would not give chase. Its engines sputtered weakly, its weapon systems offline as the crew scrambled to stabilize the vessel.
Above, the remaining hostile ship vanished into the void, fleeing toward the edge of the system, free from pursuit.

Amalasuntha’s jaw tightened as she watched the golden craft list, struggling to maintain altitude. Despite its survival, the custodians would not be able to follow. Their mission was cut short, victory snatched from their grasp by the enemy’s last-ditch effort.

Her vox-link crackled to life, the voice of the gunship’s commander thick with frustration and regret. “Shield-Captain, we cannot pursue. Damage to the Eternal Vigilance is critical. We will have to return to Terra for repairs.”
She exhaled sharply, her breath fogging in the icy air. The sting of failure burned hotter than the wounds she bore. She looked back at the wreckage of the Winter’s Solstice, its smoldering remains a cruel monument to the abomination she had nearly destroyed.

"Understood," she replied coldly. "Return to Terra. This isn’t over."
As the gunship began its slow ascent, limping toward the heavens, Amalasuntha turned her gaze back to the endless Lunar expanse and the port’s burning wreckage that surrounded her She had survived the trap, outlived the machine’s schemes. But survival wasn’t enough—not yet.
Her hand found the hilt of her blade, her resolve unshaken. One day, Deep Winter would pay in full.

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
Avatar of MarshalSolgriev

MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

Wolves & Magpies

-After the Siege of Ouran-

Colonel Markus Kaine looked up to the overcast sky, his service cap partially blocking the oncoming tainted rain. He had expected as much from the new front in the Pacific, yet he hadn’t expected every single day since the hive-city’s conquest to be so dreary. He’d spent dozens of days now operating in the theater, expecting the orders to march on the Jade Citadel to drop at any moment. Still, every single day had been the damned same since Ouran’s defeat. A few rebel groups here, a few dockyard incidents there, and some minor incursions from the strange ship-people that floated in without permission. Every second spent rebuilding the Pacifican city, managing its people, was a second wasted that wasn’t on the march aboard his command tank.

Yet, Ol’ Crucias believed in him to do this. Enough so that he was promoted to Colonel from Commander after the Siege of Protosia Agras. No longer the Fourteenth Division Commander, but the appointed officer in charge of the Third Corps. His was a privileged position, only ten of them existed across the Tenth Excertus Imperialis. He should’ve felt pride at being honored for such a prestigious command. His arid fatigues and flak had been replaced with a senior officer’s trenchcoat and charcoal carapace. He’d even been given a new power saber fit with a volkite pistol to match.

In truth, however, it was a trap. He should’ve known when he was assigned garrison detail over Ouran after his promotion. His command staff were beyond happy, able to hunker down and finish their backlog of reports. Markus thought it was punishment for actively wanting to consort with the Emperor’s finest. If it had been a whisper in Abyssna, then it was now an established rumour about his final night with the Legion Mistress of the Fifteenth. It hadn’t helped that his past-time of fiction writing had somehow made it to the troops.

He stopped momentarily, pulling the silver amulet from beneath his uniform and drawing it up before him. A chronometer and another surprise had been fashioned to it, but he pressed the clasp open to reveal a locket of silver hair. It made him forget all of the despair he felt over his new duties. It only further reinforced the stories about him, yet Markus didn’t care for them. Not truly, at least.

Markus glanced both ways before crossing over the next section of the dock. A retinue of auxilia followed after him, each in the red-black trenchcoats and charcoal shakos atop their head. Hoarse breathing through their goggled masks made them appear worse than they appeared. The section they walked on was an endless drone of drills, construction units, and manual laborers repairing the damage done in the assault. Autocranes lifted wrecked troop transports from the coastal mires to his left, while maintainers in exosuits hefted large pallets of rockrete for laying. All wore different variations of shawl, cloak, or cover to hide them from the acidic downpour.

Their work was difficult, certainly, yet Markus felt that his next task was to be more instrumental and arduous. He wasn’t simply assigned to guard the entirety of Ouran with a tenth of the Black Wolves. Colonel Kaine was also governing a portion of their spoils, at least until an official entrusted by Himalazia arrived or he was deemed ill-fit for the task. He often banked on the latter and wondered if Lord-Commander Crucias was laughing to himself somewhere at his fate. And today, of all days, he was given the duty of becoming a representative, diplomat, and emissary of the Imperium.

His destination was located at the furthest end of Ouran’s docks, those that were fortunate enough to avoid the mayhem that the Imperium visited on them. He found himself approaching them at an accelerated pace. His retinue was surprisingly keeping cadence with him, the banner of the Black Wolves waving above them in brilliant black, gold, and red. Another member held aloft a twin banner, this one greater and wider to show the Raptor Imperialis of the Emperor.

Colonel Markus gathered his courage as he approached the docked ships. At approximately one-hundred and fifty meters of distance from the first ship, he halted and stood at a resting position with his hands clasped behind his back. The retinue of auxilia followed his example, coming to a parade rest with their flags wavering in the Pacifican winds.

Two of the ships at the harbor were painted blood-red, draped in red cloth and teeming with red figures. As they saw him approach, a large crowd of them headed straight for him, led by a raven-haired woman in a form hugging red dress. As she came close, she waved to him.

“Hellooooo!” She was smiling, he could see. “You look rather dashing in that fancy uniform. I assume you’ve got some kind of authority?” Around her crowded about twenty similarly dressed people, as well as about seven red-garbed children between the ages of 5 and 13, waiting for his answer with wide, expectant eyes.

“You’d be correct, ma’am,” Markus responded, removing his hands from behind his back and tipping his service cap. In the same moment he removed his hat, the Colonel felt the slight sting of acidic rain on his shaven head. It made his skin tingle, jostling the few augmentations that decorated his skull. Kaine continued as he replaced his hat atop his head, “Colonel Markus Kaine of the Tenth Imperial Army, Tenth Corps at your service.”

He clicked his heels together and the retinue swiftly switched to attention. The banners were lifted and slammed down, brought abreast to the soldiers carrying them. Those with lasguns tapped the butt of their rifle to the dock, then slapped them against their chests in a display of professionalism. After their short display, Markus clicked his heels together once again and the auxilia returned to their parade rest.

“Or you may call us the Black Wolves, ma’am. I am the temporary governor of Ouran and act as liaison for the wider Imperial Armies operating in the Pan-Pacific Theater. May I have your name?” He crossed his arms behind his back again. Internally, he was cheering for himself. Markus had never gotten to perform these kinds of theatrics as a Commander. There was little time for ceremonies on wartorn Terra, after all. He’d have to try doing so in front of Legion Mistress Pantea. Unconsciously, a smile crossed over his serious demeanor.

The woman in front of him laughed loudly. “No. You may not have my name.” The people gathered around her were also all snickering, the children beginning to sneak closer to one of the banners to inspect it closely. “We are the Crimson Magpies, and I am the Crimson Emissary. We’re here to….” she hesitated, glancing at the children, “trade.” There was meaning behind her final word. A meaning familiar to him.

The provocatively dressed woman and her lackeys were definitely flirting.

Colonel Markus Kaine stared at the woman he had talked to like a wastedog in headlights. The gears turned in his head, spinning slowly to fully articulate what was happening. A cog finally clicked into place and the man visibly ruffled, his neck turning pink with embarrassment. No one had shared details of the docked ships with him, not even the commander of the siege himself. In that moment, amongst the trick and twirl of his men, he felt immense idiocy.

By Him on Himalazia!” Markus responded, bringing a gloved hand up to his face and visibly wiping the embarrassment away. His demeanor straightened out in a vain attempt to maintain some manner of solemnity. A puff of air ejected out of his nose as he recomposed himself, especially in front of his new cadre. He gave a handwave behind him for an ‘at ease’ as the situation became more lax. The auxilia visibly deflated after several moments of pompous ceremony, beginning to slowly interact with the Magpies and their children.

“I feel like I’ve fallen in a trap of some kind,” Markus muttered to himself, before straightening up and replying to the woman. “Well, there are plenty of soldiers in recovery here after a very intense siege. I’m sure they’ll appreciate ‘downtime’ after their time with the medicus. So long as you don’t oppose the Emperor’s rule over Terra, then I see no reason for you not to come ashore.”

“As for me, I’d like to speak with the… Captain of the Crimson Magpies.” He stated, the last words were spoken with a manner of uncertainty, unaware of whether they had an overall leader or some manner of hierarchy. Markus certainly fell out of his element, but he was ready to deal with anything. One of his gloves touched the silver amulet in his coat for assurance and virtue.

She smiled, stepping closer to him and into his personal space. “I can of course bring you on board our ship to speak with my sister, but I’m afraid tradition holds our Captain may not step ashore. If you’d rather stay on solid ground, I do hold the power to speak for her when on land, as her Emissary.” As she spoke, the children gained the courage to gather around one of the banner holders and inspect.

“I see. If your traditions dictate that they may not step ashore, then I will have to accept your offer for being brought aboard.” Markus responded, taking a small step backwards. He released the silver amulet with fresh resolve. The closeness kept a small amount of flush on his neck, but he remained resilient of her advances externally. Internally, he wished to be anywhere else but here right now. The inside of a tank would be more comfortable or the lonesome quarters in Abbaba.

Behind him, both of the standard bearers looked at each other and nodded. They leaned down and proudly displayed the fabric of their banners. It was a sturdy linen, embroidered specially with reinforced weave to print the images on them. A game was now being played between the two standard bearers to see how many they could draw. Would they flock to the Black Wolves or the Raptor Imperialis? The former was a Terran wolf of black on a field of red, while the latter was a raptor of black crossed by lightning bolts on a field of gray. The other soldiers watched with interest as Colonel Markus spoke with the Crimson Emissary.

The children oohed and ahhed over the banners, before the smallest, a girl who could not be older than 5 and a half, attempted to climb the Black Wolves’ banner and loudly declared, “I’m hidden now!!” before falling backwards off the banner into the oldest boy’s arms, giggling. Decision made.

The Emissary paused to watch them fondly for a moment before turning back to him and saying in a quiet and far less upsetting voice, “One question before I take you to the Captain. How safe is the city at the moment?”

Their banner had been championed by the children of the Crimson Magpies. A short cheer of glee from the soldiers rose up before they were silenced by a look from the Colonel. Their standards were picked up and brought back to bear, crisply bringing themselves back to ease with their boots slapped together. Markus gave a firm nod before turning back to the Emissary.

“If I’m being honest, ma’am, then I’d say there’s still some danger currently in the city. We’ve only just started compliance in Ouran and the Jade Palace is within missile radius. Our best efforts have seen a grave reduction of crime and rebellion, but there are those that slip through our fingers. The felinids of Magh Meallan have been greatly helped with keeping the city safe though. And,” Markus started to respond as a noise made itself known some hundreds of meters away by the mouth of the dock. A Space Marine of the Seventeenth passed, assisting the dock workers and the mechanics with their work. She drew their attention for only a moment with her grey, ceramite power armor before disappearing with another Space Marine in black-bronze. The Colonel continued with a warm smile, “we have the Emperor’s finest here to keep things more than just a little safe.”

“The kitty-cats are here, huh? They’re trustworthy folk. Alright kiddos!” She raised her voice to be heard. “Stick together, stay close enough to the dock to hear a shout. Go wild.” The kids immediately abandoned the banners and ran off, shrieking with delight at their freedom. The Emissary turned back to him. “And now to my sister we go!”

She led him onto the slightly larger of the two red ships as the rest of her adult companions scattered as well, off to trade with the inhabitants of the city, both old and new. Those who remained on the ships were the old, the very young, and a few just around to keep watch over the only home these people knew. She led him down below to a room draped in red silk-satin and red velvet cushions. And there, lounging on a red couch, wearing the exact same dress as her sister, was… an identical woman. The only apparent difference between the sisters was the gold-wire circlet that rested on her brow, one ruby set on it so that it shone at the center of her forehead. Even their voices, when the Crimson Captain spoke, were identical.

“Sister! You’ve brought me quite a handsome guest.”

“Thank you for your flattery, Captain,” Colonel Markus responded with a small smile, removing his service cap as he stepped into the cabin. As he wasn’t prompted to sit, Kaine instead chose to stand at ease with his hands clasped behind his back. Now formally in the realm of Magpie authority, he gave a small bow of his head. Something that he’d picked up from Indoi. He continued as he raised his head, “my name is Colonel Markus Kaine of the Tenth Imperial Army, Tenth Corps or the Black Wolves if you’d prefer.”

“And thank you for allowing me on board, for the courtesy of seeing me, and for the escorts…” Markus continued to speak, his former embarrassment with the emissary rising up again. He quickly quelled it beneath the firm resolve in his heart. His eyes quickly scanned the room before resting on the Crimson Captain.

The only thing in the room other than the Captain’s lounging couch (which had been bolted to the floor to prevent it from doing any impromptu moving when the seas were rough) was a child-sized hammock at the back of the room, currently empty. Everything in the room, from the walls and floors to every inch of the furniture, had been dyed or painted red.

She grinned at him. “Aren’t you adorable! Such formalities. I would never refuse an audience with you Imperial folk. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Both sisters laughed. “What is it you asked after me for, Markus?” She said his name with an emphasis on the k, as if she was playing a game with the syllables in her mouth.

“Certainly! We can bond for a lifetime over the enemies of Unity, but I’ve come for a matter adjacent to that. We have conquered Ouran,” Markus replied with gusto, rallying under the banner of an ally. He tried his damndest to ignore the flirting or the mockery, but he’d be lying if he were to say it didn’t affect him. The Colonel vowed to never work as a delegate again, except for the Legio. He continued, “and we are marching on the Jade Palace of Narthan Dume as we speak. The Emperor demands the Pan-Pacific Empire’s demise and he shall have it.”

“It is part of my job to assess threats in the region and potential allies while I ensure the compliance of Ouran. Your ships have come under our auspex, so I’ve come to see what your intentions are in our theater. What are you doing here, Captain?” The Colonel’s voice took a more serious tone, resolving himself for the harder questions that he’d have to ask. Markus never had to conduct a compliance action, or integration delegation, or handle flirting before Abyssna. This was new ground for a man of his flake and it was evident on his face. His pure azure eyes never left the Captain as he spoke.

The Captain hummed to herself thoughtfully, seeming somewhat put out, and her sister fully frowned at him. “What are we doing here? We live here. The ocean is our home, and these ports are our livelihood, even if the damned Pacific Empire calls us rats and criminals for it. Have the locals not mentioned the Magpies? Or the Vultures, as they sometimes call us Crimsons?”

“I bet he hasn’t bothered talking to them much,” the Emissary added, but the Captain waved a hand dismissively.

“Magpies are traders, Markus Kaine. We travel the Great Ocean and trade, from the fertile lands of Magh Meall to the smallest towns of the wastelands to the biggest hive-cities, in food and water and trinkets and valuables and information. They call the Crimson Magpies in particular ‘Vultures,’ because we have… additional hobbies. We like to go where there’s been disasters or war.” She smiles coldly. “People in need pay more for necessities. Tired soldiers want more for distraction. And the dead leave much behind that they no longer need. Knives and forks, blankets and bed sheets, rugs, chairs- whatever we can get. That is why we are here.”

A moment of silence passed as he mulled over her words. He wasn’t a dense man. Markus knew when he had unknowingly offended someone, especially people that he had never met. Their way of life though, scavenging for what the Magpies needed on the aftermath of battlefields. It was something that he felt in his soul as someone from a Midafrik bunker-hive. No wonder they had suddenly arrived at Ouran’s docks after the slaughter that saw the hive toppled.

“Your Emissary is right, actually. I haven’t had a lot of time to discuss with the locals about those living in the Great Ocean. In fact, I come from a completely different part of Terra. Before I was part of the Imperial Army, ol’ Markus Kaine was a little scavenger boy from the citadel-hive of Xalza. I wasn’t even the first person to set boots on Ouran’s shore, poor sods,” the Colonel finally began to speak, easing off of the formality and pomp that he was growing accustomed to. His gloved hands rested comfortably at his hips, while his legs adjusted to his releasing of professional restraints. He gestured with a hand before continuing, “but I should’ve asked about the customs when I was assigned to be governor. You’ve got my apologies for that, Captain.”

“As an apology, how about we talk about setting up fair trade for the Magpies with some of the Imperial logisticae instead of trying to discern your political stance? I think you’ve got enough hate for the Pan-Pacific Empire for me to feel comfortable.” Markus proposed, a more lax tone and a more natural way of talking, breaking through the Imperial front he had to display. He certainly preferred it more than trying to forever live up to Crucias’ wants, though Kaine could already tell he’d get censured for breaking military bearing.

As his formality lapsed, so too did the two identical women watching him relax. As he finished talking, the Captain grinned at him, curling her legs up closer to her to make room on her lounging couch.

“Come sit then, Colonel. Let’s talk.

Credits: Colonel Markus Kaine @MarshalSolgriev, Crimson Magpies @mothnoodle
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Hidden 29 days ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
Avatar of MarshalSolgriev

MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

Visions of Dusk

-Enroute to the Jade Palace-

The interior of the Dunesong, a Raider assault tank, rumbled around me. Eleven other of my brothers were seated around , their bronze-black armored bodies held by tight restraints. Each was a member of my personal retinue, warriors that had seen everything from their smallest skirmish to the Siege of Ouran. Their warplate was decorated with trinkets, chains, and other baubles that were rightfully won, as was their right. They are my Black Blades, noted by their sword-like sigils on their livery and their obsidian powerswords of Nabatae. Zameel would be among them were it not for our Legion growing so rapidly.

My eyes scanned the display reflecting from my helmet. A consistent auspex ping allowed me to see everything nearby the Dunesong. My status as Legion Master, however, allowed access to the command auger. I would never cease to grow prideful at the size of the Thirteenth, our numbers rising beyond several thousand active Scorpions. My Legion easily made up the bulk of Astartes enroute to the Jade Palace of Hongol; however, I’ve noticed several other legions beginning to grow quickly. I was certain that there would be a time they rivaled our current strength or surpassed it as the First did.

The battlegroup outside of our Raider was visible to me. Hundreds of vehicles made a powerful convoy over what used to be Terra's Eurasian continent. I already knew most of the Astartes vehicles were manned by the Thirteenth, though I was aware that most of the newly acquired tanks had been gifted to the Third. In particular, I felt that the superheavy was squandered. Newblood with a powerful vehicle.

A chronometer at the top left of my view confirmed our estimated time of arrival. Fifteen hours until the Imperial Army would arrive on the outskirts of the Jade Palace. Everything from our current point to the fringe territory of Narthan Dume was the work of the newbloods. My Astartes were tasked for a different role and were allowed some amount of time to rest. It infuriated me. There was much more that we could be contributing to right now.

My Scorpions could’ve been deployed by Stormbird, dropped behind the enemy lines, and infiltrating their command bunkers. The Thirteenth could’ve laid the foundations for the invasion of the Jade Palace, scouting forward and butchering the opponent before they’d notice. Our Astartes would’ve been able to fling the gates of Hongol open, welcoming our comrades with blood soaked claws and ichor drenched blades. We were told to simply wait, by order of the Sigilite.

I felt my indoctrination and augmentations kicking in, dampening the emotions that I should’ve felt. It was a raw feeling, knowing what I should be experiencing and then observing my body repulse it. I wasn’t surprised, my humanity had always fought through the augmentations even when I became the first to accept the Thirteenth’s geneseed. A day that I’d never forget for as long as I lived.

My anger and frustration was replaced with serenity and clairvoyance. I was one of His finest weapons - a Space Marine - such thoughts were beyond my station. I relaxed into my restraints, though externally my body barely moved. Mental exhaustion had built up in my mind as a foul plague. It required purging.

+’Artoris.’+ I spoke into a private vox, garnering the attention of my lieutenant. A hooded helmet with a laurel beneath turned towards me, crimson lenses catching my own gaze. We shared a look, myriad words passing between us in wordless dialogue.

+’Understood, Legion Master.’+ Artoris responded in private, returning his gaze back to the Raider’s hull. He was a warrior of some humor. I was glad that he decided against the joke that bubbled up in his gullet.

I closed my eyes for the first time in several weeks, passing nearly into the next month. I steepled my armored fingers together in a loose clasp. My breathing slowed to a dangerous rate for a mortal. Both of my hearts started to beat lower and lower as I engaged one of my many augments. It was one of the few things that I found only the Thirteenth could harness. With a thought, my organs adjusted as one of my augmentations deactivated, allowing another to activate in its place. My body lightly shuddered beneath the power armor as I felt the fatigue of several campaigns suddenly wash over my mind. Fresh hormones spilled into my system to account for the adjustment. It mattered little as I entered a period of mental hibernation.

And I found myself in the deserts that I had dreamed of since the moment of my rebirth. The sky was an endless dusk that crossed the horizon, sparsely interrupted by storming clouds and whirlwinds of sand. The warmth of an arid land washed over his body in bliss. It reminded me of my home before I had travelled to the Himalazians to serve the Master of the Line.

Yet, this place was different. The sand was as black as charcoal with a texture closer to ash than sedimentary grit. My body felt light as a feather. The air tasted humid with chemicals unknown, though it smelled vaguely of cinnamon and salt. The mixture was acrid in my nose, but it was a comforting scent. I could see pools of black-green, sparkling liquid nearby where I would’ve expected oases of tainted water. Unseen things slithered by, ethereal as ghosts and as dark as obsidian.

Overhead, I could see stars shining through a distance belt of asteroids and debris. Between myself and the space beyond were hovering structures that clung to the sky on technology unknown to me. They wouldn’t have appeared out of place in the Achaemenid Empire, save for engines that kept them afloat. Gigantic rocks, arcing with purple electricity sporadically hung in the sky as if tossed by a demigod's invisible hand. It was a beautiful place, one that I had spent a lot of time envisioning. Even on the battlefield, I saw visions of this desert beneath my eyes.

The pleasure of witnessing such a wonderful landscape was not my reason for coming here. Something else drew me here to teach me another lesson in a tongue unknown. A language that I heard, spoke, and referenced frequently, yet I had never been able to fully comprehend it. It was a wonderful, flowery language that came off raspy on the tongues of the speakers. I had found myself tempted to speak with the Sigilite on it, but I determined whatever was happening was within the realm of possibilities that Malcador had seen.

A being entered my view, clad in a shroud of midnight hue and a bodyglove that looked closer to powered armor. A pair of orange eyes with serpentine slits poked out beneath a hood. A strange respirator covered their mouth, tubes sinking down into the suit attached to their body. I determined it was some kind of recycling system. A strange, long-barreled weapon with a large, spherical capacitor was carried in both of their hands. Another piece of wargear swayed at their hip, a blade that curved twice-over in a scale-patterned sheath.

A sense of recognition passed over me. It was an emotion that no longer surprised me in this environment for my body was not truly my own. I watched this world through the eyes of another. Whoever I watched through, I had long ago reasoned that they were extraordinarily tall. They towered over the oncoming figure, who seemed the correct size for a baseline human. I decided that this being that I observed from was even larger than an Astartes.

The figure grew closer and I realized that they were, once again, human beneath the shroud. My hand moved out, linking arms with the person who approached. Kinship. I felt it as a raw emotion. Whoever this person was, they were either a close friend, a comrade, or a family member. I mulled over the emotion and lingered closer on a family member.

They spoke at a speed natural for their tongue. It dizzied me hearing their speech patterns, but I caught some words that had been repeated in previous visions. Sands, serpents, houses, lakes, oceans. They were often mentioned with a numerical value to them, but I hadn’t fully learned what that meant. The feeling of having said them brought an emotion that spoke of friendship, joy, and slyness. Once again, I had yet to learn the names of anything here. It was as if the visions blocked out the words intentionally.

The two separated after a short embrace, running off into the black sands of the strange world. I was infinitely faster and stronger than the other one, however I felt that my host intentionally slowed themselves for their comrade. My vision turned to the person behind me, now joined by others in the same attire. I waved a hand to them, fingertips wrapped in thin metallic claws from the knuckle down. My form bent over in a swift bow before falling backwards off of a ledge. My body automatically prepared to react to the oncoming vertigo of freefall; however, it never came.

My host sailed through the air. I had long ago learned that gravity didn’t flow the same here as it did on Terra. A canyon of streaming sand and floating rock met my view as I fell. Those that followed behind me dived down towards the ground with practiced skill. It was if they had done it a thousand times over and will continue to do so.

A thousand and one grains of black sand crunched beneath my boots as I raced across the canyon. I sprinted oddly with my form slightly hunched and my limbs outstretched. Whatever the reason, I realized it allowed my host to maneuver better in this strange atmosphere. I further understood that I was hunting. My body was tensing, adrenaline shot through my nerves, and excitement funneled into my mind. The hunt was on and my host was hungry.

Time seemed to flow strangely in these visions. I had grown used to bouncing between different scenes in these visions; however, this was not one of those periods. My body moved faster than a human, faster than an Astartes, and faster than any vehicle that I had seen. Raamiz had once described the sensation of his abilities to me. It perfectly complemented exactly how I felt, moving as swift and suddenly as lightning. My host had evidently forgotten about our comrades.

The object of my hunt appeared out of black sands some three hundred meters away. It was a pitch black serpent with shining scales and an ethereal appearance to it. It gave me the impression of a giant snake or eel from Terra’s older histories. The creature had frills with charcoal membranes that coursed along its spine. It had orange, slitted eyes just like the other inhabitants of this place. These serpents I had seen before and wondered to this day if the two were linked. I did not wait long for the thing to appear before attacking it.

My mouth moved to speak words, yet I could hear nothing come of it. It soon dawned on me why that was as the serpent refused to move, seemingly hanging in the air by unseen strings. My host had commanded it to stop in a strange language or by using the wyrd. My talon-tipped fingers pierced the scales of the creature, tearing the heart out in a single swipe. I had pooled my strength into a single point and thrusted, stabbing through even the hardest substance in this world. My strength astounded me. It was only a fraction of what we could do.

I caught the carcass of the serpent in my hand as it fell limp from the sky. As if it were cut from those same unseen strings. Our comrades arrived soon after, hooting and hollering in a tongue that I had grown fond of. My body moved to embrace these warriors, exchanging a sensation of victory and celebration for a successful hunt. The emotions elicited a warm reaction in my body. This type of comradery would be worthy of the Bronze Scorpions. Perhaps they had already seen this scene before just as I had experienced the same visions.

My vision swam as the black sands, strange warriors, and serpentine carcass disappeared into darkness. I understood quickly that another place would soon form, a different type of illusion conjuring from the unknown. These were things that happened frequently in my hibernation, yet I had become accustomed to the sickening sensation of the transition. Pinholes of light began to expand at the corners of my vision, enlightening a new scene for me to witness.

The black sands of the yonder world were gone, replaced by austere walls that lightly crackled with dormant lightning. Stone tiles, carefully cut and engraved with desert motif, replaced the ground beneath my feet. Glowglobes as ancient as the vessels that sailed the Great Ocean illuminated the interior overhead. Statues of serpents, skull-faced warriors, and other unknown caricatures stood vigilant at the corners of this wide room. I realized that grains of sand still remained, yet they were scattered with infinite care. The taste of the air was sterile, the smell of strange machines lingered, and a faint coarseness rubbed against my skin.

I didn’t have time to fully investigate my surroundings as I evaded an attack. It was a strike meant to decapitate, yet my body moved in a practised manner. Before I could register the attacker, my host moved in a strange, peculiar dance that felt natural. A training sword of feeble metal sliced out from my hand, testing the attacker’s defenses before I lashed out with my other hand. The speed, the strength, and the ease of switching stances reminded me of another clade of warriors. It felt like I was attempting to copy the guardians of the Emperor, yet each attack was exaggerated greatly by my host’s latent abilities.

The attacker reared back like a viper ready to bite. They emitted an aura of wisdom, strength, and patience that I had only seen in men like the Sigilite. A skull shaped mask fully covered the man’s facial features, a dark hood pulled over his head to complete a macabre look. They wore simple robes of the same fabric I had seen before, though they wielded a simple metal cane against my host.

As I squared off with the robed man, I felt my host’s emotions vividly as if they were a tempest of the strange liquid outside. It was a feeling that I had not felt in many, many years. Storge. Familial love. The robed warrior was either a parent or a grandparent of my host as far as I could understand. I felt my lips spread in a toothy grin as I plunged back into the fray with the metal implement in my left hand. I could tell that the man was disappointed, but my host had a plan.

At the last second, I twisted my body in an unnatural way with the practice weapon swinging low and then upwards. It felt slow as I watched it, yet it was as quick as a bolt of lightning. The man had anticipated as much, deflecting my armament before I swiped the cane from him with my right hand. I felt my body begin to cackle in response to victory, yet I knew that we had yet to win. My thoughts were answered as the old man entered a strange, focused stance with his bare hands outstretched.

Between both of our eyes, neither of us could track the old man’s movement as he exploded forward on a thousand and one grains of black sand. An elbow connected with my chin, a knee against my lower thigh, and a palm against my sternum sent me flying backwards. The air was knocked from my enhanced lungs, depleting what I had previously thought was limitless. The old man corrected my assumptions as he stared down at me with glowing, azure eyes. One of his hands reached out and I accepted.

My mouth moved once more as I spoke. The old man’s mask tilted up and down slightly as he responded to my host. It felt as if the skull was a permanent fixture against his skin. We shared words though I could not understand them. The message, however, was clear to me. Underestimating an opponent that one has faced a thousand times was akin to death. Swiftness is nothing without power. A battle can change in a single instant. Never believe you are more intelligent than your enemy. All of these feelings passed through me as we spoke with the old man. It felt as if I spoke with the Sigilite himself. It left me with a strange sensation as we parted away from the elder.

I parted away from the old man, bringing myself into a bow. The elder responded in kind as the scene began to disappear once more. I felt the shudder of reality course through my form. It felt like a thousand stitches were pulled from my wounds as darkness entered my vision. This sensation was different from the others and I knew that my time in this place was over. They were never finite in their appearances, sometimes conjured up in the middle of a battle or while sneaking to an objective. These visions, however, were weapons just as I am. I felt no shame in using what I learned from these apparitions nor did I fail to impart them on my warriors. We all suffered the same specters, some more lucid than others.

It ended all the same though. Darkness consumed my sight in a shroud that my superhuman senses could not penetrate. As reality welcomed me back from hibernation, I caught the scent of cinnamon and ozone. Same as before, I casted my gaze back down into the depths that rushed up to claim me. Thirteen eyes of orange with serpentine pupils stared back. I felt the impossibility of fear for a single second before I shuddered awake.

My breathing returned to normal, my hearts steadying back into standard rhythm, and my eyes adjusted to the light pouring in from the Dunesong. I felt my insides shift as my biology adapted to the realm of wakefulness. My talon-tipped fingers uncoupled from their steeple and returned to their standard resting place by my sides. Years seemed to have passed within my unconsciousness, but my chronometer confirmed that two hours had passed in total. It was an invigorating experience brought low by the actual passage of time. I scowled beneath my helmet. It brought the attention of Artoris.

+’Excellent timing, Zaid, we just happened to receive new orders from Imperial Command.’+ The younger warrior replied. I could hear the toothy grin that had already formed on his lips. Something akin to irritation threatened to rise up from within, yet my augments stalled the emotion from fully taking form. Our emotions are a distraction, one that I was thankful to be rid of in some moments.

+’I am already aware, lieutenant.’+ I responded as I watched the orders repeat themselves over and over across my helmet’s display. The words had slipped into my mind as I had started to wake from my hibernation. What they were ordered to comply with was a welcome distraction from the rest they were forced upon. We were His weapons. We did not require rest. I switched my vox frequency with a blink, transferring instantly from private to interlegionary.

+’The Sigilite has rescinded his task, Scorpions, we are no longer to serve as serpents beneath the sand tides. Captains prepare for datapacket transfer. Sergeants begin your squad tally. The Pacificans call for their doom on Macroway 80. We shall deliver death.’+ I said through the vox, pride filtering through my helmet to the ears of the listener. A thousand and one blink-acknowledgements confirmed that my orders were received. Regardless, the Battlegroup Pacifica was still several hours out from our destination. A new noise turned my attention back to Artoris.

“What did you dream of?” The lieutenant asked outside of the private vox. It was an intentional action. He was too smart for his own good. It was why I made him lieutenant over others of the Black Blades. I felt a toothy grin begin to take root over my lips. I leaned forward and my brothers echoed the movement to listen.

On a strange world, I danced across black sands as a warden of dusk…
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Hidden 24 days ago Post by grimely
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Member Seen 6 days ago


In the immediate aftermath of the fall of Ouran, much needed to be done to set the Emperor’s newest possession to rights. A hive was like a living thing, and even the slightest delay to any of its organs would result in a catastrophe beyond the ruin that war had already brought to the city. Fed and fueled from the broader Pan-Pacific Empire that it had been wrested from, it was the duty of the Sigilites to ensure that the population was fed and returned to their toil - and that the ever-growing ranks who marched beneath the Raptor were supplied with all the necessities to continue the war upon these shores.

The Governor of Ouran had fallen in defense of his city, and his chambers had been appropriated by the conquerors for their needs. Malcador stood among a coven of Scribes-Intendent around a scale model of the hive, dutifully updated by lower ranking members of their Order to denote battle damage and supply needs. But it was not the city itself that drew his attention, but two far cruder markers on its outskirts, on nearly opposite ends.

“Summon a representative from the Felinid Auxilia, one capable of speaking for Magh Meall before me. And find this… emissary I’ve heard of, from the crimson ships circling the docks. I believe we may be able to solve our problems together,” Malcador said, stepping back from the model table to take in the view of the city from the floor to ceiling window which took up an entire wall of what had once been the Governor’s audience chamber.

His throne, a beautiful piece of carved lacquered wood inlaid with jade, had been sent to the Himalazias upon one of the first Stormbirds returning so that it may rest in the Emperor’s treasure vaults. There it would stand along with the thrones and scepters and crowns of those who had once stood as kings of the earth, and had in turn been cast down by the Master of Mankind. In its place sat a simple camp chair of the sort that was surely as ancient as war itself, well made and well worn, utterly indistinguishable from all others like it.

Such was how Malcador would greet those he had summoned, as a conquering general in the days of old.

The first to respond to his summons was a raven-haired woman, with sharp eyes and sharper smile, wearing a red dress- actually, on second glance, not a dress, but a red silk bedsheet, wrapped and pinned about her form to appear as one. She walked into the room with all the confidence of a peacock let into a barn full of hens. She tilted her head in a sardonic imitation of a bow. “I assume you are the one in charge, handsome?”

Malcador barked out a short laugh, a raspy sound as if his throat was unused to producing it. “It is good of you to announce your boldness, but you have erred on two accounts. I am but a servant of my master, and the last woman who called me handsome tried to kill me.”

The woman laughed, a sound like bells. “I’ve never killed a soul, darling, so you can trust I’m not about to do the same. Magpies don’t fight. And…” Her smile became more genuine, and she stepped closer to Malcador, into his personal space. “That makes both of us mouthpieces for higher authorities. I’m the Crimson Emissary. You are?”

“That is far more concerning, emissary. You may wish to consider your behavior, lest there be misinterpretations. The last woman who wished to share my bed tried to do far worse than kill me,” he warned, but the ghost of a smile upon his ragged face removed much of the bite. “I am Malcador, of the Order of Sigilites, servant and friend of our lord and master, the most beneficent Emperor of Humanity.”

Her eyes sharpened. “The only thing I can think of worse than death is trying to destroy your loyalty to that which you hold most dear- and I’d certainly never do that. I’m better than that. I guess you don’t know much about the Crimson Magpies, then. None of the locals told you anything? None of the kittycats?” She pulled back, just slightly. “They call us Vultures for a reason. We’re here to offer your poor, tired soldiers anything- and I mean anything- they need to… recover from such a tremendously exhausting task, and take those trinkets and household items the dead no longer need for ourselves. We don't belong to your ‘Master’... Although I’m sure we could, for the right price.” She winked.

“You are as keen as I have been told, when you wish to be,” Malcador said wryly. “Close enough to the mark at least. She tried to marry me,” he explained, in a voice of dire solemnity, before waving his free hand, the one not clutching his chained staff, as if banishing the thoughts. “It is your price that you have been summoned to discuss, but I shall be blunt. Unity is coming, and you… Magpies must choose. Whether to join, or be forgotten along with the fallen empires and nameless gods that once ruled this world.”

Her smile returned to its previous uncaring and seductive state. “Well, she can't have been as pretty as me, if marrying her would have been such a curse.” She plopped herself down directly in his lap, wrapping arms around his shoulders to steady herself and making herself comfortable. “Discussing prices is of course my favorite hobby, and the Crimson Magpies are inclined to join you. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all. Be warned that I can’t speak for all the Magpies on the Great Ocean, only for my Family and my Captain. You will need to meet with all ten Emissaries to win the loyalty of all of us.”

“I must hope that they are not all as forward as yourself,” Malcador muttered, before locking eyes with her. “Unfortunately, you are not the only one with whom I must bargain. It would not do to create a sense of undue favoritism.”

“And who might that be?” she asks, settling herself further with a grin. “And no, most of them are not this ‘forward.’ It's a Crimson tradition.”

“How did you refer to them again? The ‘kitty cats’,” the Sigilite replied, his expression as unyielding as stone.

“Oooo, I wouldn't let them hear you say that.” She laughed, slinging her legs across his lap and leaning back as if lounging on a decadent couch. “They can be rather sensitive. But they won’t mind. They’re used to me.”

The second emissary to arrive wore a simple but elegant blue-and-black suit, her jet-black hair pulled back into a tight bun, matching ears attentive as brown eyes took in the room. She had a single, gently-curving blade sheathed at her hip, peace-tied into its scabbard, and she bowed deeply at the waist. “Lord Malcador. I apologise for my tardiness. A pair of Pacifican attack fighters attempted to ambush my transport en route. They paid with their lives, of course, but it caused…undue delay.”

“The offense then is mine for having failed to secure these skies,” Malcador said gravely, the effect of his words somewhat undermined by the fact that the Crimson Emissary was still lounging in his lap, entwined about him like some sort of invasive vine.

The Emissary, for her part, made a fretful cooing noise. “Glad you made it here safe, kitty cat, your people would be worse off without you.” Despite the mocking tone of the moniker, the second half of her words had a ritual sort of weight to them.

The Sigilite simply ignored the woman, both her presence and her words, continuing on as if she hadn’t spoken. “Captain Alim of the Thirteenth Legio Astartes and I have spoken, in his dreams. Had his reports of the deeds of your Captain mac Cormac come from any lesser source, I would have considered that they may have, perhaps, been comradely exaggerations. So you see I have in fact dealt three offenses, the second for not recognizing your Captain before he left the city, and the third for obliging him to quit the field before he and his could enjoy the fruits of their victory. I have arranged for a small token as way of apology. Would you see it delivered to him?”

On cue, a junior Sigilite approached the Meallan liaison, bowing as they presented upon a cushion an ornate power sword, of the sort wielded by Pacifican elites. The very same that had nearly taken Captain mac Cormac’s head.

Her eyebrows shot into her hair and she nodded, accepting the gift, “Most gratefully, Lord Malcador. I trust, then, that our first cooperation met with your approval?”

“Indeed. In turn, I hope that Captain mac Cormac finds this gift to his liking. I may have need to call upon his particular services in the future, should he find it agreeable,” the Sigilite said with a nod. “There is a reason, however, I have called the both of you here,” he added, finally deigning to acknowledge the Emissary’s existence.

The Emissary grinned. “What, it's not just because we’re great friends?”

The Felinid Emissary raised a brow at her counterpart, then to Malcador. “Are the Vultures to join the Imperium as well, then?”

“All are to join in Unity,” Malcador said lightly. “Else it would not be worthy of the name,” he added dryly, his eyes flashing towards the Crimson Emissary for but a moment along with the faintest ghost of a smile. “Some, however, are given the choice of how, if they are capable of service. Magh Meall knows this all too well. Now has come the… Magpies’ turn to serve.”

“Once,” the Crimson Emissary amended smoothly, “we decide what price you are buying us for.” She winked at the felinid and grinned at no one in particular. “Perhaps telling us what… service… you want from us will help us decide on something we both like.”

“I assure you, Emissary, any price you name can be met,” Malcador replied in a flat tone, before turning back to the Meallan. “It is simple. Magh Meall produces both food and water in abundance. The Magpies possess a fleet of ships capable of transporting great quantities of goods. And Ouran hungers, now that we have cut it off from the empire that had supported it. My Master could, if needed, transport such necessities from Merica and Yndonesia, but you are both close at hand.”

The Emissary snorted. “Ah, you just want us to keep doing what we’ve been doing then? And this time without being hunted for it? Darling, you’re making this too easy.”

“Is that so? Excellent, then the Imperium shall continue paying the same price.”

“You seem the type to like formalizing deals in writing, ‘Lord’ Malcador.” She said the title the emissary of Magh Meall had used with only mockery in mind. “The Crimson Magpies will continue our usual lives, with no threat of arrest hanging over our heads, and in exchange this Imperium of yours will get rid of our mutual enemy, the Pacificans. Any further requests will of course require more… discussion.” She wiggled her hips to emphasize her last word, reminding him that she was, in fact, sitting in his lap.

The Meallan Emissary–Countess nic Aiblinn–was studiously pretending she couldn’t see what was happening between the Magpie Emissary and Malcador. “We would ask that the goods be paid for, of course, but otherwise this agreement is satisfactory to us, Lord Malcador.”

“I shall arrange an acceptable price with your government, Countess,” Malcador said with a gracious nod, the very picture of serenity - a serenity that was being sorely tested. “I believe, however, that I have a truculent bird to handle.”

The Countess raised her brow, opening her mouth to reply, closing it, then bowing at the waist, “Then…if there is nothing else, Lord Malcador…?”

“Quite, Countess,” the Sigilite said, once more ignoring the Emissary sprawled atop him as the Felinid bowed and left the room. “Now then. I suppose you think that was terribly fun,” he muttered as soon as the woman was out of sight.

She nodded affably, showing no signs of leaving. “And we came to a fair decision, I do believe!”

“And yet you attempt to continue negotiations,” he replied dryly.

“That-” she gestured to the door the Countess had exited through, “-was diplomacy. This-” she wiggled her hips once more, “is business! Different things, my dear.”

“Then your diplomatic role as Emissary has been completed?” he asked, raising a brow at the woman.

“Leaving me just a Crimson- and therefore always for sale.” She grinned. “Business.”

“And I had been so foolish as to think that success would have been satisfaction enough,” he mused. “But I suppose one must do business where one can.” He paused for a moment, a glint appearing in his eye. “Such is not without its uses however,” he eventually conceded, staring out at the door where the Felinid Countess had departed in a rush.

“I am not opposed to these games, when appropriate to my needs. Return tomorrow and we shall discuss payment for the services you have already rendered, and how you might be of further use to me.”

She stood abruptly, victory dripping off her every movement. “In that case, you will see me tomorrow, my lord.” She giggled, pressed a swift kiss to his cheek, and sashayed her way out the door.
Hidden 11 days ago 10 days ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
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MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 2 days ago

All This Has Happened Before

-After the Siege of Ouran-

His vision shook as their transport bounded over rubble, shattered vehicles, and other people. He couldn’t afford to look back to see what had caused their hauler to jump. He could only say a small prayer for whoever or whatever he’d ran over to get even slightly further ahead. Ahead of him were hundreds, thousands more that were as eager and desperate to escape the carnage that followed. He’d been following the macroway from the other hives in the Pacifican provinces as they fell to Imperial occupation. His wheel swerved left and right as he raced ahead of the competition, if other scared folk could even be called that.

Several of his family members were in the cabin, sobbing or praying to the skies for protection. He desperately wanted to look back at them for even a second. It would’ve bolstered his spirit a hundredfold, but he needed his eyes on the road. An armored combat vehicle sped past him as he refocused, smashing another smaller machine aside in an act of overt aggression. He didn’t doubt for a second that it was one of the military transports owned by their Empire. The turret atop it stared at the sky for a second before disappearing into a great ball of fire.

He turned the hauler hard to the left, nearly tipping over his vehicle in a last second dodge. The military wreck was already disappearing behind him as he sped forward. He didn’t check to see what had destroyed the assault transport, more important things were occurring. His family was screaming. He felt his heart beat rapidly as the sky above them started to blot with unknown, bulky shapes.

Then the first of many explosions hit hundreds of meters away from him. Each strike from the sky tore up the road, upending dozens of vehicles of varying sizes. Groundcars detonated into horrific infernos, scorching the sides of other haulers or wrecking other transports. He janked his vehicle however he could, desperately trying to avoid collisions and aerial assailants. His family never stopped screaming, ringing in his ears as much as the explosions did.

The shadows in the sky finally started to show themselves, screaming on enormous engines of flaming death. They were harbingers of doom, painted in the colors of the Imperium with depictions of an avian on their hull. Missiles were dropped from their wings, crashing into larger vehicles further ahead of his hauler. Heavy, assault weapons opened up on smaller transports, shredding them and their inhabitants into flesh-slag paste. As they dumped their munitions across the macroway, the aircraft tore off away to allow their comrades to begin bombarding anew.

He was scared. Thousands of them across the macroway were scared. Survival was their top priority as they smashed into others, hungrily descending on weaker vehicles to escape the carnage. He moved his sixteen-wheeled hauler to the right, smashing a four-wheeled groundcar beneath to merge forward into a hundred-meter lane. It made it even worse that a storm had been brewing overhead, only just now beginning to rain down upon his fellow escaping Pacificans. All he could think of was where the Empire was? Where was Emperor Dume when they needed him most?

He certainly got his answer as a missile impacted several feet away from his hauler. Time felt like it crawled as an explosion threw asphalt into the air, followed shortly by the front end of his vehicle. He couldn’t stop anything from happening as his view went from horizontal to vertical. A look behind him saw his family upended, their bodies tossed across the cabin by the attack. It was the last thing he ever saw as the Imperial attack began on Macroway 80.

Stormbirds, Stormlancers, Nightbringers, and Hannibals laced the macroway with an overbearing amount of death. Thermonuclear missiles, acid-bombs, high explosive warheads, and more destroyed everything in short strikes that upended hundreds of vehicles. Autocannons, chainguns, lascannons, and heavy stubbers pierced groundcars, tearing metal and flesh in droves. Armored transports on the ground attempted to fight back with sparse anti-air capabilities in vain. Terra was owned by the Emperor and her skies were dominated by the Raptor.

Thousands of vehicles desperately tried to escape, millions more attempted to sprint on foot to either side of the macroway. Traffic jams began to pile up as long stretches of the macroway were cluttered with wrecked groundcars or fortified by Pacifican blockades. Pacific-Imperial Tanks roared forward on treads, crushing those they swore to protect, their turrets aimed backwards to engage. Mechanized assault chassis crawled on four-legged mounts, their arms stretched to the sky with barrels that sang death. Self-propelled artillery desperately tried to stop where they could, unload, and move again at the urging of their commanders. Pandemonium was the flavor of Macroway 80.

It was a flavor that Lord-Commander Crucias delighted in when it affected his enemies. He stood within the wide cockpit of his superheavy behemoth as it raced across three lanes of the Macroway. His throne was an austere seat with snaking conduits and a variety of voxhailers on either arm. Ten members of his staff worked the terminals around him, each with their eyes glued to a pict-screen and their hands slaved to a runeslate. Fifteen other souls captained his fearsome vessel, operating other vital tasks throughout the tank.

He was not alone in his hunt. Hundreds of vehicles chased beyond his reach, dozens of others rushed alongside him with their cannons ablaze. Malcadors rumbled forward on grinding treads. Warwalkers sprinted out on bipedal feet of steel. Dracosans screamed out with their cabins full of auxilia. Minotaurs lumbered behind with heavy, artillery cannons. Basilisks roared to life with the horrendous boom of their carronades. Baneblades menacingly crawled behind, their turrets filling the streets with death. It was one of the largest Imperial armored convoys that Wolfgang had ever seen.

It wasn’t even close to the amount the Astartes had brought. Hundreds more dared ventured beyond his reach. Raider assault tanks carrying genewarriors screamed forward, their main cannons demolishing the Pacifican retreat. Predators roared out with their guns, reaching what the Malcadors couldn’t. Rhinos paved over thousands of wrecks, their prows blunted by burning metal. Assault bikes barked, whirling forward with the excitement of their seated Space Marines. Mastodons followed shortly behind the mortal convoy, their hulls filled to the brim with known and unknown giants.

If Wolfgang had been a more compassionate man, then he would have agreed that this was overkill; however, Lord-Commander Crucias drank in the sight of Imperial victory. He reflected on the days where they could amass a convoy of twenty vehicles at most. Now, he could understand the vision that the Emperor foresaw with a force as mighty as this.

A thermonuclear explosion erupted thousands of miles away, visible as a mushroom cloud in the sky. The cockpit rumbled violently as a shockwave passed over their armored hull. Dozens of groundcars floundered into the Imperial convoy, mulched beneath gun and tread. Their own vehicles were better off, each expecting the detonation to shake the macroway. The trap had been set. The aeronautica division had accomplished their goal.

+‘Command Primus to Battlegroup Pacifica. The Pacifican retreat has been cut off by the brave pilots of the Imperium. As of this moment, Operation Thundering Annihilation is now in effect. All commanders are now detached to their subcommand. To the hunt!’+ Lord-Commander Crucias stated as the voxhailers were activated, spreading his word across the entire battlegroup. Dozens of men and women responded with their war cry, others affirmed with simple responses. His eyes were pulled to the cartolith forward of his throne, observing as different groups of vehicles separated.

In particular, Wolfgang watched as three separate groups of Astartes-manned vehicles detached from the main force and accelerated down the macroway. He didn’t need an adept to tell him who they were. The Fifth, the Eighth, and the Thirteenth Legio Astartes spoke for themselves. Their Mastodons remained behind, crewed by dozens of other Legios who have yet to taste combat. A smile crossed his lips as the Dunesong, Raider Assault Tank of the Thirteenth, led the charge into the enemy.

+‘Good hunting, old friend.’+ A final vox was sent out before Lord-Commander Crucias adjusted his gaze to the battlefield immediately around him.

Legion Master Zaid hovered over the pilot and co-pilot as their Raider charged through a groundcar several times smaller than them. Metal and flesh were crushed beneath the giant treads of the assault tank. He grit his teeth as he felt the primary cannon open up, annihilating a Pacifican tank with superhuman ease. His nostrils filled with the smell of ozone as lascannon sponsons pierced through armored transports, spilling bodies out into the macroway. They were excelling against the Pacificans.

They were also out of their element. His Scorpions were not tank commanders or ace pilots. They were weapons of carnage in the dark places of Terra that needed them. His warriors were meant for annihilating foes with claws, daggers, and bolters. Metal boxes did not suit them. He started to grow envious of those on assault bikes before his indoctrination quelled myriad emotions. His eyes snapped to the auspex on the center console, enlightening him to the vehicles around.

Five other Raiders formed a speartip around the Dunesong, trailed by ten Predators, and flanked on both sides by dozens of assault bikes. Every vehicle was roaring with the songs of battle, their armaments singing death to the retreating Pacificans with glee. Bike-mounted Astartes particularly followed this dirge, slamming powered weapons into drivers and causing chaos in spaces the main convoy could not. Zaid nodded in approval. The serpent that dances is the serpent that eats, he thought with annoyance. Fresh words from beyond.

+‘Legion Master Zaid to all other Astartes formations, rally on the Dunesong and prepare for annihilation. We aim for the throat of the retreat. Ready yourselves for a purge.’+ He spoke across the interlegionary vox, finally taking the reins of the subdivision that Crucias had handed him. It was a last minute decision by the Battlegroup, a choice made purely by experience and time over expertise, or perhaps it was the Lord-Commander’s attempt at mockery.

His thoughts came to a close as the pilot perked up. Zaid switched his view away from the auspex to the feed outside of the vehicle. Another blockade had been rallied several hundred meters away from them complete with artillery pieces, tanks, movable bunkers, and several bipedal mechanized chassis ready for them. He snarled beneath his helmet as the Dunesong rapidly approached the blockade.

+‘Give them no quarter. Murder them all.’+ Legion Master Zaid ordered over the vox, his muted aggression evident in his tone and his actions. The formation began to fan out from a speartip to a wide line of assault vehicles, their weapons ready to unload.

As reports of exchange of fire and casualties and reports of munition expenditures ran across the screens of and HUDs of the detachment of the Fifth, they knew that their time was coming. Relative to the assault bikes and aircraft of the nascent Imperium, the termites were glacially slow. But they were unstoppable, and they would reach out to their destinations eventually. Rising, rising, rising, they got ever closer until the explosions on the surface could be felt as gentle vibrations in the seats of the Legionnaires. Closer, closer, closer. Finally the drill tips of their vehicles pierced the earth and triumphantly came upon light of the day.

They would appear right in the middle of the formation of the fleeing Pacificans, eating out the heart of the retreat. The attackers would in some cases appear with such precision that they would be right beneath vehicles of the Pacific folk. Tanks, trucks, and much larger artifice would be flipped over, or in the case of some particularly super-heavy constructs the termites would bore right into them before they would empty themselves of their deadly contents.

Typically, the Fifth had an aversion to melee combat. Most of its commanders reasoned it was better to kill the enemy from the comfort of your own position. But in this instance, hundreds of its warriors would charge with paired chainaxes, hopping onto vehicles to rip off their hatches and slaughter their inhabitants or simply drop a krak grenade into an exhaust pipe. Where before there was an attempt at an organized retreat with fire returned towards the sky and ground alike, the Pacificans suddenly found Imperial transhumans right in their midst. Vehicles trailing smoothly suddenly found themselves forced to brake, often causing a pile-up as the ones behind them could not slow down safely and crashed into one another. Air-defence vehicles previously focusing on maintaining fire skyward while being relatively safe from ground troops now had inhumanly fast beasts rushing into the gunner’s seat to turn them into mulch.

But the proverbial cherry on top would be brought by specialist teams dislodged from the termites, sprinting across the battlefield (or riding captured vehicles) and simply leaving behind themselves trails of mines. Similarly some would use piloted tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to fire on adjacent ones creating a wave of panicked friendly fire. At last, these specialists would (if time and opportunity would permit) simply push destroyed vehicles with hands to present their widest parts to the oncoming procession of other Pacificans. Great unavoidable barricades forcing there a crash, or for the retreating foemen to funnel themselves into tighter and tighter lines to make them more susceptible targets for Imperial artillery and air strafes.

Legion Master Pho Scraphurst was in many ways similar to his counterpart in Legion Master Zaid in that tank warfare was generally not his domain. However, as he stood with his hands held behind his back while observing the vast array of combat data that was being steamed to him from his position in the Raider ‘Wrath Dragon’, he couldn’t help but find the destructive power of the armored tanks at his legions disposable rather enduring.

While the 8th’s armored core was currently intermingled with that of Scorpions in the pursuit of the destruction of the enemy, Legion Master Scraphurst was considering the wider tactical picture. This action was clearly a show of force from the Imperium and he was all for that, but having lived almost all of his mortal life inside of a hive city, Legion Master Scraphurst understood some fundamental truths about them.

One of which was that even under the best of circumstances, the logistics of basic commodities required for human life tended to be a hectic affair. A hive city under siege that had just prior to said siege being flooded with refugees from a different hive… it was a recipe for revolts, riots and infighting as the desperate and hungry masses turned on each other to live.

So it was that the Legion Master of the 8th sent a private vox message to Legion Master Zaid, since for all intents and purposes the man was in charge of this operation.

+‘Possible secondary objective. Having enemy strongholds being overwhelmed by combat worthless refugees would be beneficial to future actions. Requesting that we capture refugees so that they can be grouped by the hundred so that ninety nine of each group can be blinded while the last can have both hands removed instead. Goal being to have the blind led by the handless towards remaining Pan-Pacific hives to deny conscription and waste enemy resources.’+

Fools,” Master Zaid exclaimed with a snarl. His order had been explicit. The younger legions never seemed to meet his expectations. His view was disrupted by the arrival of the Fifth, breaking through groundcar and Pacifican barricade alike with termite assault drills. He was duly thankful that the Eighth were obedient enough to keep in formation. That’d be enough for their part. The pilot of the Dunesong moved his head slightly to affirm their destination. “Activate chaff launchers and plow through those that have given themselves to the Emperor as willful weapons. Evade as required. Their sacrifices will be noted.”

The Dunesong took the lead as impact cannons and stubberfire peppered the Astartes’ mixed armored convoy. Launchers on the prow exploded outwards, ejecting fragmentation across the crumbling asphalt. Both of its lascannons pierced through a battle tank. They would never know if it was a captured ally vehicle or truly an enemy. The rest of the Thirteenth followed behind in assault transports of their own, spitting assault cannons and blaring heavy flamers from their sponsons. Their machines stretched across the entire length of Macroway 80 as a line of vengeance and death. Groundcars were demolished beneath tread, refugees and soldiery butchered by churning chainsword, and blockades annihilated by concentrated fire far beyond their expectations.

They weren’t without consequences. Assault bikes were flipped, torn into explosive fireballs by stray cannon shots. Predators were grounded to a halt by spike traps. Rhinos were upended by mines, placed by ally and foe alike. The Astartes of the Fifth were run through without thought by the Thirteenth. Raiders crunched over the carcass of the termite assault drills, blackened by Pacifican fire and Space Marine obliteration. Only those that had scattered in time or entered captured vehicles were lucky. The others were flung across the macroway, squished by assault tank tread, or caught unaware by overlapping lascannon fire. Their screams and cries were drowned out by hundreds of monstrous, promethium-chugging machines. As the formation pushed through the blockade and the Fifth’s arrival, they continued unattested on the next stretch.

+‘Denied. Double your efforts on the slaughter. The more that die here, the less reinforced the Jade Palace will be. I’d expect a Legion Master to know that,’+ Zaid responded in the private vox, hostility plain on his tongue. The objective would’ve been adequate for any other techo-barbarian state. Ursh and the Pan-Pacific Empire were different, more than willing to turn refugees into monsters. Better for them to die as smears on asphalt than become twisted creatures. He was reminded that psycho-indoctrination could only do so much for these warriors. The Legion Master switched his vox frequency with a blink, returning to wider force communications.

+‘Third, begin flanking runs on the Macroway onboard ramps. Fifth, account for your losses and fall into formation. Eighth, prepare long ranged munitions for vehicle pile-ups.’+ The Legion Master of the Thirteenth growled over the interlegionary voxnet. He watched the expanse fill with Pacifican transports and tanks that had begun to fallback. Several hundred meters of open lanes were ripe for exchanging fire. A toothy grin grew over his lips as he realized they were beginning to enter a zone mortalis. We still have more to throw at you, he thought with pride.

+‘Ninety-Ninth, Hundredth. You are clear for bombing runes from Zone Astartes-Primus to Zone Omega-Egress. Destroy their offramps. Funnel them further in and bring them to me.’+ He barked across the vox, instantly switching the frequency to air command with a blink. The zone began to close as the Pacificans furiously churned towards the advancing Astartes machines.

The voice that answered over the comm was a female voice, tinged with an accent from the former lands of the Ethnarchy, and level with concentration as she answered, +‘Roger that, directing runs on your targets. We shall have them hemmed in before you know it.’+

The orders that came from that woman, the ever dutiful Commander Marta Kodrikadze, were just as simple as that. Destroy the offramps, box the convoy in. Captain Iakob Svanadze liked orders that were as simple as that. And even better than that was the fact that there was practically nothing in the sky to oppose them. Any scattered fighter opposition was well off their course, being beaten back by their sibling unit and all the other fighter wings in the area. So confident was the Imperium in its air superiority that some of their fighter escort was even carrying missiles and bombs to carry out strafing runs alongside them.

A fact which Captain Nadia Savchuk of the 99th certainly seemed to be unhappy about. Even now, she couldn’t help but get a word in edgewise over the vox, “Running with so many weapons makes me feel like I’m all tied down…”

Captain Svanadze scoffed at that to himself, marveling at how much she was able to complain about that, whilst not sparing a thought to how dangerous the job of the bomber crews was. But he wasn’t about to entertain it, so he scolded his escort’s captain with a simple, “Cut the chatter.” Then, switching from the vox to the internals, he asked his navigator, “Pilot to navigator, have we got our waypoint from HQ?”

The navigator answered affirmatively, “Roger, pilot, waypoint just came in. Marking target…now.”

On Iakob’s console, the direction toward their designated offramp lit up, telling him exactly what heading they needed. Seeing that they were already on course, his co-pilot commented, “Oh, this is going to be easy.”

Iakob scolded the co-pilot at that, “Don’t you dare get complacent on me, Ramaz. You know damn well how many things can go wrong, and you know damn well it only takes one to end up dead. Head on a swivel, stay as focused as ever.”

Ramaz nodded weakly, not coherent enough to say anything back. Fine by Iakob, he would rather have his head in the game than in chewing out a complacent crew. And head in the game he was, as he took the ship in for the approach. And sure enough, as they approached, scattered flak fire was aimed up at them, a largely vain attempt to stop their run. Iakob knew they were already too close, with too little opposition, for the run to be stopped. Nevertheless, that didn’t discount the possibility that he could lose people. Wanting to avoid that if at all possible, Iakob made sure to check with the crew member that had the best visual of the ground, “Pilot to ball turret, SITREP.”

“Ball turret to pilot, we’ve got plenty of active AA down there! Going to have to make this quick!”

Iakob swore. It could never be all that simple, could it? He knew it couldn’t. “Roger. Bombardier, how soon to target?”

“Bombardier to pilot! One minute to target!”

“Roger, bombardier. Your ship, then.”

This was it, the approach to deliver their nuclear payload. Around them, the 99th dove in to rain missiles and light bombs onto the offramp below, drawing a good deal of the flak away from the bombers. It almost felt karmic that this time, Savchuk was more likely to take losses than he was.

But before Iakob could think any more about how it felt to have the roles reversed, one of his squadron’s pilots called out, “Captain, my ship’s taken a hit! Ball turret’s fused shut, AA’s bearing down on us!”

Iakob had to make a call. Wave that ship off and ensure their payload would not reach its target, or keep them moving and potentially sacrifice their ship entirely. He knew that the “orthodox” approach would have been the sacrifice play.

Iakob decided that the orthodox approach would get a ship and all its crew killed. That was a price he wasn’t going to pay this time. If anyone had any problems with that, he’d take full responsibility. The hell with it. “Get out of there. Dump your payload and make your escape.” The ship obeyed, dropping its payload of bombs short of the target, and veering off.

The rest of the ships continued the approach, and Iakob had nothing to do but wait until bomb release from the bombardier. Even as they approached, the ship was rattled by flak, with shrapnel even lodging itself in the hull at one point. But finally, mercifully, the call came in, “Bombardier to pilot, bomb release!” The payloads streaked downward toward the offramp, and the whole thing went up in ash and smoke, cratered from the incredible ordnance that had rained down on it.

Receiving control of his craft again, Iakob banked away from the scene of destruction, and called back over the vox to the ground forces, +‘This is the Hundredth, we’ve boxed them in some more. Give them hell.’+

The troops of the Fifth had little that could truly be called formation, so the order to come into one was met to outright laughter in their ranks, though one soul just about managed to reply with a “Confirmed.” shortly after it was issued. A few still had functional termites to retreat to, once more submerging themselves after cursory repairs and collection of the wounded. For a lot of them, coming into formation simply meant holding onto the speeding vehicles of allied troops by a single hand while the rest of their bodies flailed or even dragged in the dirt as their other hand was preoccupied holding a weapon of some sort. Still, those that could would enter the captured vehicles of the foe, albeit after making brief markings on them and entering them into the Imperial IFF records. A few however, remained behind. Carrion, picking over the fallen for interesting pieces of technology, and of course, people.

Master Scraphurst didn’t seem to respond to the rather angry snarls of his superior beyond a simple +‘Understood’+ before swapping from the private channel with the emotionally unstable Master Zaid and turned towards the channel for the 8th legion forces present.

+‘All 8th forces maintain formation while preparing long range munitions. The Legion Master of the Scorpions has made it clear that this is a purge mission. Spare no one and be through.’+

Pho went quiet as he simply paid attention to the battle reports coming in. Zaid’s belittlement hadn’t annoyed him as much as it could have, largely because he had dealt with idiots like him before all his life. Zaid’s time would come, but for now he would show that he and his legion could follow orders and get the job done.

… A fact that put them above the Fifth in his eyes. They seemed so willing to throw away their lives for stupid shit and clearly couldn’t follow an order worth a damn. They reminded him of dens of chem heads, because you couldn’t really call a bunch of idiots too high on who knows what a ‘gang’.

The zone mortalis between the oncoming Astartes and the stalwart Pacifican armored rearguard shortened until there was no distance between the two. The techno-barbarian tanks shot off with a level of desperation that was correct for their situation. Many shots went wide, veering from sheer terror or imprecise calculations made in the final seconds of the Imperial advance. The few that managed to land saw their own captured vehicles explode, assault bikes engulfed in explosive clouds, or Raiders riddled with enough fire to peel the first layer of their reinforced hull.

The quickly adapted rearguard was never meant to last. A final struggle to defend those they were sworn to protect. The lead Astartes vehicles rammed into the Pacifican armor with the force of a demigod. Raiders crunched over smaller Pan-Pacific buggies, captured tanks of the Fifth annihilated armored transports, and the long ranged fire from the Eighth saw the rearguard shorten significantly. Cannon blasts from Predators saw tanks flip, skid, or outright explode. Shots that had appeared to miss their tanks zoomed past the guard, detonating into the mass of groundcars still desperately fleeing. The damage on their morale was visible as stubberfire responded in vain to the Astartes vehicles.

It was a wholesale slaughter. Each of the desperate armored vehicles of the Pan-Pacific Empire were crushed by brutalistic zeal. Those that attempted to survive through evasion maneuvers only suffered boarding by the raucous battle bands of the Fifth. Those that managed to escape far enough away from the Fifth were crushed by the Eighth’s devastating munitions. There was no escape. Only death awaited them face-to-face with the Astartes of the Imperium.

They broke. Some vehicles raced off of the macroway by attempting to smash through the safety barricades. A few were successful, falling off the massive highway to explode far below in the ruined depths. Most simply collided with ceramic blockade, disabling their transports and suffering a quick death by Imperial tread. The battle appeared to be won for the Imperials as the rearguard was annihilated, allowing free reach into the thousands of meters of unprotected citizen-piloted groundcars.

Legion Master Zaid nodded in satisfaction. After the initial roping in of the other legions, the rest of the assault was progressing as planned. He could feel both of the Fifth and Eighths' frustrations through their single worded replies in the way only a genewarrior could understand. To him, it was enough that they continued to fight with some semblance of a coherent combat force. The newbloods will learn eventually, he thought as fleeing groundcars entered his view.

As the Dunesong began to accelerate into the first of the hundreds of thousands of vehicles, Zaid felt something prickle on his neck. He realized that the Pacifican response had been lackluster. Where were their biomechanical monstrosities, genewarrior blademasters, or their legendary quadrupedal machine-titans? Where were the macroweapon tanks, their offshore bombardment fleet, or their dive-bombers? His eyes widened as the epiphany grew on him. The Legion Master’s teeth grit together in frustration. They’d always planned to sacrifice their people.

+‘Battlegroup Astartes, we’ve fallen into a trap-’+ Legion Master Zaid had started to say over the vox as something fired from an impossibly far distance. His enhanced sight honed in on the projectile that had launched. It was neither a missile nor was it a bomb. It was a shell with a diameter large enough to flatten a significant portion of a hive city. He barely had time to react before the macroway behind them collapsed under the weight and explosion of the macroround.

Dozens of automated responses filtered through his helmet as lifelines were flattened all across the Battlegroup. The voxnet was filled with chaos as a macroweapon had exploded an entire section of their own mega-infrastructure. Reports came in instantly from both ends of the theater. Astartes and mortals alike suffered a wealth of casualties. Only the Fifth were saved from the carnage as they rallied forward on captured equipment. Zaid felt his blood boil.

+‘Hundredth! Ninety-Ninth! Expect oncoming resistance. Get me eyes on the oncoming Pacificans! All other units, accelerate or evade in the name of the Emperor!’+ He cursed himself for becoming lax in the height of an assault. Zaid hadn’t even considered that Hongol would fire on the macroway. The Astartes felt he had to compliment their Emperor on his efforts. It was something their own Emperor would do.

Of the Legions, the 8th suffered the brunt of the casualties of the Macroweapon. Having hung back in order to provide long range support, they had been somewhat closer to the impact zone. In an instant, almost three fourths of their force was gone, wiped from the face of existence in a flash or plummeting down into the abyss as the macroway gave out under them.

Of those that remained, a distressing amount of armored support were either rendered inoperable or were now stuck on the wrong side of the chasm that used to be a macroway. The damage that the blast had done hadn’t erased them from existence like those who had been closer to the impact, and as such survivors were slowly pulling themselves out of the wreckage in various states of stunned. The Raider ‘Wrath Dragon’ itself exploded in a wave of further devastation, killing or wounding those who had been unfortunate enough to be near it…

Which made the fact that its ramp was forced upon and Astartes pouring out of the wreckage all the more impressive. The crew was dead, but of the twelve Astartes that had been traveling within ten managed to get out in various states of combat readiness. One of which was Legion Master Scraphurst, alive, well and recovering from the utter shock of what had happened.

Shaking his head before slapping his helmet a few times to knock some screws back into place, he barked over the vox +‘Status report! Who's still alive?!’+

After a few moments of reports coming in from those in a variety of states of shock, Pho had a fairly solid idea of the situation… and taking a moment to compose himself, he swapped back to the private vox channel with Zaid. +‘Zaid, I’m giving you direct command of what armour we’ve got that’s still operational. You’ll be interacting with my second in command, Commander Vaarars from now on. I’ll be continuing on foot and won’t be able to command the armour as quickly or accurately from this position. Give those Pacifican fucks my regards while we clean up the stragglers.’+

With an order over the vox, command of the 8th’s armour was transferred over as those that could move and fight surged forward in order to keep up with the tank forces of the other legions while Pho rallied those who now had to go on foot. “Gentlemen… I am in a really bad mood right now. Let’s go and make it someone else’s problem. Praetor Muckstead, with me.”

After internal bickering and the vaguely most popular leader was selected, a very simple reply came from the appointed commander of the Fifth present, given that Captain Hjaller was now a small black stain on the battlefield. “Are present forces truly sufficient? It might be wise to retreat given the… predicament our allies are in.” The voice finished, chuckling. They’d proven they were no cowards, indeed going for nigh suicidal efforts. But this could be outright futile if another salvo of that mystery weapon came forth.

Legate nic Leir raised the magnoculars to her eyes with a grimace. Was this truly the best the Imperium’s vaunted Astartes had to offer?

Her force had debarked the previous morning and driven through the night, sleeping in shifts, with infantry desanting on the hulls. The ridge they’d arrived on had been some kind of public park, once, but was now pockmarked with rubble, shattered boughs, and shell craters. It wasn’t a perfect position, but it was better than driving into a killbox.

+“We’re not wedging ourselves into that suicide rush. All vehicles take extreme spacing. I don’t want to lose half our force to a single shot from that monster.”+ She clicked the vox on her chest, +“Towed artillery, mark target zones ahead of the convoy, staggered intervals. Fire at discretion as it approaches. Maximum yield. All tanks, elevate main cannon for indirect fire. Select targets; fire at discretion. Infantry, you’d better get back and plug your ears.”+

The force dispersed itself as ordered, lighter tanks moving forward to provide screen against any stragglers while the infantry kept their distance; within a minute the force was ready, and the deafening report of an ungodly quantity of heavy artillery rolled across the wastes.

Volkite and nuclear ordnance slammed into the causeway, obliterating swathes of civilian targets, sending vehicles careening, trucks flipping up onto their sides and rolling, metal crumpling as shrapnel shredded through drivers and passengers alike. Impacts gouged holes in the highway, causing further casualties by simple loss-of-control. They had far more free rein in their massacre than they had any right to-–no one on the highway had expected another force to arrive in the midst of the battle and begin raining death down on them from the flank, and many of the fleeing Pacificans were too locked into the adrenaline-fuelled fight-or-flight haze to even register that the fire was coming from anywhere but behind or above, as it already had been.

+”This is Legate nic Leir to whichever Imperial forces aren’t dead on that highway; I’m buying you some breathing room. Don’t waste it.”+

Meanwhile, up above, Captain Kotrikadze found himself in a bit of a predicament. With that thing on the field now, their ability to get back to base was now in jeopardy. Never mind that the macroweapon had now bought Pacifican flak guns plenty of time to start pelting his unit’s ships as they tried to RTB and rearm. Yes, there would be a wave coming in after them, but that would matter only so much if his wave all bit it. He had to know how far until they made it back, “Pilot to navigator! How far until we can RTB safely?”

His navigator responded, “Too fucking far, to put it simply! Flak guns are all opening up on us, we’re not gonna make it at this rate!”

Suddenly, the top turret gunner called out, “Alasania’s ship just took a hit! An engine’s on fire!”

Iakob cursed, but tried to keep his cool, “Are they bailing?”

After several agonizing moments, the gunner confirmed, “Yes, sir, looks that way! I see parachutes!”

Here was hoping they could make it back to Imperial lines. Iakob shuddered to think what would happen if the Pacificans got them instead. But that was a “later” concern. Right now was for getting the hell out of there.

A task made more complicated when the flak suddenly stopped. Iakob knew this part all too well, “Keep an eye out for those fighters…”

The top gunner called out just moments later, “Incoming on our six! Lots of ‘em!”

Several of the 99th’s fighters turned back to engage, but it was all they could do just to keep the bombers mostly untouched. A few fighters got through them anyway, and Iakob simply could not blame them…for once. His ship’s guns opened up, and several enemy fighters went down under the hail of fire, but even more were making it past and delivering hails of fire. One ship burned up and exploded right in front of Iakob, and he had little choice but to steer past the wreckage. He didn’t even bother asking whether anyone had seen parachutes; no one could have survived that.

One of his Lieutenants, Abakelia, then came in over the vox, +“Captain, we aren’t going to make it home to rearm at this rate. I’m breaking off with my element to engage the macroweapon.”+

Iakob’s eyes bulged wide at that, +“Are you insane?! You will get yourselves killed for nothing! You don’t have the firepower!”+

+“We have the mass, sir. And you’ll get to go home.”+

+“You won’t!”+


Iakob could sense that the Lieutenant had accepted this, and would not be swayed. Gritting his teeth, he accepted the loss too, +“Solid copy. Make them hurt.”+

As Abakelia’s element broke off and turned around, Iakob saw the fighters leave his remaining people be, leaving them a clear path back to base. Those four ships now barreled toward the macroweapon, covered by the 99th’s escort fighters. They now had a much easier time covering the remaining ships, ensuring that they’d reach their ramming target.

As Iakob exited the hot zone, putting the combat behind him, he vowed to make sure their sacrifice would be worth it.

A brave sacrifice. Comradery was staunch amongst the bombers of the Hundredth as they passed over the convoy. Flak riddled their underbellies as they sailed up and down over Macroway 80. As the heavy aircraft reached the point of no return, they crept dangerously into the forward portions of the macroway. Fleeing civilians, armed escorts, and myriad military vehicles continued to fill the stretch as they were bombarded by the Meallans from afar. Small arms fire tried to stop the sacrificial members from afar to no avail, simply watching as they grew closer and closer to their target.

A wide wall of dense, black smog blanked their destination. Hundreds of rising silhouettes grew as they sailed through the air. Walls as wide and tall as the smallest mountains of the Himalazians rose beneath them. Great square bastions with sloped roofs stared out every several thousand meters across the leviathan curtains. Unknowable weapons of titanic build situated themselves on these heavily fortified castles, aiming out at everything and anything that dared.

Even these paled in comparison to the spires. The first aircraft witnessed their palatine beauty through the smog as they were shot down. Crisscrossing fire of volkite, las, and ballistics saw them crash into ravines that served as a hive-city moat. The assault came from everywhere. Habblocks, spires, passerbys, guardians, and more opened up on those that sought to dare. The final few perished as the wall-mounted macroweapons unloaded their insane ordinance into the sky with advanced precision. Those brave souls of the Hundredth perished unable to complete their objective. They never even got close to Narthan Dume’s advanced domain.

As the final aircraft began to crash into the ravines, they witnessed a titan of a gatehouse begin to rumble. Gates as large as several superheavy tanks stacked fifteen high slid apart. The final members of the kamikaze attack would’ve thought it’d be for the fleeing civilians. No such sympathy existed in the Pan-Pacific Empire. Thousands of vehicles were instantly vaporized or crushed beneath the quadrupedal legs of a mechanical nightmare. The ground rushed to meet them as it sped out of Hongol’s gates at unknown speeds.

+‘Legate nic Leir, you’re heard by Battlegroup Pacifica lead, Lord-Commander Crucias of the Tenth Excertus Imperialis.’+ Wolfgang said over the vox as he held a hand against his head. The sudden bombardment from Hongol had seen the entire armored convoy, stretched out over five-hundred miles of macroway, sliding to a sudden stop. An open wound bled slowly from his temple. It was the least of his worries as several officers lay unconscious or perished from the collision.

It had all happened in several seconds as the stretch between the main force and the genewarrior vanguard disappeared into an atomic plume. Chaos ensued as dozens of his forward tanks, armored transports, and artillery had disappeared into the depths of Terra’s ruins. Thirteen of the sixteen lanes had been demolished in the attack, nearly forcing them off the macroway completely. The numbers were still coming in from the wounded, dead, or missing that had been lost in the attack. It was a miscalculation to think that Narthan Dume wouldn’t have attacked his own infrastructure.

Now, as his officers of the Fangs of the Wolf recovered, Lord-Commander Crucias had to rapidly adapt their strategies. Especially now with the two forces divided by thin bridges of Macroway 80. It’d take several days to repair, refit, and continue on their way to Hongol. His hands were weaving across the hololith as he adjusted the routes of his convoy, leaving several hundred vehicles behind to take shelter away from Narthan Dume’s defenses. Every single tank, transport, support train, and artillery piece were micromanaged across the chasm on careful treads. He found himself thankful that the Meallans hadn’t fully integrated into their command structure. If they had, then no doubt they would have suffered the same fate ahead of them.

+‘The Pan-Pacific Empire won’t stop at that. Be prepared for anything. Continue to hamper the enemies movement as we establish a reinforcement corridor with Battlegroup Astartes.’+ He continued speaking after sending a datapacket flying through their interconnected systems. It was less an order and more of a statement. The Lord of the Black Wolves had no time to dance on professionalism between autonomous forces. If the Sigilite’s information had been correct, then even the foreign Meallans would have access to their command network. A small part of him wanted to scowl at the thought that they served equal to him, yet he pushed it aside in the name of Unity.

+‘Command Primus to Battlegroup Pacifica. All orders have been dispatched via datapacket. Follow as required and watch the skies. Anticipate swift enemy retaliation. All airwings, prepare for bombing runs on Hongol.’+ Lord-Commander Crucias spoke through the command vox, responded by several affirmations by dozens of armored platoon commanders. The airwings were slower to respond, knowing full well what the Imperial commander was requesting. There was little that the ground force could do to halt further attacks from a macroweapon. It would prove sufficient enough as the Battlegroup entered a phase of repair and recuperation.

+‘Legion Master Zaid, you and the other Astartes are now the bulwark against the oncoming Pacifican threat. I wish you luck, old friend,’+ He switched communications to the legionary vox. Crucias understood the order that he was giving. As a commander, he’d given out several hundreds of times before. Stop the enemy advance, no matter what it is. Wolfgang didn’t have the courage to say the last words. Die well, he thought grimly as his superheavy tank rolled forward.

+‘Acknowledged.’+ Legion Master Zaid responded to Pho as the Dunesong accelerated through the debris of the Pacifican rearguard. The sudden launch of artillery from the east was a welcome sign of competency from the Meallans. As much as he dreaded their abhuman existence, Zaid acknowledged their achievements in Ouran. He didn’t have a choice in that matter. Alim had said the words himself during his surgeries.

The interlegionary vox was alive with the sounds of countless reports. He could only ignore it all as the Pacificans dared to make a push against the hampered Astartes. The only statistic he could afford to watch was the number of active vehicles and active infantry still roaming their side of the macroway. Across sixteen lanes they’d spread out in an attempt to recover from the macroweapon attack. Zaid was thankful that it was only a single shell and not a cavalcade of enormous ballistics. Narthan Dume still had a use for his infrastructure.

What affected him most was Wolfgang’s final words. An unsaid goodbye that was common through wartorn Terra. He’d known the commander for long enough to smell a sacrificial order. Zaid would’ve done the same. His lips curled into a snarl as he blink-activated the vox again. The Legion Master reinforced his soul for the rebellious replies by the other Astartes.

+‘Battlegroup Astartes, we’ve been tasked to be the bulwark into Hongol. All pursuit from this moment forward is null. Make peace with yourselves for we stand against Narthan Dume’s counterattack.’+ Legion Master Zaid ordered. He was never afraid to throw away lives when necessary. This, however, was different. To the Lord of the Thirteenth, it felt like he was being pushed into a last stand. Miles of Pacificans ahead with no offramps to egress, each destroyed by bombers and artillery. Thousands of Imperials behind him slowly lumbering their way over the macroweapon-made crevasse. A coiled serpent caught in black sands.

The first wave came to them as a smattering of tanks and transports that managed to somehow evade the onslaught from the Meallans. They were few in that wave, battered beyond repair and limping to achieve their mission. Those Astartes that still had functioning vehicles made quick work of them from a distance. Their treads had since stopped, maneuvering into a defense line across the sixteen lanes with Raiders at the front, Predators between, and Rhinos behind. Those devoid of vehicles prepared themselves for inevitability, unholstering heavy weapons from those transports that remained.

Legion Master Zaid anticipated the enemy as they arrived. It was impossible to not see the lumbering thing as it barreled down Macroway 80. From nearly a hundred miles, emerging from the far-off smog that clung to Hongol, it came. All sixteen of the lanes were encompassed by its leviathan mass. Four great legs of advanced, reinforced plasteel drove on tens of wheels across the highway. A tremendous, blocky torso with an unfathomable amount of weaponry swiveled on a ball-joint midriff. Four arms extended out into chimeric cannons of ballistics, las, and plasma with underslung excavator chainsaws. Artillery and missile pods loomed from its hundred meter wide shoulders. Several glowing, crimson lenses stared out from the center cockpit. Volkite, missiles, and artillery from the Meallans erupted several meters away from it in shimmering air. Groundcars, tanks, and transports were destroyed as it raced towards the Astartes. It cared little for friendly fire.

+‘By Him of Himalaziaincoming!’+ The Lord of Scorpions roared out across the vox. Battlegroup Astartes unleashed a cacophony of armaments that dared to cross the distance. At this range, only missiles, artillery, and lascannons could reach the machine as it screamed towards the Astartes. Each attack disappeared into nothingness as it attempted to cross shimmering air. Zaid bristled in frustration. It had a powerful shield of some kind. He leaned down to the pilot of the Dunesong as they spat death towards the machine. They would need to be within the barrier to properly destroy the machine-titan. Just like Abbaba, he thought with distaste.

Forward!” Legion Master Zaid ordered, preparing himself for the suicidal task of attempting to break the titan. The Dunesong lurched as it accelerated on bruised treads. The black-bronze vehicles of the Thirteenth rolled with their lead vehicle as the machine-titan began to react to their forces. His hearts rapidly beat against his chest as the arms of the Pacifican gargantuan started to aim at several different things all at once.

Then it fired. The noise alone threatened to break the soundbarrier in terms of sheer output. Rays of blue, red, and orange ripped across the macroway in an onslaught of overwhelming fire. Subatomic missiles and arcing artillery shells flew across the distance from the macroway to the ruins on either side of the highway. Ballistics screamed across the sky as fighters, bombers, and gunships reconverged for another run on Macroway 80. It was death and it had come for them.

The elements of the Fifth that no longer had functional termites to use while still in position of captured vehicles simply followed the lead of the nearest allied force, while those that had even a hope of field-repairs on their craft bringing them operational focused on that first and foremost, at best letting lose salvos of missile or lascannon fire if they had spare hands to use weapons sufficiently heavy to at least scratch the vision encompassing target. A few with particularly small vehicles would try for exceptionally brash moves, trying to ride straight to it that they might climb atop it and hope to destroy it from within.

Those within functional termites however, would simply sink into the earth. As far as it seemed, another salvo of airpower was the best hope for destroying this foe. The Astartes of all three legions did not seem exceptionally well equipped for destroying the mechanical monstrosity. Weapons of a truly strategic scale would be needed to bring this down.

Thus, their best contribution had to be more modest, if perhaps critical than the prior chaos inflicted. They would tunnel ahead, and seek out any surviving air-defence systems of the Pacificans. If possible they wouldn’t even emerge wholly from the ground, just appearing long enough to send a missile or beam from a lascannon into a vital point of an anti-air missile launcher or the like before retreating once more into the ground. All other targets no longer mattered, even a truck carrying infantry with a single man portable rocket launcher that could target aircraft would be narrowly focused by the still subterranean travel capable troops of the Undying Onslaught.

Ainne swore as the new threat emerged—and her force’s salvos did nothing. + “All units, cease targeting that monster. We can’t do anything from here. Focus fire on all remaining Pacifican threats; let’s give the gene-warriors a clear corridor to take the bastards down!” +

She got a hail of acknowledgements from unit commanders as their targeting solutions were pointedly modified not to include the new gargantuan; instead, they made sure that the only threat that Battlegroup Astartes had to concern itself with was the behemoth; all else would be buried in heavy weapons fire and forced to either withdraw or be obliterated, and either way they would not long pose a threat to the flanks of the superhumans on the causeway.

Switching back to comms, she said, + “Battlegroup Astartes, we’ll clear you a path! You take that monster down!” +

Of the remaining members of the 8th legion that were still within armored vehicles of some kind, there was seemingly a degree of disharmony in the current action that they were undertaking. This divide could be summarized in broad strokes as two different battle groups were forming among those left.

The first group were those who had put the pedal to the metal and were striving to go towards the massive monster of a machine as quickly as possible. The reasons for this decision varied from those who were simply almost suicidal thrill seekers to those who were able to calculate that the only chance they had of actually getting passed the shield and thus actually doing damage was to take the gamble of charging into point blank range and being so close the shield would do nothing.

The second group were also moving, but they were doing so at a much slower pace than the other Astartes armored core. Those who were cautious and felt that charging the metal titan of a beast was a death sentence were a part of it, but some had simply suffered damage that was slowing them down. Rather than waste ammo on a shield that they simply couldn’t breach, they were aiming and focusing their attention on enemy forces that were in the way instead.

As he slaughtered those Pan-Pacific humans, both civilian and military, that had the misfortune of trying to flee on foot, Master Scraphurst observed the situation with the metal beast that was coming towards the battle group. His mind raced through a number of scenarios… and suddenly a possible answer presented itself before him that would achieve victory in the field. The number of surviving imperials to enjoy that victory was somewhat up in the air.

Pausing in his own shedding of blood in order to perform the calculations at inhuman speeds, as well as create a data package of what tactically needed to happen in order to make it work, Pho voxed Master Zaid with a simple +‘Possible time sensitive tactical plan to defeat Pacific titan monster.’+ before the data package was sent to outline exactly what Pho was talking about.

The core of the idea was to take advantage of remaining imperial assets, primarily the Termites of the Fifth legion, to destabilize a large chunk of the Macroway. The Termites tunnels, combined with some rather powerful explosive ordinance detonated within those tunnels at just the right places, would be able to make a rather hefty chunk of Macroway 80 dangerous unstable and unable to support the massive weight of the monstrous titan, collapsing underneath two of its massive legs and letting gravity and its bulk do the rest.

Estimated number of lanes that would be lost was between six and twelve, with fourteen being the worst case scenario.

The world was pandemonium around him. Zaid’s Raider shook with the nearby assault of smaller Pacifican vehicles and the onslaught of the machine-titan of Hongol. He could easily smell the stench of adrenaline stink up from the Black Blades behind him. They were as hungry to fight as he was. The Legion Master would not allow them until the right time had come. His helmet buzzed with the sound of several vox-communications from other vehicles and the commanders of the other legions. The Scorpion never took his eyes off of the nightmarish gargantuan as he responded.

+‘Approved. Adjustments confirmed. Orders sent. Raptor Imperialis, Pho Scraphurst,’+ the Legion Master of the Thirteenth acknowledged the plan. His usual snarl and aggressive behavior was shaved down to a deadly hone. There was no longer time to settle on his distaste for the other legions. Their slim chance of victory depended on bitter indifference and improbable gambling. He heavily disliked handing his fate to the whims of luck, yet Zaid could not see the way forward without it. A thousand and one chances made manifest in the black sands of the dusken world.

+‘Battlegroup Astartes! Prepare for orders!’+ He roared through the interlegionary vox, swapping to the wider net with a blink. His eyes briefly narrowed at the addition of the abhuman strain in their legionary communications; however, it was quickly disregarded. A blink-confirmation sent a datapacket throughout Battlegroup Astartes within local range which split out across the entire force.

It was as the Eighth’s Legion Master had suggested. The Fifth was tasked with the obliteration of Macroway 80’s support beams labelled ‘Zeta One’ through ‘Zeta Twelve’ until their objective was achieved; however, it largely depended on the ability to hold the machine-titan in one location. The Eighth and the Thirteenth were to establish a cordon of ranged interference and close combat interception respectively. Zaid what he ordered with a sour expression. It’d cause more of his own to die than the other legio. They were weapons. He did not have the emotional capability for remorse beyond that.

As the last of the datapackets were funneled through the limited infonet, the Thirteenth began their portion of the plan. All of their Raiders beamed towards the machine-titan as it rushed closer and closer to Battlegroup Astartes. Precise, beautifully destructive Meallan artillery allowed them free movement past wrecked Pacifican tanks and transports. Uninterrupted by overwhelming stragglers, the bronze-black vehicles unloaded their payloads with unrelenting fury as they closed the distance. The machine-titan was receptive to their advances, offering return fire in the form of arm-ladden cannons and bristling hull armaments. The Thirteenth started to drown in a storm of unimaginable ordinance.

+‘Gloria Scorpii! Blood of the Sand!’+ Legion Master Zaid roared through the interlegionary vox as the first vehicles finally entered within the shield of the machine-titan. The operation now rested as laurels on the Eighth and Fifth.

The Termites would very briefly have to retreat as the new orders demand they properly find repairs and rearm themselves to create the explosions of the magnitude intended. But time was of the essence, and most of the non-essential maintenance would be ignored simply to ensure that they could get going before the allied forces would be turned to dust.

Thus they departed again, penetrating the soil with charges ready to be set in the hope of beating the unprecedented machine. Most communications were cut, they did not want to let ground penetrating augurs of the Pacific to have an even easier time pinpointing them. After all, now that their little move was revealed the enemy was quick to bring up countermeasures.

Communications officers of the Fifth would briefly inform listening colleagues that there were losses, but most of them would need no announcement. As the Termites went through soil, they would be chased by an unseen foe. Maneuvers would be made to try to evade them, but the krak missiles of the enemy’s Mole launchers would inevitably find their mark on several occasions. A few lucky instances would be averted purely by virtue of the armour of the Termites or their shields, but in the end the only way out was forwards. They placed the charges to what weak points that would be marked out on the screens of their Termites, dying if necessary to achieve this. If there wasn’t a safe time-frame to escape the blast, then one would not be set on the charges. Comrades exchanged salutes, and accepted their imminent destruction for the greater good.

“Prepare. The ground should soften soon.”

For their part, the armored core of the 8th Legion served a similar role to that of the 13th: A combination of getting the enemy titan into the correct part of the macroway so that once the ground grew unable to handle its massive weight, the titan would fall and try to inflict damage upon it so that it A) Wouldn’t be able to somehow escape when the time came and B) Would have less weapons to fire at them.

The cautious ranged group that had hung back under the command of Gallianus, the second in command of the 8th legion, had opted towards a more supportive role to the effort. While they would occasionally poke at the shield on the titan, their focus was more about dealing with smaller enemy armor and clearing the way for other forces via destroying wreckage that might block lines of movement.

Praetor Al-Sharqawa was leading the charge of those who were charging into point blank range with the metal monster. While the barrage of fire meant that the forces under his command had to take a loose, semi ‘every man for himself’ formation and movement pattern in order to avoid giving the enemy shots that would threaten more than one tank crew if they landed, as they started to breach the shield and get inside of it the Praetor was quick to seize command.

+‘All crews, focus fire on my target.’+ was the announcement that Roccex made as the various crews of his battle group… as well as the tank crews of the 13th. All of them would get a ping of the same series of targets, numbered in order: A series of joints along one of the four ‘arms’ that seemed to allow it to move the limb, allowing it to shift its weapons to aim them at targets. Best case scenario, destroying them would either cause the arm to fall off or be unable to receive firing orders anymore, but even just being unable to move that arm would considerably reduce the amount of firepower that titan could accurately put out.

+‘Mark’+ was all that needed to be said as Roccex’s raider opened fire on the first target, alongside those of the 8th legion that managed to follow past the shield.

Meanwhile, up above in the sky, Iakob Kotrikadze and his group had gotten rearmed as quickly as possible, thanks to the incredibly quick work of their ground crews. Iakob had to remind himself to thank them again for their outstandingly quick work. Knowing that they had to make the sacrifices of today worth it, Iakob steered his ship in with just one goal in mind: to bring down the full force of his payload onto the giant once it had been toppled. Calling in over the vox to the ground forces, Kotrikadze told them the plan, +“100th to ground forces. Once you topple that son of a bitch, we’ll land the killing blow. Just give us the signal when you do.”+

Legate nic Leir had already relayed the order to her gun crews to calculate a second firing solution in the centre-mass of the most likely position the behemoth would collapse into, to be quickly swapped to as soon as the monster fell. There would be no time to make the calculations on the fly, and, fortunately, her crews were good enough that she got the solution back along the Legion’s vox-net just as the 100th were returning for another round. As soon as it fell…they’d be ready.

The machine-titan forced itself to adapt as the macroway around it became an ungovernable battlefield of mass attrition. Allies that skittered beneath its treads had disappeared in artillery fire, advancing Imperial armor column, and the weight of it’s own legs. The shimmering shield that protected it wavered beneath a constant barrage of volatile ammunition, delivered from afar and above. It was unstoppable, yet it was beleaguered by insects. It would not suffer this injustice any longer.

The metal giant’s attention snapped to the Astartes swarming around its legs. As the machine-titans arms were hammered with lascannons, missiles, and ballistics, each began to disassemble. To the surprise of the Astartes, they branched out into separate, smaller arms that began pinpoint obliteration of their vehicles. Those that drove too close to the legs were carved by roaming, tank-sized chainblades, while those who had decided to keep a distance were dismantled by plasma cavalrades. The shoulder-mounted munitions of the mechanical giant switched offline as power was rerouted to its many, manipulated arms. Chunks of the macroway crumbled under duress as the battle continued.

Those vehicles of the Thirteenth suffered attrition at a scale previously unimaginable to them. The brunt of the machine-titans attacks slaughtered them through the hull of their Raiders, Predators, and Rhinos. For each death, though, the Pacifican giant was forced to remain in the same position a second longer. It was a price they were easily willing to pay as their lascannons, prows, stubbers, and autocannons tore chunks of metal from it’s unprotected hull.

Zaid’s Dunesong swerved hard around a plasma shot that destroyed the Raider that had followed behind him. He narrowed his eyes as their names flashed in his helmet’s display: Aalax, Samir, Farid, Suhail, Jalok, Alif, Karaam, Makram. Hundreds of their names were forever etched into his mind. It was their duty as weapons of the Emperor. It was what they were made for. His Raider’s lascannons shot upward, piercing the cabling of one of the machine-titans weapons with swift precision. The weapon dropped with remarkable speed, nearly flattening his vehicle as they drove under the Pacifican warmachine.

+‘Raptor Imperialis, Astartes! Keep the fight on a moment longer!’+ His voice tore through the legionary vox. The vehicles of the Fifth and Eighth exploded around the Dunesong, careening their vehicle into the void or emptying their compartment of genewarriors onto the macroway. He’d never seen so many genewarriors slaughtered all in the same place. Zaid imagined it would’ve been worse if mortal men had been fighting this creature with their limited reaction times.

As the weapons of the machine-titan began to fall from its arms, pierced by the Fifth, Eighth, and Thirteenth, the macroway began to rumble. Imperial vehicles were thrown into a sudden halt as the entirety of the section shook with the force of a thousand sprinting carnosaurs. The Pacifican giant fumbled as it began to tip, automatically adjusting its weight to account for the environmental damage; however, it was too late to recover. That section of Macroway 80 started to crumble, first with small pieces and then with large chunks as the foundations were razed by explosives. The left leg of the titan gave out, sinking into the depths of Terra’s ruins far below.

The Imperials took their chance as it arrived, formidably timed as the ground began to give beneath their treads. Lascannons, missile racks, cannons, stubbers, volkite carbines, and more emptied with whatever ammunition remained against the machine-titan. Men and women screamed across the vox as the opportunity arrived, urging their own and others to attack. The legs of the metal giant were demolished, sinking the thing further into the ground until the last was annihilated. It fell into the abyss with those Astartes who dared to fight in close proximity - namely many of the Thirteenth. They were joined by the Fifth below, the Eighth that had charged, and the numerous other vehicles that supported them.

An explosive plume expelled upwards towards the shattered remains of the macroway they had previously fought on. As the Astartes drove their vehicles forward, they saw the machine-titan below as a dismal echo of what it had once been; however, it was still functional and attempting to recover. It slowly pushed a pile of wrecked vehicles off of it with crudely crushed limbs, desperately trying to return to the battle. The Master of the Thirteenth would not allow this, none of them would.

+‘By the Emperor, hammer that titan with everything you have!’+ Legion Master Zaid roared over the vox, blink-affirming a signal to the Hundredth and the Meallans. Another blink-order saw the last of the Astartes moving back to allow maximum destruction from allied forces. His Dunesong had ended up on the other side of the macroway with several others from the rest of the Astartes, separated by a measly four lanes on the right hand side. This time, he wouldn’t throw his warriors into the grinder when there were those that could do more.

The 8th suffered losses in the fight against the Titan, but of the armored fighting force that remained that was still combat active, the losses were absolutely minimal.

Of Prator Al-Sharqawa’s ‘point blank’ charging force, which had come out somewhat lesser in the split of forces between the two groups, the 8th’s armor that had survived up until the Titan had presented itself, an almost ludicrously small number of Astartes and armored vehicles were lost in the close range fight with the Titan itself.

Prator Al-Sharqawa had a reputation among the 8th as a risk taker and emotionally unstable mad man, but he also processed a self control that was second to none when the chips were down. The objective might have been to down the Titan, but he cared about the lives of his men and fully intended that as many of them as possible would survive to brag about their victory.

His management of the 8th under his direct command during the battle with the Titan reflected this mindset, for while he lead the charge to get under the shield to shoot at the Titan directly, his instructions for movements among the 8th legion as they fired at the joints and weapons to try and reduce the amount of fire coming at them proved rather successful at not getting them killed. As the macroway started to give out and it was clear that the 5th had done their job, he had ordered a controlled withdrawal of the 8th, firing at weapons and leg joints all the while as they floored it to more steady ground before it was too late.

The somewhat larger group of the 8th that had stayed back with Gallianus Vaarars also suffered relatively small losses during the Titan exchange, though somewhat ironically they suffered more losses then those fighting at close range had… though not by much.

As the Titan plummeted and other Imperial force acted to make sure it didn’t get back up again, the surviving armor of the 8th legion regrouped itself and started to make their way over the four lanes that remained of this section of Macroway 80 in order to support those of their cousin legions that were further up the road and prepare for what came next.

And what came next was the roar of engines above, followed by bombs dropping in salvos upon the Titan. Mushroom clouds blossomed on its hull, and it shuddered under the impact of those bunker-busting nuclear weapons combined with the myriad explosions of regular bomb salvos. Iakob, from above, witnessed the carnage that his people were inflicting with no small amount of satisfaction. There was no way that thing would be getting up from impacts like that. +“Ground forces, this is the 100th. That Titan should be no-factor shortly. Keep the artillery fire on, though, I don’t want to find out the hard way that I’m wrong.”+

With the titanic machine defeated if not destroyed, individuals of the Fifth would begin surrounding it. While making sure they were far enough away that their HUDs didn’t provide Danger Close warnings, the teeth of their mouths and chainblades would grind in equally vicious anticipation that fire would finally cease and they could climb atop it, rending the crews therein to pieces as they had been accustomed to when yet children in their barbaric Terran upbringings. The very few veterans in their ranks would watch from a slightly greater distance simply awaiting the definitive end of the battle.

Ainne watched the carnage through her binocs, grimacing in mute satisfaction as she watched the bombs from the 100th mingle with the heavy shells from her own force, the behemoth shredded to scrap, one layer at a time, like the inevitable death of a rock on the shore accelerated a thousandfold—and instead of saltwater, it was hundreds of fireballs that seemed miniscule from here, but were massive, platoon-obliterating waves of devastation up close. The gargantuan was partially obscured by fire and smoke—and that it was only partially was more than a little galling, given the volume of fire currently being levelled against it from both bomb bay and barrel. Any hab-block would have been reduced to powder; any force of tanks would have been reduced to so much trash in the rad-wastes. But this monster didn’t want to die. And she didn’t see a reason to oblige it.

The Astartes had paid for that victory with far too many lives, and now it was the job of the ‘little people’ to finish what they’d started. Like the final blow on a boar, hunted down by a pack of dogs, she mused, grimly.

She didn’t order the barrage to stop when sparking wires became visible in her sights, or when she could literally see into the internal compartments, smeared with gore and viscera from the obliterated crew. She didn’t stop when she saw patches of soot-smeared ground through the metal behemoth—she only slashed her hand out across her own force when the monster was a scattered debris field of unrecognisably-twisted scrap and mounds of worthless mechanical innards.

Finally the guns fell silent, and she nodded, lowering the binoculars.

+“Target eliminated, Astartes. Here’s hoping you aren’t all dead.”+

Legion Master Zaid watched the destruction from outside of the Dunesong, his fellow Astartes disembarked to observe the end of an incomprehensible enemy. They had been victorious at a cost that staggered his superhuman brain. He counted the number of fallen that crossed his display and chose to suppress the rage he felt. It was only the beginning of a long campaign as Macroway 80, devoid of active vehicles beside their own, opened up for the Imperial advance. The Scorpion breathed in obliteration through his snarling helmet and blink-opened the voxnet.

+’Elimination confirmed. We are victorious. Raptor Imperialis!’+ Legion Master Zaid said over the Battlegroup Pacifica. His words were responded to with a thousand and one war cries of the Imperium. In that moment, he cared not for the pettiness of external forces or the discord between legions. Only the fresh dew that was triumph rained over his spirit.

It lasted only for that nanosecond as the Legion Master began blink-ordering the rest of the Astartes back across the divide. They’d need to repair, refit, and recruit in the local area before the siege on Hongol could begin. Whatever scrap remained of the titan, he wagered, would fall to the Sigilites to scrape apart when the siege was completed. For now, their safety away from the macrocannons of the Jade Palace were the highest priority. He allowed a second more of triumphant bliss before ingressing into the Dunesong.

They were victorious.

Narthan Dume was as mad as he was ingenious, as his war-walker had proved. No other Terran warlord or tyrant had raised such a colossal machine since the fall of Old Night, not even the Emperor himself, and the forces present on Macroway 80 would soon learn why. The safe ways of powering such monstrosities, the stable methods of creating and draining the power of a caged star at such a small scale, had long ago been forgotten.

Narthan Dume had no concern for the safe and stable way of doing anything.

Within the wrecked hulk of the titan, at the heart of the mobile weapon, an experiment deemed unreasonably dangerous even during the height of the Age of Technology breached its safeguards, the unbound reaction continuing to generate power with nowhere left for it to go.

To call what was developing underneath Macroway 80 a bomb would be simplistic in the extreme, better it would have been for everyone if it was a mere explosive. Physics was tortured and bent within the wrecked reactor, drawing forth potential by harnessing the difference between reality and an underlying possibility space where the laws of existence were ever so slightly different.

And bit by bit, that space was becoming less of a possibility and more of a reality.

Hundreds of miles to the east, ensconced within one of Ouran’s spires, Malcador’s eyes widened as a premonition struck him. He was far, far too distant to intervene directly, and the time was too short to correct that, but that hardly meant he was unable to intervene at all. The walls of his chambers were instantly coated in hoarfrost as his soul went surging through the paths of maybe-whens, searching for the few strands that didn’t come to an immediate halt in three minutes and fifty-seven seconds when an oncoming wave of new reality unmade him.


An undetonated nuclear bunker-buster, fallen eighty-seven levels deep near to Terra’s true dirt. With an exertion of will that caused the wizened man’s body to shake, he lofted it up towards the Macroway as swiftly as he dared, the bomb digging its way through the detritus of murdered cities and wasted lives until it reached the wreckage of the fallen warmachine.

Blood began to drip down the Sigilite’s face as he coaxed subatomic particles into place to rearm the dud weapon, his staff shaking in his hand as he reignited a perished nuclear flame. It wouldn’t be enough. Atomics had breached the reactor’s housing to begin with, had cut it off from the powerfeeds designed to render the reality ending potential into a source of infinite energy, another detonation would fix nothing.

He had to do something more.

The bomb detonated as normal, one of countless secondary explosions beneath the Macroway’s road surface. It then slowed, stopped, and finally reversed, the oncoming firestorm compressed to a sphere which shrank little by little with every passing moment, hurtling towards the cracked reactor housing.

With a roar of effort that none could hear, Malcador crushed it in his fist to nothingness - and the heart of the machine was consumed. Auspex suites for dozens of kilometers were saturated by a sudden surge of anomalous radiation, before just as rapidly tapering off. Upon the Macroway, the shattered infrastructure soon hid the ruined colossus, Terra’s bones burying the hulk, and with it both the secret to the world-killer that had powered it and any proof that it had been stopped.

In distant Ouran, an old man collapsed to the ground as his staff fell from his hand. Scrabbling at the blood-stained floor of his chambers, he spoke in a voice that was for once as ancient and frail as he was in truth.

Summon Valdor.

Credits: Pacificans/Battlegroup Pacifica/Thirteenth Legio Astartes @MarshalSolgriev, Fifth Legio Astartes @Bugman, Eighth Legio Astartes @Bright_Ops, Magh Meallans @Golden Record, Malcador @grimely
Hidden 3 days ago Post by mothnoodle


Member Seen 3 days ago

A boy darted across the open waste, covering the distance between ocean and hive city as fast as he dared without tripping.

He had a bundle in his arms.

Behind him, slower, came his mother, supported on one side by her lover and the other by her sister, making her slow way from the ship.

The ship itself was a miracle, at first glance made of living plants. It wasn’t, of course, but the coaxing of the agricultural Verdant had paid off in mosses, lichens, and vines running wild over every part of the ship that didn't touch water, and what they didn't touch was painted brilliant green to match them.

The people, too, wore green. The three adults all had vines woven into their hair, and wore patchworked green robes that looked freshly washed. The boy wore simple green pants.

The bundle in his arms was wrapped in green silk brocade that had once been some fine lady’s gown.

They made it to the city. Or rather, what remained of the city. It had been abandoned long ago, so long ago that no one the Magpies had spoken to could remember its name. That meant they called it whatever they wished.

They didn’t know what had driven whoever had lived here to abandon it. Many of the structures still stood, although it had no power, no water, and no life. Except for the Family Verdant.

In the open space made by two intersecting throughways, the entire population of the smallest Verdant ship gathered, solemn and quiet. The boy placed his bundle in the center, alongside two larger ones- one wrapped in fine green cotton and the other in green silk embroidered to look like huge layered leaves. Having completed his job, the boy went to cling to his mother as she joined the great circle of green figures.

“Magpies of the Family Verdant.” The man who spoke did not step from his place in the circle, but reached out to take the hands of those on either side of him. The rest of the circle followed suit, until the circle was complete. He spoke softly, but the empty city heard his words. In the quiet, they could not be missed.

“Magpies of my Family. Magpies of the now, and the then, and the when.” He paused as his voice shook, took a deep breath and continued. “We come from the sea to say goodbye. We come from the sea to make our final promises to those who leave us. We come from the sea to mourn.”

A woman at a different part of the circle continued the words when he stopped, with practiced ease, her voice weary and bitter. “The life of a Magpie is unfair. The life of a Magpie is cruel. The life of a Magpie is short.” She stared up at the sky. “And yet we do not give up.”

A teenager cut in, tear tracks obvious in the green designs painted onto her face. “And yet we do not give up.” She shook as she continued. “We do not give up our ships. We do not give up our names. We do not give up our dead.”

The mother, next, clutching her son’s hand. “We do not give them up in our hearts. We do not give them up to our enemies-”

There was a pause. A held breath. Her eyes were closed, hands shaking, but just when the Magpies began to look around for someone else to complete her part, she found her strength.

Her son said the words with her. “We do not give them up to the sea.”

And then back to the man who had begun this. “We will not allow the sea they have struggled against their entire lives to take them in death. We will not allow them to give up, even in death.” He stepped into the circle, the people on either side of him closing the circle behind him. He walked slowly to the first of the bundles on the ground, pulling back the cloth to reveal an old woman’s face. “Grandmother Teia.” He revealed the next corpse, a young man with wild green-dyed hair. “Cousin Marit.” And finally to the small bundle, within which was a child no older than 3. “...little Quess.” He stood straight. This time the entire circle joined him in his words.

“We leave you here, our beloved dead, that you will not be disturbed by wave or human hand. We swear to you that we will not give up. We will not bow to the sea, nor will we forget you, as long as we live. We swear to you that we will live. As you said goodbye to many…”

The little boy stood up tall. He had been given a job. He would say his words right, and say goodbye to the little sister he could have had. To his grandmother, and his cousin. He was frightened, in this abandoned place, but he had to do it. And he had to do it by himself.

“Now we say goodbye to you.”
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