A bit sloppy in places, and probably not my best work, but here is our resident face-puncher:

Kumo shinobi, traitors to the clan and village, doors, and having to use her sword
Fighting, sparring, Tomiko, the clan, the faith, good food, alcohol and her friends in Konoha

木ノ葉 12
木ノ葉 12
木ノ葉 12
Konoha 12
D.O.B 06/20/695 | Age 16 y.o | Sato Konoha | Region Hibana | Rank Chūnin | Caste Hyūga Main Branch
Hyūga Satomi
As many of her clan believe, the fate of Satomi was all but written from the moment of her birth alongside her twin Tomiko. Seen as a blessing by all those of the main branch and the twin side branches of Konoha, the children of Hiroki and Kimiko were received well by the eight branches of the clan Hyūga. Each branch gave an offering, seeking which of the sisters would become the future leader of the clan and already trying to scry the fates of the girls. For days into weeks it was debated by the religious heads of the clan, the family branches and even the Left-Handed path weighing in for the first time in decades on clan matters. Eventually though, it had been decided that Tomiko would become the Hyūga princess, inheritor of the clan and representative of Kaguya in the mortal plane. Though they were too young to understand this, and the decision was celebrated by the entire clan, already repercussions could be felt.
Though in truth, those repercussions wouldn't become truly obvious until the girls were old enough to be moving about on their own, forming their own personalities and gaining their own understandings of the world. Satomi very early on came to see her sister as more, watching as while her family and clan were firm with her on her studies, it was nothing compared to the weight resting on Tomiko. Yet while she could see the future of the clan rested on her sister, she also saw how much it restricted her even at a young age. Satomi could go out and play freely with the other children of the clan, an indifference from her parents at whether her studies were complete at times. Yet, every time she tried to play with her sister, it was always one of the tutors or priests who came by to interrupt and drag her away. For a few years she started to resent the adults of the clan for this, feeling like they were keeping her sister from having fun, at least until...
One day it came to pass that Satomi would realize her true role in the clan. Up until that day she had just seen herself as another Hyūga, true one of the main branch, but no one of any particular prominence. And then, as her and her sister had been enjoying life as any other six year old children would, life changed rather drastically. Later she would come to understand that an enemy of Konoha had infiltrated the village in the hopes of stealing secrets or material to strengthen their own village, and in the process stumbled their way into the Hyūga compound and attempted to kidnap her sister. It was by chance that their father had been patrolling with some of the younger Hyūga guards and noticed the attempt, moving into action immediately and with the kind of violence that neither sister had ever seen from their father before or after the incident. But it had an effect on both Satomi and Tomiko in differing ways.
For Satomi she realized that while the rest of the clan was dedicated to protecting her sister and most would put their lives on the line to do so, it was her sole responsibility above all others. She saw herself as her sister's protector regardless of the efforts of anyone else in the clan, and from that moment she began to devote herself towards being as capable as she could in doing so. And as the years passed, as the two sisters entered the academy and came into their own, Satomi started to prove herself to be worthy of being called the walking disaster that she was. Off and on she began to pick fights with at first other members of the clan, losing many of these until she started with people outside the clan. Little by little she went from coming home bruised in both body and ego, to being brought home by the Konoha police and always with a smug grin. All this not helped by her growing habit of kicking doors open to announce herself, a point that ended with her class in the academy being the only one without a door for the years she attended.
And of course there was the academy itself, and her time there. For a blissfully short moment it managed to become an outlet for her growing love of fighting, learning how to be a proper shinobi and how to fight from people other than visiting family members. But while Satomi was good with her hands and showed a remarkable gift for beating people into submission, she showed far less capability with ninjutsu. Something that some of the other kids teased her on... Usually when she was out of earshot though. It didn't bother her that much though in truth, but she still liked to make sure the rest of her classmates knew she could throw hands with a vengeance. Something one boy in particular learned first hand, when in the last year of the academy before joining a team, he decided to take it upon himself to try and teach her "a kunoichi's place" or something like that. All Satomi really remembered of it was that the kid was being far too smug for someone who couldn't back it up, and when he grabbed her by the hair, she folded him. Well, that and it took three jonin instructors to pull her off him and even then in the end he would never be a shinobi.
All that said and done, her years of terror came to a close when someone had the brilliant idea of pairing both her and her sister together on a team with an Uchiha of all people. Sasuke as their instructor was treated firsthand to how determined she was, and how much of a propensity towards violence she had. The twins together showed remarkable teamwork in the bell test, and while both showed their unique skills firsthand, it was Satomi and her unrelenting pursuit that seemed to catch the eye of their instructor for her potential. No matter what he put them through in the test, Satomi powered through all obstacles and stayed close on him. All until eventually their team passed together, and it was time for missions proper.
In the years following graduation and the attacks on Konoha, Satomi has emerged as one of the village's premier taijutsu specialists and one of the most determined members of the Vanguard. Her mindset has solidified in defending first her sister, then the village and the clan, but to always stand ready in case her Hokage called upon her. There have been rough spots here and there, primarily in her failing to pass the first Chunin exam she had taken, finding herself unable to master Rotation or overcome her weaknesses in combat. The second attempt though, she proved herself more than capable of learning from her mistakes, a surprise to many who had thought her little more than a frontliner. Some lessons from Sasuke in mastering the Chidori helped, but moreso were his tactical assistance that led to her victory in the first round of single combat. Her opponent was a ninjutsu specialist, one who had shown himself rather capable in employing a wide variety of both area denial and direct attack jutsus, and had for a good deal of the match kept her at bay. That was until with no other choice, Satomi simply powered through multiple assaults to get close enough to strike his hands in the middle of forming signs. To the man's credit, even with both hands shattered and a bloody mess, he still tried to fight her, but ended up being carried out of the arena regardless.
At the end of it, Satomi still didn't actually win the combat portion of the chunin exam, but she had proven herself worthy of the promotion and now she stands at the ready to defend her village and clan as a freshly minted Chunin. All while it feels as though the darkest days of Konoha are not yet behind them...
Though in truth, those repercussions wouldn't become truly obvious until the girls were old enough to be moving about on their own, forming their own personalities and gaining their own understandings of the world. Satomi very early on came to see her sister as more, watching as while her family and clan were firm with her on her studies, it was nothing compared to the weight resting on Tomiko. Yet while she could see the future of the clan rested on her sister, she also saw how much it restricted her even at a young age. Satomi could go out and play freely with the other children of the clan, an indifference from her parents at whether her studies were complete at times. Yet, every time she tried to play with her sister, it was always one of the tutors or priests who came by to interrupt and drag her away. For a few years she started to resent the adults of the clan for this, feeling like they were keeping her sister from having fun, at least until...
One day it came to pass that Satomi would realize her true role in the clan. Up until that day she had just seen herself as another Hyūga, true one of the main branch, but no one of any particular prominence. And then, as her and her sister had been enjoying life as any other six year old children would, life changed rather drastically. Later she would come to understand that an enemy of Konoha had infiltrated the village in the hopes of stealing secrets or material to strengthen their own village, and in the process stumbled their way into the Hyūga compound and attempted to kidnap her sister. It was by chance that their father had been patrolling with some of the younger Hyūga guards and noticed the attempt, moving into action immediately and with the kind of violence that neither sister had ever seen from their father before or after the incident. But it had an effect on both Satomi and Tomiko in differing ways.
For Satomi she realized that while the rest of the clan was dedicated to protecting her sister and most would put their lives on the line to do so, it was her sole responsibility above all others. She saw herself as her sister's protector regardless of the efforts of anyone else in the clan, and from that moment she began to devote herself towards being as capable as she could in doing so. And as the years passed, as the two sisters entered the academy and came into their own, Satomi started to prove herself to be worthy of being called the walking disaster that she was. Off and on she began to pick fights with at first other members of the clan, losing many of these until she started with people outside the clan. Little by little she went from coming home bruised in both body and ego, to being brought home by the Konoha police and always with a smug grin. All this not helped by her growing habit of kicking doors open to announce herself, a point that ended with her class in the academy being the only one without a door for the years she attended.
And of course there was the academy itself, and her time there. For a blissfully short moment it managed to become an outlet for her growing love of fighting, learning how to be a proper shinobi and how to fight from people other than visiting family members. But while Satomi was good with her hands and showed a remarkable gift for beating people into submission, she showed far less capability with ninjutsu. Something that some of the other kids teased her on... Usually when she was out of earshot though. It didn't bother her that much though in truth, but she still liked to make sure the rest of her classmates knew she could throw hands with a vengeance. Something one boy in particular learned first hand, when in the last year of the academy before joining a team, he decided to take it upon himself to try and teach her "a kunoichi's place" or something like that. All Satomi really remembered of it was that the kid was being far too smug for someone who couldn't back it up, and when he grabbed her by the hair, she folded him. Well, that and it took three jonin instructors to pull her off him and even then in the end he would never be a shinobi.
All that said and done, her years of terror came to a close when someone had the brilliant idea of pairing both her and her sister together on a team with an Uchiha of all people. Sasuke as their instructor was treated firsthand to how determined she was, and how much of a propensity towards violence she had. The twins together showed remarkable teamwork in the bell test, and while both showed their unique skills firsthand, it was Satomi and her unrelenting pursuit that seemed to catch the eye of their instructor for her potential. No matter what he put them through in the test, Satomi powered through all obstacles and stayed close on him. All until eventually their team passed together, and it was time for missions proper.
In the years following graduation and the attacks on Konoha, Satomi has emerged as one of the village's premier taijutsu specialists and one of the most determined members of the Vanguard. Her mindset has solidified in defending first her sister, then the village and the clan, but to always stand ready in case her Hokage called upon her. There have been rough spots here and there, primarily in her failing to pass the first Chunin exam she had taken, finding herself unable to master Rotation or overcome her weaknesses in combat. The second attempt though, she proved herself more than capable of learning from her mistakes, a surprise to many who had thought her little more than a frontliner. Some lessons from Sasuke in mastering the Chidori helped, but moreso were his tactical assistance that led to her victory in the first round of single combat. Her opponent was a ninjutsu specialist, one who had shown himself rather capable in employing a wide variety of both area denial and direct attack jutsus, and had for a good deal of the match kept her at bay. That was until with no other choice, Satomi simply powered through multiple assaults to get close enough to strike his hands in the middle of forming signs. To the man's credit, even with both hands shattered and a bloody mess, he still tried to fight her, but ended up being carried out of the arena regardless.
At the end of it, Satomi still didn't actually win the combat portion of the chunin exam, but she had proven herself worthy of the promotion and now she stands at the ready to defend her village and clan as a freshly minted Chunin. All while it feels as though the darkest days of Konoha are not yet behind them...
One way or another, it has come down to the simple fact that nearly everyone in Konoha and clan Hyūga knows of Satomi either directly or tangentially. This comes from her rather enthusiastic and outgoing personality, making it a point to announce herself in an oftentimes violent manner. From kicking open a door that is very much not meant to open in such a way, to a dynamic entry into the middle of a fight, or just being the loudest voice in the room. Satomi is someone who finds a way to put herself in the center of any group. Though almost anyone will say that it is not for the sake of taking command or steering the group one way or another. Her personality is simply vibrant, free-spirited and uncaring of personal boundaries. Yes, she can be incredibly overbearing at times and many of those who have become friends with her will say that it was very much primarily on her part, but there are also very few who are as supporting as her. There are few who are as unrelenting in their support as she is, more than willing to drop what she is doing to help a friend or otherwise come to their aid. She is always the first person to talk up someone else, even those who aren't outright her friends, and in those times where she puts herself in the center of the group, it is always to support and help bolster another. To a point, the words to describe her most can often times be chaotic and violent, but also loyal and dedicated.
Kumo shinobi, traitors to the clan and village, doors, and having to use her sword
Fighting, sparring, Tomiko, the clan, the faith, good food, alcohol and her friends in Konoha
Ninja Way