The name is Diamond, but feel free to call me Dia! Now, I know you have some semblance of a life so I am not going to take up too much of your time! If you wanna get an idea for my experience level and a little bit about me, feel free to ask! I generally prefer getting to know people through actual conversation and through our writing but I digress! Now, I suppose we should get the necessary stuff out of the way. Rules!
1. Don't be a dick.
2. Communicate best you can.
3. Nothing is stupid, I'm always down to hear ideas and ways to improve on plotlines and the like in the service of the story we're trying to tell.
4. I am 24 years old and quite a few of my plotlines involve mature themes SO please be 18+. It's not a suggestion, it's a must.
5. I am comfortable writing for male, female, and nb characters - fxf, mxm, and mxf are all things I'm able to write. Admittedly, fxf is the weakest point for me but I will do my best!
P.S. If there is an asterisk by a plot, that means I’m super interested in it at the moment.
Oh! And here are some old classic characters I've played in the past - in case any strike your fancy.
Annnnnnd that's pretty much it for hard rules. Anything else I can very much work with. I am not and never have been a perfect roleplay partner, and I don't expect you to be.
SO, the fun part now? (I’ve included a writing sample so you can get an idea for my style of writing and what I’m capable of when given free rein to do so. I’m not expecting lengths to that extent but I’d like a certain level of quality similar to the sample given. Thank you! ^^)

It's not necessarily the decision itself that's nerve-wracking.
Oh no, that is definitely not it. If there is one thing Katherine isn't, it's impulsive. She'd done her homework. Everything from reading blogs upon blogs from other people who've adopted to entirely renovating the room next to her in order to make it all the more welcoming yet plain. (Room for her future child to grow and develop and fill the room with mementos and personality. That was key.)
No, Katherine was not nervous over the act itself. She was as prepared as she'd ever be despite having no idea who she was adopting. No, it wasn't until she got into her mini-cooper and actually started driving towards the orphanage (Oh, children's home. The woman she spoke to over the phone seemed very pointed in her correction.) that she felt any inklings of nerves.
Which, to be fair, was a reasonable response. This was the biggest decision of her life thus far. Bigger than passing her driver's test for the first time. Bigger than finishing her first completed draft. Bigger than the day she got the phone call that her first ever novel was on the New York Times Best Seller list. Hell, bigger than the first time she lost her virginity which was a horrifying experience in and of itself. But still, this was big.
Katherine used a hand to push up her glasses, the frames perhaps a bit too large to be fashionable. She tightened her grip on the steering wheel, a breath escaping her glossed lips. She'd even taken the opportunity to make herself look what she hoped was presentable. After all, this was the first meeting and she wanted to impress them. A lot. She couldn't imagine what her future son or daughter had gone through in their past to end up there. And all she knew was that she wanted them to trust and feel comfortable with her.
She can hear her mother's voice in her ear, an alto tone with a rasp from years of smoking. If she were an idiot and closed her eyes, she was sure she'd be able to picture the woman as clear as the last time Katherine had seen her.
”Adoption? Kat... is there something wrong? I know you're not dating Neil anymore but there are options out there. Artificial Insemination is a fantastic one. Oh! You remember Janet, right? Well, her daughter was recentl artificially inseminated after her divorce. Plenty of women are taking the reins and doing things themselves and, darling, you've got the money. Why would you want to adopt when you can have a proper child of your own?”
Katherine's dark brown eyes narrowed behind her frames, a spike of annoyance going through her. She loved her mother to death, she truly did. Her mother did her absolute best to raise her and her sister and she'll never forget that. It's just... sometimes her mother got this tone in her voice. This tone that seemed to make Katherine feel like a child all over again with how condescending it sounded. She knows her mother means well, she just doesn't understand why someone would choose to take care of... well...
”They're damaged, darling. Perhaps beyond repair. And if they are able to become functioning members of society, it will take a lot of work. You have such a fantastic career, I just don't want you to get lost in the push and pull of parenting, especially when you're alone.”
Her mother and she got into a fight that evening. Over dinner with her baby sister, of all people. She remembers seeing Linda stare at the table, tuning out everything to the best of her ability and found the sour taste of guilt begin to settle on her tongue. She, of course, apologized to her sister for her temper, promising to have breakfast after she finished the adoption to tell her all about it and finish catching up. Of course, her mother had been radio silent – she'd never been one to apologize so Katherine wasn't expecting her to. She knew she'd have to eventually swallow her pride and call her up all on her own.
Katherine was a grown woman and still had to be the first one to apologize to her 71 year old mother who was even more prideful than she. Suppose she'd had to get it from somewhere.
Shaking her head to clear those thoughts, she made a right past the iron gate as she drove up the path towards the orph... children's home. It was... more rundown than she'd expected, at least from the picture she was online. But, no matter. Her future child was in there and she was ready to meet them.
Stepping out of the car after parking, her boots made not a sound as she stepped onto the dirt. She tugged down at the skirt she was wearing, a long billowy thing she'd stared at for solid minutes before deciding on it. It was fall so it was rather cold, so she'd made sure to wear tights underneath and a leather jacket over the spaghetti strap top underneath. She'd always enjoyed more earthy tones, finding love in more muted colors and interesting fabric. She was 38, not dead.
Purse over her shoulder, she approached the front door (large and intimidating.) and took a moment to appreciate the older building before ringing the bell. She did jump a little when the door opened not even 10 second after she rung, not expecting such a quick greeting.
The woman wasn't particularly interesting, apart from the look on her face as she squinted at Katherine as if she was expecting something else. Katherine, of course, didn't let herself seem at all bothered by the attention instead giving a friendly grin. “Hello! I'm Katherine Henry, I believe we talked over the phone and I don't think I'm late, am I?” She wouldn't be surprised if she'd somehow managed to mishear the time, wouldn't be the first time. Her hearing was notoriously bad. She went to one too many concerts when she was younger and her hearing hated her for it.
The woman stared at her for a bit longer before nodding and opening the door wider for her to come inside. So, Katherine gave a nod of thanks and stepped inside, fully prepared to meet her future.
Three is more fun: *
You agree that one of us would be playing two characters.
Synopsis: These twins share everything. Looks, clothes, hobbies, friends, etc. Sure, they may differ in specifics and may be able to be distinguished. But overall? Share pretty much everything. And they even decided to go one step beyond. Sharing a girlfriend/boyfriend. Sure, it may be a bit weird to the outside eye but who cares? It's what they want. And what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
One of us would be playing two characters, twins. And the other would be playing the role of their boyfriend and/or girlfriend. It can start after the dating already happened or before, all depends on you! We can discuss more privately!~
You agree that one of us would be playing two characters.
Synopsis: These twins share everything. Looks, clothes, hobbies, friends, etc. Sure, they may differ in specifics and may be able to be distinguished. But overall? Share pretty much everything. And they even decided to go one step beyond. Sharing a girlfriend/boyfriend. Sure, it may be a bit weird to the outside eye but who cares? It's what they want. And what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
One of us would be playing two characters, twins. And the other would be playing the role of their boyfriend and/or girlfriend. It can start after the dating already happened or before, all depends on you! We can discuss more privately!~
Dark. Yet Darker: *
This plot is very dark and can/will have some dark subject matter. Keep that in mind.
Synopsis: They got out. Something that was thought impossible. Sure, they did some truly horrible things but, as far as they're concerned, they served their time. Now, it's years later and they are living the apple pie life. They have children, an amazing spouse, and are successful. What more could they want? Well, there is never any rest for the wicked. And when a dark individual from their past waltzes back in with plans to bring them back to the dark, what will they do? Will they even want to fight it?
One of us would be playing a character who used to live a pretty fucked up life and who did a lot of messed up stuff. They were a true criminal in every way. But, they managed to get out of it without getting caught and live a normal life. The other person would be playing someone from their past. An ex-lover, ex-friend, someone from that past life who wants to bring the other character back to who they used to be. A criminal. And the RP will be about that conflict. Details can be altered and further discussed privately!
This plot is very dark and can/will have some dark subject matter. Keep that in mind.
Synopsis: They got out. Something that was thought impossible. Sure, they did some truly horrible things but, as far as they're concerned, they served their time. Now, it's years later and they are living the apple pie life. They have children, an amazing spouse, and are successful. What more could they want? Well, there is never any rest for the wicked. And when a dark individual from their past waltzes back in with plans to bring them back to the dark, what will they do? Will they even want to fight it?
One of us would be playing a character who used to live a pretty fucked up life and who did a lot of messed up stuff. They were a true criminal in every way. But, they managed to get out of it without getting caught and live a normal life. The other person would be playing someone from their past. An ex-lover, ex-friend, someone from that past life who wants to bring the other character back to who they used to be. A criminal. And the RP will be about that conflict. Details can be altered and further discussed privately!
Let's Have a Foursome:
This plot is more comedic and fun, but can include some good drama and angst. We will both be playing two characters so... hope you're okay with that! Like, you will be playing the two males and me the two females.
Synopsis: The two girls are always joined at the hip, one grinning and greeting whoever she passes and the other scowling and glaring at whoever stares a bit too long. Complete opposites but they go together perfectly, it's near impossible to imagine them without each other practically. And, as it turns out, the two ladies are indeed a couple. A truly adorable couple who are completely in love and infatuated with each other. Many have tried to break them and none have succeeded. The two girls don't want to leave each other... BUT, they wouldn't mind adding in a person or two into their relationship... And that's where the two male best friends who have been drooling from afar come in.
The roles are a bit more set in stone on this one as you would be playing the two males and I would be playing the two females. However, we can definitely change it up a bit so that you, as the two males, are the couple while I can be playing the two females pining from afar, whichever you'd feel more comfortable with. Now, this story would be about the couple and the two best friends meeting (Under whichever circumstances we come up with depending on the ages and setting.) and eventually becoming friends! This then leads to all of them eventually getting into a relationship with each other and drama and fluff ensues. Kind of a feel-good plot with comedic moments and characters and ALSO some drama and good angst tossed in there for a bit of spice. We can definitely customize the details of this and can even add supernatural creatures to add more layers or what have you. Just tell me your ideas and we'll figure it out, yeah?
This plot is more comedic and fun, but can include some good drama and angst. We will both be playing two characters so... hope you're okay with that! Like, you will be playing the two males and me the two females.
Synopsis: The two girls are always joined at the hip, one grinning and greeting whoever she passes and the other scowling and glaring at whoever stares a bit too long. Complete opposites but they go together perfectly, it's near impossible to imagine them without each other practically. And, as it turns out, the two ladies are indeed a couple. A truly adorable couple who are completely in love and infatuated with each other. Many have tried to break them and none have succeeded. The two girls don't want to leave each other... BUT, they wouldn't mind adding in a person or two into their relationship... And that's where the two male best friends who have been drooling from afar come in.
The roles are a bit more set in stone on this one as you would be playing the two males and I would be playing the two females. However, we can definitely change it up a bit so that you, as the two males, are the couple while I can be playing the two females pining from afar, whichever you'd feel more comfortable with. Now, this story would be about the couple and the two best friends meeting (Under whichever circumstances we come up with depending on the ages and setting.) and eventually becoming friends! This then leads to all of them eventually getting into a relationship with each other and drama and fluff ensues. Kind of a feel-good plot with comedic moments and characters and ALSO some drama and good angst tossed in there for a bit of spice. We can definitely customize the details of this and can even add supernatural creatures to add more layers or what have you. Just tell me your ideas and we'll figure it out, yeah?
Sick, Sick, Sick: *
This plot is going to be extremely dark. It is about obsession, infatuation, and darkness. If you are not okay with gore, death, drug use, possible sexual content, and overall creepiness, this is not the plot for you, love. You would be consenting to either be the object of a mad woman's obsession or you are consenting to become the madman looking to make a woman (or man) yours.
Synopsis: You've watched them for what feels like forever. You can't remember what life was like before you knew them. It feels like you were born to be in love with them. You've spent many a night splayed out on their bed, holding them close. You'd spent many days walking with them, not even having to say anything. The connection was just there. You know they love you, they just won't admit it. But, that's fine. You're a patient person so you know it'll just take a couple of nudges and then they will truly be yours! There's only one problem: They don't know that you exist.
The roles in this are a bit more lenient. You can be the object of someone's obsession or the one who has the obsession. If you are the one being stalked, you will be playing a male role. If you are the one stalking, you will also be playing the male role. If I am stalking you, I could play either a female or a male, whichever you prefer. And it's the same if you're stalking me, I can be either a male or female. Specifics are to be discussed in private messaging!
This plot is going to be extremely dark. It is about obsession, infatuation, and darkness. If you are not okay with gore, death, drug use, possible sexual content, and overall creepiness, this is not the plot for you, love. You would be consenting to either be the object of a mad woman's obsession or you are consenting to become the madman looking to make a woman (or man) yours.
Synopsis: You've watched them for what feels like forever. You can't remember what life was like before you knew them. It feels like you were born to be in love with them. You've spent many a night splayed out on their bed, holding them close. You'd spent many days walking with them, not even having to say anything. The connection was just there. You know they love you, they just won't admit it. But, that's fine. You're a patient person so you know it'll just take a couple of nudges and then they will truly be yours! There's only one problem: They don't know that you exist.
The roles in this are a bit more lenient. You can be the object of someone's obsession or the one who has the obsession. If you are the one being stalked, you will be playing a male role. If you are the one stalking, you will also be playing the male role. If I am stalking you, I could play either a female or a male, whichever you prefer. And it's the same if you're stalking me, I can be either a male or female. Specifics are to be discussed in private messaging!
Affection: *
This plot is going to cover some taboo subject matter dealing with underage things, and incestuous themes (not that far from some of my other plots *cough*twins*cough**cough*). The subject matter can get pretty dark and can venture into darker territories or it can be more light-hearted, that depends on you and how we can play it.
Synopsis: You never had an easy life. Grew up in a rough neighborhood with an absentee father and a mother who didn't even want to hold you as a child. Constantly seeing new men come and go from your home, it confused a young you and began to warp your mind before you even understood the words 'one night stand' and 'hookup'. As you grew older, anger and resentment began to fester. What kind of mother would be willing to lay with so many men - strangers at that, yet wouldn't so much as give her son a hug? Signs of starvation were eventually noticed at your school and CPS was called to investigate. Let's just say that you were taken away from your 'mother' without hesitation. Now, here you are at an orphanage, at the ripe old age of 16 numb to the world not expecting to get adopted. Until, one day, a woman arrives looking to adopt. And she chooses you. The first thing she does when she sees you is give you a hug. The only hug you've ever gotten. And from then on... you were addicted.
The roles in this are pretty much set in stone. I got this idea roughly from a movie I saw a long time ago (or maybe a book, who knows?). If you show interest in this, YOU would be playing the male teen who is being adopted by the female character, ME. Of course, specifics will be discussed in PM but the main point of this plot is to play with this idea of someone starved for affection who begins to feel... not so platonic feelings towards his adoptive mother. I think it'll be a lot of fun!
This plot is going to cover some taboo subject matter dealing with underage things, and incestuous themes (not that far from some of my other plots *cough*twins*cough**cough*). The subject matter can get pretty dark and can venture into darker territories or it can be more light-hearted, that depends on you and how we can play it.
Synopsis: You never had an easy life. Grew up in a rough neighborhood with an absentee father and a mother who didn't even want to hold you as a child. Constantly seeing new men come and go from your home, it confused a young you and began to warp your mind before you even understood the words 'one night stand' and 'hookup'. As you grew older, anger and resentment began to fester. What kind of mother would be willing to lay with so many men - strangers at that, yet wouldn't so much as give her son a hug? Signs of starvation were eventually noticed at your school and CPS was called to investigate. Let's just say that you were taken away from your 'mother' without hesitation. Now, here you are at an orphanage, at the ripe old age of 16 numb to the world not expecting to get adopted. Until, one day, a woman arrives looking to adopt. And she chooses you. The first thing she does when she sees you is give you a hug. The only hug you've ever gotten. And from then on... you were addicted.
The roles in this are pretty much set in stone. I got this idea roughly from a movie I saw a long time ago (or maybe a book, who knows?). If you show interest in this, YOU would be playing the male teen who is being adopted by the female character, ME. Of course, specifics will be discussed in PM but the main point of this plot is to play with this idea of someone starved for affection who begins to feel... not so platonic feelings towards his adoptive mother. I think it'll be a lot of fun!
Falling For You: *
This is a very light-hearted initial concept, think slice of life and romantic comedy. However, if you’d prefer, we could make this a darker RP with some adjusting. Keep in mind, of course, that this synopsis is written with a lighter theme in mind.
Synopsis: It felt like life has been out to get you recently. You caught your partner cheating on you with a coworker of theirs. Your car needs to get some stuff replaced so you’re forced to take the bus for the next week and a half. Your mom has been breathing down your neck for you to start giving her grandchildren and YOU’RE ONLY 29! Oh, and your job just laid off 30% of it’s workforce… including you. And bills don’t care if you’re life sucks. So, yeah - you aren’t doing great. So, one night you’re sobbing your eyes out and drinking wine from the bottle with some rather dark thoughts when, in a bright flash of light, your guardian angel appears. They tell you that they’re here to help you get back on your feet and keep fighting. They tell you wonderful things and - wow, your guardian angel is hot. So, you fuck the angel. And that’s apparently a big ‘no no’ sooooo you now have a fallen angel at your doorstep with limited powers and a strong adoration. Cool but, uh, what about rent?
The gendered roles are pretty flexible with the angel role available to be male or female and the role of the disgruntled human could also be male or female. In my head, I pictured a male angel and female human as I 100% based this off of an amazing short called Fallen For You by New Form. Feel free to watch that if you wanna get a better idea for tone. Other than that, I’m very flexible with this one and I think something really fun can come upon expansion of this concept.
This is a very light-hearted initial concept, think slice of life and romantic comedy. However, if you’d prefer, we could make this a darker RP with some adjusting. Keep in mind, of course, that this synopsis is written with a lighter theme in mind.
Synopsis: It felt like life has been out to get you recently. You caught your partner cheating on you with a coworker of theirs. Your car needs to get some stuff replaced so you’re forced to take the bus for the next week and a half. Your mom has been breathing down your neck for you to start giving her grandchildren and YOU’RE ONLY 29! Oh, and your job just laid off 30% of it’s workforce… including you. And bills don’t care if you’re life sucks. So, yeah - you aren’t doing great. So, one night you’re sobbing your eyes out and drinking wine from the bottle with some rather dark thoughts when, in a bright flash of light, your guardian angel appears. They tell you that they’re here to help you get back on your feet and keep fighting. They tell you wonderful things and - wow, your guardian angel is hot. So, you fuck the angel. And that’s apparently a big ‘no no’ sooooo you now have a fallen angel at your doorstep with limited powers and a strong adoration. Cool but, uh, what about rent?
The gendered roles are pretty flexible with the angel role available to be male or female and the role of the disgruntled human could also be male or female. In my head, I pictured a male angel and female human as I 100% based this off of an amazing short called Fallen For You by New Form. Feel free to watch that if you wanna get a better idea for tone. Other than that, I’m very flexible with this one and I think something really fun can come upon expansion of this concept.
Out of my League: *
This is a pretty lighthearted plot, all things considered. Some good old fashioned pining and sneaking around and ooshy gushy stuff. BUT, there are definitely some ways to add some angst and drama - rather easily, I think - so we can really play around with it!
Synopsis: Between extra shifts, overdue bills, nosey parents, and a rather lacking love life, things are kinda... shit, to say the least. But hey, you're the one who wanted to be a makeup artist soooo it's no surprise things are a bit... difficult. But, through it all, you remain strong and slowly and steadily build up a resume and portfolio - admirable, really. Things do pay off when you get the biggest job of your career - your big break: Makeup artist to one of the biggest bands in the entire world who are getting ready for their world tour. A whole year of travelling and experiencing the world in a way you'd never gotten a chance to. How could you possibly refuse?! Of course, it has NOTHING to do with the fact that you have a HUGE crush on one of the members. Of course not. And hell, even if you DID - what could possibly happen anyway?
So, the roles are a bit flexible - you or I can play the makeup artist. And you or I could play the musician - all depends on how we're feeling! As for genders, the makeup artist can be male or female - as well as the job itself can be swapped to stylist if you'd like. The musician can also be male or female! For me personally, the way I picture it, I can play a male or female makeup artist and a male or female musician. Regardless! We can discuss and figure something out - there's a LOT of wiggle room.
This is a pretty lighthearted plot, all things considered. Some good old fashioned pining and sneaking around and ooshy gushy stuff. BUT, there are definitely some ways to add some angst and drama - rather easily, I think - so we can really play around with it!
Synopsis: Between extra shifts, overdue bills, nosey parents, and a rather lacking love life, things are kinda... shit, to say the least. But hey, you're the one who wanted to be a makeup artist soooo it's no surprise things are a bit... difficult. But, through it all, you remain strong and slowly and steadily build up a resume and portfolio - admirable, really. Things do pay off when you get the biggest job of your career - your big break: Makeup artist to one of the biggest bands in the entire world who are getting ready for their world tour. A whole year of travelling and experiencing the world in a way you'd never gotten a chance to. How could you possibly refuse?! Of course, it has NOTHING to do with the fact that you have a HUGE crush on one of the members. Of course not. And hell, even if you DID - what could possibly happen anyway?
So, the roles are a bit flexible - you or I can play the makeup artist. And you or I could play the musician - all depends on how we're feeling! As for genders, the makeup artist can be male or female - as well as the job itself can be swapped to stylist if you'd like. The musician can also be male or female! For me personally, the way I picture it, I can play a male or female makeup artist and a male or female musician. Regardless! We can discuss and figure something out - there's a LOT of wiggle room.
SO, to get some stuff straight - these are fandoms that I feel comfortable diving into world-wise. I am not interested in playing Canon Characters (AU Versions or Replacements are fine, though.) so keep that in mind. Like, let's play members of the Scout Regiment in Attack on Titan or Sorcerers in JJK. The sky is pretty much the limit there. And we can even use some of these fandoms as jump off points to something wholly original - so. many. options. NOW, onto the fandoms themselves. (As mentioned above, an asterisk beside the name means I am most interested in that specific thing at the moment.)
1. Attack on Titan
2. Jujutsu Kaisen
3. Death Note
4. Chainsaw Man
5. My Hero Academia
6. One Punch Man
7. Castelvania
8. Umbrella Academy *
9. Lucifer
10. The Boys
11. Being Human *
12. Supernatural
13. The Walking Dead *
14. Lost Girl
15. Hazbin Hotel **
16. Avatar The Last Airbender
17. Vampire Diaries
18. Last of Us
19. Ghosts *
20. Once Upon A Time
21. DnD **
1. Attack on Titan
2. Jujutsu Kaisen
3. Death Note
4. Chainsaw Man
5. My Hero Academia
6. One Punch Man
7. Castelvania
8. Umbrella Academy *
9. Lucifer
10. The Boys
11. Being Human *
12. Supernatural
13. The Walking Dead *
14. Lost Girl
15. Hazbin Hotel **
16. Avatar The Last Airbender
17. Vampire Diaries
18. Last of Us
19. Ghosts *
20. Once Upon A Time
21. DnD **
SO, has anything caught your fancy? If so, hit me up in the DMs and we can definitely discuss and figure out specifics! I look forward to hearing from you!
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