Tik... Tok... Tik... Tok... The rhythmic drone of the clock layered a blanket of tension over the otherwise silent hotel room. Sat in near perfect stillness at the table, Squall Leonhart, or "Leon" as he had become known, listened on to the timepiece as though he was counting to something, or measuring out the time elapsing. In a rare but subtle movement he cast a glance to the nearby bed. Yuffie, his young companion, was lounging atop the covers, feet and head bobbing to an unheard tune; contrary to Leon's intense focus, the girl seemed unbothered by the time spent waiting. Leon held his gaze upon her, perplexed, yet amused and, in a small way inspired by Yuffie's commitment to a carefree attitude amid such difficult times.
But even the ninja's lax demeanor couldn't rub off on him enough to clear him of all worry. They were short one person, and had been for several hours. Unable to continue containing himself Leon moved in a more sudden and sweeping manner. He kicked out from the table, the chair sliding back and tipping onto the floor with a loud thud. Yuffie's head perked up curiously, though unrattled. "Something getting you, Squall?" she asked, not rising from the bed.
"It's been too long," Leon began pacing. "Aerith should have been back from her rounds by now."
"Mhmmmm. You're not wrong. But it's not like she's never done this before. You know she likes to stop and appreciate things, smell the roses and all."
"I know. But this... tonight feels different. I can't explain it." Leon made his way towards the door, taking up his Gunblade as he crossed the room. "I'm gonna go look for her."
"Gee," Yuffie sat up, though stayed on the bed. "You want me to come with?"
"No. Stay here. Hold down the fort. I shouldn't be long."
"You got it boss!" Yuffie gave Leon a hearty thumbs up and resumed her lounging posture.
Leon exited and tread down the empty hallway. His footfalls seemed to echo through the silence as he made his way out to the streets. "Be safe out there tonight," a voice from behind a drawn curtain at the check-in desk called after him as he stepped outside. He emerged into a cool, crisp, and comfortable night, breathing in the fresh air to clear himself of the cramped hotel room. He scanned the plaza below, and along the raised walkways hoping to see Aerith, but saw no one. Deciding that Cid might have seen her, he hastily went to the First District.
"Leon." Cid recognized him just by the sound of him entering.
"Hey Cid. Aerith hasn't been through yet tonight, has she?" Leon cut straight to the chase.
"Nah. Haven't seen her." Cid gleaned Leon's disappointment and added, "but another old friend did come through."
Leon's interest was piqued. He stepped closer to the counter. "Who?"
"That Zac fellow. The Gummi ship pilot.
"And he says he's got a few refugees along with him. Scooped ‘em up on the last world he dropped into... dropped literally by the sound of it."
"Is he still around?"
"Probably. He mentioned needing to get that ship of his fixed up before leaving. Reckon you've got time to catch up with him. Speaking of catching up, did a kid named 'Hoshi' find you?"
"Nope. Haven't run into any newcomers tonight. But I guess that'll change once I find Zac."
"Likely so. Anyways I told Hoshi to find you. But she's apparently got friends with Zac anyways. So I'm sure she'll find someone before too long. You'd best check in with Zac in the meantime. I'll let Aerith know you're looking for her if she comes by."
"Got it." Leon nodded and left the shop. It didn't take him long before he found the familiar Gummi ship. Within the vessel he could hear the sound of tinkering and repairs being made. "Well this brings back memories," he spoke over the busy noise, reminiscing on the first time Zac had crash-landed in Traverse Town.
Zac was kneeling on the fuselage of his ship, busying himself with something with his back to Leon.
”Yeah, no salvaging that one,” he muttered, holding a part he had just disconnected to examine closely.
”I had a feeling. Looks like I was right to get an all-new one from Cid.” He was about to toss it over his shoulder when Leon’s voice startled him, causing him to drop the somewhat heavy part on his thumb. He yelped and held his hand as he turned back, breaking into a grin despite the pain when he saw his old friend.
”Long time no see, Leon!” he exclaimed as he hopped off of his ship.
As the pain subsided, he shook his hand as he approached Leon.
”What brings you by?” he asked.
”If it’s about that ten munny I borrowed, you’re gonna have to wait a bit longer. I already owe Cid a crateful for the parts he gave me.”Leon held a hand up, saying “Don’t worry about the munny. Cid said you were in town; I figured I’d check in while I had the chance.” He took a good look at Zac’s Gummi ship and nearly cracked a smile in his facade. “By the looks of it, you’ve been roughing it again.”
Zac turned to look back at his ship just in time to see a panel fall from the underside. He let out a sigh and said,
”You could say that. Got into a dogfight and ended up crash-landing on some world on the same day it got swallowed by Darkness. Ended up playing emergency evacuation to a few people. It’s been an eventful day…or two? I’m actually not sure how long it’s been.”He wiped the back of his hand against his cheek, leaving behind a streak of black grease. Either not noticing or unbothered by it, he turned to Leon and asked,
”Oh, by the way, Cid said he sent someone from that world your way. Hoshi. Was she able to find you alright?”“Yeah. Cid explained about as much as that. I haven’t run across anyone named Hoshi yet. Doesn’t surprise me really; we’ve been getting more refugees lately. Sometimes it takes a day or two for us to find people. How many more did you bring along from that world?”
As he listened to Leon, Zac made his way back over to the ship and began working on something underneath the wing.
”I brought three more with me,” he said as he pulled a scorched component out of the wing and tossed it over his shoulder. He walked over to where Cid had left crates of parts for him and dug around until he found a replacement for the one he pulled out.
”Taivas and Levi, who wandered off on their own to explore when we landed, and Lucian. Lucian asked to see Merlin, so I took him over there before I stopped off at Cid’s, so he should still be there with him.”He returned to the ship and began installing the part as he continued,
”There were a few more, too, like Hoshi. There was also Morgan, who even I could tell had more going on than it looked. And the last one was Alias, but all three of them were still on that world when it got swallowed, so other than Hoshi, I’ve got no clue where they are or if they’re even still alive.”“With any luck the missing two ended up somewhere safe.” Though he wanted it to be true Leon knew he was betting against the odds. “The one with Merlin should be well enough where he is though, assuming Merlin is back. I’ll keep an eye out for the other two. In the meantime, do you have any news from around the worlds? Other than the one you just came from, what’s been going on? We’ve… heard rumors here; no way to confirm anything for sure.”
Zac shut the panel and stepped away with a sigh.
”Well…it’s not good,” he stated matter-of-factly. He walked over to the crates of parts and sat on one of them as he said,
”The Heartless have been getting more and more active lately. For every world I save, another gets lost to Darkness. The Ocean Between’s even getting pretty dangerous, as you can probably tell from how Sigrid looks.”He then leaned forward, elbows resting on his legs as he laced his fingers together.
“The Heartless have been acting a bit strange, too. I know they’ve been searching for the Keyholes, but it’s like they’re looking for something else. And I’m sure we both know what that something is.”Leon grimaced. He knew too well what Zac spoke of. If the legends were true, the Heartless finding it and submitting it to Darkness would be an apocalyptic disaster. “And from the look and sound of it, they’re not as wild and disorganized as they usually are. A few people have even said that the attacks on worlds seem coordinated. The question is, by whom?”
”I’ve been trying to figure that out, but I haven’t had any luck,” Zac replied as he hopped off of the crate. At that moment, his stomach growled and he turned to Leon.
”You hungry? I haven’t eaten since before my crash landing.” Sheepishly, he added,
”And would you mind paying for me? I’m still out of cash…”Leon shrugged. “I suppose I have some time to grab a quick bi--” the echo of a heavy bell chiming cut Leon off mid sentence. He tore his eyes away from Zac and in the direction of the Second District.
Meanwhile, in the Second District
A searing pain cut through Hoshi’s chest. She awoke immediately, staring wide at the ceiling above her. Feverish, and still tired, she took in the space as enlarged and warped. Sluggishly, she lifted her head up and looked around. Leon had finished with his tinkering and retreated into his own room; Launchpad remained vigilantly perched upon the windowsill keeping watch upon the plaza below. Careful not to make a stir or too much noise, Hoshi slipped off of the couch, grabbed the black coat hanging nearby, and crept out of the apartment. She descended the stairs in zombie-like fashion, unsure of what deep instinct compelled her.
She didn’t come to her own senses until she stepped out into the back alley behind the building and felt a kick of wind brushed against her. Feeling more awake, she donned the black coat, mostly to stave off the chill of the night. She looked in both directions. To the right was a set of double-doors, marking the way to the Third District; to her right was the way to the open plaza of the Second District. Hoshi opted for the second, turning the corner and facing down the hotel across the way. There, clearly imprinted against the light from the Hotel, stood the silhouette of a dark figure, also adorned by a long, black coat.
All Hoshi could do was stare at the figure, and fight back the tempest that had started beneath her chest. She took a single step forward when a warm touch pressed against her shoulder.
“Ah!” she gave a yelp, but muffled it with her own hands before it had a chance to carry. She spun around on the spot, coming face-to-face with a kind looking woman with long, wavy brown hair and green eyes that felt like looking into a mirror.
“I’m sorry,” the woman said softly. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you new here?”
“Uh…” Hoshi lagged in thought before answering properly.
“Yeah. Arrived earlier today… tonight? Why?”“My friends and I have been trying to help refugees as they arrive,” the woman explained. “I’m sorry. My name is Aerith, by the way.”
“Hoshi.” Hoshi nodded and patted her shoulder.
“Well then welcome Hoshi. Have you by chance met Leon? He’s one of my friends.”
“Oh yeah!” Hoshi said, relieved that the woman wasn’t just a random person.
“He found me as soon as I got here.” “That’s wonderful,” Aerith said smiling. “Has he found you a place to stay? If not, we have a safehouse in town where people can stay while we sort all of that out.”
“Yeah. He set me up.” Hoshi pointed up towards the apartment.
“He’s up there right now, actually. And Launchpad is there too.”Aerith’s smile melted away into a confused, if not concerned expression. Hoshi, in turn, gave a quizzical look.
“What is it?” She asked.
“Nothing,” Aerith said. “Just… who’s Launchpad?”
Hoshi fell to a loss of words. As she tried and fumbled with what to say, the shrill ringing from the bell tower cut her off. She wheeled back to the plaza, where the familiar masses of Darkness heralded the arrival of Shadows.
“We’ll talk later,” Aerith said. She stepped up next to Hoshi, heading the Heartless off. In her right hand she wielded what looked like a short staff, or a long baton. She flourished the weapon, projecting a wind-like force that cut through one of the Shadows.
Not wanting to be helpless, Hoshi summoned her Keyblade. In spite of a lack of rest, she called upon a burst of speed, and cut down a pair of Shadows that had circled behind Aerith.
“A Keyblade?!” Aerith exclaimed upon seeing the weapon.
“Long story,” Hoshi said. Aerith simply nodded in response.
“We have to get to the First District. We have safeguards there.”
“Right.”Aerith pointed to the doors to the Third District. “It’ll be easier to go that way.” More Heartless emerged in the plaza before the pair. “You go. I’ll hold them off.”
“Got it!” Hoshi used her speed to rush down the alley towards the double doors.
It was a feeling all too familiar to the pair: a pressing weight in the chest, followed seconds later by the Shadows rising up from the cobblestone. Leon drew his Gunblade. “Looks like that meal will need to wait a bit longer. I’ll hold them off; you focus on getting your ship fixed up.”
Zac sighed and turned back to his ship as he said,
“Alright, fine. It shouldn’t take too long, so save some for me, alright?” He tapped his foot on the ground a couple of times and a wall of stone erupted around him and his ship, giving him some added protection while he got to work.
“Huh. ‘Save some for me’ yeah.” Leon chuckled under his breath a bit. He swung hard, cutting down a Shadow in its tracks. “Yeah. I can do that..”