In honesty, I'm a bit dissatisfied with the pacing of things. I feel like a Jojo villain being told my next post will be "Kaison walks onto the boat" and then I post Kaison walking onto the boat and am compelled by some unknown force to exclaim "NANI!?"
I recognize the intent is just to allow room to show off a character's behavior, but that doesn't really change the halting vibe of the narrative that still hasn't really started yet two months in, and it kind of just feels like the individual steps forward are just busywork. I would probably write Kaison walking onto the boat and settling in as a single paragraph or two within a larger post as a transition towards something more, but there's just not really any agency to be had right now and it feels more obligation than opportunity to be taking that dead-end paragraph and making a post out of it alone. Harder than a making a longer post too, ironically. Sorry if if this comes off as rude.
I've gotten a bit busier in real life lately, but not so busy that I wouldn't have time for this RP.