Mission One: Cho-Tyrek
Paradise Motel / Outskirts / System Capital, City Moon Warren / Rin System / Procyon Sector
The planet Aleph hangs in the sky, only a sliver of its swirling, blue-green atmosphere visible between the towering buildings above. The night sky framing it on either side of it is an unbroken, gold-tinged blackness. The megacity's haze and its uncountable lights produce a wispy glow that blots out the stars entirely, yet leaves the lower levels--and especially the alleyways--a checkerboard of lights ready to reveal a helpless victim and shadows perfect for concealing threats.
If everything goes according to plan tonight, you'll be the latter rather than the former.
Your search led you across two systems--and into a few tight spots--but you've finally run down your man. The second-floor walkway of the Motel Paradise is as poorly lit as the rest of the area (and the trash-drift that has accumulated in the corners gives you the impression that it's more from lack of maintenance than any desire to reduce the local light pollution), but you can read the room numbers well enough. Though you can hear the ambient sounds of the city around you--hovercars whirring overhead, wild city dogs barking, the thumping of bass in the distance--the motel itself is eerily quiet. Perhaps the residents can sense the threat of violence in the air. Or maybe business just isn't very good.
You find the room right at the corner of the building, overlooking the intersection of two alleys, and--your movements quick and practiced--prepare to break in.
The sound of a heavy blaster is unmistakable--like a giant, ripping cloth in its hands. Time seems to slow down for a second as a bolt hits the wall maybe three feet away from the room, leaving a sizzling hole in the plaster-and-particleboard construction. Then a second hits, slightly closer. Then a third.
Just down the alley from you is a face that you know well, at least from holos. A man with a pale complexion, his head shaved completely bald, with black tattoos running from a point on the back of his neck to completely encircle his eyes. He's wearing cargo pants and a ratty coat rather than the sleek bodysuit his dossier has him in, but there's no doubt in your mind.
Your target, Cho-Tyrek, is escaping on a hoverbike he has just recovered from underneath a tarp. A small figure is clutched on to his back--it's roughly the size and shape of a human child, but it's swaddled in a bulky cloth that makes it hard to discern any details, other than that it's holding on for dear life. With one hand, Cho is driving the hovercycle; with the other, he's laying down a trail of blaster fire that is about to become, from your perspective, worryingly accurate.
Things so rarely go according to plan.