Raúl Alonso

Location: Chicago, IL
The weather in Chicago left much to desire. The wind blew across the waterway, increasing the humidity until the wind left a permanent chill within the body. Raúl pulled his jacket in tighter as he stood next to a white sheet that lay on the ground. It was strange, the use of white to cover a dead body. Raúl wondered if it originated from Asian funeral rites.
Regardless of where it came from, the white sheet currently covered a body. Raúl managed to gain access to the crime scene thanks to his ID, which declared him as law enforcement from Spain. Although, the term law enforcement was a stretch. Raúl was more of a bounty hunter for the supernatural community.
Raúl crouched down and lifted the sheet. The witch simply looked like they were asleep. Their face was unblemished, and the face lay free from stress or wrinkles. However, the lack of a heartbeat and breathing pattern was enough reason to know the witch was quite dead. Not to mention the blue colouring around their lips to indicate the cold.
Raúl ran his hand across his face, rubbing his moustache before he set the sheet back down and stood. Something was off. It was the only reason why he had been called in. But what had happened,d and who did it? Those were the questions Raúl needed to answer before more witches died.