Breaking News: Fey's Posting Trashy Shoujo RP Concepts Again
What's up, Guild! It's ya boi, back at it again craving dumb, goofy romance RPs. This int check is going to be a little scatterbrained, since I don't quite have much more than a barebones concept ironed out, but I figured I'd just throw it out there and get the ball rolling so I can figure out who'd be interested and what kind of angle to take.
To start with, what I don't want is just another generic school RP. I want to skip over the boring, uninteresting parts and focus more or less entirely on character interactions and dynamics. There will be day-to-day stuff always happening -- going to classes, eating lunch, attending clubs, you already know how this goes -- but I don't want us to get bogged down describing every little detail of it. What I want is to just focus on setting up conversations and events and giving the characters the chance to just be themselves -- no great conflict to resolve, and no need to document their entire daily routines, just skipping to the good parts and laughing along with them.
So, you may be wondering why I tagged this thread "advanced" if I'm planning on keeping things as simple as possible. Conceptually, this should be the most casual of casual RPs, right? The answer is yes, and also no. Let me explain.
The basic premise I'm thinking of going with is one that's pretty common in shoujo manga -- two groups, one male, one female, getting tangled up together and all sorts of dumb crushes and cute romances playing out between them as a result. Whether they're close friends, siblings, clubmates, or some mix thereof, there just needs to be a connection between each group so that it's not just a bunch of separate 1x1s playing out simultaneously, but rather a setting where they can and will support each other. Ideally, the interactions of one ship should be able to lead to developments for the characters involved in the other ones too.
But there's the catch -- most of the characters will, as a result, already know and have established histories and dynamics with at least half of the other characters. This means preplanning and coordinating a lot of those dynamics in advance, establishing how these characters know each other, why they're friends, etc. To some degree, I'm thinking I'll also use a role system to streamline this process, setting out general archetypes in advance and letting people pick and choose which of said roles they want to fill in -- giving a staple trope as an example of the general dynamic and sort of building from there. I.E., the tomboyish childhood friend (which I'm totally calling dibs on by the way :P), the school prince, the prim and proper class rep, the delinquent with a heart of gold, etc.
I'd be looking for no less than 3 and no more than 5 players, filling out balanced groups of 2-3 guys and girls each. I'll save ironing out more details on the how and why the two halves of the cast meet and start interacting more regularly for when I know who's interested and what sorts of archetypes they'd be interested in playing -- so please include your preferred role, as well as your preferred ship dynamics along with your response to this post.
For example, as previously mentioned, I'm mostly looking to play a somewhat socially awkward, blunt, and generally cool tomboy, and have a classic childhood friend romance where she's reunited with a boy she used to hang out with all the time when they were kids. Whether it's unrequited love on her part and she's got to win him over, or they both feel the same but think they're the only one and are afraid to admit it, I think it could be really sweet either way.
At any rate, thanks for checking this out! Can't wait to see what ideas y'all bring to the table. I've been really wanting something simple and fun like this to get me back into the swing of RP writing for a long time. Hope to hear from people soon!