"I will do whatever it takes to see us to our journey's end."
Name: Ciradyl Ianthyra
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Faye
Origin: Osprey
Class: Bard
Heaven's Chorus
- A few potion flasks.
- Quiver & Arrows
- Spare bow strings
- Swimsuit
- Elegant Dress
- Plain clothes
- Dried Fruit
- Sense
- Long Range
Limit Breaks:
A Dreamer's Requiem - A soothing, captivating melody is played on the violin that reinvigorates the stamina of nearby allies. This increases their speed, strength, and resistance to mind-altering effects for a short time. The song may be played for longer to increase the duration of its effect.
Appearance Details:
Ciradyl possesses an hourglass-like figure and is somewhat short for a Faye at 6'1". Her snow-white hair is often kept up in a ponytail when she is travelling but will leave it down when resting at a town or city. She has mint-colored eyes that are normally the most expressive part of her features. Ciradyl's skin nearly matches her hair and only serves to make her typically vibrant choice of clothing more distinctive. She lacks the muscle definition of a typical soldier or adventurer but is in good, general fitness.
Ciradyl is a melancholic Faye that rarely shows her true feelings through expressions or pitches in her tone. The hints of emotion are subtle and require a keen eye or some time spent with her. She is a confident speaker and has no trouble acting as the center of attention. Despite her typical coldness, Ciradyl easily dons any type of mask to suit her purposes though she will not do so around those who have earned her trust. The nature of her actions has led this trust to be hard to acquire.
The best way to understand Ciradyl is to listen to her play. When not performing in front of a crowd, her music is a reflection of her very thoughts and feelings. She feels as though there expressing them any other way is a waste of energy and willpower. Ciradyl is skeptical and pessimistic of most situations leading her to be cautious and plan her movements several steps in advance. There is nothing she detests more than being surprised.
The only child of a wealthy merchant family, Ciradyl's parents immigrated to Osprey from Draanu Asnaeu shortly before she was born. They were quite strict with the young Faye, especially her father, about retaining the culture of their homeland. Countless sunrises were spent in the woods learning how to track and take down prey with a bow. Ciradyl fondly remembers these hunts despite the harsh methods in which she was taught. Her mother instructed her on proper etiquette befitting their position and pushed her to pursue the arts. One such trip to theatre in Kugane. It was her first true taste of the culture of Osprey and the performance ignited the spark that would push her to become a musician.
Her parents were quick to recognize their daughter's gift, a blessing from the heavens they came to believe from Etro herself. The mere act of listening to her singing seemed to imbue those who listened with a deeper and more acute understanding of their surroundings, as if the sound of her voice opened up their minds. Ciradyl first performed near a street closest to her house and quickly drew in a crowd. She performed music from Osprey and Draanu Asnaeu at first but as time went on she began to blend the two cultures into her own unique style. The performing arts became her main obsession and she learned many techniques from various masters to elevate her performances.
Taverns across Kugane began to hire her to perform which allowed her popularity to snowball. She would pack every tavern that she performed as they all tried to see the Faye Beauty with the voice of a goddess. Ciradyl continued to hunt with her father as her free time grew shorter and shorter. She shared everything with him and was her way to relax and unwind. Her mother attended nearly every show and was not afraid to gush about her talented daughter to anyone that would listen.
The war with Edren broke out shortly after Ciradyl landed a contract with a notable theatre. She performed as normal at first, the crowd often hosting a number of warriors either returning or leaving for the frontlines. Ciradyl poured her heart and soul into every performance, feeling as thought it was her duty to alleviate the worries of her patrons. This tranquil period did not last as the war began to turn against Osprey's favor. Her shows became less frequent and she began volunteering at hospitals to assist in the war effort, giving her insight into just how ugly the world could be.
The depression that fell upon the kingdom after their defeat at the hands of Edren tore at her heartstrings. Valheim's invasion soon after shredded them. War that had felt like a distant horror was now running amok in her home. Ciradyl did not think such acts of evil could be done but the Valheimians showed her the error of her naivety. Her parents were both killed in the collateral damage and most of their fortune was pillaged by Valheim save for what Ciradyl could carry. Osprey had lost before it had known it was under attack. She, however, would carry on the fight in her own way.
Ciradyl spent the next years establishing a network of spies and informants within the city of Kugane and establishing herself as a popular figure among the occupation force. Officers to foot soldiers came to see her performances with some attempting to court the Faye. This proved to be a useful source of information that Ciradyl expanded upon with time. Her fight would be one of subtlety and subterfuge, waiting for the day when they could overthrow their occupiers under a true leader.
- Loves the outdoors
- Meticulous and organized
- Tea-connoisseur
- Habitual reader.
- Hopeless romantic
- Broken optimist
- Often lost in her own thoughts
- Feron Ianythra - Ciradyl's father and main instructor for the bow. He was killed during the defense of Kugane after refusing to surrender his home.
- Irella Ianythra - Ciradyl's mother and number one supporter of her music. She was slaughtered after refusing to allow a Valheimian officer to take over their manor.
- Ciradyl is well-known in Kugane and surrounding areas, thought her name is not well known outside of Osprey