Name: Miss Light
Age: 23 years and 3 months
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Hexblade Warlock
Level: 1
Background: Entertainer
Personality: See persona section of the linked character sheet.
Backstory: (Note: I had a much more detailed backstory for Miss Light almost done, but then I lost it in a computer crash. I may type up the more detailed version again once the wave of crushing despair born from its loss has passed. Until then though, I'm just gonna sum it up in bullet points.)
• Miss Light was initially called Marian Lovelace.
• Every member of Marian's family aside from her mother hated Marian because Marian was born out of wedlock and since the Lovelace family are favored servants of the Ruling Family, scandal like that is not a thing they enjoy.
• Life generally sucked for Marian until she found Arkerym, a Hexblade longsword and loyal servant of the Raven Queen.
• Arkerym revealed to Marian that her father was in fact Mister Light, who fell in love with Marian's mother the last time the Witchlight Carnival was in Valerith before fun was banned.
• Arkerym then offered Marian a deal: Arkerym helps Marian escape her mean relatives, find her father, and rescue her mother from the aforementioned mean relatives. In return, Marian becomes Arkerym's warlock and serves the Raven Queen.
• Marian took the deal, gained warlock powers, gained clown powers, escaped, changed her name to Miss Light, and was guided by Arkerym to a place where the Witchlight Carnival has just flown into town.
'Let the games begin.'
Stat Generation: Standard Array