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Hidden 12 days ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Chapter 1

Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival!

The Ticket Booth

In the world of Alarene, the nation of Valerith, where entertainment, music, and all sorts of conduits for Enchantment magic are banned, an unusual scene and sounds now stands proudly in an empty field. A carnival that stands brightly and tall, far from cities and any who would seek to arrest or harass them.

However, this sight is one that Miss Light has been looking for, for the longest time now. She's finally found it. She's finally found the Witchlight Carnival!

The first stars of night twinkle above the apricot sunset. Giant dragonflies whir overhead, trailing streamers, and a low mist curls over the ground. Through a floral archway, you glimpse wondrous and vibrant creatures—elf stilt walkers, dancing faeries, and painted performers. Everywhere there is laughter, pixie dust, bubbles, and the wistful tune of a whistling calliope.

A silver statue of a dancing faerie is mounted on the roof of this ticket booth and surrounded by fluttering butterflies. The booth is decorated with an animated depiction of the night sky, with shooting stars arcing across it.

An elderly goblin perches behind the ticket counter, peering at you quizzically through a spyglass. He lowers the spyglass and calls out to you: "Greetings, fair fairgoers!"

You stand with other curious travelers among a caravan who traveled on the road. There is safety in numbers from monsters after all.

One of said caravaners, a male dwarf, look at this place and he angrily grunts at the goblin, "What is this nonsense?"

The goblin tilts his head and he raises his ear horn as he calls out, "What?! What did you say?!"

"I SAID: WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?!" the angry dwarf shouts once again. The goblin lowers his horn and he answers, "Why, this is the Witchlight Carnival, Good Sir!"

"A Carnival? I thought those were outlawed too?" Another caravaner, a female human asked out of concern and curiosity.

"It is! People who run carnivals and circuses get the capital punishment of execution if they're caught! Visitors are no exception. We shouldn't be here!" A third caravaner, a halfling male, pipes up fearfully.

The dwarf angrily speaks to the elderly goblin, "You got some nerve! Perhaps we oughta report you to the knights once we reach the city!"

Tensions are rising...what does Miss Light do?
Hidden 12 days ago 11 days ago Post by rush99999
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Miss Light

'Ready thyself. Thy destination approaches.'

Even after all this time, Miss Light just couldn't get used to the feeling of Arkerym's voice reverberating uncomfortably within her mind. But the news he bore this time did much to distract her from the feeling. Moving from the spot within the barrel-topped wagon she had been sitting in for some time now, Miss Light peered out of the opening up front with an inquisitive pose and saw that the caravan was moving up a hill. And from somewhere behind that hill, the sound of joyous music could be heard. Though her face bore a neutral expression the whole time, every other fiber of Miss Light's being radiated an excited sort of eagerness as the caravan neared the hilltop. An excitement that turned to pure wonder when they finally crested the hill and beheld what lay on the other side. "It's here." Came an awestruck whisper from the half-elf. "It's really here... The Witchlight Carnival"

'It is indeed. Just as I promised. And within its confines, thou shalt discover thy father. Also as I promised.'

Miss Light was silent for a time after that as the caravan descended upon the carnival. She had become lost in her thoughts. Thoughts about Mister Light, the father she would soon meet. Musings about what he would be like. Hopes that he would accept her as her own mother had. Fears that he would reject her as the rest of her family had. Miss Light was eventually pulled from her thoughts by the sound of shouting.

The caravan had stopped next to the carnival and some of her traveling companions had stepped off to investigate. Chief among them was one Morgran Fireforge, who was ranting and roaring and making threats to the elderly goblin working the ticket booth. To one who didn't know the dwarf, one might think him cruel and angry. Looking only to cause distress and ruin the joy of others for his own spiteful pleasure. But over the course of their travels together, Miss Light and Morgran had come to know each other better over drinks. To the point that each had felt comfortable revealing their tragic tale to the other. And so the half-elf knew that the dwarf's fury came not from malice, but rather from a desire to ensure what happened to his parents didn't happen to anyone else he cared about.

"You got some nerve! Perhaps we oughta report you to the knights once we reach the city!"

As angry as he was though, Morgran was liable to do more harm than good at this rate. And so, after taking a moment to cover her clown garb with one of her hooded cloaks, Miss Light climbed out of the wagon and moved to intervene before the tension in the air caused someone to do something foolish. "Calm yourself, Morgran. Getting angry isn't going to solve anything." The half-elf appealed to the dwarf as she closed to speaking distance and absentmindedly struck a placating pose. "I've heard stories of the Witchlight Carnival. They enjoy the protection of a powerful fey queen. Her magic makes this place look unremarkable. We are safer here than it first may seem."
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival!

The Ticket Booth

Morgran looks to Miss Light as she speaks, while the Elderly Goblin looks up as she approaches. After Miss Light explained what she's heard, he relaxes but looks perplexed at what he heard. Morgran answers her words with, "Is that so...?"

The Elderly Goblin speaks, "I cannot confirm or deny the Lady's words, but yes. We do not intend to do harm here. We simply wish that all we meet simply have a delightful time. You are welcome to purchase a ticket here and enjoy the festivities, or not. If you do not have enough money to purchase a ticket, but still wish to purchase, you may barter for a ticket,"

He then speaks, "An adult's ticket costs 8 silver pieces each, and are good for eight ticket punches. If you end up having all eight ticket punches, and you want to enjoy more of the festivities, come back here to purchase another ticket,"

Morgran is at least not ready to attack anyone, and is definitely more at ease than before. But he still appeared to be cautious along with the other caravaners. The other caravaners look to each other and speak quietly amongst themselves,

"I don't know...should we?"
"What if word gets out that we went to a carnival?"
"It seems like fun. It doesn't seem like it'll do any harm..."
Hidden 11 days ago 11 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Miss Light

As the others debate whether or not they should go in, Miss Light stepped up to the ticket booth and placed three gold coins on the counter. "Three tickets, please." She requested with an expectant pose. "You may keep the change."
Hidden 11 days ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki

Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival!

The Ticket Booth

The elderly goblin nods to Miss Light, and he takes the coins. He hands her the three golden tickets. He answers her, "Thank you, young lady. I hope you have a delightful time," The goblin does indeed place six silver pieces on the counter and pushed them to her, while saying, "Your change. I insist,"

The other caravaners look to Miss Light, awed by her boldness. Morgran asks Miss Light, his voice still low and suspicious, "Are you sure about those stories you've heard, Miss Light?"

Hidden 11 days ago Post by rush99999
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Miss Light

"Very well." Miss Light said in response to the old goblin's insistence. Taking the silvers and slipping them into her coin purse.

"Are you sure about those stories you've heard, Miss Light?" Morgran voiced his continued suspicions then.

"Quite sure." Miss Light replied before reaching down and patting Arkerym's pommel. "My source has proven to be reliably correct about these things in the past." Morgran and the rest of the caravan knew of Miss Light's pact. Her possession of a Hexblade was one of the first things they had learned about her after she used her magic to dissuade a small band of goblins from attacking the caravan. "And even if I wasn't sure, there is something I must do here. And it simply must be done, I fear." With that said, Miss Light turned on her heel and made to ent-

'Hold. Harken to me.'

Miss Light paused and took up a thoughtful pose as she listened to the voice in her mind.

'The dwarf. Thou shalt coax him into the carnival.'

Arkerym's orders were - as they always were - concise, to the point, and utterly lacking in an explanation as to why he gave them. Miss Light had long since learned that she would get more of an explanation from following the order than questioning it, so she turned back to Morgran and offered him one of her tickets. "If you're worried for my wellbeing though, you could always join me. You would have an easier time keeping me out of trouble if you're close by." Miss Light suggested. "Besides that, I have heard they serve a very fine blackberry wine here."

Hidden 11 days ago 10 days ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki

Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival!

The Ticket Booth

When Miss Light mentions her source and taps at the hilt of her sword, Morgran and the rest of the caravaners gain a look of understanding. Morgran blinks when he notices that Miss Light freeze before she offers him a ticket. At first, he looks like he was going to refuse. But, Miss Light's words caused him to become still and actually consider it. A noticeable glint appeared in his eyes at the mention of fine blackberry wine.

He takes the offered ticket and "Alright, Lass. Ya got me. Fine! I'll go with ya into this Witchlight Carnival,"

After accepting the ticket, Morgran turns to the rest of the caravaners and calls out, "Watch over the wares while we're gone, ya hear?! And don't git yerselves into trouble while I'm away either! Fleetfoot! You're takin' the lead while I'm away!" The frightened halfling answers Morgran's words in a quick and skittish voice and a salute, "Yessir!"

The Elderly Goblin coughs to catch both Miss Light's and Morgran's attention. He pulls out two pairs of fabric butterfly wings. He speaks to them, "Please wear these while you are in the Carnival. They inform everyone that you are paying customers,"

It's clear that the Elderly Goblin explained because Morgran was about to ask why. He grumbles as he takes a pair of fabric wings and puts them on. He immediately gains a sour look on his face, and his shoulders slump as he realizes his butterfly wings are pink...

"I look re-godsdamned-diculous,"
Hidden 10 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Miss Light

Had she known how to do so, Miss Light would have smiled when Morgran acquiesced to her request. Once the dwarf was done barking orders at the rest of the Caravan, Miss Light turned with him to face the old goblin as he presented them both with a pair of fabric butterfly wings. The half-elf allowed her newfound companion first pick, assuming that he would take the light yellow wings. She was somewhat surprised when he opted for the pink wings instead. She decided not to comment on the decision though. If Morgran wanted the pink wings, he was more than welcome to them. She much preferred light yellow anyway.

Taking the remaining pair of wings from the old goblin, Miss Light pulled off her hooded cloak, dramatically revealing the jester's costume she had on underneath. She then stowed the cloak within her backpack's cloak compartment and donned her wings, taking a moment to ensure they fitted comfortably before turning to look at Morgran.

"I look re-godsdamned-diculous,"

Just in time to see him realize that he had absentmindedly taken a pair of pink wings without noticing their color until he had already put them on.

"You can switch with me if you think you'd look better in light yellow." Miss Light offered. "But personally? I think pink wings suit you just fine."
Hidden 10 days ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki

Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival!

The Ticket Booth

Morgran let out a sigh as he answers Miss Light, “Ah. It’s fine, Miss Light. Thanks anyways. Besides, it’s not like I’m keeping this thing on after the carnival,” If he had any opinions on Miss Light’s jester attire underneath the cloak, he was not voicing them. But it is clear that he is ready to face the carnival with Miss Light.

The elderly goblin bids the duo as they enter, “We hope you have a delightful time,” as he also hands them the map.

The First Hour Event!

As the pair enters the carnival, they both notices that the mood is reasonably bright and everyone seems to be looking forward to the carnival. The calliope is piping merrily but subtly to reflect the somewhat good mood that permeates the carnival.

The both of them soon see a twelve-foot-tall walking tree garlanded in golden ribbons march down the thoroughfare. Emerald clouds swirl above the tree and rain down golden, spinning sycamore seeds. Fairgoers around the party try to catch the seeds before they hit the ground. As the seeds gently fall, a chatty squirrel scampers along the boughs of the tree, handing dandelions to select passersby.

The walking tree calls out to everyone, "Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival! Catch the seeds before they hit the ground, and you'll receive a wondrous token of our gratitude!"

The squirrel scampers to Miss Light’s and Morgran and speaks(!), "Blow the seeds into the air, and make a wish! Go on, go on!"

The squirrel soon scampers away leaving a stunned and surprised Morgran, “Did-Did that squirrel just talk? By my forefathers’ beards!”

Hidden 9 days ago 9 days ago Post by rush99999
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Miss Light

As she walked past the ticket booth an into the carnival, Miss Light's eyes were locked firmly onto the map that the old goblin had given her. Specifically on the bottom right corner, where nine depictions of her father's face in various stages of joy or misery made up part of a strange decorative design that advertised some kind of contest being held for the title of Witchlight Monarch.

"Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival! Catch the seeds before they hit the ground, and you'll receive a wondrous token of our gratitude!"

Miss Light was pulled from her thoughts by the exclamation of a nearby treant. A moment later, she felt that she was holding something between her finger and thumb. Upon turning to look, Miss Light saw that her hand had unconsciously shot out and caught a seed that had been falling past her. A feeling of great amusement filled Miss Light's mind then. And though it didn't show on her face, the poses the half-elf unconsciously struck every now and then had a lot more mirth to them than before. After a moment, she noticed that Morgran was trying to catch one of the seeds too. Though he wasn't having much luck. Waving her own seed like a wand, Miss Light cast a spell that redirected the wind to blow a seed somewhere Morgran could easily reach it. "Nice catch." Miss Light said once Morgran caught the seed.

"Blow the seeds into the air, and make a wish!" A voice from near their feet spoke up then.

Miss Light looked down to see the squirrel that had been scampering about and offering dandelions to select people had selected Miss Light and her dwarven companion as well.

"Go on, go on!" The squirrel urged, offering up a dandelion for each of them.

Seeing no harm in obliging, Miss Light crouched down, took both dandelions, gave a polite "Thank you kindly.", and stood up as the squirrel continued on.

“Did-Did that squirrel just talk?" Morgran spoke up then in confusion. "By my forefathers’ beards!”

"For a skilled enough druid or bard, such a feat is not that hard." Miss Light mentioned, unknowingly speaking in rhyme as she did. "An agate worth a thousand gold. Lined with magic paths, I'm told. Put gem to mind and the spell is cast. Fun to do, but neither cheap nor fast." Miss Light offered a dandelion for Morgran to wish on then. Whether he accepted or not, Miss Light brought her own dandelion to her lips and whispered so that only it could hear. "I wish that my father accepts me as his daughter. And that together... we can save my mother." With that done, Miss Light drew in a breath and set the seeds on her dandelion adrift on the air.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki

Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival!

The First Hour Begins...

The dandelion seeds fly upwards as the air takes them and her wish away. Whether that wish would be granted or denied by the fates remains unknown yet. Morgran snaps her attention back to the present moment as he mentions, "Ya know ya were speakin' in rhyme, right?" He seems somewhat concerned that she had been speaking in rhyme in that moment. But the awkwardness passes as he clears his throat.

He then asks Miss Light, "Well, I don't reckon we're supposed to just stand here the entire time. What are we supposed to do now? I'll follow yer lead, Miss Light," He then looks to the map that the Elderly Goblin handed them and he asks, "What do you suppose is at all these locations on the map?"

Naturally, the man wouldn't be sure what to do at a carnival, especially considering that the Kingdom of Valerith outlawed everything fun and creative. But his point remains clear for Miss Light: Where will she be going and what will she be doing? The Carnival is now open to her and Morgran for the both of them to explore, and it is only the First Hour.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by rush99999
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Miss Light

"Ya know ya were speakin' in rhyme, right?"

"Oh, that?" Miss Light replied. "No, I don't usually notice when I speak in rhyme. That, along with my tendency to strike poses without realizing it, are side effects of Arkerym imbuing me with the performative talents of my father when I made my pact with the Hexblade."

"Well, I don't reckon we're supposed to just stand here the entire time. What are we supposed to do now? I'll follow yer lead, Miss Light," Morgran said before looking to the map. "What do you suppose is at all these locations on the map?"

"Well I think I can hazard a guess as to what we will find in the Feasting Orchard." Miss Light said while pointing out the location in question on the map. "I don't know about you, but trail rations have somewhat lost their luster to me. Let us head to the Orchard, grab ourselves a Feast, and figure out our next move from there." Should Morgran agree with this, Miss Light would begin leading the way to the carnival's main eatery. Though as they passed by the calliope that stood right next to the entrance, Miss Light would pause a moment to enjoy the wistful music it was playing.
Hidden 7 days ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival!


Morgran looks even more concerned when she mentioned that the poses and rhyming were side effects of her pact with her blade, Arkerym. He mutters, completely befuddled, "I'm more impressed ya haven't been caught by the guards just fer doin' so...!"

When she gave her answer as to where to go next, Morgran nods in agreement, "Aye! That sounds bloody fantastic to me. Ya did say they have fine blackberry wine here earlier! Let's get going," With that agreement, he follows Miss Light's lead to the Feasting Orchard, but stops with her at the Calliope.

As the both of them pass by the Calliope, they hear a merry tune spilling forth from the instrument on the back of a brightly painted wagon. A monkey wearing a cloak covered with buttons turns a handle at the wagon's rear, sending music into the air from rows of golden whistles. As they watch, a goblin dressed as a ladybug toddles up to them, rattling a tin cup.

Upon the goblin's approach, the monkey notices you and he recites a rhyme...

"Spare a button if you please,

I'll sew it next to all of these.

I offer nothing in its place,

Besides a smile upon my face."

Morgran seems more eager to simply continue on their way. Should Miss Light give a button, the monkey smiles happily at her.

The Feasting Orchard

Miss Light and Morgran reach their destination without much incident. Music and mirth radiate from this park. The heady scents of flowers, mead, and berry pie waft through the air. Stilt-walkers pluck fruit from trees; musicians drum, pipe, and strum; and everywhere there is singing, dancing, and an inordinate amount of custard.

There are also smaller stands about in this park that sell other snacks and beverages for the customers' consumption.

An announcer within this park calls out to the fairgoers who came here, "Gooood Evening, Ladies and Gents! The first of tonight's Faerie Cake Eating Contest will be starting very soon! If you wish to particpate, please seat yourself at the center table and I will explain the rules!"
Hidden 7 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Miss Light

"Spare a button if you please,

I'll sew it next to all of these.

I offer nothing in its place,

Besides a smile upon my face."

Seeing no harm in obliging this request either, Miss Light fished her weaver's tools out of her backpack and fished a spare button out of the tool kit in turn. She then reached out and dropped the button into the tin cup the monkey's goblin was rattling.

'A wise decision. Though with any luck, thou shalt never learn why that is.'

Upon receiving the smile that the monkey had offered in return, Miss Light gave a small nod, stowed her tools back in her backpack, and continued on to the Feasting Orchard.

"Gooood Evening, Ladies and Gents! The first of tonight's Faerie Cake Eating Contest will be starting very soon! If you wish to participate, please seat yourself at the center table and I will explain the rules!"

Miss Light eyed the center table for a moment when a barker designated it as the spot for an eating contest shortly after she and Morgran arrived. The half-elf personally was not too keen on the idea of joining. She preferred to take her time when eating. And with many of the treats on offer being custard-based, Miss Light had a feeling that eating quickly around here was a recipe for messy disaster. And so she charted a path around the Feasting Orchard's other attractions, browsing the vending stands and listening to the musicians.
Hidden 11 hrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki

Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival!

The Feasting Orchard

Miss Light is able to find plenty of food and wine among the stalls in the Feasting Orchard. She also notices that there are some smaller games taking place here along with the musicians. Morgran himself seems to have found himself the promised wine and he carries a large tray of food and wine past Miss Light, before speaking to her, "I'm gonna grab us a table Miss Light, in case ya want some food,"

With that, he leaves her to continue exploring. She spots a smiling gnome in green clothes simply enjoying her time here. That smile fades and her eyes look past Miss Light as something unusual makes its presence known: Silence. The crowd and the musicians fall silent as a figure seems to capture everyone's attention, preparing to perform.

The figure in question is an elf...an eladrin? She is wearing a vibrant crimson dress of feathers and flower petals. She looks elegant and beautiful, but there is something dark about her. But it would turn out that her intentions seem to be pure here:

She begins to sing and dance!

Her song is beautiful, and the crowd cheers, dance, and sing along with her as the performance continues! None of them seem to notice or care about the nature of the lyrics of her song.

When the song ends, the crowd applauds her and she gives an elegant bow in return.
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