Hello. I had a space opera RP setting I wanted to make use of. Some might com,pare it to halo, marathon or really any setting with a interstellar united mankind dealing with a more advanced caste-based alien society.

“For the past two hundred years we have believed and officially claimed that there is no evidence for intelligent alien life within our galaxy.
That was false.
In the last twenty years there has been communication with an alien race whose nature will cease being a mystery before the end of this week.
The organization known as the Bureau of Extraterrestrial Affairs, our top secret organization whose existence and mode of operation is known by a few, has collected and spent the past two decades communicating with a society more advanced than our own. One that is now closer than ever.
Recently they have sent us a message.
“We are coming.”
The message told us.
We do not know their intentions or what they plan to do,
But I believe they will be peaceful.”
-January 1st, 2512; Edna Guis Confirming Contact Speech
In the time leading to contact, from the moment humans landed on mars, the invention of the interstellar engine to the creation of the Grand Coalition and beyond, the was a question when in the interstellar age that found itself unresolved. That question was simple- is there intelligent life?
For despite what some theorists initially assumed in their wild delusions, intelligent alien life did not show up when humans used their FTL; rather what humans found was a vast expanse of lifeless worlds with the occasional planetoid endowed with odd alien critters on them. Never did humans find anything capable of the things humans were. It seemed that humans were the fluke among the cosmos, something that made sense- after all Earth existed for hundreds of millions of years with complex life.
It became hard for the denizens of the Grand Coalition to imagine sentient life in the galaxy outside earth, especially considering the advent of faster than light travel and how no other civilization seems to have beat humans to it. After all if they did, surely such force would have taken over the galaxy by now.
The people of the Grand Coalition accepted this “truth”, and went about merrily expanding and In the two hundred years before the 26th century, it would seem that the biggest enemy to mankind, was themselves.
In 2421, a civil war of cosmic proportions broke out between those loyal to the coalition and insurrectionists seeking independence, isolation and disunity in a vast, uncaring cold universe. The war was the first major interstellar war, from that war coming vast amounts of pointless dying. The interstellar war raged on for two decades, and is still in the mind of many citizens of the Grand Coalition as of 2512.
With the defeat of independence movements and the Coalition’s loosening of its control in order to appease its colonies and avoid another interstellar civil war it would only be a matter of two decades before humans picked back up the pace- expanding into the infinite frontier once more.
It seemed for some time that humans have finally conquered the cold, hostile cosmos. After all, humans learned to harness the weather, they learned to jump across the expanses of space and evaded self-extermination. Better yet, it seemed there was no other civilizations to compete or rival humans out there.
So it seemed.
In 2492, a shock came to the Grand Coalition in the form of a message on an outlying colony world known as Vestiva. A alien message, something thought unthinkable. Why didn’t these aliens contacting us only now not take over the entire galaxy? Are these aliens on the verge of doing so?
The following two decades saw to Vestiva becoming a world under strict watch by a organization known as the Bureau of Extraterrestrial Affairs, or BETA. BETA’s purpose was to assess the nature of the alien society nearing at hand and determine a very important question; do they threaten the existence of the human species, or are they about to open humans up to a galactic community of a scale far vaster than the two centuries of feverish expansion that has been human history up to this point?
Yet of course info got out, rumors spread- especially with the inexplicable military build up and boom in secret research facilities that soon followed afterwards.
But the Grand Coalition never officially said a word about the contact. It would be two decades later, in the year 2512 that the Grand Coalition would have Edna Guis, the secretly chosen representative for mankind announce that humans have contacted an alien intelligence, one presumably more advanced than us. One marching ever closer, with motives completely unknown.
As it turns out humans are not alone,
and that is horrifying.
Contact is a space opera RP that is character based, but you do not need to stick with one character. You can pretty much be whoever you want, from a civilian to a general, however the more authority and impact your character may have on the story, the more I expect you to play the RP. Your characters can die [in theory], and if they do, feel free to make a new one.
You can't be a alien at the start; in fact i'd rather people try putting their characters around Vestiva at the start, for optimum fun.
If by monday this RP doesn't generate enough interest [I define by eight players being interested] i'll hold back on this RP for a month or two, or perhaps make a different one even. I don't wanna jump into this with no one else playing.

“For the past two hundred years we have believed and officially claimed that there is no evidence for intelligent alien life within our galaxy.
That was false.
In the last twenty years there has been communication with an alien race whose nature will cease being a mystery before the end of this week.
The organization known as the Bureau of Extraterrestrial Affairs, our top secret organization whose existence and mode of operation is known by a few, has collected and spent the past two decades communicating with a society more advanced than our own. One that is now closer than ever.
Recently they have sent us a message.
“We are coming.”
The message told us.
We do not know their intentions or what they plan to do,
But I believe they will be peaceful.”
-January 1st, 2512; Edna Guis Confirming Contact Speech
In the time leading to contact, from the moment humans landed on mars, the invention of the interstellar engine to the creation of the Grand Coalition and beyond, the was a question when in the interstellar age that found itself unresolved. That question was simple- is there intelligent life?
For despite what some theorists initially assumed in their wild delusions, intelligent alien life did not show up when humans used their FTL; rather what humans found was a vast expanse of lifeless worlds with the occasional planetoid endowed with odd alien critters on them. Never did humans find anything capable of the things humans were. It seemed that humans were the fluke among the cosmos, something that made sense- after all Earth existed for hundreds of millions of years with complex life.
It became hard for the denizens of the Grand Coalition to imagine sentient life in the galaxy outside earth, especially considering the advent of faster than light travel and how no other civilization seems to have beat humans to it. After all if they did, surely such force would have taken over the galaxy by now.
The people of the Grand Coalition accepted this “truth”, and went about merrily expanding and In the two hundred years before the 26th century, it would seem that the biggest enemy to mankind, was themselves.
In 2421, a civil war of cosmic proportions broke out between those loyal to the coalition and insurrectionists seeking independence, isolation and disunity in a vast, uncaring cold universe. The war was the first major interstellar war, from that war coming vast amounts of pointless dying. The interstellar war raged on for two decades, and is still in the mind of many citizens of the Grand Coalition as of 2512.
With the defeat of independence movements and the Coalition’s loosening of its control in order to appease its colonies and avoid another interstellar civil war it would only be a matter of two decades before humans picked back up the pace- expanding into the infinite frontier once more.
It seemed for some time that humans have finally conquered the cold, hostile cosmos. After all, humans learned to harness the weather, they learned to jump across the expanses of space and evaded self-extermination. Better yet, it seemed there was no other civilizations to compete or rival humans out there.
So it seemed.
In 2492, a shock came to the Grand Coalition in the form of a message on an outlying colony world known as Vestiva. A alien message, something thought unthinkable. Why didn’t these aliens contacting us only now not take over the entire galaxy? Are these aliens on the verge of doing so?
The following two decades saw to Vestiva becoming a world under strict watch by a organization known as the Bureau of Extraterrestrial Affairs, or BETA. BETA’s purpose was to assess the nature of the alien society nearing at hand and determine a very important question; do they threaten the existence of the human species, or are they about to open humans up to a galactic community of a scale far vaster than the two centuries of feverish expansion that has been human history up to this point?
Yet of course info got out, rumors spread- especially with the inexplicable military build up and boom in secret research facilities that soon followed afterwards.
But the Grand Coalition never officially said a word about the contact. It would be two decades later, in the year 2512 that the Grand Coalition would have Edna Guis, the secretly chosen representative for mankind announce that humans have contacted an alien intelligence, one presumably more advanced than us. One marching ever closer, with motives completely unknown.
As it turns out humans are not alone,
and that is horrifying.
Contact is a space opera RP that is character based, but you do not need to stick with one character. You can pretty much be whoever you want, from a civilian to a general, however the more authority and impact your character may have on the story, the more I expect you to play the RP. Your characters can die [in theory], and if they do, feel free to make a new one.
You can't be a alien at the start; in fact i'd rather people try putting their characters around Vestiva at the start, for optimum fun.
If by monday this RP doesn't generate enough interest [I define by eight players being interested] i'll hold back on this RP for a month or two, or perhaps make a different one even. I don't wanna jump into this with no one else playing.