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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Jynmi didn't see the warning above the guild master's head, because he was too busy trying to remember where he'd seen the woman's face before. Lemmy didn't see the message, because he doesn't have eyes. There were other ways he could have detected the letters, but they only worked if he was paying attention, and he preferred not do to that, because Jynmi becomes dependent and starts asking him where things were left.

"Oh!" Lemmy said, hoping a little, and swirling around on the ball of his foot. "Jynmi, apparently she's the boss. So, yeah, you didn't know she was the boss. Ha. Wait?" The head titled, and swirled back without the rest of the body following. "Uhm, did you call me a doll, ma'ma?"

The tone was enough to get Jynmi's blood to bounce around inside his veins like little panicked mice that wanted more than anything to jump ship. "Lemmy!" HE quickly moved in front of the little doll so his back was to everyone else's, at least the guild master's, and gave the secret sign for Lemmy to drop it. It wasn't much, but if anyone else were to see it, they would just think he was adjusting a zipper.

Lemmy paused for a moment. It was a long moment, closer to a minute than an actual moment, before he let out a long sigh that sounded like there might have been some real lungs behind it, possibly from a backdoor vendor, and clapped his wooden hands together. He rubbed them vigorously in sarcastic excitement. "Well, enough introductions with the hierarchy, let's take a look at those jobs and see what's the easiest bang for our buck. Not that we have any bucks, mind you, we're not hunters, farmers, or regularly employed." He turned, and strolled over to check out the jobs on the board.

"Oh. That was close." Jynmi shook his head, and let his head hang uselessly against his chest, which was when he saw Sophia's message. At first he didn't get it, but then he did, and his head filled with the failure of an awkward start was no longer too heavy to be held up right. He looked up and smiled at the young woman, and gave a small thumb's up. "Jynmi, me boyo." Lemmy called. "Did you want to get this done, or not? If so, just say it, and I'll be as limp as useless a man without family's life insurance." To which Jynmi could only respond to by hurrying over, because he knew Lemmy would do it, and wouldn't stop till he thought his point was made.

"Okay. Okay. I'm here." Jynmi said.

"Yes you are, but you should've beaten me. After all, you need the money more than I do."

That was true so Jynmi decided not to debate it. "So which job should we do?"

"What do you mean we? What's this we? When has it ever been a we?"

"I help, equally."

"Oh yes, you do. I forget. Tell me, remind me, because I forget. When was the last time you got a slash across the chest."


"oh yeah. That crazed slasher's wife. Okay. That's one. When did you get a slash before that?!"

"Last week."

"Oh yeah. The crazed slasher. He was an odd one. Man, the things people do just to spend some a lone time with cows." The doll did its best impersonation of a shudder. "Alright, you win this round." The doll paused. "Well then, I guess its we, for now. What job do you want, because I don't care. They all look like their going to require a lot of effort so its all the same to me."

"Hmmm." Jynmi rubbed his chin, trying to look like he was carefully weighing the options. It was then that he noticed Sophia, who didn't look very pleased at the jobs. "Hey?" He said, turning to her. She looked like she was worried about something, and he thought it was possibly the fear of loosing the job she wanted.. "What job are you going to take? Don't worry, I'll let you have first dibs."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Orion lept from the rafters once he was done and joined in the celebration of the official opening of the guild. He took a peek at the message board but decided he would mingle instead for now. Maybe later he would tag along for a job or something. He qualified for about half of them but for now bonding seemed more important. He looked around for Kerenza but when he found out where she was, and more importantly what she was doing, he left her alone. Instead he went to Orin, one of the few males in the new guild. in fact there was only three of them. "Hey Orin, real quick question, when are you taking the boys out on a job together" It wasnt necessarily a serious question but it was a decent way to start a convo with Orin. In Orions mind anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It took just five minutes for Kerenza to rub the tears out of her eyes and cool her face down, and soon, the pale-haired girl looked normal once more. If it wasn't for the fact that the guild was still lacking very heavily in terms of catering, and the fact that there was still some irritating sawdust in the air that would definitely ruin any beverage she drank, the little princess probably would have rolled around irritably until someone got the message and got her a drink.

But first, she needed money, if only because she'd like to eat something other than free food from the charity that a nearby church ran. Stepping up to the board and nodding at her fellow guildmates in a manner that made it look like she was looking down at them, even when she was only half as tall as them, the girl scanned the first batch of jobs available, did some counting with her fingers, wondered whether her Spirits would mind, and then realizing that she could simply give them a cut of the profits.

With that, she took three quests from the board, that of <<Money Collector>>, <<Maid Needed>>, and <<Bandit Attack>>. The girl waved the three pieces of paper in the air and called out, “Hey, Miss Beatrix, I'll be taking care of these three jobs, kay? Just leave the easy stuff to me!”

Of course, she had no intention of actually doing it herself. Dust and Yama can take care of the bandits, Snow can be that sexy maid, and Rose can simply be the mean-ass womanizer he is and go bully a wizard into paying him money. Ah, Spirit Make Magic really was a wonderful, lazy thing~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Beatrix waved her hand dismissively towards Kaldis as he sat down at the bar. "Hey, it is a opportunity to practice your magic right?" After she said that, she heard him doubt his own magic, which caused her to side and lean over to give him a gentle smack on the back of the head. "Hey now. If you dont have faith in your own ablities then your magic will never become strong." She took a napkin from the bar and used her magic to form it into moving origami.

"After all I only control paper, which is a product of wood. So no matter the magic it can always be powerful..." Such kind and gentle words from the guild master, as expected of one so wise and-, "Also I can not have you just lounging around without buying anything. You are making the place look pretty untidy..." Ah... There is the real guild master.

Before Kerenza could continue on her job crusade Beatrix stopped the pieces of paper she was holding in mid air, which made it look like she was trying to pull a brick wall. "I forgot to tell you all. You may not take jobs with a price on or over 20,000 alone. You may be magic users but you are all still new at this. Also no Kerenza, your summons do not count..." She stated before letting go of the paper and relaxing against the bar.
"Hmmm. I was thinking of taking you on a s-class mission to see how you do" Suddenly a balled up piece of paper whacked the back of Orin's head "Of course I am not allowed to take the s-class missions so I guess I will pick something else." Reaching over Orin picked out <<Criminal Presence>> and looked down to it and then over to the others, but his eyes settled on Sophia. "Hey, why don't you come along on a job with your big bro?" He said smiling away, leaning down to show her the flyer.

Though he wanted to see what Orion could do but he had the feeling that he should look after the less than confident members first. "Well I would, but I have a feeling I need to look after the newbies!" BEatrix threw another paper ball "You're new too!" Orin rubbed his head "Heheh.... Anyway someone has to team up with Ke-Kerenza. You two would be able to make a small well armed army together heh. I will take Sophia and Kaldis." With that he looked over to the aforementioned guy "Kaldis, you coming with us on this job? It has a nice payout"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


Member Offline since relaunch

Sophia blinked in surprise a few times. Wait a minute... was he just letting her pick the first mission? She was going to say it's okay and that he should take something he likes first, but before her dry throat could muster up any words, young Kerenza swooped by, her chin held high as always. In a way Sophia admired her. She was so young, yet held such potential for a mage and had such confidence, such power. The exact opposite of the inky mage in every possible category.

But she didn't stay there with her head down for long, as she heard Orin's voice. She didn't believe it at first - he was her big bro, but it still felt like such an honour to be taken on a mission with him. Her entire face lit up, making her look more like a young lady than she was suppose to be, than a sickly bookworm she usually resembled.
"Oriin! Would you really take me on a mission with you?" She exclaimed happily, wrapping her hands around his neck and giving him a playful hug. Well, if you could call it that, of course, as she was more or less dangling from his neck.

"Kaldis! Yes, please come along - if you want to of course! It would be great if you joined us." Sophia beamed at the wood mage, whose deer ears she found to be just too cute, but that's something she's never admit out loud. Maybe write. Maybe.

Just then she remembered Jynmi. Orion and Kerenza would make a grand team, one making spirits and the other weapons, but Jynmi had no one so far. She slowly let go of Orin, and took a few shy steps towards him, tugging on his coat. "Jynmi... would you and Lemmy maybe by any chance, possibly like to come along? It won't be too difficult if there are more of us and the pay is still good, even if divided on five parts."

Just to make sure whether or not she was doing the right thing, she looked back at her big bro with questioning eyes. "Would that be okay, Orin? They're a little new too and Lemmy says he needs a lot of practice... It's a job that is nearly S-class too..." With that, the Inky mage gave her brother the best puppy eyes she could muster. Manipulation wasn't her virtue, but every small sister with an older brother simply must master the art of puppy eyes. It's a survival technique, no doubt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 10 days ago

"A team up, huh?" Jynmi put his hand to his chin and rubbed it like he was hoping for a genie to come out so he could wish for the decision to be made for him. "The S class would be more than enough money for each of us to split. Then, there's the danger." There was also having to deal with so many new people at once, which scared him more than the danger, honestly. "Could work out ok."

Lemmy watched him, patiently, for a few seconds, before he lost his. It takes an average of four seconds. "Oh for crying out loud! How difficult of a thing is it." It, he(it prefers he despite the like of anatomical structures which could be used to distinguish gender) threw his hands up in exasperation. "Why do you need to make things so difficult?" He turned his back on Jynmi to look at, or position himself in the direction so that the painted on eyes were aimed towards, Sophia. "Young lady." It said, trying to puff out his chest, but only succeeding in leaning forward. "You've got yourself a few extra hands on board. Well, technically, you only have two since Jynmi here." He cocked his thumb back at the human. "Isn't really good for the heat of the moment stuff. He's more of a." A short pause. "He's more of a tinkerer, and a builder, but he'll make good cannon fodder if worst comes to worst. Don't worry, I'll see to it that everyone is well guarded with his life. "

"Gee thanks." Jynmi muttered, glaring at Lemmy. "Well, I guess we're in. I can't think of any really good reason for us not to be."

"Right, and besides, if this makes things easier on you. You don't have a say in the matter, because I'm the one that's going to be doing the heavy lifting."

Jynmi shrugged, realizing there was a silver lining. "Eh. He's abusive, but at least I can reserve the right to say I told him so if this goes bad. "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Orions eye twitched at the suggestion of working with kerenza, but he didnt argue. He turned and looked for her, finding her trying to take three jobs and being denied. That made him chuckle, she always thought she was the top dog even though hes never done anything to prove it. Walking over to her he peeked over her shoulder to see which ones she had picked. The Maid, Bandits and Money collection. "well Princess looks like your stuck with me again" he teased her like he usually did. " i vote for taking out the bandits, you and your split personal...i mean summons give us surprise in numbers and i can make sure you dont break a nail or something"

For as long as they had known each other, teasing her had always been so easy but that type of rivalry had always inspired them to do their best. He would "let" her lead if it made her feel better but he would never stop with the snide or sarcastic comments. He glanced around once more noticing most people were preparing to take on jobs so chances were there would be a party tonight. Well he hoped there would be a party tonight to celebrate everyone success and Orion was confident that everyone would be successful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kaldis was just about to fall asleep on the bar with his cheek placed on the cool wooden top, until he felt an all too familiar smack on the back of his head. He held his right hand over the slightly aching area as he nodded rapidly to her words, it didn't hurt that much, but it still hurt more than just a light smack should. He pondered if he was jut weak, or she was just ridiculously strong for a moment until he heard the 2nd most familiar face in the guild: Orin. He was a bit scared of Orin, being completely honest, he was a fairly sizable man with freakin' shackles on after all. He was more than a bit surprised when Orin was actually asking him to go on a job with him...he always figured that he liked to do things alone. Despite how surprised he was, he was about to say no until he heard that Orin was taking along the guild members with the least confidence, he felt a little bit unnerved even if he was only going to be around a few people...but he gave himself a mental slap across the face before mentally repeating: "You can't hide from people forever."

His courage now....actually there, he rose from the bar stool and raised his head high before saying: "Y-Yeah, I'll go. I promise I won't slow you down!" He wanted to say something a bit less pathetic, but that was all he could think of with the itching desire to finish the door still scratching at the back of his mind. When another guild mate...Jynmi he recalled, spoke up, or at least he thought the voice was coming from Jynmi...He finally noticed his little doll was freaking talking...not knowing how long he'd somehow managed to ignore something so bizarre, he decided that upsetting any member of their little party, no matter how...odd would do him any good. Instead he ordered a cup of apple cider and downed the entire glass in a matter of seconds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vladimir watched as the clouds gently rolled across the clear skies, disappearing beyond the horizon of the newly established Guild Hall for Azure Drake. The building was nothing special and he had seen many taverns in his travels that would have easily trumped this one. The guild hall was a team effort, for the most part, so any criticisms against it were overshadowed by the immense sensation of accomplishment the entire guild was probably feeling right now. Even Vladimir couldn't help but feel proud of the two or three floorboards he'd helped nail down. With the sun beating down on him, he made his way to the entrance dressed in his simple black tunic and trousers. His glaives were fastened tightly to his waist. His clothes were really loose on him, and he had to wrap his belt twice around his slim waist and thighs. His tunic flapped wildly in the breeze, dangling from his collar. He looked ridiculous, but the only clothes he could find in his size were all designed for women. He'd always been very self conscious about his very feminine build, and he was worried that the other guild members would ridicule him. Of coarse they wouldn't, and if they did it wouldn't be out of spite. They weren't children, well most of them, they would show him just as much respect as any other wizard would. He knew all this, yet that didn't stop him from trembling as he reached out to grasp the door handle in his soft, gentle hand.

Pushing the door open with a hard nudge, Vladimir quietly entered the guild hall before being blown away by the amount of activity going on. Everyone was already treating the new place like home. Friends drunk together, teams discussed jobs and younger, more eager wizards sparred each other in a large open space away from the rest of the tables. The request board was crowded with a few people, and Vladimir decided it would be best to check it some other time. The place was practically a standard tavern with no real flair, but to these guys it was home. He could get used to living in such a comforting place. Vladimir walked up to the bar where Beatrix was talking to Kaldis.
"Well, the place really looks nice." He was being generous with that statement, but mostly because the new hall just felt like home to him, and in truth it was nice to feel that way again. Orin appeared next to Kaldis, asking him to join him on some type of request.
"Oh, you are going on a job already? May I ask which one?" He turned his head around to look up at Orin, but the large man was too intimidating for him to keep eye contact. He didn't know much about the people in the guild, but he was sure they were friendly. Despite that, he still found it hard to keep a conversation with any of them. He just needed a little more time to adjust.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Orin smiled away happily as Sophia got excited over the prospect of coming on a job with him. "Heheh. Of course, why wouldn't I bring you along, I need to see what you can do on your first job right? After all you will be working with me often" Also to make sure he protected her on her first ever job, but he kept that to himself, after all she was very excited to come along with him and he did not want to make her thing he did not trust her abilities.

Their next member to join up with them was Kaldis, yet another person that needed a little confidence boost, which was good in his eyes given it would only push the boy into making him stronger. "Good. Seems like we have a good team so far" Next up to join the newbie gang was Jynmi and his, friend?

Orin soon turned his attention to Vladimir who was just walking into the guild. For some reason Orin did not like his magic much, not the guy himself but the type of magic he used, as it could so easily be used to kill another... Despite that he found the guy to be just as closed off as some as the others, though it was his goal to change that, because it was time to be a MAN! "We are going to be taking care of a criminal outfit in Karail. We already have a team of four...." He looked to Jynmi and then Lemmy "Team of five." It would forever be unknown if he did not include the doll or the mage in that. "Though you could head with Orion and Kerenza. I think you would make a pretty badass team heh"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


Member Offline since relaunch

"Well, hopefully I will be" Sophia grinned. "Oh, and it's not an S-class mission, Jynmi, but one that is just below it-"
She was about to add something, but her voice fell silent as the dark man walked in. It was Vladimir, the endlessly graceful, yet endlessly scary mage, who just entered the guild hall and made his way towards her master.

Unintentionally Sophia once overheard a conversation about him between Beatrix and Orion. More specifically about his magic and what it could be used for. Ever since, she would often peer at him shyly, wondering whether or not he actually killed anyone in his life. His presence made her uneasy and as much as she was curious about him, the dark slender figure sent chills down her spine. Maybe she was just such a coward.

Very silently, she moved to Orin's left side, tugging on his sleeve. "Orin... I still have to get some equipment and supplies to prepare for the mission... Why don't we meet back here in an hour?" She asked him with a voice that was closer to whispering than normal talk. Her eyes darted back to Vladimir a couple of times and she mustered a smile. There was no reason to not try to be kind. "A-anyway, I'll be back in an hour!" She stammered before running upstairs.
Snacks had to be packed, along with some first aid, medicine and maps, granted that she could find them. Plus she had some studies in mind that she wanted to take with her, not to mention she needed a change of clothes, as her current dress was nowhere near a good fit for a mission.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 10 days ago

"Oh. Good." Jyonmi sighed, obviously relieved they were going on a mission with a better chance of survival. "Very good. I think we could actually be of help in that."

"And your using that word again." Lemmy pipped. "Some people have no shame." The doll crossed his thin arms across his small chest, and shook his head. "Such a shame." He paused, and turned its attention towards the newcomer. "Hey, he's new, right, or is he someone else we should know, but don't?" Before Jynmi could say something, the doll hurried towards the bar and took a seat towards the new arrival. "Hey, are you someone we should know. We don't, just so you know, but it's just a thing with us. We didn't really do too well, paying attention or asking questions the last time we were around people. I'm not saying it would matter if we got to know each other. especially if you got to know him." The doll pointed at its partner. "But it might help one day. You never know. For example, some random lunatic, with a pension for guild trivia, could one day corner one of us, put a knife to our throat, yours or mine, whichever, this is a hypothetical thing so its doesn't matter, and demand that we name all the guild members we've ever had the opportunity to meet, or we'll get the blade shoved through our neck out the other side." The doll paused for a moment and compared the wood of the bar to that which it was made of. "You know what. I don't have a throat, so it would probably make more sense if you were threatened?"
The doll stopped again, and noticed the other character at the bar, the one drinking apple cider. "Hey." Lemmy waved over at the character from where he was seated. "Same question. If not, you were being polite, and didn't ease drop on what I was saying, what's your name? There's more to it, but I think that's the core of the question."

"Alright Sophia, I guess I'll see you in an hour then." He nodded a farewell, and moved over to the corner, and stared at the wall. He did this, in full knowledge that someone might stop and stare, which was nerve wrecking, but it was the best way to allow him to concentrated. Jynmi didn't bother paying attention to Lemmy because it would only make him blush, and instead he was focused on the mission. Sophia said she should get prepared, and it seemed like a good idea, but he didn't know where to start, or what he should try and get. He took a good long time before he accepted the fact he had no idea, and decided to ask the guild master. "Excuse me, ma'am." He said as he stood behind the woman. "This is kind of going to be our first mission. I mean, we've done jobs before, but nothing so, how shall I say, combat heavy, and I was wondering what you would suggest for preparing."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Suddenly, Kerenza found herself lurching backwards, the papers she had in the air suddenly stopping in place, rock-solid. Regaining her balance after a moment of wheeling around her spare arm, the young girl narrowed her eyes at the guild master, pouting. How dare she insinuate that her Spirits weren't humans! All those high-tier Celestial Spirit mages were allowed to get their Celestial Spirits to do their missions for them, so why can't her own spirits count? Gosh, the discrimination of it all. Nevertheless, she was a mature young lady, and sorted through her jobs once more. She couldn't maximize her job-taking effeciency quite yet, due to this terrible limitation, but whatever, she'll just stay below that then. Closing her eyes and thinking for a moment, she began to redo her plans for that day.

Snow Blue can still take the sexy maid job, whatever that meant.

Dust Dusk looks mysterious and cryptic enough to be a fortune teller.

Which leaves her with three to deal with the bandits, as well as whatever person decided to tag along.

She placed the <<Money Collecter>> job back onto the board with a sigh, before snatching the <<Fortune Teller>> job. It seemed like the others were getting pumped up to doing a bigger quest, but Kerenza didn't mind too much. They'll be splitting the profits, after all, bringing it up to...around 33000 jewels per person. On the other hand, she'll be able to get 20,000 from the Bandit Job, as well as a continuous rate of 10,000 from the sexy maid rental, and finally, a good 4000 bonus from that cheap fortune teller job. Which would easily add up in a few days.

Heck, she could get more money that them in two days, without even trying as hard~

Then, Sophia seemed to have gotten the impression that it would be a good idea for Orion of all people to be on the same team as Kerenza.


A single syllable filled with 'pls no' and 'gtfo' escaped her mouth as Kerenza faced that insufferable, unprofessional, useless, imposter mage brat. Her expression shifted into a flat expression of unamusement and disgust, the same as if someone found a fly on their food.

“And I don't care about your votes, but of course I'll be physically participating in the bandit-hunting mission. That's the only one I need to pay attention to, after all. I'll just use one Spirit each for the other two jobs.”

But just before she could raise her hand and bring out Snow Blue, Kerenza's wrist was caught and stopped by a slender hand. Turning around with mild irritation, she looked up and saw that Rose Red had finally caught up, the androgynous, bisexual man smiling down at her as he plucked the Maid job from her hand.

Reading it, he smiled cheekily and said, “Ohoho, never knew you were into this kind of play, little princess~”

“What are you talking about. What 'play'.” The amount of deadtoneness in her voice could probably flatten a steak.

“Eh, you know, where you service some fat old guy in an ultra-revealing maid costume? And then have some fun time in bed?”


“But, alas, since I'm such a kind person, I'll take the job for you! Hey, sweetie-pie, wanna make a pretty maid dress for me, with your Imagine Make Magic? Preferrably with black stockings?”

With that, Rose Red turned his attention to Orion, one hand delicately shifting the boy's face upwards.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Orion swatted Rose reds hand away. "Red unless you want me to make you a guillotine I suggest you let me go" He didnt really mind the personalities of most of Kerena's creations. Honestly the more hey frustrated her the more they amused him. Rose red was actually one of the ones he preferred because of his personality and "free spirit."

"i wouldnt mind seeing the princess play maid for while. it might humble her out a little bit, you know show her how the world outside her fantasy live. " the sarcasm was apparent but he did pause for a second imagining Kerenza in a skimpy maid uniform. The thought made him chuckle. " I cant make things like that yet, especially clothes, since after a certain distance they lose potency. so unless you want a bright see-through uniform I can't help either of you."

The thought of Kerenza in a maid uniform lingered in his mind as he glanced at her for a moment then back at Rose Red. he whispered loudly to Red "think you could get her in the uniform?" it was a clear and blatant taunt toward kerenza and that fact alone hid the slight sincerity of the request.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kaldis smiled contently after drinking his glass...He never really knew why, but he just loved anything that tasted, or was made of apples. Sometimes he wished that he could make a wood-make apple tree, but he always figured that even if he could make a tree, there's no way it could grow fruit. He was torn from his entirely meaningless wandering thoughts as the funny looking doll he'd seen talking earlier approach him and ask him for his name. He blinked a few times while thinking of how to properly respond to a doll walking up and asking you a question, eventually thinking that he might as well respond like he would to anybody else. "I'm uh, Kaldis. I-I'm the guild's caprenter. Do you have a name?" He said as he stared inquisitively at the doll, which stood at about half his height. Figuring that it would be proper manners, he crouched down to see on the doll's level, and extended his hand to shake hands.

Recalling what the doll said before the question about his name, Kaldis also hastily added: "Um, I'm sorry but I couldn't help but overhear just a bit of what you were saying. I-I didn't mean to eavesdrop." He tried his best to maintain eye...contact with the doll...which had no eyes. They were just painted on. Deciding that this was getting far too confusing, he just started to mentally identify the doll as either a small child, or just a very very short man. After all, this thing could walk and talk, so as long as it worked there, it was just as much a member of the guild as he was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Orin looked down as he felt a tug at his sleeve, smiling when he noticed it was Sophia telling him that she was going to get ready. "Of course, we will wait for you. Oh, could you grab Elifa for me? I left it in my room" Yet another ball of paper whacked him on the head "I told you to take better care of that thing! What if someone steals it brat?" Orin sighed and rubbed his head, knowing Beatrix was right but he did not feel right carrying around such a weapon all the time, he was already a intimidating man after all and having a knife on his person would only make it worse.

Beatrix went back to sitting at her counter before being interrupted by them asking how they were to prepare for what was ahead. "Well, if you want my suggestion. You are fine as you are, just stay on your toes and don't die. Other than that you could get a few basic healing Lacrima. Stops bleeding, infection and kills local pain.... That will be 2,500 per orb." Of course they were not perfect, just like a magical plaster to keep your guts from spilling out.

Orin walked up to where the doll and Kaldis was. "well, don't you think you two should be getting ready to head out. Or do you intend to let Sophia do all the work herself" Orin was looking down to them with a stare as if to say 'hurry up' "We leave on the hour. While I wait I will have a cider please mother" With a smile he sat down and got the mug of cider, though the women didn't let go, and the large man struggled to get it off the bar, until he said 'please and thank you' for the drink and she let go. "Goo. I didn't raise you to be some ill mannered brat."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 10 days ago

"The name is Lemmy, and thanks for trying not to stare. Most people just stare. Don't get me wrong, for being under four feet I'm still quiet the looker." There was a pause. "So there's already a guild carpenter. Now, that's a shame. I was hoping Jynmi over there could get some working doing that here, which would've made things a lot easier for me, who matters." The doll took Kaldis's hand, and shook it firmly. "And don't worry about ease dropping. Everyone does it. I'm a fantastic talker. Its a gift and a curse, but sometimes I think its more of a curse, because there seems to be more trouble involved with it, and no money. Not that there's a lot of things I want to buy, mind you, it's just I've noticed the more money one has the less effort one has to put into things. "

Jynmi listened intently to the guild master, because he was in the dark on the subject. For the most part, a lot of it sounded good, and then she mentioned the lacrima, and the price. Without saying anything he checked his pockets, both of which could've been emptier, if he would only put effort into clearing out the lint trapped at the buttom. "Uhm. I think we'll be good as we are." He turned to Lemmy. "I'll meet you outside," and he hurried to wait outside for his companion.

"Hmmm." The doll turned to look up at the large man that told him that he should get ready, and not leave it all to Sophia. "But apparently, we're good to go. At least that's what she said." The doll pointed at Beatrix. "Unless, there's something you think we need, which is possible. I mean nobody's perfect, and all of that, so she," again he was referring to Beatrix. "Could be wrong. I get it. Human element and all that. But, I probably wont' do anything about it. I could tell Jynmi, when I go out and see him, and he'll take your recommendations seriously because he's nervous. He's always nervous. Try looking him in the eye, and watch him freak out. " The doll tilted its head at the drink. "Hey, what's it like to be drunk? I've tried asking Jynmi that, but he's not a drinker. "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Nice to meet you then Lemmy, here's hoping for a successful job!" Kaldis said cheerfuly after shaking the little guy's hand. It reminded him that the people here were pleasant, folks back home wouldn't even touch him unless they meant to leave a mark. He tilted his head a bit at Lemmy's mention of hoping his friend could work as the Guild's carpenter, wondering if the guy even had any experience with carpentry. Feeling that it might be a good idea to have some help if needed, he un-cocked his head and turned back to Lemmy before saying: "Well, if your friend ever wants to help out, tell him to go right ahead. In fact, Ms. Fairglaive wanted me to get some seating out back, so if he could help, that would make everything go along smoother." He was just about to stand up when the intimidating figure of Orin told them to get ready to go. Despite the genuinely sound statement, a bit of color did drain from Kaldis' face...Orin was scary enough at chest level, from here he looked even bigger and more intimidating.

Scrambling to his feet quickly, he sprinted past Orin and out of the guild quickly saying: "Y-YES SIR!". Once out, he caught his breath for a moment and placed his hands in the same position as earlier, and began channeling his Wood-Make Magic. He quickly formed a sizable wagon with wooden wheels, and a rather silly looking wooden horse at the front. Placing his bag inside of the back of the wagon, he began thinking for a moment about what else he'd need to bring...which was a great deal of absolutely nothing. Realizing that maybe a full on wagon was overdoing it, he pulled it by hand behind the guild, planning to use the lumber for the outdoor-seating Beatrix had requested. He used his magic once again, this time forming a handcart. He placed his bag inside the new cart and waited for the others to get ready.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


Member Offline since relaunch

Paper flew around in heaps and Sophia dug around her room, looking for some helpful maps as well as any useful inventions. Finally, she scrolled up a number of yellowed pages that she was sure were enough to travel the world. In spite of having no such intention, it was good to be ready.
The scrolled maps and folded notes quickly joined the other items in her black messenger back. Among those were two healing Lacrima orbs she once got as a gift, band-aids, some cookies for the way, spare ink, fountain pens and brushes along with some other minor items a lady must have.

All set with items, she opted for black shorts, rather than a skirt this time. A lot of running and moving made loose knee-length dresses hard to cope with. She was about to put on black thigh-high stockings when she got an idea. Reaching for her brush, she thought she'd try something new before pulling the stockings all the way up.

Quite a few minutes before that one hour ticked by, she made her way back to the guild entrance, taking the back exit as she did so. To be honest, Sophia wasn't sure way she avoided the company in the main hole. A small voice in her head whispered that it might have something to do with a certain dark-looking mage whose name starts with 'V', but she shook her head. Surely she can't be such an idiot that she was avoiding a fellow guild member. The little voice chirped again, saying that someone as easily frightened and weak as her was more than capable of that.

Her thought would have spiralled further, if it wasn't for Kaldis who she just saw cast his Wood Magic. "Woow, Kaldis you're so skilled with this..." She ran her fingers over the smooth surface of handcart's wheels. Her eyes sparkled when she noticed the wooden horse - the little ink mage has always been a fan of animals. It truly was incredible how much Make-Magic mages could create.
"Um... Is this to take us to Karail? C-Can I maybe please climb on?" Sophia asked politely, as always.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kaldis had been inspecting the handcart's structure before Sophia had exited the Guild, even though he already knew exactly what it was, how it holds together, and how much it can hold, he still always inspected anything he made closely. He supposed that it was a forced habit from his carpentry apprenticeship, even when formed with magic, a second inspection could never hurt; better to have the thing fall apart when you look at it than when you're standing on it. He hadn't anticipated anybody arriving before the hour was up, and as such was surprised when Sophia had somehow sneaked around him and complimented the hand cart.

He almost fell back onto the cart when he suddenly heard her compliment, his back barely balanced against the top of the cart's frame. Catching himself and regaining his balance, he bashfully scratched the back of his head, wasn't often that he got compliments on his work, and it made him glad someone thought it looked good. Still scratching the back of his head, he replied with a stammered: "I-it's nothing too special. I just threw it together to carry everyone's things." He saw a little twinkle in her eye when Sophia saw the wooden horse still attached to the wagon, and he considered for a moment keeping the thing, after all, she seemed to like it. When she asked if she could ride it, he sauntered over to where the horse stood, overall, it wasn't anything extravagant or detailed in the slightest, it was almost like a child's toy in its simplicity, the most and ONLY intricate part being the ball-joints along it's legs at the various connecting points.

He placed both his hands in the usual position near the ground, and began constructing a small step ladder that went up to around the center of the wooden mare's stomach. He turned back to her with a small smile tearing at his lips before saying: "Go right ahead, you can keep it if you want, I wasn't planning on using the wagon or the horse after the job." He patted the wooden horse's head, signaling that it was alright to get on.
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