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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pumpkin Prince
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Pumpkin Prince Actually A Princess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You know, there's no inherent problem with the chosen Pokemon, but man - A Metagross, an Arcanine and an Altaria? That's the kind of team you'd expect a champion to have, and it definitely wouldn't be an easy battle! Especially at 23, seems a bit young for such a high-powered, almost fully-evolved team. There's nothing rule-breaking, that just kinda weirds me out.

Also, slight thing: If it's 1923, and he's 23, he would have been born in 1900.

Other than that though, it seems good!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shinobi
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Pumpkin Prince said
You know, there's no inherent problem with the chosen Pokemon, but man - A Metagross, an Arcanine and an Altaria? That's the kind of team you'd expect a champion to have, and it definitely wouldn't be an easy battle! Especially at 23, seems a bit young for such a high-powered, almost fully-evolved team. There's nothing rule-breaking, that just kinda weirds me out.Also, slight thing: If it's 1923, and he's 23, he would have been born in 1900.Other than that though, it seems good!

I typoed that 09. And that's true I figured everyone would've gone for cool stuff. Hmm I'll nerf it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shinobi said
I typoed that 09. And that's true I figured everyone would've gone for cool stuff. Hmm I'll nerf it.

We're going for whatever makes the funner, fairer roleplay, you know? Not necessarily what makes our trainer look best.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shinobi
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Just trying to live out that fantasy man! But I understand reality and fairness are best, switched Metagross with a Tyrogue because I think it'll be more fun to have someone to train and hope to evolve and have the ability to pick what he'll become later on. Only problem is weak move set, so its possible to train him to learn things such as Mach Punch or Hi Jump Kick?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Trainer’s Papers

Trainer name: Shawn Wesley Caster

Gender: Male

Date of Birth [Age]: 12/5/93

Region of Origin: Kanto

Physical description: Being a farm-boy in both breed and behaviour, Shawn stands at an imposing six feet, with broad, squared shoulders.
His facial features are sharp and defined, boasting a square jaw and high cheek bones, but are softened significantly by the presence of his eyes, which are a hazy grey embellished with a yellow ring of sorts in each.

Occupation during war: A frontline foot soldier for the Kantonese/Johto alliance.

Post-War Occupation: The barman at a speak easy called “The Houndoors of War.”

Brief Biography: Shawn was born shortly after his older brother, Elroy, to a simple farming family living far off of the beaten path of route 14.
They were a good family: Proud of their good morals, and even more-so of their farm, which boasted the densest population of Miltanks ever to have been settled in Kanto’s south (after being imported from Johto, of course.)
Because of this, he was raised a good, honest farm boy: He did his workload each day, helped around the house, respected his elders profusely and, once a month, took the milk the Miltank’s produced to Fuschia City, to be sold in the local Pokémarts.

With this in mind, then, nobody was quite sure how he and Elroy ended up moonlighting as petty crooks.
The story goes that, during one ordinary journey to the city, when he and his brother were young adults, the pair came across a representative of Team Rocket, who- noting their strong builds, and simple country sensibilities- enticed them into a life of light crime as one of Team Rocket’s local grunts.
And of course, being young, impressionable and keen to do something new after spending their lives on a farm, they were more than willing.

Thus began their new lives as small-time thugs.
Elroy and he would do all sorts: Threaten shopkeepers for protection money, and- failing that- shoplift the equivalent price’s worth in goods, or simply demand that younger kids hang over their Pokémon- as they were, after all, equipped with twelve Miltanks at the time- and all other manners of despicable (but relatively none-violent) crime.
Elroy had always had a better eye for it than Shawn did, however, and it showed.

After a few years- and against the boisterous wishes of his parents- Shawn was promoted from a Rocket Grunt to a local captain...
And it all went downhill from there.

Captains were expected to perform far more violence-indulgent jobs on behalf of Giovanni (who, it is fabled, had taken a liking to Elroy), such as attacking “peoples of interest”, and robbing moving cargo trucks.
And whilst Shawn- still a grunt- began to cower away from the life his brother had begun making, Elroy thrived on it.
He loved the adrenaline, the freedom and the sensation of power it gave him…
Right up until the end, when Team Rocket attempted to invade and empty the safari zone: Elroy had gotten himself into a scuffle with an armed squad of Jennies (the colloquial term for police officers), and- without a firearm of his own- had been totally blown away.
Team Rocket didn’t care. Giovanni didn’t even offer to pay for a funeral.

But Shawn cared.

The news gave him an epiphany, and shortly after the ceremony (held on the family farm), Shawn denounced Team Rocket, and swore that he’d become a force of good, to counter the evils of both himself and his brother.
A fond believer in the cosmic balance of the universe, Shawn threw himself totally into his farm work- almost to a worrying degree, as if it were his coping mechanism- until the year 1911 arrived: And with it, the war.

Shawn was one of the first Kantonese soldiers to sign up to fight in the alliance. Horror stories regarding Sinnoh’s attack on Orre’s west had chilled him to the bone, but something had told him that this was his chance for redemption.
Both of their chances.

He was deployed in Gateon Port the following year, as a member of a preliminary protection force, in the event that Sinnoh’s forces should continue their attack from the west.
And whilst that was a naval success, the ground-based battle was a catastrophe: Gateon Port was lost in 1913 to Sinnoh air-strikes, and then rebuilt by the occupying army for the sake of importing more soldiers.

Next, he was transferred to the mountains surrounding Pyrite Town, in the hopes of flanking any invasion force attempting to take Phenac City.
This movement was a success, as the Kantonese foot-forces took Sinnoh’s by surprise shortly before the invasion began.
However, that was all that went right with the plan.
Using superior weaponry, the Sinnoh armed forces ensured that the fall of Phenac was a lengthy and painful one: Save for encountering a few new friends, the entire campaign was a total failure for Shawn.

He was returned to Kanto only a few years before the war’s conclusion, and took with him an orphaned Growlithe he encountered during the sacking of Phenac City.
Having tasted the outside world, however, he found himself weary of farm-life, and decided instead to move to the “big city.”
Having heard that the city of Goldenrod was filled with vacant jobs during a scheduled trip to Vermillion City in order to negotiate the trade of his family’s milk, he caught the soonest train he could for the adjacent region.
It was Goldenrod, or bust.

Legal alignment: Lawful

Pokémon’s Papers

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shinobi said
Just trying to live out that fantasy man! But I understand reality and fairness are best, switched Metagross with a Tyrogue because I think it'll be more fun to have someone to train and hope to evolve and have the ability to pick what he'll become later on. Only problem is weak move set, so its possible to train him to learn things such as Mach Punch or Hi Jump Kick?

Yeah! As long as it's shown in-roleplay, of course. Part of the fun of pokémon is making your weak pokémon strong!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

wow after reading some of these CS im wondering if im on up to par.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shinobi
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Why wouldn't you be?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

mine isnt as detailed as the others but then again im not all that good at writing up a cs i like to put my money where my mouth is so to speak.

Edit: See?

Trainers papers

Name: Benjamin Teague
Gender: Male
Date of Birth (age): 5/6/00 (23)
Region of Origin: Johto
Physical Description: 6 foot tall around 190 pounds pretty buff for a kid his age. Still usually wears his uniform around from the military but when he don’t he puts on a jacket and tie for work. Has brown hair still cut into a high and tight but his facial hair is coming in quite heavily due to everyday shaving while serving.
Occupation during War: PFC in Military Police of Kanto/Johto Alliance
Post War Occupation: Security Guard at Goldenrod Shopping Center
Brief Biography: Born and raised in Azalea Town. He joined the Military at 18 to protect and serve his region and family. His family at first resisted not wanting to lose their only boy. He saw where they were coming from, but he argued that something had to be done. That what if they needed that one more person to be the deciding factor in the field. He could be that one person. He originally wanted to be an Airman but it turned out he was to tall. So they made him a MP. He soon found out it wasn’t as boring as he thought it was going to be. Drunk infantrymen can be tough to handle. Then as fast as it came it went and the war was over. They sent him home and he moved to Goldenrod City.
Legal Alignment: Lawful

Pokemon papers

First Pokemon

Name: Lockjaw
Species: Croconaw
Gender: Male
Type: Water
Physical Description: Typical Croconaw besides his missing tail spike. Wears a pair of Aviators.
Met: Issued as a Totodile to him when he graduated boot camp.
Brief Personality description: Bold, outspoken, and tough.
Relationship with trainer: They argue like school girls one minute then as if nothing happened they’re best friends again the next. Despite their disagreements most of the time they trust each other whole heartedly.
Moveset: Scary Face, Ice Fang, Crunch, Aqua Tail

Second Pokemon

Name: Spike
Species: Nidorino
Gender: Male
Type: Poison
Physical Description: A tiny bit on the small side for a Nidorino but other than that nothing to unusual. Wears a green sweatband on its right forelimb.
Met: On the outskirts of Phenac city as a Nidoran a year or so after deployment.
Brief Personality description: Bipolar to say the least. Willing to take on the world at a moments notice. Can’t stand to hear a person cry though. Poor bloke turns into Niagara falls.
Relationship with trainer: Protective. Might even say more so than Lockjaw. Completely loyal to Benjamin. Some could maybe say dangerously so.
Moveset: Double Kick, Horn Attack, Flatter, Poison Jab

Third Pokemon

Name: Thommi
Species: Mothim
Gender: Male
Type: Bug/Flying
Physical Description: Actually quite large for a Mothim.
Met: Confiscated from a Sinnoh conspirator about a year before the end of the war.
Brief Personality description: Shy and quiet. Wants to trust others but is quick to judge.
Relationship with trainer: Doesn’t quite completely trust Benjamin but none the less feels the need to listen to his commands knowing fairly well he has its best interest in heart.
Moveset: Protect, Bug Bite, Confusion, Gust
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OuterClockwork


Member Offline since relaunch

Fixed yet again.
The situation wasn't meant to happen, of course. Let's say the unit he was with was flanked, causing Darwin to flee to safety midst the chaos. Just two days after the unit was presumably killed or captured, the enemy sent a scout to search for reinforcements, plans, and/or unit positions. Darwin was unarmed, showing he was not combat-ready. If the troop he was with was expecting to be attacked, Darwin would have either been assigned another troop or at the very least armed. Sorry if I was unclear on that; Darwin wasn't sent to fight, but that's what he had to do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ah, that's a little clearer! Alright, groovy!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hallowed Mind
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Hallowed Mind Watching the rain fall

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Jenno: You remembered! :D

Two questions: I'm planning a character whose alignment doesn't really swing towards removing the Rockets or aiding their control. Sure, the Rockets are bad news, but they're a paying audience, and that's good for her. As far as she's concerned, things are best if kept in balance, which neither side winning. So what would that put her alignment at?

Second, mind if I use a picture for her?

@Slamm: I can provide a link to the video if you'd like.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lawful doesn't necessarily mean anti-Rocket, it simply means they're not out beating up kids for their pokémon, so to speak. Even if she's entertaining for the Rockets, she'd be Lawful unless she was a crook herself.

You can use a picture if you'd like, but if possible I'd still like a few lines of description written. They needn't be massively detailed, but the long term memory encodes semantically and it'll just be easier for me to keep track in the long run.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey Slamm, since you joined the military at 18 and the war ended in '23, that means you were only involved in the conflict for five years, which hardly seems like enough time to net a promotion to sergeant.

Otherwise, whilst admittedly a little shorter than I was hoping for, it passes the necessary checks! Welcome aboard the USS Noir.
Your posts will be longer, I hope?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shinobi
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

We can still change our Pokemon right? I'm still iffy on my team.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hallowed Mind
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Hallowed Mind Watching the rain fall

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Even if she's actively passing information to both sides? Her basic MO is to sabotage success of either side via information dropped by the loose tongues and, well, just being there....


...I just realized that I basically placed her role as an info broker to either side.

I do believe that's technically considered Unlawful, isn't it?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shinobi said
We can still change our Pokemon right? I'm still iffy on my team.

You can, yeah. These character sheets are your first drafts, they'll only be set in stone when they're submitted to the actual OOC, which is going up tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hallowed Mind said
Even if she's actively passing information to both sides? Her basic MO is to sabotage success of either side via information dropped by the loose tongues and, well, just being there..........I just realized that I basically placed her role as an info broker to either side.I do believe that's technically considered Unlawful, isn't it?

Perpetuating conflict between criminals and citizens? Very.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jules_Watts
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If there's still room left I'll get a CS started
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Captain Jenno said
Hey Slamm, since you joined the military at 18 and the war ended in '23, that means you were only involved in the conflict for five years, which hardly seems like enough time to net a promotion to sergeant. Otherwise, whilst admittedly a little shorter than I was hoping for, it passes the necessary checks! Welcome aboard the USS Noir.Your posts will be longer, I hope?

Edited it to PFC, thank you, and yes my posts will be longer.
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