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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vladimir took another swig from his mug, tilting his head back to allow more of the chilled ale to slide down his throat. Though he did have to watch how much he drank, in case he started babbling about things his fellow guild members didn't need to know. He listened to Orin's suggestion of joining Karenza and Orion. His head tilted slightly to where they were, happily bantering amongst themselves. They seemed cheerful enough. Unfortunately, Vladimir didn't know much about the people in this guild, but he'd hoped to become closer to all of them within a few days.

A soft voice brought his attention back to Orin, where a young lady spoke in a hushed tone about the job they were about to take. He still didn't have that much of an idea about the job they were going on, but if it needed five wizards to complete then it must have been intense. He would have asked, but the look of uncertainty plastered upon Sophia's face in his presence gave him the impression that he should just keep to himself for a bit. It seemed more and more likely that he would just not fit in around here. Then Sophia gave him a smile that made his heart flutter. He'd give it a week; a lot can happen in a week.

He chugged down the remaining half a mug of ale and walked over to where Orion and Kerenza were squabbling amongst themselves. When he was a few meters in front of him, he had to force himself from looking so surprised by just how young they both were. He wasn't so ignorant as to doubt their capabilities just because of their age. He'd been loaning out his services when he was not two or three years older than they both were. Yet using that as an example of their abilities at their age didn't fit right in his stomach.

"Ah, you are Orion and Karenza, yes?" He pushed those thoughts aside, giving a polite nod to the both of them. He could feel his legs start to shake. What was so difficult about talking to teenagers? "I'm Vladimir, Orin suggested that I help you with your jobs." He began to fumble around with his hands, staring blankly at them both. He worried whether or not he'd introduced himself properly or made his intentions clear. He'd seem weird if he repeated himself, but if they didn't understand him then it'd be even more awkward.

"Ah, that is to say, I'd like to get acquainted with you both and hopefully complete a job together." Better safe than sorry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by neko_sama


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As Asher walked up to the entrance to the guild hall he thought to himself "well...guess i'm late again" with that he walked into the building,and took a seat at the bar considering what job he might take today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Orin was surprised by the reactions that he got from his words, as one did not react at all, another questioned him on what they could bring since Beatrix said nothing on the matter, and then finally another freaked out and ran outside to get ready. Surprising. "Yeah, get use to not doing what she said.." A ball of paper hit him like it was made of lead, causing the large man's head to flick back a moment.

"She is wise though... I meant more personal items such as snacks and the like. I intend to get this job over with by the end of today" He said as he took a gulp from his cider before answering the doll about drinking. "I don't drink to get drunk. I just like cider. but being drunk is not as worth it as it sounds... People who are not fun when they are not drunk are not people I tend to hang out with" He stated before looking over his shoulder and seeing the ready time was up, giving his cue to down his cider and stand up from the bar just as Asher was coming into the guild.

"Right, lets go." With that Orin started to walk out, expecting Lemmy to follow him outside to meet the others in their team. When he got outside and overheard Sophia commenting over Kaldis's work he let out a booming laugh. "Gahahahaha!" Walking up to them he waited for her to do just what she said she wanted to do with a smile, waiting until the last moment to make his comment. "Even at your age you still act like a kid" He smirked away before walking up to the hand cart. "Well then. Let us be on our way.. Oh right, did you get my sword?" He asked Sophia, holding out his hand for the dagger even if they started moving.
Beatrix watched as Asher walked in and Orin walked out, waving a goodbye to her son before leaning on the bar. "So, do you want a drink or will you be taking a job? You still have <<<Enchantment Needed>>> <<<Fortune Teller Needed>>> to take. Sadly the teams are already formed, but you can handle such easy jobs alone right? Good. Now, do you want a drink or not? BEcause I will have people coming in to buy magic items soon" She started collecting the empty glasses from the bar.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by neko_sama


Member Offline since relaunch

"meh...always late...fine i'll try the enchantment job i guess" He said resting his head on his arm,pausing for a second then adding:and i'll take a drink"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


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*ignore this please*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


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*ignore this too*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


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Sophia couldn't help but to grin at the shyness of her deer guildmate. She let out a small 'wow' when he formed the wooden steps. In silent awe, she walked up the stairs, swinging one leg across the wooden horse's back, stroking it's smooth wooden surface.

"What are you talking about, Kladis, this looks so skilfully made! Thank you so much!" She gave him a wide smile just as loud laughter slightly disturbed her playful moment. It was no other than her dear brother, making comments about her age and behaviour.

"Y-you..!" She began, as her cheeks got covered in rosy colour. "What's wrog with being a child at heart? I-I can still act mature when the situation calls for it...” With that, a small teasing smile spread over her lips. The smile, however, vanished as soon as she wanted to reach in her bag for Elifa, but all her fingers could identify was paper and a cookie box.

"O-oh no..." Once again, Inky cursed her forgetfulness. As quickly as she could she climbed off of the wooden horse, before rambling around her bag some more. "I-I think I forgot it! I'll be right back!" She stammered before running off as fast as she could, through the front door, past the main hall and to their living quarters. Finding Elifa was easy as her brother happened to be quite a bit more organized than she was.

Oh her was down she noticed that Asher just arrived and was now picking a job, while the little princess of the guild, Orion and Vladimir seemed to be getting ready to tackle their mission. She was about to sprint past, as her shoulder unfortunately met the side of Phantom Assasin in a small bump, making her nearly loose her balance due to her tiny frame.

Sophia's face lost some of its colour when she realized who she bumped into. As soon as their eyes met, she began apologizing frantically.
"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I'm just in a hurry and we're just leaving and and and- I'm really so sorry!"
The young mage bowed her head in apology, hoping that she didn't anger the man with her reckless behaviour.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Orion glanced back at Vladmir and smiled "im Orion, nice to meet you. I never mind the company, its the little princess who is anti socially selfish. and by that I mean she only talks to you when she wants something. But since our guild master insisted these be approached as a team. Welcome aboard." Orion turned back to Kerenza "oh and by the way little miss maid. I dont think your personalities can do jobs, they are branded guild members so you might want to get fitted for the maid uniform."

He glanced around once more, noticing Orins group beginning to head out. Looks like all their indecision was putting them in last place as it related to returning successful. Orion was strong enough and the wood make mage would probably be extremely versatile. As a team they seemed to have covered their bases. Over on this side of the room Orions image make and kerenza's Spirit make magic blended well enough together, so long as Vlad was a good team player he would fit in fine. Hopefully he wouldnt let Kerenza boss him around to much.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Jynmi leaned against the wall, next to the Guild's entrance as the guild member that Lemmy spoke to earlier came outside, and started doing something. It took him a while before he was able to figure out what the project was, but he got it, once it was done. Once the project was complete, he pushed himself off the wall, and walked over to get a better look at the finished object. "Nice job." He put his hand on the back of the wagon, gingerly, because he wasn't sure how strong it was. "That's maker magic, isn't it, or am I getting it confused for something else? It's always been a strange type of magic to me."

Meanwhile, back inside, Lemmy was nodding at Orin's words. "Yes, snacks. I could see how something like that could come in handy. Jynmi isn't one for long duration of prolonged activity. I've seen him faint before, and it wasn't pretty. Also, it's surprisingly loud. I wonder if there's time to grab him something, because I don't want to have to drag him through another burning forest. It's hot, I"m told. I was able to keep from catching fire so I couldn't tell you just how warm it was." The doll looked at its fingers, and flexed them. "I can't feel pain, as well as get drunk, but I'm not complaining about not feeling pain. Sure, it has its uses, but I've seen it, in a lot of faces, and with the exception of a few, uhm, interesting cases, nobody seemed to be enjoying themselves."
The doll stepped back as the large man spoke about time being up, and got to his feet. Quickly, or casually, as it was hard to tell, Orin started heading towards the door. It, Lemmy, paused for a moment, and watched the man go. "So, am I supposed to follow you, or should I just wait till you call us or." The doll shook its head. "Screw it, I'll just go. I'm tired agitated with my lack of practice to argue." He wasn't, but he was, secretly, excited to see how he'd do on his first mission. So he started out slowly, but once the large man was out the door, hurried up after him, and came outside, where he paused. "Are we going on that thing?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kaldis was positively beaming when she complimented the wooden horse, it took him only a moment of thought to make, so he was surprised someone thought it was skillfully made...then again, he had experience making animal constructs. With no friends and little in the way of entertainment, sometimes one needed to have a method of entertainment. No matter how pathetic 'making' something to have fun with was...

His thoughts snapped back to the present when he heard the guy with the doll for a companion asked him if he had used Maker Magic to form the wagon, to which he gave a small nod, before answering with "U-uh, yeah, it's Wood-Make Magic...I'm not really that skilled with it, but I'm trying to get better at it....You're Lemmy's friend, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Kaldis." He put on a small smile, as he waited for the others to get outside.

Orin's booming laughter at seeing Sophia get excited about the horse drew Kaldis' attention to him. Orin mentioned something about his sword to Sophia, which caused her to quickly run back into the guild...maybe she forgot something important? Regardless, now it was just Orin and Kaldis out here, if they were still coming along, Jymni and Lemmy would soon be out, but being alone with someone as huge as Orin still made Kaldis shudder a bit. Leaning against the wagon in an attempt to hide any fear he might have at that moment, he took an apple from his bag and took a bite of it, chewing and swallowing before turning to Orin and asking: "S-so, the town's in the hands of some sorta crime ring? Any ideas what we're going to be fighting? A-actually...do you know how many of them there's going to be?" Even though he tried to remain calm, the sheer thought of having to fight a whole crime ring was intimidating...taking another bite of his apple, he fidgeted a bit against the wagon's side, growing more anxious as he thought of just how many there would be. The now-familiar sound of Lemmy's inquiry made him realize that he hadn't really asked anybody if they wanted to take the wagon or walk, and so he fidgeted even more before responding with: "Uh, y-you guys don't have to get on if you don't want to...I just didn't want anybody to get tired from the walk over there. I-If you all want to I can just leave it here..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“D'aw, kiddies going through puberty are so nice,” Rose commented, twirling by and settling for ruffling Orion's head instead, “But hey, what makes you think that I wouldn't mind a see-through uniform? We all know that clothing becomes some degree of transparent after a bit of water gets on them~”

Rolling her eyes, Kerenza said, ignoring that hormone-infected boy's words, “Rose, this is why Sky's better for this. The purpose of a maid is to do things without bothering others. So shut up and go beat up some bandits for me. Actually, where's Forest?”

“He said he was sleepy, so he's taking a nap back in the apartment.”

Before Kerenza could further her complaints regarding the actions of her spirits, another man popped up from some degree of nowhere. An older man who seemed to have a better personality than the others. Ugh, if only he came around earlier, so she can leave without Orion. “Glad to be of acquaintance, Vladmir. I'm planning on doing the Bandit mission. Just ignore whatever that monkey's saying. He was dropped on the head as a child and never truly recovered from the brain damage, unfortunately.”

And with that, Kerenza smiled and said, “After all, the monkey can't even read. Rose, go ask the guild master for some waitress clothing. You can have the job after all.”

It hurt her profits, but it should be...fine. She'll just keep that Fortune Teller job with her for the time being, and see how quickly they could wrap up the Bandit job.

“By the way,” Kerenza said, mimicking Orion as she walked out the guild hall, “You don't think because you don't think.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Orion looked up at Rose in feigned confusion while pointing at Kerenza "did this trick just call me a monkey. know what its cool " he looked back at kerenza " when you wind up playing the inevitable damsel in distress im sure Vlad will help you " He followed behind her without saying anything else. while that wasnt his most creative retort he knew it was better to wait till later once they were away from the guild to let the real insults fly. Less chance of the boss lady neutering him that way. He wondered to himself how he put up with her for so long without attempting to drown her at least once. But he remembered he was never able to get her near a body of water.

Chances were little miss sunshine would attempt to glory hog and demand more money claiming she did all the work when in fact her personalities did everything. All o=Orion would have to do is prove that to be a lie and his cut would be secure. shouldnt be too hard. just keep a witness conscious and that should do it. He looked back at Vlad to make sure he was following. while he didnt remember what kind of magic vlad used he was at least confident in Orins opinion that they would work well together, hopefully Vlad would instinctively know to ignore kerenza at every given opportunity like he did.

Once outside Orion immediately noticed the Wooden horse and wagon. It was a clever idea and beautifully made. Kladis was inviting his team aboard which meant it was capable of traveling. Dynamic Make magic always fascinated Orion, specifically Since his was strictly Static. The image gave him an idea. while he couldn't create moving objects he could create things like wheels that could roll. maybe he could think of something to make one day like a mode of transportation. Keeping a snide comment to himself about kerenza he waved to Kladis "see you on the way back" he said as words of encouragement.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vladimir couldn't help but chuckle a little at the friendly bantering between the two young mages, and the strange man they referred to as Rose? or was it Red? He covered his mouth with his hand, turning his head to the slightly to try and not seem rude. Quickly composing himself once more, he listened to Karenza talk about the job they were going to take.
"I understand. Well, you know more about this job than I do. Just tell me what you need to be done and I will do my best." Vladimir smiled at Orion suggesting that he just ignore Karenza throughout the job. She seemed like a sweet girl. He could swear the two of them were siblings with the way they carried on. He considered asking them about it, but it seemed out of place. Besides, they needed to get going.

Vladimir lingered behind the two of them as they exited the guild hall, staring at the ground when he felt Orion's eyes on him for a brief moment. Was he just checking to see if he was still there? Perhaps he should be speaking up more. Nobody wants to be friendly with a quiet person. Pushing aside his nerves, he picked up the pace a little to stand beside Orion. He wanted to make small talk, but everything he thoughts of saying sounded really forced in his head. It was a good thing the sight of a well crafted wooden carriage attracted everyone's attention. Maker Magic could accomplish some astonishing things. Seeing the other group gather around the carriage brought a question to the table.

"So, where is this bandit group hiding out? And how will we be getting there?" The questions were directed at Karenza. If the place was far away, Vladimir wasn't too keen on walking and he didn't have any money to pay for a carriage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Orin brought his hand up to rub his face when Sophia stated she had forgotten his sword, though that was his sister for you always so forgetful but her heart was always in the right place. When she ran off to go and get it the man walked over to sit down onto the cart, making it creek a little but he was not going to put his full weight onto it, he knew better than that, after all he was not some big bull, he knew how to handle his strength.

When Lemmy asked if they would all be going on the wagon Orin shook his head "I will be running alongside, It is only a two hour walk, so if we run it will be half the time" HE was so dead pan about that it almost was like he was really willing to run for a hour straight... Which he was.

Finally the questions about the job started, Orin had forgotten about the details himself so he had to take out the poster and give it a read, which he started to read out loud so everyone could hear. Of course he waited for Sophia, who was just coming back, before starting.

"It says here the crime ring sprung up about a year ago, strange they wait this long... Either way they have apparently a small force in the town taking what they like with their magic. A magic Mob... Well if they are magic then we can expect the unexpected but something is bothering me. Why would a crime ring go into such a small town... Either way there are not that many of them, about twenty or so, half of which are mages."
Beatrix watched as Rose,came over and asked her about waitress clothing. "Pfft, Do I look like that kind of shop?.... " She soon took one out one rather skimpy and another more normal. "Their both rental of 100 per day, you pay for any damages to the fabric." She handed the one that rose wanted over before going back to minding the shop counter, as some people started to come in to check out the open guild hall, not a common sight among guilds, and the shop within.

The job details were as followed: Along a country road outside of town, about a hours walk, bandits have been stopping supplies reaching the town, however a note has been made on the post that these bandits have been seen using magic to their advantage. Their camp has been spotted a few yards left of the main road. Caution is advised.
However, the jobs that the two teams went on did not go according to plan at all...

Criminal Presence
As the group entered into the town, they would spot small puffs of smoke raising up into the sky, and as they got closer still the smell of burning would fill their senses. In the dead center street many bodies laid broken and bruised, groaning in pain in the wreckage of the street around them. Windows were shattered, buildings were cracked and holes that never use to be there now had people looking out of them scared.

The people laying on the ground had weapons on them, magical ones, and a strange tattoo that was a ball and chain on their body... Orin spoke up at this point "Their from a prison... I think we just found our mob" He stated, looking around at them. Looked like someone had already come and taken care of the people for them, and caused a lot of damage as well. A elder walked out of one of the buildings

"Go away! We don't need any more of ya help! Y-You already caused enough damage!" A little girl stood behind him "Grandpa, come back inside..."

Bandit Attacks
The situation was no different at the bandit attack, as many bodies lay on the ground, but this time they were covered in a strange goo that was splattered around the battlefield and had magic burn marks. They were not dead but they were surely not going to be getting up anytime soon that was for sure. A carriage was in the cwenter of the road broken and shattered with its driver still in its seat. "A-Azure Dragon... Damn you..." He muttered out before blacking out.

Off down the main road a old man was walking away from the scene, however before they could give chase, well two of them couldn't at their speed, the sounds of more bandits came from the forest. Seemed like not all of them were taken care off...

Other Job's

Money Collector job had been taken care of and was just as harshly dealt with as the others as the man now lay in hospital with a few broken bones and everything he owned stripped away.

Maid Needed The maid that got hired had broken more of the stuff within the house and was fired on that very same day, now the guy wouldn't take another as he had enough damages to deal with...

Fortune Teller Needed: Even this was somehow messed up! The person that wanted to be told what would happen just got the same answer over and over again from the teller 'you are going to die today' freaking the poor person out beyond measure.

All of these jobs had one thing in common: They all blamed Azure Dragon for the problems and claimed their members had already done it....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


Member Offline since relaunch

Albeit with a lot of huffing and unsteady heartbeat, Sophia retrieved Orin's dagged in time, handed it to him and joined the rest as they took off to the location of their first mission...
The young Ink mage's mouth gaped at the sight that unrevealed itself in front of them. The criminals they were suppose to take care of were spread around the village, all beaten up to the brink of death. She spotted the old man who unexpected began to shout at them, shooing them out of the village. Sophia couldn't believe what she heard, she simply needed more information.
"Just a second... I'll go ask what happened." She whispered to her big brother before running off to approach the man, who glared at her with hostile expression. "Excuse me, sir...I am very sorry to bother you, but please, may I ask what happened here? W-who did such a dreadful thi-" Before she could finish, the little girl stepped forward - more like dashed forward, catching the mage off guard, as she practically pushed her away forcefully, causing her to fall on her behind.

"AS IF you don't know who did this! It was you, you Az... Azure Dragon mages! Did you come back for more?! Can't you see you took everything we had?! You barbarians, you greedy thi-" Before the girl could continue, the elder covered her mouth with one hand dragging her in. He said nothing, but only gave the group a look that chilled Sophia to the bone, before slamming the door so hard, her ears rang.

Out of shock, the young mage could feel tears well up in her eyes. She couldn't understand this, not at all. Slowly, she turned her head to her guildmates, still sitting pitifully on the ground. "W-We should get back to the guild hall, someone in out guild already completed this job... the wrong way..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

On a dusty dirt road in the middle of a bright, green pasture on a sunny afternoon, an old man with a long scruffy beard and merchants clothing struggles to pull the wheel of his carriage out of a ditch. "Ah geez," he muttered under his breath as he failed once again to lift the wheel out. He then took a step back, hunched over with his right hand on his back and his left scratching the top of his head as he pondered what to do next.

In the distance a young man with brown, messy hair and a foreign uniform made his way up the very same trail, carrying a traveling bag on his back and ambition within his eyes, as he came into view of the old man, he stopped to observe the situation from afar, and then quickly made his way to the old man, who turned to him and gave a smile. "Excuse me sir," the young man asked politely "Do you need some help?" The old man gave a somewhat weezing laughter and gave a nod "Ah, it appears so. Thank the heavens you showed up when you did boy." The young man smiled, and immediately made his way to the wheel wedged in the ditch, and lifted it up and out with ease. "There you are, sir." The old man gave another weezy laugh and grabbed the young mans hand shaking it with delight. "Ah, thank you my boy, thank you, come, let me give you a ride into town." Thankful, the young man bowed with respect to the elder, "I would be very grateful, please, allow me to drive the carriage, so we may avoid any further accidents," He said with a smile. "Oh thank you my boy thank you," The old man said whilst giving yet another trademark laugh. Measha helped the old man into the carriage, threw his bag in the back, and jumped into the drivers seat.

"So, what's your name my boy? What are you doing all the way out here by yourself?" the old man asked as they made their way to town. "Measha Kenomoeru, sir" Measha said, and handed the old man a sheet of paper "I'm looking to join up with a mage's guild called the Azure Dragon, I believe it's very new and located in the town we are headed but i'm not sure exactly where, would you happen to know, sir?" The old man squinted at the paper whilst rubbing his scruffy beard "Guild huh. I'm afraid I wouldn't know anything about that, but if you say its in town i'm sure someone might'uh seen it," the old man looked towards the road ahead and pondered, "Kenomoeru, huh. Rings a bell." The pair rode in comfortable silence for the rest of the way, taking in the clear blue sky and lush green grass that surrounded them for miles. Measha enjoyed the company of the old man, he reminded him of someone he cherished, not so long ago. He could feel something in the air, something he hadn't felt in a while. He felt like he was meant to be here, at this very moment, on this journey to join the Azure Dragon. He was filled with purpose, and loved the feeling of it.

Finally, they arrived to the old man's merchant shop in town. Measha leaped from the carriage and insisted he'd help carry the contents of the carriage into the shop. Measha walked back and forth from the carriage and shop carrying merchandise, general items and wares while the old man shifted through the contents of a chest in his shop. As Measha carried in the last of the cargo the old man pulled out an old tattered book from the chest with foreign writing engraved on the cover, which translated into a single word, Kenomoeru. "Measha, my boy, here. I want you to have this." Measha grabbed the book with awe, and with an astonished look he asked "Where on earth did you get this?" The old man handed Measha a cup of tea, and sipped on a cup of his own, then took a seat on a box of fruit. "A long, long time ago, back when I used to have a full head of hair" he said accompanied with a weezy laugh, "A man came into my shop, dressed in an odd uniform, strangely, he wasn't really looking to buy, but rather converse." The old man took another sip of his tea, "So we talked, and had a very pleasant conversation. Eventually, he handed me this book, and said it was a gift. He told me I was a good man, and when the time came I would know what to do with this gift, he then bought some things, and was on his way." The old man stood up, walked over to Measha and placed his hand on his shoulder, "Measha, my boy, I think this book was meant for you." Measha gave a nostalgic smile. He knew very well the person that gave this book to the old man. He then bowed with respect again to the old man, "Thank you, sir" The old man put his hands up "Please please" said the old man, "Call me Fargo. Do come visit me some time my boy, an old merchant like myself doesn't get much company." Measha smiled again, set down his tea and shook his hand, "Thank you Fargo," He then grabbed his bag, and quickly left the shop.

Measha walked out the door with a heart of fire, but it then dawned on him that he did not know where he was or where to go. No matter though, he simply began to walk, moving through the crowd with purpose, he felt that he knew exactly where he was going. After turning a few corners, Measha stopped, and looked with a sense of accomplishment to the Azure Dragon. At first glance it didn't look like much, anybody could tell that it had been created fairly recently, and still needed some work here and there, but to him it meant everything. This is where he was meant to be. Measha tucked the book in his traveling bag, holding back his excitement, and made his way towards the guild.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kitsune said
The situation was no different at the bandit attack, as many bodies lay on the ground, but this time they were covered in a strange goo that was splattered around the battlefield and had magic burn marks. They were not dead but they were surely not going to be getting up anytime soon that was for sure. A carriage was in the center of the road broken and shattered with its driver still in its seat. "A-Azure Dragon... Damn you..." He muttered out before blacking out. Off down the main road a old man was walking away from the scene, however before they could give chase, well two of them couldn't at their speed, the sounds of more bandits came from the forest. Seemed like not all of them were taken care off...

When Orion and the group arrived at the grisly scene his mood changed. Where as before he might have thrown out a couple more jokes and insult towards Kerenza now he was serious. First he rushed over to the diver who had fallen unconscious making sure he wasnt dead. His only injuries seemed to have come from what ever wrecked his ride. If he had to guess, the bandits probably attacked the carriage and someone stepped in. But how could it have been someone from the guild,Orion wondered. the jobs had only just came to the guild hall. He looked at the Driver one more time, to see if perhaps he recognized him, but he didnt. At the sound of more bandits Orion spun around quickly, scanning the area for anything that moved. As a precaution he clasped his hands together, as was usually required to activate his magic. limited visibility meant the bandits, if thats who they were, would see them first which wasnt good.

It was at this point that He noticed the old man walking away but there was the more pressing issue of potentially being surrounded. what ever the gooey stuff on the ground was he knew he would have to avoid stepping in it. He knelt down and pressed himself against what remained of the carriage preparing to defend himself and the others. "hey princess, we could use extra sets of eyes," least that way their collective field of vision would be greater. on top of that Orion really hoped that the leader of these guys was one of the random bodies on the floor. God knows that would make things so much easier
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It took the group some time to arrive at the scene, but when they did...it wasn't a pretty sight. Bodies laid strewn on the dirty, scorched ground. A strange viscous substance was present, an odd substance that appeared to burn things. Some subset of lava magic? Some type of acid? It was odd though. Both the bandits and whatever merchant they were attacking had been caught up in whatever had happened. Frightening. Nightmarish. Scary.

Kerenza bit her tongue, forced her emotions and bile down her throat, and shuddered as a burning sensation filled the back of the mouth. This was odd. She had not heard whatever the driver of the cart had said before passing out, but the whole thing was very, very odd. Nevertheless, there were a ton of injured people, the majority of them passed out. To make matters worse, it sounded like more of them were coming. How many more? Who knew.

But she didn't need anyone to die that day, and closing her eyes, she 'summoned' the first of the Spirits that she had. Channelling magic into her clasped hands, as if in prayer, a tawny, grainy light began to collect in front of her, before slowing molding itself into the shape of a human being. Then, the light dimmed, giving away to physical features. Tanned skin and light brown hair.

Dust. Her thief, spy, and scout.

She nodded once at him, and he acknowledged that silent command, sliding away into the brush without a sound. In a bit, he should be able to come back and give more specific information on numbers and weapons. If not...well, he was a slippery bastard. Chances are, he'll give them a good chase.

Meanwhile, Kerenza brought her hands together once more, this time to pass down 'new' information to that slacking bastard, Forest. Location, situation, and a request for aid from the army, the police, who ever would come. If nothing else, they needed more hands to cart away the injured and such.

“I'd be glad to give you ten eyes, monkey, but two will be enough for now. Dust should be coming back with information soon, and then, we can have a proper fight based off that.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Within the guild Beatrix was serving the people that were coming in, with both food and drink she started to build up relasinships with them, though their view on her that she could be a little strict, more so on this tab thing that she had declared a sin on... When Measha walked into the guild he fell ignored at the moment, as the people at the bar were more important, but she would stop and speak to the boy if he so wished, and given most of the job flyers were missing other than the s-class mission, he had little choice but to do so. Besides, she had chores for him to do.
Orin raised his hand, about to reassure Sophia, but as he was about too, clapping echoed down the street seemingly cutting off the sound around them. "Turning around and giving up. A wise move, a wise move indeed. I applaud your cowardliness" before them, on one side of the street, stood a women in a fine white suit which had somehow not become dirty in the falling ash. She seemed professional by the way she stood and bowed to the group.

Next a cloud of white smoke burst from the blackened fire smoke, only to be replaced by a man in a pin stripe suit, smoking and walking towards them with a slimy confidence. "Are these the ones Jill?" The women shook her head "No Soul, the others have long since gone. I applaud their speedy retreat." With a groan the man left his cane staning before taking his hat off. "Shame, A real shame.. This don't mean I gotta help em though. " Jill smirked. "True, true. Well then" Before the group could even speak back the women clapped her hands one more time, and as if by magic the people on the ground started to awaken from their slumber.

Orin was shocked as he saw the two leaving behind a bunch of waking mobsters, or gangs as the ones that awoken had little class to them apart from the boss and even then it was a rather cheap suit. "Wh-what is the Vinheim Mob doing here? Uh.. Never mind those two now, get those Azure Dragon Gits!" Confused by the whole thing the mob looked to the group, easily picking them out as the enemy! Grabbing their magic guns off the ground they took cover and opened fire, however their bullets his Orin first and just reflected off his chest... Mainly because it was covered in chains, like a binding of smokign snakes the chains protected him. "Everyone get ready. Looks like we will have to finish this job... Right Sophia?"
From what Rose could tell this was the remaining half of the bandits, having had half back at the camp and another 'guarding' the road for merchants, this meant there were about twenty on their way. They consisted of half mages and another just normal guys with swords and bows, but what really stuck out to Rose would be the leader... A man wearing a strange mask was known as Kyojin the Immortal, said to have taken on three of the 10 saints and continued to get up for more. The battle had left the mask welded to his face, hence why he was never seen without it... However it was strange to see the six foot man working with the bandits as he famously worked alone.

Bursting from the tree line they had little in the way of tactics apart from Kyojin shouting at the top of his lungs "Looks like we got some brave, and soon to be dead, fools here! Get'em boyz" Some of them, unawere of what was around them, stood within the goo, becoming stuck and unable to move, but after about four of the fools had done this they learned their lesson. Kyojin unslung what looked to be a crossbow with a massive gem on the front. "Lets go at it then if you think you got what it takes to beat Kyojin the Immortal!" He said before firing a explosive magical bolt towards Orion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Orion, already on the defensive, made a note note not to step in the goo. When the crossbow was aimed at him he didnt wait for it to be fired. "Image.WALL!!" he erected a wall. He wasnt foolish enough to think it would hold, so he hopped into the the carraige and pulled out the driver before it and his barrier exploded. The force sent him flying but he shielded as best he could. It took him a second to get back on his feet after that but he managed. Already covered in scrapes and bruises he whipped blood from his lip.

out of everyone Orion knew he had to keep Kyojin's attention, so he created a crossbow and Shot though the smoke roughly where he thought the man was at. he was shooting blind but it served a point. Orion could only make things when he understood how all the parts worked. a crossbow was simple, a stock, a switch, a string and of course an arrow. Orion could create a bowstring with higher tension than a normal bowstring propelling the arrow faster. and would simply recreate the bowstring and arrow after each shot, making for a very quick reload. He ran toward the tree line, leveling is Image-Bow and firing into the shoulder of one of the bandits in his way, pinning the man to a tree. He reloaded his weapon and caught sight of Kyojin again but when he went to level the shot again he couldnt fire because another bandit was approaching him, readying what looked like an fire spell. Orion turned the bow on him, changing the arrow head to a olid fist befor firing it at the bandit face. knocking him off his feet. when he turned back to face kyuji that roided out crossbow was aimed at him again. so Orion made a run for it. hoping the shot would hit a tree and not him.
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