Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Miles needed to find his Lantern before his ring ran out or his spine injury would be his downfall.

The Manhunter was on his tail again firing green energy blasts from its staff, the blasts sending up more dust which prevented the sun from shining through again, while dodging the Manhunter's fire he asked his ring to lead him to his Lantern Battery. The ring told him the Battery was 3 miles northwest, it also warned him that the ring only had 5% charge, he needed to hurry...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Ditha began to wake up, it seemed that she had taken to much damage and entered the zombie mode. “Starsapphire detected” said Ditha ring as Ditha got up and saw the Starsapphire. “What... are... you... doing... here...” said Ditha in a barely sound alive voice as she got into a defensive position ready to fight the said Starsapphire. After all she had read how Starsapphire would capture other lanterns and convert them. If they tried they would find that Ditha wouldn't be an easy prey but she would need to end this fast, as the Manhunters were a larger threat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cassidy jumped floating in the air for a moment ready to strike before catching her breath "holy fudge...your alive?" Cass landed from the couple of feet off the ground she was and realized who ever this green was she was ready for a fight "I'm not here to hurt you...plus you have bigger things to worry about then me" she place her ring hand on Ditha's shoulder and it started to glow "hold still...okay i want to help you, my name is Cassidy...I from a small planet in sector 2814...and i want to help heal you"
she knew if this was under any other circumstances she would show this hurt green how wonderful the power of love could be and free her from her bounds but right now something bigger then that was happening and they needed the help.

"i came here because I heard the screams of people who were loosing their loved ones, only to find something far worse, and to be honest I could use the help..." she smiled waiting for permission before he started to use the violet light to heal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Skorn entered the atmosphere of the ruined planet and was met with a ghastly sight. Everything in sight was destroyed, burning, or dead, and smoke thick enough to block out the planet's sun filled the air. Anything that required air to breathe would have choked and suffocated instantly, reminding him of the harsh air of Ysmault.


That was his cue. Skorn took off in a flash of red to where his ring led him to and found a Blue Lantern fleeing from what seemed to be a Manhunter. Skorn flapped his draconian wings as he caught up to the android, then reached out his claws to grab the Manhunter by the leg. The Red Lantern changed his direction of flight afterwards, plummeting downwards so as to destroy the Android upon crashdown.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Manhunter was still firing at him, he was almost at the Battery though he only had 3% charge left, suddenly the blasts stopped and the dust clogging the air was temporally cleared. Miles looked up, all he saw was the Manhunter dangling upside down being carried away by a Red streak, he didn't care, who ever it was had done him a favour. His only concern was getting to that Battery.

Half a minute later he had arrived at small personal Battery he had kept hidden on the planet in case of emergencies, this was definitely one, all he needed to do was place his ring into the battery and utter the Blue Lantern Corp oath, he held up the Battery, stuck his hand in and said the oath.

"In fearful day, in raging night,
With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"

"Ring charge 100%" The Ring proclaimed. Miles with a smirk whispered to himself "Fully charged..." and flew off to search for the Manhunter and its Red kidnapper still clutching his Battery's handle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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"Stupid android," Skorn spat as he used his strength to forcefully tear apart the Manhunter limb from limb. He had been shot several times as he dragged him down to the barren earth below, and noted how much stronger their weapons seemed than before. What could have helped these things come back? And stronger at that...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shrapnel slowly floated, following the red lantern, and chuckling as the poor Manhunter was ripped apart. As he drifted closer, he slowly clapped.

"Good show. Very nice." He said sarcastically. "I'm sure we won't need to study the corpse of the Manhunter..." Rang out his metallic, almost soothing voice. His ring flashed a warning at him, and he cringed as he saw the blue lantern.

"A blue lantern... of course. Why would there not be a blue lantern..." Shrapnel turned to address the blue-suited freak. "Well, typical of a blue lantern to need to be rescued. What, did you just sit there and HOPE that the Manhunter wouldn't kill you?" He said, a violent tone in his voice, as he kept his distance. Shrapnel knew two things about blue lanterns. They were not good for his health, and that he did not like them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After spending a few minutes searching the remains of the planet left and right, Miles finally saw the Red Kidnapper standing next to the shredded remains of the Manhunter and a fearsome Yellow metallic creature.

Floating down he could see the disgust on its face and hear it mumble something, when he reached the ground the Yellow Creature said to him violently "Well, typical of a blue lantern to need to be rescued. What, did you just sit there and HOPE that the Manhunter wouldn't kill you?" although Miles noticed it kept its distance as if it were...afraid?

"Someone's a little unfriendly, aren't they?." Miles turned to the Red Kidnapper acknowledging the Yellow one.
"So? What's your names?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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It seemed the Starsapphire was surprised to see that Ditha was alive. Ditha did take a bit of pleasure when people found out she was alive. Starsapphire stated she wasn't her to hurt her, then again they probably though that converting someone wasn't hurting them but she was right, the Manhunters had returned. As the Starsapphire place her hand on Ditha shoulder, Ditha attacked. She created an executioner axe (her favourite gladiatorial weapon) and swung it at the Starsapphire. “I... will... not... be... poisoned... by... your... lies...” said Ditha as she continued to swing her axe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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"Silence your voice," Skorn growled as red napalm dripped from his mouth, threatening to turn into a full stream of the liquid and melt the metal of the yelloe lantern. Even if they all had to regretfully work together to find out more about the Manhunters, Skorn wouldn't be taking any insults from anyone, particularly not freaks and naive idiots like the Sinestro Corps members and the Star Sapphires.

His attention turned to the Blue Lantern that had been fleeing moments ago. He wasn't exactly fond of their group either, considering they were capable of weakening his rage by flashin thoughts of a better life into his mind. Still, he could tolerate them more than the Star Sapphires who did pretty much the same, but with a much more annoying message. Love conquers all? Bullshit. Love does nothing but tear hearts apart or oeave them vulnerable to injury. Rage... rage conquered all. It was perfect and self-sustaining.

"Hmph, I am Skorn. What brought you to this planet? The prayers of a thousand people who were destroyed?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shrapnel sighed before begrudgingly stating "You may refer to me as Shrapnel, as your puny mind could not comprehend my true name." The yellow mist that held his body together flickered, as his power was disrupted by the very presence of the Blue Lantern and his ring. "Your leaders grow weak, resorting now to humans. They must not truly know the power of the Manhunters." He sighed, severely disappointed in the humans, weaklings, as he saw them.
He was unsure of the Red Lantern. He had never seen a species quite like him. He was wary of the being, supposedly a human scarred by the power of rage. He made a mental note to not get in the way of that... thing. He mentally checked his rings energy status- 28%. "It's enough for now." He thought to himself, not yet willing to reveal where he kept his power battery. He subconsciously strayed even farther from the Blue lantern, as his power was being disrupted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You may refer to me as Shrapnel, as your puny mind could not comprehend my true name." The Yellow one said replying to Miles' question, he noticed that Shrapnel seemed to fade as Miles steppd closer, to prevent further harm he stepped back again. Shrapnel continued "Your leaders grow weak, resorting now to humans. They must not truly know the power of the Manhunters." and sighed. Miles now wished he hadn't stayed back.

The Red Kidnapper snapped at Shrapnel "Silence your voice!" Miles noticed that blood-like liquid was dripping from his mouth and was corroding the ground, he made a mental note to stay away from that. He went on to continue "Hmph, I am Skorn. What brought you to this planet? The prayers of a thousand people who were destroyed?"

"No, I was returning from another planet preforming my duties." Miles looked down at the ground. "The dust ball we're standing on used to be the planet I lived on, I stayed with the natives, helping them and keeping them safe... I guess I didn't do a very good job..." he turned to Shrapnel and said "And for your information, Junkyard, my ring had a low charge and if I didn't get to the battery I would've died!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Skorn lifted up the Manhunters severed head as he looked it over. He tossed it over to the Blue Lantern.

"Here's your culprit," he said. "I trust you know of these things? This marks the third time they've threatened the galaxy."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Miles caught the Manhunter's head with two hands and stared into it's red eyes, he looked back up and said to Skorn. "I...Uh.. All I know is they're called Manhunters, they have a really boastful...and annoying chant AND they seem to have a massive hate-on for life,That's all I know. I'm... uh.. kinda new at this, I don't even know who you guys are...

He lowered his head embarrassed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Oh, a novice in his own Corps, no wonder he had no idea who they were. Just how long had been a Lantern?

"Yes basically. The original police force the ever wise Guardians established," Skorn explained, obvious sarcasm and mockery in his voice. "They don't like anything organic as they seem to believe it is responsible for all evil. Ironic huh?"

Skorn made a fist and produced the symbol of the Red Lantern Corps into the air.

"Surprised you don't know of at least Atrocitus. I'm a Red Lantern, we are beings fueled by the rage and hate in our lives."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I've heard of Atrocitus, but what does he have to do with those...Red Lanterns? He's a terrorist, a survivor of the mysterious Sector 666 Massacre, he bombed dozens of innocents in Oan Space, well what did you expect from a guy named Atrocitus who lived in Sector 666 ?" Miles laughed for the first time since he arrived.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cassidy jumped back as she was attacked "woah...okay not what I expected" she made a tower shield of light and blocked the on coming attacks "it seems like my kindness is lost on you, I was here to help you now I'm not to sure" the shield disappeared and cassidy created a talwar and started pressing the attack back.

Cassidy focused her mind and thought before speaking again blocking the attacks from the Axe "what love have you lost that even the sight of the light of love made you attack" the sapphire that was on her forehead started to glow "allow loves true sight guide your way to reason" using the star sapphire that was glowing Cassidy was able to make those you look into its light see there hearts desire.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Larfleeze said
"I've heard of Atrocitus, but what does he have to do with those...Red Lanterns? He's a terrorist, a survivor of the mysterious Sector 666 Massacre, he bombed dozens of innocents in Oan Space, well what did you expect from a guy named Atrocitus who lived in Sector ?" Miles laughed for the first time since he arrived.

As always happened when Skorn's rage was rising, red steam began to curl from his mouth as he heard Miles speak. The Blue Lantern obviously did not know of the righteousness of the Red Lanterns, or that of Atrocitus. Save for Dex-Starr and Zillius Zox, Skorn was one of the most loyal Red Lanterns of the Corps. Saying false things about his leader whom he considered wise and just wasn't exactly a good idea.

"Mind your tongue, human. You speak of the leader of the Red Lanterns, and one who is no mere terrorist that spreads fear and unjust destruction like this floating heap of metal over here," Skorn said as he pointed a claw to Shrapnel.
"Atrocitus created us to be bringers of vengeance and to crush the evil that exists in this universe. The massacre of his sector was no mystery, the Manhunters themselves were the cause of it!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shrapnel began to object to the statement that he was 'a floating heap of metal'; however, he quickly stopped, not wanting to incur the rage of Skorn. His head spun itself around in a tight circle, extremely quickly, as it tended to do while he was under stress. "Yes, we get it, brownnoser, you love Atrocitus. Now can we please get back to the matter at hand?" Shrapnel asked, a commanding tone underlying his voice.

[i]"As we speak, our universe as we know it is possibly falling apart, and yet, we still stand here, bickering over petty things."
He said. A thick layer of light began to envelop Shrapnel, as a shield, in case Skorn took too much offense to the brownnoser comment. His head slowed to a stop, focusing in on the Red Lantern.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Skorn considered reducing Shrapnel to slag metal with a simple blast of red light from his ring, but then remembered that they did indeed have more pressing matters at hand. How Atrocitus was able to deal with working with the very people he hated such as Star Sapphire Carol and Sinestro, he'd never know. Flapping his wings, Skorn rose into the air, but did not yet fly away.

"The living metal refuse here speaks truthfully." Skorn used a simple chain construct from his ring to grab the head and other parts of the Manhunter he had killed. "Though where we should go to discuss this, I know not."
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