Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler - Underground Arena - Lynn

"You fucking bitch."

Tyler entered the arena now and made his way toward Lynn. His poise and stature suggested calm, but a horrific glare was plastered on his face. The raider without a walker stepped away reactively as Tyler approached, who went to grab the girl by the collar. "You're the one who changed!" he snapped. "I - We - had a vision. And when I finally figured out how to make it happen, you turned on me!" He continued to spat in her face, spittle flying out of his mouth. "Weeks and weeks of betrayal, and I did what I had to do! The punishment became death, and that's how it will always be from now on. But you were special, Lynn, so death isn't. Fucking. GOOD ENOUGH!"

Tyler shoved Lynn and stepped away from her. "Do it. Release one! Throw it at her!" One of the men holding a walker cautiously stepped forward and released it with a shove. Lynn was the closest one to it, so it quickly lunged at her.
Brad - Outside the Hideout - Floyd

Brad stared at Smith and the other men silently. His eyes examined the prisoner with a glazed expression. "Tyler is looking for women, Smith."

Bull suddenly erupted into laughter. "Yeah, no shit!" The big man walked over to the truck and looked over the man, his eyebrows raised in wonder. "You got a name?"

"It doesn't matter," Brad said, moving to stand next to Bull. "He's going into the arena. He's going to die."

The Bull gave the man a wink. "No offence. Most men die in the arena. There'd be no shame in it." He erupted into laughter again, one hand stroking his bushy beard. "Damn long time since we had someone go in!"

"Tyler isn't going to like this haul," Brad said, turning on Smith. "This is bullshit." Brad paused to let out an exasperated sigh. "Just get him through the gate and put him in a cell. We'll shove him into the arena when Tyler gives the go-ahead."

The two men began to leave. The Bull gave the prisoner a thumbs up as he followed Brad. "Get that truck parked, boys, and meet us in the cells!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lynn - Underground - Tyler, walker

Special? She wondered if even that was true.
And, predictably, the little boy lost his temper.

The walker lunged at her, but she was able to dodge. The three guys backed away as the walker came after her. She obviously hadn't been that special if he was going to let her die like this. Maybe he would let her be turned then keep her as a pet. That picture made her more ill then the walker's breath.
It lunged at her again she fell back and used it's momentum to flip it over and off of her. She scrambled to her feet and tried to put distance between her and the undead creature. It lost her for a moment but soon spotted her again. It snarled and came after her. Lynn ran towards it and dropped down, kicking outward. The walker flew back and slammed into the side of the arena.

With no weapon it was going to be hard to kill it and as soon as she did Tyler would just release another. She hoped he would get tired of this before she ran out of stamina. Already she was feeling it from the tazering he had given her earlier. Her body was sore and her vision was a little tunnel-y. Lynn shook her head to clear it as the walker came after her again.
"They never learn," she commented as she dodged and used her elbow to hit the back of it's head, sending it crashing into one of the men who shouted in surprise and jabbed his knife into it's eye in reflex.
Lynn smiled. Tyler had actually been the one to teach her to use what was around her. She didn't have any weapons, but the guys in the arena did...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler - Underground Arena - Lynn

It was the outcome Tyler expected, and the one he had hoped for. He had watched her intently and knew she had been squirming on the inside. Despite her confidence and her skills, for just a moment he had put her life in mortal peril.

It was almost intoxicating.

"That's right, go ahead and smile. Keep smiling, Lynn, because then I get to just wipe it off your face again and again." He started pacing around the arena, one hand on his chin. "You can go ahead and release the second one, now. And please step back this time." The raider did as he was told and all three men quickly backed off. As Lynn faced the second walker, Tyler continued to speak: "I still don't entirely understand what went wrong, Lynn. I told you - no, I promised you - that you didn't have to become like those other women. None of them mean anything to me! Not one! All they are, are means to an end." He stopped now, staring at her skirmish intently. "You and I saw a future beyond all this. Where the walkers, the shamblers, and the crawlers were a distant memory." He began pacing again, his monologue becoming more animated. "But everyone stood in my way! First it was the strangers, then it was the acquaintances, and then even my friends! If one can't build a new world with the men he stands beside, then he must entrust his vision to a new generation."

Tyler stopped now. "Lynn, my son believed in me. He loved me. He would have done whatever I asked of him. And so will all my other children. I just wish you understood."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - Hollow

It had only been fifteen minutes since he awoke, and now he sat in a puddle of water, hands and legs tied, as despair surrounded his every angle. That breeze from earlier was no lost, only a strong-willed precipitation remained. The damp atmosphere made it difficult to breathe, but Floyd was used to such conditions. Before the outbreak, he lived in the New Orleans' woods, which were basically swamp lands. The atmosphere in that chamber was the same as the one in his cabin. The stench was the only difference, it reeked worse than a pile of burnt walkers. But excluding that smell, not a single sound could be heard. This was the cell block and Floyd couldn't hear any other prisoners. Had they been altered so much that they've lost all hope in breaking free? Floyd's rage began to prosper over his common sense. If they were going to try and break him, they've got another thing coming.

"Look at'em Chuck, he's looking all depressed. Don't worry little fella' you wont be stuck here for too long. Soon enough, you'll be in the arena, gladiating for your life! Hahaha!" he laughed, making up a word that meant 'fighting'. This place was obviously worse than he'd imagine, but couldn't dare to lose himself in thought. His mission was to find a way out, but as of now, he had no choice but to keep silent and remain focused. When the time presented itself, he'd make a move.

"By the way stranger, you never answered our friend back there, what's your name? Yo momma gave you a name right partner?" the man known as Smith continued. He was irritating, like that little stuttering kid from the train yard, he just wouldn't stop talking. With a little hesitation, Floyd wasn't sure if he'd need to answer this man. He knew who they were, a bunch of pirates that stole from other groups. That's lower than Floyd would ever go. He was an independent man who could live off the land on his own. He was in this situation because he decided to go against that logic. If only he'd of stayed away from that group, if only he'd remain in his cabin maybe he'd never been in such a mess. "My names Smith, this over here is Chuck. Grumpy man out there was Brad, he's the head honcho around here, well, he's the second in command I guess you could say. Big fat-ass was Bull, he's a dummy, just muscle, Hahaha! Right Chuck? Just muscle! hahaha," but Chuck never laughed. He smiled, but never laughed. "Anyhow, that's our names, I'm sure you've got one too."


"Oh okay, I see. So, you from around here? Cuz, I came down here from New Mexico and then all this shit happens. Psh! Just my luck huh? Anyway, you make yourself at home, cuz you ain't going nowhere anytime soon. Unless Tyler decides to make you one of us. I mean, you look like shit, but it seems you can take care of yourself. Around here, independence is strength. You take what you want and that's it. Unless of course Tyler says its against the rules. You know Chuck, Tyler sometimes scares me. Doesn't matter though, what I'm trying to get you to understand partner is that you shouldn't fight your situation, you'll just be wasting your time. Well, I gotz to go, catch ya in a while" Smith finished, walking further into the catacombs, yet remaining by the cells as they awaited company.

The other two soldiers that were in the bed of the truck parked the vehicle. Floyd continued to sit there, going against everything he was just told and trying to get out of those tight ropes. He didn't have anything on him, his only possession - his knife - must have been stripped from his belt when he was knocked out. "Dammit, I've gotta get the hell out of here. But these doors are completely shut. Dammit!" he thought to himself, still attempting to break free of the knots. It was a hopeless attempt as he was informed because he wasn't making any progress.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia - Auto Garage - James/Polyester/Daniel/Shannon

Amelia nodded before she straightened herself up, checking herself over to make sure she was ready. "Get yourselves geared up and ready, and take those communicators too" she said before she took out her orange tinted glasses, putting them on and blinking a few times for her pupils to adjust to the assisted vision it provided. "We've got a long day ahead of us" she added with a sigh before she turned and walked to the door, opening it and checking outside to make sure it was clear. Amelia still had a long way to go before she'd be able to turn off the soldier inside and relax a bit around these guys.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aleck and Gwen ~ Thrift Haven

"Aleck!" He woke to the sound of urgent calls. He wasn't a morning person, it took him a moment to get fully alert but his body had already reacted getting up and in a fight ready position.

"What's going on?" he asked Gwen as he regained focus and noted there was no immediate danger.

"Raiders!" She cried out pointing towards the steps leading up. How had they found them? What was more how had they gotten into the store?

Aleck ran into their room and looked at the screens on the wall, they were powered by car batteries, he had found a way to convert all the wattage in the battery into usable energy using a converter box. There were thousands of batteries lying around uselessly, he repurposed them. The cameras were always in a dark standby mode, clicking on the mouse that controlled the computer which was the "server" for the cameras brought them out of this power saving mode. Three cameras revealed four raiders on the bottom floor and three more outside. They were well armed and they were trying to break into the door that led upstairs. They knew they were up here, the two who weren't moving things out of the way that blocked the door were pointing their guns at the door. The three outside were pointing their guns at the windows.

These raiders might have been part of the group that had at one point suffered a loss at Aleck's had, he tangoed with many of them in the early days when looters and raiders were common. He had killed his fair share of men who wanted to take his sister or their food and supplies.

They were already kicking at the door breaking it apart. There were things on the other side of the door to slow them down further but that only bought them a minute or two.

"Grab everything you can," Aleck told Gwen who had been standing behind him. She headed off to fill duffel bags with canned food and clothes. All their water was always inside bags for quick mobility because water remains the single most important resource in the world.

Aleck went to the closet in the room and grabbed the two duffel bags on the ground, it had amazed Aleck what people considered important. When fecal matter hit the fan people rushed to steal and take guns from anyone and everywhere but failed to take into consideration the importance of other things such as explosives. He had found a Humvee completely looted of guns and bullets but cases of frag, flash, incendiary, and concussion grenades were left behind. Originally he had the entire closet full of all kinds of explosives but as time went by he had been forced to use more and more to fight survivor groups and hordes of undead. Now all he had were two duffel bags worth.

He went to the kitchen and grabbed the water bag and let Gwen carry the bag full of clothes and food.

"Stay behind me ok?" Aleck told her.

"Ok," she nodded. She wasn't scared, Aleck always made her feel safe even now that their lives were threatened she felt no fear. It came with having absolute faith in a person to protect you at all costs.

"Well here goes nothing," He said and went to the "living room" and opened a metal case. There was a single walkie talkie inside. He turned it on and adjusted it to the right frequency and clicked the send button. Instantly two bombs went off blowing two separate cars outside sky high. One of the men outside was killed by the concussive force of the explosion another was fatally wounded by the shrapnel, the third was rendered unconscious. Flipping the frequency again two more bombs went off blowing the wall in the room and the wall in the kitchen. The Thrift store was connected to another three buildings the removal of the walls gave them a new escape. Flipping for the third time through the frequencies he set the switch to the universal frequency for all the bombs placed throughout the building. He pressed the button once they were already heading for the stairs of the neighboring building.

There were enough explosives to not only level the thrift store collapsing it on top of the remaining four raiders but there were also explosives outside the building under cars and other buildings. The explosives under cars and out in the streets were designed to repel an excessively large horde and the bombs in other buildings were designed to draw attention and keep the undead from going the right way.

Outside waiting for them was a four wheel ATV painted military green with a trailer attached to the back, they dropped the bags into the back.

Aleck gave Gwen the keys and told her to drive yelling out directions as they went, as for him, he stood in the back with the rifle loaded and scanning the area for other raiders. The Haven was up in flames, the smoke, fire, explosions and demolition could all be seen and heard as they headed down the road. If only Gwen hadn't been with him he would have risked fighting to keep the Haven, but he didn't want her to get hurt in any form or fashion. He would rather have wasted the Haven in exchange for her absolute safety.

They stopped several blocks away far out of sight of the fallen Haven, Aleck wanted to organize everything before they got any further.

"There," He pointed to an open field. It was dangerous to stop anywhere with limited visual range, one could find themselves walking straight into a trap or be assaulted by unseen undead. Stopping in the open field did reveal them to any that may be watching them but it also gave them the advantage of seeing anyone approach them.

"What's wrong?" Gwen asked as she guided the ATV off road and into the grass stopping in the middle of the park's field.

"I need to switch out some things," He replied getting off. He unslung the rifle and took off his coat. "Wont take that long. Keep an eye out."

"Ok," Gwen replied immediately beginning to scan the area. "You missed dinner night you know and I can smell alcohol on you."

"I found some survivors," he told her. After removing his coat he began unloading it and stuffing everything in the appropriate bag. He also took out some things from the bag and stuffed them into the coat. "There was a young girl, her name was Emma. She had gotten hurt and I wanted to help her so I patched her up."

"Really?" Gwen asked a little bit surprised. She believed her brother to be an angel, to be the greatest man in the world, reliable and strong, but deep down she also understood he was anti-social, emotionally different, and even potentially psychologically insane. Deep, deep down she felt it, there was something wrong with him helping someone who wasn't her. Down in that level she understood it clearly, but on the surface, in the more aware part of herself, only a small bell of surprise went off, it was small insignificant but noticeable enough that she reacted to it, but did not understand it completely. She only knew that it was a surprise, the reason escaped her.

"Yes," he nodded, thinking nothing of her surprise. "I wanted to bring her to the haven but we met a larger group. There was a conflict with some potential raiders, though we were shot at by only a single individual. the group broke up. I couldn't keep them together."

Not that I even tried, he thought to himself.

"I offered the girl a chance to come with me," he continued. "But she preferred to remain with the group of strangers. This group had a pregnant woman and a man on a bike who seemed rather worried about protecting that woman since he bolted with her on his bike as soon as the bullets went off. I don't know how she believed they would even find these two again but her reason for staying with them was because she wanted to help the pregnant woman, not that it did any good for the woman or for the girl."

"Why did you tell them about the Haven?" Gwen pointed out. "They all would have been safe there."

"I wanted to," Aleck lied with a straight face. He was now checking the rounds and properly dispersing them into different pockets organizing them in a way that would maximize their retrieval and fast reload. "But this group seemed adamant in finding the pregnant girl. I didn't want to waver their resolve to go find their friends. I was on my way back however, when the raiders found them. You remember the southern raiders?"

"Yes," Gwen nodded. "The ones who came to the haven, they were raiders from that camp too weren't they?"

"Yes," he nodded. He had seen the guns in their hands, mostly police issue. "Well another group found them. I only heard the gunshots and screaming. I was simply too far away to make a difference, I only got there to watch them take them away."

"Wow," Gwen shook her head. It saddened her to think that people could be so monstrous to each other, she had never seen someone get shot, raped, or killed, unless you included undead people she once knew, but she had never seen a live person get hurt or killed. She didn't want others to suffer, it wasn't right for people to hurt each other, specially not in a world like this where helping one another could only bolster their ability to survive. "What about the girl?"

"She got taken too," he informed her. "She was a little one, maybe a couple of years younger than you, pretty small but she had the strength to survive. Killed a raider too. But she got taken nonetheless. I wanted to find her and rescue her, but I could not."

He decided that he would never elaborate the rest of that story to her or anyone else, it hurt too much to think that he knew exactly where she was and he had just abandoned her.

"So..." Gwen noted the slight down in Aleck's mood, his emotions were always light things that could only be noticed by someone who had spent most of their lives with them. A normal person would have noticed nothing, nothing at all, but Gwen felt it more than saw it, how it made him feel down thinking about the survivors. She decided to switch the topic, no point in staying on the same subject if it would only produce negativity. "Where to now?"

"I...am going to pay the raiders a visit," Aleck responded. "They need to know that they don't own the right to do as they please."

Donning on the coat he shouldered the rifle and got back on the ATV resuming his former position.

"Let's move out," he told her and started pointing the way southeast to the raider complex.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eli - The Arrival

As the halting tires shrieked, the windows to the dark van were rolled up quickly. The driver and his passenger scanned the area before giving the all clear. The checked the entire perimeter, looking through the rear-view and side-view mirrors. The driver gestured the four men in the rear part of the van to suit up. Suiting up basically meant, arming weapons and putting on any necessary equipment, such as bulletproof vests (if any) and other protective gear available.

The first man to exit the vehicle was the front passenger. He wielded a twelve gauge pump action shotgun colored in full body matte black paint. It didn't have any attachments other than an extra mag strapped to the side. It was one of the most popular shotguns of its time, not very unique. This passenger then opened up the slide-door of the van, allowing passage for the four other men awaiting to advance. As the barrier was removed, three of the men rushed out fully loaded and prepared to fire on anything that was noted as a threat. They had a fluid formation and were very delicate in their stances. The fourth men followed slowly, it was Elijah Haywood, the African American real estate agent from Louisiana. He had finally arrived at Tyler's camp and awaited his company.

The driver then took off and parked by a nearby truck, the exact same truck that ironically caged Floyd just a couple of minutes before. The trip from Haywood to this camp was about fifty to sixty miles, so at a speed of about sixty-five miles per hour, it took nearly forty-five minutes plus to get there. It had been a decently long quiet journey. Quiet because the soldiers nor Eli were allowed to discuss business outside of Haywood. The only people that discussed it were Eli and Bruce, inside the walls of their haven of course. That just made things more confidential and less of a personal relationship. This wasn't a friendly chat, it was more of a mutual partnership, both parties put something in to get rewarded in return.

But now it was time to wait, allow some of Tyler's men to approach him and have them inform Tyler of their visit. Then Eli alone, as usual, will proceed into the man's barracks and will start the negotiations. Before leaving Haywood, Bruce informed Eli of what arrangements he had planned. He wanted to get triple the usual for this girl, her state was more...............fertile. A description of her was provided in order to prevent confusion. Eli would give Tyler the piece of paper that describes the pregnant teen and if he likes what he hears, he gets it, as long as he gives them what they bargained for. After the incident with Eli's wife, Tyler was no longer prohibited to see the girl before the trade. He was given a description via letter, handwritten by Bruce Levi himself. It was even signed by the man, proving that it was legit. The deal was that Tyler would give them the supplies asked for, Eli would return to Haywood with these supplies, then bring back whatever girl was traded off. If Tyler didn't like that arrangement, then he could go f*ck himself.

But now, back to waiting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Enrique slammed his hands on the wheel he pushed his foot down on the gas as the truck came to a slow haul on the road just inside the city. He quickly turned the wheel and pulled down a small alleyway, he slammed his foot on the brakes and the car came to a full stop. He punched the steering wheel over and over.

"Damn it!" He said his knuckles bloody "Piece of shit, of course you quit on me right when I need to get through the city!"

He exited his truck in a bout of fury slamming the door behind him. He moved to the front of the car and lifted the hood, grayish white smoke billowed up and into his face. He coughed and waved his hands clearing the smoke and steam, he peered into the engine. He grimaced when he realized that it had overheated, he left the hood up and went to the shotgun seat. He opened the glove box and pulled out a small map of the city, he scanned it then found a small autogarage, he went to the edge of the alleyway and looked for a road sign. He spotted a sign that read 'Elizabeth avenue' then another that read 'Longton drive' he jogged back to his truck and found his location. He traced his fingers down streets and alleys plotting his route to the autogarage, it was not far away he could easily make his way there in little under an hour. He grabbed his pack and slipped his arms through the straps and pulled his shotgun off the dashboard he smiled feeling the grip of it in his righthand. He folded up the map and pushed it into his pocket, and with that he set off following his preset route.

Enrique found the garage within about 40 minutes, he saw a few walkers and manuevered himself carefully around them. He took up a somewhat secure position and stuffed his snub nosed shotgun into his backpack next to his fathers pistol. He quickly unfastened his survivalists axe from his belt and raised his head just enough to see over the concrete wall he had been using as cover while he watched the autogarage. He stood and sprinted to the back of the garage, he placed his hand on the door handle and turned it. He smiled and pushed the door open carefully, he closed it behind him and raised his axe in anticipation of an attack. His pulse was normal and his mind calm, this was where he felt most calm in the anticipation of battle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia had barely gotten back inside after having checked for walkers before the door opened again several minutes latter. She spun around quickly, pulling her M4 Carbine to her shoulder as she aimed at at the cause of the opening door, a man she didn't recognise. He wielded an axe too which did nothing to settle her suspicions that the man was not someone Daniel and Shannon knew. "Drop the axe and put your hands above your head, NOW!" she shouted, aiming down the scope at his face. Her finger squeezed on the trigger gently, readying to fire should he make any moves to attack them. So much for easing out of the soldier frame of mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Dont shoot" Enrique said holding his hands up one still on his axe the other, "I just need some mechanics gear, my truck broke down. And discharging a weapon like that, walkers will be all over this place."

He slowly lowered his hands and looked the girl over, she was blonde and stood with careful stature. Enrique recognized military discipline in how she held her rifle, he assessed that if push came to shove he she would no doubt have a fairly well matched fight. He took a cautios step backwards and bent down, he lightly set the axe down and stood once more with his hands above his head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage - Enrique/Amelia/Daniel/James/Polyester

Shannon folded the map and stuffed it into her backpack. She flashed James a reassuring smile before moving to follow Amelia outside. "Is it at least clear out today?" she began to ask, but Amelia suddenly pointing a gun behind Shannon cut her short. She raised her pistol as Amelia yelled at the man to put his weapon down. "James, Poly, get away from him," Shannon commanded.

When the man surrendered, Shannon kept her weapon trained on him, waiting for Amelia or Daniel to put away their weapon first. She was suddenly angry at this man, surprising them like he did. He was right about the gunfire drawing walkers on them; if it had came down to that, it would have been his fault entirely. "Sneaking in through the back door like that. You expect us to believe that's all you came for?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Enrique smiled looking at the people pointing there weapons at him, when she asked him as to what his true motivations were his smile faded to a smirk.

"What would you have done gringa?" He said, " imagine yourself in my position, you come across a place that would seem appealing to most survivors. Now had I been a fool and knocked we'd be in the same situation or one where I sat outside and you offered thesame questions, and had I intended on hurting you I would have my pistol drawn as opposed to my axe. Let that sink in for a bit, before you decide to kill me or otherwise doom me to the damnation of walking about as a corpse."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia - Auto Garage - Enrique/Shannon/Daniel/James/Polyester

Amelia barely moved an inch as the man spoke, her military precision training allowing her to keep her aim steady. He was right though, the rifle certainly would attract trouble which would be a problem. She lowered her carbine as Shannon aimed at him, "You're right" she said as she slung the carbine onto her back before pulling out her silenced M9 pistol. She gripped the silencer and checked it was in tight before pulling back the hammer with her thumb, aiming it at the man as she levelled it at him in both hands. When he set the axe down and put his hands on his head she moved towards him slowly, keeping the pistol aimed at him the whole time as she moved over and kicked the axe away before taking a step back. "You speak like we're supposed to know your intentions and that you're also carrying a fire arm. In this day and age you don't take chances. So you'll have to forgive me if I'm not quite willing to let my guard down. Maybe you should give us the full story of how you ended up in here" she said, keeping her tone even and relatively calm.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Fine" Enrique said resignadly " My name is Enrique Ortiz, Im an ex army ranger. I came here in a three seater truck and the piece of shit crashed on me, I came here in search of a mechanics tool kit possibly some coolant. If you'd mind stepping back, I can show you my ink And yes I have two firearms. If you're curios as to which type of firearms, Id have you venture a geuss. "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Garage - Enrique and the OG gang

Daniel's pistol was aimed at the man's skull, and he stepped forward. "Had you drawn upon your pistol I probably would have shot you dead on the spot. I've killed people before, and I could send you to the next life with the pull of a trigger and I'd sleep like a baby." Daniel's eyes set firm on the man. He was well muscled, and looked like he'd put up a good fight. "And Also, I'd speak more respectfully to a woman with a rifle, buddy."

"Now imagine yourself in my position; minding our business when a man busted through our back door. As you see, I have both women and a child in this room, ergo you would think I would be hostile towards someone who has most likely has combat experience." He slowly pulled the barrel of his gun to the floor. "Unfortunately the fact that there is a child in this room also means that I won't down a living person before he strikes. I do hope you can wrap your mind around the gravity of your intrusion from our perspectives."

Emma - Raider Base - Bex the Swaggster

Emma's ears barely registered his voice; but she looked up in surprise when he spoke. "So, who's Daniel?" She contemplated her answer. She could lie... but what would the point of it be? It almost seemed as if he was just barely sympathetic. She had the suspicious feeling that if he had been sympathetic, he would be the only one that she received such things from. "He's someone you don't want to meet in a fight..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bex - Emma's Cell - Emma

"That doesn't really answer my question," he said, his gaze expressionless.

Before Emma could respond, Smith and Chuck waltzed into the cells with a prisoner tied up between them. Bex gave a slight nod to the two men as they brought their prisoner further into the cells. The deepest cells were kept exclusively for male prisoners. As Bex waited for more prisoners to follow, it became readily apparent that Smith had only captured the one. It wasn't even a woman. Tyler probably wouldn't be happy.

"You should be happy Daniel isn't here," he said, turning back around to peer into Emma's cell. "Men don't tend to live once they come down here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emma - Her Cell - Bex

She watched the men drag the prisoner towards a cell. She wished that there was something she could do. "Men die? Well good thing I'm not a man... I'm not even a woman." She held beck the urge to cry as she spoke.

"I'm not even a woman and do you know whats gonna happen to me now? You've talked to me now; you obviously aren't completely heartless! I'm going to experience what no one should... and you're going to stand by. Heck, you'll probably join in won't you?" She stood with a good deal of effort, approaching the bars and looking straight at the man. She didn't know his name, but she'd make sure he remembered hers. If she couldn't hurt him physically, she could try to hurt him emotionally. "My name is Emma Jane Crowe, I'm 14 years old, and you and your 'pals' are gonna violate me!" Her voice rose at the the end of her statement. Emma had no idea where the boldness had come from.. She dropped back down to the floor and allowed herself to cry quietly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I believe the weapons aimed at my face very clearly state the severity of my situation," Enrique said pointing to the guns " Now what are we to do here if? I have done what I was instructed to do very carefully, if you should like to take me prisoner I have some twine in my pack."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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