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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Ditha had long fought in gladiatorial arena where she had pick up a few tricks. She decided not to block the blow from the Starsapphire, instead she took the hit while swinging back, she wasn't allowed to kill in these situation and thus made sure to hit Sapphire with the other side of the executioner axe. Yet just as she swing Ditha saw the light on Starsapphire but continued to the strike at first, there was no point in holding back now, she wouldn't be able to dodge the attack, thus she might as well get a hit in. Then as the light Starsapphire suddenly showed her the love she was missing. Ditha had never truly loved, she did not know the feeling and thus being exposed to it for the first time broke her will for a few seconds. This rendered her attack useless and open to another attack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cassidy braced herself for the strike as the light basked over ditha, and then the construct disappeared, seeing her opening cassidy pulled back and threw a punch hitting ditha in stomache hoping to make her double over "you seen something or someone that your heart yearns for, that is your to keep with you....I do not wish to continue fighting because I can tell I am out matched" cassidy offered her hand "I did not come to help you so I could have a new sister in the corp"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

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Miles watched as Skorn and Shrapnel argued with each other, Skorn was getting angrier, Miles considered calming him down with is ring, but he hadn't mastered it and if it failed it would only make him even angrier.
He never said anything when Skorn told him the Manhunters were responsible for the Sector 666 Massacre, he had always heard rumors about who did it but officially it remained a mystery.

Shrapnel raise a point about how they shouldn't be bickering while thousands suffer at the cold, unfeeling hands of the Manhunters. Skorn calmed down and used his ring to pick up the pieces of the Manhunter and flew up and asked where they should discuss the Manhunter problem further. "The way I see it." said Miles "We warn our corp leaders about this and then meet up at another location."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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The impact of the blow made Ditha take two steps back. Then the Starsapphire began to once again talk. Perhaps she was being honest, was Ditha the aggressor, was the Starsapphire really here to help? If she wasn't she had miss her chance to win, she also talk about how she was outmatch. Ditha had to disagree, the fight had only exchanged few blows. Also not only were there skills but there was tactics and power as well, sure Ditha might have better skills but tactics and power that was a different story. “Fine... We... Stop...” said Ditha as she grab the Starsapphire hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

cassidy smiled and as Ditha took her hand the the violet ring on her finger basked them both in its light healing any injuries either of them would have had, she felt more at ease being around the green lantern then she was when she was with skorn or shrapnel "not sure if you know, but we are not the only ones on this planet, before my ring detected you I ran into a red lantern and a member of the sinestro corp, its not very often that something big like this happens and almost every corp is on the scene."

Cassidy looked up to the sky and looked really sad "the love that was in the hearts of everyone here, all snuffed out in a cold emotionless wave...sometimes im jealous of how you greens can be so detached and balanced with your emotions." if Ditha had any kind of knowledge on the star sapphires she would recognize that Cassidy did not act entirly like the rest, the preach of love was there in her voice but it was like the sapphire was not controlling her mind like most other who wielding the violet light were.

"i dont like it...but i think we should find the other corp members, apart we cant take the manhunters in there numbers,together we can avenge those who lost there loved ones and their own lives"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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The Blue Lantern made a good suggestion, Krios was going to report this Atrocitus anyway once he was done dealing with the other Lanterns here. Flapping his wyvern like wings, Krios ascended back into the air before dashing off at high speeds to return to outer space. There, he saw the Star Sapphire and another lantern, this one green.

"Return to your Corps," he commanded, "And report what has happened here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Ditha could feel the violet that surrounded her heal her wounds, soon her skin tone returned to normal as well as the rest of her body. It seemed that Ditha was wrong about the Starsapphire and was about to apologize but before she could speak the Starsapphire informed her about two other lanterns on the planet, a red lantern and a sinestro corp. If that was true then she would need to inform the Guardians.

Starsapphire then look into the sky and began to talk about how she was jealous of how detached and balance green were with there emotions. “That is not true, we have emotions, we feel them and sometimes it requires a lot of will for us to keep them in check and sometimes it isn't enough. We are not flawless. Also I'm... sorry I attack you.” said Ditha in her normal voice.

The Starsapphire wanted to group up with the other lanterns, Ditha didn't like the idea. Working with a Starsapphire was one thing, a Red in some cases might be willing to work with a green but a Sinestro corp member, that was asking to be stabbed in the back. Then a Red Lantern who was dashing off into space ordered them to retreat and tell report what had happen her. “Wow, I actually agree with the Red Lantern, we must inform our Corps of what has happened.” said Ditha as began to fly up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

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After Skorn flew up past the heavy smoke still clogging the air, Miles went up as well, breaching the black clouds also. Looking around for the star he needed to find Odym, the home of the Blue Lanterns, he also spotted a red dot which seemed to be Skorn conversing with a pink and green one. "How many Lanterns are there?" Miles thought as Shrapnel sped past him then headed in another direction. He then saw Polaris, the star which Odym orbited and with great speed swiftly flew towards it, he needed to hurry if he wanted to warn Brother Walker.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


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As Shrapnel sped off, a trail of yellow light streaking behind him, he allowed his form to degenerate back into a random clump of metal, as holding his humanoid form drained his power. He wasn't streaking off for long, he soon disappeared into a wormhole, manipulating it in order to have it take him to the Antimatter universe, specifically Qward, the home of Sinestro Corps, and the closest thing Shrapnel had to a home.
It wasn't long before Sinestro had been warned, and Shrapnel had his orders. Sinestro had been overcome by a pale face, and it was a moment before he could speak. His tone was grim, and Shrapnel knew that it was truly a serious threat. Shrapnel's order had been to go, group up with the other Lanterns that he had met before, and follow their advice, and call the Corps for assistance only when he was positive that the Manhunters were there, and a viable threat.
Sinestro knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to offer advice to the other Corps. Thanks to his recent involvement with the Manhunters, distrust would spawn, and that was not what they needed, not in such dire consequences. No amount of Shrapnel's arguing helped- he was on his own, for now.
So Shrapnel left, about to take off, to find the other Lanterns, before he was stopped by a warning. "Ring Battery at 2%." Shrapnel chuckled to himself, glad to have gotten this warning now, rather than in the middle of a fight. He shifted aside the plate of metal that guarded his power battery, then removed his power ring. As he chanted the Sinestro Corps oath, his body reformed, snapping together with a satisfying clang punctuating each sentence.
"In blackest day, in brightest night,
Beware your fears made into light
Let those who try to stop what's right,
Burn like his power...

At the end of the oath, Shrapnel's body had fully formed. He then took off, yellow energy trailing behind him, a crater left in the ground where he was. Spinning through the air, Shrapnel suddenly dissipated in a burst of Yellow light, utilizing a wormhole in order to return to the charred planet. Upon arrival, he looked around, before realizing that they had not spoke of where they would meet. He set his ring to send a signal, telling the Red and Blue Lantern to meet back at the charred planet, with his coordinates.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

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Odym was a beautiful planet, full of flora and fauna, full of life, a Garden of Eden before his eyes. This gave Miles a grim thought of how large a target Odym would be to the Manhunters, he imagined the lush jungle turned into ash... He quickly pushed the dark thought into the recesses of his mind, "Fear is the killer of Hope." he remembered, before asking his ring to locate Brother Walker and headed for the coordinates.

Saint Bro'Dee Walker was meditating beneath a gigantic alien tree, Miles coughed so he was aware of his presence. "Brother Esperance?" Walker said not even opening his eyes. "Brother Walker, I am here to deliver urgent news, does the word Manhunter mean anything to you?" Miles asked. Walker suddenly opened his eyes startled. "M-Manhunters, Brother Esperance how do you know this?" Miles replied "The Planet from which I made my home...It was destroyed, nothing left there but dust, I was attacked by one of them. They kept mentioning 'No one escapes the Manhunters' or something like that, What does it mean?" Walker looked worried "It means, Brother Esperance, that you should forget this, Brothers Warth, Hymn, Shon and Sister Sercy will handl-" He was interrupted by Miles' ring "Coordinates from Sinestro Corp member Shrapnel received." "Working with Sinestro's Lanterns I see?" Walker said with a smirk and a raised brow. "I'm going to help and you can't stop me." Miles argued out of the blue "I never said I would." Walker replied "Though I heed you to remember, you're a novice and if your ring runs out you're done, I'll send the others in case of emergencies." "I won't forget, have hope in me." Miles said with a smile, Walker smiled back as Miles left Odym, hopefully not for the last time, to head for Shrapnel's coordinates at the charred planet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


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Cassidy nodded at the idea to telling the leaders about what happened "yes it would be a good idea to see what is asked of us" she quickly reached out a held onto ditha's hand and looking her in the eyes "all is forgiven about you attacking me, but please keep that feeling you had when the star sapphire shined on you in your heart, love conquers all" she smiled letting go of her hand before getting ready to fly off to zamaron where carol Ferris would want to hear what happened.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Ditha nodded at the Starsapphire. “I will not forget it and use it to increase my willpower.” said Ditha as then left and headed back to Oa. Once she arrived she requested an audience with the Guardians. This was actually the first time she had a requested an audience with them, usually she would only see them about missions and even then it was usually assigned to her by a higher ranking Lantern. She had to wait a few minutes but she soon she was given an audience. “Lantern of Sector 2934, you said you have an urgent message for us?” said one of the Guardians. “Yes, the Manhunters have returned which has caught the attention of the Starsapphires, Red Lanterns and the Sinestro Corps. The Manhunters have wipe out an entire planet.” said Ditha in a commanding voice. “This is unfortunate but we ask you to let us deal with the situation.” said one of the Guardians. “Very well, your wisdom is far greater then mine, I will follow your command.” said Ditha as she bowed before leaving the chambers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


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Cassidy flew making her way to Zamaron, her mind replaying the interaction with Ditha before she arrived in the violet city, she was greeted with hugs and smiles from her sisters telling her they missed her and such, Cassidy spoke with a few of them about other matters but put in a request to speak with Carol Ferris, she was told that miss Ferris is off planet at the moment but will see her as soon as she comes back, Cassidy made her way to the barracks and entered the room she was assigned to.

inside the room was a large bed and a table with her power battery on it, Cassidy smiled and placed her ring to the lantern "For Hearts Long Lost. And Full of Fright. For Those Alone In Blackest Night. Accept Our Ring and Join Our Fight.....Love Conquers All.....With Violet Light!" her room filled with the violet light as she recharged, sitting down on the bed her mind still playing out the events of that happened first seeing lanterns of fear and rage, then briefly fighting with Ditha, cassidy soon found herself laying down and falling asleep on the bed.

what could have been hours later she slowly opened her eyes seeing a figure over her "kev...kevin?" she asked in a sleep daze before seeing it was actually Carol "Cassidy, i was told you had something important to speak with me about" cassidy sat right up and nodded rubbing her eyes "yes...the manhunters...they have returned in enough of a number to wipe out a entire planet, i was near by when i heard those on the planet scream out as their wives...husbands...children lives were extinguished it was terrible" she hugged her legs as carol sat next to her "not everyone feels such loss of love, you are strong Cassidy I can feel the love you hold in your heart" Cassidy smiled "there was others on the planet when i went to have a look, a red lantern and a member of the sinestro corp at first, then i made contacted with a green lantern who was in bad shape" Carol thought for a moment "then i have your orders, I know for a fact the guardians will not do much to face this, there emotionless logic might send squad or two...but it will fail...the task i lay at your feet Cassidy is....you much find these other corp members and together take down these manhuters"

Cassidy mouth hit the floor "but Carol, is that wise?" Carol nodded "it is what needs to be done, i have faith in you sister...you are strong and the love you carry is your greatest weapon in this fight, show the galaxy that what we say is true....love conquers all"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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The planet Ysmault, the twisted and hellish planet home to Atrocitus and the Red Lantern Corps. Krios arrived here not long after he ordered the Star Sapphire and Green Lantern to report to their leaders about what had happened at the now barren planet. He doubted why instructed them as such though; the Star Sapphire would probably be told by their beloved queen, Carol Ferris, to shine the light of love or some nonsense like that.

"Heh, good luck preaching love to machines who feel nothing," Krios mocked silently as he descended onto the barren and stony earth. Some of his allies were there lounging around by the Blood Ocean, apparently on break after returning from wherever Atrocitus had sent them prior.

"Krios. I was beginning to wonder where you had run off to. Zillius Zox claims that you fled the battle with a warlord."

"Is that so, Bleez?" Krios responded. "Cue Ball would be wrong. I was the one who beat said warlord's sorry ass before answering the call of thousands of rage filled screams dying out all at once."

"Interesting. And what exactly did kill these thousands of rage filled screams?"

"That is for Atrocitus to know and you to find out from your master," Krios said, putting special emphasis on the words "your master". He knew of Bleez's occasional attempts in the past to one up Atrocitus, so reminding her of her place had become kind of a habit of his whenever she got high and mighty. Bleez sneered as the Draconilion walked off to meet with Atrocitus near the Red Lantern Power Battery.

"Atrocitus, I have news for you," Krios called out. Atrocitus jumped from the jagged stone he was on, reaching an incredibly high height before crashing down in front of Krios.

"Speak," Atrocitus ordered.

Krios informed his leader of what had occurred, first by clearing up why he had left Zillius Zox on his own. He told him of how he sensed the cries and shouts of millions of angry souls be silenced by massive wave of murderous power.

"When I went to find the source, my ring led me to a freshly ravaged planet. I encountered a Sinestro Corps member there, goes by the name of Shrapnel."

"And you did nothing to break his bones or burn the soul from his body?!"

"Well first off he doesn't have any bones. He's made of metal," Krios responded. Bad mistake there to try and be a smartass, because Atrocitus immediately backhanded him, sending him flying backwards.

"Do not waste my time with your games, Krios. I-"

"Ugh... ow. Apologies Atrocitus, I did not kill the yellow lantern because of some... interesting information he gave me. You're not going to like this, but..."

Krios stood up from the ground, dusting himself off.

"He informed me of a certain message he recorded after the planet was destroyed. Does the quote, 'No man escapes the Manhunters', sound familiar?"

Atrocitus' eyes began to burn with a deeper rage than before as he clenched his hands into fists. Of course it would, his home world of Ryut, his family, and his entire sector were all destroyed by the lifeless killing machines. Hearing that they had returned was... horrific.

"This cannot be," Atrocitus roared as napalm spewed from his mouth.

"Atrocitus, aside from Shrapnel I encountered other Lanterns: Blue, Green, and a Star Sapphire. This is big if other Corps were on the scene at the same time I was."

Atrocitus thought for a moment before responding. He would love to assist Krios in destroying the wretched machines, but unfortunately he had other serious things to attend to.

"Regretfully, you will have to gather with the other Lanterns of the spectrum to face this threat. Go then, and make sure those abominations are reduced to molten metal by your rage!"

Krios nodded, then flew off to the central power battery not far away. Red Lanterns did not need to recharge often as Hatred and Rage were things that constantly burned bright within themselves, but every now and then they would recharge for an extra boost.

"With blood and rage of crimson red- ripped from a corpse so freshly dead, together with our hellish hate- we'll burn you all! That is your fate!!!"

With that, Krios blasted off into the sky and into space, then headed towards where he could feel the other Lanterns converging.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Ditha returned to her chambers. She had left her home planet many ages ago and now lived on Oa. Her room was very small, usually such rooms held criminals until their trials but in some cases were allowed to be used as living quarters. It wasn't much but it did it's job. She check the status of her ring, it was 54%, still having a lot of power but she decided it would be best to charge it. Better safe then sorry. She place hand in the Power Battery and began to say the oath. “In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let thoes who worship evil's might, Beware my power—Green Lantern's light!” said Ditha as then removed her hand and saw her status back at 100%. She then rested on her bed and began to fall asleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shrapnel sighed, impatient for the other Lanterns. He floated off of the solid ground of the planet, out into orbit. He wanted to have a good view, and to be able to bolt if any of them showed up with an army. It would be too easy for an 'accident' to happen, if they had greater numbers. He nervously quivered, anticipating anything.

"They are taking too long. Innocent lives are being lost by the minute."

He said to himself, thinking of paying one of their corps a visit, give them some incentive to hurry up. He quickly destroyed that thought. He would easily be outnumbered.
As he was about to send out a message, Shrapnel stopped himself, seeing a red dot out in the distance of space. The Red Lantern. Shrapnel called out to him.

"Must you move so slowly? Lives are at stake, namely yours and mine!"

As the dot grew larger, Shrapnel noticed something off. Firstly, there were twelve of them, and second, those were most definitely not Red Lanterns. Realizing the storm that was coming for him, Shrapnel quickly constructed a large weapon, a beam projector. He focused it in on the Manhunters, scraping the pure energy across their metal chests. They were momentarily stunned, but otherwise suffered very little damage.
Soon enough, green bolts were fired back, and most were absorbed by a constructed shield, which didn't last long. As Shrapnel was about to fire back, he took an energy bolt directly to the chest, sending metal shards flying, which luckily snapped back into place before they got too far, reeled in by tentacles of yellow light. Shrapnel, in a flurry of metal and light, sped towards the nearest Manhunter, and enveloped it in his whirlwind of sharp metal and constructed knives. Having lived most of his life in what is essentially a dumpster, his constructs were rather limited.
The Manhunter was frozen under the barrage of stabs and slices, but it wasn't long before Shrapnel was shot off, scattering his body momentarily again. "NO MAN ESCAPES THE MANHUNTERS!" Shouted the twelve soldiers of iron, as they prepared to open fire upon the Yellow Lantern. Shrapnel, dazed, created a rather weak shield, the best he could manage. In the back of his mind, he was screaming for the other Lanterns to hurry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Miles was following Shrapnel's coordinates, heading for the charred planet he once called home. Hopefully he wouldn't be alone with Shrapnel, Miles wasn't very fond of his constant sarcasm, but if the Manhunter threat was as serious as Brother Walker says... He would be willing to put that behind him and work together.

Breaching past the heavy layer of smoke and ash, Miles landed near a Manhunter sending it flying back from the shockwave, a few meters ahead he saw Shrapnel in combat with around a dozen Manhunters. "Oh goodie, it's just us..." he thought to himself, he was about to fly in one of the genocidal machines before realising he can't be near Shrapnel as Miles' presence causes his power to fade, he used his ring to create a blue rope construct pulling 3 of the Manhunters close to him and constructed a small hatchet to decapitate one of them, it took 4 chops. The other two fired upon him sending him flying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Draconian wings enveloped by the red light of rage beat up and down rhythmically as Krios flew through the vacuum of space. He didn't exactly need to flap them anymore now that he could easily fly without them, but doing so reminded him of his old life.... and thus filled him with anger to further fuel himself. Besides, it was fun, and he looked rather intimidating while flapping them being a red lantern and all.

In the distance, he could see a yellow dot surrounded by at least twelve other red dots. Had others of the Red Lanterns been on the area? Was that yellow light in the distance that living heap of metal known as Shrapnel? It wouldn't be good if it was and his allies were attacking him. Krios quickened his flight, noticing the true features of the red dots. Those weren't any allies of his, those were Manhunters!

"No man escapes my wrath!" Krios shouted as he sent a blast of red energy towards an attacking Manhunter to catch their attention. The Manhunter he had shot at was still intact, being made of resilient metal. It dashed towards Krios, attempting to punch him in the face, but was abruptly met with a stream of napalm to the face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cassidy left Zamaron and was making a dash into deep space, but she could not shake the feeling that something was amiss, something carol said "tha guardians would end up doing very little if anything to help...what about Ditha.." she could not contact her via the rings in fear of causing trouble if a star sapphire made contact if she was on Oa, then she thought of another way, when Ditha stared into the light of the star sapphire it bonded them in a small way, her light shining in Ditha's eyes and heart, as she flew Cassidy closed her eyes and tried reaching out to the violet light inside Ditha to make a mental connection for them to speak, she only heard of this being done in rumor and whisper but she could not fly onto Oa without issue so she concentrated hard as she flew.

"do....do you hear me? its cassidy....the star sapphire" it was not what she was expecting the strain on her mind was causing her pain but she needed to make contact
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