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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Loremaster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With the movements off someone that had fought countless battles and lived to tell the tale, Roan picked up his longbow in half the time that would be needed for a lesser warrior to do the same. Moving downward to align his shot, he stopped when the goblin began screeching. Finding the noise insufferable, Roan eyed the enemies and in a matter of seconds already had an arrow poised for action.

“Shut up!”He exclaimed before releasing the arrow, now that the guilty goblin, the one on the center, was on his sight.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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The arrow came up bad as it too passed over the goblin and hit the house behind them. The goblin then proceeded to stick his tongue out at Roan before turning around and smacking his bottom a few times in his general direction, in hopes it would piss him off. It then moved forward as if to attack, but then stopped as it suddenly sniffed the air. It looked to it's left and saw the table nearby that still was covered with food from lunch! It proceeded to go up to the table and used one clawed hand to stuff it's wide mouth while using the other to fill it's pockets for later.

((Silver and Yobi, it is your turn!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Violettesaphire


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Silver watched as things unfolded and quietly muttered her spells. She raised her hands out to the sides as mist started to form around her and spread out 20 ft. around and above her. Obscuring Mist fell onto the battle field as the magical energy flowed through her veins and out of her, creating an interesting set up for anyone who bothered to stay and fight. Her nerves relaxed and she took a deep breath out, but quickly focused back on figuring out what her next move would be. She tried to plan out what might happen, but it only made her mind race and her thoughts unclear. The mist continued to coil out and around the battle settling itself around the participants of the fight. She tried to watch as best as she could now for anyone in need of help, and maybe she could do some good In a fight for once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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((Shapes added to the Map to Mark off The Obscuring Mist))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yobi noticed the mist rolling in. But it's too early for that... After a quick glance to find the source and discovering where it came from, she snarled and tried her best not to make herself fire the arrow at the other woman. Instead, she took aim as best she could at the goblin that was now eating on the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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The goblin looked over the side as he saw the arrow that was now sticking out of the side of the cart he was standing in. All at once, all three of them couldn't help but laugh full force at the "longshanks" as they kept calling the group. Yet it seems they were now serious about fighting back as the last of the goblins ran right up next to the fog where it swore it saw Roan standing last and attacked outward with the rather large and jagged blade it carried. Yet while the Goblin was able to see Roan just fine, it's short arms and overestimating it's reach caused it's swipe to miss Roan altogether as it looked a slightly dizzy from spinning in place from trying to swing so hard.

(Dhalgren is up!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


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Dhalgren frowned at the results of his throw, and decided not to repeat such and spare his other four javelins for later. He could hear the taunt of the goblin, the gravely voice lilting in mockery. Sighing took a small step, although he suddenly found himself enshrouded in a thick mist. His vision was severely limited in most direction, but he could see it start to thin ahead of him. Grinding his teeth in annoyance slightly, he tightened his grip on his halberd and ran forward at a slight jog to where he had last seen the goblins. After only a few steps, he found himself free of the opaque vapor. As he stepped clear, his eyes locked on a goblin ravaging a table full of meats and breads. Taking that as his best chance, he sprinted forward, halberd held low along his waist as he rushed at the goblin. Upon reaching the goblin he planted his foot firmly, and with both hands swept the weapon through the air in a hard hitting power attack.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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The goblin by the table let out a shriek as the halberd swung over it's head, missing completely. It seemed to quiver in fear for a moment, but stands back up with an expression of confusion before going back to one of mocking laughter towards the poor humans who apparently couldn't hit the broadside of the barn. The one on the cart however sees the chance for an advantage on Dhalgren as it attacks him from atop the cart! Thankfully, the swing came down and hitthe side of the cart hard and became stuck inside it! The goblin is now frantially trying his best to pull it out.

((Roan is now up!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Loremaster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Amidst all the noise and confusion of the battle, Roan had only been able to see his shot failure before being engulfed by a mysterious fog. Cursing under his breath, he looked around trying to discern anything, until a goblin suddenly appeared from where the fog didn’t touch and attempted to slash him. The attack missed without any movement of his part. Seeing an enemy so close to him, Roan dropped the bow he was carrying and before the weapon hit the ground he already had his great sword on his hands, ready to strike at the enemy.

Without delay, Roan lifted the blade of his sword and tightly holding its handle, executed an overhead slash against his dazed foe, aiming at the goblin exposed head. As the blade made its trajectory, Roan readied himself to move if his attack connected, towards the last place he saw the goblins.

“Playtime’s over.”

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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The sword comes down hard on the unsuspecting Goblin. Not only did it hit though, the force of the swing came down and split the goblin in two, spilling its blood and diminutive organs all over the ground. Of course, the comrades of the now dead goblin didn't seem to care much as the one behind Dhalgren gave a sickening laugh as it poised to attack him! The attack however came up short once again as the over sure little scamp only manged to swing at the air between Dhalgren's legs in a downward slash, though it was honestly did come too close for comfort.

((Roan, move your character to his new position now. You can easily just slide the Fog Boxes to the side so you can reach your character's Icon

Silver and Yobi, you are up!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Loremaster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Disregard this post -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Violettesaphire


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Silver ran forward through the mist towards where the goblins were and prepared her crossbow for fire. She tried to block out the noise around her as she loaded her arrow and fired at one of the goblins. She was hoping that she might do some good for the others in this battle. She felt somewhat distracted by the things around her, but focusing on the goblin made things a bit easier for herself.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yobi was still frustrated about the fog, but it wouldn't do to change tactics now. Even after her performance earlier, she was sure Desna now despised her. She had done something to displease her at some point since then, and now she was to suffer for it. She made a promise to herself that she would find some way to atone for whatever it was later, but for now, she wanted to do her best to handle the goblins. She ran in the direction of their direction and when she was near enough to see one, fired her arrow.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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Both arrows from the women went long as they missed their intended targets entirely. Once more the goblins proceeded to mock them, the one on the ground in fact pulling his pants down to expose it's disgusting, wart-covered butt to give it a few smacks in the direction of the two women.

((Dhalgren is up!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


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Grimacing at his lack of accuracy, Dhalgren feels the full force of the goblins laughter at his clumsiness. The rough grating sound cut through his head, momentarily distracting him as the second goblin took a good swipe at him, but thankfully misses. Tightening his hands grip on his halberd, he knows he has to finish the goblin before him, as he couldn't defend himself form two directions. With a quick step he again attacks the goblin before him, making a short thrust.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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The goblin gives out only a mere gurgle before the halberd stabs the poor thing all the way through. It died almost immediately from shock and blood loss before Dhalgren would simply swing the halbard once in front of him to toss the corpse off it and down to fumble on the ground. The first batch of goblins the group had to face was down for the count.

It was only now that the immediate danger to yourself is quelled so you could stop to catch your breath that you see the full breadth of what's going on. Goblins seemed to be running all over the place singing that stupid song and slashing their big cleavers indiscriminately. Though the haphazard way they seemed to be doing so actually seemed to be for the common folk's benefit as they were just trying to attack head on with no thought or contingency for so much as someone suddenly running in another direction.

((Everyone here has a break to interact with each other. UnseenShade, make up an abridged post that makes up everything that happened to your character from coming to the town, partaking in the festival and the initial Goblin attack))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Fair warning, please bear with me. I have not done PbP in a while, so I am a tad rusty.)

Continuing from Background to current time

After that first adventure, and after finding no suitable groups to help, Rissi made her way back into Sandpoint to her home. At first, she did not realize what festival was coming, but as soon as she heard it mentioned, she quickly scrambled to assemble her routine. A little practice and a few days later, Rissi was masked and performing on the fringes of the throng of people. She kept up the performance all day, stopping only with the speeches. Well, and also when goblins attacked.

People screamed and ran, but Rissi held fast. She was merrily smashing goblin skulls with her sledge and the sounds of crunching bone gave way to relative silence. She surveyed the area, seeing if anyone else mounted a defense. Through the corner of her eye, she did spy a group that looked well equipped, adventurers no doubt. Leaving her set-up behind, she sauntered over as casually as could be expected in a goblin attack, occasionally smacking a goblin aside with her sledge.

Upon reaching the group, Rissi began to speak to them as a whole. "You are defending? Want another to help out?" The ratfolk was looking at them rather hopefully, though no one could see her small smirk behind the mask. It was almost odd how calm she was among conflict, almost creepily so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Loremaster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The moment the goblin lifeless body was in the air, Roan stopped moving to avoid being hit by it. Seconds later, he was again in motion to seek and strike against the closest goblin before halting and turning to face whoever had just spoken. Wary of a possible enemy, he kept his weapon ready to act at a moment’s notice. Sensing a lack of hostilities, at least yet, he lowered his greatsword. Taking note of the stranger mask and long tail Roan took the initiative and answered, louder than normally to bypass the annoying chanting on the background.

“Not like there is a choice.” Finishing the statement he lightly waved his weapon and while parts of the mixture of blood and tiny goblin bits left the blade and sprawled over the cobblestones on the ground, he noticed the similar state of the sledge and with an an eyebrow raised, continued. “Be my guest, sooner this is over the better. I have more things to do with my time then fight these weaklings.” Roan waited for any reaction before moving to the area affected by the fog, more specifically to the gobling he had slain a few minutes ago.

“Damn this fog.” His vision obscured, it took more time then he wished to find one of the halves of the deceased goblin, and more importantly the near longbow. He kept the handle of the sword held on one hand before he retrieved the previously dropped weapon with the other. The longbow now adjusted on its rightful place on his back he then followed the sound of the ongoing conversation to return, noticing that the mist was starting to dissipate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yobi put her bow away after she watched the last of the goblins being slung through the air. The others didn't seem to be a threat at the moment, and the thought of them attacking her wasn't a concern at all anymore. She held her head down and walked around the fog, while passively looking for any of the stray arrows that were fired, though she doubted she'd succeed. She wouldn't have spoken at all had she not seen the somewhat familiar mask, and kept her head down as she did. "You're in town, street chemist?" She smiled, and tried to keep her tone pleasant despite her previous mood. "I see you don't just play with fire anymore. It's okay if you're here and want to help a little."

She finally raised her head and smiled broadly. "And it looks like you've earned the money people gave you before." Her energy seemed to be coming back fairly quickly, now that she saw someone from the area again. Sure, travelers were nice, and Yobi longed to move with her family again, but seeing a familiar face was always good. She kept walking until she was actually close enough to bow her greeting to the new person, then burst out laughing. "We'll have lots of fun together if you handle yourself better than I do in a fight! You can call me Yobi. What can I call you, o masked one?"
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