Username: Kumori Master
Name: Luna
Age: Looks young, but is actually much older
Gender: Female
Birthday: December 19th
Class: Manakete
Allied to?: Shepherds
Weapons: Dragonstone
Clothing: View appearance

(In dragon form she is the same color as her hair.)
Personality: Luna is friendly, happy-go-luck and optimistic. Though, she has an extremely stubborn side about mostly foolish things. She's not very perceptive and has the tendency to act like ditz a lot of the time. Many see her as being naive or childish.
Luna has a strong desire to protect others, to the point she will disregard her own safety to help someone else. In battle she is aggressive and keeps to the front of the combat, protecting her allies by beating back the enemies.
Biography: Luna was raised by two Manakete, far away from humans. The first few years of her life were rather normal. Until for reasons unbeknownst to her, her parents had to leave there small mountain cottage. She stayed alone for quite some time, until she finally decided to venture out. She then began wandering village to village asking if anybody had seen her parents. She did not dare to share the fact that her and her parents were Manakete, as her parents had always taught her that human's were mistrustful and cruel.
After a few years wandering she came into another village. However, somebody in the village recognized her as a Manakete. The villager told the local duke, and that duke decided he would like nothing more than his own personal dragon. He sent several soldiers to capture her. When attacked she didn't want to turn into a dragon, proving she was in fact a Manakete. She ran from the soldiers until she was rescued by a small band calling themselves Shepherds. Since she was exceedingly grateful, and had no where else to go, she decided upon joining the Shepherds. Perhaps one day they might find her parents.
-Luna has the tendency to completely over-exaggerate everything.
-She's very friendly, and always smiles. This is usually a source of great comfort to those around her.
-She's also very protective, she will throw herself into nearly any situation if it's to help her friends.
- She's not terribly perceptive, or that clever. Because of this she's easily fooled and will sometimes miss important details.
-She is also horribly clumsy, slightly less so in dragon form.
-In battle, she is incredibly aggressive and destructive. She would likely flay an important General alive without a thought. Leaving him unavailable for questioning later.
-Also, despite being a Manakete she has a hard time eating meat. She doesn't like it, unless it's mixed up with other foods. Especially veggies.
-Sunny weather
-Running around
-Spicy food
Romantic Interest: None at the current time.
Other: None.