Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by evershadow
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Hallows Inn

You find yourself sprinting, as fast as you can, pushing every muscle in your body to the limit. The dirt track in front of you, so bogged down by rain water has become nothing more than a sludge path of sodden muck. With every step you feel as if your boots are about to be pulled from your feet. Thin, black gnarled branches of long dead trees pinch and tear at your clothes and skin, but you ignore the pain other than a wince after each painful lash. The rain is pouring and your soaked clothing weighs you down, you feel as if at any minute, your fatigue will overcome you and you will succumb to being yet another victim of the Drakenwald, in common tongue, the Dragon's Wood. For the longest time now, your only light source has been that of the moon where it manages to penetrate through the crowded tree-tops, whose dead branches are like crippled arms clawing at the sky, begging for freedom.

Suddenly, thunder rumbles and now consistent flashes of lightning offer you glimpses of what lies ahead, allowing you to maneuver around thorns and branches as sharp as a good sword. However, with each flash of lightning paranoia grows on you, fingering at the deepest parts of your brain. What was at first a hunch that you were being watched is now visuals, whether or not they are hallucinations, deep red eyes watching you through the trees, waiting for you to fall, or make a mistake before the pounce. Thunk you hit the ground hard as you trip over something, struggling to turn onto your back you see it was a rope, tied between the bases of two trees. Your hunch proved to be right, someone or something is hunting and you are their prey. About to give in, you lie back and feel the muck molding to your shape, opening your eyes you see something that almost beings your heart to a stop. Hung from a thick branch, is a skeleton, a long dead victim of whatever it is that resides in this place. Strangely enough this gives you the power to keep going. Bringing yourself to your feet you turn on your heels and once again begin to make haste. You don't know where you are going but anywhere is better than this place. Seconds turn into minutes, which in turn feel like hours as you find you are hopelessly lost. But, something catches your eye, a light coming from between two trees, this is not like any light you have seen in a long time, this is natural daylight. You make one final dart for the light, you can feel your hunter is right behind you. You run and you run and you run.

Thunk. Once again you hit the ground, but this time the fall is not as bad, you open your eyes to see that you came crashing through a final line of trees and landed in a clearing of lush, green grass. Strangely enough, as you look up at the sky, you can see the sun hovering directly overhead, a small ball in the sky. You squint as it hurts your eyes, but you cannot look away knowing that only moments ago you'd seen the moon, it was as if, you'd stumbled into a different time. Bringing yourself around, you see that there is a building ahead of you, it appears to be some sort of resting place, an inn. Beside it lies the forge of a blacksmith. Coming to your feet, you walk towards the building and upon reaching the door, push it open and stumble inside, dragging in muck and dripping water all over the oak floor. Eyes from all over the large open room fall you, you catch a pretty maiden standing on the stairs. Time seems to freeze for a moment, only to be started again by a voice.

"Another wanderer? This is the third this week, at this rate, we're soon going to run out of rooms... Welcome to the Hallows Inn! Lazarus, at your service."

Welcome to the OOC for The Hallows Inn role-play. For those that have been here since the interest check, you'll know the back-story to this role-play as well as some of it's history, for those of you who don't know, here's what you missed:

So I haven't seen an inn role-play in a very long time. Perhaps it's that they're frowned upon or perhaps they've simply gone out of fashion/lived out their course. Whatever the case is, while scrolling through the forums I decided that I really would like to partake in an inn role-play again, and that is why I am creating this thread. I remember years ago on the Runescape Forums (sorry if that counts as advertising) before they went to hell and had a decent following of exceptional role-players, the first role-play I ever joined was, yes, an inn role-play. This role-play was created by a user on those forums called LordMatt144 and the role-play was named; "The Hallows Inn". It was this role-play that had me gripped by the ankles and wouldn't let me go, instantly my love for books, literature and other such mediums was revived and I fell head over heels with role-playing.

When this role-play had run it's course it led to a role-play I created (my first time being a GM in a role-play), called "The Sanctuary". Based in a universe on a separate plane of existence to the Hallows Inn, traveled to by a portal; the patrons of the inn found themselves in a city that was consumed by death. After successfully reaching the highest point of the city and defeating an entity known as The Guardian, the city was revived, those trapped by death returned to normal and the dank city became glistening white marble once again. The role-play was a hit and lasted for a colossal thirty-one threads over a number of years before all the players had moved on from the RSF. Having gone through heart-pounding battles, lovey-dovey romance and an amazing world, built by us all on a collaborative effort, the final thread of the role-play fell to page 51 of the RSF where it died and was wiped from server history.
Back story

The Hallows Inn is situated in the middle of a clearing in a forest known as the Drakenwald. The Drakenwald has never been fully mapped but is known to be the largest woods in the chartered World. The exact location of the clearing in relation to the forest is also unknown as all who have come across The Hallows Inn have done so by accident, often after days, if not weeks of being lost in the vast expanse of the Drakenwald.

The owner of the inn is a man who goes by the name Lazarus. Nobody knows his exact age, only that he has been at the inn for centuries, some rumors say that he was born in the Drakenwald and has never been outside its borders, others say that Lazarus is an entity of the forest that cannot leave, a Dryad of sorts. What is definitely known is that all weary wanderers who come across the Hallows Inn are offered refuge until they decide it is time to move on, if at all.

Character Sheet

On the matter of creating your character, just a few points:

[*]Remember our characters are not hardened warriors (at least not this soon into the role-play);[/*]
[*]Armor and weapons shouldn't be too over-powered or overdone. For example, if you fancy your character a bit of a knight, don't go having a full set of plate mail with all the knots and works;[/*]
[*]The role-play is following a traditional-fantasy style, at least for the time being, so it would be appreciated if we kept our characters in this genre in relation to race, class etc.;[/*]


Appearance: (Pictures are preferred)

Personal Trinkets: (If any)
Short History:


This list will be added to when the role-play starts, it will include NPCs that are around the inn and that are either essential to the role-play OR references to the previous version of this role-play.

Okay guys, for now that's all, I'll add to this as we go on but feel free to start putting your character sheets up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I applaud you; you've got my interest peaked and now I wanna do this! :D

Name: Elniss Grae
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: (If you mean Sexual drive) She's not a slut, but she will get into a relationship if presented with a suitable gentleman.
Class: Hunter

Appearance: (Pictures are preferred)
Sorry, I'm a huge Tauriel fangirl...
Weapon(s): Hunting
Armor: She wears simple clothes made of fabric.

Personal Trinkets: (If any) She has a necklace with a metal leaf on the end.
Short History: Elniss became a servant for her mother's lord when she was nine, and grew up under the man's rule. When it was found that Elniss was not very good at a servant's job, she was assigned to join the hunting party that supplied the Lord's manor with food.
Other: She is pretty weak and can be overpowered in close quarter combat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

NAME : Assa'Alliyeh Kressanthar, called Assallya Kressair by just about everyone
RACE : High Elf
AGE : 87
GENDER : Female
SEXUALITY: Omnisexual:
CLASS: Sorceress

WEAPONS: Jambiya dagger, light crossbow

PERSONAL TRINKETS: Ring of the Unshod: a magical ring that protects one's feet as if they were wearing soft riding boots, Comb of Comeliness: Salon quality hair is only a few strokes of this comb away, a small selection of semi-precious jewelry that will suffice until she can get some real wealth, Vardo wagon: A portable home!

SHORT HISTORY: Assallya Kressair was born in the autumn in a small village on the outskirts of Evereska. At the young age of 26 (aprox. 11 or 12 in human years) Zhentish slavers attacked and killed her entire village except for those taken as slaves. Assallya, her sister Saeliah, and several others were transported far across Faerun in order to avoid the elven wrath sure to follow. In the city of Calimshan Assallya and Saeliah were separated when Assallya was purchased be Pasha Alkiel. Head of a powerful group of rogues, Alkiel purchased her as a dancer and concubine for both personal use and for information gathering and blackmail. She then served in Alkiel's bedchamber for the next eight years while being trained in dance, seduction and other roguish arts in order to perform her duties.

She was treated as an object and was given to allies and employees of the Pasha who performed exceptional services. Soon enough, she learned about the many different types of power and discovered that even as a slave she was far from powerless. Succeeding in seducing one of the Pasha's magicians she bid him teach her magic. At first he balked until Assallya cast for him the only thing her father had taught her at that young age, a cantrip. A small thing, it changed the colour of his fingernails, but it was magic none the less. He agreed then, for he was a lonely uncomely man who rarely received a woman to his bed. However, he placed conditions on his tutorial; refusing to train her in combative magics and warning her that should he ever target him with her spells it would mean her death. She surprised all of them by inventing an inferior version of the invisibility spell which allowed her to sneak away from the Pasha's clutches and return undetected. In this way, by filching jewels and prostituting herself she built up savings with a money lender.

It was with the aide of the Pasha's son that she succeeded in poisoning the Pasha, planning on becoming a partner to the successor instead of a slave. With her manipulative mind behind him to advise his passionate power they were sure to bring their competitors to their knees. What she was not expecting was the Pasha's extended family to hire a necromancer to speak with their departed kinsman. He quickly named his murderer and Assallya regretted bragging as he died.

She ran, the Pasha's son giving her a few moments to escape, fearing that she would claim his involvement which would lead to his family asking him uncomfortable questions. The next few months she moved slowly north, the sands left behind her and the lands becoming more lush and green.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Llywelyn ('Llyw') of Oaktower

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Wizard

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Bi-curious?)

Weapons: Dagger, staff

Armor: Robe and cloak

Personal Trinkets: Spellbooks, component pouch, silver bracelet

Short History: Llywelyn was born in the village of Oaktower, to a family of free peasants. He left home from a very young age to apprentice himself to the Elven wizard Auredhel- who was, incidentally, also the local Lord. Showing a great aptitude for magic, he quickly became one of the Elf's favorite pupils. Within the walls of Oaktower Keep, he learned much of Arcana, and was also schooled in such mundane disciplines as mathematics, reading and writing, history, and poetry.

One evening, while wandering the edges of the nearby Drakenwald in search of alchemical ingredients, Llyw found himself rather lost. Exhausting every magical means at his disposal to either orient himself or contact his master, he was forced to wander aimlessly for several days. On the brink of starvation, he finally managed to stumble across the Hallows Inn.

Personality: Llywelyn is polite and courteous, but somewhat secretive about his plans and intentions. His sheltered upbringing has left him a bit naive of the wider World, and as a result he is rather ignorant of many sordid or otherwise non-scholarly persuits.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wait for me, guys! CS coming soon!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AoStar
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AoStar Ano Buta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Adrian Raven
Age: 115
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Half-Breed Advisor


Weapon(s): The only weapon Adrian carries is a lightweight spear. The end of it was carved out of thick rock, and the handle is made out of wood. A thin red ribbon is normally wrapped around it from top to bottom, to help Adrian keep a more friendly appearance.

Armor: Adrian carries no armor but a thin chest plate, with the symbol of his kingdom in its center.

Personal Trinkets: Adrian doesn't carry trinkets or any other items that may be of sentimental value.

Short History:
Adrian was born to an orcish father and elven mother, in the meagre kingdom of North Vaces [Vey-sess]. A single child, he was raised with delicacy by his mother after his father abandoned them. He had always a mind of adventure, always exploring, fighting, playing in the dirt with the other boys. As he became older, his mother caught an illness, and he began to see the prejudice in the way others treated him due to his orcish half. They saw him as the brutal man his father once was. Determined to prove them wrong, Adrian went to his king and proposed becoming his loyal advisor, whom would stand by the king and help him to make the important decisions. Of course he was rejected at first, but then he went on to study and to train his body in times of emergency, initiating battles with famous warriors, reading and writing, until the king could not deny him. For many years afterward, his position was either standing beside the king's throne, or up in the tower overlooking the castle, meanwhile aiding his mother whenever he was able. Though only an advisor, his attitude, knowledge, headstrong personality, and the favor of the king brought him much respect in his kingdom.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Tala
Age: 18
Race: Human/Elven halfing, although she looks and thinks she is human, not remembering her elven mom.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: BI, though generally uninterested
Class: Alchemist


Whatever she can craft. Usually primitive bombs, poisoned darts and the sorts, but she has no combat weapons ready on hand. She carries a hunting bow and knife, her arrows made of whatever she can find, usually bamboo. Tala is a master at laying traps though.

None to speak off. Her clothes have a rather hard leather at places to protect her from bruises and cuts she might suffer if she trips or goes through thorny bushes, but nothing that would stop either a raging bear or a raging man.

Personal Trinkets:
- The ring, a sign of a member of the alchemist guild. All of these are hand crafted by their owners to prove their skills. Tala's is a plain ring of silver, marking her as mere apprentice.
- Her sachtel. It is a rugged leather bag that has seen better days, but it contains Tala's most valuable possessions - her tools, some more uncommon materials and an amount of coins.
- A deck of cards. Whether they are marked or the girl is just plain good player is a mystery, but so far no one found any marks on them.

Short History:
A daughter of a poor farmer, Tala spent her childhood working on the field. Her mother died giving her birth, leaving her without a woman figure in her life. Naturally a bit lazy person, instead of slacking off Tala found herself ways to make her work easier, tinkering with the tools. Having no desire to live without his wife, not even for his child, Tala's father withered and his soul soon left as well, leaving the then 14 year old Tala to her own devices. Not wanting to spend the rest of her life on the farm, she sold the aging property to the neighbor, packed up the few possessions she valued and left to make a living for herself somewhere else.

Traveling across a few cities, she eventually ran out of money. Barely having enough to pay the necessary fee, she joined the alchemist guild, which provided her with a semi solid income and allowed her to do the work she liked. After a while, Tala's confidence in her skills grown enough to venture out once again to seek out the precious things she would need to create a member rank ring. Unfortunately for her, she aimed a bit too high, and her treasure hunt led her to the Drakenwald, where she got lost until she stumbled upon the Hallows Inn.

- Tala's alchemical experience is good enough to know how to make a variety of potions, from healing salves to perfumes. She always carries said salve, and is a bit vain using a rose scent. She can also cast metals, particularly the rare ones that make jewelry, as well as cut precious stones.
- While her skills are advanced enough to fix and build small machinery like clockwork, her current rank in the guild doesn't allow her to accept payment for it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by evershadow
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey guys, the CS' are all looking good so far! I'm going to review them properly shortly. I did notnice I forgot to add a "Race" segment into the CS. I see a lot of you added it yourselves but for anyone who hasn't please do. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kittenlover
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

If my CS does not work, please let me know his I can make it better! :)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by evershadow
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Okay, all CS' so far are approved, nice job on your characters, all of you. I'm going to start making mine now, normally I would go for some sort of Elf, but I see there are a lot here already. So for now no more Elves will be accepted, everyone who has posted up until this point is accepted however.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XAnth
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XAnth A wise man's fear

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name Talon Nailo

Age: 24

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Class: Knight


Weapon(s): Longsword

Armor: Remnants of the gear he had when entering the forest. The only armor he has currently is his wooden parma and a severely over-used chain-mail shirt.

Personal Trinkets: The Lady King's Favor

Short History: A rising star amongst her majesties new recruits, Talon's steel determination has earned him quite the reputation amongst the other recruits and none have seemed as promising as he in many years. Her majesties army holds a yearly competition amongst the newest soldiers for a chance at earning a favor given directly by the Lady King herself and Talon had been amongst the few dozen men to win it. Of course, Talon had never wanted any such reputation and all of the work he puts into his future knighthood is in the hopes that he can have anything he might need to protect those around him. On the orders of his superiors he joined a small band of soldiers on a small mission to check around the edges of the Drakenwald. There were troubling rumors of disappearances occurring frequently around the massive forest and it was up to her majesties forces to make sure that the people were in good care. During the second night of their mission Talon was jarred awake by the shouting of his squad mates. By the time he had stumbled out of his tent there was no one to be found but the sense that he was being watched was overwhelming. Unnatural dread and fear washed over him and the ungodly feeling caused him to sprint into the forest for cover. No matter what he tried, or how far he ran, he simply couldn't loose the feeling that something terrible was coming his way. After what felt like days, Talon had stumbled upon the clearing and autonomously worked his way to opening the door of the inn.

((posted this waaaay late at night and I probably need to have a little more clarity to make surer this isn't a jumbled mass. I'll proof read and edit as needed tomorrow))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by evershadow
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Barden

Age: 31

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Ranger


[*] A simple, yet well crafted Elvish short bow. The bow itself is made of Blackwood, a rare, durable wood from the Blackwood trees, a known Elvish territory in the lands Barden resides. The bow was a gift from a friend and lover upon his leaving. The bow reaches about three feet in length and has a higher tension on the string than usual helping to give a better shot when fired. Barden has to carry the bow unstrung to save it's effectiveness.

[*] A simple straight-blade long-sword. The hilt (hand-grip) of the sword is longer than that of an average sword of it's type with enough space for about three adult-human sized hands. This is probably just a decorative choice, something human blacksmiths have began to imitate from the Elves (although an elvish hand-grip would be much longer). The blade however is nothing special, a moderately sharp blade with a round top leading to a point. The leather wrap on the hilt is a deep brown in color and from a distance could be mistaken for black. The hand guard is also nothing special with no ornate decorations, just for practicality reasons. Barden picked the sword up cheap before he entered the Drakenwald. The blade is narrow and reaches four feet from the steel cross guard to the very tip. Designed to give the wielder a greater combination of strength, reach and quickness, many would say that this is the sword of a warrior, rather than a ranger. However, Barden finds that it suits him.

Clad in a fine linen shirt with delicate embroidery; likely made in Blackwood. He also wears dark woolen hose and tall soft boots that are made of travel-worn leather. Over his shirt Barden wears a sleeveless jerkin, made secure by braided cord ties and over this a coat of thicker and stronger leather, its sleeves are stitched along the underside of their lengths and also at the shoulders. This would have made it possible for the sleeves to be removed if needed. Barden also carries with him a medium-grey cloak and when it is not needed it is rolled up and carried upon his back.

Personal Trinkets:
Barden does not carry any personal trinkets, rather his bow has meaning to him.

Short History:
Barden was born in a land separated by sea from that where the Drakenwald resides. Born in a fishing village, Barden's father was a fisherman and his mother a fishmonger. Shortly after Barden turned sixteen, the village was attacked by a raiding band made up of Greenskin Orc's and Human's from the East with skin as black as night. It was like nothing anyone had ever seen before and without even a militia man to defend the village it was quickly leveled to the ground by the raiders.

Luckily, Barden had not been in the village at the time but when he returned was devastated to see all he knew of the World to be gone and his parents bodies strewn across their house like rag-dolls. Fleeing the ruins of the village, Barden came across a group of Rangers, travelling protectors of these lands. Having heard his story, they took him on and trained him as one of them, making him a brother.

At age twenty-one, Barden laid eyes on his first ever Elvish-maiden and it was love at first sight. However all was not well. When word of this got to the Elvish prince who was a King of sorts in Blackwood, Barden was run out of not only the forests but the lands altogether. This was not before he could receive a final gift from his maiden, a fine linen shirt and an Elvish short-bow, both of which he keeps on his person to this day. Taking to the seas, at the age of twenty-four, the last time Barden saw his homeland was from the stern of a ship, headed for riches. The journey took weeks, in this time Barden had encountered a number of harpies, mermaids and of course, pirates. The ship and its crew had survived almost everything the sea could throw at it. Yet, on one faithful night, the ocean brought up a wave like no one on the ship, even the most veteran sailors had seen before. Cries of harpies could be heard during the storm and the last thing Barden remembers of that night was the wave, inches from devouring the ship, hovering over him like a majestic bird.

Awakening on a beach, on an unknown land, with no food or water, other than that of the sea, Barden rummaged the wreckage of the ship for anything that was his. Departing the dearly departed, he made his way inland, in search of a new life. Years passed and Barden lived off the land, making the odd stop in towns and villages when need be, protecting travelers and caravans from bandits and creatures with sword and bow, appearing from the trees at the most unexpected of times and sometimes not at all. On occasion all that would be seen of the ranger was a flurry of black-shafted arrows, piercing the evil-do'er over and over again, and then silence.

At age thirty, while trying to get away from a particularly unhappy group of raiders whom Barden had foiled their plans, he found himself run into the depths of the Drakenwald. It has been a year since Barden entered the damned forest, but it has been kind to him, in the sense where it has not yet killed him or driven him mad...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by evershadow
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

xAnth; the CS is fine, edit and tinker as you wish, but you're accepted anyway. Also everyone, just make sure to read everyone else's character sheet okay? You're going to need to know the characters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 1 yr ago

XAnth said Talon Nailo's CS

Intriguing. Why does the 'Lady King' use a masculine title? I know that such happened historically, once or twice- I'm just curious if there's a special reason.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by evershadow
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I was wondering the same thing, it's definitely intriguing though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by evershadow
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As another added note, do read the NPCs as they are added. Some will just be around the Inn, others are references to the historical value of past versions of this role-play and its spawn, "The Sanctuary" from a good few years ago. May make things a little easier to understand when things hit the fan.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kittenlover
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Also, hope you don't mind that I put my CS up for the spot of maid and stable cleaner at the Inn! Did I get the job? :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by evershadow
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Of course not and yes, you can have those jobs, no problem!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XAnth
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XAnth A wise man's fear

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She uses the title for many reasons but the most prominent is as a display of her power and obvious rank. The Lady King acquired her title through a horrendous event which had the scant few heirs of the past king slitting each other's throats and burying knifes in each others backs. When she was the heir to come out on top she was well aware that the kingdom could I'll afford another such event within its history and decided to take up both crowns at once. She has taken no husband (or wife) and wants her people to know that the kingdom still has a king. Traditionally a male king rules the land with a queen by his side but she is both and she has proven capable time and again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kittenlover
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

evershadow said
Of course not and yes, you can have those jobs, no problem!

Yay!!!!!! *huggles*

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! xD
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