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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beatrix

Beatrix That Snarky Shrew

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Name: Solana Rojo
Age: 20
Race: Spanish
Appearance: She is the average height for a woman and has a fit body. She has the Mediterranean complexion of olive colored skin. She has dark brown hair and dark eyes. Her face is plain while being slightly pleasant on the eyes.
Homeland: Spain
History: She was found at the doorstep of an adoption agency after being born, and a short time there, she was given to an infertile couple. At an early age, she was put on a soccer team, where she excelled. She played throughout her school years, making it to the varsity team her freshman year. The thought of joining the national team had crossed her mind, but was disqualified due to some discrepancies.

Along with the soccer being a prominent part of her life, her family's income allowed for her to take camping trips and riding lessons. This pleased her greatly as she preferred to be away from most people, finding it awkward to strike up a conversation. Her parents supported her in her endeavors, encouraging her to chase what she wanted to do with a few stipulations such as good grades and participation in as sport. Such freedom suited her to get away from civilization and explore on her own.

The meeting with Hugin and Munin went without consequence while she ventured on a ride on Puigmal. She had found it odd that a pair of ravens would venture out to the place as trees were sparse, but she never the less welcomed their invitation as the soccer did not work out.

Romance: Not against it. If it happens, then it does.
Play style: A mix of action and dialogue with choices. And either or when it comes to complex and straightforward.
Signature: Beatrix

Heroic Role: Druid
Priority 1 Attributes: Dexterity, Appearance, Perception
Priority 2 Attributes: Strength, Intelligence, Quickness, Stamina
Priority 3 Attributes: Manipulation, Charisma
Main Purview: Sun
Secondary Purview: Animal (Horse and Eagle)
Tertiary Purview: Health, Justice
Primary Training: Endure, Drive, Wilds
Secondary Training: Heal, Investigate, Research, Battle
Tertiary Training: Sniper, Military, Conversation
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Garrett Dovanon
Age: 25
Race: Causauian
Sex: Male

Homeland: Amsterdam
History: Back in his youth, Garrett lived with his aunt in a small pub she owned. Ever since he was in high school, he had shown an interest in sports, martial arts in particular. It was just for escorting inebriated customers out at first, and occasionally some scuffles with other kids at school, but eventually, fighting had basically become a sort of hobby to him. However, he rarely kept up with any sport for more than a few months, often just picked them up on a whim, then left as soon as his interest fizzled out. After entering college because of his aunt’s plead, Garrett moved out and began living on his own. With the money he got from various part-time jobs, he started the frequent pubs to seek out violence, despite having an extremely low tolerance for many types of alcohol.

Eventually, due to his legendary procrastination and short attention span, Garrett was expelled from college. It didn’t really bother him much at all, but the crows chose that exact moment to appear. He questioned his mental health as first, even went as far as considering therapy. Because crows couldn’t talk, they just bloody couldn’t. However, it would be a lie to say that he wasn’t intrigued at the same time. So after some careful considerations, he packed his things, grabbed the bag of coins, then headed for the Runes and Things, searching for answers, and hoping it wasn’t therapy.

Mechanical Section

Heroic Role: Fighter
Priority 1 Attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
Priority 2 Attributes: Appearance, Quickness, Charisma, Perception
Priority 3 Attributes: Manipulation, Intelligence
Primary Purview: Animal (Bear)
Secondary Purviews: War, Thunder
Tertiary Purviews: Darkness, Fortune
Primary Trainings: Battle, Endure, Wilds
Secondary Trainings: Larceny, Investigate, Conversation, Drive
Tertiary Trainings: Sniper, Politics
Jotunblut: Yes

Personal Section

Romance: Sure
Play style: Lots of choices, decisions and dialogues

Signature: Yes yes kill my character any time you want. Sign, Red.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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Name: Foley MacGregor
Age: 36
Race: Caucasian
Sex: Male

Foley stands roughly 5'11 to 6'0, with a dark verdant tint to his eyes and has a rough patch of body hair. He is a stout, husky figure, with broad shoulders and a muscled tone.

Homeland: Ireland

History: Having grown up in the outskirts of Tuam, Foley realized at a young age that he never could stay confined to just one area for too long. When he was but a young man, he ran away from his home and started off to Mullingar. A merry band of singing drunks caught his attention, and he soon found himself sidetracked from Limerick all the way to Waterford and up to Dublin. He never actually settled down in a stable home for more than a few years, and was constantly looking for different jobs to keep him occupied. Over the span of fifteen years he switched occupations from common day laborer, to shipping whiskey from Dublin to Galway, to running cocaine from Dublin to any city or town he was told to go to, to simply roaming about and doing odd jobs that scored him money from various contacts he'd made.

He was so caught up with doing anything that required him to drive fast and drive far that inevitably he crashed in a ditch somewhere between Tuam and Mullingar. He survived, obviously, and managed to crawl out with only a few scrapes and bruises. His car was totaled, and he was on foot to the nearest inn from there. After a night's stay, and one too many beers, he passed out in the basement of the inn only to wake up to two peculiar ravens pecking away at him. It was when they started talking that made him second guess his sanity. The coy birds had felt all too real, however, and he clung to every word they spoke.

Taking up the curious bag of coins, a plane ticket, and other oddities, he packed a bag of a few spare clothes and five jars of his own distilled whiskey. From there he was off to California, on to realize his true destiny.

Parent Gender: Male

Heroic Role: Transport/Melee Support; Nothing yells deranged and crazy like an Irishman flooring it across the countryside in a beaten up 1998 BMW while downing a fifth of whiskey. When he wasn't off driving for hours from Dublin to Galway up to Tuam and Mullingar all the way back, he was losing himself in a good book or song, or getting his drunken friends out of rowdy bar fights.

Priority 1 Attributes: Quickness, Perception, Stamina.
Priority 2 Attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Charisma and Appearance.
Priority 3 Attributes: Intelligence, Manipulation.

Primary Purview: Psychopomp
Secondary Purviews: Artistry, Thunder.
Tertiary Purviews: Guardian, Earth.

Primary Trainings: Drive, Endure, Research.
Secondary Trainings: Battle, Conversation, Art, Politics.
Tertiary Trainings: Sniper, Wilds, Investigate.

Jotunblut: Yes

Romance: Opt-in, so long as it's sensible.

Play-style: I prefer a good mix of action scenes and hefty dialogue/character development, nothing too much on either side but a good balance between the two.

Signature: The Imagination

RIP Jacob, gone but not forgotten T_T
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Boss_Dude


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>Nothing yells deranged and crazy like an Irishman flooring it across the countryside in a beaten up 1998 BMW while downing a fifth of whiskey

This reminds me.

Note to self: If Lucky ever dies, create Old Man Henderson .
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
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TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

That requires a 300 page backstory, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

Boss_Dude said
>Nothing yells deranged and crazy like an Irishman flooring it across the countryside in a beaten up 1998 BMW while downing a fifth of whiskeyThis reminds me..

Ahah im just looking this guy up now, I've never played any of the C 'thulhu games lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Boss_Dude


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The Imagination said
Ahah im just looking this guy up now, I've never played any of the C 'thulhu games lol

Neither have I. No table top games at all, actually. My life hasn't really allowed for it up to this point. Maybe soon enough. Ooh, there's an idea, Ragnarok can play a Cthulu game, with the Norse gods switched in instead! That would be fun!

TentacleLord said
That requires a 300 page backstory, though.

Give me two weeks. And double spaced font.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Note to self: If Lucky ever dies, create Old Man Henderson ."

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Boss_Dude


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Elendra said
"Note to self: If Lucky ever dies, create Old Man Henderson ."No.

Aww, way to ruin the fun Elendra. It's like you don't even want me to derail your campaign :(.

Though seriously, I want to do something similar, if not to the same level. You can proof read my concept before I use it, if you want. Will that be okay?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Biographical Section

Name: Kyle Shakur
Age: 25
Race: Black
Sex: Male
Appearance: Kyle was unfortunate to start losing hair early in life and as a result keeps his head completely bald. Despite this his brown eyes and dark skin fail to disappoint. He’s slightly above the average height and while he couldn’t be called muscular his body is toned.
Homeland: United States
History: Abandoned by his father, Kyle was raised solely by his mother Aisha Shakur in the poor southern suburbs of Brooklyn. Kyle was always angry at his father for disappearing but his mother never seemed to be mad and told him to forgive. Aisha worked as a Cashier at a small supermarket; it was gruelling work and despite the long hours which kept her from Kyle paid very little. As a result Kyle took up a job at a local hospice to help alleviate the bills (and hopefully allow his mother to reduce her working times so they could spend more time together). It was there he met John Alluen.

John was a Catholic priest whose body had began to deteriorate due to age-related causes; as a result he decided to spend his last days in a hospice. Friendly even on the brink of death, John struck a conversation with Kyle and over the course of a few weeks bonded. While John’s family did visit occasionally, they lived far and unmarried and childless as most priest he ended up having most of his last conversations with Kyle. Often their conversations turned to religion as with Kyle’s family problems and John’s looming death it felt appropriate to talk about it.

Kyle was never incredibly religious, his family went to church like most but the message never hit home, but over John’s last weeks he began to change his mind. Witnessing John’s bravery and dignity despite knowing death could come at any time as well as John’s messages concerning dealing with the problems of life kindled a faith Kyle had never known and when John finally died he resolved to honour his memory and become a priest.

He began to volunteer heavily at his local Catholic Church and became well known in his church community. It wasn't too long in the future before he became a priest and once he was assigned a church in South Africa began to regularly preach. He spent the next year of his life dedicated to the Catholic Church, many in his community considered him to be a particularly gifted priest with some going as far to say he was a Gift from God to the Parish and while flattered Kyle tried his best to support his community and not let the compliments inflame his pride.

It was towards the end of the year that his mother unexpectedly suffered a heart attack and died, for the first time since childhood he began to question why a kind God would take his mother so suddenly and violently. He took leave from his church as he arranged his mother’s funeral and overtime the seeds of doubt began to grow in his mind. Fearful of his sudden lack of faith, Kyle prayed for intervention from God. It was then that a pair of crows began to follow him, for a time he ignored them as he tried to focus on his mother’s funeral. Eventually however it dawned on him that they could be the sign he has been waiting for and cautiously approached them asking them if they were of God. Cunning as always, Hugin and Munin promised that if he wished to find the answers he was seeking, he should travel to a shop called Runes and Things at whatever cost. Kyle pondered that this may be a test from God and whatever he did now would define him forever, eventually after attending his mother’s funeral he began to make his way there, hoping that the path he had taken would lead him down the right path.

Mechanical Section

Divine Parent: Heimdallr, Watchman of the Gods
Parent Gender: Divine Father/Mortal Mother
Heroic Role: Controller

Priority 1 Attributes: Manipulation, Charisma and Intelligence
Priority 2 Attributes: Dexterity, Stamina, Perception and Quickness
Priority 3 Attributes: Strength and Appearance

Primary Purview: Psychopomp
Secondary Purviews: Mystery and Artistry
Tertiary Purviews: Illusion and Health

Primary Trainings: Conversation, Art and Research
Secondary Trainings: Drive, Investigate, Endure and Politics
Tertiary Trainings: Wilds, Battle and Heal

Jotunblut: Yes

Current Divine Powers:

  • Charmer - You’re able to exude an aura of cooperation, making others more inclined to help you out.

  • Overt Order - Significantly draining on you, but against someone with a weaker will than you, you may order them to perform one single simple action and they will do it.

  • Perfect Memory - You have a perfect memory, and do not forget things.

  • Unerring Orientation - You live as if a compass and map memorizer is inside your body.

  • Work Smarter - While incredibly draining to you, you may set out to build something that would take a very long time to do so, in 5 minutes or less. So long as you have all the parts and a concrete plan in mind, it’s not larger than a small house, or too small for a mortal eye to see unaided.

Divine Gift: A megaphone, always seems capable of working, and if broken a sheet can be laid over it and it will regenerate over night. Words spoken into it are supernaturally boosted to grab attention.

Personal Section

Romance: So long as it’s an organic process which makes sense for Kyle to pursue then I’m fine with romance.

Play style: I’d say Complex mission over straightforward ones, Choices over linearity and a mix of action and dialogue mission rather than a strict preference for one or the other.

Signature: I, K-97, agree to the rules and regulations, and agree that the GM may kill off my characters without your consent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Boss_Dude said
Aww, way to ruin the fun Elendra. It's like you don't even want me to derail your campaign :(.Though seriously, I want to do something similar, if not to the same level. You can proof read my concept before I use it, if you want. Will that be okay?


I'm not going to give you permission to ruin a roleplay I've been trying to set up for years. If you ask again, then you can just leave because you're not wanted if that's your goal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yeahhhh, wanting to emulate a character that's all about being over the top ridiculous and fucking up a game is a bad thing. Best to avoid those kinds of inspirations.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Boss_Dude


Member Offline since relaunch

Elendra said
I'm not going to give you permission to ruin a roleplay I've been trying to set up for years. If you ask again, then you can just leave because

Jorick said
Yeahhhh, wanting to emulate a character that's all about being over the top ridiculous and fucking up a game is a bad thing. Best to avoid those kinds of inspirations.

Woah woah woah. This is getting taken way too seriously. I just enjoy the idea of an old man being awesome (even if it wrecks plots in the process). I'll avoid it if you wish, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Boss_Dude said
Woah woah woah. This is getting taken way too seriously. I just enjoy the idea of an old man being awesome (even if it wrecks plots in the process). I'll avoid it if you wish, though.

An awesome old man is one thing, and that one thing is totally fine. When you cite a character made expressly for the purpose of fucking with a GM though, that sends up major red flags to any sensible GM.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

Are our Divine Powers put up in the gdoc or is Elendra still coming up with some? I think I remember being told my god parent was Hermodr.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

Boss_Dude said
Woah woah woah. This is getting taken way too seriously. I just enjoy the idea of an old man being awesome (even if it wrecks plots in the process). I'll avoid it if you wish, though.

You do realize the story of Old Man Henderson is basically a shitty GMs nightmare? The only reason said person created said character was because, as the story puts it, the GM was being ridiculously shitty and killing off characters in stupid ways/just being an overall dick of a GM. So Old Man's creator conjured him up as the ultimate revenge against said D-Bag GM. (At least, thats what I just read like 3 hours ago aha)

Elendra, however, in my opinion is doing a great job. Which doesn't warrant such asshole-ery.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Oh hey, a GDoc that has all of your powers and stuff on it, neat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

NOTE: For those with new characters, you do not get all of your listed powers yet. You get no powers from those that have only one power in the section, and only the top of every section that has 2 powers. You get all the rest for missions that are done starting with the Papa-Paparazzi mission. The mission with the Fire Giant and Church and such do not get those.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I just realised how minor my divine item is, magic cars, infinite ammo guns and A FUCKING HIPPOGRIFF.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

K-97 said
I just realised how minor my divine item is, magic cars, infinite ammo guns and A FUCKING HIPPOGRIFF.

You're not the worst off.

Lucky doesn't even have an item.

Edit: Yet.
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