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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr X

Mr X

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I've been wanting to try a tribes role play. It would work like a nations rp but smaller. You would control/role play a tribe of 30 - 60 people living in the world of Arkhalla. Technilogy is roughly at the level of medieval england when the vikings were around. You have huts, fire, but farming isn't common yet. Magic is present but not too powerful. Magic is used to control the elements (a bit like avatar:TLA). Magic users normally act as the priests for their tribe, however their may be exceptions to this. To help balance the tribes I have a perk system. You get 11 points to spend on your tribe.

Perks(name, cost):

  • Warriors blood 2 - Your tribe are warriors even the weakest members know how to use a blade. Every member (except children) acts as a warrior.

  • Mounted 2 - Your tribe have tamed rideable beasts. You have cavalry and faster transport.

  • Hunters 2 - Your tribe are better at hunting animals able to bring down even the largest of prey.

  • Gatherers 1 - Your tribe excel at gathering food. When others find nothing they find bounty.

  • Smiths 3 - Your tribe are skilled at using a forge, you have worked out how to make weak metal armor.

  • Agriculture 3 - Your tribe have worked out how to plant crops and harvest them.

  • Builders 3 - Your tribe are skilled builders, finishing things quicker than other tribes.

  • Oremasons 4 - Your tribe has Oremasons. Oremasons are gifted with the ability to command rock by the gods. Moving rubble or diggin holes is nothing for them.

  • Wyntersmiths 4 - Your tribe has Wyntersmiths. Wyntersmiths are gifted with the power to control ice. Their tribes are less affected by winter and hidden with snow storms.

  • Warg 4 - Your tribe has Wargs. Wargs are able to possess animals for short periods of time. They can also influence them without possession.

  • Emberfist 4 - Your tribe has Emberfists. Emberfists are able to create fire, warming their tribe or burning the enemy.

  • Relic 4 - Your tribe possess an unusual item.

The sheet for your tribe would look something like this:

Small history/background:
Jobs(how does your tribe divide up the work?):


Name: The jondars
Size: 35
Small history/background: The jondars are a tribe from the northern mountains. They get by via hunting mamoth and storing things they've foraged. A violent tribe they frequently attack neighbouring tribes for food or slaves. In winter they hide in their mountain caves kept warm by their Torchling leader.
Jobs: 8 children. 2 Oremasons. 7 gatherers. 17 hunters/warriors. 1 Emberfist.
Perks: Oremasons, Torchling, Hunters

So who's interested? Suggestions are welcome aswell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr X

Mr X

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr X

Mr X

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

ignore double post
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Syris Adonasium

Syris Adonasium

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I might be interested. Will there be a way to have your nation grow? What's stopping me from making a nation with the most members? How will you handle combat? How will you handle troop/population movement?

Edit* I might be able to bring a friend to this as well. Unless it starts to fill up with people who want to make OP races and have "speshu snowflake" characters, he should be good with this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I believe I would like to try this sort of new here so wiling to give it a go
Name: occultators
Location: in the mountains of the south east split
Size: 15
Small history/background:The occultators originate from the depths of the mountains on the north western isle. The have not been seen by many other tribes as they live under-ground.They are a very peaceful tribe and do not like to associate them self's with wars. They are renowned for their feats of smithing weaponry and their mines That supposedly last forever.
Jobs: 6 children, 2 Oremasons, 2 Emberfists, 3 smiths, 2 warriors/hunters
Perks: Emberfists,Oremasons,smiths
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr X

Mr X

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Syris - Your tribe will grow naturally as people have children. You could make a tribe with 60 people (the current limit) but it would mean you have more mouths to feed, more homes etc. I will be having random events so stuff like a food shortage would hit a large tribe a lot harder. Combat will just be decided by whoever can write the other into a corner without cheating. Troop movement? Just write where they are going. This is role play centric, not a turn based thing. And all tribes are human, with some minor differences.

Philip - That's fine. How does your tribe get food though?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I've just edited my last post we now have some hunters
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr X

Mr X

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

That's fine. If this starts your tribe is accepted. You might want to mark on the map where your tribe is based though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Syris Adonasium

Syris Adonasium

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Question. May we have a trait called "Gatherer" that is only one point?
You know, like hunter/gatherer?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr X

Mr X

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Could you elaborate on what you mean?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jeray2000


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Trishkas
Size: 45 citizens, 15 slaves.
Small history/background: The Trishkas are a jungle tribe in the southwest who live off small mammals, lizards, birds, fruits, and insects. This is made even easier by using Wargs to summon animals to their deaths.They are very warlike and are almost always trying to take over their neighbors, who are more or less the same with small differences in religion and culture. They are slavers as well, often taking enemies as slaves. Slaves are used to build huts, clean food, make clothing and make tools. They are fed a minimum necessary to keep working at a good capacity. Slaves are allowed to breed with each other, and all slave children are slaves. The Trishkas are constantly on the move to in order to not use up the natural resources of an area, but stick to a general territory that they are constantly trying to expand. They are able to build new huts to live in and a protective barricade very fast. Women and children do the same jobs as slaves, but in better conditions and are fed more. Women and children are kept separate from slaves.
Jobs: All slaves share the jobs of building and general grunt work. 19 warrior/hunters, 10 exclusive warriors, 1 chieftain and 15 children.
Perks: Warrior Blood, Hunters*, Wargs, and Builders.

That is a jungle, right? It looks like it would be a jungle. And are there NPC's? Because depending on the scale of that map, there might be a lot of room for even the upper limit of fifteen 60 person tribes (900 people in what looks like a continent the size of Australia.) And hunters for me wouldn't be really big animals but rather lots and lots of small animals.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mr X said
That's fine. If this starts your tribe is accepted. You might want to mark on the map where your tribe is based though.

we live in the mountains of the north western island
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Syris Adonasium

Syris Adonasium

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Mr X said
Could you elaborate on what you mean?

It's another Perk for getting food for your tribe, but it requires you to be nomadic, which could be a problem for some, which is why I suggested it as only being one point as a cost.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr X

Mr X

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Syris - I'll add it but I'm not gonna have nomadic as a requirement, that's players choice.

Jeray - accepted, nice idea with the slaves.

I'm changing the map as the current one seems a bit large. Apologies.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jeray2000


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I call dibs on that patch of forest in the southwest then. And maybe a perk for seafaring, better quality rafts and such, for three points could be good. And another two point one for fishing that allows fishing rods instead of just spear fishing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr X

Mr X

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fishing I'll think something for but I'm not having sea faring. I want to keep people on the island.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mr X said
I'm changing the map as the current one seems a bit large. Apologies.

I'll take the western mountains
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Syris Adonasium

Syris Adonasium

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Final question, are there going to be non-human races allowed, or is it just humans?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jeray2000


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Seafaring is a natural part of expansion; maybe just put the island in the middle of the ocean with closest land thousands of kilometers away so people can sail around the island and its lakes but not anywhere else.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr X

Mr X

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This has enough interest so I'll make an IC/OOC in the next day or so.

Syris - It'll probably be humans but if you think you've got a cool idea pm me.

Jeray - You can sail on lakes and stuff I just meant crossing oceans was out.
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