Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Pantalaimon (Pan)
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years

Personality: Pan is a kind hearted individual; he’s pretty easy going but won’t be taken for a jolly jig by anyone. He’s intelligent and observant most of the time, he can be forceful when he needs to be but is generally pretty soft spoken, he’s a happy soul that likes to keep people happy usually neglecting his own happiness in the process. He is fiercely loyal to his kin and pack, he has a very strong heroic drive putting others safety above his own without a moments doubt. He’s very patient but everyone has their limits, and he can be bad tempered.

Bio: Pan spent a large chunk of his life with his birth pack, leaving it to wander when he turned 3 with two of his siblings. Between them they formed their own pack, in which Pan was a beta to his elder brother who was the Alpha. His other sibling fell lower in rank as a hunter, Pan was content in this pack for a while he was very good at keeping his elder brother on track.
However there came a point where Pan felt he needed to break away from his brothers pack, he had been wandering for a short while before meeting with his current pack.

Rank: Beta
Power 1: Enhanced synesthesia (The ability to see sound waves as light and project concussive blasts)
Power 2: Teleportation (Nightcrawler X-men version)
Markings: Pan has a jagged scar vertically along his throat the hair along the scar is white.
Family: Pan has two siblings that belong to another pack.
Mate: (Open)
Sentimental Attachment:

Name: Rain
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female

Personality: Rain can be the quiet type, she’s calm and cool headed in distressful situations; she’s courageous and intelligent, with sharp wits. She is a very loyal companion once you've got her on side, she’s a positive thinker and a strong believer. She’s playful and kind hearted, she is wise beyond her years and will protect those she cares about with her life.

Bio: Rain has spent most of her life within her birth pack, she was sent away when she came of age to find another pack to join. She feels content in the pack she is in at the moment, she can’t think of anything she’d rather do then look after the younger pups. She loves spinning a merry tale and can let her imagination get her the best of her at times but she would never put anyone in danger intentionally.

Rank: Omega
Power 1: Weather Manipulation
Power 2: Replication/Duplication
Marking: N/A
Family: Rain left her family to search for a new pack.
Mate: (Open)
Sentimental Attachments:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Solus
Gender: Male
Age: 8 months.

Personality: Solus is a overly possessive puppy. He will mark and claim everything he can. He forms bonds and attachments easily and he grows the need to make them his. He can get aggressive when he feels that something that belongs to him is going to get taken away. He doesn't like the feeling of loss, people can only assume that he lost his parents at a young age and starting marking and claiming things soon after.

Bio: Solus has always felt the need to mark and claim items that weren't his, he doesn't know why but he has always felt something missing, and he can't help it to try and fill that hole in his heart with anything he can. He was nearly killed for entering a enemy territory and trying to claim it for his own. He only just managed to escape and survive. Solus believes that his parents are still alive, yet he has no idea where they are. He would like to find them and hopefully solve his little problem.

Rank: Pup
Power 1: He has super enhanced speed strength, agility, senses and endurance, because of this he can be hard to catch which is why h was able to get away from the enemy pack.
Power 2: He can control energy.
Family: Unknown.
Mate: N/A
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment: Everything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

FaithsRose I suggest you change your powers to something more stronger and more useful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ok open to suggestions? :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Schol
Gender: Male
Age: 6

Personality: Schol is a kind and gentle male who has been trained to help young pups, he will do anything to protect the children no matter what he has to do. He is determined to help the youngsters anyway he can and help accomplish their dreams no matter how hard and impossible it seems. He believes that he is able to help any and all cubs no matter what their dream may be. He is certain each and everyone has a purpose and a place.

Bio: Schol has always been a kind soul and good with children. His mother saw this and taught him how to be a caretaker as he grew up. She taught him that everyone has a place and a reason for living. After he reached the age of five, he left his mothers pack to explore. His mother gave him a necklace and a bracelet to remember her by. He wanted to find a new pack, where he could meet new friends and become stronger. Is dream was to help bring others dreams come to reality.

Rank: Caretaker
Power 1: He can heal almost any wound known to man, the only exception is restoring limbs and major injuries, such as a hole in the chest.
Power 2: He is psychic, able to form strong barriers and shields to protect himself and others.
Sentimental Attachment: His necklace and bracelet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ok for Pantalaimon what about sound manipulation and psychic.

Rain could have weather manipulation and duplication.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

well if you want to be able to Camouflage yourself you could use light manipulation and you would be able to bend the light around you making yourself completely invisible their is also

Molecular manipulation


Metal control

Gravity manipulation

Density Manipulation

then you have the mimicry powers that give you powers and ability's similar to those of other creatures for example spider man has spider mimicry but you could use mythical creatures as well and have dragon mimicry
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Celestial Moon
Gender: Female
Age: 14

Personality: Celestial is a kind and giving wolf. She knows her end is near and before she goes, she wants to give her pack as much aid as she can. She doesn't care for fame, she is just willing to do what is right. She can sense that her end is near. Celestial holds many secrets, her knowledge is vast and wide. She is the wisest of all the pack. She only speaks in riddles, prophecies and questions so a lot of the time it is hard to understand her.

Bio: Celestial won't talk about her past, so her past is unknown. All she asks is she be trusted and respected while she spends her last year aiding the pack, helping it to grow and expand, to become the strongest pack. All she has spoke about is that she has a long history which she wishes to forget. She avoids her past like it is the plague. It is obvious that she is hiding something but nobody bothers to ask, and let's her aid the pack as she wishes.

Rank: Elder
Power 1: She can control light
Power 2: She can control darkness.
Markings: She has a star on her forehead.
Sentimental Attachment: Her pack is her sentimental attachment, she cares about it more than anything else.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Bandit
Gender: Male
Age: 10.5 years

Personality: Bandit didn't get to his position by being nice. Ruthlessly cutting the former Lieutenant out of the pack, he held his position by strength. However, he will go to great lengths to provide for his pack, and cares for all who don't threaten him. If he suspects that anyone is a threat, he doesn't show open aggression, but caution, and guarded distance.

Bio: Since day one, Bandit's dream was to become Alpha of his own pack. Raised from a pup, Bandit has always been with the same pack, and as a Delta, was never noticed much. Particularly, he was antagonized and bullied by one of the Lieutenants, and as he was training to become a Lieutenant, he found himself alone with the Lieutenant that antagonized him. Taking the chance, Bandit jumped on his back, and flipping him over, ripped out his throat. That day, he also discovered that he could make the blood pouring from the old Lieutenant's throat move, and ever since, has used Haemokinesis to keep others from hurting him. One day, though, his old pack kicked him out, because they deemed him too dangerous to the Alpha. Ever on the move, he found another pack, and moved on. Finding Vixie, he joined her, agreeing with her dream of making the strongest pack.

Rank: Alpha
Power 1: Haemokinetic manipulation (blood manipulation) (I hope you know that you can make someone explode from the inside with this.)
Power 2: Enhanced healing
Power 3: Darkness Generation and Manipulation
Markings: A crisscrossed scar over his left leg.
Family: None alive.
Mate: Isn't really looking right now. But still, you know, it's open.
Friends: Whatever Lieutenants there are.
Sentimental Attachment: to the pups of the pack
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Athinar you will not be starting out as an Alpha. You will get your Alpha rank in the IC when Vixie decides on everyone's rank so can you please edit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Sarah
Gender: Female
Age: 5

Personality: Sarah will hardly ever talk, she normally just watches and speaks through her actions. She is a strange wolf, always has been. She has little to no motivation, and sees no point as to why she should join a pack. She has trust issues, which is why she stays away from everyone. Sarah is like a ghost, being about to project her astral form and become a spirit, she does this often, watching and stalking other wolves. She has never really had any desire to really join a pack before.

Bio: Sarah has never really talked much, not even to her parents. Her friends found her strange and weird, and stayed away from her. Some people call her a mute although, she can talk, she simply chooses not to. She prefers to watch from afar and stay away from everyone which what made everyone cautious of her, they didn't trust her, and still found her creepy and strange.

Rank: Loner
Power 1: Shapeshifting
Power 2: She can project an astral form of herself which is completely invisible and cannot be heard by anyone who can not see spirits.
Markings: Scars, cuts, and general markings.
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Changed the powers, hope they are ok :) Thanks for the suggestions
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Cool. Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When will we start? I'm excited. ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Bane
Gender: Male
Age: 40



Rank: Alpha
Power 1: He can control darkness
Power 2: He is psychic.
Power 3: Elemental transformation.
Power 4 He is able to sense where everyone is and who it is, by doing this he can sense everyone's power and strength. He can also determine what everyone is doing.
Power 5: He can control energy
Family: Dead
Mate: Dead
Friends: Dead
Sentimental Attachment: None
Other: The main boss.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Shade
Gender: Male
Age: 5

Personality: Shade is respectful to everyone including enemies but he is a kind caring and selfless person and will always help them out when possible but he also has a dark side and is merciless to his enemies and those who threaten his him or those he cares about and he enjoys causing pain and torment to his enemies and then eating them alive when he has had his fun with them he is an honest and serious person who always speaks his mind and can be a little blunt and uptight at times even though he means no disrespect he can sometime offend others because of this.

Bio: t i will add it later when thought of something

Rank: Hunter
Power 1: Spider mimicry
Power 2: Density Manipulation
Markings: Scars, cuts, and general markings.
Family: Bane who is his brother, although the two think each other are dead.
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

We are just waiting for a few more people. Maria who said she wanted to join, Athinar who needs to edit. I would also recommend making your powers a lot stronger, plus you are Alpha. You get a third power because of that. Winter still needs to make a Cs, Destinyfailhorror17 still needs to make a Cs and Dragon is making his tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Also waiting for Cassowarysaur for a Cs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cerberus


Member Offline since relaunch

Could i please reserve the caretaker Female?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cerberus


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Apollo
Gender: Female
Age: 6

Personality: Apollo is a kind female, always willing to help those in need. However, due to the way in which she was raised she holds a rather intimidating aura about her. She is most protective of the cubs and elders of the pack, believing that the pups are the future of the pack and the Elders shall help guide them onto the right path. She is not very patient and will often do things herself so that she doesn't have to wait. Apollo is a very stern she-wolf as she will openly demand a wounded wolf, regardless of rank to do as they are told by her or Schol. If said wolf does not comply, she has no problem shocking them still.

Bio: Apollo is what one would call the black sheep of the family, he parents and grandparents as well as her siblings were all hunters, all having powers suited to hunting. When she discovered her abilities she was outcast from most of her immediate family aside from her little brother and twin sister. It was through the support of these two that she began actively helping pack members while also keeping up with the rigorous training the hunters went through, if only to keep her sister company.

Rank: Caretaker Female
Power 1: Cryokinetic Healing- Generates Ice that heals wounds or accelerates the healing process greatly.
Power 2: Electrokinesis- Can generate and control electricity in a number of ways.
Markings: Several Scars from training and playfighting with her sister and a few Hunters, Red markings around eyes and forehead, Black Sclera(white part of eye), teal iris, no pupil but can see clearly.
Family: Artemis- Twin Sister
Orion- Little brother.

Friends: A few of the weaker hunters as they see her often.
Sentimental Attachment: Family
Other: She has quite a bit of training as a Hunter so she is stronger than she looks and it has given her an air of authority that intimadates some of the wolves, mainly those who only know her in passing.


Name: Artemis
Gender: Female
Age: 6

Personality: Artemis is a serious young female, she is extremely protective of pack and is Loyal to her Alpha. She is A skilled hunter and has been trained as one since she was able to walk and see on her own. However, Artemis is actually very insecure about her abilities as a hunter and trains often, having Apollo help her in one way or another.

Bio: Artemis was raised to be a hunter, however she had always felt as though she was a step behind her sister whom was the only one in their immediate family with no abilities that would actually aid a hunter. Although instead of resenting, Apollo, Artemis looked up to her sister because she never let anyone get to her. Since then she has dedicated her life to becoming one of the top hunters of the pack.

Rank: Hunter
Power 1: Serquekinesis- can generate and manipulate a corosive acid.
Power 2: Dust Mimicry- Can evaporate into a cloud of black dust that is capable of traveling faster than she can run.
Markings: Blue crescent moons on either temple, black sclera
Family: Apollo- Twin sister
Orion- little brother
Sentimental Attachment: Family, the braided rope she wears as a momento of her friend who died trying to escape poachers.
Other: She is irrationally jealous of her sister's ability as a hunter even though her hunting ability is sub-par


Name: Orion
Gender: Male
Age: 3 Months

Personality: Orion is a rather rambunctious little tyke. he is often getting into trouble due to his intense curiousity and lack of self preservation. Orion very hyper, one to ask a question per-second and never quit. He is also quite lovable due to his skiddish nature at times. His personality is a bit hectic and ever changing due to his young age.

Bio: Orion was born during the recent mating season and has yet to really venture out and explore, however his father died shortly before his birthing and his mother passed during his birth. He has never thought as to if that was a bad thig or not.

Rank: Pup
Power 1: Hallucikinesis- can create and manipulate illusions.
Power 2: Unknown as of yet.
Markings: black muzzle, Black sclera
Family: Artemis and Apollo- Older sisters
Sentimental Attachment: Family
Other: Since the death of their parents, Apollo and Artemis have been taking care of Orion as their own.
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