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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Violettesaphire


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Silver seemed frustrated by her inablity to hit anything and her uselessness in casting spells. She had to do something worth while evenutally. Her mist did cause problems for both sides, but she wasn't upset about casting it. It leveled out the playing feild even if their was a side that she was leaning towards win this battle. If someone managed to get a stray arrow in the arm than she might be able to do some good for once and keep somebody alive another day, but she hoped she wouldn't have to worry about healing anyone. As she heard a voice she turned to look at the new comer with curiousity, forgetting herself and everything around her for a moment. She wasn't surprised by what she saw. She had met another ratfolk while running, but not for very long. She had a spark of interest that she knew would grow if she saw the girl again, but she needed to focus on more pressing issues of the moment. She didn't think she had much time for a casual conversation. "Maybe, we can turn this battle around with your help." Silver eyed the newcomer and than focused her attention back to trying to pay attention. "I really don't think we can make it any worse for ourselves." She cursed somewhat to herself, staring forward through the mist with her already clouded eyes. It didn't feel odd to have her vision obstructed further, but it didn't make it any easier to use her crossbow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rissi responded to Yobi first, taking out a couple vials and clinking them gently together at the bases. "Play with fire? Nah, I do magic tricks, or I blow things up. Whichever makes the crowd happier is what I do. However, these bombs are far more than just show. They cause a good bit of destruction if I decide to use them. Mind you, I try to avoid hitting allies, so please do mind your heads."

She then addressed the other two, the travelers. "Then I shall help out. I am a native here and any Thassilonian lore you may need deciphered is within my grasp. I know the language." She then seemed to light up with a realization. "Oh my, I got distracted. My name is Rissi and I am an alchemist of sorts. I am far more than a street alchemist. I can create bombs and mutagens to enhance my physical abilities. I also can replicate spells."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


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Recovering from his thrust, Dhalgren stepped back slowly from the corpse of the now dead goblin. Shaking the halberd blade slightly to rid it of gore, he turned back to the others, his eyes scanning the area still taking in the mayhem of the surrounding area. The screeching and clamoring of the background din, along with the guttural song of the goblins grated on his ears. it was a moment before he realized someone else had come along nearby the others of the party.

He found his gaze settling on a particular rat folk bearing a vestment of odd gear and vials. He wasn't quite sure what they were all for, but figured he'd surely find out later. As he approached the group it didn't take long for his curiosity to be sated, as the person spoke to address that they were a street alchemist. Dhalgren himself had very little exposure to alchemy or the like, so was rather wary of it. "Looking at how things are going here, looks like we could use the help." He commented.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yobi smiled some more. She viewed the little rat-folk as competition, but held no ill will against her. "So you're a street magician? Performing little tricks?" She was having fun, at least. "But I'm sure you're useful. Welcome to our...ranks?" Yobi had no idea what they were called, and she wasn't sure they'd stay together like this. But her wanderlust was getting in the way of clear judgement. She had to think of a reason for them to stay together. "So...you all are...do any of you have a lot of experience with goblins? This attack's not...normal here. There are usually just a couple stray goblins that run in and die quickly."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rissi nodded at Yobi's comment about the attacks and added her own two copper. "And even then, those are odd ones. I encounter amiable goblins as well, though they may be more open to someone like me that is their size and who gets a bad rap with them. Oh well. Matter at hand is best to be dealt with before we theorize. Shall we clear a path for others to escape?" She scooted slightly closer to Yobi, having a slightly more familiar face to her, them both being citizens of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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Suddenly, while all of you are talking and mingling with the newcomer, a great plume of fire suddenly rises to the sky to the northeast! It goes back down quickly but as you all run to see it, you see a trio of goblins tearing off pieces of wood of a rather large cart to act as pseudo-torches for them to use as they cackle in delight.

As soon as one seems to see the group, it gives it's cackling laughter as it points at you all. While most of these goblins appear to be no different then the ones before, still as rotten looking and makeshift "clothes" that they were proud to wear, one goblin in particular however stood out in that it wielded a rather long and dangerous lookign whip that it was using right on the heels of the others to smack them into a fighting mood. Worst still, it would actively sign out that horrible song that, while catchy, still had those disturbing sounding lyrics.


((Battle Map Updated!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Violettesaphire


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(I'm cursed)

Roll (7)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Why not on my attack roll?)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Initiative (9)
Should I just give up on rolling and just...always go second to last?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Loremaster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

Member Offline since relaunch

((OK, Ermine, Loremaster and Kostvel, reroll your initiative to determine the order of you three specifically))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Loremaster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Take 2

9 How different.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ermine
Avatar of Ermine

Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Take 2 (8) Yay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


Member Offline since relaunch

Roll 2 (21)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

Member Offline since relaunch

Initiative Order:

Goblin 1
Goblin 3
Goblin Warchanter
Goblin 2

First Post of Battle coming soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

Member Offline since relaunch

Two of the goblins break off from the group and come on other sides of the nearby tent in a vague attempt at a pincer attack. Although coming from the front and not from the sides shows just how bad at combat tactics the little guys are. But they are rather good at taunting as they proceeded to cackle and wave their torches around to try to intimidate you all. Though they more often then not seem a little distracted by the fire themselves.

Rissi is up!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rissi saw the bad attempt at flanking, but she was more interested in the goblin nearest her. She maneuvered in front of Roan and quickly grabbed two vials, a catalyst and a very unstable liquid. She mixed them and threw them at the goblin, happy that her trajectory seemed perfectly aligned with the poor thing's face. "Now who gets to play with fire!"

15 vs. touch AC, 10 fire damage
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

Member Offline since relaunch

The bomb is hurled through the air towards the goblin as it only gives a shriek of fear before the thing explodes right before the little guys face! Instantly, many burns of oil and fire are all over it's body, burning away flesh and causing searing pain as it starts running around in a circle in wailing agony. It didn't help that it's clothes caught on fire as it fell down right back where it started, still burning away at his soon-to-be corpse.

The one Goblin who was singing gives a fierce look and stops as it seemed to scowl at the one by it's side and shouts something in Goblin to get it going. It moves ahead of the singing goblin as it seems to act like a personal body guard for the horribly wailing one as it follows close behind.

((Everyone EXCEPT Rissi is now up!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


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Dhalgren stood silently for a moment taking in the approach of a new group of goblins, with what looked to be some sort of commanding goblin bearing the cruel tendril of a whip. Still holding his ground he observed as two of the goblins moved out in a half-hearted flanking maneuver. About to take action, he was paused as he watched the newest member concoct something before throwing it to land a deadly flaming brew on one of the flanking goblins. Dhalgren grimaced slightly himself, watching the goblin screech and eventually fall down in a batch of flames.

That goblin out of the picture, Dhalgren hefted his halberd tightly in his grip, and made a sprint toward the goblin closest, hoping that the others would handle the remaining goblin on the flank quickly. Sprinting forward, he panted himself squarely in front of the goblin before striking with a quick slash of his halberd.

Attack Roll (9)
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