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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by grimDaydreamer


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Hailgraven City has been taken over by four gangs, Tribe 777, The Sleepingmoons, The Rustedknives, and Ded Hedfonez. Each have established various territories in which they usually remain in. Tresspassers, other than locals that haven't become victim to their crimes yet, are usually not tollerated and are killed on the spot. The Sleepingmoons have claimed the North and part of the center of the city, which consist of various hotels, penthouses, restaraunts, apartments, and clubs. Ded Hedfonez have claimed the rest of the center of the city, which consists of various clubs, stores, rave joints, tattoo parlors, and penthouses. Tribe 777 has claimed the West and the half of the South of the city, this includes various junkyards, broken down factories, abandoned warehouses, demolition sites, and a broken down train which hasn't been moved eversince it was deemed useless.The Rustedknives have claimed the East and the other half of the South of the city, which includes factories, a few junkyards, warehouses, and various secret casinos. For a few years these territories never got disturbed by one another, but The Rustedknives has departed and died out, their territory is up for grabs, no one has made a move, and now everyone is beginning to get impatient...
Each gang has their own style, way of running things, ect. ect.

Tribe 777: Known as the savages of Hailgraven City. They are consitered near-completely feral. Tribe 777 dresses in tribal esque clothing, which is usually made up of ripped and torn clothes and held together by some sort of thin rope, and dawn an iconic mask made of snapped twigs that is made to match the member's personality (example: If a member is mischeivous they might have a mask with small devil horns crafted on the top, or if a member is wolf-like they might have a muzzle crafted on the front, it varies from member to member). Tribe 777 also wears warpaint on various parts of their bodies, which usually look like handprints, smears, or stripes and dots. Instead of gathering themselves in one location, they are very spread out amongst their territory. Some are seen in junkyards, some are seen peering out of abandoned warehouse windows, some are seen jumping and climbing around in abandoned factories, but they all mostly keep out of sight. The largest group seen has been spotted around the broken down train, which has rusted, had its windows broken, interior torn to pieces, and looted of anything useful. Rumor has it that the leader mainly stays in the train with other members, but no one has completely confirmed it. Their weapons consist of mainly hand-to-hand types, they either loot houses for weapons, or they will make their own, such as handcrafted spears and axes. Most of the members drive motorcycles and 4-wheelers they either find or steal from trespassers. Their colors are dark brown, grey, black, and white.

Leader: grimDaydreamer
The Sleepingmoons: The Sleepingmoons are known as the rich and most civilized of all the gangs. They are usually seen wearing high-end clothing, such as dresses, suits, jewelry, and other various buisness and club wear. The Sleepingmoons own various hotels, apartments, and penthouses, but most of them reside in the main penthouse in central Hailgraven. They do well in buisness negotiations, deals, and other things that the rich people do. The Sleepingmoons carry a variety of pistols that they use for combat and are seen driving small fast cars and limos that dawn their signature logo, a white cresent moon with a light blue z hanging off the bottom edge. Their colors are white, dark blue, and light blue. (((This one needs more detail but I don't know what else to put o-o)))

Leader: ShadowD
Ded Hedfonez: Known as the cybergoth gang and headphone junkies of Hailgraven. Many of the Ded Hedfonez members are seen wearing gas masks, respirator masks, medical masks, goggles, spikes, and platform boots that look like they could practically crush your skull like a soda can. Ded Hedfonez owns a variety of stores that sell tech-related merch, and they have a signature store called "Luv m3 cuz 1'm Ded" that sells cyber, punk, scene, emo, goth, and other stereo-typed merchendise along with their iconic 'Hedfonez' that come in different colors and come with a mic on the side to co-op or chat with others. If a member isn't wearing a mask, they usually are seen with exotic make-up designes on their face. Ded Hedfonez has an underground rave joint/club that is run completely by them and serves as a base for the gang. Their weapons consist of gas bombs, that cause halucinations and fear, shock gloves, leather gloves that have two small metal spikes at the tips of the fingers that causes a shock when contacting skin (kinda like a mini-tazer, but on your fingers), and sniper rifels. They are seen driving motorcycles, crotchrockets, hogs, and a variety of fast and speedy race-like cars. Their logo is a pair of 'Hedfonez' with goggles and a spikey respirator mask in the middle, making a cybergoth face/smiley. Their colors are black and any other bright color (white is included as a bright color since it glows under blacklight).

Leader: Tearstone
The Rustedknives: This gang has departed and died out. They are seen no more...
Character Sheet~
Nickname: (Or Tribe Name for Tribe 777)
Appearence: (descriptions work fine, you don't need a pic)
History: (Can be TBR)
Personality: (Can be TBR)
Weapon of Choice:
Vehicle of Choice:
My Character~
Name: Indiana Skye
Nickname: Farkaal the Feral
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Gang: Tribe 777
Rank: Boss
Appearence: Farkaal wears the usual attire of Tribe 777, ripped up fabrics and cloth, along with rope and such to hold it all together. The way its arranged is a series of fabrics draped over her shoulders that go down past her chest tied together with rope that looks like an X across her chest by how its tied, her stomach shows, her lower part of her body is covered by fabrics that are tied together and draped in a way that almost resembles how a native american would wear animal skin, her shins have fabric wrapped around them and are wrapped with more rope to hold them in place, most of the time she doesn't wear shoes, and the twig mask that she wears is a mask that covers half of her face and resembles a lion. Farkaal's hair is black and is styled in a way that resembles a lion's mane, thick and wild as hell, to match her mask. Her warpaint consists of black handprints on her arms, black stripe smudges on her stomach and back, and a dark red hand print across her mouth.
History: To be revealed in IC
Personality: To be revealed in IC
Weapon of Choice: ICP Switchblade knife that was given to her from a good friend
Vehicle of Choice: Banshee, a yellow and purple 4-wheeler she's had for years
Other: Although she's in Tribe 777, she still thinks Ded Hedfonez is really badass
Details and other stuff that's interesting will be revealed in the IC, kinda like how the game goes ya know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: No one's quite sure and the rumor is that he doesn't know either

Nickname: Caveman, or Cave to the few he allows to call him that

Age: The guess is 25

Gender: Male

Gang: Tribe 777

Rank: Chief enforcer

Appearance: Cave is the poster boy of how the members of Tribe 777 look like. His dark brown hair always stands up in tangled knots and will have some sort of twig, dirt, or sometimes bullet casing lost in it. He has dark tanned skin that have countless burn marks, cuts, scars and bullet wounds coating him from his neck down. He has a muscular build that do to him never wearing a shirt gets shown off. His hands forearms are normally wrapped in bandages like many fighters do. His main article of clothing are his pants that are crudely made up of sewn together pieces of brown cloth. Besides his pants he wears a single steel toe boot. Like the rest of the Tribe Cave has white body paint covering his body, most of which being hand prints, the most noticeable being the skull painted on his face. His twig mask resembles that of a hockey players save for the forehead which protrudes like how a Neanderthal's would.

History: The only rock solid thing that is known about Cave's past is that he was once held at the Hailgraven asylum that mysteriously burned down.

Personality: The word savage could be used to describe Cave, but the word tall could also used to describe the Empire State building. In other words it just doesn't do it or him justice. Cave lives, breathes and eats crazy on a daily bases and takes the Tribe 777 life style to heart. He whole heartily believes that he is a tribesmen and hates most of modern culture. His version of fun is beating the ever loving crap out of a person and his version of music is to lesion to the sounds of a persons bones snapping. He is only loyal to the Tribe and to him anyone else is weak and only there for him to crush. He has a thing for woman with power, which is one of the reasons he follows Farkaal.

Weapon of Choice: He prefers to use his hands in battle, him having his own unpredictable fighting style. But if pressed he does use hatchets for both throwing and up close.

Vehicle of Choice: Sabertooth, a black Harley that is covered in white hand prints much like him.

Other: An example of his fighting style and look. Look to the fighter named Sketch.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hellos peoples of the gangs

Name:Xavier Dimitriaski

Nickname: The Dragon of Hailgraven

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Gang: Sleeping Moons

Rank: Boss

Appearence: Xavier stands roughly 6'5, he has black hair, and handsome features, his most notable feature is his eyes, he has two different eye colors, one is a light icy blue and the other a dark emerald green. He normally wears a very expensive black leather jacket, that has red lines going down the arms as trim. The rest of his attire is expensive business styled clothing, similar to how yakuza would dress. His hair is mid length, meaning it falls just to his neck in the back, but he keeps it combed back out of his eyes.

History: Xavier was born into the Sleeping Moons family, after all his father was the boss until recently, he learned that their way of life was what seperated them from the poor and filthy. He grew up believing that the other gangs were nothing more than filth vying for the city against a family that was clearly above them mentally, and financially. He quickly started thinking of ways to either get a leg up on some gangs, or in terms of the 777s and Rustedknives (when they were still around) outright destroying them. The 777s were savages, he disliked their demeanor, their......crazy basically. And the Rustedknives...well he doesn't remember them to well now that they're gone. He quickly grew into a tall and powerful looking man, he decided to use his money wisely and train himself in Muay thai, so as he wasn't completely defenseless without a gun or knife. He was a quick study of the martial art, but instead of learning more he decided it was better to keep learning one, despite his "master", because really who other than his boss could say they were his master, told him that he could learn others fairly well. Xavier's father was killed by a small explosion that took out his room in their penthouse, Xavier was overseas at the time and therefore didn't hear about the incident till after he returned home. When he did he took care of his father's burial, and subsequently found and killed the people responsible for the assault on his family's lives. He was 24 when he took the reigns of the Sleeping Moons, and many were, annoyed at how young he was, this only made him that much better, his youth and charisma was something his father didn't have. Yes the man was charismatic but not like his son, he tended to have people gravitate towards him. For the next four years Xavier was rarely seen in either the public or undergrounds eye, most don't know what to believe as he sits atop their penthouse and runs the gang from high above the city. Only thing people know is that the Sleeping Moons only for a moment, flinched form the death of their previous boss. But they were back and ready for the next round.

Personality: Xavier is a calm, cool, and collected individual with a nasty temper. He is extremely vindictive and will go out of his way to exact any kind of vengeance personally, however his other family members and his teachers all have helped him to quell those emotions behind a stern, almost stoic mask, as he now runs a major organization, the richest gang in the city for one. He's often quick with a smile to quell an issue rather than a fist to the jaw as it's unseemly for a person of his status.

Weapon of Choice: 9mm semi auto handgun, silenced, and SAP gloves, SAP gloves are used by SWATs, they have a steel plate on the backhand and 8ounces of steel buckshot in the knuckles of the gloves for added force when punching.

Vehicle of Choice: Lunar Dragon, a light blue Shelby Cobra with the emblem of the Sleeping Moons on the hood. Or in case of social gatherings and meetings a stretch Limo that he rides in.

Other: Xavier has learned to respect Deadhedfonez and the 777s as they are major players in the grand scheme of Hailgraven city despite his prejudices as a kid. He befrieneded a yakuza when he was overseas and wants to adopt the yakuza way of strong families and ties=a strong clan/ gang.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

just tell me if it's not good enough I did this as a rush CS as I had some of his idea left after I got home from work, if you want me to fix it up I can.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I might actually attempt to make a CS for this at some point, but first is sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

ill have to do something with this after work tomorrow morning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by grimDaydreamer


Member Offline since relaunch

Saarebas said
No one's quite sure and the rumor is that he doesn't know either Caveman, or Cave to the few he allows to call him that The guess is 25 Male Tribe 777 Chief enforcer Cave is the poster boy of how the members of Tribe 777 look like. His dark brown hair always stands up in tangled knots and will have some sort of twig, dirt, or sometimes bullet casing lost in it. He has dark tanned skin that have countless burn marks, cuts, scars and bullet wounds coating him from his neck down. He has a muscular build that do to him never wearing a shirt gets shown off. His hands forearms are normally wrapped in bandages like many fighters do. His main article of clothing are his pants that are crudely made up of sewn together pieces of brown cloth. Besides his pants he wears a single steel toe boot. Like the rest of the Tribe Cave has white body paint covering his body, most of which being hand prints, the most noticeable being the skull painted on his face. His twig mask resembles that of a hockey players save for the forehead which protrudes like how a Neanderthal's would. The only rock solid thing that is known about Cave's past is that he was once held at the Hailgraven asylum that mysteriously burned down. The word savage could be used to describe Cave, but the word tall could also used to describe the Empire State building. In other words it just doesn't do it or him justice. Cave lives, breathes and eats crazy on a daily bases and takes the Tribe 777 life style to heart. He whole heartily believes that he is a tribesmen and hates most of modern culture. His version of fun is beating the ever loving crap out of a person and his version of music is to lesion to the sounds of a persons bones snapping. He is only loyal to the Tribe and to him anyone else is weak and only there for him to crush. He has a thing for woman with power, which is one of the reasons he follows Farkaal. He prefers to use his hands in battle, him having his own unpredictable fighting style. But if pressed he does use hatchets for both throwing and up close. Sabertooth, a black Harley that is covered in white hand prints much like him. An example of his fighting style and look. Look to the fighter named Sketch.

Accepted! I like the Tribe name you gave him xD

ShadowD said
just tell me if it's not good enough I did this as a rush CS as I had some of his idea left after I got home from work, if you want me to fix it up I can.

No its fine, I actually really like this character! Reminds me of Frenchy off of SR3 sorta lol Nice way of putting your character's thoughts of Tribe 777.

I might actually attempt to make a CS for this at some point, but first is sleep.

Tearstone said
ill have to do something with this after work tomorrow morning.

That's totally fine guys, there's no rush lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ClownTitan


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Holy shit this looks awesome!!
Name: Angela Stevens
Nickname: S70NR
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Gang: Ded Hedfonez
Rank: N00b (just joined)
Appearence: Since Angela is a new member, she doesn't have all the gear yet. Currently she wears a neon green tank top that stops above her stomach, wears neon green and dark green striped arm warmers, baggy brown pants that has neon green trim and a neon green smiley on the side of the right leg, brown sandals, and sports multiple piercings on her face (lip ring, nose ring, eyebrow ring, alot of stuff) that are metalic green. She has yet to get a mask. Angela also dawns a dull green lipgloss, green eye contacts, and her black eyeliner has run down her face from her laughing so hard that she cries, and she never bothers to fix it. Not to mention she has completely dyed her hair an earthy dull green color and wears a green bandana to keep her long hair out of her face. Her eyes always have that 'natural' look (aka they're mildly bloodshot all the time, and I think we all know what THAT'S from) and always look sleepy.
History: Angela used to be relatively normal, but her best friend Sammi introduced her to the 'Miracle Leaf' as a birthday present about a year ago. Sammi, being the closest thing she's had to a sister, was a well trusted person by Angela, so she didn't have any regrets upon agreeing to try it. Angela DID have a real sister, Tanasha, but Tanasha never really wanted her around since their father payed more attention to Angela. Before Angela was introduced to the 'Miracle Leaf' she lived with her parents and kept becomming more and more fed up with her parent's judgements. Saying Sammi wasn't trustworthy, was a lowlife stoner, and wasn't a good influence. Once Angela had enough she moved out on her birthday with Sammi, and she was releaved to get the fuck out of there. They both found an abandoned house that was pretty small, but it was good enough and they claimed it as their own. The only furniture they had in it was a few crates and boxes to sit on, another bigger box to serve as a table, and their beds were nothing but thick covers slung around on the ground with a few pillows. To most it would possibly be called a 'slum' or 'trash house' but it was better than all that sophisticated bullshit. Eventually Angela learned how to hack by stealing a laptop from a neighbor's house and tapping into any nearby wifi. Stealing was a good little hobby for her because they both benefited from it, whether it be using whatever she stole or selling it to get some cash to get by. As she continued to hack and steal she miraculously caught the attention of Ded Hedfonez and was accepted in, but she's still a N00b for now.
Personality: Ever heard of the saying 'Just wing it'? Yeah, that pretty much describes her. Doing stuff without a real plan at all or ever for that matter. When someone messes with someone she cares about though, she wont stop until she sees blood.
Weapon of Choice: A baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire at the top that she named 'Kindness' (Kill people with Kindness lmao)
Vehicle of Choice: Miracle Wagon, a van that she and Sammi got and spray painted the hell out of it with trippy designes.
Other: She's relatively neutral to the whole 'fight for territory' deal going on, all she cares about is just getting by and having one hell of a time doing it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Still interested in the Ded Fonez, either as a member, or bein' a shot-caller (or -the- shot caller)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by grimDaydreamer


Member Offline since relaunch

ClownTitan, Accepted.

Tearstone said
Still interested in the Ded Fonez, either as a member, or bein' a shot-caller (or -the- shot caller)

Ded Hedfonez still needs a boss, so its totally up for grabs if you want it, if you want you can make two characters so you'll have the option of Rping as boss and member.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I would totally be down for that, Day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by grimDaydreamer


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Tearstone said
I would totally be down for that, Day.

Go for it bro xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alright awesome glad you liked it, haha yeah I was like incorporate some you know high brow hate towards the lower class haha jk but yeah it kinda is.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by grimDaydreamer


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Its pretty common for rich fuckers to hate the animalistic tribal psychopaths xD lmao
I dunno if I should start the IC or wait for the others to post their characters, I don't want anyone to get confused or feel left out ya know ._.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sheet is work in progress, updates following. Stay tuned.

Name: Darren Wade Miles
Nickname: Lucien Drake/D4yg0n3 ("day gone" - a play on words, but also reference to the old god/being of Daygon, a creature of night and terror, the destroyer)
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Gang: Ded Fonez
Rank: L34D3R

History: (Can be TBR - basics are below)
Darren got into the Cyber punk/goth and electro culture in the late 90's, early 2000's when it was beginning to emerge. Already into electronic music, he had begun to start down the path of a DJ, learning turntableism the old school way. Heavily into trance, techno, and other electronic dance music, he found a home with Electro, and Dark Electro. He took on the DJ name of Daygon/Daygone or Datura depending on the venue. Already part of an underground counter culture, he saw an opportunity to begin making moves and a way to make money besides music. That -opportunity was a combination of digital blackmail, guns, drugs, and sex. He began putting his ears out among the clubs, figuring uot who were just the party kids, and who were looking for something more. He created a persona of Lucien Drake, a shadow man who had everything. He began making things happen, meeting peoples needs, extorting money, guns, or supplies with the help of blackhats, and other shady figures. He also encouraged those working with him and for himi to have fun, be free, but also to be careful and smart. But most important: Answer when I call.

For a time, there was no name to this group, that had grown from a few people to well over three dozen. Most were based out of electronic dance clubs, and nearly all of them were sporting some style of studio/DJ headphones, as most were audiophiles. Referred to as the cybergoths with the headphones, Lucian decided to found the name Ded Fones, and as the cyber-goth culture has grown, created clothing lines and legitimate labels with which to make money and also to somewhat unify the group's look. Soon, there were people finding the brand all over and the Ded Fonez popularity began to rapidly grow. Cops found it hard to distinguish actual members from just fans, and those wearing the label, which creates an intelligence nightmare, and an almost unenforceable status. You can't just arrest someone because of the label or clothes they're wearing.

Over time, Darren had stopped DJ'ing without even realizing it. He'd had a love for the music, but somewhere, perhaps he had lost his soul in the transition from man of music, to man of murder and madness. He supposed it was fitting. These days, he spends most of his time keeping his power base in check, making business decisions, and perhaps roting somewhere on the inside. Over time, he's organized his people into automated sub-units, empowering his people to make decisions and persue operations. He runs the gang like a business, with underbosses, bosses, and shot callers passing information and orders across and up and down the chain of command. It's designed to so that he can break off parts of the group if they are compromised, like cutting out cancer. But also it means that he has free time, and doesn't micro-manage everything.

Personality: (Can be TBR - basics are below)
Intelligent, calculating, perhaps a bit mysterious, an element of showmanship. There is perhaps some underlying element of sadness to him. Darren does still dress the style, but also has a suit and tie variant when attending official gang functions, making appearances, and so on.

Weapon of Choice: Various, prefers concealable, practical weapons
Vehicle of Choice: Ripper - Modified Subaru WRX STI rally type car, has competition grade sound system and several illegal racing modifications
Other: Darren has studied martial arts for twenty years, including various forms of kung fu, and has developed styles that work with music, but stand alone too. Has trained specifically for fighting in handcuffs/restraints, as well as escaping them once he started in on the criminal enterprise.

Additional gang info (if GM approves): Ded Fonez label, and parts of the gang tend to be female dominated due to the connections to the scene, emo, goth, and cyber goth, cyber punk elements. Gang tends to favor electronic crimes to aid them. Most technically talented group, as stated also favors hallucinogenics, delerium drugs, and party drugs. Does feature several skilled hitters, in addition to cheaper options, and enforcers, and some cyber enforcers. There's something for everyone here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I think the above sheet is pretty much complete for the time being.

I would like to suggest a change in the Ded Fonez operation, namely that sniper rifles are not useful in enclosed, tight environments. Sure they might look cool, but they're traceable, over-penetrate and hit the wrong people in the wrong hands. They tend to have a slower fire rate, and are marksman/expert weapons. It is terribly easy to break out of the sight picture or optic's view in close quarters. The guns themselves are expensive, ammunition is expensive, hard to come by. It is impossible to conceal a sniper rifle.

machine pistols, sub-machine guns, personal defense weapons, and carbines are probably better bets, as well as shotguns and pistols. Ammo is easier to find, most can be modded out to look crazy cool, and perform in a variety of ways. If firepower is a concern, an M-4 Carbine could be modified for the Beowulf system, and instead of firing little old .223 (5.56 mm), it now fires .50 caliber rounds, and will drop just about anything within 200 yards. Shotguns are virtually untraceable, unless firing slugs (which hit pretty freaking hard).

Mostly, I think that sniper rifles would be really bad, unless used in the right circumstances.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by grimDaydreamer


Member Offline since relaunch

Wow Tearstone you really thought this shit through, holy hell that's awesome detail. I accept your character and your modifications or wtf ever you want to call them. I like the thought you put into this, I only put snipers and stuff on there because I couldn't think of anything lol My brain dies when it comes to certain things.

But yeah, awesome stuff o-o
I think I'll start the IC tonight, we have enough members I think. Since we only have a few players per gang, extra members can be like NPC or whatever they call it mkay. You know what I mean xD I can't talk straight today
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Character Sheet ~ Work in Progress

Name: Felicia Alexandra Rhodes
Nickname: 70X51N/Toksin
Age: early mid twenties (24)
Gender: Female
Gang: Ded Fonez
Rank: Member - crew lead
Five foot seven without boots, lithe frame built for speed, with fine features. Tends to wear purple, wine, or green cyber gear. Has a few boots that have been modified into rolley type. Features multiple piercings and changes them from time to time, and that's the ones that most people can see.

History: (Can be TBR, basics below)
Felicia became interested into gothic culture, especially cyber punk/cyber goth in her teen years, looking for identity in one form or another. The scene tends to attract those with wandering interests, views, those with personal struggles and issues, as well as those looking to find themselves, or at least something out about themselves. Despite the snickering of some Goths about Cyber Goths, she found she was attracted to the colors and styles, as well as the more electro based music. industrial and the other Goth related music styles were all good, and she didn't mind them she did find something she liked better.

Putting up with the quiet ridicule, she fell in with the crowd, and being one of the more attractive ones, seemed to draw attention from guys and girls alike. The amount of drug culture and the seemingly rampant casual nature of sex in the goth scene, and cyber goth was a little startling at first. Curiosity began to get the better of her, and she tried a few things she liked, and learned what to stay away from. She found that most often she came to the clubs to see friends, to party with like-minded people and generally have a good time. Soon, she had fallen into the after parties, which were less regulated and much more... interesting.

Her parents kicked her out after a time, not really understanding her personal exploration, that and the drug use and sex involved with the scene. Felicia precipitated some of it, finding their attitudes tiresome, close-minded and demeaning, picking fights here and there. The final straw had come when they had come home to find her in the middle of another girl she'd happened to like and know. So it was that she couch surfed, moving from place to place with friends. With no income, and no steady job, she began to keep and sell what drugs she got either just shared, or occasionally for a fuck or two, and occasionally skipped the drugs all together. In the end it was a moderately fun way to make ends meet.

Before long she had seemed to acquire a customer base, and was making decent money. Able to get her own place and start affording a vehicle, she hosted some parties at her own place. This went well for a time, and distribution, party favors, and cashflow all increased. Times were good. It was during this time period that she had heard of a man named Lucian Drake in the scene, making moves. He had an uncanny ability to bring people in, bring them together, and find solutions to problems, resources just seemed to flow to him. Then she heard word of the Ded Fonez, and the idea of the crew was new to her, but she liked the idea of something more unified than just friends and people she knew hanging out. It was great and all, and they were sort of one big family. Meeting with Lucien, she found that his ideas about group unity and working together, as well as the basis for underground enterprise, she was more than ready to sign up.

One by one the rest of the group began to join up and within a matter of weeks, their influence and ranks had swollen. Toksin was born in the process and began distributing party drugs and more. She found a niche quietly selling a good time, in whatever form, drugs, girls and guys, to guns. These days it's old hat and while she still enjoys partying and tries to have fun where she can.

While not the heaviest hitter, she has been one of the ones helping Lucien eat up territory lost by the Knives.. and may have been one of several responsible for helping wipe them out. Lately there's been a lul in all the fun.

Personality: (Can be TBR, basics below)
Open minded, fun-oriented. Perhaps seemingly a bit promiscuous, kinky, and sensual. Bi-sexual. Toksin is a girl who just wants to be herself and have fun, in whatever form. She follows instinct and spur of the moment, but she's by no means stupid. Most in the crowd are more intelligent and cerebral than the average bear. She's had to project a harder attitude in more recent days, having to keep a reign on people and territory. Outside of the Ded Fonez operation, she is a little withdrawn, as a lot of her public "face" covers a number of issues.

Weapon of Choice: [list]
  • In close - knife (preferably balisong/butterfly knife) and shock claw gloves

  • In conceal carry - compact frame KelTec 9mm with two extra mags

  • In combat - KMP9 or H&K MP7, compact, lightweight sub machine guns/personal defense weapons, usually suppressed with laser sights. Tends to use single or akimbo. Will carry appropriate reloads to expected conditions, and usually will wear at least basic armor.

  • Vehicle of Choice: Hyundi Genesis Coupe - laser metallic blue with Ded Fonez logo over the entire top, with indigo running lights, mostly unmodified
    Other: Took taekwondo in middle school and high school. Dropped out (of TKD and school) because of the party scene. Picked up street fighting from friends/boyfriends around her, as well as knife and stick work, equivalent to decent escrima/arnis. Total probably 10 years training. When she has down time, or when something is bothering her, she tends to roller blade, dance, run, and will have a go at a heavy bag.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
    Avatar of Tearstone

    Tearstone Electrum-plated

    Member Seen 4 mos ago

    Ok, I think that sheet is done too..
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


    Member Seen 10 yrs ago

    For the sleepingmoons I was thinking they should be equal parts gang and equal parts corporate giant. You do say that they are the wealthiest, let's delve into it, overseas drug trafficking, big time smuggling ops, either slave labor, or border hopping. Both are easy money and easy enough to hide with the right amount of money, also being the high end bastards they are would most likely carry concealable carbines, rifles, and shotties. While personal armaments could gravitate towards handguns, most would undoubtedly be fully automatic, with extended mags then that way they could still spray like with carbines and machine guns but with less accuracy and less stopping power. Now onto the legitimate side of the business, it would no doubt be something that makes quick bucks, hotels, casinos, no doubt they would have their hands in literally most any pie in the city at this point, at least in their territory. They no doubt would have mercs bolstering their people, easily affordable at this point but also easily scared off if they get too out of their depth. I'll have more later when I continue thinking this through.
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