CLOSED! No longer accepting sheets!
-What I Ask Of Roleplayers-
1. For you to stick to Casual rules.
2. Decent grammar. I make mistakes, I don't expect somebody to be perfect. As long as I can understand your posts we should be alright.
3. Keep down the swears. Occasional ones in situations, or some used when your character is angry is okay. Just don't go overboard.
4. I'm usually down for chatting and discussing things. It'd be neat if you are as well.
5. For you to be honest with me when you get bored, instead of just ditching without a word. It's understandable if you don't want to continue, but not when you just disappear.
6. I haven't thought out every bit of this adventure. Not all of the Cipher Admins are final ones, if you wish to double as one and be the villain of an area, chat me up. We might be able to work something out.
7. If you read these rules, post the name of your favorite starter Pokemon in your post expressing interest.
8. Try to be a little creative with battles, make them interesting.
8. If you have issues with my posts, tell me. I wish to improve and I can't without knowing what I did wrong.
2. Decent grammar. I make mistakes, I don't expect somebody to be perfect. As long as I can understand your posts we should be alright.
3. Keep down the swears. Occasional ones in situations, or some used when your character is angry is okay. Just don't go overboard.
4. I'm usually down for chatting and discussing things. It'd be neat if you are as well.
5. For you to be honest with me when you get bored, instead of just ditching without a word. It's understandable if you don't want to continue, but not when you just disappear.
6. I haven't thought out every bit of this adventure. Not all of the Cipher Admins are final ones, if you wish to double as one and be the villain of an area, chat me up. We might be able to work something out.
7. If you read these rules, post the name of your favorite starter Pokemon in your post expressing interest.
8. Try to be a little creative with battles, make them interesting.
8. If you have issues with my posts, tell me. I wish to improve and I can't without knowing what I did wrong.
-Welcome to Orre-
As you can see, Orre is mostly two things: Desert and forest. A basic idea of areas of interest:
Pokemon HQ Lab: The lab ran by Professor Michael. It focuses on researching pokemon in general, and the process of pokemon purification. The place has began offering tours, it could be a good learning experience for anybody.
Agata Forest: The lively forest with a small village inside. It is the most peaceful place in Orre, nobody fights here. Nobody has any issues. They just live out their lives and hope for nothing but kind neighbors and quiet days.
Rustler Farm: The Rustler Family Farm has only made itself apparent in the last ten years, and is known for growing all sorts of berries. They are the cheapest way of obtaining certain kinds in bulk. The farm is between Agata Forest and the Pokemon HQ Lab in a rather nice open area of grass. It's usually peaceful there, giving the attitude of the family in general. You may find yourself in a battle with one of the farmhands if your eyes meet...
Dr. Chobin's Lab: After Dr. Kaminko passed, his assistant Chobin took up his projects and stayed in the manor located in Agata Forest. The place is full of strange inventions. It pays to be wary here, as you never know what anything in this building truly does.
Gateon Port: Ships dock and leave this port daily. The place is really lively, and it's most notable place is the Krabby Klub! The view from the lighthouse is nice, too. Everything is cheery about this town, usually.
Krabby Club: The Krabby Club is a bar in Gateon Port. It's a bar featuring preforming acts, and is known for being very lively and loud.
Mt. Battle: A place to test your skills as a trainer. Dare you scale up the volcano during a trip to defeat one hundred trainers? One loss and you have to start over! The lobby is rather big and is an obvious sight at the base of the volcano. Points you earn from winning battles here can be traded for rare items!
The Decent: The Decent is where the top five trainers of Mt. Battle reside. Unlike the rest of the battles that take you upwards, these trainers go down deeper into the mountain. The farther you go, the hotter it gets. Will you succeed? Or will you fall victim to the heat and stunning power of the trainers in your path to Number One?
Scrapped Shadow Lab: A Shadow Pokemon Lab in the desert that had been stripped for all it's worth. It's an empty building, but some people say there's a group of children who hang out in there! What could they be doing...? Maybe you'll find out.
Wreck of The S.S Libra: A ship that was stolen strait out of the sea and dumped into the desert twelve years ago. It still sits in the desert, and some trainers hang around it. There's a memorial for those who died aboard the ship as well.
Destroyed Key Lair: The former Cipher Key Lair was destroyed after Cipher's defeat. It's dark secrets and technology are forever lost...
Snagem Hideout: Team Snagem is still around after all these years, but have mostly settled down on the Pokemon stealing scene. They have become a biker gang that roams the desert, challenging trainers they cross.
Echo Canyon: A rather empty place. Going through the Canyon is the fastest way to the Snagem Hideout.
Realgam Tower: Part fortress, part high-class hotel! There are several areas for guests - an information desk and reception area, several Pokemon healing devices and PCs, a bar, a casino, and many other luxuries honeycomb the tower. At the very top of the tower is a giant, white Colosseum surrounded by a stadium suspended in mid-air. Members only, so good luck getting in unless you've got major connections.
Outskirt Stand: A gas station. Wanderers usually stop here for a drink and supplies, and the occasional battle.
Phenac City: Perhaps the cleanest and one of the safest places in Orre, Phenac City is known mostly for it's Pre Gym and the Phenac Stadium. It's a good place to practice for beginners and experts alike. They dislike those from Pyrite town, and the word around is usually always about how crime-filled Pyrite is, only fueling the fire.
Pre-Gym: A facility in Phenac City for new and veteran trainers alike. It's Phenac City's main attraction, having classes for teaching new trainers, as well as arenas for trainers to practice against each-other in singles, and doubles.
Pyrite Town: A town of crime, full of thugs and wash-outs. You don't take a trip through Pyrite without encountering some kind of thug or crime going on. Be careful, as they don't take kindly to heroes here; being too heroic might get you thrown into the ocean by one of the gangs.
The Miror's Reflection: A club in Pyrite known for it's DJ, Folly. It's actually quite a clean place, and aside from Folly, a very entertaining Ludicolo dancing routine can be caught at night, around 8 PM. It's certainly a sight to see.
Orre Colosseum: Only for the best of the best. Only the strongest trainers show up here. The strongest trainer to ever step in was the Professor himself... Maybe you'll end up battling him one day? Unless another takes his place before then.
Pokespots: There are three Pokespots; which are the only places for finding wild pokemon. Finding them requires bait that can be bought from any store. The three Pokespots are The Cave Pokespot, which is up a long path leading up the side of the volcano. The Rock Poke Spot, near Echo Canyon. And The Oasis Pokespot, which is out in the desert, not too far from Agata Forest. Wild Pokemon cannot be caught elsewhere, remember this.
Agata Forest: The lively forest with a small village inside. It is the most peaceful place in Orre, nobody fights here. Nobody has any issues. They just live out their lives and hope for nothing but kind neighbors and quiet days.
Rustler Farm: The Rustler Family Farm has only made itself apparent in the last ten years, and is known for growing all sorts of berries. They are the cheapest way of obtaining certain kinds in bulk. The farm is between Agata Forest and the Pokemon HQ Lab in a rather nice open area of grass. It's usually peaceful there, giving the attitude of the family in general. You may find yourself in a battle with one of the farmhands if your eyes meet...
Dr. Chobin's Lab: After Dr. Kaminko passed, his assistant Chobin took up his projects and stayed in the manor located in Agata Forest. The place is full of strange inventions. It pays to be wary here, as you never know what anything in this building truly does.
Gateon Port: Ships dock and leave this port daily. The place is really lively, and it's most notable place is the Krabby Klub! The view from the lighthouse is nice, too. Everything is cheery about this town, usually.
Krabby Club: The Krabby Club is a bar in Gateon Port. It's a bar featuring preforming acts, and is known for being very lively and loud.
Mt. Battle: A place to test your skills as a trainer. Dare you scale up the volcano during a trip to defeat one hundred trainers? One loss and you have to start over! The lobby is rather big and is an obvious sight at the base of the volcano. Points you earn from winning battles here can be traded for rare items!
The Decent: The Decent is where the top five trainers of Mt. Battle reside. Unlike the rest of the battles that take you upwards, these trainers go down deeper into the mountain. The farther you go, the hotter it gets. Will you succeed? Or will you fall victim to the heat and stunning power of the trainers in your path to Number One?
Scrapped Shadow Lab: A Shadow Pokemon Lab in the desert that had been stripped for all it's worth. It's an empty building, but some people say there's a group of children who hang out in there! What could they be doing...? Maybe you'll find out.
Wreck of The S.S Libra: A ship that was stolen strait out of the sea and dumped into the desert twelve years ago. It still sits in the desert, and some trainers hang around it. There's a memorial for those who died aboard the ship as well.
Destroyed Key Lair: The former Cipher Key Lair was destroyed after Cipher's defeat. It's dark secrets and technology are forever lost...
Snagem Hideout: Team Snagem is still around after all these years, but have mostly settled down on the Pokemon stealing scene. They have become a biker gang that roams the desert, challenging trainers they cross.
Echo Canyon: A rather empty place. Going through the Canyon is the fastest way to the Snagem Hideout.
Realgam Tower: Part fortress, part high-class hotel! There are several areas for guests - an information desk and reception area, several Pokemon healing devices and PCs, a bar, a casino, and many other luxuries honeycomb the tower. At the very top of the tower is a giant, white Colosseum surrounded by a stadium suspended in mid-air. Members only, so good luck getting in unless you've got major connections.
Outskirt Stand: A gas station. Wanderers usually stop here for a drink and supplies, and the occasional battle.
Phenac City: Perhaps the cleanest and one of the safest places in Orre, Phenac City is known mostly for it's Pre Gym and the Phenac Stadium. It's a good place to practice for beginners and experts alike. They dislike those from Pyrite town, and the word around is usually always about how crime-filled Pyrite is, only fueling the fire.
Pre-Gym: A facility in Phenac City for new and veteran trainers alike. It's Phenac City's main attraction, having classes for teaching new trainers, as well as arenas for trainers to practice against each-other in singles, and doubles.
Pyrite Town: A town of crime, full of thugs and wash-outs. You don't take a trip through Pyrite without encountering some kind of thug or crime going on. Be careful, as they don't take kindly to heroes here; being too heroic might get you thrown into the ocean by one of the gangs.
The Miror's Reflection: A club in Pyrite known for it's DJ, Folly. It's actually quite a clean place, and aside from Folly, a very entertaining Ludicolo dancing routine can be caught at night, around 8 PM. It's certainly a sight to see.
Orre Colosseum: Only for the best of the best. Only the strongest trainers show up here. The strongest trainer to ever step in was the Professor himself... Maybe you'll end up battling him one day? Unless another takes his place before then.
Pokespots: There are three Pokespots; which are the only places for finding wild pokemon. Finding them requires bait that can be bought from any store. The three Pokespots are The Cave Pokespot, which is up a long path leading up the side of the volcano. The Rock Poke Spot, near Echo Canyon. And The Oasis Pokespot, which is out in the desert, not too far from Agata Forest. Wild Pokemon cannot be caught elsewhere, remember this.
Depending on where you are from in the region, these NPC's may or may not be important for you to know about.
Professor Michael: Even if you don't care, this name is known to you. He is a hero that saved the region you grew up in! Though he thinks nothing of it anymore, he honestly is happy just living his life out as a professor rather than a hero or champion.
Captain Hedger: Captain Hedger is an old sailor who watches over Gateon Port. He is a good man, but stern, and very blunt. If he wants you to get something done, you better get it done. Or you aren't getting anything from him, that's for sure.
Mayor Abe Wedgeworth: The newest mayor of Phenac City. He seems friendly enough, though is serious about protecting the city. If you are looking to get information about something happening in Phenac, there's no better place to go than his house/office.
Rachel: Rachel is the head of the Pre-Gym in Phenac City. She is a strong trainer that is willing to help out those who are new to the battling scene personally when she has the time. She can almost always be found in the Pre-Gym, usually in a heated battle or teaching trainers in the left wing of the facility.
Duking: The largest man in Pyrite Town, and the closest thing to a mayor they have. He is a good man, though he looks ready to tear you apart as if he was an Emboar. Once you get past that your good to go, as he is a big softy once you look back his rough exterior... Or at his Pokemon.
DJ Folly: A DJ that has rose in fame over the years since the end of the last Shadow Pokemin Epidemic. Big flashing neon signs advertising his club in Pyrite are in quite a few areas. Rumors have been going around that a group known as "Team Miror" uses his club as their base, and he is a member. Though nobody knows for sure.
Elder Hetten: The elder of the village in Agata Forest. He is calm and mostly quiet, and can become very easily annoyed when Alcin gets himself into trouble. He likes for the people of the village to aid him in solving problems, usually not accepting help from outsiders.
Youth Alcin: Alcin is a young man that patrols around the village in Agata Forest. He cares for the well-being of the forest, and the people and Pokemon in it. Though he has issues with Chobin and his crazy experiments, claiming he'll one day end up destroying the forest.
Trek & Hasel Rustler: An aging couple from Kanto that are hard workers on the Rustler Farm. They are both respectable folk, liking to help out aspiring trainers that come across their home, as well as get in a battle or two, for some fun.
David Rustler: A dependable young man who came from Kanto with his younger sister and parents to start the berry farm in Orre. He works hard in order to provide for his family, most of his days being spent strait out in the field. He loves giving out berries to traveling trainers and stray Pokemon, satisfied with knowing that he is appreciated.
Marlene Rustler: She is David's younger sister, and takes care of the Pokemon that help out on the farm. She is a small girl with a big heart, loving to play with her brother whenever he isn't busy. Though her father actually owns it, Marlene has a strong bond with the family's Tauros, and is said to even battle travelers at times using the hulking beast that she considers to be 'cuddly'.
-Shadow Pokemon-
Shadow Pokemon are created through an undisclosed process that removes the Pokemon's emotions, turning it into a soulless fighting machine. Ein, creator of the process and Cipher's head scientist at the time of Colosseum, refers to this process as "shutting the door to their hearts". In XD, Cipher's science division refines and upgrades the process, allowing many Shadow Pokemon to be produced simultaneously. The head of the science division, Cipher Admin Lovrina, also works on stabilizing the process to increase resistance to Purification; her ultimate goal is to create a Shadow Pokemon that is completely impossible to purify. (Which obviously failed.)
While normal Pokemon are generally friendly and trusting creatures, Shadow Pokemon are not hesitant to attack with full force, using Shadow moves, such as Shadow Rush. Likewise, they do not attack only other Pokemon (Unless they are in battle), and will actually attack Trainers. Shadow Pokemon can sometimes be overwhelmed by their emotions, indicating the relative instability of their Shadow state, and will sometimes enter a state known as Reverse Mode. This state will be triggered more often the closer the Pokemon is to purification, making them generally more difficult to battle with until they are ultimately purified. A Pokemon in this state can be cured of it by calling to it in battle or use of a cologne, as well as several other methods, or can recover on its own.
While normal Pokemon are generally friendly and trusting creatures, Shadow Pokemon are not hesitant to attack with full force, using Shadow moves, such as Shadow Rush. Likewise, they do not attack only other Pokemon (Unless they are in battle), and will actually attack Trainers. Shadow Pokemon can sometimes be overwhelmed by their emotions, indicating the relative instability of their Shadow state, and will sometimes enter a state known as Reverse Mode. This state will be triggered more often the closer the Pokemon is to purification, making them generally more difficult to battle with until they are ultimately purified. A Pokemon in this state can be cured of it by calling to it in battle or use of a cologne, as well as several other methods, or can recover on its own.
Pokemon can be purified from their Shadow state in several ways with varying effectiveness:
(NOTE: As GM I will judge how effective an event was to opening a Pokemon's heart, based on the post's quality.)
Interaction: Walking around and interacting with it will slowly open it's heart.
Battling: A Shadow Pokemon sent into battle will feel more important to the trainer, and good battles will open it's heart.
Calling: Calling out to a Shadow Pokemon in Reverse Mode will open it's heart more as it comes to it's senses.
Massaging: Using special colognes, Shadow Pokemon can be massaged to open their hearts through kindness.
Purification Chamber: Between Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD, a special chamber was developed in the Pokemon HQ Lab that could quickly purify Shadow Pokemon, making the process easier, in case Cipher were ever to return. There has not been much progress, and without any subjects, nobody can be sure how effective the chamber is on the newest batch of Shadow Pokemon.
(NOTE: As GM I will judge how effective an event was to opening a Pokemon's heart, based on the post's quality.)
Interaction: Walking around and interacting with it will slowly open it's heart.
Battling: A Shadow Pokemon sent into battle will feel more important to the trainer, and good battles will open it's heart.
Calling: Calling out to a Shadow Pokemon in Reverse Mode will open it's heart more as it comes to it's senses.
Massaging: Using special colognes, Shadow Pokemon can be massaged to open their hearts through kindness.
Purification Chamber: Between Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD, a special chamber was developed in the Pokemon HQ Lab that could quickly purify Shadow Pokemon, making the process easier, in case Cipher were ever to return. There has not been much progress, and without any subjects, nobody can be sure how effective the chamber is on the newest batch of Shadow Pokemon.
-Teams and Catching Pokemon-
Your teams will consist of your starting Pokemon, and for the most part, Shadow Pokemon. There will be chances at certain points to visit Pokespots in order to capture pure Pokemon, but that wouldn't help you much in your effort to help open the hearts of Shadow Pokemon, as keeping them during your travels will help with the purification process by slowly opening the door to their hearts. It's usually ideal to keep a maximum of three Pure Pokemon, and three Shadow Pokemon. A fair balance between battling ability, and helping the situation.
Catching Pokemon isn't as much based on damage as it's based on your creativity, and the quality of your post. If you wish to catch a Pokemon, make sure to end your battle post by throwing a Pokeball and having it rock twice.
-GM Work-
As Game Master, I'll not have an actual character travelling with the group. I will be playing NPC's and the majority of Cipher. I am the person who, well, moves the pieces on the chess board and points you all in the right direction of the plot.
-The CS-
Age: (10-15, somewhere in that range.)
Team: (Two Pokemon at max to start, unevolved, with levels ranging from 1-11. Use the CS provided below for Pokemon. If you wish to get a starter from the Pokemon HQ Lab, just put down the CS of the unevolved Pokemon you wish to obtain, and let me know that you will obtain it as your starter.)
Age: (10-15, somewhere in that range.)
Team: (Two Pokemon at max to start, unevolved, with levels ranging from 1-11. Use the CS provided below for Pokemon. If you wish to get a starter from the Pokemon HQ Lab, just put down the CS of the unevolved Pokemon you wish to obtain, and let me know that you will obtain it as your starter.)
Note: Levels are for moves and simply battling experience. Not pure power.
Species: (Self-explanatory.)
Nickname: (Not necessary.)
Level: (5 for starters from the Pokemon HQ Lab.)
Gender: (Self-explanatory.)
Ability: (No dream world abilities.)
Moves: (Up to four moves. They must be able to be learned at your current level. No egg, tm, or tutor moves without GM permission.)
Summary: (Describe how you met, their personality, or any quirks.)
Species: (Self-explanatory.)
Nickname: (Not necessary.)
Level: (5 for starters from the Pokemon HQ Lab.)
Gender: (Self-explanatory.)
Ability: (No dream world abilities.)
Moves: (Up to four moves. They must be able to be learned at your current level. No egg, tm, or tutor moves without GM permission.)
Summary: (Describe how you met, their personality, or any quirks.)
-Heroes of Orre-
(Accepted Characters)
Velis ~ Chev
Cornelius Rudolphus Duval ~ Pacifista
Jason Ashburn ~ DAWNSTAR
Elizabeth ~ Stitches