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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

CLOSED! No longer accepting sheets!


-What I Ask Of Roleplayers-

-Welcome to Orre-

As you can see, Orre is mostly two things: Desert and forest. A basic idea of areas of interest:

Depending on where you are from in the region, these NPC's may or may not be important for you to know about.

-Shadow Pokemon-

-Teams and Catching Pokemon-

Your teams will consist of your starting Pokemon, and for the most part, Shadow Pokemon. There will be chances at certain points to visit Pokespots in order to capture pure Pokemon, but that wouldn't help you much in your effort to help open the hearts of Shadow Pokemon, as keeping them during your travels will help with the purification process by slowly opening the door to their hearts. It's usually ideal to keep a maximum of three Pure Pokemon, and three Shadow Pokemon. A fair balance between battling ability, and helping the situation.

Catching Pokemon isn't as much based on damage as it's based on your creativity, and the quality of your post. If you wish to catch a Pokemon, make sure to end your battle post by throwing a Pokeball and having it rock twice.

-GM Work-

As Game Master, I'll not have an actual character travelling with the group. I will be playing NPC's and the majority of Cipher. I am the person who, well, moves the pieces on the chess board and points you all in the right direction of the plot.

-The CS-

-Heroes of Orre-
(Accepted Characters)

Velis ~ Chev

Cornelius Rudolphus Duval ~ Pacifista

Jason Ashburn ~ DAWNSTAR

Elizabeth ~ Stitches
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Name: Velis

Age: 17

Gender: Female


I do not own this picture.

Personality: Velis is a fun loving person the majority of the time and enjoys training with her Pokemon and visiting the various towns across the Orre region. She does try to avoid Pyrite town though. Watch out if you treat her Pokemon badly though. She'll let most things slide but that is not one of them.

History: Velis was born on Phenac city during the first Shadow Pokemon crisis although she is too young to remember it. She does however remember the second one that occurred five years later. As around age nine, her family found a wounded Makuhita outside Phenac City and Velis took it upon herself to take care of it and three years later her family found another wounded Pokemon while on a trip to Agate Village. The Bagon that they found had apparently been abandoned by it's trainer and Velis took it upon herself to bring it back to health. Over the years, Velis and her two Pokemon have become nearly inseparable.



Nickname: None for either.

Level: Both Makuhita and Bagon are both level seven.

Makuhita: Male
Bagon: Female

Makuhita: Guts
Bagon: Rock Head

Makuhita: Tackle, Focus Energy, Arm Thrust.
Bagon: Rage, Bite

Makuhita: Velis met Makuhita one night when her family heard a Pokemon crying outside the walls of Phenac City. When they went and investigated they found a badly wounded Makuhita that was barely able to stand. Velis brought it inside and began nursing it back to health, creating a strong bond between herself and the Makuhita. The two of them soon became inseparable. Makuhita's current personality is a bit different than what it was when Velis first found it. When she first found it, it was scared and skittish, but it began to become more confident and fun loving. While it usually isn't far away from Velis it does train in her home. This caused a problem at first as it broke her mother's punching bags. Eventually Velis used some of her money to buy Makuhita a sturdier set of exercise equipment.

Bagon: Not much is known about the Bagon that her family found on their trip to Agate village before it was rescued by her. It seemed to be abandoned by it's trainer but over time it quickly warmed up to Velis. Velis was out walking through agate village one night and saw a small blue Pokemon shaking and shuddering from exposure to the cold. She quickly picked it up and wrapped it in her jacket and took it to the Pokemon center. She stayed with the little Pokemon all night and attempted to find it's trainer but didn't have any luck. Like Makuhita, the Pokemon was a bit scared at first but as Velis showed it kindness and compassion it quickly warmed up to her and like her Makuhita, the two become inseparable. Bagon did cause a little bit of trouble in Phenac city when they went home by putting holes in a few walls with it's head while training but soon after, Velis began taking it outside the city so it could train.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Accepted, though under your Ability tab it says Beldum instead of Bagon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Raddum said
Accepted, though under your Ability tab it says Beldum instead of Bagon.

Fixed. I was going to go with a Beldum but it could only learn one move so I decided on Bagon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aah, I see.

Though you shouldn't depend on moves alone in a battle, I can see why Beldum would seem like a bad choice to you. It's very dependent on being close to the opponent, and though it can tank the damage, it's also not the fastest Pokemon around, so it'd be in a pretty tough spot against faster opponents or ones that could fight at a longer range. Bagon's a neat replacement, because it'll have more long-ranged attacks than Beldum and it's evolved forms, therefor serving as a better partner to a close-range fighter like Makuhita.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Figured I'd note: Chev, since you aren't too familiar with the newer stuff, I believe, the most important thing is the Fairy type, specifically that a number of Pokemon have had their types changed. Mime Jr is Psychic/Fairy, for example. Also retyped are Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Togepi, Marill, Snubull, Ralts, Mawile, Cottonee, and most of their evolutionary lines. Serebii is a good resource if you want to check what types a Pokemon is weak/resistant too easily, but that's easily avoided in battles against NPCs by having them not use Fairy types (which you might want too at first because both Fighting and Dragon are weak to it!).

I've played all Gens so I'm good. ;o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Red Nosed Stantler. Heh.

Accepted, though I'd like to still get one more person before starting. If nobody else shows up today, I'll begin work on the IC tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Jason Ashburn

Age: 14

Gender: male


Personality: Jason is a naturally boisterous person and generally says what is on his mind. That has landed him in quite a bit of trouble when he spoke out against bullies and they instead went after him. He has a quick and sharp mind that has allowed him to improvise in quite a few of dangerous situations. Jason doesn't like to contradict orders given to him by his parents but he generally finds loopholes and will exploit said loopholes if he needs to. Jason easily makes new friends wherever he goes.

History: Jason was born in the Kanto region and like any child he always wanted to be a pokemon trainer. More specifically, Jason wanted to be a professor of pokemon. Jason tried his hardest in his classes to understand pokemon types, personalities, and care of pokemon. But, Jason's father quickly dashed his hopes by forcing him into a private school at the age of seven. Jason left the private school at age nine, as was school policy, and started working with his father in the family business of precious gem sales. Through these travels, Jason met Aron and eventually gathered enough money from his father to begin his journey through the regions.
Jason began his travels when he was twelve with the Kanto region. He fought many strong trainers during his travels through Kanto but only collected three badges before moving on to the Kalos region when he wasll thirteen. This was when Jason met his fletchingling and in this region he collected one badge before he decided he required a break from battling. This break came in the form of his father calling him to run some sales through Orre region which, after several attacks, had recived no buisness from his father's firm. Jason eagerly accept the chance to prove himself to his father and to get a break from battling. Jason arrived in Orre three weeks after the call and began sales starting in Gateon port and moving through to Phenac city.
Sales were slow at first but Jason eventually found people willing to be the gems, mostly to gem shops. On his travels, Jason was attacked by an odd trio of pokemon which exuded purple aura around them. Jason was unable to beat them with his pokemon and woke up in the hospital three days afterwards. He told his story about the encounter to a nurse in Phenac city and was told that they seemed to be shadow pokemon. Jason was told to go visit Professor Michael at the Pokemon HQ lab. Jason set off to make it to the lab before anybody else were hurt by shadow pokemon.

-Aron Lvl.8
-Flethcling Lvl.10

Specis: Aron and Fletchling

Nickname: None for either


Fletchling-Big Pecks



Aron-Jason found aron while on a business trip with his father when he was eleven. Jason's father told him to leave the pitiful pokemon alone but Jason would not agree to go with him unless he caught it for Jason. Eventually Jason's father gave in and caught the aron for his son. Aron was smaller than the other arons that Jason found him with and was slow to warm up to him. After a while Aron came to like Jason and let Jason battle with him against a few wild pokemon. Jason failed in these first few battles and eventually to training aron by having him break down rocks at the local mine.

Fletchling- When Jason was thirteen, he went on a short trip through the Kalos region and met a injured fletchling. This fletchling was the leftover of a careless trainer who had foolishly battle a far stronger trainer and left it for dead. Jason ran to the nearest pokemon center and had them heal the fletchling. Yet, the little fletchling would not listen to him when he tried to use it in battle. It wasn't until a year after their meeting that Jason finally broke through to Fletchling when they met the fletchling's former trainer. Jason fought a two versus two battle against him with aron and flethcling and showed the former trainer that fletchling was stronger than he thought it was. After the win, Fletchling allowed Jason to battle with her against other pokemon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So that's two people who can naturally see Shadow Aura. Guess that means Velis is the only one in need of an Aura Reader. Noted.

Accepted. I'll start on the IC tonight, though I won't promise it'll be done. if not tonight, it'll certainly be done tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Though, DAWNSTAR. A small nitpick as I hadn't noticed that the three Shadow Pokemon Jason encountered were wild, due to me being tired last night and apparently being too silly to read properly, but there wouldn't really be Shadow Pokemon just roaming about on their own, especially in groups. (They'd be fighting each-other, they certainly wouldn't work together unless their hearts had began opening beforehand.)

I think it could actually be turned into something interesting if these Shadow Pokemon that attacked Jason actually had trainers with ill-intentions. It'd make more sense, and I think it could make for an interesting part of the story in the future. I've already began putting thought into it.


Anyways, the IC will be up today, as I'm free of work and have time to think. I'll post the link as soon as it's posted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Two hours, two bathroom breaks, and three slices of pizza later, the first post of the IC has been made. Huzzah!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Back in the comfort of my home once more! Sorry if I sometimes seem to just disappear for most of the day, I work in a salvage yard and sometimes I have to stay in a bit later than expected.

Anyways, I'll start working on a post. It'll be up in a bit, unless I end up deciding to eat before I get done. o.o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I could post, but I think I'll wait and do it tomorrow evening after work to give Dawn a chance to have Jason say something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Perfectly understandable, I just wasn't sure if I'd get a post in tomorrow, so I addressed Chev's post. :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry. I'm not going to be able to post tonight, I'm really tired. x.x

I'll get one up tomorrow though, for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry about that, had been typing and didn't notice Chev post. Edited in a response to Velis.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Elizabeth

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Personality: On face value, Elizabeth could be described as 'odd'. Her silence is unnerving and she usually doesn't talk unless she has something that she deems important to say. She's very quiet and reserved and thoughtful, still learning a lot about the world and it's counterparts. She tends to have a very solid idea on what is inherently "Right" and "Wrong" and her childish naivety makes her prone to trying to find the best qualities in people...but that doesn't mean that if someone is cruel, cold-hearted and vile, she'll try to trust them despite the overwhelming evidence that they aren't to be trusted.

In terms of her attitude and mannerisms, she has a very polite way of speaking and talking. her voice gives away her status as, most likely, someone from a very refined or very wealthy family. She's very respectful of the dead and deceased, and to her superiors.

History: Deep in the boughs of Agata Forest sits a large woodland cottage, and in that cottage sits a little girl and her father, dressed in opulent outfits and generally milling around the rooms, getting things to drink and eat from their butler, conversing politely with the housemaid. It's no surprise that the Blake family attribute to job openings in their cottage for housekeeping staff, as Mr Blake himself is generally making trips to Realgam Tower and Phenac City for business purposes, leaving her daughter to her own devices.

The little girl within has been born with the silver spoon in her mouth since day 1, and cherished even more since Lily Blake died of childbirth. She regularly visited her mother's grave and talked to it each week, explaining how she is, what she's been doing. Her fascination with the deceased unnerved her father a little as she felt at home in the local cemetery, for reasons unknown.

On one rainy autumn evening, Mr Blake went to pick her daughter up from the cemetery and found out the source of her odd behaviour - she had made friends with a Misdreavus and probably spent the majority of her time playing games with the local ghost pokemon there. Mr Blake assumed that it was due to a gap where a motherly figure should've been, something that couldn't be replaced by nannies and local village women, that Elizabeth chose to make friends with those so closely tied with the deceased. That didn't stop it form being a little weird, though.

Her life was pretty uneventful. She kept away from the deserts, and the crime, and stuck to places like the Rustler Farm (to which she was a regular visitor, because she liked watching the berry bushes blooming) and Gateon Port - which she believes is too lively for her tastes. Since she wanted to learn more about her Misdreavus and pokemon in general, Mr. Blake allowed Elizabeth to go to the Pokemon HQ lab, unaware that agreeing to the little day trip will change his daughter's life forever...

Misdreavus, level 7 Ghost Type
✿ Growl

NB - One would assume that the Blake family is well-known for their wealthy lifestyle and being quite aristocratic due to their influence in stock market business. Whilst not vital to the plot or the main story in general, some people will easily know Elizabeth as a rich kid, especially around Agata forest, Gateon Port, and Rustler farm. Hopefully, I'll be able to negotiate with Raddum about the possibility of the Blake family sponsoring the pokemon HQ research...but as of yet Mr Bake holds no true power or plot relevance, and it shouldn't be assumed that he controls, or is a part of, anything that might disrupt the plot in any way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I really like this app. Though we already started, I wouldn't mind accepting one more person, especially with a rather nice sheet like yours!

I like the idea of Mr. Blake sponsoring the Pokémon HQ Lab. Maybe he can also aid the group in getting inside Realgam Tower when we get to that point? I think it would work out rather nicely. I'm usually flexible when it comes to my plots, so if you ever want to get a little more involved, chat me up and we'll see what we can do.

So, yeah. Accepted. Do you have an idea for how you might bring yourself in? If not, I'll try to think of something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Why, thank you very much for the compliments! And yes, getting into the tower is assured; Elizabeth's daddy makes frequent trips to the tower anyways. I didn't want to extend that offer until the CS was accepted, though.

As for the entrance it'd be easier if one assumes that Elizabeth was taken there personally by a fancy car or something, hence the lateness. After all, a Blake would never take a common bus! *arrogant hair flick*

I'd also like a quick chat with you about Elizabeth and the staff under the Blake household, and how they might play a role in the plot...but alas, I am a touch busy and will have to PM you later about it. Until then, assume the servants dropped Elizabeth off in the lab on her own because nothing could possibly go wrong, right? :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alrighty, PM me whenever you want. I'm off today, so I'll probably be able to respond rather quickly. I'm interested to see what you have to say, and I have a feeling in my gut that I'mma like it a lot. We'll see where that goes. :P

Not like being late is troublesome, the Professor certainly would be more excited about having another member in the group than worried somebody couldn't make it before they started. I'm sure we can work her in before we venture into the Daycare for Rudy to discover his first Pokemon. Then we can begin actually getting into the thick of things!

And of course nothing could go wrong, Orre has been peaceful for twelve years! As if something would come and try to ruin that... Pfft... No...
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